path: root/lisp/icomplete.el
diff options
authorJoão Távora <>2019-12-25 19:18:17 +0000
committerJoão Távora <>2019-12-31 13:31:45 +0000
commit195bde9ea82e7bc62d7242bcf089ef3d181020f1 (patch)
tree25aa90458dfdcc44cb7a3960a0996b19bb19b51f /lisp/icomplete.el
parentf2a349ba8d08ab5c3a491661acecd5600d9fb41b (diff)
Don't always resort in recently introduced icomplete--sorted-completions
Doing so breaks icomplete-forward-completions and icomplete-backward-completions. * lisp/icomplete.el (icomplete--sorted-completions): Don't always resort. (cherry picked from commit 639fb50ed4c622f99dfbde32fbdbca42ce36d385)
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/icomplete.el')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/icomplete.el b/lisp/icomplete.el
index 3b3cabb890e..6bc75b39edb 100644
--- a/lisp/icomplete.el
+++ b/lisp/icomplete.el
@@ -442,36 +442,37 @@ Usually run by inclusion in `minibuffer-setup-hook'."
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'icomplete-post-command-hook nil t)))
(defun icomplete--sorted-completions ()
- (cl-loop
- with beg = (icomplete--field-beg)
- with end = (icomplete--field-end)
- with all = (completion-all-sorted-completions beg end)
- for fn in (cond ((and minibuffer-default
- (= (icomplete--field-end) (icomplete--field-beg)))
- ;; When we have a non-nil default and no input
- ;; whatsoever: we want to make sure that default
- ;; is bubbled to the top so that
- ;; `icomplete-force-complete-and-exit' will
- ;; select it (do that even if the match doesn't
- ;; match the completion perfectly.
- `(,(lambda (comp)
- (equal minibuffer-default comp))
- ,(lambda (comp)
- (string-prefix-p minibuffer-default comp))))
- ((and fido-mode
- (not minibuffer-default)
- (eq (icomplete--category) 'file))
- `(,(lambda (comp)
- (string= "./" comp)))))
- thereis (cl-loop
- for l on all
- while (consp (cdr l))
- for comp = (cadr l)
- when (funcall fn comp)
- do (setf (cdr l) (cddr l))
- and return
- (completion--cache-all-sorted-completions beg end (cons comp all)))
- finally return all))
+ (or completion-all-sorted-completions
+ (cl-loop
+ with beg = (icomplete--field-beg)
+ with end = (icomplete--field-end)
+ with all = (completion-all-sorted-completions beg end)
+ for fn in (cond ((and minibuffer-default
+ (= (icomplete--field-end) (icomplete--field-beg)))
+ ;; When we have a non-nil default and no input
+ ;; whatsoever: we want to make sure that default
+ ;; is bubbled to the top so that
+ ;; `icomplete-force-complete-and-exit' will
+ ;; select it (do that even if the match doesn't
+ ;; match the completion perfectly.
+ `(,(lambda (comp)
+ (equal minibuffer-default comp))
+ ,(lambda (comp)
+ (string-prefix-p minibuffer-default comp))))
+ ((and fido-mode
+ (not minibuffer-default)
+ (eq (icomplete--category) 'file))
+ `(,(lambda (comp)
+ (string= "./" comp)))))
+ thereis (cl-loop
+ for l on all
+ while (consp (cdr l))
+ for comp = (cadr l)
+ when (funcall fn comp)
+ do (setf (cdr l) (cddr l))
+ and return
+ (completion--cache-all-sorted-completions beg end (cons comp all)))
+ finally return all)))