path: root/lisp/calc/calc.el
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authorEli Zaretskii <>2001-11-06 18:59:06 +0000
committerEli Zaretskii <>2001-11-06 18:59:06 +0000
commit136211a997eb94f7dc6f97219052317116e114da (patch)
tree014fd8ffa0fa5c5d81869ec26426fb262471ee23 /lisp/calc/calc.el
parent0ffbbdeb4464b5b0d63e83fe3f8e91674248d84d (diff)
Initial import of Calc 2.02f.
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/calc/calc.el')
1 files changed, 3557 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/calc/calc.el b/lisp/calc/calc.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e09ff8e977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/calc/calc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3557 @@
+;; Calculator for GNU Emacs, part I
+;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Written by Dave Gillespie,
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
+;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
+;; License for full details.
+;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
+;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
+;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
+;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
+;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
+;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
+;;; Calc is split into many files. This file is the main entry point.
+;;; This file includes autoload commands for various other basic Calc
+;;; facilities. The more advanced features are based in calc-ext, which
+;;; in turn contains autoloads for the rest of the Calc files. This
+;;; odd set of interactions is designed to make Calc's loading time
+;;; be as short as possible when only simple calculations are needed.
+;;; Suggested usage:
+;;; (autoload 'calc-dispatch "calc" "Emacs Calculator" t nil)
+;;; (global-set-key "\e#" 'calc-dispatch)
+;;; Type `M-# M-#' to start.
+;;; The Calc home directory must be added to the Emacs load-path:
+;;; (setq load-path (cons "/x/y/z/calc" load-path))
+;;; where "/x/y/z/calc" represents the full name of the Calc home directory.
+;;; See the file INSTALL for a complete list of recommeded autoload
+;;; commands (though only calc-dispatch is absolutely necessary).
+;;; Author's address:
+;;; Dave Gillespie,, uunet!synaptx!daveg.
+;;; Synaptics, Inc., 2698 Orchard Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134.
+;;; The old address will continue to
+;;; work for the foreseeable future.
+;;; The latest version of Calc is always available from anonymous FTP
+;;; on []; look in ~ftp/pub/calc*.
+;;; It should also be available on
+;;; Bug reports and suggestions are always welcome!
+;;; All functions, macros, and Lisp variables defined here begin with one
+;;; of the prefixes "math", "Math", or "calc", with the exceptions of
+;;; "full-calc", "full-calc-keypad", "another-calc", "quick-calc",
+;;; "report-calc-bug", and "defmath". User-accessible variables begin
+;;; with "var-".
+(provide 'calc)
+(defun calc-record-compilation-date ()
+ (calc-record-compilation-date-macro)
+;;; The "###autoload" comment will be used by Emacs version 19 for
+;;; maintaining the loaddefs.el file automatically.
+(defvar calc-info-filename ""
+ "*File name in which to look for the Calculator's Info documentation.")
+(defvar calc-settings-file "~/.emacs"
+ "*File in which to record permanent settings; default is \"~/.emacs\".")
+(defvar calc-autoload-directory nil
+ "Name of directory from which additional \".elc\" files for Calc should be
+loaded. Should include a trailing \"/\".
+If nil, use original installation directory.
+This can safely be nil as long as the Calc files are on the load-path.")
+(defvar calc-gnuplot-name "gnuplot"
+ "*Name of GNUPLOT program, for calc-graph features.")
+(defvar calc-gnuplot-plot-command nil
+ "*Name of command for displaying GNUPLOT output; %s = file name to print.")
+(defvar calc-gnuplot-print-command "lp %s"
+ "*Name of command for printing GNUPLOT output; %s = file name to print.")
+;; Address of the author of Calc, for use by report-calc-bug.
+(defvar calc-bug-address "")
+;; If T, scan keymaps to find all DEL-like keys.
+;; If NIL, only DEL itself is mapped to calc-pop.
+(defvar calc-scan-for-dels t)
+(defvar calc-extensions-loaded nil)
+;;; IDEAS:
+;;; Fix rewrite mechanism to do less gratuitous rearrangement of terms.
+;;; Implement a pattern-based "refers" predicate.
+;;; Make it possible to Undo a selection command.
+;;; Figure out how to allow selecting rows of matrices.
+;;; If cursor was in selection before, move it after j n, j p, j L, etc.
+;;; Consider reimplementing calc-delete-selection using rewrites.
+;;; Implement line-breaking in non-flat compositions (is this desirable?).
+;;; Implement matrix formatting with multi-line components.
+;;; Have "Z R" define a user command based on a set of rewrite rules.
+;;; Support "incf" and "decf" in defmath definitions.
+;;; Have defmath generate calls to calc-binary-op or calc-unary-op.
+;;; Make some way to define algebraic functions using keyboard macros.
+;;; Allow calc-word-size=0 => Common Lisp-style signed bitwise arithmetic.
+;;; Consider digamma function (and thus arb. prec. Euler's gamma constant).
+;;; May as well make continued-fractions stuff available to the user.
+;;; How about matrix eigenvalues, SVD, pseudo-inverse, etc.?
+;;; Should cache matrix inverses as well as decompositions.
+;;; If dividing by a non-square matrix, use least-squares automatically.
+;;; Consider supporting matrix exponentials.
+;;; Have ninteg detect and work around singularities at the endpoints.
+;;; Use an adaptive subdivision algorithm for ninteg.
+;;; Provide nsum and nprod to go along with ninteg.
+;;; Handle TeX-mode parsing of \matrix{ ... } where ... contains braces.
+;;; Support AmS-TeX's \{d,t,}frac, \{d,t,}binom notations.
+;;; Format and parse sums and products in Eqn and Math modes.
+;;; Get math-read-big-expr to read sums, products, etc.
+;;; Change calc-grab-region to use math-read-big-expr.
+;;; Have a way to define functions using := in Embedded Mode.
+;;; Support polar plotting with GNUPLOT.
+;;; Make a calc-graph-histogram function.
+;;; Replace hokey formulas for complex functions with formulas designed
+;;; to minimize roundoff while maintaining the proper branch cuts.
+;;; Test accuracy of advanced math functions over whole complex plane.
+;;; Extend Bessel functions to provide arbitrary precision.
+;;; Extend advanced math functions to handle error forms and intervals.
+;;; Provide a better implementation for math-sin-cos-raw.
+;;; Provide a better implementation for math-hypot.
+;;; Provide a better implementation for math-make-frac.
+;;; Provide a better implementation for calcFunc-prfac.
+;;; Provide a better implementation for calcFunc-factor.
+;;; Provide more examples in the tutorial section of the manual.
+;;; Cover in the tutorial: simplification modes, declarations,
+;;; bitwise stuff, selections, matrix mapping, financial functions.
+;;; Provide more Lisp programming examples in the manual.
+;;; Finish the Internals section of the manual (and bring it up to date).
+;;; Tim suggests adding spreadsheet-like features.
+;;; Implement language modes for Gnuplot, Lisp, Ada, APL, ...?
+;;; For atan series, if x > tan(pi/12) (about 0.268) reduce using the identity
+;;; atan(x) = atan((x * sqrt(3) - 1) / (sqrt(3) + x)) + pi/6.
+;;; A better integration algorithm:
+;;; Use breadth-first instead of depth-first search, as follows:
+;;; The integral cache allows unfinished integrals in symbolic notation
+;;; on the righthand side. An entry with no unfinished integrals on the
+;;; RHS is "complete"; references to it elsewhere are replaced by the
+;;; integrated value. More than one cache entry for the same integral
+;;; may exist, though if one becomes complete, the others may be deleted.
+;;; The integrator works by using every applicable rule (such as
+;;; substitution, parts, linearity, etc.) to generate possible righthand
+;;; sides, all of which are entered into the cache. Now, as long as the
+;;; target integral is not complete (and the time limit has not run out)
+;;; choose an incomplete integral from the cache and, for every integral
+;;; appearing in its RHS's, add those integrals to the cache using the
+;;; same substitition, parts, etc. rules. The cache should be organized
+;;; as a priority queue, choosing the "simplest" incomplete integral at
+;;; each step, or choosing randomly among equally simple integrals.
+;;; Simplicity equals small size, and few steps removed from the original
+;;; target integral. Note that when the integrator finishes, incomplete
+;;; integrals can be left in the cache, so the algorithm can start where
+;;; it left off if another similar integral is later requested.
+;;; Breadth-first search would avoid the nagging problem of, e.g., whether
+;;; to use parts or substitution first, and which decomposition is best.
+;;; All are tried, and any path that diverges will quickly be put on the
+;;; back burner by the priority queue.
+;;; Note: Probably a good idea to call math-simplify-extended before
+;;; measuring a formula's simplicity.
+;; Calculator stack.
+;; Entries are 3-lists: Formula, Height (in lines), Selection (or nil).
+(defvar calc-stack '((top-of-stack 1 nil)))
+;; Index into calc-stack of "top" of stack.
+;; This is 1 unless calc-truncate-stack has been used.
+;;(defvar calc-stack-top 1)
+;; If non-NIL, load the calc-ext module automatically when calc is loaded.
+;;(defvar calc-always-load-extensions nil)
+;; If non-NIL, display line numbers in Calculator stack.
+;;(defvar calc-line-numbering t)
+;; If non-NIL, break long values across multiple lines in Calculator stack.
+;;(defvar calc-line-breaking t)
+;; If NIL, stack display is left-justified.
+;; If 'right, stack display is right-justified.
+;; If 'center, stack display is centered."
+;;(defvar calc-display-just nil)
+;; Horizontal origin of displayed stack entries.
+;; In left-justified mode, this is effectively indentation. (Default 0).
+;; In right-justified mode, this is effectively window width.
+;; In centered mode, center of stack entry is placed here.
+;;(defvar calc-display-origin nil)
+;; Radix for entry and display of numbers in calc-mode, 2-36.
+;;(defvar calc-number-radix 10)
+;; If non-NIL, leading zeros are provided to pad integers to calc-word-size.
+;;(defvar calc-leading-zeros nil)
+;; If non-NIL, group digits in large displayed integers by inserting spaces.
+;; If an integer, group that many digits at a time.
+;; If 't', use 4 for binary and hex, 3 otherwise.
+;;(defvar calc-group-digits nil)
+;; The character (in the form of a string) to be used for grouping digits.
+;; This is used only when calc-group-digits mode is on.
+;;(defvar calc-group-char ",")
+;; The character (in the form of a string) to be used as a decimal point.
+;;(defvar calc-point-char ".")
+;; Format of displayed fractions; a string of one or two of ":" or "/".
+;;(defvar calc-frac-format '(":" nil))
+;; If non-NIL, prefer fractional over floating-point results.
+;;(defvar calc-prefer-frac nil)
+;; Format of displayed hours-minutes-seconds angles, a format string.
+;; String must contain three %s marks for hours, minutes, seconds respectively.
+;;(defvar calc-hms-format "%s@ %s' %s\"")
+;; Format of displayed date forms.
+;;(defvar calc-date-format '((H ":" mm ":" SS pp " ") Www " " Mmm " " D ", " YYYY))
+;; Format to use for display of floating-point numbers in calc-mode.
+;; Must be a list of one of the following forms:
+;; (float 0) Floating point format, display full precision.
+;; (float N) N > 0: Floating point format, at most N significant figures.
+;; (float -N) -N < 0: Floating point format, calc-internal-prec - N figs.
+;; (fix N) N >= 0: Fixed point format, N places after decimal point.
+;; (sci 0) Scientific notation, full precision.
+;; (sci N) N > 0: Scientific notation, N significant figures.
+;; (sci -N) -N < 0: Scientific notation, calc-internal-prec - N figs.
+;; (eng 0) Engineering notation, full precision.
+;; (eng N) N > 0: Engineering notation, N significant figures.
+;; (eng -N) -N < 0: Engineering notation, calc-internal-prec - N figs.
+;;(defvar calc-float-format '(float 0))
+;; Format to use when full precision must be displayed.
+;;(defvar calc-full-float-format '(float 0))
+;; Format to use for display of complex numbers in calc-mode. Must be one of:
+;; nil Use (x, y) form.
+;; i Use x + yi form.
+;; j Use x + yj form.
+;;(defvar calc-complex-format nil)
+;; Preferred form, either 'cplx or 'polar, for complex numbers.
+;;(defvar calc-complex-mode 'cplx)
+;; If NIL, 1 / 0 is left unsimplified.
+;; If 0, 1 / 0 is changed to inf (zeros are considered positive).
+;; Otherwise, 1 / 0 is changed to uinf (undirected infinity).
+;;(defvar calc-infinite-mode nil)
+;; If non-NIL, display vectors of byte-sized integers as strings.
+;;(defvar calc-display-strings nil)
+;; If NIL, vector elements are left-justified.
+;; If 'right, vector elements are right-justified.
+;; If 'center, vector elements are centered."
+;;(defvar calc-matrix-just 'center)
+;; If non-NIL, display vectors one element per line.
+;;(defvar calc-break-vectors nil)
+;; If non-NIL, display long vectors in full. If NIL, use abbreviated form.
+;;(defvar calc-full-vectors t)
+;; If non-NIL, display long vectors in full in the trail.
+;;(defvar calc-full-trail-vectors t)
+;; If non-NIL, separate elements of displayed vectors with this string.
+;;(defvar calc-vector-commas ",")
+;; If non-NIL, surround displayed vectors with these characters.
+;;(defvar calc-vector-brackets "[]")
+;; A list of code-letter symbols that control "big" matrix display.
+;; If 'R is present, display inner brackets for matrices.
+;; If 'O is present, display outer brackets for matrices (above/below).
+;; If 'C is present, display outer brackets for matrices (centered).
+;;(defvar calc-matrix-brackets '(R O))
+;; Language or format for entry and display of stack values. Must be one of:
+;; nil Use standard Calc notation.
+;; flat Use standard Calc notation, one-line format.
+;; big Display formulas in 2-d notation (enter w/std notation).
+;; unform Use unformatted display: add(a, mul(b,c)).
+;; c Use C language notation.
+;; pascal Use Pascal language notation.
+;; fortran Use Fortran language notation.
+;; tex Use TeX notation.
+;; eqn Use eqn notation.
+;; math Use Mathematica(tm) notation.
+;; maple Use Maple notation.
+;;(defvar calc-language nil)
+;; Numeric prefix argument for the command that set calc-language.
+;;(defvar calc-language-option nil)
+;; Open-parenthesis string for function call notation.
+;;(defvar calc-function-open "(")
+;; Close-parenthesis string for function call notation.
+;;(defvar calc-function-close ")")
+;; Function through which to pass strings after formatting.
+;;(defvar calc-language-output-filter nil)
+;; Function through which to pass strings before parsing.
+;;(defvar calc-language-input-filter nil)
+;; Formatting function used for non-decimal numbers.
+;;(defvar calc-radix-formatter nil)
+;; Label to display at left of formula.
+;;(defvar calc-left-label "")
+;; Label to display at right of formula.
+;;(defvar calc-right-label "")
+;; Minimum number of bits per word, if any, for binary operations in calc-mode.
+;;(defvar calc-word-size 32)
+;; Most recently used value of M in a modulo form.
+;;(defvar calc-previous-modulo nil)
+;; Type of simplification applied to results.
+;; If 'none, results are not simplified when pushed on the stack.
+;; If 'num, functions are simplified only when args are constant.
+;; If NIL, only fast simplifications are applied.
+;; If 'binary, math-clip is applied if appropriate.
+;; If 'alg, math-simplify is applied.
+;; If 'ext, math-simplify-extended is applied.
+;; If 'units, math-simplify-units is applied.
+;;(defvar calc-simplify-mode nil)
+;; If non-NIL, recompute evalto's automatically when necessary.
+;;(defvar calc-auto-recompute t)
+;; If non-NIL, display shows unformatted Lisp exprs. (For debugging)
+;;(defvar calc-display-raw nil)
+;; Number of digits of internal precision for calc-mode calculations.
+;;(defvar calc-internal-prec 12)
+;; If non-NIL, next operation is Inverse.
