diff options
5 files changed, 2073 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nt/configure.bat b/nt/configure.bat
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7d644fd840b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nt/configure.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+@echo off
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Configuration script for MS Windows 95/98 and NT/2000
+rem Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+rem This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+rem GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+rem it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+rem the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+rem any later version.
+rem GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+rem but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+rem GNU General Public License for more details.
+rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+rem along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+rem Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+rem Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem + MS Windows 95/98 or NT/2000
+rem + either MSVC 2.x or later, or gcc-2.95 or later (with gmake 3.75
+rem or later) and the Mingw32 and W32 API headers and libraries
+rem For reference, here is a list of which builds of gmake are known to
+rem work or not, and whether they work in the presence and/or absence of
+rem sh.exe.
+rem sh exists no sh
+rem cygwin b20.1 make (3.75): okay[1] fails[2]
+rem MSVC compiled gmake 3.77: okay okay
+rem MSVC compiled gmake 3.78.1: okay okay
+rem MSVC compiled gmake 3.79.1: okay okay
+rem mingw32/gcc-2.92.2 make (3.77): okay okay
+rem cygwin compiled gmake 3.77: okay[1] fails[2]
+rem cygwin compiled gmake 3.78.1: okay fails[2]
+rem cygwin compiled gmake 3.79.1: couldn't build make[3]
+rem [1] doesn't cope with makefiles with DOS line endings, so must mount
+rem emacs source with text!=binary.
+rem [2] fails when needs to invoke shell commands; okay invoking gcc etc.
+rem [3] requires LC_MESSAGES support to build; maybe 2.95.x update to
+rem cygwin provides this?
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem See if the environment is large enough. We need 43 (?) bytes.
+set $foo$=123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123
+if not "%$foo$%" == "123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123" goto SmallEnv
+set $foo$=
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Make sure we are running in the nt subdir
+if exist configure.bat goto start
+echo You must run configure from the nt subdirectory.
+goto end
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Default settings.
+set prefix=
+set nodebug=N
+set noopt=N
+set nocygwin=N
+set usercflags=
+set userldflags=
+set sep1=
+set sep2=
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Handle arguments.
+if "%1" == "-h" goto usage
+if "%1" == "--help" goto usage
+if "%1" == "--prefix" goto setprefix
+if "%1" == "--with-gcc" goto withgcc
+if "%1" == "--with-msvc" goto withmsvc
+if "%1" == "--no-debug" goto nodebug
+if "%1" == "--no-opt" goto noopt
+if "%1" == "--no-cygwin" goto nocygwin
+if "%1" == "--cflags" goto usercflags
+if "%1" == "--ldflags" goto userldflags
+if "%1" == "" goto checkutils
+echo Usage: configure [options]
+echo Options:
+echo. --prefix PREFIX install Emacs in directory PREFIX
+echo. --with-gcc use GCC to compile Emacs
+echo. --with-msvc use MSVC to compile Emacs
+echo. --no-debug exclude debug info from executables
+echo. --no-opt disable optimization
+echo. --no-cygwin use -mno-cygwin option with GCC
+echo. --cflags FLAG pass FLAG to compiler
+echo. --ldflags FLAG pass FLAG to compiler when linking
+goto end
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set prefix=%1
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set COMPILER=gcc
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set COMPILER=cl
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set nodebug=Y
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set noopt=Y
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set nocygwin=Y
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set usercflags=%usercflags%%sep1%%1
+set sep1= %nothing%
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+set userldflags=%userldflags%%sep2%%1
+set sep2= %nothing%
+goto again
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Check that necessary utilities (cp and rm) are present.
+echo Checking for 'cp'...
+cp configure.bat junk.bat
+if not exist junk.bat goto needcp
+echo Checking for 'rm'...
+rm junk.bat
+if exist junk.bat goto needrm
+goto checkcompiler
+echo You need 'cp' (the Unix file copy program) to build Emacs.
+goto end
+del junk.bat
+echo You need 'rm' (the Unix file delete program) to build Emacs.
+goto end
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Auto-detect compiler if not specified, and validate GCC if chosen.
+if (%COMPILER%)==(cl) goto genmakefiles
+if (%COMPILER%)==(gcc) goto checkgcc
+echo Checking whether 'cl' is available...
+echo main(){} >junk.c
+cl -nologo -c junk.c
+if exist junk.obj goto clOK
+echo Checking whether 'gcc' is available...
