path: root/lisp/finder-inf.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/finder-inf.el')
1 files changed, 1882 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/finder-inf.el b/lisp/finder-inf.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9d2ad59f474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/finder-inf.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1882 @@
+;;; finder-inf.el --- keyword-to-package mapping
+;; Keywords: help
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Don't edit this file. It's generated by finder.el
+;;; Code:
+(setq finder-package-info '(
+ ("abbrev.el"
+ "abbrev mode commands for Emacs"
+ (abbrev convenience))
+ ("abbrevlist.el"
+ "list one abbrev table alphabetically ordered."
+ (abbrev))
+ ("add-log.el"
+ "change log maintenance commands for Emacs"
+ (tools))
+ ("allout.el"
+ "Extensive outline mode for use alone and with other modes."
+ (outlines))
+ ("ange-ftp.el"
+ "transparent FTP support for GNU Emacs"
+ (comm))
+ ("ansi-color.el"
+ "translate ANSI into text-properties"
+ (comm processes))
+ ("apropos.el"
+ "apropos commands for users and programmers."
+ (help))
+ ("arc-mode.el"
+ "simple editing of archives"
+ (archives msdog editing major-mode))
+ ("array.el"
+ "array editing commands for Gnu Emacs"
+ (extensions))
+ ("auto-show.el"
+ "perform automatic horizontal scrolling as point moves"
+ (scroll display convenience))
+ ("autoinsert.el"
+ "automatic mode-dependent insertion of text into new files"
+ (convenience))
+ ("autorevert.el"
+ "revert buffers when files on disk change"
+ (convenience))
+ ("avoid.el"
+ "make mouse pointer stay out of the way of editing"
+ (mouse))
+ ("battery.el"
+ "display battery status information."
+ (hardware))
+ ("bindings.el"
+ "define standard key bindings and some variables."
+ (internal))
+ ("bookmark.el"
+ "set bookmarks, maybe annotate them, jump to them later."
+ (bookmarks placeholders annotations))
+ ("browse-url.el"
+ "Pass a URL to a WWW browser"
+ (hypertext hypermedia mouse))
+ ("buff-menu.el"
+ "buffer menu main function and support functions."
+ nil)
+ ("byte-run.el"
+ "byte-compiler support for inlining"
+ (internal))
+ ("case-table.el"
+ "code to extend the character set and support case tables."
+ (i18n))
+ ("cdl.el"
+ "Common Data Language (CDL) utility functions for Gnu Emacs"
+ (data))
+ ("chistory.el"
+ "list command history"
+ nil)
+ ("cmuscheme.el"
+ "Scheme process in a buffer. Adapted from tea.el."
+ (processes lisp))
+ ("comint.el"
+ "general command interpreter in a window stuff"
+ (processes))
+ ("compare-w.el"
+ "compare text between windows for Emacs."
+ nil)
+ ("complete.el"
+ "partial completion mechanism plus other goodies"
+ (abbrev convenience))
+ ("completion.el"
+ "dynamic word-completion code"
+ (abbrev convenience))
+ ("cus-dep.el"
+ "Find customization dependencies."
+ (internal))
+ ("cus-edit.el"
+ "Tools for customizating Emacs and Lisp packages."
+ (help faces))
+ ("cus-face.el"
+ "customization support for faces."
+ (help faces))
+ ("cus-load.el"
+ "automatically extracted custom dependencies"
+ nil)
+ ("cus-start.el"
+ "define customization properties of builtins."
+ (internal))
+ ("custom.el"
+ "Tools for declaring and initializing options."
+ (help faces))
+ ("dabbrev.el"
+ "dynamic abbreviation package"
+ (abbrev expand completion convenience))
+ ("delim-col.el"
+ "Prettify all columns in a region or rectangle."
+ (internal))
+ ("delsel.el"
+ "delete selection if you insert"
+ nil)
+ ("derived.el"
+ "allow inheritance of major modes."
+ nil)
+ ("desktop.el"
+ "save partial status of Emacs when killed"
+ (customization))
+ ("diff.el"
+ "Run `diff' in compilation-mode."
+ (unix tools))
+ ("dired-aux.el"
+ "less commonly used parts of dired"
+ nil)
+ ("dired-x.el"
+ "Sebastian Kremer's Extra DIRED hacked up for GNU Emacs19"
+ (dired extensions))
+ ("dired.el"
+ "directory-browsing commands"
+ nil)
+ ("dirtrack.el"
+ "Directory Tracking by watching the prompt"
+ (processes))
+ ("disp-table.el"
+ "functions for dealing with char tables."
+ (i18n))
+ ("dos-fns.el"
+ "MS-Dos specific functions."
+ (internal))
+ ("dos-vars.el"
+ "MS-Dos specific user options."
+ (internal))
+ ("dos-w32.el"
+ "Functions shared among MS-DOS and W32 (NT/95) platforms"
+ (internal))
+ ("double.el"
+ "Support for keyboard remapping with double clicking"
+ (i18n))
+ ("ebuff-menu.el"
+ "electric-buffer-list mode"
+ nil)
+ ("echistory.el"
+ "Electric Command History Mode"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-diff.el"
+ "diff-related utilities"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-help.el"
+ "Code related to the contents of Ediff help buffers"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-hook.el"
+ "setup for Ediff's menus and autoloads"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-init.el"
+ "Macros, variables, and defsubsts used by Ediff"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-merg.el"
+ "merging utilities"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-mult.el"
+ "support for multi-file/multi-buffer processing in Ediff"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-ptch.el"
+ "Ediff's patch support"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-util.el"
+ "the core commands and utilities of ediff"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-vers.el"
+ "version control interface to Ediff"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff-wind.el"
+ "window manipulation utilities"
+ nil)
+ ("ediff.el"
+ "a comprehensive visual interface to diff & patch"
+ (comparing merging patching version control.))
+ ("edmacro.el"
+ "keyboard macro editor"
+ (abbrev))
+ ("ehelp.el"
+ "bindings for electric-help mode"
+ (help extensions))
+ ("electric.el"
+ "window maker and Command loop for `electric' modes."
+ (extensions))
+ ("emacs-lock.el"
+ "prevents you from exiting emacs if a buffer is locked"
+ (extensions processes))
+ ("emerge.el"
+ "merge diffs under Emacs control"
+ (unix tools))
+ ("enriched.el"
+ "read and save files in text/enriched format"
+ (wp faces))
+ ("env.el"
+ "functions to manipulate environment variables."
