path: root/lisp/mouse.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/mouse.el')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/mouse.el b/lisp/mouse.el
index 9b6b169e568..e0794435d7a 100644
--- a/lisp/mouse.el
+++ b/lisp/mouse.el
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ This command must be bound to a mouse click."
(defun mouse-drag-line (start-event line)
"Drag a mode line, header line, or vertical line with the mouse.
-START-EVENT is the starting mouse-event of the drag action. LINE
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action. LINE
must be one of the symbols `header', `mode', or `vertical'."
;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
(run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
@@ -405,29 +405,15 @@ must be one of the symbols `header', `mode', or `vertical'."
;; window's edge we drag.
((eq line 'header)
- (if (window-at-side-p window 'top)
- ;; We can't drag the header line of a topmost window.
- (setq draggable nil)
- ;; Drag bottom edge of window above the header line.
- (setq window (window-in-direction 'above window t))))
- ((eq line 'mode)
- (if (and (window-at-side-p window 'bottom)
- ;; Allow resizing the minibuffer window if it's on the
- ;; same frame as and immediately below `window', and it's
- ;; either active or `resize-mini-windows' is nil.
- (let ((minibuffer-window (minibuffer-window frame)))
- (not (and (eq (window-frame minibuffer-window) frame)
- (or (not resize-mini-windows)
- (eq minibuffer-window
- (active-minibuffer-window)))))))
- (setq draggable nil)))
+ ;; Drag bottom edge of window above the header line.
+ (setq window (window-in-direction 'above window t)))
+ ((eq line 'mode))
((eq line 'vertical)
(let ((divider-width (frame-right-divider-width frame)))
(when (and (or (not (numberp divider-width))
(zerop divider-width))
(eq (frame-parameter frame 'vertical-scroll-bars) 'left))
(setq window (window-in-direction 'left window t))))))
(let* ((exitfun nil)
(lambda (event) (interactive "e")
@@ -530,20 +516,405 @@ must be one of the symbols `header', `mode', or `vertical'."
t (lambda () (setq track-mouse old-track-mouse)))))))
(defun mouse-drag-mode-line (start-event)
- "Change the height of a window by dragging on the mode line."
+ "Change the height of a window by dragging on its mode line.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action.
+If the drag happens in a mode line on the bottom of a frame and
+that frame's `drag-with-mode-line' parameter is non-nil, drag the
+frame instead."
(interactive "e")
- (mouse-drag-line start-event 'mode))
+ (let* ((start (event-start start-event))
+ (window (posn-window start))
+ (frame (window-frame window)))
+ (cond
+ ((not (window-live-p window)))
+ ((or (not (window-at-side-p window 'bottom))
+ ;; Allow resizing the minibuffer window if it's on the
+ ;; same frame as and immediately below `window', and it's
+ ;; either active or `resize-mini-windows' is nil.
+ (let ((minibuffer-window (minibuffer-window frame)))
+ (and (eq (window-frame minibuffer-window) frame)
+ (or (not resize-mini-windows)
+ (eq minibuffer-window
+ (active-minibuffer-window))))))
+ (mouse-drag-line start-event 'mode))
+ ((and (frame-parameter frame 'drag-with-mode-line)
+ (window-at-side-p window 'bottom)
+ (let ((minibuffer-window (minibuffer-window frame)))
+ (not (eq (window-frame minibuffer-window) frame))))
+ ;; Drag frame when the window is on the bottom of its frame and
+ ;; there is no minibuffer window below.
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'move)))))
(defun mouse-drag-header-line (start-event)
- "Change the height of a window by dragging on the header line."
+ "Change the height of a window by dragging on its header line.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action.
+If the drag happens in a header line on the top of a frame and
+that frame's `drag-with-header-line' parameter is non-nil, drag
+the frame instead."