+gcc -c junk.c
+if not exist junk.o goto nocompiler
+del junk.o
+if (%nocygwin%) == (Y) goto checkw32api
+echo Checking whether gcc requires '-mno-cygwin'...
+echo #include "cygwin/version.h" >junk.c
+echo main(){} >>junk.c
+gcc -c junk.c
+if not exist junk.o goto checkw32api
+gcc -mno-cygwin -c junk.c
+if exist junk.o set nocygwin=Y
+del junk.o junk.c
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rem Older versions of the Windows API headers either don't have any of
+rem the IMAGE_xxx definitions (the headers that come with Cygwin b20.1
+rem are like this), or have a typo in the definition of
+rem IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION (the headers with gcc/mingw32 2.95 have this
+rem problem). The gcc/mingw32 2.95.2 headers are okay, as are distros
+rem of from Anders Norlander since 1999-11-18 at least.
+echo Checking whether W32 API headers are too old...
+echo #include "windows.h" >junk.c
+echo test(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pHeader)>>junk.c
+echo {PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSection = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(pHeader);}>>junk.c
+gcc -c junk.c
+if exist junk.o goto gccOk
+echo Configure failed.
+echo To configure Emacs for Windows, you need to have either
+echo gcc-2.95 or later with Mingw32 and the W32 API headers,
+echo or MSVC 2.x or later.
+del junk.c
+goto end
+set COMPILER=gcc
+del junk.c junk.o
+echo Using 'gcc'
+goto genmakefiles
+set COMPILER=cl
+del junk.c junk.obj
+echo Using 'MSVC'
+goto genmakefiles
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo Generating makefiles
+if %COMPILER% == gcc set MAKECMD=gmake
+if %COMPILER% == cl set MAKECMD=nmake
+rem Pass on chosen settings to makefiles.
+echo # Start of settings from configure.bat >config.settings
+echo COMPILER=%COMPILER% >>config.settings
+if (%nodebug%) == (Y) echo NODEBUG=1 >>config.settings
+if (%noopt%) == (Y) echo NOOPT=1 >>config.settings
+if (%nocygwin%) == (Y) echo NOCYGWIN=1 >>config.settings
+if not "(%prefix%)" == "()" echo INSTALL_DIR=%prefix% >>config.settings
+if not "(%usercflags%)" == "()" echo USER_CFLAGS=%usercflags% >>config.settings
+if not "(%userldflags%)" == "()" echo USER_LDFLAGS=%userldflags% >>config.settings
+echo # End of settings from configure.bat >>config.settings
+echo. >>config.settings
+copy config.nt ..\src\config.h
+if not "(%usercflags%)" == "()" echo #define USER_CFLAGS " %usercflags%">>..\src\config.h
+if not "(%userldflags%)" == "()" echo #define USER_LDFLAGS " %userldflags%">>..\src\config.h
+copy paths.h ..\src\epaths.h
+rem gmake doesn't support "cd foo" in commands (except as part of a
+rem compound statement which doesn't support), but nmake
+rem doesn't support the -C dir command line switch, so generate the
+rem necessary makefile fragment for targets that involve changing dir.
+if %MAKECMD% == nmake goto gen1
+echo. > make-frag
+echo all-other-dirs: >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../lib-src all >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../src all >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../lisp all >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../leim all >> make-frag
+echo. >> make-frag
+echo clean-other-dirs: >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../lib-src clean >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../src clean >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../lisp clean >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../leim clean >> make-frag
+echo. >> make-frag
+echo install-other-dirs: >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../lib-src install >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../src install >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../lisp install >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) -C ../leim install >> make-frag
+echo. >> make-frag
+goto gen2
+echo. > make-frag
+echo all-other-dirs: >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\lib-src >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) all >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\src >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) all >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\lisp >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) all >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\leim >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) all >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\nt >> make-frag
+echo. >> make-frag
+echo clean-other-dirs: >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\lib-src >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) clean >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\src >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) clean >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\lisp >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) clean >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\leim >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) clean >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\nt >> make-frag
+echo. >> make-frag
+echo install-other-dirs: >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\lib-src >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) install >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\src >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) install >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\lisp >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) install >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\leim >> make-frag
+echo. $(MAKE) install >> make-frag
+echo. cd ..\nt >> make-frag
+echo. >> make-frag
+copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+make-frag+..\nt\makefile.w32-in ..\nt\makefile
+del make-frag
+copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+..\lib-src\makefile.w32-in ..\lib-src\makefile
+copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+..\src\makefile.w32-in ..\src\makefile
+if not exist ..\lisp\Makefile.unix rename ..\lisp\Makefile Makefile.unix
+if exist ..\lisp\makefile del /f ..\lisp\makefile
+copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+..\lisp\makefile.w32-in ..\lisp\makefile
+rem Use the default (no-op) if the nt version is not present.