+ (processes unix))
+ ("eudc-bck-bbdb.el"
+ "Emacs Unified Directory Client - BBDB Backend"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc-bck-ldap.el"
+ "Emacs Unified Directory Client - LDAP Backend"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc-bck-ph.el"
+ "Emacs Unified Directory Client - CCSO PH/QI Backend"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc-bob.el"
+ "Binary Objects Support for EUDC"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc-custom-vars.el"
+ "Emacs Unified Directory Client"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc-export.el"
+ "Functions to export EUDC qeuery results"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc-hotlist.el"
+ "Hotlist Management for EUDC"
+ (help))
+ ("eudc.el"
+ "Emacs Unified Directory Client"
+ (help))
+ ("expand.el"
+ "make abbreviations more usable."
+ (abbrev))
+ ("facemenu.el"
+ "create a face menu for interactively adding fonts to text"
+ (faces))
+ ("faces.el"
+ "Lisp faces"
+ nil)
+ ("fast-lock.el"
+ "Automagic text properties caching for fast Font Lock mode."
+ (faces files))
+ ("ffap.el"
+ "find file (or url) at point"
+ (files hypermedia matching mouse convenience))
+ ("filecache.el"
+ "Find files using a pre-loaded cache"
+ (convenience))
+ ("files.el"
+ "file input and output commands for Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("find-dired.el"
+ "run a `find' command and dired the output"
+ (unix))
+ ("find-file.el"
+ "find a file corresponding to this one given a pattern"
+ (c matching tools))
+ ("find-gc.el"
+ "detect functions that call the garbage collector"
+ nil)
+ ("finder-inf.el"
+ "keyword-to-package mapping"
+ (help))
+ ("finder.el"
+ "topic & keyword-based code finder"
+ (help))
+ ("float-sup.el"
+ "detect absence of floating-point support in Emacs runtime"
+ nil)
+ ("flow-ctrl.el"
+ "help for lusers on cu(1) or ttys with wired-in ^S/^Q flow control"
+ (hardware))
+ ("foldout.el"
+ "Folding extensions for outline-mode and outline-minor-mode."
+ (folding outlines))
+ ("follow.el"
+ "Minor mode, Synchronize windows showing the same buffer."
+ (display window minor-mode convenience))
+ ("font-lock.el"
+ "Electric font lock mode"
+ (languages faces))
+ ("format.el"
+ "read and save files in multiple formats"
+ nil)
+ ("forms-d2.el"
+ "demo forms-mode"
+ nil)
+ ("forms-pass.el"
+ "passwd file demo for forms-mode"
+ nil)
+ ("forms.el"
+ "Forms mode: edit a file as a form to fill in"
+ nil)
+ ("frame.el"
+ "multi-frame management independent of window systems."
+ (internal))
+ ("generic-x.el"
+ "Extra Modes for generic-mode"
+ (generic comment font-lock))
+ ("generic.el"
+ "Defining simple major modes with comment and font-lock."
+ (generic comment font-lock))
+ ("goto-addr.el"
+ "click to browse URL or to send to e-mail address"
+ (mh-e www mouse mail))
+ ("gs.el"
+ "interface to Ghostscript"
+ (internal))
+ ("gud.el"
+ "Grand Unified Debugger mode for running GDB and other debuggers"
+ (unix tools))
+ ("help-macro.el"
+ "Makes command line help such as help-for-help"
+ nil)
+ ("help.el"
+ "help commands for Emacs"
+ (help internal))
+ ("hexl.el"
+ "edit a file in a hex dump format using the hexl filter."
+ (data))
+ ("hilit-chg.el"
+ "minor mode displaying buffer changes with special face"
+ (faces))
+ ("hilit19.el"
+ "customizable highlighting for Emacs19"
+ (faces))
+ ("hippie-exp.el"
+ "expand text trying various ways to find its expansion."
+ (abbrev convenience))
+ ("hl-line.el"
+ "highlight the current line"
+ (faces frames))
+ ("hscroll.el"
+ nil
+ (display))
+ ("icomplete.el"
+ "minibuffer completion incremental feedback"
+ (help abbrev))
+ ("ielm.el"
+ "interaction mode for Emacs Lisp"
+ (lisp))
+ ("image.el"
+ "image API"
+ (multimedia))
+ ("imenu.el"
+ "Framework for mode-specific buffer indexes."
+ (tools convenience))
+ ("indent.el"
+ "indentation commands for Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("info-look.el"
+ "major-mode-sensitive Info index lookup facility."
+ (help languages))
+ ("info.el"
+ "info package for Emacs."
+ (help))
+ ("informat.el"
+ "info support functions package for Emacs"
+ (help))
+ ("isearch.el"
+ "incremental search minor mode."
+ (matching))
+ ("iswitchb.el"
+ "switch between buffers using substrings"
+ (extensions convenience))
+ ("jit-lock.el"
+ "just-in-time fontification."
+ (faces files))
+ ("jka-compr.el"
+ "reading/writing/loading compressed files"
+ (data))
+ ("kermit.el"
+ "additions to shell mode for use with kermit, etc."
+ (comm))
+ ("lazy-lock.el"
+ "Lazy demand-driven fontification for fast Font Lock mode."
+ (faces files))
+ ("ldap.el"
+ "Client interface to LDAP for Emacs"
+ (comm))
+ ("ledit.el"
+ "Emacs side of ledit interface"
+ nil)
+ ("loaddefs.el"
+ "define autoloads from other files"
+ (internal))
+ ("loadhist.el"
+ "lisp functions for working with feature groups"
+ (internal))
+ ("loadup.el"
+ "load up standardly loaded Lisp files for Emacs."
+ (internal))
+ ("locate.el"
+ "interface to the locate command"
+ nil)
+ ("lpr.el"
+ "print Emacs buffer on line printer."
+ (unix))
+ ("ls-lisp.el"
+ "emulate insert-directory completely in Emacs Lisp"
+ (unix))
+ ("macros.el"
+ "non-primitive commands for keyboard macros."
+ (abbrev))
+ ("makesum.el"
+ "generate key binding summary for Emacs"
+ (help))
+ ("man.el"
+ "browse UNIX manual pages"
+ (help))
+ ("map-ynp.el"
+ "General-purpose boolean question-asker."
+ (lisp extensions))
+ ("menu-bar.el"
+ "define a default menu bar."
+ (internal))
+ ("midnight.el"
+ "run something every midnight, e.g., kill old buffers."
+ (utilities))
+ ("misc.el"
+ "some nonstandard basic editing commands for Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("mouse-copy.el"
+ "one-click text copy and move"
+ (mouse))
+ ("mouse-drag.el"
+ "use mouse-2 to do a new style of scrolling"
+ (mouse))
+ ("mouse-sel.el"
+ "Multi-click selection support for Emacs 19"
+ (mouse))
+ ("mouse.el"
+ "window system-independent mouse support"
+ (hardware))
+ ("msb.el"
+ "Customizable buffer-selection with multiple menus."
