path: root/lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el
diff options
authorRichard M. Stallman <>1997-01-21 04:43:45 +0000
committerRichard M. Stallman <>1997-01-21 04:43:45 +0000
commite7017ef969390a58ba1ae53894804ed6755eced1 (patch)
tree9e518e8130b5129f0cdabbfe43c4f9c2b5f1c1bd /lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el
parent7c1b57782a5cc6558245d0508c8ec5f07174754f (diff)
Delete explicit autoload calls.
Provide octave-mod. Move the variables formerly in octave.el to the top of the file.
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el b/lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el
index ab08b0e4718..ff27f06fd5f 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/octave-mod.el
@@ -41,6 +41,143 @@
;;; Code:
+(defconst octave-maintainer-address
+ "Kurt Hornik <>,"
+ "Current maintainer of the Emacs Octave package.")
+(defvar octave-abbrev-table nil
+ "Abbrev table for Octave's reserved words.
+Used in octave-mode and inferior-octave-mode buffers.
+All Octave abbrevs start with a grave accent (`).")
+(if octave-abbrev-table
+ ()
+ (let ((ac abbrevs-changed))
+ (define-abbrev-table 'octave-abbrev-table ())
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`a" "all_va_args" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`b" "break" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ca" "catch" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`c" "continue" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`el" "else" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`eli" "elseif" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`et" "end_try_catch" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`eu" "end_unwind_protect" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ef" "endfor" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`efu" "endfunction" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ei" "endif" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ew" "endwhile" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`f" "for" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`fu" "function" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`gl" "global" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`gp" "gplot" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`gs" "gsplot" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`if" "if ()" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`rp" "replot" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`r" "return" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`t" "try" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`up" "unwind_protect" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`upc" "unwind_protect_cleanup" nil)
+ (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`w" "while ()" nil)
+ (setq abbrevs-changed ac)))
+(defvar octave-comment-char ?#
+ "Character to start an Octave comment.")
+(defvar octave-comment-start
+ (concat (make-string 1 octave-comment-char) " ")
+ "String to insert to start a new Octave in-line comment.")
+(defvar octave-comment-start-skip "\\s<+\\s-*"
+ "Regexp to match the start of an Octave comment up to its body.")
+(defvar octave-begin-keywords
+ '("for" "function" "if" "try" "unwind_protect" "while"))
+(defvar octave-else-keywords
+ '("catch" "else" "elseif" "unwind_protect_cleanup"))
+(defvar octave-end-keywords
+ '("end" "endfor" "endfunction" "endif" "end_try_catch"
+ "end_unwind_protect" "endwhile"))
+(defvar octave-reserved-words
+ (append octave-begin-keywords octave-else-keywords octave-end-keywords
+ '("all_va_args" "break" "continue" "global" "gplot" "gsplot"
+ "replot" "return"))
+ "Reserved words in Octave.")
+(defvar octave-text-functions
+ '("casesen" "cd" "chdir" "clear" "diary" "dir" "document" "echo"
+ "edit_history" "format" "gset" "gshow" "help" "history" "hold"
+ "load" "ls" "more" "run_history" "save" "set" "show" "type"
+ "which" "who" "whos")
+ "Text functions in Octave (these names are also reserved).")
+(defvar octave-variables
+ "__F_GETFD__" "__F_GETFL__" "__F_SETFD__" "__F_SETFL__" "__I__"
+ "__Inf__" "__J__" "__NaN__" "__OCTAVE_VERSION__" "__O_APPEND__"
+ "__O_CREAT__" "__O_EXCL__" "__O_NONBLOCK__" "__O_RDONLY__"
+ "__O_RDWR__" "__O_TRUNC__" "__O_WRONLY__" "__PWD__" "__SEEK_CUR__"
+ "__SEEK_END__" "__SEEK_SET__" "__argv__" "__e__" "__eps__"
+ "__error_text__" "__i__" "__inf__" "__j__" "__nan__" "__pi__"
+ "__program_invocation_name__" "__program_name__" "__realmax__"
+ "__realmin__" "__stderr__" "__stdin__" "__stdout__" "ans" "argv"
+ "automatic_replot" "beep_on_error" "completion_append_char"
+ "default_return_value" "default_save_format"
+ "define_all_return_values" "do_fortran_indexing" "e"
+ "echo_executing_commands" "empty_list_elements_ok" "eps"
+ "error_text" "gnuplot_binary" "gnuplot_has_multiplot" "history_file"
+ "history_size" "ignore_function_time_stamp" "implicit_str_to_num_ok"
+ "inf" "nan" "nargin" "ok_to_lose_imaginary_part"
+ "output_max_field_width" "output_precision"
+ "page_output_immediately" "page_screen_output" "pi"
+ "prefer_column_vectors" "prefer_zero_one_indexing"
+ "print_answer_id_name" "print_empty_dimensions"
+ "program_invocation_name" "program_name" "propagate_empty_matrices"
+ "realmax" "realmin" "resize_on_range_error"
+ "return_last_computed_value" "save_precision" "saving_history"
+ "silent_functions" "split_long_rows" "stderr" "stdin" "stdout"
+ "string_fill_char" "struct_levels_to_print"
+ "suppress_verbose_help_message" "treat_neg_dim_as_zero"
+ "warn_assign_as_truth_value" "warn_comma_in_global_decl"
+ "warn_divide_by_zero" "warn_function_name_clash"
+ "warn_missing_semicolon" "whitespace_in_literal_matrix")
+ "Builtin variables in Octave.")