+if exist ..\leim\makefile.w32-in copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+..\leim\makefile.w32-in ..\leim\makefile
+if not exist ..\leim\makefile.w32-in copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+..\leim\ ..\leim\makefile
+del config.settings
+echo Emacs successfully configured.
+echo Run `%MAKECMD%' to build, then run `%MAKECMD% install' to install.
+goto end
+echo Your environment size is too small. Please enlarge it and rerun configure.
+echo For example, type " /e:2048" to have 2048 bytes available.
+set $foo$=
+set prefix=
+set nodebug=
+set noopt=
+set nocygwin=
+set usercflags=
+set userldflags=
diff --git a/nt/gmake.defs b/nt/gmake.defs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2517b31cf0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nt/gmake.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Makefile definition file for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Ensure 'all' is the default target
+# I tried to force gmake to use the native shell for simplicity, by
+# setting SHELL as below, but this didn't work reliably because of
+# various case sensitivity niggles. Specifically, COMSPEC (which is in
+# fact usually spelled ComSpec on NT, to make life difficult) typically
+# references "cmd.exe" (on NT) when the file is actually called
+# "CMD.EXE" on disk for hysterical raisons. As a result, GNU make
+# thinks it doesn't exist (unless compiled with a switch to ignore
+# case), and so doesn't change which shell it will invoke to execute
+# commands.
+# It would be possible, though very tedious using just gmake facilities,
+# to convert the COMSPEC value to uppercase to solve this problem, but
+# it isn't worth it. That is partly because, even when using the native
+# shell, gmake tends to not be happy with backslashes in command
+# strings. The obvious solution is to use forward slashes as much as
+# possible, which can be made to work most of the time (putting
+# filenames in quotes often helps), but there are still some internal
+# cmd.exe commands like `del' and `copy' that won't work with them.
+# Although it is possible to convert slashes to backslashes when
+# necessary, gmake requires explicitly calling its subst function, which
+# nmake does not understand). For this reason, it is simplest to
+# mandate that rm and cp be available, so we can use Unix-format file
+# names everywhere. (Fortunately both MS and GNU make, and the
+# respective compilers, are happy with Unix-format names.)
+# Since we cannot easily force the choice of a particular shell, we must
+# make the effort to cope with whichever shell is being used.
+# Fortunately, the only command we need to use that is shell specific is
+# the testing of a file's existence for the purpose of working out when
+# we are copying files to their original location. That particular
+# requirement is abstracted easily enough.
+# The only other problem area was the change of directory when running
+# temacs to dump emacs.exe (where gmake doesn't support cd foo in any
+# useful way), but that has been resolved by modifying the Windows
+# unexec function slightly to not require the directory change while
+# still allowing objects and binaries to be in subdirectories.
+# This doesn't work.
+# Determine whether make is using sh or cmd/command as shell; cmd.exe
+# will output "ECHO is on" when echo is given by itself, while sh will
+# not produce any output.
+sh_output := $(shell echo)
+ifeq "$(findstring ECHO, $(sh_output))" "ECHO"
+ALL_DEPS = $^
+# INSTALL_DIR is the directory into which emacs will be installed.
+# Determine the architecture we're running on.
+# Define ARCH for our purposes;
+# Define CPU for use by ntwin32.mak;
+# Define CONFIG_H to the appropriate config.h for the system;
+# We're on Windows NT
+CONFIG_H = config.nt
+OS_TYPE = windowsnt
+ARCH = i386
+CPU = i386
+ else
+ARCH = mips
+ else
+ARCH = alpha
+ else
+ARCH = ppc
+ else
+error Unknown architecture type "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+# We're on Windows 95
+ARCH = i386
+CPU = i386
+CONFIG_H = config.nt
+OS_TYPE = windows95
+AR = ar -rsc
+CC = gcc
+CC_OUT = -o$(SPACE)
+LINK = gcc
+RC = windres -O coff
+RC_OUT = -o$(SPACE)
+RC_INCLUDE = --include-dir$(SPACE)
+libc =
+baselibs =
+O = o
+A = a
+BASE_LIBS = $(libc) $(baselibs)
+ADVAPI32 = -ladvapi32
+COMDLG32 = -lcomdlg32
+GDI32 = -lgdi32
+MPR = -lmpr
+SHELL32 = -lshell32
+USER32 = -luser32
+WSOCK32 = -lwsock32
+ifdef NOOPT
+# see comments in allocate_heap in w32heap.c before changing any of the
+# -stack, -heap, or -image-base settings.