+ (mouse buffer menu))
+ ("net-utils.el"
+ "Network functions"
+ (network communications))
+ ("novice.el"
+ "handling of disabled commands (\"novice mode\") for Emacs."
+ (internal help))
+ ("options.el"
+ "edit Options command for Emacs."
+ nil)
+ ("paren.el"
+ "highlight matching paren."
+ (languages faces))
+ ("patcomp.el"
+ "used by patch files to update Emacs releases"
+ nil)
+ ("paths.el"
+ "define pathnames for use by various Emacs commands."
+ (internal))
+ ("ph.el"
+ "Client for the CCSO directory system (aka PH/QI)"
+ (help))
+ ("ps-bdf.el"
+ "BDF font file handler for ps-print."
+ (bdf font postscript))
+ ("ps-mule.el"
+ "Provide multi-byte character facility to ps-print."
+ (print postscript multibyte mule))
+ ("ps-print.el"
+ "Print text from the buffer as PostScript"
+ (print postscript))
+ ("quickurl.el"
+ "Insert an URL based on text at point in buffer."
+ (hypermedia))
+ ("rcompile.el"
+ "run a compilation on a remote machine"
+ (tools processes))
+ ("rect.el"
+ "rectangle functions for GNU Emacs."
+ (internal))
+ ("regi.el"
+ "REGular expression Interpreting engine"
+ (extensions matching))
+ ("register.el"
+ "register commands for Emacs."
+ (internal))
+ ("repeat.el"
+ "convenient way to repeat the previous command"
+ (convenience vi repeat))
+ ("replace.el"
+ "replace commands for Emacs."
+ nil)
+ ("reposition.el"
+ "center a Lisp function or comment on the screen"
+ nil)
+ ("resume.el"
+ "process command line args from within a suspended Emacs job"
+ (processes))
+ ("rlogin.el"
+ "remote login interface"
+ (unix comm))
+ ("rot13.el"
+ "display a buffer in rot13."
+ nil)
+ ("rsz-mini.el"
+ "dynamically resize minibuffer to display entire contents"
+ (minibuffer window frame display))
+ ("s-region.el"
+ "set region using shift key."
+ (terminals))
+ ("saveplace.el"
+ "automatically save place in files."
+ (bookmarks placeholders))
+ ("scroll-all.el"
+ "scroll all buffers together minor mode"
+ (scroll crisp brief lock))
+ ("scroll-bar.el"
+ "window system-independent scroll bar support."
+ (hardware))
+ ("select.el"
+ "lisp portion of standard selection support."
+ (internal))
+ ("server.el"
+ "Lisp code for GNU Emacs running as server process."
+ (processes))
+ ("shadowfile.el"
+ "automatic file copying for Emacs 19"
+ (comm))
+ ("shell.el"
+ "specialized comint.el for running the shell."
+ (processes))
+ ("simple.el"
+ "basic editing commands for Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("skeleton.el"
+ "Lisp language extension for writing statement skeletons"
+ (extensions abbrev languages tools))
+ ("snmp-mode.el"
+ "SNMP & SNMPv2 MIB major mode."
+ (data))
+ ("sort.el"
+ "commands to sort text in an Emacs buffer."
+ (unix))
+ ("soundex.el"
+ "implement Soundex algorithm"
+ (matching))
+ ("speedbar.el"
+ "quick access to files and tags in a frame"
+ (file tags tools))
+ ("startup.el"
+ "process Emacs shell arguments"
+ (internal))
+ ("strokes.el"
+ "control Emacs through mouse strokes"
+ (lisp mouse extensions))
+ ("subdirs.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("subr.el"
+ "basic lisp subroutines for Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("sun-curs.el"
+ "cursor definitions for Sun windows"
+ (hardware))
+ ("sun-fns.el"
+ "subroutines of Mouse handling for Sun windows"
+ (hardware))
+ ("tabify.el"
+ "tab conversion commands for Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("talk.el"
+ "Allow several users to talk to each other through Emacs."
+ (comm frames))
+ ("tar-mode.el"
+ "simple editing of tar files from GNU emacs"
+ (unix))
+ ("tcp.el"
+ "TCP/IP stream emulation for GNU Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("telnet.el"
+ "run a telnet session from within an Emacs buffer"
+ nil)
+ ("tempo.el"
+ "Flexible template insertion"
+ (extensions languages tools))
+ ("term.el"
+ "general command interpreter in a window stuff"
+ (processes))
+ ("terminal.el"
+ "terminal emulator for GNU Emacs."
+ (comm terminals))
+ ("thingatpt.el"
+ "Get the `thing' at point"
+ (extensions matching mouse))
+ ("time-stamp.el"
+ "Maintain last change time stamps in files edited by Emacs"
+ (tools))
+ ("time.el"
+ "display time and load in mode line of Emacs."
+ nil)
+ ("timer.el"
+ "run a function with args at some time in future."
+ nil)
+ ("timezone.el"
+ "time zone package for GNU Emacs"
+ (news))
+ ("tmm.el"
+ "text mode access to menu-bar"
+ nil)
+ ("tooltip.el"
+ "Show tooltip windows"
+ (help c mouse tools))
+ ("type-break.el"
+ "encourage rests from typing at appropriate intervals"
+ (extensions timers))
+ ("uncompress.el"
+ "auto-decompression hook for visiting .Z files"
+ nil)
+ ("uniquify.el"
+ "unique buffer names dependent on file name"
+ nil)
+ ("unused.el"
+ "editing commands in GNU Emacs that turned out not to be used."
+ (emulations))
+ ("userlock.el"
+ "handle file access contention between multiple users"
+ (internal))
+ ("vc-hooks.el"
+ "resident support for version-control"
+ nil)
+ ("vc.el"
+ "drive a version-control system from within Emacs"
+ nil)
+ ("vcursor.el"
+ "manipulate an alternative (\"virtual\") cursor."
+ (virtual cursor convenience))
+ ("version.el"
+ "record version number of Emacs."
+ (internal))
+ ("view.el"
+ "peruse file or buffer without editing."
+ nil)
+ ("vms-patch.el"
+ "override parts of files.el for VMS."
+ (vms))
+ ("vmsproc.el"
+ "run asynchronous VMS subprocesses under Emacs"
+ (vms))
+ ("vt-control.el"
+ "Common VTxxx control functions"
+ (terminals))
+ ("vt100-led.el"
+ "functions for LED control on VT-100 terminals & clones."
+ (hardware))
+ ("w32-fns.el"
+ "Lisp routines for Windows NT."
+ nil)
+ ("webjump.el"
+ "programmable Web hotlist"
+ (comm www))
+ ("which-func.el"
+ "Print current function in mode line"
+ (mode-line imenu tools))
+ ("whitespace.el"
+ "Warn about and clean bogus whitespaces in the file."