+;;(defvar calc-inverse-flag nil)
+;; If non-NIL, next operation is Hyperbolic.
+;;(defvar calc-hyperbolic-flag nil)
+;; If non-NIL, next operation should not remove its arguments from stack.
+;;(defvar calc-keep-args-flag nil)
+;; If deg, angles are in degrees; if rad, angles are in radians.
+;; If hms, angles are in degrees-minutes-seconds.
+;;(defvar calc-angle-mode 'deg)
+;; If non-NIL, numeric entry accepts whole algebraic expressions.
+;; If NIL, algebraic expressions must be preceded by "'".
+;;(defvar calc-algebraic-mode nil)
+;; Like calc-algebraic-mode except only affects ( and [ keys.
+;;(defvar calc-incomplete-algebraic-mode nil)
+;; If non-NIL, inexact numeric computations like sqrt(2) are postponed.
+;; If NIL, computations on numbers always yield numbers where possible.
+;;(defvar calc-symbolic-mode nil)
+;; If 'matrix, variables are assumed to be matrix-valued.
+;; If a number, variables are assumed to be NxN matrices.
+;; If 'scalar, variables are assumed to be scalar-valued.
+;; If NIL, symbolic math routines make no assumptions about variables.
+;;(defvar calc-matrix-mode nil)
+;; If non-NIL, shifted letter keys are prefix keys rather than normal meanings.
+;;(defvar calc-shift-prefix nil)
+;; Initial height of Calculator window.
+;;(defvar calc-window-height 7)
+;; If non-NIL, M-x calc creates a window to display Calculator trail.
+;;(defvar calc-display-trail t)
+;; If non-NIL, selected sub-formulas are shown by obscuring rest of formula.
+;; If NIL, selected sub-formulas are highlighted by obscuring the sub-formulas.
+;;(defvar calc-show-selections t)
+;; If non-NIL, commands operate only on selected portions of formulas.
+;; If NIL, selections displayed but ignored.
+;;(defvar calc-use-selections t)
+;; If non-NIL, selection hides deep structure of associative formulas.
+;;(defvar calc-assoc-selections t)
+;; If non-NIL, display "Working..." for potentially slow Calculator commands.
+;;(defvar calc-display-working-message 'lots)
+;; If non-NIL, automatically execute a "why" command to explain odd results.
+;;(defvar calc-auto-why nil)
+;; If non-NIL, display timing information on each slow command.
+;;(defvar calc-timing nil)
+;; Floating-point numbers with this positive exponent or higher above the
+;; current precision are displayed in scientific notation in calc-mode.
+(defvar calc-display-sci-high 0)
+;; Floating-point numbers with this negative exponent or lower are displayed
+;; scientific notation in calc-mode.
+(defvar calc-display-sci-low -3)
+;; List of used-defined strings to append to Calculator mode line.
+(defvar calc-other-modes nil)
+;; List of strings for Y prefix help.
+(defvar calc-Y-help-msgs nil)
+;; T if calc-settings-file has been loaded yet.
+(defvar calc-loaded-settings-file nil)
+(defconst calc-mode-var-list '((calc-always-load-extensions nil)
+ (calc-mode-save-mode local)
+ (calc-line-numbering t)
+ (calc-line-breaking t)
+ (calc-display-just nil)
+ (calc-display-origin nil)
+ (calc-left-label "")
+ (calc-right-label "")
+ (calc-number-radix 10)
+ (calc-leading-zeros nil)
+ (calc-group-digits nil)
+ (calc-group-char ",")
+ (calc-point-char ".")
+ (calc-frac-format (":" nil))
+ (calc-prefer-frac nil)
+ (calc-hms-format "%s@ %s' %s\"")
+ (calc-date-format ((H ":" mm C SS pp " ")
+ Www " " Mmm " " D ", " YYYY))
+ (calc-standard-date-formats
+ ("N"
+ "<H:mm:SSpp >Www Mmm D, YYYY"
+ "D Mmm YYYY<, h:mm:SS>"
+ "Www Mmm BD< hh:mm:ss> YYYY"
+ "M/D/Y< H:mm:SSpp>"
+ "D.M.Y< h:mm:SS>"
+ "M-D-Y< H:mm:SSpp>"
+ "D-M-Y< h:mm:SS>"
+ "j<, h:mm:SS>"
+ "YYddd< hh:mm:ss>"))
+ (calc-float-format (float 0))
+ (calc-full-float-format (float 0))
+ (calc-complex-format nil)
+ (calc-matrix-just center)
+ (calc-full-vectors t)
+ (calc-full-trail-vectors t)
+ (calc-break-vectors nil)
+ (calc-vector-commas ",")
+ (calc-vector-brackets "[]")
+ (calc-matrix-brackets (R O))
+ (calc-complex-mode cplx)
+ (calc-infinite-mode nil)
+ (calc-display-strings nil)
+ (calc-simplify-mode nil)
+ (calc-auto-recompute t)
+ (calc-word-size 32)
+ (calc-previous-modulo nil)
+ (calc-display-raw nil)
+ (calc-internal-prec 12)
+ (calc-angle-mode deg)
+ (calc-algebraic-mode nil)
+ (calc-incomplete-algebraic-mode nil)
+ (calc-symbolic-mode nil)
+ (calc-matrix-mode nil)
+ (calc-autorange-units nil)
+ (calc-shift-prefix nil)
+ (calc-window-height 7)
+ (calc-was-keypad-mode nil)
+ (calc-full-mode nil)
+ (calc-language nil)
+ (calc-language-option nil)
+ (calc-user-parse-tables nil)
+ (calc-show-selections t)
+ (calc-use-selections t)
+ (calc-assoc-selections t)
+ (calc-display-trail t)
+ (calc-display-working-message lots)
+ (calc-auto-why 'maybe)
+ (calc-timing nil)
+ (calc-gnuplot-default-device "default")
+ (calc-gnuplot-default-output "STDOUT")
+ (calc-gnuplot-print-device "postscript")
+ (calc-gnuplot-print-output "auto")
+ (calc-gnuplot-geometry nil)
+ (calc-graph-default-resolution 15)
+ (calc-graph-default-resolution-3d 5)
+ (calc-invocation-macro nil)))
+(defconst calc-local-var-list '(calc-stack
+ calc-stack-top
+ calc-undo-list
+ calc-redo-list
+ calc-always-load-extensions
+ calc-mode-save-mode
+ calc-display-raw
+ calc-line-numbering
+ calc-line-breaking
+ calc-display-just
+ calc-display-origin
+ calc-left-label
+ calc-right-label
+ calc-auto-why
+ calc-algebraic-mode
+ calc-incomplete-algebraic-mode
+ calc-symbolic-mode
+ calc-matrix-mode
+ calc-inverse-flag
+ calc-hyperbolic-flag
+ calc-keep-args-flag
+ calc-angle-mode
+ calc-number-radix
+ calc-leading-zeros
+ calc-group-digits
+ calc-group-char
+ calc-point-char
+ calc-frac-format
+ calc-prefer-frac
+ calc-hms-format
+ calc-date-format
+ calc-standard-date-formats
+ calc-float-format
+ calc-full-float-format
+ calc-complex-format
+ calc-matrix-just
+ calc-full-vectors
+ calc-full-trail-vectors
+ calc-break-vectors
+ calc-vector-commas
+ calc-vector-brackets
+ calc-matrix-brackets
+ calc-complex-mode
+ calc-infinite-mode
+ calc-display-strings
+ calc-simplify-mode
+ calc-auto-recompute
+ calc-autorange-units
+ calc-show-plain
+ calc-show-selections
+ calc-use-selections
+ calc-assoc-selections
+ calc-word-size
+ calc-internal-prec))
+(defun calc-init-base ()
+ ;; Verify that Calc is running on the right kind of system.
+ (setq calc-emacs-type-epoch (and (fboundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version)
+ calc-emacs-type-19 (not (or calc-emacs-type-epoch
+ (string-lessp emacs-version "19")))
+ calc-emacs-type-lucid (not (not (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)))
+ calc-emacs-type-gnu19 (and calc-emacs-type-19
+ (not calc-emacs-type-lucid)))
+ ;; Set up the standard keystroke (M-#) to run the Calculator, if that key
+ ;; has not yet been bound to anything. For best results, the user should
+ ;; do this before Calc is even loaded, so that M-# can auto-load Calc.
+ (or (global-key-binding "\e#")
+ (global-set-key "\e#" 'calc-dispatch))
+ ;; Set up the autoloading linkage.
+ (let ((name (and (fboundp 'calc-dispatch)
+ (eq (car-safe (symbol-function 'calc-dispatch)) 'autoload)
+ (nth 1 (symbol-function 'calc-dispatch))))
+ (p load-path))
+ ;; If Calc files exist on the load-path, we're all set.
+ (while (and p (not (file-exists-p
+ (expand-file-name "calc-misc.elc" (car p)))))
+ (setq p (cdr p)))
+ (or p
+ ;; If Calc is autoloaded using a path name, look there for Calc files.
+ ;; This works for both relative ("calc/calc.elc") and absolute paths.
+ (and name (file-name-directory name)
+ (let ((p2 load-path)
+ (name2 (concat (file-name-directory name)
+ "calc-misc.elc")))
+ (while (and p2 (not (file-exists-p
+ (expand-file-name name2 (car p2)))))
+ (setq p2 (cdr p2)))
+ (if p2
+ (setq load-path (nconc load-path
+ (list
+ (directory-file-name
+ (file-name-directory
+ (expand-file-name
+ name (car p2))))))))))
+ ;; If calc-autoload-directory is given, use that (and hope it works!).
+ (and calc-autoload-directory
+ (not (equal calc-autoload-directory ""))
+ (setq load-path (nconc load-path
+ (list (directory-file-name
+ calc-autoload-directory)))))))
+ ;; The following modes use specially-formatted data.
+ (put 'calc-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+ (put 'calc-trail-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+ ;; Define "inexact-result" as an e-lisp error symbol.
+ (put 'inexact-result 'error-conditions '(error inexact-result calc-error))
+ (put 'inexact-result 'error-message "Calc internal error (inexact-result)")
+ ;; Define "math-overflow" and "math-underflow" as e-lisp error symbols.
+ (put 'math-overflow 'error-conditions '(error math-overflow calc-error))
+ (put 'math-overflow 'error-message "Floating-point overflow occurred")
+ (put 'math-underflow 'error-conditions '(error math-underflow calc-error))
+ (put 'math-underflow 'error-message "Floating-point underflow occurred")
+ (setq calc-version "2.02f"
+ calc-version-date "Sun Dec 15 1996"
+ calc-trail-pointer nil ; "Current" entry in trail buffer.
+ calc-trail-overlay nil ; Value of overlay-arrow-string.
+ calc-was-split nil ; Had multiple windows before Calc.
+ calc-undo-list nil ; List of previous operations for undo.
+ calc-redo-list nil ; List of recent undo operations.
+ calc-main-buffer nil ; Pointer to Calculator buffer.
+ calc-trail-buffer nil ; Pointer to Calc Trail buffer.
+ calc-why nil ; Explanations of most recent errors.
+ calc-next-why nil
+ calc-inverse-flag nil
+ calc-hyperbolic-flag nil
+ calc-keep-args-flag nil
+ calc-function-open "("
+ calc-function-close ")"
+ calc-language-output-filter nil
+ calc-language-input-filter nil
+ calc-radix-formatter nil
+ calc-last-kill nil ; Last number killed in calc-mode.
+ calc-previous-alg-entry nil ; Previous algebraic entry.
+ calc-dollar-values nil ; Values to be used for '$'.
+ calc-dollar-used nil ; Highest order of '$' that occurred.
+ calc-hashes-used nil ; Highest order of '#' that occurred.
+ calc-quick-prev-results nil ; Previous results from Quick Calc.
+ calc-said-hello nil ; Has welcome message been said yet?
+ calc-executing-macro nil ; Kbd macro executing from "K" key.
+ calc-any-selections nil ; Nil means no selections present.
+ calc-help-phase 0 ; Count of consecutive "?" keystrokes.
+ calc-full-help-flag nil ; Executing calc-full-help?
+ calc-refresh-count 0 ; Count of calc-refresh calls.