+TEMACS_EXTRA_LINK = -Wl,-stack,0x00800000 -Wl,-heap,0x00100000 -Wl,-image-base,0x01000000 -g $(SUBSYSTEM_CONSOLE) -Wl,-entry,__start -Wl,-Map,$(BLD)/
+ifdef NOOPT
+OBJDIR = oo
+OBJDIR = oo-spd
+$(OBJDIR):; -mkdir "$(OBJDIR)"
+$(BLD): $(OBJDIR)
+ -mkdir "$(BLD)"
+CP = cp -f
+CP_DIR = cp -rf
+DEL = rm
+DEL_TREE = rm -r
+ifdef USING_SH
+IFNOTSAMEDIR = if [ ! -s ../same-dir.tst ] ; then
+ENDIF = ; fi
+IFNOTSAMEDIR = if not exist ../same-dir.tst
+# The location of the icon file
+EMACS_ICON_PATH = ../nt/emacs.ico
+ifdef NODEBUG
+NOCYGWIN = -mno-cygwin
+ifeq "$(ARCH)" "i386"
+ifdef NOOPT
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_X86_=1 -c $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(NOCYGWIN) -O -Os \
+ -mcpu=i686 -fno-exceptions -fbuiltins \
+ # -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 \
+ # -finline-functions \
+ # -fomit-frame-pointer
+ERROR Unknown architecture type "$(ARCH)".
+$(BLD)/%.o: %.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_OUT)$@ $<
diff --git a/nt/makefile.w32-in b/nt/makefile.w32-in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21f033ba7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nt/makefile.w32-in
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Top level makefile for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT
+# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ALL = addpm ddeclient runemacs cmdproxy addsection preprep
+TRES = $(BLD)/emacs.res
+addpm: $(BLD) $(BLD)/addpm.exe
+$(BLD)/addpm.exe: $(BLD)/addpm.$(O)
+ $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \
+ddeclient: $(BLD) $(BLD)/ddeclient.exe
+$(BLD)/ddeclient.exe: $(BLD)/ddeclient.$(O)
+ $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \
+cmdproxy: $(BLD) $(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe
+$(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe: $(BLD)/cmdproxy.$(O)
+ $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \
+addsection: $(BLD) $(BLD)/addsection.exe
+$(BLD)/addsection.exe: $(BLD)/addsection.$(O)
+ $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \
+preprep: $(BLD) $(BLD)/preprep.exe
+$(BLD)/preprep.exe: $(BLD)/preprep.$(O)
+ $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \
+# The resource file. NT 3.10 requires the use of cvtres; even though
+# it is not necessary on later versions, it is still ok to use it.
+$(TRES): emacs.rc
+ $(RC) $(RC_OUT)$(BLD)/emacs.res $(ALL_DEPS)
+runemacs: $(BLD) $(BLD)/runemacs.exe
+$(BLD)/runemacs.exe: $(BLD)/runemacs.$(O) $(TRES)
+ @echo Using $(THE_SHELL) as shell.
+# Build emacs
+all: which-sh $(BLD) $(ALL) all-other-dirs
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)"
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin"
+# Build and install emacs in INSTALL_DIR
+install: all $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin install-other-dirs
+ - $(CP) $(BLD)/addpm.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ - $(CP) $(BLD)/ddeclient.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ - $(CP) $(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ - $(CP) $(BLD)/runemacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ - $(CP) ../lib-src/fns-*.el $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+ - "$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/addpm" /q
+ - $(DEL) ../same-dir.tst
+ - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/icons"
+ - $(CP_DIR) icons $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/icons
+ echo SameDirTest > "$(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst"
+ $(IFNOTSAMEDIR) $(MAKE) real_install $(ENDIF)
+ - $(DEL) ../same-dir.tst
+ - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst
+ - $(DEL) ../same-dir.tst
+ - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst
+ echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/etc"
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/info"
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/lock"
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/data"
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/site-lisp"
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/icons"
+ - $(CP_DIR) icons $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/icons
+ $(IFNOTSAMEDIR) $(CP_DIR) ../info $(INSTALL_DIR)/info $(ENDIF)
+ - $(DEL) ../same-dir.tst
+ - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst
+# Maintenance
+clean: clean-other-dirs
+ - $(DEL) *~ *.pdb
+ - $(DEL) ../etc/DOC ../etc/DOC-X
+cleanall: clean
+ - $(DEL_TREE) obj
+ - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
+ - $(DEL_TREE) oo
+ - $(DEL_TREE) oo-spd
+realclean: cleanall
+ - $(DEL_TREE) ../bin
diff --git a/nt/nmake.defs b/nt/nmake.defs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..66291c0a9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nt/nmake.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Makefile definition file for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Ensure 'all' is the default target
+ALL_DEPS = $**
+# INSTALL_DIR is the directory into which emacs will be installed.