+ (convenience))
+ ("wid-browse.el"
+ "Functions for browsing widgets."
+ (extensions))
+ ("wid-edit.el"
+ "Functions for creating and using widgets."
+ (extensions))
+ ("widget.el"
+ "a library of user interface components."
+ (help extensions faces hypermedia))
+ ("window.el"
+ "GNU Emacs window commands aside from those written in C."
+ nil)
+ ("winner.el"
+ "Restore old window configurations"
+ (windows))
+ ("x-apollo.el"
+ "Apollo support functions"
+ nil)
+ ("x-menu.el"
+ "menu support for X "
+ nil)
+ ("xscheme.el"
+ "run Scheme under Emacs"
+ (languages lisp))
+ ("xt-mouse.el"
+ "Support the mouse when emacs run in an xterm."
+ (mouse terminals))
+ ("zone-mode.el"
+ "major mode for editing DNS zone files."
+ (dns languages))
+ ("appt.el"
+ "appointment notification functions."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-china.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Chinese calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-coptic.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Coptic/Ethiopic calendars."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-dst.el"
+ "calendar functions for daylight savings rules."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-french.el"
+ "calendar functions for the French Revolutionary calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-hebrew.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Hebrew calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-islam.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Islamic calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-iso.el"
+ "calendar functions for the ISO calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-julian.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Julian calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-mayan.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Mayan calendars."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-menu.el"
+ "calendar functions for menu bar and popup menu support"
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-move.el"
+ "calendar functions for movement in the calendar"
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-persia.el"
+ "calendar functions for the Persian calendar."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-tex.el"
+ "calendar functions for printing calendars with LaTeX."
+ (calendar))
+ ("cal-x.el"
+ "calendar windows in dedicated frames in X"
+ (calendar))
+ ("calendar.el"
+ "Calendar functions."
+ (calendar))
+ ("diary-lib.el"
+ "diary functions."
+ (calendar))
+ ("holidays.el"
+ "holiday functions for the calendar package"
+ (holidays calendar))
+ ("lunar.el"
+ "calendar functions for phases of the moon."
+ (calendar))
+ ("solar.el"
+ "calendar functions for solar events."
+ (calendar))
+ ("bib-mode.el"
+ "bib-mode, major mode for editing bib files."
+ (bib))
+ ("bibtex.el"
+ "BibTeX mode for GNU Emacs"
+ (bibtex latex tex))
+ ("fill.el"
+ "fill commands for Emacs"
+ (wp))
+ ("flyspell.el"
+ "On-the-fly spell checker"
+ (convenience))
+ ("ispell.el"
+ "Interface to International Ispell Version 3.1"
+ nil)
+ ("makeinfo.el"
+ "run makeinfo conveniently"
+ nil)
+ ("nroff-mode.el"
+ "GNU Emacs major mode for editing nroff source"
+ (wp))
+ ("ooutline.el"
+ "outline mode commands for Emacs"
+ (outlines))
+ ("outline.el"
+ "outline mode commands for Emacs"
+ (outlines))
+ ("page-ext.el"
+ "extended page handling commands"
+ nil)
+ ("page.el"
+ "page motion commands for emacs."
+ nil)
+ ("paragraphs.el"
+ "paragraph and sentence parsing."
+ (wp))
+ ("picture.el"
+ "\"Picture mode\" -- editing using quarter-plane screen model."
+ nil)
+ ("refbib.el"
+ "convert refer-style references to ones usable by Latex bib"
+ (bib tex))
+ ("refer.el"
+ "look up references in bibliography files."
+ (bib))
+ ("reftex-auc.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-cite.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-global.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-index.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-parse.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-ref.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-sel.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-toc.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-vars.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex-vcr.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("reftex.el"
+ "Minor mode for doing \\label, \\ref, \\cite, \\index in LaTeX"
+ (tex))
+ ("scribe.el"
+ "scribe mode, and its idiosyncratic commands."
+ (wp))
+ ("sgml-mode.el"
+ "SGML- and HTML-editing modes"
+ (wp hypermedia comm languages))
+ ("spell.el"
+ "spelling correction interface for Emacs."
+ (wp unix))
+ ("tex-mode.el"
+ "TeX, LaTeX, and SliTeX mode commands."
+ (tex))
+ ("texinfmt.el"
+ "format Texinfo files into Info files."
+ (maint tex docs))
+ ("texinfo.el"
+ "major mode for editing Texinfo files"
+ (maint tex docs))
+ ("texnfo-upd.el"
+ "utilities for updating nodes and menus in Texinfo files"
+ (maint tex docs))
+ ("text-mode.el"
+ "text mode, and its idiosyncratic commands."
+ nil)
+ ("two-column.el"
+ "minor mode for editing of two-column text"
+ nil)
+ ("underline.el"
+ "insert/remove underlining (done by overstriking) in Emacs."
+ (wp))
+ ("AT386.el"
+ "terminal support package for IBM AT keyboards"
+ (terminals))
+ ("apollo.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("bg-mouse.el"
+ "GNU Emacs code for BBN Bitgraph mouse."
+ (hardware))
+ ("bobcat.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("internal.el"
+ "support for PC internal terminal"
+ nil)
+ ("iris-ansi.el"
+ "configure Emacs for SGI xwsh and winterm apps"
+ nil)
+ ("keyswap.el"
+ "swap BS and DEL keys"
+ (terminals))
+ ("linux.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("lk201.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("news.el"
+ "keypad and function key bindings for the Sony NEWS keyboard"
+ (terminals))
+ ("pc-win.el"
+ "setup support for `PC windows' (whatever that is)."
+ nil)
+ ("sun-mouse.el"
+ "mouse handling for Sun windows"
+ (hardware))
+ ("sun.el"
+ "keybinding for standard default sunterm keys"
+ (terminals))
+ ("sup-mouse.el"
+ "supdup mouse support for lisp machines"
+ (hardware))
+ ("tvi970.el"
+ "terminal support for the Televideo 970"
+ (terminals))
+ ("vt100.el"
+ "define VT100 function key sequences in function-key-map"
+ (terminals))
+ ("vt102.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt125.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt200.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt201.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt220.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt240.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt300.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt320.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt400.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("vt420.el"
+ nil
+ nil)
+ ("w32-win.el"
+ "parse switches controlling interface with W32 window system."
+ (terminals))
+ ("wyse50.el"
+ "terminal support code for Wyse 50"
+ (terminals))
+ ("x-win.el"
+ "parse switches controlling interface with X window system"
+ (terminals))
+ ("xterm.el"
+ "define function key sequences for xterm"
+ (terminals))
+ ("ada-mode.el"
+ "An Emacs major-mode for editing Ada source."