+ calc-display-dirty nil
+ calc-prepared-composition nil
+ calc-selection-cache-default-entry nil
+ calc-embedded-info nil
+ calc-embedded-active nil
+ calc-standalone-flag nil
+ var-EvalRules nil
+ math-eval-rules-cache-tag t
+ math-radix-explicit-format t
+ math-expr-function-mapping nil
+ math-expr-variable-mapping nil
+ math-read-expr-quotes nil
+ math-working-step nil
+ math-working-step-2 nil
+ var-i '(special-const (math-imaginary 1))
+ var-pi '(special-const (math-pi))
+ var-e '(special-const (math-e))
+ var-phi '(special-const (math-phi))
+ var-gamma '(special-const (math-gamma-const))
+ var-Modes '(special-const (math-get-modes-vec)))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (v) (or (boundp (car v)) (set (car v) (nth 1 v)))))
+ calc-mode-var-list)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (v) (or (boundp v) (set v nil))))
+ calc-local-var-list)
+ (if (boundp 'calc-mode-map)
+ nil
+ (setq calc-mode-map (make-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap calc-mode-map t)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "+" 'calc-plus)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "-" 'calc-minus)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "*" 'calc-times)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "/" 'calc-divide)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "%" 'calc-mod)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "&" 'calc-inv)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "^" 'calc-power)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\M-%" 'calc-percent)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "e" 'calcDigit-start)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "i" 'calc-info)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "n" 'calc-change-sign)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "q" 'calc-quit)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "Y" 'nil)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "Y?" 'calc-shift-Y-prefix-help)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "?" 'calc-help)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map " " 'calc-enter)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "'" 'calc-algebraic-entry)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "$" 'calc-auto-algebraic-entry)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\"" 'calc-auto-algebraic-entry)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\t" 'calc-roll-down)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\M-\t" 'calc-roll-up)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\C-m" 'calc-enter)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\M-\C-m" 'calc-last-args-stub)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map "\C-j" 'calc-over)
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map (char-to-string x) 'undefined)))
+ "lOW")
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map (char-to-string x)
+ 'calc-missing-key)))
+ (concat "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXZabcdfghjkmoprstuvwxyz"
+ ":\\|!()[]<>{},;=~`\C-k\M-k\C-w\M-w\C-y\C-_"))
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map (char-to-string x) 'calcDigit-start)))
+ "_0123456789.#@")
+ (setq calc-digit-map (make-keymap))
+ (if calc-emacs-type-lucid
+ (map-keymap (function
+ (lambda (keys bind)
+ (define-key calc-digit-map keys
+ (if (eq bind 'undefined)
+ 'undefined 'calcDigit-nondigit))))
+ calc-mode-map)
+ (let ((cmap (if calc-emacs-type-19 (nth 1 calc-mode-map) calc-mode-map))
+ (dmap (if calc-emacs-type-19 (nth 1 calc-digit-map)
+ calc-digit-map))
+ (i 0))
+ (while (< i 128)
+ (aset dmap i
+ (if (eq (aref cmap i) 'undefined)
+ 'undefined 'calcDigit-nondigit))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))))
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key calc-digit-map (char-to-string x)
+ 'calcDigit-key)))
+ "_0123456789.e+-:n#@oh'\"mspM")
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key calc-digit-map (char-to-string x)
+ 'calcDigit-letter)))
+ (define-key calc-digit-map "'" 'calcDigit-algebraic)
+ (define-key calc-digit-map "`" 'calcDigit-edit)
+ (define-key calc-digit-map "\C-g" 'abort-recursive-edit)
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (condition-case err
+ (progn
+ (define-key calc-digit-map x 'calcDigit-backspace)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map x 'calc-pop)
+ (define-key calc-mode-map
+ (if (vectorp x)
+ (if calc-emacs-type-lucid
+ (if (= (length x) 1)
+ (vector (if (consp (aref x 0))
+ (cons 'meta (aref x 0))
+ (list 'meta (aref x 0))))
+ "\e\C-d")
+ (vconcat "\e" x))
+ (concat "\e" x))
+ 'calc-pop-above))
+ (error nil))))
+ (if calc-scan-for-dels
+ (append (where-is-internal 'delete-backward-char global-map)
+ (where-is-internal 'backward-delete-char global-map)
+ '("\C-d"))
+ '("\177" "\C-d")))
+ (setq calc-dispatch-map (make-keymap))
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key calc-dispatch-map (char-to-string (car x)) (cdr x))
+ (if (string-match "abcdefhijklnopqrstuwxyz"
+ (char-to-string (car x)))
+ (define-key calc-dispatch-map
+ (char-to-string (- (car x) ?a -1)) (cdr x)))
+ (define-key calc-dispatch-map (format "\e%c" (car x)) (cdr x))))
+ '( ( ?a . calc-embedded-activate )
+ ( ?b . calc-big-or-small )
+ ( ?c . calc )
+ ( ?d . calc-embedded-duplicate )
+ ( ?e . calc-embedded )
+ ( ?f . calc-embedded-new-formula )
+ ( ?g . calc-grab-region )
+ ( ?h . calc-dispatch-help )
+ ( ?i . calc-info )
+ ( ?j . calc-embedded-select )
+ ( ?k . calc-keypad )
+ ( ?l . calc-load-everything )
+ ( ?m . read-kbd-macro )
+ ( ?n . calc-embedded-next )
+ ( ?o . calc-other-window )
+ ( ?p . calc-embedded-previous )
+ ( ?q . quick-calc )
+ ( ?r . calc-grab-rectangle )
+ ( ?s . calc-info-summary )
+ ( ?t . calc-tutorial )
+ ( ?u . calc-embedded-update-formula )
+ ( ?w . calc-embedded-word )
+ ( ?x . calc-quit )
+ ( ?y . calc-copy-to-buffer )
+ ( ?z . calc-user-invocation )
+ ( ?= . calc-embedded-update-formula )
+ ( ?\' . calc-embedded-new-formula )
+ ( ?\` . calc-embedded-edit )
+ ( ?: . calc-grab-sum-down )
+ ( ?_ . calc-grab-sum-across )
+ ( ?0 . calc-reset )
+ ( ?# . calc-same-interface )
+ ( ?? . calc-dispatch-help ) ))
+ )
+ (autoload 'calc-extensions "calc-ext")
+ (autoload 'calc-need-macros "calc-macs")
+;;;; (Autoloads here)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (func)
+ (autoload func (car x)))) (cdr x))))
+ '(
+ ("calc-aent" calc-Need-calc-aent calc-alg-digit-entry calc-alg-entry
+calc-check-user-syntax calc-do-alg-entry calc-do-calc-eval
+calc-do-quick-calc calc-match-user-syntax math-build-parse-table
+math-find-user-tokens math-read-expr-list math-read-exprs math-read-if
+math-read-token math-remove-dashes)
+ ("calc-misc" calc-Need-calc-misc calc-delete-windows-keep
+calc-do-handle-whys calc-do-refresh calc-num-prefix-name
+calc-record-list calc-record-why calc-report-bug calc-roll-down-stack
+calc-roll-up-stack calc-temp-minibuffer-message calcFunc-floor
+calcFunc-inv calcFunc-trunc math-concat math-constp math-div2
+math-div2-bignum math-do-working math-evenp math-fixnatnump
+math-fixnump math-floor math-imod math-ipow math-looks-negp math-mod
+math-negp math-posp math-pow math-read-radix-digit math-reject-arg
+math-trunc math-zerop)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (cmd)
+ (autoload cmd (car x) nil t))) (cdr x))))
+ '(
+ ("calc-aent" calc-algebraic-entry calc-auto-algebraic-entry
+calcDigit-algebraic calcDigit-edit)
+ ("calc-misc" another-calc calc-big-or-small calc-dispatch-help
+calc-help calc-info calc-info-summary calc-inv calc-last-args-stub
+calc-missing-key calc-mod calc-other-window calc-over calc-percent
+calc-pop-above calc-power calc-roll-down calc-roll-up
+calc-shift-Y-prefix-help calc-tutorial calcDigit-letter
+;;;###autoload (global-set-key "\e#" 'calc-dispatch)
+(defun calc-dispatch (&optional arg)
+ "Invoke the GNU Emacs Calculator. See calc-dispatch-help for details."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (sit-for echo-keystrokes)
+ (condition-case err ; look for other keys bound to calc-dispatch
+ (let ((keys (this-command-keys)))
+ (or (not (stringp keys))
+ (string-match "\\`\C-u\\|\\`\e[-0-9#]\\|`[\M--\M-0-\M-9]" keys)
+ (eq (lookup-key calc-dispatch-map keys) 'calc-same-interface)
+ (progn
+ (and (string-match "\\`[\C-@-\C-_]" keys)
+ (symbolp
+ (lookup-key calc-dispatch-map (substring keys 0 1)))
+ (define-key calc-dispatch-map (substring keys 0 1) nil))
+ (define-key calc-dispatch-map keys 'calc-same-interface))))
+ (error nil))
+ (calc-do-dispatch arg)
+(defun calc-do-dispatch (arg)
+ (let ((key (calc-read-key-sequence
+ (if calc-dispatch-help
+ "Calc options: Calc, Keypad, Quick, Embed; eXit; Info, Tutorial; Grab; ?=more"
+ (format "%s (Type ? for a list of Calc options)"
+ (key-description (this-command-keys))))
+ calc-dispatch-map)))
+ (setq key (lookup-key calc-dispatch-map key))
+ (message "")
+ (if key
+ (progn
+ (or (commandp key) (calc-extensions))
+ (call-interactively key))
+ (beep)))
+(setq calc-dispatch-help nil)
+(defun calc-read-key-sequence (prompt map)
+ (let ((prompt2 (format "%s " (key-description (this-command-keys))))
+ (glob (current-global-map))
+ (loc (current-local-map)))
+ (or (input-pending-p) (message prompt))
+ (let ((key (calc-read-key t)))
+ (calc-unread-command (cdr key))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (use-global-map map)
+ (use-local-map nil)
+ (read-key-sequence
+ (if (commandp (key-binding (if calc-emacs-type-19
+ (vector (cdr key))
+ (char-to-string (cdr key)))))
+ "" prompt2)))
+ (use-global-map glob)
+ (use-local-map loc))))
+(defun calc-mode ()
+ "Calculator major mode.
+This is an RPN calculator featuring arbitrary-precision integer, rational,
+floating-point, complex, matrix, and symbolic arithmetic.
+RPN calculation: 2 RET 3 + produces 5.
+Algebraic style: ' 2+3 RET produces 5.
+Basic operators are +, -, *, /, ^, & (reciprocal), % (modulo), n (change-sign).
+Press ? repeatedly for more complete help. Press `h i' to read the
+Calc manual on-line, `h s' to read the summary, or `h t' for the tutorial.
+Notations: 3.14e6 3.14 * 10^6
+ _23 negative number -23 (or type `23 n')
+ 17:3 the fraction 17/3
+ 5:2:3 the fraction 5 and 2/3
+ 16#12C the integer 12C base 16 = 300 base 10
+ 8#177:100 the fraction 177:100 base 8 = 127:64 base 10
+ (2, 4) complex number 2 + 4i
+ (2; 4) polar complex number (r; theta)
+ [1, 2, 3] vector ([[1, 2], [3, 4]] is a matrix)
+ [1 .. 4) semi-open interval, 1 <= x < 4
+ 2 +/- 3 (p key) number with mean 2, standard deviation 3
+ 2 mod 3 (M key) number 2 computed modulo 3
+ <1 jan 91> Date form (enter using ' key)
+ (interactive)
+ (mapcar (function
+ (lambda (v) (set-default v (symbol-value v)))) calc-local-var-list)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map (if (eq calc-algebraic-mode 'total)
+ (progn (calc-extensions) calc-alg-map) calc-mode-map))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (v) (make-local-variable v))) calc-local-var-list)
+ (make-local-variable 'overlay-arrow-position)
+ (make-local-variable 'overlay-arrow-string)
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (setq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Calculator")
+ (setq calc-stack-top (length (or (memq (assq 'top-of-stack calc-stack)
+ calc-stack)
+ (setq calc-stack (list (list 'top-of-stack
+ 1 nil))))))
+ (setq calc-stack-top (- (length calc-stack) calc-stack-top -1))
+ (or calc-loaded-settings-file
+ (string-match "\\.emacs" calc-settings-file)
+ (progn
+ (setq calc-loaded-settings-file t)
+ (load calc-settings-file t))) ; t = missing-ok
+ (if (and (eq window-system 'x) (boundp 'mouse-map))
+ (substitute-key-definition 'x-paste-text 'calc-x-paste-text
+ mouse-map))
+ (let ((p command-line-args))
+ (while p
+ (and (equal (car p) "-f")
+ (string-match "calc" (nth 1 p))
+ (string-match "full" (nth 1 p))
+ (setq calc-standalone-flag t))
+ (setq p (cdr p))))
+ (run-hooks 'calc-mode-hook)
+ (calc-refresh t)
+ (calc-set-mode-line)
+ ;; The calc-defs variable is a relic. Use calc-define properties instead.
+ (if (and (boundp 'calc-defs)
+ calc-defs)
+ (progn
+ (message "Evaluating calc-defs...")
+ (calc-need-macros)
+ (eval (cons 'progn calc-defs))
+ (setq calc-defs nil)
+ (calc-set-mode-line)))
+ (calc-check-defines)
+(defun calc-check-defines ()
+ (if (symbol-plist 'calc-define)
+ (let ((plist (copy-sequence (symbol-plist 'calc-define))))
+ (while (and plist (null (nth 1 plist)))
+ (setq plist (cdr (cdr plist))))
+ (if plist
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-need-macros)
+ (set-buffer "*Calculator*")
+ (while plist
+ (put 'calc-define (car plist) nil)
+ (eval (nth 1 plist))
+ (setq plist (cdr (cdr plist))))
+ ;; See if this has added any more calc-define properties.
+ (calc-check-defines))
+ (setplist 'calc-define nil))))
+(setq calc-check-defines 'calc-check-defines) ; suitable for run-hooks
+(defun calc-trail-mode (&optional buf)
+ "Calc Trail mode.
+This mode is used by the *Calc Trail* buffer, which records all results
+obtained by the GNU Emacs Calculator.
+Calculator commands beginning with the `t' key are used to manipulate
+the Trail.
+This buffer uses the same key map as the *Calculator* buffer; calculator
+commands given here will actually operate on the *Calculator* stack."
+ (interactive)
+ (fundamental-mode)
+ (use-local-map calc-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'calc-trail-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Calc Trail")
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (make-local-variable 'overlay-arrow-position)
+ (make-local-variable 'overlay-arrow-string)
+ (if buf
+ (progn
+ (make-local-variable 'calc-main-buffer)
+ (setq calc-main-buffer buf)))
+ (if (= (buffer-size) 0)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (insert "Emacs Calculator v" calc-version " by Dave Gillespie, "
+ "installed " calc-installed-date "\n")))
+ (run-hooks 'calc-trail-mode-hook)
+(defun calc-create-buffer ()
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Calculator*"))
+ (or (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (calc-mode))
+ (setq max-lisp-eval-depth (max max-lisp-eval-depth 1000))
+ (if calc-always-load-extensions
+ (calc-extensions))
+ (if calc-language
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-set-language calc-language calc-language-option t)))
+(defun calc (&optional arg full-display interactive)
+ "The Emacs Calculator. Full documentation is listed under \"calc-mode\"."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if arg
+ (or (eq arg 0)
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (if (= (prefix-numeric-value arg) -1)
+ (calc-grab-region (region-beginning) (region-end) nil)
+ (if (= (prefix-numeric-value arg) -2)
+ (calc-keypad)))))
+ (if (get-buffer-window "*Calc Keypad*")
+ (progn
+ (calc-keypad)
+ (set-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)))))
+ (if (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (calc-quit)
+ (let ((oldbuf (current-buffer)))
+ (calc-create-buffer)
+ (setq calc-was-keypad-mode nil)
+ (if (or (eq full-display t)
+ (and (null full-display) calc-full-mode))
+ (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer) t)
+ (if (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
+ (select-window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+ (setq calc-was-split nil)
+ (if (and (boundp 'calc-window-hook) calc-window-hook)
+ (run-hooks 'calc-window-hook)
+ (let ((w (get-largest-window)))
+ (if (and pop-up-windows
+ (> (window-height w)
+ (+ window-min-height calc-window-height 2)))
+ (progn
+ (or (one-window-p)
+ (setq calc-was-split (list w (window-height w)
+ (selected-window))))
+ (setq w (split-window w
+ (- (window-height w)
+ calc-window-height 2)
+ nil))
+ (set-window-buffer w (current-buffer))
+ (select-window w))
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (calc-trail-buffer))
+ (and calc-display-trail
+ (= (window-width) (screen-width))
+ (calc-trail-display 1 t)))
+ (message "Welcome to the GNU Emacs Calculator! Press `?' or `h' for help, `q' to quit.")
+ (run-hooks 'calc-start-hook)
+ (and (windowp full-display)
+ (window-point full-display)
+ (select-window full-display))
+ (calc-check-defines)
+ (and calc-said-hello
+ (or (interactive-p) interactive)
+ (progn
+ (sit-for 2)
+ (message "")))
+ (setq calc-said-hello t))))
+(defun full-calc ()
+ "Invoke the Calculator and give it a full-sized window."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc nil t (interactive-p))
+(defun calc-same-interface (arg)
+ "Invoke the Calculator using the most recent interface (calc or calc-keypad)."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (and (equal (buffer-name) "*Gnuplot Trail*")
+ (> (recursion-depth) 0))
+ (exit-recursive-edit)
+ (if (eq major-mode 'calc-edit-mode)
+ (calc-edit-finish arg)
+ (if (eq major-mode 'MacEdit-mode)
+ (MacEdit-finish-edit)
+ (if calc-was-keypad-mode
+ (calc-keypad)
+ (calc arg calc-full-mode t)))))
+(defun calc-quit (&optional non-fatal)
+ (interactive)
+ (and calc-standalone-flag (not non-fatal)
+ (save-buffers-kill-emacs nil))
+ (if (and (equal (buffer-name) "*Gnuplot Trail*")
+ (> (recursion-depth) 0))
+ (exit-recursive-edit))
+ (if (eq major-mode 'calc-edit-mode)
+ (calc-edit-cancel)
+ (if (eq major-mode 'MacEdit-mode)
+ (MacEdit-cancel-edit)
+ (if (and (interactive-p)
+ calc-embedded-info
+ (eq (current-buffer) (aref calc-embedded-info 0)))
+ (calc-embedded nil)
+ (or (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (calc-create-buffer))
+ (run-hooks 'calc-end-hook)
+ (setq calc-undo-list nil calc-redo-list nil)
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (v) (set-default v (symbol-value v))))
+ calc-local-var-list)
+ (let ((buf (current-buffer))
+ (win (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+ (kbuf (get-buffer "*Calc Keypad*")))
+ (delete-windows-on (calc-trail-buffer))
+ (if (and win
+ (< (window-height win) (1- (screen-height)))
+ (= (window-width win) (screen-width)) ; avoid calc-keypad
+ (not (get-buffer-window "*Calc Keypad*")))
+ (setq calc-window-height (- (window-height win) 2)))
+ (if calc-was-split
+ (calc-delete-windows-keep buf kbuf)
+ (delete-windows-on buf)
+ (delete-windows-on kbuf))
+ (bury-buffer buf)
+ (bury-buffer calc-trail-buffer)
+ (and kbuf (bury-buffer kbuf))))))
+(defun quick-calc ()
+ "Do a quick calculation in the minibuffer without invoking full Calculator."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-do-quick-calc)
+(defun calc-eval (str &optional separator &rest args)
+ "Do a quick calculation and return the result as a string.
+Return value will either be the formatted result in string form,
+or a list containing a character position and an error message in string form."