+!ifndef INSTALL_DIR
+# Allow detection of builds with MSVC 5 or later, so we can
+# speed up compiles (see rule at end).
+# Check that the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables are set.
+!ifndef INCLUDE
+!error The INCLUDE environment variable needs to be set.
+!ifndef LIB
+!error The LIB environment variable needs to be set.
+# Determine the architecture we're running on.
+# Define ARCH for our purposes;
+# Define CPU for use by ntwin32.mak;
+# Define CONFIG_H to the appropriate config.h for the system;
+# We're on Windows NT
+CONFIG_H = config.nt
+OS_TYPE = windowsnt
+! if "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" == "x86"
+ARCH = i386
+CPU = i386
+! else
+ARCH = mips
+! else
+ARCH = alpha
+! else
+ARCH = ppc
+! else
+! error Unknown architecture type "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)"
+! endif
+! endif
+! endif
+! endif
+# We're on Windows 95
+ARCH = i386
+CPU = i386
+CONFIG_H = config.nt
+OS_TYPE = windows95
+AR = lib
+AR_OUT = -out:
+CC = cl
+CC_OUT = -Fo
+LINK = link
+LINK_OUT = -out:
+RC = rc
+RC_OUT = -Fo
+libc = libc.lib
+baselibs =
+O = obj
+A = lib
+BASE_LIBS = $(libc) $(baselibs) oldnames.lib
+ADVAPI32 = advapi32.lib
+COMDLG32 = comdlg32.lib
+GDI32 = gdi32.lib
+MPR = mpr.lib
+SHELL32 = shell32.lib
+USER32 = user32.lib
+WSOCK32 = wsock32.lib
+!ifdef NOOPT
+SYS_LDFLAGS = -release -incremental:no -version:3.10 -swaprun:cd -swaprun:net
+# see comments in allocate_heap in w32heap.c before changing any of the
+# -stack, -heap, or -base settings.
+TEMACS_EXTRA_LINK = -stack:0x00800000 -heap:0x00100000 -base:0x01000000 -debug:full -debugtype:both -pdb:$(BLD)\temacs.pdb -machine:$(ARCH) $(SUBSYSTEM_CONSOLE) -entry:_start -map:$(BLD)\ $(EXTRA_LINK)
+!ifdef NOOPT
+OBJDIR = obj
+OBJDIR = obj-spd
+$(OBJDIR):; -mkdir $(OBJDIR)
+$(BLD): $(OBJDIR)
+ -mkdir "$(BLD)"
+CP = cp -f
+CP_DIR = cp -rf
+IFNOTSAMEDIR = if not exist ..\same-dir.tst
+DEL = rm
+DEL_TREE = rm -r
+# The location of the icon file
+EMACS_ICON_PATH = ../nt/emacs.ico
+!ifdef NODEBUG
+!if "$(ARCH)" == "i386"
+!ifdef NOOPT
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -nologo -D_X86_=1 -c -Zel -W2 -H63 -Od -G3d -Zp8 $(DEBUG_FLAG)
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -nologo -D_X86_=1 -c -Zel -W2 -H63 -Oxsb2 -Oy- -G6dF -Zp8 $(DEBUG_FLAG)
+!if "$(ARCH)" == "mips"
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_MIPS_=1 -c -W2 -Zi -Od -Gt0
+!if "$(ARCH)" == "alpha"
+!if "$(BUILD_TYPE)" == "spd"
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_ALPHA_=1 -c -Ze -Zi -W2 -Od -D__stdcall= -D__cdecl=
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_ALPHA_=1 -c -Ze -Zi -W2 -O1 -D__stdcall= -D__cdecl=
+!if "$(ARCH)" == "ppc"
+# These flags are a guess...if they don't work, please send me mail.
+ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_PPC_=1 -c -Ze -Zi -W2 -Od
+!ERROR Unknown architecture type "$(ARCH)".