+ (languages oop ada))
+ ("ada-stmt.el"
+ nil
+ (languages ada))
+ ("asm-mode.el"
+ "mode for editing assembler code"
+ (tools languages))
+ ("awk-mode.el"
+ "AWK code editing commands for Emacs"
+ (unix languages))
+ ("c-mode.el"
+ "C code editing commands for Emacs"
+ (c))
+ ("cc-align.el"
+ "custom indentation functions for CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-cmds.el"
+ "user level commands for CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-compat.el"
+ "cc-mode compatibility with c-mode.el confusion"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-defs.el"
+ "compile time definitions for CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-engine.el"
+ "core syntax guessing engine for CC mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-langs.el"
+ "specific language support for CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-make.el"
+ "Simplifies compilation."
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-menus.el"
+ "imenu support for CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-mode.el"
+ "major mode for editing C, C++, Objective-C, and Java code"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-styles.el"
+ "support for styles in CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cc-vars.el"
+ "user customization variables for CC Mode"
+ (c languages oop))
+ ("cmacexp.el"
+ "expand C macros in a region"
+ (c))
+ ("compile.el"
+ "run compiler as inferior of Emacs, parse error messages."
+ (tools processes))
+ ("cperl-mode.el"
+ "Perl code editing commands for Emacs"
+ (languages perl))
+ ("cplus-md.el"
+ "old C++ code editing mode for Emacs"
+ (c))
+ ("cpp.el"
+ "Highlight or hide text according to cpp conditionals."
+ (c faces tools))
+ ("dcl-mode.el"
+ "major mode for editing DCL command files"
+ (dcl editing major-mode languages))
+ ("delphi.el"
+ "Major mode for editing Delphi source (Object Pascal) in Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("etags.el"
+ "etags facility for Emacs"
+ (tools))
+ ("executable.el"
+ "base functionality for executable interpreter scripts"
+ (languages unix))
+ ("f90.el"
+ "Fortran-90 mode (free format)"
+ (fortran f90 languages))
+ ("fortran.el"
+ "Fortran mode for GNU Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("hideif.el"
+ "hides selected code within ifdef."
+ (c outlines))
+ ("hideshow.el"
+ "minor mode cmds to selectively display blocks of code"
+ (c c++ java lisp tools editing comments blocks hiding outlines))
+ ("icon.el"
+ "mode for editing Icon code"
+ (languages))
+ ("inf-lisp.el"
+ "an inferior-lisp mode"
+ (processes lisp))
+ ("m4-mode.el"
+ "m4 code editing commands for Emacs"
+ (languages faces))
+ ("make-mode.el"
+ "makefile editing commands for Emacs"
+ (unix tools))
+ ("mantemp.el"
+ "Create manual template instantiations from g++ 2.7.2 output."
+ (g++ templates))
+ ("meta-mode.el"
+ "major mode for editing Metafont or MetaPost sources."
+ (metafont metapost tex languages))
+ ("modula2.el"
+ "Modula-2 editing support package"
+ (languages))
+ ("octave-hlp.el"
+ "getting help on Octave symbols using info"
+ (languages))
+ ("octave-inf.el"
+ "running Octave as an inferior Emacs process"
+ (languages))
+ ("octave-mod.el"
+ "editing Octave source files under Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("pascal.el"
+ "major mode for editing pascal source in Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("perl-mode.el"
+ "Perl code editing commands for GNU Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("prolog.el"
+ "major mode for editing and running Prolog under Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("scheme.el"
+ "Scheme (and DSSSL) editing mode."
+ (languages lisp))
+ ("sh-script.el"
+ "shell-script editing commands for Emacs"
+ (languages unix))
+ ("simula.el"
+ "SIMULA 87 code editing commands for Emacs"
+ (languages))
+ ("sql.el"
+ "specialized comint.el for SQL interpreters"
+ (comm languages processes))
+ ("tcl.el"
+ "Tcl code editing commands for Emacs"
+ (languages tcl modes))
+ ("vhdl-mode.el"
+ "major mode for editing VHDL code"
+ (languages vhdl))
+ ("5x5.el"
+ "Simple little puzzle game."
+ (games puzzles))
+ ("blackbox.el"
+ "blackbox game in Emacs Lisp"
+ (games))
+ ("bruce.el"
+ "bruce phrase utility for overloading the Communications"
+ (games))
+ ("cookie1.el"
+ "retrieve random phrases from fortune cookie files"
+ (games))
+ ("decipher.el"
+ "Cryptanalyze monoalphabetic substitution ciphers"
+ (games))
+ ("dissociate.el"
+ "scramble text amusingly for Emacs."
+ (games))
+ ("doctor.el"
+ "psychological help for frustrated users."
+ (games))
+ ("dunnet.el"
+ "Text adventure for Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("fortune.el"
+ "Use fortune to create signatures"
+ (games utils mail))
+ ("gamegrid.el"
+ "Library for implementing grid-based games on Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("gametree.el"
+ "manage game analysis trees in Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("gomoku.el"
+ "Gomoku game between you and Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("handwrite.el"
+ "turns your emacs buffer into a handwritten document"
+ (cursive writing))
+ ("hanoi.el"
+ "towers of hanoi in Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("landmark.el"
+ "neural-network robot that learns landmarks"
+ (gomoku neural network adaptive search chemotaxis))
+ ("life.el"
+ "John Horton Conway's `Life' game for GNU Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("meese.el"
+ "protect the impressionable young minds of America"
+ (games))
+ ("morse.el"
+ "Convert text to morse code and back."
+ nil)
+ ("mpuz.el"
+ "multiplication puzzle for GNU Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("snake.el"
+ "Implementation of Snake for Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("solitaire.el"
+ "game of solitaire in Emacs Lisp"
+ (games))
+ ("spook.el"
+ "spook phrase utility for overloading the NSA line eater"
+ (games))
+ ("studly.el"
+ "StudlyCaps (tm)(r)(c)(xxx)"
+ (games))
+ ("tetris.el"
+ "Implementation of Tetris for Emacs"
+ (games))
+ ("yow.el"
+ "quote random zippyisms"
+ (games))
+ ("blessmail.el"
+ "Decide whether movemail needs special privileges."
+ (internal))
+ ("emacsbug.el"
+ "command to report Emacs bugs to appropriate mailing list."
+ (maint mail))
+ ("feedmail.el"
+ "assist other email packages to massage outgoing messages"
+ (email queue mail sendmail message spray smtp draft))
+ ("mail-extr.el"
+ "extract full name and address from RFC 822 mail header."
+ (mail))
+ ("mail-hist.el"
+ "Headers and message body history for outgoing mail."
+ (mail history))
+ ("mail-utils.el"
+ "utility functions used both by rmail and rnews"
+ (mail news))
+ ("mailabbrev.el"
+ "abbrev-expansion of mail aliases."