+ (calc-do-calc-eval str separator args)
+(defun calc-keypad ()
+ "Invoke the Calculator in \"visual keypad\" mode.
+This is most useful in the X window system.
+In this mode, click on the Calc \"buttons\" using the left mouse button.
+Or, position the cursor manually and do M-x calc-keypad-press."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-keypad calc-full-mode (interactive-p))
+(defun full-calc-keypad ()
+ "Invoke the Calculator in full-screen \"visual keypad\" mode.
+See calc-keypad for details."
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-keypad t (interactive-p))
+;;; Note that modifications to this function may break calc-pass-errors.
+(defun calc-do (do-body &optional do-slow)
+ (calc-check-defines)
+ (let* ((calc-command-flags nil)
+ (calc-start-time (and calc-timing (not calc-start-time)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (current-time-string)))
+ (gc-cons-threshold (max gc-cons-threshold
+ (if calc-timing 2000000 100000))))
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix "")
+ (unwind-protect
+ (condition-case err
+ (save-excursion
+ (if calc-embedded-info
+ (calc-embedded-select-buffer)
+ (calc-select-buffer))
+ (and (eq calc-algebraic-mode 'total)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (use-local-map calc-alg-map))
+ (and do-slow calc-display-working-message
+ (progn
+ (message "Working...")
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message)))
+ (funcall do-body)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix nil)
+ (and (memq 'renum-stack calc-command-flags)
+ (calc-renumber-stack))
+ (and (memq 'clear-message calc-command-flags)
+ (message "")))
+ (error
+ (if (and (eq (car err) 'error)
+ (stringp (nth 1 err))
+ (string-match "max-specpdl-size\\|max-lisp-eval-depth"
+ (nth 1 err)))
+ (error "Computation got stuck or ran too long. Type `M' to increase the limit.")
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix nil)
+ (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
+ (setq calc-old-aborted-prefix calc-aborted-prefix)
+ (and calc-aborted-prefix
+ (calc-record "<Aborted>" calc-aborted-prefix))
+ (and calc-start-time
+ (let* ((calc-internal-prec 12)
+ (calc-date-format nil)
+ (end-time (current-time-string))
+ (time (if (equal calc-start-time end-time)
+ 0
+ (math-sub
+ (calcFunc-unixtime (math-parse-date end-time) 0)
+ (calcFunc-unixtime (math-parse-date calc-start-time)
+ 0)))))
+ (if (math-lessp 1 time)
+ (calc-record time "(t)"))))
+ (or (memq 'no-align calc-command-flags)
+ (eq major-mode 'calc-trail-mode)
+ (calc-align-stack-window))
+ (and (memq 'position-point calc-command-flags)
+ (if (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (progn
+ (goto-line calc-final-point-line)
+ (move-to-column calc-final-point-column))
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-select-buffer)
+ (goto-line calc-final-point-line)
+ (move-to-column calc-final-point-column))))
+ (or (memq 'keep-flags calc-command-flags)
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-select-buffer)
+ (setq calc-inverse-flag nil
+ calc-hyperbolic-flag nil
+ calc-keep-args-flag nil)))
+ (and (memq 'do-edit calc-command-flags)
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Calc Edit*")))
+ (calc-set-mode-line)
+ (and calc-embedded-info
+ (calc-embedded-finish-command))))
+ (identity nil) ; allow a GC after timing is done
+(setq calc-aborted-prefix nil)
+(setq calc-start-time nil)
+(defun calc-set-command-flag (f)
+ (if (not (memq f calc-command-flags))
+ (setq calc-command-flags (cons f calc-command-flags)))
+(defun calc-select-buffer ()
+ (or (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (if calc-main-buffer
+ (set-buffer calc-main-buffer)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer "*Calculator*")))
+ (if buf
+ (set-buffer buf)
+ (error "Calculator buffer not available")))))
+(defun calc-cursor-stack-index (&optional index)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (forward-line (- (calc-substack-height (or index 1))))
+(defun calc-stack-size ()
+ (- (length calc-stack) calc-stack-top)
+(defun calc-substack-height (n)
+ (let ((sum 0)
+ (stack calc-stack))
+ (setq n (+ n calc-stack-top))
+ (while (and (> n 0) stack)
+ (setq sum (+ sum (nth 1 (car stack)))
+ n (1- n)
+ stack (cdr stack)))
+ sum)
+(defun calc-set-mode-line ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-select-buffer)
+ (let* ((fmt (car calc-float-format))
+ (figs (nth 1 calc-float-format))
+ (new-mode-string
+ (format "Calc%s%s: %d %s %-14s"
+ (if calc-embedded-info "Embed" "")
+ (if (and (> (length (buffer-name)) 12)
+ (equal (substring (buffer-name) 0 12)
+ "*Calculator*"))
+ (substring (buffer-name) 12)
+ "")
+ calc-internal-prec
+ (capitalize (symbol-name calc-angle-mode))
+ (concat
+ ;; Input-related modes
+ (if (eq calc-algebraic-mode 'total) "Alg* "
+ (if calc-algebraic-mode "Alg "
+ (if calc-incomplete-algebraic-mode "Alg[( " "")))
+ ;; Computational modes
+ (if calc-symbolic-mode "Symb " "")
+ (cond ((eq calc-matrix-mode 'matrix) "Matrix ")
+ ((integerp calc-matrix-mode)
+ (format "Matrix%d " calc-matrix-mode))
+ ((eq calc-matrix-mode 'scalar) "Scalar ")
+ (t ""))
+ (if (eq calc-complex-mode 'polar) "Polar " "")
+ (if calc-prefer-frac "Frac " "")
+ (cond ((null calc-infinite-mode) "")
+ ((eq calc-infinite-mode 1) "+Inf ")
+ (t "Inf "))
+ (cond ((eq calc-simplify-mode 'none) "NoSimp ")
+ ((eq calc-simplify-mode 'num) "NumSimp ")
+ ((eq calc-simplify-mode 'binary)
+ (format "BinSimp%d " calc-word-size))
+ ((eq calc-simplify-mode 'alg) "AlgSimp ")
+ ((eq calc-simplify-mode 'ext) "ExtSimp ")
+ ((eq calc-simplify-mode 'units) "UnitSimp ")
+ (t ""))
+ ;; Display modes
+ (cond ((= calc-number-radix 10) "")
+ ((= calc-number-radix 2) "Bin ")
+ ((= calc-number-radix 8) "Oct ")
+ ((= calc-number-radix 16) "Hex ")
+ (t (format "Radix%d " calc-number-radix)))
+ (if calc-leading-zeros "Zero " "")
+ (cond ((null calc-language) "")
+ ((eq calc-language 'tex) "TeX ")
+ (t (concat
+ (capitalize (symbol-name calc-language))
+ " ")))
+ (cond ((eq fmt 'float)
+ (if (zerop figs) "" (format "Norm%d " figs)))
+ ((eq fmt 'fix) (format "Fix%d " figs))
+ ((eq fmt 'sci)
+ (if (zerop figs) "Sci " (format "Sci%d " figs)))
+ ((eq fmt 'eng)
+ (if (zerop figs) "Eng " (format "Eng%d " figs))))
+ (cond ((not calc-display-just)
+ (if calc-display-origin
+ (format "Left%d " calc-display-origin) ""))
+ ((eq calc-display-just 'right)
+ (if calc-display-origin
+ (format "Right%d " calc-display-origin)
+ "Right "))
+ (t
+ (if calc-display-origin
+ (format "Center%d " calc-display-origin)
+ "Center ")))
+ (cond ((integerp calc-line-breaking)
+ (format "Wid%d " calc-line-breaking))
+ (calc-line-breaking "")
+ (t "Wide "))
+ ;; Miscellaneous other modes/indicators
+ (if calc-assoc-selections "" "Break ")
+ (cond ((eq calc-mode-save-mode 'save) "Save ")
+ ((not calc-embedded-info) "")
+ ((eq calc-mode-save-mode 'local) "Local ")
+ ((eq calc-mode-save-mode 'edit) "LocEdit ")
+ ((eq calc-mode-save-mode 'perm) "LocPerm ")
+ ((eq calc-mode-save-mode 'global) "Global ")
+ (t ""))
+ (if calc-auto-recompute "" "Manual ")
+ (if (and (fboundp 'calc-gnuplot-alive)
+ (calc-gnuplot-alive)) "Graph " "")
+ (if (and calc-embedded-info
+ (> (calc-stack-size) 0)
+ (calc-top 1 'sel)) "Sel " "")
+ (if calc-display-dirty "Dirty " "")
+ (if calc-inverse-flag "Inv " "")
+ (if calc-hyperbolic-flag "Hyp " "")
+ (if calc-keep-args-flag "Keep " "")
+ (if (/= calc-stack-top 1) "Narrow " "")
+ (apply 'concat calc-other-modes)))))
+ (if (equal new-mode-string mode-line-buffer-identification)
+ nil
+ (setq mode-line-buffer-identification new-mode-string)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
+ (and calc-embedded-info (calc-embedded-mode-line-change)))))
+(defun calc-align-stack-window ()
+ (if (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (progn
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
+ (if win
+ (progn
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index 0)
+ (vertical-motion (- 2 (window-height win)))
+ (set-window-start win (point)))))
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index 0)
+ (if (looking-at " *\\.$")
+ (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-select-buffer)
+ (calc-align-stack-window)))
+(defun calc-check-stack (n)
+ (if (> n (calc-stack-size))
+ (error "Too few elements on stack"))
+ (if (< n 0)
+ (error "Invalid argument"))
+(defun calc-push-list (vals &optional m sels)
+ (while vals
+ (if calc-executing-macro
+ (calc-push-list-in-macro vals m sels)
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-select-buffer)
+ (let* ((val (car vals))
+ (entry (list val 1 (car sels)))
+ (mm (+ (or m 1) calc-stack-top)))
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index (1- (or m 1)))
+ (if (> mm 1)
+ (setcdr (nthcdr (- mm 2) calc-stack)
+ (cons entry (nthcdr (1- mm) calc-stack)))
+ (setq calc-stack (cons entry calc-stack)))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (insert (math-format-stack-value entry) "\n"))
+ (calc-record-undo (list 'push mm))
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'renum-stack))))
+ (setq vals (cdr vals)
+ sels (cdr sels)))
+(defun calc-pop-push-list (n vals &optional m sels)
+ (if (and calc-any-selections (null sels))
+ (calc-replace-selections n vals m)
+ (calc-pop-stack n m sels)
+ (calc-push-list vals m sels))
+(defun calc-pop-push-record-list (n prefix vals &optional m sels)
+ (or (and (consp vals)
+ (or (integerp (car vals))
+ (consp (car vals))))
+ (and vals (setq vals (list vals)
+ sels (and sels (list sels)))))
+ (calc-check-stack (+ n (or m 1) -1))
+ (if prefix
+ (if (cdr vals)
+ (calc-record-list vals prefix)
+ (calc-record (car vals) prefix)))
+ (calc-pop-push-list n vals m sels)
+(defun calc-enter-result (n prefix vals &optional m)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix prefix)
+ (if (and (consp vals)
+ (or (integerp (car vals))
+ (consp (car vals))))
+ (setq vals (mapcar 'calc-normalize vals))
+ (setq vals (calc-normalize vals)))
+ (or (and (consp vals)
+ (or (integerp (car vals))
+ (consp (car vals))))
+ (setq vals (list vals)))
+ (if (equal vals '((nil)))
+ (setq vals nil))
+ (calc-pop-push-record-list n prefix vals m)
+ (calc-handle-whys)
+(defun calc-normalize (val)
+ (if (memq calc-simplify-mode '(nil none num))
+ (math-normalize val)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-normalize-fancy val))
+(defun calc-handle-whys ()
+ (if calc-next-why
+ (calc-do-handle-whys))
+(defun calc-pop-stack (&optional n m sel-ok) ; pop N objs at level M of stack.
+ (or n (setq n 1))
+ (or m (setq m 1))
+ (or calc-keep-args-flag
+ (let ((mm (+ m calc-stack-top)))
+ (if (and calc-any-selections (not sel-ok)
+ (calc-top-selected n m))
+ (calc-sel-error))
+ (if calc-executing-macro
+ (calc-pop-stack-in-macro n mm)
+ (calc-record-undo (list 'pop mm (calc-top-list n m 'full)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-select-buffer)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (if (> mm 1)
+ (progn
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index (1- m))
+ (let ((bot (point)))
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index (+ n m -1))
+ (delete-region (point) bot))
+ (setcdr (nthcdr (- mm 2) calc-stack)
+ (nthcdr (+ n mm -1) calc-stack)))
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index n)
+ (setq calc-stack (nthcdr n calc-stack))
+ (delete-region (point) (point-max))))
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'renum-stack)))))
+(defun calc-get-stack-element (x)
+ (cond ((eq sel-mode 'entry)
+ x)
+ ((eq sel-mode 'sel)
+ (nth 2 x))
+ ((or (null (nth 2 x))
+ (eq sel-mode 'full)
+ (not calc-use-selections))
+ (car x))
+ (sel-mode
+ (calc-sel-error))
+ (t (nth 2 x)))
+;; Get the Nth element of the stack (N=1 is the top element).
+(defun calc-top (&optional n sel-mode)
+ (or n (setq n 1))
+ (calc-check-stack n)
+ (calc-get-stack-element (nth (+ n calc-stack-top -1) calc-stack))
+(defun calc-top-n (&optional n sel-mode) ; in case precision has changed
+ (math-check-complete (calc-normalize (calc-top n sel-mode)))
+(defun calc-top-list (&optional n m sel-mode)
+ (or n (setq n 1))
+ (or m (setq m 1))
+ (calc-check-stack (+ n m -1))
+ (and (> n 0)
+ (let ((top (copy-sequence (nthcdr (+ m calc-stack-top -1)
+ calc-stack))))
+ (setcdr (nthcdr (1- n) top) nil)
+ (nreverse (mapcar 'calc-get-stack-element top))))
+(defun calc-top-list-n (&optional n m sel-mode)
+ (mapcar 'math-check-complete
+ (mapcar 'calc-normalize (calc-top-list n m sel-mode)))
+(defun calc-renumber-stack ()
+ (if calc-line-numbering
+ (save-excursion
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index 0)
+ (let ((lnum 1)
+ (buffer-read-only nil)
+ (stack (nthcdr calc-stack-top calc-stack)))
+ (if (re-search-forward "^[0-9]+[:*]" nil t)
+ (progn
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (while (re-search-forward "^[0-9]+[:*]" nil t)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (delete-char 4)
+ (insert " ")))
+ (calc-cursor-stack-index 0)))
+ (while (re-search-backward "^[0-9]+[:*]" nil t)
+ (delete-char 4)
+ (if (> lnum 999)
+ (insert (format "%03d%s" (% lnum 1000)
+ (if (and (nth 2 (car stack))
+ calc-use-selections) "*" ":")))
+ (let ((prefix (int-to-string lnum)))
+ (insert prefix (if (and (nth 2 (car stack))
+ calc-use-selections) "*" ":")
+ (make-string (- 3 (length prefix)) 32))))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq lnum (1+ lnum)
+ stack (cdr stack))))))
+ (and calc-embedded-info (calc-embedded-stack-change))
+(defun calc-refresh (&optional align)
+ (interactive)
+ (and (eq major-mode 'calc-mode)
+ (not calc-executing-macro)
+ (let* ((buffer-read-only nil)
+ (save-point (point))
+ (save-mark (condition-case err (mark) (error nil)))
+ (save-aligned (looking-at "\\.$"))
+ (thing calc-stack))
+ (setq calc-any-selections nil
+ calc-any-evaltos nil)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---\n")
+ (while thing
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (insert (math-format-stack-value (car thing)) "\n")
+ (setq thing (cdr thing)))
+ (calc-renumber-stack)
+ (if calc-display-dirty
+ (calc-wrapper (setq calc-display-dirty nil)))
+ (and calc-any-evaltos calc-auto-recompute
+ (calc-wrapper (calc-refresh-evaltos)))
+ (if (or align save-aligned)
+ (calc-align-stack-window)
+ (goto-char save-point))
+ (if save-mark (set-mark save-mark))))
+ (and calc-embedded-info (not (eq major-mode 'calc-mode))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (aref calc-embedded-info 1))
+ (calc-refresh align)))
+ (setq calc-refresh-count (1+ calc-refresh-count))
+(defun calc-x-paste-text (arg)
+ "Move point to mouse position and insert window system cut buffer contents.