(interactive "e")
- (mouse-drag-line start-event 'header))
+ (let* ((start (event-start start-event))
+ (window (posn-window start)))
+ (if (and (window-live-p window)
+ (not (window-at-side-p window 'top)))
+ (mouse-drag-line start-event 'header)
+ (let ((frame (window-frame window)))
+ (when (frame-parameter frame 'drag-with-header-line)
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'move))))))
(defun mouse-drag-vertical-line (start-event)
- "Change the width of a window by dragging on the vertical line."
+ "Change the width of a window by dragging on a vertical line.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
(interactive "e")
(mouse-drag-line start-event 'vertical))
+(defun mouse-resize-frame (frame x-diff y-diff &optional x-move y-move)
+ "Helper function for `mouse-drag-frame'."
+ (let* ((frame-x-y (frame-position frame))
+ (frame-x (car frame-x-y))
+ (frame-y (cdr frame-x-y))
+ alist)
+ (if (> x-diff 0)
+ (when x-move
+ (setq x-diff (min x-diff frame-x))
+ (setq x-move (- frame-x x-diff)))
+ (let* ((min-width (frame-windows-min-size frame t nil t))
+ (min-diff (max 0 (- (frame-inner-width frame) min-width))))
+ (setq x-diff (max x-diff (- min-diff)))
+ (when x-move
+ (setq x-move (+ frame-x (- x-diff))))))
+ (if (> y-diff 0)
+ (when y-move
+ (setq y-diff (min y-diff frame-y))
+ (setq y-move (- frame-y y-diff)))
+ (let* ((min-height (frame-windows-min-size frame nil nil t))
+ (min-diff (max 0 (- (frame-inner-height frame) min-height))))
+ (setq y-diff (max y-diff (- min-diff)))
+ (when y-move
+ (setq y-move (+ frame-y (- y-diff))))))
+ (unless (zerop x-diff)
+ (when x-move
+ (push `(left . ,x-move) alist))
+ (push `(width . (text-pixels . ,(+ (frame-text-width frame) x-diff)))
+ alist))
+ (unless (zerop y-diff)
+ (when y-move
+ (push `(top . ,y-move) alist))
+ (push `(height . (text-pixels . ,(+ (frame-text-height frame) y-diff)))
+ alist))
+ (when alist
+ (modify-frame-parameters frame alist))))
+(defun mouse-drag-frame (start-event part)
+ "Drag a frame or one of its edges with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action. Its
+position window denotes the frame that will be dragged.
+PART specifies the part that has been dragged and must be one of
+the symbols 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'top-left',
+'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right' to drag an internal
+border or edge. If PART equals 'move', this means to move the
+frame with the mouse."
+ ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+ (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+ (let* ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+ (start (event-start start-event))
+ (window (posn-window start))
+ ;; FRAME is the frame to drag.
+ (frame (if (window-live-p window)
+ (window-frame window)
+ window))
+ (width (frame-native-width frame))
+ (height (frame-native-height frame))
+ ;; PARENT is the parent frame of FRAME or, if FRAME is a
+ ;; top-level frame, FRAME's workarea.
+ (parent (frame-parent frame))
+ (parent-edges
+ (if parent
+ `(0 0 ,(frame-native-width parent) ,(frame-native-height parent))
+ (let* ((attributes
+ (car (display-monitor-attributes-list)))
+ (workarea (assq 'workarea attributes)))
+ (and workarea
+ `(,(nth 1 workarea) ,(nth 2 workarea)
+ ,(+ (nth 1 workarea) (nth 3 workarea))
+ ,(+ (nth 2 workarea) (nth 4 workarea)))))))
+ (parent-left (and parent-edges (nth 0 parent-edges)))
+ (parent-top (and parent-edges (nth 1 parent-edges)))
+ (parent-right (and parent-edges (nth 2 parent-edges)))
+ (parent-bottom (and parent-edges (nth 3 parent-edges)))
+ ;; `pos-x' and `pos-y' record the x- and y-coordinates of the
+ ;; last sampled mouse position. Note that we sample absolute
+ ;; mouse positions to avoid that moving the mouse from one
+ ;; frame into another gets into our way. `last-x' and `last-y'
+ ;; records the x- and y-coordinates of the previously sampled
+ ;; position. The differences between `last-x' and `pos-x' as
+ ;; well as `last-y' and `pos-y' determine the amount the mouse
+ ;; has been dragged between the last two samples.