+ (mail))
+ ("mailalias.el"
+ "expand and complete mailing address aliases"
+ (mail))
+ ("mailheader.el"
+ "Mail header parsing, merging, formatting"
+ (tools mail news))
+ ("mailpost.el"
+ "RMAIL coupler to /usr/uci/post mailer"
+ (mail))
+ ("metamail.el"
+ "Metamail interface for GNU Emacs"
+ (mail news mime multimedia))
+ ("mh-comp.el"
+ "mh-e functions for composing messages"
+ nil)
+ ("mh-e.el"
+ "GNU Emacs interface to the MH mail system"
+ (mail))
+ ("mh-funcs.el"
+ "mh-e functions not everyone will use right away"
+ nil)
+ ("mh-mime.el"
+ "mh-e support for composing MIME messages"
+ nil)
+ ("mh-pick.el"
+ "make a search pattern and search for a message in mh-e"
+ nil)
+ ("mh-seq.el"
+ "mh-e sequences support"
+ nil)
+ ("mh-utils.el"
+ "mh-e code needed for both sending and reading"
+ nil)
+ ("mspools.el"
+ "show mail spools waiting to be read."
+ (mail))
+ ("reporter.el"
+ "customizable bug reporting of lisp programs"
+ (maint mail tools))
+ ("rfc822.el"
+ "hairy rfc822 parser for mail and news and suchlike"
+ (mail))
+ ("rmail.el"
+ "main code of \"RMAIL\" mail reader for Emacs."
+ (mail))
+ ("rmailedit.el"
+ "\"RMAIL edit mode\" Edit the current message."
+ (mail))
+ ("rmailkwd.el"
+ "part of the \"RMAIL\" mail reader for Emacs."
+ (mail))
+ ("rmailmsc.el"
+ "miscellaneous support functions for the RMAIL mail reader"
+ (mail))
+ ("rmailout.el"
+ "\"RMAIL\" mail reader for Emacs: output message to a file."
+ (mail))
+ ("rmailsort.el"
+ "Rmail: sort messages."
+ (mail))
+ ("rmailsum.el"
+ "make summary buffers for the mail reader"
+ (mail))
+ ("rnews.el"
+ "USENET news reader for gnu emacs"
+ (news))
+ ("rnewspost.el"
+ "USENET news poster/mailer for GNU Emacs"
+ (mail news))
+ ("sc.el"
+ "old name for supercite"
+ nil)
+ ("sendmail.el"
+ "mail sending commands for Emacs."
+ (mail))
+ ("smtpmail.el"
+ "simple SMTP protocol (RFC 821) for sending mail"
+ (mail))
+ ("supercite.el"
+ "minor mode for citing mail and news replies"
+ (mail news))
+ ("uce.el"
+ "facilitate reply to unsolicited commercial email"
+ (uce unsolicited commercial email))
+ ("undigest.el"
+ "digest-cracking support for the RMAIL mail reader"
+ (mail))
+ ("unrmail.el"
+ "convert Rmail files to mailbox files."
+ (mail))
+ ("vms-pmail.el"
+ "use Emacs as the editor within VMS mail."
+ (vms))
+ ("china-util.el"
+ "utilities for Chinese"
+ (mule multilingual chinese))
+ ("chinese.el"
+ "Support for Chinese"
+ (multilingual chinese))
+ ("cyril-util.el"
+ "utilities for Cyrillic scripts"
+ (mule multilingual cyrillic))
+ ("cyrillic.el"
+ "Support for Cyrillic"
+ (multilingual cyrillic))
+ ("czech.el"
+ "support for Czech"
+ (multilingual czech))
+ ("devan-util.el"
+ "Support for Devanagari Script Composition"
+ (multilingual indian devanagari))
+ ("devanagari.el"
+ "Support for Devanagari"
+ (multilingual indian devanagari))
+ ("english.el"
+ "English support"
+ (multibyte character character set syntax category))
+ ("ethio-util.el"
+ "utilities for Ethiopic"
+ (mule multilingual ethiopic))
+ ("ethiopic.el"
+ "Support for Ethiopic"
+ (multilingual ethiopic))
+ ("european.el"
+ "European languages"
+ (multilingual european))
+ ("greek.el"
+ "Support for Greek"
+ (multilingual greek))
+ ("hebrew.el"
+ "Support for Hebrew"
+ (multilingual hebrew))
+ ("indian.el"
+ "Support for Indian Languages"
+ (multilingual indian))
+ ("japan-util.el"
+ "utilities for Japanese"
+ (mule multilingual japanese))
+ ("japanese.el"
+ "Japanese support"
+ (multilingual japanese))
+ ("korea-util.el"
+ "utilities for Korean"
+ (mule multilingual korean))
+ ("korean.el"
+ "Support for Korean"
+ (multilingual korean))
+ ("lao-util.el"
+ "utilities for Lao"
+ (multilingual lao))
+ ("lao.el"
+ "Support for Lao"
+ (multilingual lao))
+ ("misc-lang.el"
+ "support for miscellaneous languages (characters)"
+ (multilingual character set coding system))
+ ("romanian.el"
+ "Support for Romanian"
+ (multilingual romanian))
+ ("slovak.el"
+ "Support for Slovak"
+ (multilingual slovak))
+ ("thai-util.el"
+ "utilities for Thai"
+ (mule multilingual thai))
+ ("thai.el"
+ "Support for Thai"
+ (multilingual thai))
+ ("tibet-util.el"
+ "Support for inputting Tibetan characters"
+ (multilingual tibetan))
+ ("tibetan.el"
+ "Support for Tibetan language"
+ (multilingual tibetan))
+ ("viet-util.el"
+ "utilities for Vietnamese"
+ (mule multilingual vietnamese))
+ ("vietnamese.el"
+ "Support for Vietnamese"
+ (multilingual vietnamese))
+ ("ccl.el"
+ "CCL (Code Conversion Language) compiler"
+ (ccl mule multilingual character set coding-system))
+ ("characters.el"
+ "set syntax and category for multibyte characters"
+ (multibyte character character set syntax category))
+ ("codepage.el"
+ "MS-DOS specific coding systems."
+ (i18n ms-dos codepage))
+ ("encoded-kb.el"
+ "Handler to input multibyte characters encoded somehow"
+ nil)
+ ("fontset.el"
+ "Commands for handling fontset."
+ (mule multilingual fontset))
+ ("isearch-x.el"
+ "extended isearch handling commands"
+ (multilingual isearch))
+ ("iso-acc.el"
+ "minor mode providing electric accent keys"
+ (i18n))
+ ("iso-ascii.el"
+ "set up char tables for ISO 8859/1 on ASCII terminals."
+ (i18n))
+ ("iso-cvt.el"
+ "translate ISO 8859-1 from/to various encodings"
+ (tex iso latin i18n))
+ ("iso-insert.el"
+ "insert functions for ISO 8859/1."