+If mouse is pressed in Calc window, push cut buffer contents onto the stack."
+ (x-mouse-select arg)
+ (if (memq major-mode '(calc-mode calc-trail-mode))
+ (progn
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (let* ((buf (x-get-cut-buffer))
+ (val (math-read-exprs (calc-clean-newlines buf))))
+ (if (eq (car-safe val) 'error)
+ (progn
+ (setq val (math-read-exprs buf))
+ (if (eq (car-safe val) 'error)
+ (error "%s in yanked data" (nth 2 val)))))
+ (calc-enter-result 0 "Xynk" val))))
+ (x-paste-text arg))
+;;;; The Calc Trail buffer.
+(defun calc-check-trail-aligned ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
+ (and win
+ (pos-visible-in-window-p (1- (point-max)) win))))
+(defun calc-trail-buffer ()
+ (and (or (null calc-trail-buffer)
+ (null (buffer-name calc-trail-buffer)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq calc-trail-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Calc Trail*"))
+ (let ((buf (or (and (not (eq major-mode 'calc-mode))
+ (get-buffer "*Calculator*"))
+ (current-buffer))))
+ (set-buffer calc-trail-buffer)
+ (or (eq major-mode 'calc-trail-mode)
+ (calc-trail-mode buf)))))
+ (or (and calc-trail-pointer
+ (eq (marker-buffer calc-trail-pointer) calc-trail-buffer))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer calc-trail-buffer)
+ (goto-line 2)
+ (setq calc-trail-pointer (point-marker))))
+ calc-trail-buffer
+(defun calc-record (val &optional prefix)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix nil)
+ (or calc-executing-macro
+ (let* ((mainbuf (current-buffer))
+ (buf (calc-trail-buffer))
+ (calc-display-raw nil)
+ (calc-can-abbrev-vectors t)
+ (fval (if val
+ (if (stringp val)
+ val
+ (math-showing-full-precision
+ (math-format-flat-expr val 0)))
+ "")))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buf)
+ (let ((aligned (calc-check-trail-aligned))
+ (buffer-read-only nil))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (cond ((null prefix) (insert " "))
+ ((and (> (length prefix) 4)
+ (string-match " " prefix 4))
+ (insert (substring prefix 0 4) " "))
+ (t (insert (format "%4s " prefix))))
+ (insert fval "\n")
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window buf)))
+ (if (and aligned win (not (memq 'hold-trail calc-command-flags)))
+ (calc-trail-here))
+ (goto-char (1- (point-max))))))))
+ val
+(defun calc-trail-display (flag &optional no-refresh)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window (calc-trail-buffer))))
+ (if (setq calc-display-trail
+ (not (if flag (memq flag '(nil 0)) win)))
+ (if (null win)
+ (progn
+ (if (and (boundp 'calc-trail-window-hook) calc-trail-window-hook)
+ (run-hooks 'calc-trail-window-hook)
+ (let ((w (split-window nil (/ (* (window-width) 2) 3) t)))
+ (set-window-buffer w calc-trail-buffer)))
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (setq overlay-arrow-string calc-trail-overlay
+ overlay-arrow-position calc-trail-pointer)
+ (or no-refresh
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (calc-do-refresh)
+ (calc-refresh))))))
+ (if win
+ (progn
+ (delete-window win)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (or no-refresh
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (calc-do-refresh)
+ (calc-refresh))))))))
+ calc-trail-buffer
+(defun calc-trail-here ()
+ (interactive)
+ (if (eq major-mode 'calc-trail-mode)
+ (progn
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (bobp)
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (if (eobp)
+ (forward-line -1)))
+ (if (or (bobp) (eobp))
+ (setq overlay-arrow-position nil) ; trail is empty
+ (set-marker calc-trail-pointer (point) (current-buffer))
+ (setq calc-trail-overlay (concat (buffer-substring (point)
+ (+ (point) 4))
+ ">")
+ overlay-arrow-string calc-trail-overlay
+ overlay-arrow-position calc-trail-pointer)
+ (forward-char 4)
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
+ (if win
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-line (/ (window-height win) 2))
+ (forward-line (- 1 (window-height win)))
+ (set-window-start win (point))
+ (set-window-point win (+ calc-trail-pointer 4))
+ (set-buffer calc-main-buffer)
+ (setq overlay-arrow-string calc-trail-overlay
+ overlay-arrow-position calc-trail-pointer))))))
+ (error "Not in Calc Trail buffer"))
+;;;; The Undo list.
+(defun calc-record-undo (rec)
+ (or calc-executing-macro
+ (if (memq 'undo calc-command-flags)
+ (setq calc-undo-list (cons (cons rec (car calc-undo-list))
+ (cdr calc-undo-list)))
+ (setq calc-undo-list (cons (list rec) calc-undo-list)
+ calc-redo-list nil)
+ (calc-set-command-flag 'undo)))
+;;; Arithmetic commands.
+(defun calc-binary-op (name func arg &optional ident unary func2)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix name)
+ (if (null arg)
+ (calc-enter-result 2 name (cons (or func2 func)
+ (mapcar 'math-check-complete
+ (calc-top-list 2))))
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-binary-op-fancy name func arg ident unary))
+(defun calc-unary-op (name func arg &optional func2)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix name)
+ (if (null arg)
+ (calc-enter-result 1 name (list (or func2 func)
+ (math-check-complete (calc-top 1))))
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-unary-op-fancy name func arg))
+(defun calc-plus (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-slow-wrapper
+ (calc-binary-op "+" 'calcFunc-add arg 0 nil '+))
+(defun calc-minus (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-slow-wrapper
+ (calc-binary-op "-" 'calcFunc-sub arg 0 'neg '-))
+(defun calc-times (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-slow-wrapper
+ (calc-binary-op "*" 'calcFunc-mul arg 1 nil '*))
+(defun calc-divide (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-slow-wrapper
+ (calc-binary-op "/" 'calcFunc-div arg 0 'calcFunc-inv '/))
+(defun calc-change-sign (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (calc-unary-op "chs" 'neg arg))
+;;; Stack management commands.
+(defun calc-enter (n)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (cond ((< n 0)
+ (calc-push-list (calc-top-list 1 (- n))))
+ ((= n 0)
+ (calc-push-list (calc-top-list (calc-stack-size))))
+ (t
+ (calc-push-list (calc-top-list n)))))
+(defun calc-pop (n)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (let* ((nn (prefix-numeric-value n))
+ (top (and (null n) (calc-top 1))))
+ (cond ((and (null n)
+ (eq (car-safe top) 'incomplete)
+ (> (length top) (if (eq (nth 1 top) 'intv) 3 2)))
+ (calc-pop-push-list 1 (let ((tt (copy-sequence top)))
+ (setcdr (nthcdr (- (length tt) 2) tt) nil)
+ (list tt))))
+ ((< nn 0)
+ (if (and calc-any-selections
+ (calc-top-selected 1 (- nn)))
+ (calc-delete-selection (- nn))
+ (calc-pop-stack 1 (- nn) t)))
+ ((= nn 0)
+ (calc-pop-stack (calc-stack-size) 1 t))
+ (t
+ (if (and calc-any-selections
+ (= nn 1)
+ (calc-top-selected 1 1))
+ (calc-delete-selection 1)
+ (calc-pop-stack nn))))))
+;;;; Reading a number using the minibuffer.
+(defun calcDigit-start ()
+ (interactive)
+ (calc-wrapper
+ (if (or calc-algebraic-mode
+ (and (> calc-number-radix 14) (eq last-command-char ?e)))
+ (calc-alg-digit-entry)
+ (calc-unread-command)
+ (setq calc-aborted-prefix nil)
+ (let* ((calc-digit-value nil)
+ (calc-prev-char nil)
+ (calc-prev-prev-char nil)
+ (calc-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (buf (if calc-emacs-type-lucid
+ (catch 'calc-foo
+ (catch 'execute-kbd-macro
+ (throw 'calc-foo
+ (read-from-minibuffer
+ "Calc: " "" calc-digit-map)))
+ (error "Lucid Emacs requires RET after %s"
+ "digit entry in kbd macro"))
+ (let ((old-esc (lookup-key global-map "\e")))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (define-key global-map "\e" nil)
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Calc: " "" calc-digit-map))
+ (define-key global-map "\e" old-esc))))))
+ (or calc-digit-value (setq calc-digit-value (math-read-number buf)))
+ (if (stringp calc-digit-value)
+ (calc-alg-entry calc-digit-value)
+ (if calc-digit-value
+ (calc-push-list (list (calc-record (calc-normalize
+ calc-digit-value))))))
+ (if (eq calc-prev-char 'dots)
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-dots))))))
+(defun calcDigit-nondigit ()
+ (interactive)
+ ;; Exercise for the reader: Figure out why this is a good precaution!
+ (or (boundp 'calc-buffer)
+ (use-local-map minibuffer-local-map))
+ (let ((str (buffer-string)))
+ (setq calc-digit-value (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer calc-buffer)
+ (math-read-number str))))
+ (if (and (null calc-digit-value) (> (buffer-size) 0))
+ (progn
+ (beep)
+ (calc-temp-minibuffer-message " [Bad format]"))
+ (or (memq last-command-char '(32 13))
+ (progn (setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg)
+ (calc-unread-command (if (and (eq last-command-char 27)
+ (>= last-input-char 128))
+ last-input-char
+ nil))))
+ (exit-minibuffer))
+(defun calc-minibuffer-contains (rex)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (looking-at rex))
+(defun calcDigit-key ()
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (if (or (and (memq last-command-char '(?+ ?-))
+ (> (buffer-size) 0)
+ (/= (preceding-char) ?e))
+ (and (memq last-command-char '(?m ?s))
+ (not (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?[0-9]+\\.?0*[@oh].*"))
+ (not (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?\\(1[1-9]\\|[2-9][0-9]\\)#.*"))))
+ (calcDigit-nondigit)
+ (if (calc-minibuffer-contains "\\([-+]?\\|.* \\)\\'")
+ (cond ((memq last-command-char '(?. ?@)) (insert "0"))
+ ((and (memq last-command-char '(?o ?h ?m))
+ (not (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*#.*"))) (insert "0"))
+ ((memq last-command-char '(?: ?e)) (insert "1"))
+ ((eq last-command-char ?#)
+ (insert (int-to-string calc-number-radix)))))
+ (if (and (calc-minibuffer-contains "\\([-+]?[0-9]+#\\|[^:]*:\\)\\'")
+ (eq last-command-char ?:))
+ (insert "1"))
+ (if (and (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?[0-9]+#\\'")
+ (eq last-command-char ?.))
+ (insert "0"))
+ (if (and (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?0*\\([2-9]\\|1[0-4]\\)#\\'")
+ (eq last-command-char ?e))
+ (insert "1"))
+ (if (or (and (memq last-command-char '(?h ?o ?m ?s ?p))
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*#.*"))
+ (and (eq last-command-char ?e)
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?\\(1[5-9]\\|[2-9][0-9]\\)#.*"))
+ (and (eq last-command-char ?n)
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?\\(2[4-9]\\|[3-9][0-9]\\)#.*")))
+ (setq last-command-char (upcase last-command-char)))
+ (cond
+ ((memq last-command-char '(?_ ?n))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (and (search-forward " +/- " nil t)
+ (not (search-forward "e" nil t)))
+ (beep)
+ (and (not (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?\\(1[5-9]\\|[2-9][0-9]\\)#.*"))
+ (search-forward "e" nil t))
+ (if (looking-at "+")
+ (delete-char 1))
+ (if (looking-at "-")
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (insert "-")))
+ (goto-char (point-max)))
+ ((eq last-command-char ?p)
+ (if (or (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*\\+/-.*")
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*mod.*")
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*#.*")
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*[-+e:]\\'"))
+ (beep)
+ (if (not (calc-minibuffer-contains ".* \\'"))
+ (insert " "))
+ (insert "+/- ")))
+ ((and (eq last-command-char ?M)
+ (not (calc-minibuffer-contains
+ "[-+]?\\(2[3-9]\\|[3-9][0-9]\\)#.*")))
+ (if (or (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*\\+/-.*")
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*mod *[^ ]+")
+ (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*[-+e:]\\'"))
+ (beep)
+ (if (calc-minibuffer-contains ".*mod \\'")
+ (if calc-previous-modulo
+ (insert (math-format-flat-expr calc-previous-modulo 0))
+ (beep))
+ (if (not (calc-minibuffer-contains ".* \\'"))
+ (insert " "))
+ (insert "mod "))))
+ (t
+ (insert (char-to-string last-command-char))
+ (if (or (and (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?\\(.*\\+/- *\\|.*mod *\\)?\\([0-9][0-9]?\\)#[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\(:[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\(:[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\)?\\|.[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\(e[-+]?[0-9]*\\)?\\)?\\'")
+ (let ((radix (string-to-int
+ (buffer-substring
+ (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))
+ (and (>= radix 2)
+ (<= radix 36)
+ (or (memq last-command-char '(?# ?: ?. ?e ?+ ?-))
+ (let ((dig (math-read-radix-digit
+ (upcase last-command-char))))
+ (and dig
+ (< dig radix)))))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (looking-at
+ "[-+]?\\(.*\\+/- *\\|.*mod *\\)?\\([0-9]+\\.?0*[@oh] *\\)?\\([0-9]+\\.?0*['m] *\\)?[0-9]*\\(\\.?[0-9]*\\(e[-+]?[0-3]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?\\)?\\|[0-9]:\\([0-9]+:\\)?[0-9]*\\)?[\"s]?\\'")))
+ (if (and (memq last-command-char '(?@ ?o ?h ?\' ?m))
+ (string-match " " calc-hms-format))
+ (insert " "))
+ (if (and (eq this-command last-command)
+ (eq last-command-char ?.))
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-digit-dots))
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (beep)
+ (calc-temp-minibuffer-message " [Bad format]"))))))
+ (setq calc-prev-prev-char calc-prev-char
+ calc-prev-char last-command-char)
+(defun calcDigit-backspace ()
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (cond ((calc-minibuffer-contains ".* \\+/- \\'")
+ (backward-delete-char 5))
+ ((calc-minibuffer-contains ".* mod \\'")
+ (backward-delete-char 5))
+ ((calc-minibuffer-contains ".* \\'")
+ (backward-delete-char 2))
+ ((eq last-command 'calcDigit-start)
+ (erase-buffer))
+ (t (backward-delete-char 1)))
+ (if (= (buffer-size) 0)
+ (progn
+ (setq last-command-char 13)
+ (calcDigit-nondigit)))
+;;;; Arithmetic routines.
+;;; An object as manipulated by one of these routines may take any of the
+;;; following forms:
+;;; integer An integer. For normalized numbers, this format
+;;; is used only for -999999 ... 999999.
+;;; (bigpos N0 N1 N2 ...) A big positive integer, N0 + N1*1000 + N2*10^6 ...
+;;; (bigneg N0 N1 N2 ...) A big negative integer, - N0 - N1*1000 ...
+;;; Each digit N is in the range 0 ... 999.
+;;; Normalized, always at least three N present,
+;;; and the most significant N is nonzero.
+;;; (frac NUM DEN) A fraction. NUM and DEN are small or big integers.
+;;; Normalized, DEN > 1.
+;;; (float NUM EXP) A floating-point number, NUM * 10^EXP;
+;;; NUM is a small or big integer, EXP is a small int.
+;;; Normalized, NUM is not a multiple of 10, and
+;;; abs(NUM) < 10^calc-internal-prec.
+;;; Normalized zero is stored as (float 0 0).
+;;; (cplx REAL IMAG) A complex number; REAL and IMAG are any of above.