+# From MSVC 5.0 onwards, it seem base relocation information is not included,
+# at least in release builds. We need to ensure the reloc info is included
+# in order to use the MSVC profiler.
+!IF ("$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "$(_NMAKE_VER_4)")
+EXTRA_LINK = -profile
+# If the compiler supports compiling multiple .c files to .o files at
+# one time, use this feature.
+!IF ("$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "$(_NMAKE_VER_4)")
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(BLD)\ $<
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(BLD)\ $<
diff --git a/src/makefile.w32-in b/src/makefile.w32-in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4208329ebdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/makefile.w32-in
@@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@
+# Makefile for GNU Emacs on the Microsoft W32 API.
+# Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ALL = emacs
+# HAVE_CONFIG_H is required by some generic gnu sources stuck into
+# the emacs source tree.
+EMACS = $(BLD)/emacs.exe
+TEMACS = $(BLD)/temacs.exe
+TEMACS_TMP = $(BLD)/temacs.bin
+TLIB0 = $(BLD)/temacs0.$(A)
+TLIB1 = $(BLD)/temacs1.$(A)
+TLIBW32 = $(BLD)/temacw32.$(A)
+TOBJ = $(BLD)/firstfile.$(O)
+TRES = $(BLD)/emacs.res
+TLASTLIB = $(BLD)/lastfile.$(A)
+# Split up the objects into two sets so that we don't run out of
+# command line space when we link them into a library.
+# Put emacs.$(O) in a separate lib, since we need to have firstfile.$(O)
+# as the "main" object file when linking.
+OBJ0 = $(BLD)/emacs.$(O)
+OBJ1 = $(BLD)/abbrev.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/alloc.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/alloca.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/atimer.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/buffer.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/bytecode.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/callint.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/callproc.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/casefiddle.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/cm.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/cmds.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/data.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/dired.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/dispnew.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/doc.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/doprnt.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/editfns.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/eval.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/fileio.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/filelock.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/filemode.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/fns.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/indent.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/insdel.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/keyboard.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/keymap.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/lread.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/macros.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/marker.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/minibuf.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/mocklisp.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32heap.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32inevt.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32proc.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32console.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/print.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/process.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/regex.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/scroll.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/search.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/syntax.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/sysdep.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/term.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/termcap.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/tparam.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/undo.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/unexw32.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/window.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/xdisp.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/casetab.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/floatfns.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/frame.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/gmalloc.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/intervals.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/composite.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/ralloc.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/textprop.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/vm-limit.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/region-cache.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/strftime.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/charset.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/coding.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/category.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/ccl.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/fontset.$(O)
+WIN32OBJ = $(BLD)/w32term.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32xfns.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32fns.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/xfaces.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32select.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32menu.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32reg.$(O) \
+ $(BLD)/w32bdf.$(O)
+LIBS = $(TLIB0) \
+ $(TLIB1) \
+ $(TLIBW32) \
+ $(ADVAPI32) \
+ $(GDI32) \
+ $(COMDLG32) \
+ $(USER32) \
+ $(MPR) \
+ $(SHELL32) \
+ $(libc)
+# Build the executable and dump it.
+all: $(ALL)
+# The dumped executable
+emacs: $(BLD) $(EMACS)
+ "./$(BLD)/temacs.exe" -batch -l loadup dump
+# The undumped executable
+# Note the extra post-link step to insert a static preload heap section.
+# If preload runs out of memory, increase the last argument to addsection
+# (it is the preload heap size in MB).
+temacs: $(BLD) $(TEMACS)
+ "../nt/$(BLD)/addsection" "$(TEMACS_TMP)" "$(TEMACS)" EMHEAP 16
+bootstrap: bootstrap-emacs
+# Build a temacs with a sufficiently large PURESIZE to load the
+# Lisp files from loadup.el in source form.
+bootstrap-temacs: bootstrap-clean
+ $(MAKECMD) temacs CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -DPURESIZE=5000000"
+# Dump an Emacs executable named bootstrap-emacs containing the
+# files from loadup.el in source form.
+bootstrap-emacs: bootstrap-temacs
+ "./$(BLD)/temacs.exe" -batch -l loadup bootstrap
+ - mkdir "../bin"
+ $(CP) $(EMACS) ../bin
+# Force recompile of files that depend on PURESIZE
+ - $(DEL) $(BLD)/alloc.$(O)
+ - $(DEL) $(BLD)/data.$(O)
+ - $(DEL) $(BLD)/intervals.$(O)
+ - $(DEL) $(BLD)/keyboard.$(O)
+ - $(DEL) $(BLD)/keymap.$(O)
+# The resource file. NT 3.10 requires the use of cvtres; even though
+# it is not necessary on later versions, it is still ok to use it.