+ (i18n))
+ ("iso-swed.el"
+ "set up char tables for ISO 8859/1 for Swedish/Finnish ttys"
+ (i18n))
+ ("iso-transl.el"
+ "keyboard input definitions for ISO 8859/1."
+ (i18n))
+ ("kinsoku.el"
+ "`Kinsoku' processing funcs."
+ (mule kinsoku))
+ ("kkc.el"
+ "Kana Kanji converter"
+ (mule multilingual japanese skk))
+ ("latin-1.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO Latin-1"
+ (i18n))
+ ("latin-2.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO Latin-2"
+ (i18n))
+ ("latin-3.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO Latin-3"
+ (i18n))
+ ("latin-4.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO Latin-4"
+ (i18n))
+ ("latin-5.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO latin-5"
+ (i18n))
+ ("latin-8.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO Latin-8"
+ (i18n))
+ ("latin-9.el"
+ "set up case-conversion and syntax tables for ISO Latin-9"
+ (i18n))
+ ("mule-cmds.el"
+ "Commands for mulitilingual environment"
+ (mule multilingual))
+ ("mule-conf.el"
+ "configure multilingual environment"
+ (mule multilingual character set coding system))
+ ("mule-diag.el"
+ "Show diagnosis of multilingual environment (Mule)"
+ (multilingual charset coding system fontset diagnosis))
+ ("mule-util.el"
+ "Utility functions for mulitilingual environment (mule)"
+ (mule multilingual))
+ ("mule.el"
+ "basic commands for mulitilingual environment"
+ (mule multilingual character set coding system))
+ ("ogonek.el"
+ "change the encoding of Polish diacritics"
+ (i18n))
+ ("quail.el"
+ "Provides simple input method for multilingual text"
+ (mule multilingual input method))
+ ("skkdic-cnv.el"
+ "Convert a SKK dictionary for `skkdic-utl'"
+ (mule multilingual japanese skk))
+ ("skkdic-utl.el"
+ "Utility functions for handling SKK dictionary"
+ (mule multilingual japanese skk))
+ ("swedish.el"
+ "miscellaneous functions for dealing with Swedish."
+ (i18n))
+ ("titdic-cnv.el"
+ "convert cxterm dictionary (TIT format) to Quail package"
+ (quail tit cxterm))
+ ("earcon.el"
+ "Sound effects for messages"
+ nil)
+ ("gnus-agent.el"
+ "unplugged support for Gnus"
+ nil)
+ ("gnus-art.el"
+ "article mode commands for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-async.el"
+ "asynchronous support for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-audio.el"
+ "Sound effects for Gnus"
+ nil)
+ ("gnus-bcklg.el"
+ "backlog functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-cache.el"
+ "cache interface for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-cite.el"
+ "parse citations in articles for Gnus"
+ nil)
+ ("gnus-cus.el"
+ "customization commands for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-demon.el"
+ "daemonic Gnus behaviour"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-draft.el"
+ "draft message support for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-dup.el"
+ "suppression of duplicate articles in Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-eform.el"
+ "a mode for editing forms for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-ems.el"
+ "functions for making Gnus work under different Emacsen"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-gl.el"
+ "an interface to GroupLens for Gnus"
+ (news score))
+ ("gnus-group.el"
+ "group mode commands for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-int.el"
+ "backend interface functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-kill.el"
+ "kill commands for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-load.el"
+ "automatically extracted custom dependencies"
+ nil)
+ ("gnus-logic.el"
+ "advanced scoring code for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-mh.el"
+ "mh-e interface for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-move.el"
+ "commands for moving Gnus from one server to another"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-msg.el"
+ "mail and post interface for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-mule.el"
+ "Provide multilingual environment to GNUS"
+ (gnus mule))
+ ("gnus-nocem.el"
+ "NoCeM pseudo-cancellation treatment"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-range.el"
+ "range and sequence functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-salt.el"
+ "alternate summary mode interfaces for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-score.el"
+ "scoring code for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-setup.el"
+ "Initialization & Setup for Gnus 5"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-soup.el"
+ "SOUP packet writing support for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("gnus-spec.el"
+ "format spec functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-srvr.el"
+ "virtual server support for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-start.el"
+ "startup functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-sum.el"
+ "summary mode commands for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-topic.el"
+ "a folding minor mode for Gnus group buffers"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-undo.el"
+ "minor mode for undoing in Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-util.el"
+ "utility functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus-uu.el"
+ "extract (uu)encoded files in Gnus"
+ nil)
+ ("gnus-vm.el"
+ "vm interface for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("gnus-win.el"
+ "window configuration functions for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("gnus.el"
+ "a newsreader for GNU Emacs"
+ (news mail))
+ ("message.el"
+ "composing mail and news messages"
+ (mail news))
+ ("messcompat.el"
+ "making message mode compatible with mail mode"
+ (mail news))
+ ("nnagent.el"
+ "offline backend for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnbabyl.el"
+ "rmail mbox access for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nndir.el"
+ "single directory newsgroup access for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("nndoc.el"
+ "single file access for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("nndraft.el"
+ "draft article access for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("nneething.el"
+ "arbitrary file access for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnfolder.el"
+ "mail folder access for Gnus"
+ (mail))
+ ("nngateway.el"
+ "posting news via mail gateways"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnheader.el"
+ "header access macros for Gnus and its backends"
+ (news))
+ ("nnkiboze.el"
+ "select virtual news access for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("nnlistserv.el"
+ "retrieving articles via web mailing list archives"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnmail.el"
+ "mail support functions for the Gnus mail backends"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnmbox.el"
+ "mail mbox access for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnmh.el"
+ "mhspool access for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnml.el"
+ "mail spool access for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnoo.el"
+ "OO Gnus Backends"
+ (news))
+ ("nnsoup.el"
+ "SOUP access for Gnus"
+ (news mail))
+ ("nnspool.el"
+ "spool access for GNU Emacs"
+ (news))
+ ("nntp.el"
+ "nntp access for Gnus Copyright (C) 1987-90,92-97 Free"
+ (news))
+ ("nnvirtual.el"
+ "virtual newsgroups access for Gnus"
+ (news))
+ ("nnweb.el"
+ "retrieving articles via web search engines"
+ (news))
+ ("parse-time.el"
+ "Parsing time strings"
+ (util))
+ ("pop3.el"
+ "Post Office Protocol (RFC 1460) interface"
+ (mail))
+ ("score-mode.el"
+ "mode for editing Gnus score files"
+ (news mail))
+ ("crisp.el"
+ "CRiSP/Brief Emacs emulator"
+ (emulations brief crisp))
+ ("edt-lk201.el"
+ "Enhanced EDT Keypad Mode Emulation for LK-201 Keyboards"
+ (emulations))
+ ("edt-mapper.el"
+ "Create an EDT LK-201 Map File for X-Windows Emacs"
+ (emulations))
+ ("edt-pc.el"
+ "Enhanced EDT Keypad Mode Emulation for PC 101 Keyboards"
+ (emulations))
+ ("edt-vt100.el"
+ "Enhanced EDT Keypad Mode Emulation for VT Series Terminals"
+ (emulations))
+ ("edt.el"
+ "Enhanced EDT Keypad Mode Emulation for GNU Emacs 19"
+ (emulations))
+ ("mlconvert.el"
+ "convert buffer of Mocklisp code to real lisp."