+(defvar octave-function-header-regexp
+ (concat "^\\s-*\\<\\(function\\)\\>"
+ "\\([^=;\n]*=[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*\\)\\(\\w+\\)\\>")
+ "Regexp to match an Octave function header.
+The string `function' and its name are given by the first and third
+parenthetical grouping.")
+(defvar octave-font-lock-keywords
+ (list
+ ;; Fontify all builtin keywords.
+ (cons (concat "\\<\\("
+ (mapconcat 'identity octave-reserved-words "\\|")
+ (mapconcat 'identity octave-text-functions "\\|")
+ "\\)\\>")
+ 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ ;; Fontify all builtin operators.
+ (cons "\\(&\\||\\|<=\\|>=\\|==\\|<\\|>\\|!=\\|!\\)"
+ 'font-lock-reference-face)
+ ;; Fontify all builtin variables.
+ (cons (concat "\\<\\("
+ (mapconcat 'identity octave-variables "\\|")
+ "\\)\\>")
+ 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
+ ;; Fontify all function declarations.
+ (list octave-function-header-regexp
+ '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ '(3 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)))
+ "Additional Octave expressions to highlight.")
+(defvar inferior-octave-buffer "*Inferior Octave*"
+ "*Name of buffer for running an inferior Octave process.")
+(defvar inferior-octave-process nil)
(defvar octave-mode-map nil
"Keymap used in Octave mode.")
(if octave-mode-map
@@ -1228,151 +1365,6 @@ code line."
(mapconcat 'identity inferior-octave-output-list "\n")))
-(defconst octave-maintainer-address
- "Kurt Hornik <>,"
- "Current maintainer of the Emacs Octave package.")
-(defvar octave-abbrev-table nil
- "Abbrev table for Octave's reserved words.
-Used in octave-mode and inferior-octave-mode buffers.
-All Octave abbrevs start with a grave accent (`).")
-(if octave-abbrev-table
- ()
- (let ((ac abbrevs-changed))
- (define-abbrev-table 'octave-abbrev-table ())
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`a" "all_va_args" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`b" "break" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ca" "catch" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`c" "continue" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`el" "else" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`eli" "elseif" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`et" "end_try_catch" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`eu" "end_unwind_protect" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ef" "endfor" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`efu" "endfunction" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ei" "endif" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`ew" "endwhile" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`f" "for" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`fu" "function" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`gl" "global" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`gp" "gplot" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`gs" "gsplot" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`if" "if ()" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`rp" "replot" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`r" "return" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`t" "try" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`up" "unwind_protect" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`upc" "unwind_protect_cleanup" nil)
- (define-abbrev octave-abbrev-table "`w" "while ()" nil)
- (setq abbrevs-changed ac)))
-(defvar octave-comment-char ?#
- "Character to start an Octave comment.")
-(defvar octave-comment-start
- (concat (make-string 1 octave-comment-char) " ")
- "String to insert to start a new Octave in-line comment.")
-(defvar octave-comment-start-skip "\\s<+\\s-*"
- "Regexp to match the start of an Octave comment up to its body.")
-(defvar octave-begin-keywords
- '("for" "function" "if" "try" "unwind_protect" "while"))
-(defvar octave-else-keywords
- '("catch" "else" "elseif" "unwind_protect_cleanup"))
-(defvar octave-end-keywords
- '("end" "endfor" "endfunction" "endif" "end_try_catch"
- "end_unwind_protect" "endwhile"))
-(defvar octave-reserved-words
- (append octave-begin-keywords octave-else-keywords octave-end-keywords
- '("all_va_args" "break" "continue" "global" "gplot" "gsplot"
- "replot" "return"))
- "Reserved words in Octave.")