+$(TRES): ../nt/emacs.rc
+ $(RC) $(RC_INCLUDE)../nt $(RC_OUT)$@ $(ALL_DEPS)
+# Build the library. Split up the build into two phases...otherwise we
+# run out of command line space.
+$(TLIB0): $(OBJ0)
+ - $(DEL) $@
+ $(AR) $(AR_OUT)$@ $(ALL_DEPS)
+$(TLIB1): $(OBJ1)
+ - $(DEL) $@
+ $(AR) $(AR_OUT)$@ $(ALL_DEPS)
+$(TLIBW32): $(WIN32OBJ)
+ - $(DEL) $@
+ $(AR) $(AR_OUT)$@ $(ALL_DEPS)
+# Place lastfile.$(O) in its own library so that it can be loaded after
+# the source libraries but before any system libraries. Doing so defines
+# the end of Emacs' data section portably across compilers and systems.
+$(TLASTLIB): $(BLD)/lastfile.$(O)
+ - $(DEL) $@
+ $(AR) $(AR_OUT)$@ $(ALL_DEPS)
+# Assuming INSTALL_DIR is defined, build and install emacs in it.
+install: $(ALL)
+ - mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin"
+ $(CP) $(EMACS) $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
+# Maintenance
+clean:; - $(DEL) *~ "s/*~" "m/*~"
+ - $(DEL) *.pdb config.h epaths.h
+cleanall: clean
+ - $(DEL_TREE) obj
+ - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
+ - $(DEL_TREE) oo
+ - $(DEL_TREE) oo-spd
+SRC = .
+$(BLD)/abbrev.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/abbrev.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h
+$(BLD)/alloc.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/alloc.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/puresize.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h
+$(BLD)/alloca.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/alloca.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h
+$(BLD)/atimer.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/atimer.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/atimer.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h
+$(BLD)/buffer.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/indent.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/region-cache.h
+$(BLD)/bytecode.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/bytecode.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h
+$(BLD)/callint.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/callint.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/mocklisp.h
+$(BLD)/callproc.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/callproc.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/msdos.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/process.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h
+$(BLD)/casefiddle.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/casefiddle.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$@ casefiddle.c
+$(BLD)/casetab.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/casetab.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h
+$(BLD)/cm.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/cm.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/cm.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h
+$(BLD)/cmds.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/cmds.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h
+$(BLD)/composite.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/composite.c \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/charset.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h
+$(BLD)/data.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/data.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/puresize.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h
+$(BLD)/dired.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/dired.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmsdir.h \
+ $(SRC)/ndir.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/regex.h
+$(BLD)/dispnew.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/dispnew.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/cm.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/indent.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/xterm.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h
+$(BLD)/doc.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/doc.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h
+$(BLD)/doprnt.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/doprnt.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h
+$(BLD)/dosfns.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/dosfns.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/dosfns.h \
+ $(SRC)/msdos.h
+$(BLD)/editfns.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/editfns.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/uaf.h \
+ $(SRC)/vms-pwd.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/pwd.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h
+$(BLD)/emacs.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/emacs.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h \
+ $(SRC)/process.h
+$(BLD)/eval.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/eval.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h
+$(BLD)/fileio.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/fileio.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/uaf.h \
+ $(SRC)/vms-pwd.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/pwd.h \
+ $(SRC)/msdos.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmsdir.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h
+$(BLD)/filelock.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/filelock.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/uaf.h \
+ $(SRC)/vms-pwd.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/pwd.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/epaths.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmsdir.h \
+ $(SRC)/ndir.h
+$(BLD)/filemode.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/filemode.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h
+$(BLD)/firstfile.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/firstfile.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h
+$(BLD)/floatfns.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/floatfns.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h
+$(BLD)/fns.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/fns.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/frame.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/frame.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h
+$(BLD)/getloadavg.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/getloadavg.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h
+$(BLD)/gmalloc.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/gmalloc.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(SRC)/getpagesize.h
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__STDC__ -Fo$@ gmalloc.c
+$(BLD)/hftctl.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/hftctl.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h
+$(BLD)/indent.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/indent.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/indent.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/region-cache.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/insdel.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/insdel.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h
+$(BLD)/intervals.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/puresize.h
+$(BLD)/keyboard.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/macros.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/msdos.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/xterm.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h \
+ $(SRC)/atimer.h
+$(BLD)/keymap.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/keymap.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h
+$(BLD)/lastfile.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/lastfile.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h
+$(BLD)/lread.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/lread.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/epaths.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/msdos.h