+;;; Normalized, IMAG is nonzero.
+;;; (polar R THETA) Polar complex number. Normalized, R > 0 and THETA
+;;; is neither zero nor 180 degrees (pi radians).
+;;; (vec A B C ...) Vector of objects A, B, C, ... A matrix is a
+;;; vector of vectors.
+;;; (hms H M S) Angle in hours-minutes-seconds form. All three
+;;; components have the same sign; H and M must be
+;;; numerically integers; M and S are expected to
+;;; lie in the range [0,60).
+;;; (date N) A date or date/time object. N is an integer to
+;;; store a date only, or a fraction or float to
+;;; store a date and time.
+;;; (sdev X SIGMA) Error form, X +/- SIGMA. When normalized,
+;;; SIGMA > 0. X is any complex number and SIGMA
+;;; is real numbers; or these may be symbolic
+;;; expressions where SIGMA is assumed real.
+;;; (intv MASK LO HI) Interval form. MASK is 0=(), 1=(], 2=[), or 3=[].
+;;; LO and HI are any real numbers, or symbolic
+;;; expressions which are assumed real, and LO < HI.
+;;; For [LO..HI], if LO = HI normalization produces LO,
+;;; and if LO > HI normalization produces [LO..LO).
+;;; For other intervals, if LO > HI normalization
+;;; sets HI equal to LO.
+;;; (mod N M) Number modulo M. When normalized, 0 <= N < M.
+;;; N and M are real numbers.
+;;; (var V S) Symbolic variable. V is a Lisp symbol which
+;;; represents the variable's visible name. S is
+;;; the symbol which actually stores the variable's
+;;; value: (var pi var-pi).
+;;; In general, combining rational numbers in a calculation always produces
+;;; a rational result, but if either argument is a float, result is a float.
+;;; In the following comments, [x y z] means result is x, args must be y, z,
+;;; respectively, where the code letters are:
+;;; O Normalized object (vector or number)
+;;; V Normalized vector
+;;; N Normalized number of any type
+;;; N Normalized complex number
+;;; R Normalized real number (float or rational)
+;;; F Normalized floating-point number
+;;; T Normalized rational number
+;;; I Normalized integer
+;;; B Normalized big integer
+;;; S Normalized small integer
+;;; D Digit (small integer, 0..999)
+;;; L Normalized bignum digit list (without "bigpos" or "bigneg" symbol)
+;;; or normalized vector element list (without "vec")
+;;; P Predicate (truth value)
+;;; X Any Lisp object
+;;; Z "nil"
+;;; Lower-case letters signify possibly un-normalized values.
+;;; "L.D" means a cons of an L and a D.
+;;; [N N; n n] means result will be normalized if argument is.
+;;; Also, [Public] marks routines intended to be called from outside.
+;;; [This notation has been neglected in many recent routines.]
+;;; Reduce an object to canonical (normalized) form. [O o; Z Z] [Public]
+(defun math-normalize (a)
+ (cond
+ ((not (consp a))
+ (if (integerp a)
+ (if (or (>= a 1000000) (<= a -1000000))
+ (math-bignum a)
+ a)
+ a))
+ ((eq (car a) 'bigpos)
+ (if (eq (nth (1- (length a)) a) 0)
+ (let* ((last (setq a (copy-sequence a))) (digs a))
+ (while (setq digs (cdr digs))
+ (or (eq (car digs) 0) (setq last digs)))
+ (setcdr last nil)))
+ (if (cdr (cdr (cdr a)))
+ a
+ (cond
+ ((cdr (cdr a)) (+ (nth 1 a) (* (nth 2 a) 1000)))
+ ((cdr a) (nth 1 a))
+ (t 0))))
+ ((eq (car a) 'bigneg)
+ (if (eq (nth (1- (length a)) a) 0)
+ (let* ((last (setq a (copy-sequence a))) (digs a))
+ (while (setq digs (cdr digs))
+ (or (eq (car digs) 0) (setq last digs)))
+ (setcdr last nil)))
+ (if (cdr (cdr (cdr a)))
+ a
+ (cond
+ ((cdr (cdr a)) (- (+ (nth 1 a) (* (nth 2 a) 1000))))
+ ((cdr a) (- (nth 1 a)))
+ (t 0))))
+ ((eq (car a) 'float)
+ (math-make-float (math-normalize (nth 1 a)) (nth 2 a)))
+ ((or (memq (car a) '(frac cplx polar hms date mod sdev intv vec var quote
+ special-const calcFunc-if calcFunc-lambda
+ calcFunc-quote calcFunc-condition
+ calcFunc-evalto))
+ (integerp (car a))
+ (and (consp (car a)) (not (eq (car (car a)) 'lambda))))
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-normalize-fancy a))
+ (t
+ (or (and calc-simplify-mode
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-normalize-nonstandard))
+ (let ((args (mapcar 'math-normalize (cdr a))))
+ (or (condition-case err
+ (let ((func (assq (car a) '( ( + . math-add )
+ ( - . math-sub )
+ ( * . math-mul )
+ ( / . math-div )
+ ( % . math-mod )
+ ( ^ . math-pow )
+ ( neg . math-neg )
+ ( | . math-concat ) ))))
+ (or (and var-EvalRules
+ (progn
+ (or (eq var-EvalRules math-eval-rules-cache-tag)
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-recompile-eval-rules)))
+ (and (or math-eval-rules-cache-other
+ (assq (car a) math-eval-rules-cache))
+ (math-apply-rewrites
+ (cons (car a) args)
+ (cdr math-eval-rules-cache)
+ nil math-eval-rules-cache))))
+ (if func
+ (apply (cdr func) args)
+ (and (or (consp (car a))
+ (fboundp (car a))
+ (and (not calc-extensions-loaded)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (fboundp (car a))))
+ (apply (car a) args)))))
+ (wrong-number-of-arguments
+ (calc-record-why "*Wrong number of arguments"
+ (cons (car a) args))
+ nil)
+ (wrong-type-argument
+ (or calc-next-why (calc-record-why "Wrong type of argument"
+ (cons (car a) args)))
+ nil)
+ (args-out-of-range
+ (calc-record-why "*Argument out of range" (cons (car a) args))
+ nil)
+ (inexact-result
+ (calc-record-why "No exact representation for result"
+ (cons (car a) args))
+ nil)
+ (math-overflow
+ (calc-record-why "*Floating-point overflow occurred"
+ (cons (car a) args))
+ nil)
+ (math-underflow
+ (calc-record-why "*Floating-point underflow occurred"
+ (cons (car a) args))
+ nil)
+ (void-variable
+ (if (eq (nth 1 err) 'var-EvalRules)
+ (progn
+ (setq var-EvalRules nil)
+ (math-normalize (cons (car a) args)))
+ (calc-record-why "*Variable is void" (nth 1 err)))))
+ (if (consp (car a))
+ (math-dimension-error)
+ (cons (car a) args)))))))
+;;; True if A is a floating-point real or complex number. [P x] [Public]
+(defun math-floatp (a)
+ (cond ((eq (car-safe a) 'float) t)
+ ((memq (car-safe a) '(cplx polar mod sdev intv))
+ (or (math-floatp (nth 1 a))
+ (math-floatp (nth 2 a))
+ (and (eq (car a) 'intv) (math-floatp (nth 3 a)))))
+ ((eq (car-safe a) 'date)
+ (math-floatp (nth 1 a))))
+;;; Verify that A is a complete object and return A. [x x] [Public]
+(defun math-check-complete (a)
+ (cond ((integerp a) a)
+ ((eq (car-safe a) 'incomplete)
+ (calc-incomplete-error a))
+ ((consp a) a)
+ (t (error "Invalid data object encountered")))
+;;; Coerce integer A to be a bignum. [B S]
+(defun math-bignum (a)
+ (if (>= a 0)
+ (cons 'bigpos (math-bignum-big a))
+ (cons 'bigneg (math-bignum-big (- a))))
+(defun math-bignum-big (a) ; [L s]
+ (if (= a 0)
+ nil
+ (cons (% a 1000) (math-bignum-big (/ a 1000))))
+;;; Build a normalized floating-point number. [F I S]
+(defun math-make-float (mant exp)
+ (if (eq mant 0)
+ '(float 0 0)
+ (let* ((ldiff (- calc-internal-prec (math-numdigs mant))))
+ (if (< ldiff 0)
+ (setq mant (math-scale-rounding mant ldiff)
+ exp (- exp ldiff))))
+ (if (consp mant)
+ (let ((digs (cdr mant)))
+ (if (= (% (car digs) 10) 0)
+ (progn
+ (while (= (car digs) 0)
+ (setq digs (cdr digs)
+ exp (+ exp 3)))
+ (while (= (% (car digs) 10) 0)
+ (setq digs (math-div10-bignum digs)
+ exp (1+ exp)))
+ (setq mant (math-normalize (cons (car mant) digs))))))
+ (while (= (% mant 10) 0)
+ (setq mant (/ mant 10)
+ exp (1+ exp))))
+ (if (and (<= exp -4000000)
+ (<= (+ exp (math-numdigs mant) -1) -4000000))
+ (signal 'math-underflow nil)
+ (if (and (>= exp 3000000)
+ (>= (+ exp (math-numdigs mant) -1) 4000000))
+ (signal 'math-overflow nil)
+ (list 'float mant exp))))
+(defun math-div10-bignum (a) ; [l l]
+ (if (cdr a)
+ (cons (+ (/ (car a) 10) (* (% (nth 1 a) 10) 100))
+ (math-div10-bignum (cdr a)))
+ (list (/ (car a) 10)))
+;;; Coerce A to be a float. [F N; V V] [Public]
+(defun math-float (a)
+ (cond ((Math-integerp a) (math-make-float a 0))
+ ((eq (car a) 'frac) (math-div (math-float (nth 1 a)) (nth 2 a)))
+ ((eq (car a) 'float) a)
+ ((memq (car a) '(cplx polar vec hms date sdev mod))
+ (cons (car a) (mapcar 'math-float (cdr a))))
+ (t (math-float-fancy a)))
+(defun math-neg (a)
+ (cond ((not (consp a)) (- a))
+ ((eq (car a) 'bigpos) (cons 'bigneg (cdr a)))
+ ((eq (car a) 'bigneg) (cons 'bigpos (cdr a)))
+ ((memq (car a) '(frac float))
+ (list (car a) (Math-integer-neg (nth 1 a)) (nth 2 a)))
+ ((memq (car a) '(cplx vec hms date calcFunc-idn))
+ (cons (car a) (mapcar 'math-neg (cdr a))))
+ (t (math-neg-fancy a)))
+;;; Compute the number of decimal digits in integer A. [S I]
+(defun math-numdigs (a)
+ (if (consp a)
+ (if (cdr a)
+ (let* ((len (1- (length a)))
+ (top (nth len a)))
+ (+ (* len 3) (cond ((>= top 100) 0) ((>= top 10) -1) (t -2))))
+ 0)
+ (cond ((>= a 100) (+ (math-numdigs (/ a 1000)) 3))
+ ((>= a 10) 2)
+ ((>= a 1) 1)
+ ((= a 0) 0)
+ ((> a -10) 1)
+ ((> a -100) 2)
+ (t (math-numdigs (- a)))))
+;;; Multiply (with truncation toward 0) the integer A by 10^N. [I i S]
+(defun math-scale-int (a n)
+ (cond ((= n 0) a)
+ ((> n 0) (math-scale-left a n))
+ (t (math-normalize (math-scale-right a (- n)))))
+(defun math-scale-left (a n) ; [I I S]
+ (if (= n 0)
+ a
+ (if (consp a)
+ (cons (car a) (math-scale-left-bignum (cdr a) n))
+ (if (>= n 3)
+ (if (or (>= a 1000) (<= a -1000))
+ (math-scale-left (math-bignum a) n)
+ (math-scale-left (* a 1000) (- n 3)))
+ (if (= n 2)
+ (if (or (>= a 10000) (<= a -10000))
+ (math-scale-left (math-bignum a) 2)
+ (* a 100))
+ (if (or (>= a 100000) (<= a -100000))
+ (math-scale-left (math-bignum a) 1)
+ (* a 10))))))
+(defun math-scale-left-bignum (a n)
+ (if (>= n 3)
+ (while (>= (setq a (cons 0 a)
+ n (- n 3)) 3)))
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit a (if (= n 2) 100 10) 0)
+ a)
+(defun math-scale-right (a n) ; [i i S]
+ (if (= n 0)
+ a
+ (if (consp a)
+ (cons (car a) (math-scale-right-bignum (cdr a) n))
+ (if (<= a 0)
+ (if (= a 0)
+ 0
+ (- (math-scale-right (- a) n)))
+ (if (>= n 3)
+ (while (and (> (setq a (/ a 1000)) 0)
+ (>= (setq n (- n 3)) 3))))
+ (if (= n 2)
+ (/ a 100)
+ (if (= n 1)
+ (/ a 10)
+ a)))))
+(defun math-scale-right-bignum (a n) ; [L L S; l l S]
+ (if (>= n 3)
+ (setq a (nthcdr (/ n 3) a)
+ n (% n 3)))
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (cdr (math-mul-bignum-digit a (if (= n 2) 10 100) 0))
+ a)
+;;; Multiply (with rounding) the integer A by 10^N. [I i S]
+(defun math-scale-rounding (a n)
+ (cond ((>= n 0)
+ (math-scale-left a n))
+ ((consp a)
+ (math-normalize
+ (cons (car a)
+ (let ((val (if (< n -3)
+ (math-scale-right-bignum (cdr a) (- -3 n))
+ (if (= n -2)
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit (cdr a) 10 0)
+ (if (= n -1)
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit (cdr a) 100 0)
+ (cdr a)))))) ; n = -3
+ (if (and val (>= (car val) 500))
+ (if (cdr val)
+ (if (eq (car (cdr val)) 999)
+ (math-add-bignum (cdr val) '(1))
+ (cons (1+ (car (cdr val))) (cdr (cdr val))))
+ '(1))
+ (cdr val))))))
+ (t
+ (if (< a 0)
+ (- (math-scale-rounding (- a) n))
+ (if (= n -1)
+ (/ (+ a 5) 10)
+ (/ (+ (math-scale-right a (- -1 n)) 5) 10)))))
+;;; Compute the sum of A and B. [O O O] [Public]
+(defun math-add (a b)
+ (or
+ (and (not (or (consp a) (consp b)))
+ (progn
+ (setq a (+ a b))
+ (if (or (<= a -1000000) (>= a 1000000))
+ (math-bignum a)
+ a)))
+ (and (Math-zerop a) (not (eq (car-safe a) 'mod))
+ (if (and (math-floatp a) (Math-ratp b)) (math-float b) b))
+ (and (Math-zerop b) (not (eq (car-safe b) 'mod))
+ (if (and (math-floatp b) (Math-ratp a)) (math-float a) a))
+ (and (Math-objvecp a) (Math-objvecp b)
+ (or
+ (and (Math-integerp a) (Math-integerp b)
+ (progn
+ (or (consp a) (setq a (math-bignum a)))
+ (or (consp b) (setq b (math-bignum b)))
+ (if (eq (car a) 'bigneg)
+ (if (eq (car b) 'bigneg)
+ (cons 'bigneg (math-add-bignum (cdr a) (cdr b)))
+ (math-normalize
+ (let ((diff (math-sub-bignum (cdr b) (cdr a))))
+ (if (eq diff 'neg)
+ (cons 'bigneg (math-sub-bignum (cdr a) (cdr b)))
+ (cons 'bigpos diff)))))
+ (if (eq (car b) 'bigneg)
+ (math-normalize
+ (let ((diff (math-sub-bignum (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+ (if (eq diff 'neg)
+ (cons 'bigneg (math-sub-bignum (cdr b) (cdr a)))
+ (cons 'bigpos diff))))
+ (cons 'bigpos (math-add-bignum (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
+ (and (Math-ratp a) (Math-ratp b)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-add-fractions a b))
+ (and (Math-realp a) (Math-realp b)
+ (progn
+ (or (and (consp a) (eq (car a) 'float))
+ (setq a (math-float a)))
+ (or (and (consp b) (eq (car b) 'float))
+ (setq b (math-float b)))
+ (math-add-float a b)))
+ (and (calc-extensions)
+ (math-add-objects-fancy a b))))
+ (and (calc-extensions)
+ (math-add-symb-fancy a b)))
+(defun math-add-bignum (a b) ; [L L L; l l l]
+ (if a
+ (if b
+ (let* ((a (copy-sequence a)) (aa a) (carry nil) sum)
+ (while (and aa b)
+ (if carry
+ (if (< (setq sum (+ (car aa) (car b))) 999)
+ (progn
+ (setcar aa (1+ sum))
+ (setq carry nil))
+ (setcar aa (+ sum -999)))