-(defvar octave-text-functions
- '("casesen" "cd" "chdir" "clear" "diary" "dir" "document" "echo"
- "edit_history" "format" "gset" "gshow" "help" "history" "hold"
- "load" "ls" "more" "run_history" "save" "set" "show" "type"
- "which" "who" "whos")
- "Text functions in Octave (these names are also reserved).")
-(defvar octave-variables
- "__F_GETFD__" "__F_GETFL__" "__F_SETFD__" "__F_SETFL__" "__I__"
- "__Inf__" "__J__" "__NaN__" "__OCTAVE_VERSION__" "__O_APPEND__"
- "__O_CREAT__" "__O_EXCL__" "__O_NONBLOCK__" "__O_RDONLY__"
- "__O_RDWR__" "__O_TRUNC__" "__O_WRONLY__" "__PWD__" "__SEEK_CUR__"
- "__SEEK_END__" "__SEEK_SET__" "__argv__" "__e__" "__eps__"
- "__error_text__" "__i__" "__inf__" "__j__" "__nan__" "__pi__"
- "__program_invocation_name__" "__program_name__" "__realmax__"
- "__realmin__" "__stderr__" "__stdin__" "__stdout__" "ans" "argv"
- "automatic_replot" "beep_on_error" "completion_append_char"
- "default_return_value" "default_save_format"
- "define_all_return_values" "do_fortran_indexing" "e"
- "echo_executing_commands" "empty_list_elements_ok" "eps"
- "error_text" "gnuplot_binary" "gnuplot_has_multiplot" "history_file"
- "history_size" "ignore_function_time_stamp" "implicit_str_to_num_ok"
- "inf" "nan" "nargin" "ok_to_lose_imaginary_part"
- "output_max_field_width" "output_precision"
- "page_output_immediately" "page_screen_output" "pi"
- "prefer_column_vectors" "prefer_zero_one_indexing"
- "print_answer_id_name" "print_empty_dimensions"
- "program_invocation_name" "program_name" "propagate_empty_matrices"
- "realmax" "realmin" "resize_on_range_error"
- "return_last_computed_value" "save_precision" "saving_history"
- "silent_functions" "split_long_rows" "stderr" "stdin" "stdout"
- "string_fill_char" "struct_levels_to_print"
- "suppress_verbose_help_message" "treat_neg_dim_as_zero"
- "warn_assign_as_truth_value" "warn_comma_in_global_decl"
- "warn_divide_by_zero" "warn_function_name_clash"
- "warn_missing_semicolon" "whitespace_in_literal_matrix")
- "Builtin variables in Octave.")
-(defvar octave-function-header-regexp
- (concat "^\\s-*\\<\\(function\\)\\>"
- "\\([^=;\n]*=[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*\\)\\(\\w+\\)\\>")
- "Regexp to match an Octave function header.
-The string `function' and its name are given by the first and third
-parenthetical grouping.")
-(defvar octave-font-lock-keywords
- (list
- ;; Fontify all builtin keywords.
- (cons (concat "\\<\\("
- (mapconcat 'identity octave-reserved-words "\\|")
- (mapconcat 'identity octave-text-functions "\\|")
- "\\)\\>")
- 'font-lock-keyword-face)
- ;; Fontify all builtin operators.
- (cons "\\(&\\||\\|<=\\|>=\\|==\\|<\\|>\\|!=\\|!\\)"
- 'font-lock-reference-face)
- ;; Fontify all builtin variables.
- (cons (concat "\\<\\("
- (mapconcat 'identity octave-variables "\\|")
- "\\)\\>")
- 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
- ;; Fontify all function declarations.
- (list octave-function-header-regexp
- '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
- '(3 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)))
- "Additional Octave expressions to highlight.")
-(defvar inferior-octave-buffer "*Inferior Octave*"
- "*Name of buffer for running an inferior Octave process.")
-(defvar inferior-octave-process nil)
-;;; Autoloads
-(autoload 'octave-mode "octave-mod" nil t)
-(autoload 'octave-help "octave-hlp" nil t)
-(autoload 'inferior-octave "octave-inf" nil t)
-(autoload 'run-octave "octave-inf" nil t)
;;; Bug reporting
(defun octave-submit-bug-report ()
"Submit a bug report on the Emacs Octave package via mail."
@@ -1398,6 +1390,6 @@ parenthetical grouping.")
;;; provide ourself
-(provide 'octave)
+(provide 'octave-mod)
;;; octave-mod.el ends here