+ (emulations))
+ ("mlsupport.el"
+ "run-time support for mocklisp code."
+ (extensions))
+ ("pc-mode.el"
+ "emulate certain key bindings used on PCs."
+ (emulations))
+ ("pc-select.el"
+ "emulate mark, cut, copy and paste from Motif"
+ (convenience ))
+ ("tpu-edt.el"
+ "Emacs emulating TPU emulating EDT"
+ (emulations))
+ ("tpu-extras.el"
+ "Scroll margins and free cursor mode for TPU-edt"
+ (emulations))
+ ("tpu-mapper.el"
+ "Create a TPU-edt X-windows keymap file"
+ (emulations))
+ ("vi.el"
+ "major mode for emulating \"vi\" editor under GNU Emacs."
+ (emulations))
+ ("vip.el"
+ "a VI Package for GNU Emacs"
+ (emulations))
+ ("viper-cmd.el"
+ "Vi command support for Viper"
+ nil)
+ ("viper-ex.el"
+ "functions implementing the Ex commands for Viper"
+ nil)
+ ("viper-init.el"
+ "some common definitions for Viper"
+ nil)
+ ("viper-keym.el"
+ "Viper keymaps"
+ nil)
+ ("viper-macs.el"
+ "functions implementing keyboard macros for Viper"
+ nil)
+ ("viper-mous.el"
+ "mouse support for Viper"
+ nil)
+ ("viper-util.el"
+ "Utilities used by viper.el"
+ nil)
+ ("viper.el"
+ "A full-featured Vi emulator for Emacs."
+ (emulations))
+ ("ws-mode.el"
+ "WordStar emulation mode for GNU Emacs"
+ (emulations))
+ ("advice.el"
+ "an overloading mechanism for Emacs Lisp functions"
+ (extensions lisp tools))
+ ("assoc.el"
+ "insert/delete/sort functions on association lists"
+ (extensions))
+ ("autoload.el"
+ "maintain autoloads in loaddefs.el."
+ (maint))
+ ("backquote.el"
+ "implement the ` Lisp construct"
+ (extensions internal))
+ ("byte-opt.el"
+ "the optimization passes of the emacs-lisp byte compiler."
+ (internal))
+ ("bytecomp.el"
+ "compilation of Lisp code into byte code."
+ (lisp))
+ ("checkdoc.el"
+ "Check documentation strings for style requirements"
+ (docs maint lisp))
+ ("cl-compat.el"
+ "Common Lisp extensions for GNU Emacs Lisp (compatibility)"
+ (extensions))
+ ("cl-extra.el"
+ "Common Lisp features, part 2"
+ (extensions))
+ ("cl-indent.el"
+ "enhanced lisp-indent mode"
+ (lisp tools))
+ ("cl-macs.el"
+ "Common Lisp macros"
+ (extensions))
+ ("cl-seq.el"
+ "Common Lisp features, part 3"
+ (extensions))
+ ("cl-specs.el"
+ "Edebug specs for cl.el"
+ (lisp tools maint))
+ ("cl.el"
+ "Common Lisp extensions for Emacs"
+ (extensions))
+ ("copyright.el"
+ "update the copyright notice in current buffer"
+ (maint tools))
+ ("cust-print.el"
+ "handles print-level and print-circle."
+ (extensions))
+ ("debug.el"
+ "debuggers and related commands for Emacs"
+ (lisp tools maint))
+ ("disass.el"
+ "disassembler for compiled Emacs Lisp code"
+ (internal))
+ ("easy-mmode.el"
+ "easy definition of minor modes."
+ nil)
+ ("easymenu.el"
+ "support the easymenu interface for defining a menu."
+ (emulations))
+ ("edebug.el"
+ "a source-level debugger for Emacs Lisp"
+ (lisp tools maint))
+ ("eldoc.el"
+ "show function arglist or variable docstring in echo area"
+ (extensions))
+ ("elint.el"
+ "Lint Emacs Lisp"
+ (lisp))
+ ("elp.el"
+ "Emacs Lisp Profiler"
+ (debugging lisp tools))
+ ("eval-reg.el"
+ "Redefine eval-region, and subrs that use it, in Lisp"
+ (lisp))
+ ("find-func.el"
+ "find the definition of the Emacs Lisp function near point"
+ (emacs-lisp functions variables))
+ ("float.el"
+ "obsolete floating point arithmetic package."
+ (extensions))
+ ("gulp.el"
+ "Ask for updates for Lisp packages"
+ (maintenance))
+ ("helper.el"
+ "utility help package supporting help in electric modes"
+ (help))
+ ("levents.el"
+ "emulate the Lucid event data type and associated functions."
+ nil)
+ ("lisp-mnt.el"
+ "minor mode for Emacs Lisp maintainers"
+ (docs))
+ ("lisp-mode.el"
+ "Lisp mode, and its idiosyncratic commands."
+ (lisp languages))
+ ("lisp.el"
+ "Lisp editing commands for Emacs"
+ (lisp languages))
+ ("lmenu.el"
+ "emulate Lucid's menubar support"
+ (emulations))
+ ("lselect.el"
+ "Lucid interface to X Selections"
+ (emulations))
+ ("lucid.el"
+ "Emulate some Lucid Emacs functions."
+ nil)
+ ("pp.el"
+ "pretty printer for Emacs Lisp"
+ nil)
+ ("profile.el"
+ "generate run time measurements of Emacs Lisp functions"
+ (lisp tools))
+ ("regexp-opt.el"
+ "generate efficient regexps to match strings."
+ (strings regexps))
+ ("ring.el"
+ "handle rings of items"
+ (extensions))
+ ("shadow.el"
+ "Locate Emacs Lisp file shadowings."
+ (lisp))
+ ("sregex.el"
+ "symbolic regular expressions"
+ nil)
+ ("tq.el"
+ "utility to maintain a transaction queue"
+ (extensions))
+ ("trace.el"
+ "tracing facility for Emacs Lisp functions"
+ (tools lisp))
+(provide 'finder-inf)
+;;; finder-inf.el ends here