+ (if (< (setq sum (+ (car aa) (car b))) 1000)
+ (setcar aa sum)
+ (setcar aa (+ sum -1000))
+ (setq carry t)))
+ (setq aa (cdr aa)
+ b (cdr b)))
+ (if carry
+ (if b
+ (nconc a (math-add-bignum b '(1)))
+ (while (eq (car aa) 999)
+ (setcar aa 0)
+ (setq aa (cdr aa)))
+ (if aa
+ (progn
+ (setcar aa (1+ (car aa)))
+ a)
+ (nconc a '(1))))
+ (if b
+ (nconc a b)
+ a)))
+ a)
+ b)
+(defun math-sub-bignum (a b) ; [l l l]
+ (if b
+ (if a
+ (let* ((a (copy-sequence a)) (aa a) (borrow nil) sum)
+ (while (and aa b)
+ (if borrow
+ (if (>= (setq diff (- (car aa) (car b))) 1)
+ (progn
+ (setcar aa (1- diff))
+ (setq borrow nil))
+ (setcar aa (+ diff 999)))
+ (if (>= (setq diff (- (car aa) (car b))) 0)
+ (setcar aa diff)
+ (setcar aa (+ diff 1000))
+ (setq borrow t)))
+ (setq aa (cdr aa)
+ b (cdr b)))
+ (if borrow
+ (progn
+ (while (eq (car aa) 0)
+ (setcar aa 999)
+ (setq aa (cdr aa)))
+ (if aa
+ (progn
+ (setcar aa (1- (car aa)))
+ a)
+ 'neg))
+ (while (eq (car b) 0)
+ (setq b (cdr b)))
+ (if b
+ 'neg
+ a)))
+ (while (eq (car b) 0)
+ (setq b (cdr b)))
+ (and b
+ 'neg))
+ a)
+(defun math-add-float (a b) ; [F F F]
+ (let ((ediff (- (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b))))
+ (if (>= ediff 0)
+ (if (>= ediff (+ calc-internal-prec calc-internal-prec))
+ a
+ (math-make-float (math-add (nth 1 b)
+ (if (eq ediff 0)
+ (nth 1 a)
+ (math-scale-left (nth 1 a) ediff)))
+ (nth 2 b)))
+ (if (>= (setq ediff (- ediff))
+ (+ calc-internal-prec calc-internal-prec))
+ b
+ (math-make-float (math-add (nth 1 a)
+ (math-scale-left (nth 1 b) ediff))
+ (nth 2 a)))))
+;;; Compute the difference of A and B. [O O O] [Public]
+(defun math-sub (a b)
+ (if (or (consp a) (consp b))
+ (math-add a (math-neg b))
+ (setq a (- a b))
+ (if (or (<= a -1000000) (>= a 1000000))
+ (math-bignum a)
+ a))
+(defun math-sub-float (a b) ; [F F F]
+ (let ((ediff (- (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b))))
+ (if (>= ediff 0)
+ (if (>= ediff (+ calc-internal-prec calc-internal-prec))
+ a
+ (math-make-float (math-add (Math-integer-neg (nth 1 b))
+ (if (eq ediff 0)
+ (nth 1 a)
+ (math-scale-left (nth 1 a) ediff)))
+ (nth 2 b)))
+ (if (>= (setq ediff (- ediff))
+ (+ calc-internal-prec calc-internal-prec))
+ b
+ (math-make-float (math-add (nth 1 a)
+ (Math-integer-neg
+ (math-scale-left (nth 1 b) ediff)))
+ (nth 2 a)))))
+;;; Compute the product of A and B. [O O O] [Public]
+(defun math-mul (a b)
+ (or
+ (and (not (consp a)) (not (consp b))
+ (< a 1000) (> a -1000) (< b 1000) (> b -1000)
+ (* a b))
+ (and (Math-zerop a) (not (eq (car-safe b) 'mod))
+ (if (Math-scalarp b)
+ (if (and (math-floatp b) (Math-ratp a)) (math-float a) a)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-mul-zero a b)))
+ (and (Math-zerop b) (not (eq (car-safe a) 'mod))
+ (if (Math-scalarp a)
+ (if (and (math-floatp a) (Math-ratp b)) (math-float b) b)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-mul-zero b a)))
+ (and (Math-objvecp a) (Math-objvecp b)
+ (or
+ (and (Math-integerp a) (Math-integerp b)
+ (progn
+ (or (consp a) (setq a (math-bignum a)))
+ (or (consp b) (setq b (math-bignum b)))
+ (math-normalize
+ (cons (if (eq (car a) (car b)) 'bigpos 'bigneg)
+ (if (cdr (cdr a))
+ (if (cdr (cdr b))
+ (math-mul-bignum (cdr a) (cdr b))
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit (cdr a) (nth 1 b) 0))
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit (cdr b) (nth 1 a) 0))))))
+ (and (Math-ratp a) (Math-ratp b)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-mul-fractions a b))
+ (and (Math-realp a) (Math-realp b)
+ (progn
+ (or (and (consp a) (eq (car a) 'float))
+ (setq a (math-float a)))
+ (or (and (consp b) (eq (car b) 'float))
+ (setq b (math-float b)))
+ (math-make-float (math-mul (nth 1 a) (nth 1 b))
+ (+ (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b)))))
+ (and (calc-extensions)
+ (math-mul-objects-fancy a b))))
+ (and (calc-extensions)
+ (math-mul-symb-fancy a b)))
+(defun math-infinitep (a &optional undir)
+ (while (and (consp a) (memq (car a) '(* / neg)))
+ (if (or (not (eq (car a) '*)) (math-infinitep (nth 1 a)))
+ (setq a (nth 1 a))
+ (setq a (nth 2 a))))
+ (and (consp a)
+ (eq (car a) 'var)
+ (memq (nth 2 a) '(var-inf var-uinf var-nan))
+ (if (and undir (eq (nth 2 a) 'var-inf))
+ '(var uinf var-uinf)
+ a))
+;;; Multiply digit lists A and B. [L L L; l l l]
+(defun math-mul-bignum (a b)
+ (and a b
+ (let* ((sum (if (<= (car b) 1)
+ (if (= (car b) 0)
+ (list 0)
+ (copy-sequence a))
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit a (car b) 0)))
+ (sump sum) c d aa ss prod)
+ (while (setq b (cdr b))
+ (setq ss (setq sump (or (cdr sump) (setcdr sump (list 0))))
+ d (car b)
+ c 0
+ aa a)
+ (while (progn
+ (setcar ss (% (setq prod (+ (+ (car ss) (* (car aa) d))
+ c)) 1000))
+ (setq aa (cdr aa)))
+ (setq c (/ prod 1000)
+ ss (or (cdr ss) (setcdr ss (list 0)))))
+ (if (>= prod 1000)
+ (if (cdr ss)
+ (setcar (cdr ss) (+ (/ prod 1000) (car (cdr ss))))
+ (setcdr ss (list (/ prod 1000))))))
+ sum))
+;;; Multiply digit list A by digit D. [L L D D; l l D D]
+(defun math-mul-bignum-digit (a d c)
+ (if a
+ (if (<= d 1)
+ (and (= d 1) a)
+ (let* ((a (copy-sequence a)) (aa a) prod)
+ (while (progn
+ (setcar aa (% (setq prod (+ (* (car aa) d) c)) 1000))
+ (cdr aa))
+ (setq aa (cdr aa)
+ c (/ prod 1000)))
+ (if (>= prod 1000)
+ (setcdr aa (list (/ prod 1000))))
+ a))
+ (and (> c 0)
+ (list c)))
+;;; Compute the integer (quotient . remainder) of A and B, which may be
+;;; small or big integers. Type and consistency of truncation is undefined
+;;; if A or B is negative. B must be nonzero. [I.I I I] [Public]
+(defun math-idivmod (a b)
+ (if (eq b 0)
+ (math-reject-arg a "*Division by zero"))
+ (if (or (consp a) (consp b))
+ (if (and (natnump b) (< b 1000))
+ (let ((res (math-div-bignum-digit (cdr a) b)))
+ (cons
+ (math-normalize (cons (car a) (car res)))
+ (cdr res)))
+ (or (consp a) (setq a (math-bignum a)))
+ (or (consp b) (setq b (math-bignum b)))
+ (let ((res (math-div-bignum (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+ (cons
+ (math-normalize (cons (if (eq (car a) (car b)) 'bigpos 'bigneg)
+ (car res)))
+ (math-normalize (cons (car a) (cdr res))))))
+ (cons (/ a b) (% a b)))
+(defun math-quotient (a b) ; [I I I] [Public]
+ (if (and (not (consp a)) (not (consp b)))
+ (if (= b 0)
+ (math-reject-arg a "*Division by zero")
+ (/ a b))
+ (if (and (natnump b) (< b 1000))
+ (if (= b 0)
+ (math-reject-arg a "*Division by zero")
+ (math-normalize (cons (car a)
+ (car (math-div-bignum-digit (cdr a) b)))))
+ (or (consp a) (setq a (math-bignum a)))
+ (or (consp b) (setq b (math-bignum b)))
+ (let* ((alen (1- (length a)))
+ (blen (1- (length b)))
+ (d (/ 1000 (1+ (nth (1- blen) (cdr b)))))
+ (res (math-div-bignum-big (math-mul-bignum-digit (cdr a) d 0)
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit (cdr b) d 0)
+ alen blen)))
+ (math-normalize (cons (if (eq (car a) (car b)) 'bigpos 'bigneg)
+ (car res))))))
+;;; Divide a bignum digit list by another. [l.l l L]
+;;; The following division algorithm is borrowed from Knuth vol. II, sec. 4.3.1
+(defun math-div-bignum (a b)
+ (if (cdr b)
+ (let* ((alen (length a))
+ (blen (length b))
+ (d (/ 1000 (1+ (nth (1- blen) b))))
+ (res (math-div-bignum-big (math-mul-bignum-digit a d 0)
+ (math-mul-bignum-digit b d 0)
+ alen blen)))
+ (if (= d 1)
+ res
+ (cons (car res)
+ (car (math-div-bignum-digit (cdr res) d)))))
+ (let ((res (math-div-bignum-digit a (car b))))
+ (cons (car res) (list (cdr res)))))
+;;; Divide a bignum digit list by a digit. [l.D l D]
+(defun math-div-bignum-digit (a b)
+ (if a
+ (let* ((res (math-div-bignum-digit (cdr a) b))
+ (num (+ (* (cdr res) 1000) (car a))))
+ (cons
+ (cons (/ num b) (car res))
+ (% num b)))
+ '(nil . 0))
+(defun math-div-bignum-big (a b alen blen) ; [l.l l L]
+ (if (< alen blen)
+ (cons nil a)
+ (let* ((res (math-div-bignum-big (cdr a) b (1- alen) blen))
+ (num (cons (car a) (cdr res)))
+ (res2 (math-div-bignum-part num b blen)))
+ (cons
+ (cons (car res2) (car res))
+ (cdr res2))))
+(defun math-div-bignum-part (a b blen) ; a < b*1000 [D.l l L]
+ (let* ((num (+ (* (or (nth blen a) 0) 1000) (or (nth (1- blen) a) 0)))
+ (den (nth (1- blen) b))
+ (guess (min (/ num den) 999)))
+ (math-div-bignum-try a b (math-mul-bignum-digit b guess 0) guess))
+(defun math-div-bignum-try (a b c guess) ; [D.l l l D]
+ (let ((rem (math-sub-bignum a c)))
+ (if (eq rem 'neg)
+ (math-div-bignum-try a b (math-sub-bignum c b) (1- guess))
+ (cons guess rem)))
+;;; Compute the quotient of A and B. [O O N] [Public]
+(defun math-div (a b)
+ (or
+ (and (Math-zerop b)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-div-by-zero a b))
+ (and (Math-zerop a) (not (eq (car-safe b) 'mod))
+ (if (Math-scalarp b)
+ (if (and (math-floatp b) (Math-ratp a)) (math-float a) a)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-div-zero a b)))
+ (and (Math-objvecp a) (Math-objvecp b)
+ (or
+ (and (Math-integerp a) (Math-integerp b)
+ (let ((q (math-idivmod a b)))
+ (if (eq (cdr q) 0)
+ (car q)
+ (if calc-prefer-frac
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-make-frac a b))
+ (math-div-float (math-make-float a 0)
+ (math-make-float b 0))))))
+ (and (Math-ratp a) (Math-ratp b)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-div-fractions a b))
+ (and (Math-realp a) (Math-realp b)
+ (progn
+ (or (and (consp a) (eq (car a) 'float))
+ (setq a (math-float a)))
+ (or (and (consp b) (eq (car b) 'float))
+ (setq b (math-float b)))
+ (math-div-float a b)))
+ (and (calc-extensions)
+ (math-div-objects-fancy a b))))
+ (and (calc-extensions)
+ (math-div-symb-fancy a b)))
+(defun math-div-float (a b) ; [F F F]
+ (let ((ldiff (max (- (1+ calc-internal-prec)
+ (- (math-numdigs (nth 1 a)) (math-numdigs (nth 1 b))))
+ 0)))
+ (math-make-float (math-quotient (math-scale-int (nth 1 a) ldiff) (nth 1 b))
+ (- (- (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b)) ldiff)))
+;;; Format the number A as a string. [X N; X Z] [Public]
+(defun math-format-stack-value (entry)
+ (setq calc-selection-cache-entry calc-selection-cache-default-entry)
+ (let* ((a (car entry))
+ (math-comp-selected (nth 2 entry))
+ (c (cond ((null a) "<nil>")
+ ((eq calc-display-raw t) (format "%s" a))
+ ((stringp a) a)
+ ((eq a 'top-of-stack) ".")
+ (calc-prepared-composition
+ calc-prepared-composition)
+ ((and (Math-scalarp a)
+ (memq calc-language '(nil flat unform))
+ (null math-comp-selected))
+ (math-format-number a))
+ (t (calc-extensions)
+ (math-compose-expr a 0))))
+ (off (math-stack-value-offset c))
+ s w)
+ (and math-comp-selected (setq calc-any-selections t))
+ (setq w (cdr off)
+ off (car off))
+ (if (> off 0)
+ (setq c (math-comp-concat (make-string off ? ) c)))
+ (or (equal calc-left-label "")
+ (setq c (math-comp-concat (if (eq a 'top-of-stack)
+ (make-string (length calc-left-label) ? )
+ calc-left-label)
+ c)))
+ (if calc-line-numbering
+ (setq c (math-comp-concat (if (eq calc-language 'big)
+ (if math-comp-selected
+ '(tag t "1: ") "1: ")
+ " ")
+ c)))
+ (or (equal calc-right-label "")
+ (eq a 'top-of-stack)
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (setq c (list 'horiz c
+ (make-string (max (- w (math-comp-width c)
+ (length calc-right-label)) 0) ? )
+ '(break -1)
+ calc-right-label))))
+ (setq s (if (stringp c)
+ (if calc-display-raw
+ (prin1-to-string c)
+ c)
+ (math-composition-to-string c w)))
+ (if calc-language-output-filter
+ (setq s (funcall calc-language-output-filter s)))
+ (if (eq calc-language 'big)
+ (setq s (concat s "\n"))
+ (if calc-line-numbering
+ (progn
+ (aset s 0 ?1)
+ (aset s 1 ?:))))
+ (setcar (cdr entry) (calc-count-lines s))
+ s)
+(defun math-stack-value-offset (c)
+ (let* ((num (if calc-line-numbering 4 0))
+ (wid (calc-window-width))
+ off)
+ (if calc-display-just
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-stack-value-offset-fancy))
+ (setq off (or calc-display-origin 0))
+ (if (integerp calc-line-breaking)
+ (setq wid calc-line-breaking)))
+ (cons (max (- off (length calc-left-label)) 0)
+ (+ wid num)))
+(defun calc-count-lines (s)
+ (let ((pos 0)
+ (num 1))
+ (while (setq newpos (string-match "\n" s pos))
+ (setq pos (1+ newpos)
+ num (1+ num)))
+ num)
+(defun math-format-value (a &optional w)
+ (if (and (Math-scalarp a)
+ (memq calc-language '(nil flat unform)))
+ (math-format-number a)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (let ((calc-line-breaking nil))
+ (math-composition-to-string (math-compose-expr a 0) w)))
+(defun calc-window-width ()
+ (if calc-embedded-info
+ (let ((win (get-buffer-window (aref calc-embedded-info 0))))
+ (1- (if win (window-width win) (screen-width))))
+ (- (window-width (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+ (if calc-line-numbering 5 1)))
+(defun math-comp-concat (c1 c2)
+ (if (and (stringp c1) (stringp c2))
+ (concat c1 c2)
+ (list 'horiz c1 c2))
+;;; Format an expression as a one-line string suitable for re-reading.