+ pos-x-y pos-x pos-y
+ (last-x-y (mouse-absolute-pixel-position))
+ (last-x (car last-x-y))
+ (last-y (cdr last-x-y))
+ ;; `snap-x' and `snap-y' record the x- and y-coordinates of the
+ ;; mouse position when FRAME snapped. As soon as the
+ ;; difference between `pos-x' and `snap-x' (or `pos-y' and
+ ;; `snap-y') exceeds the value of FRAME's `snap-width'
+ ;; parameter, unsnap FRAME (at the respective side). `snap-x'
+ ;; and `snap-y' nil mean FRAME is curerntly not snapped.
+ snap-x snap-y
+ (exitfun nil)
+ (move
+ (lambda (event)
+ (interactive "e")
+ (when (consp event)
+ (setq pos-x-y (mouse-absolute-pixel-position))
+ (setq pos-x (car pos-x-y))
+ (setq pos-y (cdr pos-x-y))
+ (cond
+ ((eq part 'left)
+ (mouse-resize-frame frame (- last-x pos-x) 0 t))
+ ((eq part 'top)
+ (mouse-resize-frame frame 0 (- last-y pos-y) nil t))
+ ((eq part 'right)
+ (mouse-resize-frame frame (- pos-x last-x) 0))
+ ((eq part 'bottom)
+ (mouse-resize-frame frame 0 (- pos-y last-y)))
+ ((eq part 'top-left)
+ (mouse-resize-frame
+ frame (- last-x pos-x) (- last-y pos-y) t t))
+ ((eq part 'top-right)
+ (mouse-resize-frame
+ frame (- pos-x last-x) (- last-y pos-y) nil t))
+ ((eq part 'bottom-left)
+ (mouse-resize-frame
+ frame (- last-x pos-x) (- pos-y last-y) t))
+ ((eq part 'bottom-right)
+ (mouse-resize-frame
+ frame (- pos-x last-x) (- pos-y last-y)))
+ ((eq part 'move)
+ (let* ((old-position (frame-position frame))
+ (old-left (car old-position))
+ (old-top (cdr old-position))
+ (left (+ old-left (- pos-x last-x)))
+ (top (+ old-top (- pos-y last-y)))
+ right bottom
+ ;; `snap-width' (maybe also a yet to be provided
+ ;; `snap-height') could become floats to handle
+ ;; proportionality wrt PARENT. We don't do any
+ ;; checks on this parameter so far.
+ (snap-width (frame-parameter frame 'snap-width)))
+ ;; Docking and constraining.
+ (when (and (numberp snap-width) parent-edges)
+ (cond
+ ;; Docking at the left parent edge.
+ ((< pos-x last-x)
+ (cond
+ ((and (> left parent-left)
+ (<= (- left parent-left) snap-width))
+ ;; Snap when the mouse moved leftward and
+ ;; FRAME's left edge would end up within
+ ;; `snap-width' pixels from PARENT's left edge.
+ (setq snap-x pos-x)
+ (setq left parent-left))
+ ((and (<= left parent-left)
+ (<= (- parent-left left) snap-width)
+ snap-x (<= (- snap-x pos-x) snap-width))
+ ;; Stay snapped when the mouse moved leftward
+ ;; but not more than `snap-width' pixels from
+ ;; the time FRAME snapped.
+ (setq left parent-left))
+ (t
+ ;; Unsnap when the mouse moved more than
+ ;; `snap-width' pixels leftward from the time
+ ;; FRAME snapped.