+$(BLD)/macros.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/macros.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/macros.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h
+$(BLD)/marker.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/marker.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h
+$(BLD)/minibuf.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/minibuf.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h
+$(BLD)/mocklisp.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/mocklisp.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h
+$(BLD)/w32.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/w32.c \
+ $(SRC)/w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/pwd.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h
+$(BLD)/w32heap.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.c \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h
+$(BLD)/w32inevt.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/w32inevt.c \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h
+$(BLD)/w32proc.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/w32proc.c \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h
+$(BLD)/w32console.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/w32console.c \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32inevt.h
+$(BLD)/prefix-args.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/prefix-args.c
+$(BLD)/print.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/print.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/process.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/process.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/process.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/process.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmsproc.h \
+ $(SRC)/syswait.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/atimer.h
+$(BLD)/ralloc.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/ralloc.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(SRC)/getpagesize.h
+$(BLD)/regex.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/regex.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/m/intel386.h \
+ $(SRC)/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h \
+ $(SRC)/regex.h
+$(BLD)/region-cache.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/region-cache.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/region-cache.h
+$(BLD)/scroll.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/scroll.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h
+$(BLD)/search.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/search.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/regex.h \
+ $(SRC)/region-cache.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/strftime.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/strftime.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h
+$(BLD)/sunfns.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/sunfns.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h
+$(BLD)/syntax.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/syntax.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/sysdep.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/sysdep.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/dosfns.h \
+ $(SRC)/msdos.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/param.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/ioctl.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmsproc.h \
+ $(SRC)/syswait.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/process.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmsdir.h \
+ $(SRC)/ndir.h \
+ $(SRC)/syssignal.h \
+ $(SRC)/vmstime.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h \
+ $(SRC)/uaf.h \
+ $(SRC)/vms-pwd.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/acldef.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/chpdef.h
+$(BLD)/term.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/term.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/cm.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h
+$(BLD)/termcap.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/termcap.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/nt/inc/sys/file.h
+$(BLD)/terminfo.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/terminfo.c
+$(BLD)/textprop.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/textprop.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h
+$(BLD)/tparam.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/tparam.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h
+$(BLD)/undo.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/undo.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h
+$(BLD)/unexw32.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/unexw32.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h
+$(BLD)/vm-limit.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/vm-limit.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/mem-limits.h
+$(BLD)/widget.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/widget.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/xterm.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/widget.h \
+ $(SRC)/widgetprv.h
+$(BLD)/window.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/window.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/indent.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/xdisp.obj : \
+ $(SRC)/xdisp.c \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/indent.h \
+ $(SRC)/commands.h \
+ $(SRC)/macros.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/xfaces.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/xfaces.c \
+ $(SRC)/charset.h \
+ $(SRC)/fontset.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32gui.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h
+$(BLD)/w32fns.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32fns.c \
+ $(SRC)/x-list-font.c \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32gui.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/charset.h \
+ $(SRC)/coding.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/epaths.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h
+$(BLD)/w32menu.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32menu.c \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/charset.h \
+ $(SRC)/coding.h
+$(BLD)/w32term.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.c \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32heap.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32gui.h \
+ $(SRC)/systty.h \
+ $(SRC)/systime.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/termhooks.h \
+ $(SRC)/termopts.h \
+ $(SRC)/termchar.h \
+ $(SRC)/gnu.h \
+ $(SRC)/disptab.h \
+ $(SRC)/buffer.h \
+ $(SRC)/window.h \
+ $(SRC)/keyboard.h \
+ $(SRC)/intervals.h \
+ $(SRC)/composite.h \
+ $(SRC)/atimer.h
+$(BLD)/w32select.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32select.c \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32gui.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h
+$(BLD)/w32reg.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32reg.c \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32gui.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h
+$(BLD)/w32xfns.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32xfns.c \
+$(BLD)/w32bdf.obj: \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/s/ms-w32.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/m/intel386.h \
+ $(EMACS_ROOT)/src/config.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32bdf.c \
+ $(SRC)/charset.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
+ $(SRC)/fontset.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32gui.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32term.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32bdf.h \
+ $(SRC)/w32.h \
+ $(SRC)/frame.h \
+ $(SRC)/blockinput.h