+(defun math-format-flat-expr (a prec)
+ (cond
+ ((or (not (or (consp a) (integerp a)))
+ (eq calc-display-raw t))
+ (let ((print-escape-newlines t))
+ (concat "'" (prin1-to-string a))))
+ ((Math-scalarp a)
+ (let ((calc-group-digits nil)
+ (calc-point-char ".")
+ (calc-frac-format (if (> (length (car calc-frac-format)) 1)
+ '("::" nil) '(":" nil)))
+ (calc-complex-format nil)
+ (calc-hms-format "%s@ %s' %s\"")
+ (calc-language nil))
+ (math-format-number a)))
+ (t
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-format-flat-expr-fancy a prec)))
+;;; Format a number as a string.
+(defun math-format-number (a &optional prec) ; [X N] [Public]
+ (cond
+ ((eq calc-display-raw t) (format "%s" a))
+ ((and (nth 1 calc-frac-format) (Math-integerp a))
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-format-number (math-adjust-fraction a)))
+ ((integerp a)
+ (if (not (or calc-group-digits calc-leading-zeros))
+ (if (= calc-number-radix 10)
+ (int-to-string a)
+ (if (< a 0)
+ (concat "-" (math-format-number (- a)))
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (if math-radix-explicit-format
+ (if calc-radix-formatter
+ (funcall calc-radix-formatter
+ calc-number-radix
+ (if (= calc-number-radix 2)
+ (math-format-binary a)
+ (math-format-radix a)))
+ (format "%d#%s" calc-number-radix
+ (if (= calc-number-radix 2)
+ (math-format-binary a)
+ (math-format-radix a))))
+ (math-format-radix a))))
+ (math-format-number (math-bignum a))))
+ ((stringp a) a)
+ ((not (consp a)) (prin1-to-string a))
+ ((eq (car a) 'bigpos) (math-format-bignum (cdr a)))
+ ((eq (car a) 'bigneg) (concat "-" (math-format-bignum (cdr a))))
+ ((and (eq (car a) 'float) (= calc-number-radix 10))
+ (if (Math-integer-negp (nth 1 a))
+ (concat "-" (math-format-number (math-neg a)))
+ (let ((mant (nth 1 a))
+ (exp (nth 2 a))
+ (fmt (car calc-float-format))
+ (figs (nth 1 calc-float-format))
+ (point calc-point-char)
+ str)
+ (if (and (eq fmt 'fix)
+ (or (and (< figs 0) (setq figs (- figs)))
+ (> (+ exp (math-numdigs mant)) (- figs))))
+ (progn
+ (setq mant (math-scale-rounding mant (+ exp figs))
+ str (if (integerp mant)
+ (int-to-string mant)
+ (math-format-bignum-decimal (cdr mant))))
+ (if (<= (length str) figs)
+ (setq str (concat (make-string (1+ (- figs (length str))) ?0)
+ str)))
+ (if (> figs 0)
+ (setq str (concat (substring str 0 (- figs)) point
+ (substring str (- figs))))
+ (setq str (concat str point)))
+ (if calc-group-digits
+ (setq str (math-group-float str))))
+ (if (< figs 0)
+ (setq figs (+ calc-internal-prec figs)))
+ (if (> figs 0)
+ (let ((adj (- figs (math-numdigs mant))))
+ (if (< adj 0)
+ (setq mant (math-scale-rounding mant adj)
+ exp (- exp adj)))))
+ (setq str (if (integerp mant)
+ (int-to-string mant)
+ (math-format-bignum-decimal (cdr mant))))
+ (let* ((len (length str))
+ (dpos (+ exp len)))
+ (if (and (eq fmt 'float)
+ (<= dpos (+ calc-internal-prec calc-display-sci-high))
+ (>= dpos (+ calc-display-sci-low 2)))
+ (progn
+ (cond
+ ((= dpos 0)
+ (setq str (concat "0" point str)))
+ ((and (<= exp 0) (> dpos 0))
+ (setq str (concat (substring str 0 dpos) point
+ (substring str dpos))))
+ ((> exp 0)
+ (setq str (concat str (make-string exp ?0) point)))
+ (t ; (< dpos 0)
+ (setq str (concat "0" point
+ (make-string (- dpos) ?0) str))))
+ (if calc-group-digits
+ (setq str (math-group-float str))))
+ (let* ((eadj (+ exp len))
+ (scale (if (eq fmt 'eng)
+ (1+ (math-mod (+ eadj 300002) 3))
+ 1)))
+ (if (> scale (length str))
+ (setq str (concat str (make-string (- scale (length str))
+ ?0))))
+ (if (< scale (length str))
+ (setq str (concat (substring str 0 scale) point
+ (substring str scale))))
+ (if calc-group-digits
+ (setq str (math-group-float str)))
+ (setq str (format (if (memq calc-language '(math maple))
+ (if (and prec (> prec 191))
+ "(%s*10.^%d)" "%s*10.^%d")
+ "%se%d")
+ str (- eadj scale)))))))
+ str)))
+ (t
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-format-number-fancy a prec)))
+(defun math-format-bignum (a) ; [X L]
+ (if (and (= calc-number-radix 10)
+ (not calc-leading-zeros)
+ (not calc-group-digits))
+ (math-format-bignum-decimal a)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-format-bignum-fancy a))
+(defun math-format-bignum-decimal (a) ; [X L]
+ (if a
+ (let ((s ""))
+ (while (cdr (cdr a))
+ (setq s (concat (format "%06d" (+ (* (nth 1 a) 1000) (car a))) s)
+ a (cdr (cdr a))))
+ (concat (int-to-string (+ (* (or (nth 1 a) 0) 1000) (car a))) s))
+ "0")
+;;; Parse a simple number in string form. [N X] [Public]
+(defun math-read-number (s)
+ (math-normalize
+ (cond
+ ;; Integers (most common case)
+ ((string-match "\\` *\\([0-9]+\\) *\\'" s)
+ (let ((digs (math-match-substring s 1)))
+ (if (and (eq calc-language 'c)
+ (> (length digs) 1)
+ (eq (aref digs 0) ?0))
+ (math-read-number (concat "8#" digs))
+ (if (<= (length digs) 6)
+ (string-to-int digs)
+ (cons 'bigpos (math-read-bignum digs))))))
+ ;; Clean up the string if necessary
+ ((string-match "\\`\\(.*\\)[ \t\n]+\\([^\001]*\\)\\'" s)
+ (math-read-number (concat (math-match-substring s 1)
+ (math-match-substring s 2))))
+ ;; Plus and minus signs
+ ((string-match "^[-_+]\\(.*\\)$" s)
+ (let ((val (math-read-number (math-match-substring s 1))))
+ (and val (if (eq (aref s 0) ?+) val (math-neg val)))))
+ ;; Forms that require extensions module
+ ((string-match "[^-+0-9eE.]" s)
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-read-number-fancy s))
+ ;; Decimal point
+ ((string-match "^\\([0-9]*\\)\\.\\([0-9]*\\)$" s)
+ (let ((int (math-match-substring s 1))
+ (frac (math-match-substring s 2)))
+ (let ((ilen (length int))
+ (flen (length frac)))
+ (let ((int (if (> ilen 0) (math-read-number int) 0))
+ (frac (if (> flen 0) (math-read-number frac) 0)))
+ (and int frac (or (> ilen 0) (> flen 0))
+ (list 'float
+ (math-add (math-scale-int int flen) frac)
+ (- flen)))))))
+ ;; "e" notation
+ ((string-match "^\\(.*\\)[eE]\\([-+]?[0-9]+\\)$" s)
+ (let ((mant (math-match-substring s 1))
+ (exp (math-match-substring s 2)))
+ (let ((mant (if (> (length mant) 0) (math-read-number mant) 1))
+ (exp (if (<= (length exp) (if (memq (aref exp 0) '(?+ ?-)) 8 7))
+ (string-to-int exp))))
+ (and mant exp (Math-realp mant) (> exp -4000000) (< exp 4000000)
+ (let ((mant (math-float mant)))
+ (list 'float (nth 1 mant) (+ (nth 2 mant) exp)))))))
+ ;; Syntax error!
+ (t nil)))
+(defun math-match-substring (s n)
+ (if (match-beginning n)
+ (substring s (match-beginning n) (match-end n))
+ "")
+(defun math-read-bignum (s) ; [l X]
+ (if (> (length s) 3)
+ (cons (string-to-int (substring s -3))
+ (math-read-bignum (substring s 0 -3)))
+ (list (string-to-int s)))
+(defconst math-tex-ignore-words
+ '( ("\\hbox") ("\\mbox") ("\\text") ("\\left") ("\\right")
+ ("\\,") ("\\>") ("\\:") ("\\;") ("\\!") ("\\ ")
+ ("\\quad") ("\\qquad") ("\\hfil") ("\\hfill")
+ ("\\displaystyle") ("\\textstyle") ("\\dsize") ("\\tsize")
+ ("\\scriptstyle") ("\\scriptscriptstyle") ("\\ssize") ("\\sssize")
+ ("\\rm") ("\\bf") ("\\it") ("\\sl")
+ ("\\roman") ("\\bold") ("\\italic") ("\\slanted")
+ ("\\cal") ("\\mit") ("\\Cal") ("\\Bbb") ("\\frak") ("\\goth")
+ ("\\evalto")
+ ("\\matrix" mat) ("\\bmatrix" mat) ("\\pmatrix" mat)
+ ("\\cr" punc ";") ("\\\\" punc ";") ("\\*" punc "*")
+ ("\\{" punc "[") ("\\}" punc "]")
+(defconst math-eqn-ignore-words
+ '( ("roman") ("bold") ("italic") ("mark") ("lineup") ("evalto")
+ ("left" ("floor") ("ceil"))
+ ("right" ("floor") ("ceil"))
+ ("arc" ("sin") ("cos") ("tan") ("sinh") ("cosh") ("tanh"))
+ ("size" n) ("font" n) ("fwd" n) ("back" n) ("up" n) ("down" n)
+ ("above" punc ",")
+(defconst math-standard-opers
+ '( ( "_" calcFunc-subscr 1200 1201 )
+ ( "%" calcFunc-percent 1100 -1 )
+ ( "u+" ident -1 1000 )
+ ( "u-" neg -1 1000 197 )
+ ( "u!" calcFunc-lnot -1 1000 )
+ ( "mod" mod 400 400 185 )
+ ( "+/-" sdev 300 300 185 )
+ ( "!!" calcFunc-dfact 210 -1 )
+ ( "!" calcFunc-fact 210 -1 )
+ ( "^" ^ 201 200 )
+ ( "**" ^ 201 200 )
+ ( "*" * 196 195 )
+ ( "2x" * 196 195 )
+ ( "/" / 190 191 )
+ ( "%" % 190 191 )
+ ( "\\" calcFunc-idiv 190 191 )
+ ( "+" + 180 181 )
+ ( "-" - 180 181 )
+ ( "|" | 170 171 )
+ ( "<" calcFunc-lt 160 161 )
+ ( ">" calcFunc-gt 160 161 )
+ ( "<=" calcFunc-leq 160 161 )
+ ( ">=" calcFunc-geq 160 161 )
+ ( "=" calcFunc-eq 160 161 )
+ ( "==" calcFunc-eq 160 161 )
+ ( "!=" calcFunc-neq 160 161 )
+ ( "&&" calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+ ( "||" calcFunc-lor 100 101 )
+ ( "?" (math-read-if) 91 90 )
+ ( "!!!" calcFunc-pnot -1 85 )
+ ( "&&&" calcFunc-pand 80 81 )
+ ( "|||" calcFunc-por 75 76 )
+ ( ":=" calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+ ( "::" calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+ ( "=>" calcFunc-evalto 40 41 )
+ ( "=>" calcFunc-evalto 40 -1 )
+(setq math-expr-opers math-standard-opers)
+(defun calc-grab-region (top bot arg)
+ "Parse the region as a vector of numbers and push it on the Calculator stack."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-grab-region top bot arg)
+(defun calc-grab-rectangle (top bot arg)
+ "Parse a rectangle as a matrix of numbers and push it on the Calculator stack."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-grab-rectangle top bot arg)
+(defun calc-grab-sum-down (top bot arg)
+ "Parse a rectangle as a matrix of numbers and sum its columns."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-grab-rectangle top bot arg 'calcFunc-reduced)
+(defun calc-grab-sum-across (top bot arg)
+ "Parse a rectangle as a matrix of numbers and sum its rows."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-grab-rectangle top bot arg 'calcFunc-reducea)
+(defun calc-embedded (arg &optional end obeg oend)
+ "Start Calc Embedded mode on the formula surrounding point."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-do-embedded arg end obeg oend)
+(defun calc-embedded-activate (&optional arg cbuf)
+ "Scan the current editing buffer for all embedded := and => formulas.
+Also looks for the equivalent TeX words, \\gets and \\evalto."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (calc-do-embedded-activate arg cbuf)
+(defun calc-user-invocation ()
+ (interactive)
+ (or (stringp calc-invocation-macro)
+ (error "Use `Z I' inside Calc to define a `M-# Z' keyboard macro"))
+ (execute-kbd-macro calc-invocation-macro nil)
+;;; User-programmability.
+(defmacro defmath (func args &rest body) ; [Public]
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (math-do-defmath func args body)
+;;; Functions needed for Lucid Emacs support.
+(defun calc-read-key (&optional optkey)
+ (cond (calc-emacs-type-lucid
+ (let ((event (next-command-event)))
+ (let ((key (event-to-character event t t)))
+ (or key optkey (error "Expected a plain keystroke"))
+ (cons key event))))
+ (calc-emacs-type-gnu19
+ (let ((key (read-event)))
+ (cons key key)))
+ (t
+ (let ((key (read-char)))
+ (cons key key))))
+(defun calc-unread-command (&optional input)
+ (cond (calc-emacs-type-gnu19
+ (setq unread-command-events (cons (or input last-command-event)
+ unread-command-events)))
+ (calc-emacs-type-lucid
+ (setq unread-command-event
+ (if (integerp input) (character-to-event input)
+ (or input last-command-event))))
+ (t
+ (setq unread-command-char (or input last-command-char))))
+(defun calc-clear-unread-commands ()
+ (cond (calc-emacs-type-gnu19 (setq unread-command-events nil))
+ (calc-emacs-type-lucid (setq unread-command-event nil))
+ (t (setq unread-command-char -1)))
+(if calc-always-load-extensions
+ (progn
+ (calc-extensions)
+ (calc-load-everything))
+(run-hooks 'calc-load-hook)