+ (setq snap-x nil))))
+ ((> pos-x last-x)
+ (setq right (+ left width))
+ (cond
+ ((and (< right parent-right)
+ (<= (- parent-right right) snap-width))
+ ;; Snap when the mouse moved rightward and
+ ;; FRAME's right edge would end up within
+ ;; `snap-width' pixels from PARENT's right edge.
+ (setq snap-x pos-x)
+ (setq left (- parent-right width)))
+ ((and (>= right parent-right)
+ (<= (- right parent-right) snap-width)
+ snap-x (<= (- pos-x snap-x) snap-width))
+ ;; Stay snapped when the mouse moved rightward
+ ;; but not more more than `snap-width' pixels
+ ;; from the time FRAME snapped.
+ (setq left (- parent-right width)))
+ (t
+ ;; Unsnap when the mouse moved rightward more
+ ;; than `snap-width' pixels from the time FRAME
+ ;; snapped.
+ (setq snap-x nil)))))
+ (cond
+ ((< pos-y last-y)
+ (cond
+ ((and (> top parent-top)
+ (<= (- top parent-top) snap-width))
+ ;; Snap when the mouse moved upward and FRAME's
+ ;; top edge would end up within `snap-width'
+ ;; pixels from PARENT's top edge.
+ (setq snap-y pos-y)
+ (setq top parent-top))
+ ((and (<= top parent-top)
+ (<= (- parent-top top) snap-width)
+ snap-y (<= (- snap-y pos-y) snap-width))
+ ;; Stay snapped when the mouse moved upward but
+ ;; not more more than `snap-width' pixels from
+ ;; the time FRAME snapped.
+ (setq top parent-top))
+ (t
+ ;; Unsnap when the mouse moved upward more than
+ ;; `snap-width' pixels from the time FRAME
+ ;; snapped.
+ (setq snap-y nil))))
+ ((> pos-y last-y)
+ (setq bottom (+ top height))
+ (cond
+ ((and (< bottom parent-bottom)
+ (<= (- parent-bottom bottom) snap-width))
+ ;; Snap when the mouse moved downward and
+ ;; FRAME's bottom edge would end up within
+ ;; `snap-width' pixels from PARENT's bottom
+ ;; edge.
+ (setq snap-y pos-y)
+ (setq top (- parent-bottom height)))
+ ((and (>= bottom parent-bottom)
+ (<= (- bottom parent-bottom) snap-width)
+ snap-y (<= (- pos-y snap-y) snap-width))
+ ;; Stay snapped when the mouse moved downward
+ ;; but not more more than `snap-width' pixels
+ ;; from the time FRAME snapped.
+ (setq top (- parent-bottom height)))
+ (t
+ ;; Unsnap when the mouse moved downward more
+ ;; than `snap-width' pixels from the time FRAME
+ ;; snapped.
+ (setq snap-y nil))))))
+ ;; If requested, constrain FRAME's draggable areas to
+ ;; PARENT's edges. The `top-visible' parameter should
+ ;; be set when FRAME has a draggable header-line. If
+ ;; set to a number, it ascertains that the top of
+ ;; FRAME is always constrained to the top of PARENT
+ ;; and that at least as many pixels of FRAME as
+ ;; specified by that number are visible on each of the
+ ;; three remaining sides of PARENT.
+ ;;
+ ;; The `bottom-visible' parameter should be set when
+ ;; FRAME has a draggable mode-line. If set to a
+ ;; number, it ascertains that the bottom of FRAME is
+ ;; always constrained to the bottom of PARENT and that
+ ;; at least as many pixels of FRAME as specified by
+ ;; that number are visible on each of the three
+ ;; remaining sides of PARENT.
+ (let ((par (frame-parameter frame 'top-visible))
+ bottom-visible)
+ (unless par
+ (setq par (frame-parameter frame 'bottom-visible))
+ (setq bottom-visible t))
+ (when (and (numberp par) parent-edges)
+ (setq left
+ (max (min (- parent-right par) left)
+ (+ (- parent-left width) par)))
+ (setq top
+ (if bottom-visible
+ (min (max top (- parent-top (- height par)))
+ (- parent-bottom height))
+ (min (max top parent-top)
+ (- parent-bottom par))))))
+ ;; Use `modify-frame-parameters' since `left' and
+ ;; `top' may want to move FRAME out of its PARENT.
+ (modify-frame-parameters
+ frame
+ `((left . (+ ,left)) (top . (+ ,top)))))))
+ (setq last-x pos-x)
+ (setq last-y pos-y))))
+ (old-track-mouse track-mouse))
+ ;; Start tracking. The special value 'dragging' signals the
+ ;; display engine to freeze the mouse pointer shape for as long
+ ;; as we drag.
+ (setq track-mouse 'dragging)
+ ;; Loop reading events and sampling the position of the mouse.
+ (setq exitfun
+ (set-transient-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map [switch-frame] #'ignore)
+ (define-key map [select-window] #'ignore)
+ (define-key map [scroll-bar-movement] #'ignore)
+ (define-key map [mouse-movement] move)
+ ;; Swallow drag-mouse-1 events to avoid selecting some other window.
+ (define-key map [drag-mouse-1]
+ (lambda () (interactive) (funcall exitfun)))
+ ;; Some of the events will of course end up looked up
+ ;; with a mode-line, header-line or vertical-line prefix ...
+ (define-key map [mode-line] map)
+ (define-key map [header-line] map)
+ (define-key map [vertical-line] map)
+ ;; ... and some maybe even with a right- or bottom-divider
+ ;; prefix.
+ (define-key map [right-divider] map)
+ (define-key map [bottom-divider] map)
+ map)
+ t (lambda () (setq track-mouse old-track-mouse))))))
+(defun mouse-drag-left-edge (start-event)
+ "Drag left edge of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'left))
+(defun mouse-drag-top-left-corner (start-event)
+ "Drag top left corner of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'top-left))
+(defun mouse-drag-top-edge (start-event)
+ "Drag top edge of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'top))
+(defun mouse-drag-top-right-corner (start-event)
+ "Drag top right corner of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'top-right))
+(defun mouse-drag-right-edge (start-event)
+ "Drag right edge of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'right))
+(defun mouse-drag-bottom-right-corner (start-event)
+ "Drag bottom right corner of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'bottom-right))
+(defun mouse-drag-bottom-edge (start-event)
+ "Drag bottom edge of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'bottom))
+(defun mouse-drag-bottom-left-corner (start-event)
+ "Drag bottom left corner of a frame with the mouse.
+START-EVENT is the starting mouse event of the drag action."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-drag-frame start-event 'bottom-left))
(defcustom mouse-select-region-move-to-beginning nil
"Effect of selecting a region extending backward from double click.
Nil means keep point at the position clicked (region end);
@@ -2078,6 +2449,22 @@ is copied instead of being cut."
(global-set-key [bottom-divider down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-mode-line)
(global-set-key [bottom-divider mouse-1] 'ignore)
(global-set-key [bottom-divider C-mouse-2] 'mouse-split-window-horizontally)
+(global-set-key [left-edge down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-left-edge)
+(global-set-key [left-edge mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [top-left-corner down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-top-left-corner)
+(global-set-key [top-left-corner mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [top-edge down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-top-edge)
+(global-set-key [top-edge mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [top-right-corner down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-top-right-corner)
+(global-set-key [top-right-corner mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [right-edge down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-right-edge)
+(global-set-key [right-edge mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [bottom-right-corner down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-bottom-right-corner)
+(global-set-key [bottom-right-corner mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [bottom-edge down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-bottom-edge)
+(global-set-key [bottom-edge mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(global-set-key [bottom-left-corner down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-bottom-left-corner)
+(global-set-key [bottom-left-corner mouse-1] 'ignore)
(provide 'mouse)