/* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 */ /* Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ /* Copyright (C) 1993-1994, 2001-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * XMenu: MIT Project Athena, X Window system menu package * * XMenuCreate - Creates an X window system menu object. * * Author: Tony Della Fera, DEC * January 23, 1986 * */ #include "XMenuInt.h" #include #include #ifdef EMACS_BITMAP_FILES #include "../src/bitmaps/dimple1.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/dimple3.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/gray1.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/gray3.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/crosswv.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/leftptr.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/leftpmsk.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/rtptr.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/rtpmsk.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/cntrptr.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/cntrpmsk.xbm" #include "../src/bitmaps/stipple.xbm" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* not EMACS_BITMAP_FILES */ #define DEF_FREEZE 0 #define DEF_REVERSE 0 #define DEF_MENU_STYLE LEFT #define DEF_MENU_MODE BOX #define DEF_INACT_PNUM 3 #define DEF_P_STYLE CENTER #define DEF_P_EVENTS (EnterWindowMask | ExposureMask) #define DEF_P_FNT_NAME "fixed" #define DEF_P_SPREAD 0.5 #define DEF_P_BDR_WIDTH 2 #define DEF_S_STYLE LEFT #define DEF_S_EVENTS (EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask) #define DEF_S_FNT_NAME "fixed" #define DEF_S_SPREAD 0.10 #define DEF_S_BDR_WIDTH 1 #define XASSOC_TABLE_SIZE 64 const char *x_get_resource_string (char const *, char const *); static Status XAllocDisplayColor(Display *display, Colormap map, char const *colorName, XColor *color, XColor *junk) { return (colorName!=0 && XParseColor(display, map, colorName, color) && XAllocColor(display, map, color)); } XMenu * XMenuCreate(Display *display, Window parent, register char const *def_env) /* ID of previously opened display */ /* Window ID of the menu's parent window. */ /* X Defaults program environment name. */ { register const char *def_val; /* X Default value temp variable. */ register XMenu *menu; /* Pointer to the new menu. */ XMStyle menu_style; /* Menu display style. */ XMMode menu_mode; /* Menu display mode. */ XMPane *pane; /* Pane list header. */ XAssocTable *assoc_tab; /* XAssocTable pointer. */ int freeze; /* Freeze server mode. */ int reverse; /* Reverse video mode. */ XMStyle p_style; /* Pane display style. */ char const *p_fnt_name; /* Flag font name. */ XFontStruct *p_fnt_info; /* Flag font structure */ int p_fnt_pad; /* Flag font padding in pixels. */ double p_spread; /* Pane spread in flag height fractions. */ int p_fnt_height; /* Pane character height. */ int p_bdr_width; /* Pane border width. */ int flag_height; /* Flag window height. */ int p_height; /* Pane window height. */ int p_x_off; /* Pane X offset. */ int p_y_off; /* Pane Y offset. */ GC pane_GC; /* Pane graphics context. */ XMStyle s_style; /* Selection display style. */ char const *s_fnt_name; /* Selection font name. */ XFontStruct *s_fnt_info; /* Selection font structure. */ int s_fnt_pad; /* Selection font padding in pixels. */ int s_fnt_height; /* Selection font character height */ double s_spread; /* Select spread in line height fractions. */ int s_bdr_width; /* Highlight border width. */ int s_height; /* Selection window height. */ int s_x_off; /* Selection window X offset. */ int s_y_off; /* Selection window Y offset. */ GC normal_select_GC; /* GC used for normal video selection. */ GC inverse_select_GC; /* GC used for inverse video selection. */ GC inact_GC; /* GC for inactive pane header and */ /* selections. */ XColor color_def; /* Temp color definition holder. */ XColor p_bdr_color; /* Color of border. */ XColor s_bdr_color; /* Color of highlight. */ XColor p_frg_color; /* Color of pane foreground color. */ XColor s_frg_color; /* Color of selection foreground. */ XColor bkgnd_color; /* Color of background.. */ XColor mouse_color; /* Color of mouse cursor. */ Cursor mouse_cursor; /* Mouse cursor. */ Pixmap inact_bitmap; /* Menu inactive pixmap. */ int inact_pnum; /* Inactive background pattern number. */ Pixmap cursor; /* Cursor pixmap holder. */ Pixmap cursor_mask; /* Cursor mask pixmap holder. */ Pixmap stipple_pixmap; /* Stipple mask for half-tone text. */ unsigned long valuemask; XGCValues *values; Window root = RootWindow (display, DefaultScreen (display)); /* * Calloc the XMenu structure and the initial pane. */ menu = (XMenu *)calloc(1, sizeof(XMenu)); if (menu == NULL) { _XMErrorCode = XME_CALLOC; return(NULL); } pane = (XMPane *)calloc(1, sizeof(XMPane)); if (pane == NULL) { _XMErrorCode = XME_CALLOC; return(NULL); } /* * Create the XAssocTable */ assoc_tab = (XAssocTable *)XCreateAssocTable(XASSOC_TABLE_SIZE); if(assoc_tab == NULL) { _XMErrorCode= XME_CREATE_ASSOC; return(NULL); } /* * Set up the default environment name. */ if (def_env == NULL || *def_env == '\0') def_env = "XMenu"; /* * Set up internal fail-safe defaults. */ freeze = DEF_FREEZE; reverse = DEF_REVERSE; menu_style = DEF_MENU_STYLE; menu_mode = DEF_MENU_MODE; inact_pnum = DEF_INACT_PNUM; p_style = DEF_P_STYLE; p_spread = DEF_P_SPREAD; p_fnt_name = DEF_P_FNT_NAME; p_bdr_width = DEF_P_BDR_WIDTH; s_style = DEF_S_STYLE; s_spread = DEF_S_SPREAD; s_fnt_name = DEF_S_FNT_NAME; s_bdr_width = DEF_S_BDR_WIDTH; /* * Get default values from X. */ def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuFreeze", "MenuFreeze"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "on") == 0) freeze = 1; else if (strcmp(def_val, "off") == 0) freeze = 0; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuReverseVideo", "MenuReverseVideo"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "on") == 0) reverse = 1; else if (strcmp(def_val, "off") == 0) reverse = 0; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuStyle", "MenuStyle"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "right_hand") == 0) menu_style = RIGHT; else if (strcmp(def_val, "left_hand") == 0) menu_style = LEFT; else if (strcmp(def_val, "center") == 0) menu_style = CENTER; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuMode", "MenuMode"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "box") == 0) menu_mode = BOX; else if (strcmp(def_val, "invert") == 0) menu_mode = INVERT; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuMouse", "MenuMouse"); if ( def_val != NULL && DisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display)) > 2 && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), def_val, &mouse_color, &color_def) ); else if (reverse && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &mouse_color, &color_def) ); else if (XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &mouse_color, &color_def) ); else {} def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuBackground", "MenuBackground"); if ( def_val != NULL && DisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display)) > 2 && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), def_val, &bkgnd_color, &color_def) ); else if (reverse && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &bkgnd_color, &color_def) ); else if (XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &bkgnd_color, &color_def) ); else {} def_val = x_get_resource_string ("menuInactivePattern", "MenuInactivePattern"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "dimple1") == 0) inact_pnum = 0; else if (strcmp(def_val, "dimple3") == 0) inact_pnum = 1; else if (strcmp(def_val, "gray1") == 0) inact_pnum = 2; else if (strcmp(def_val, "gray3") == 0) inact_pnum = 3; else if (strcmp(def_val, "cross_weave") == 0) inact_pnum = 4; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("paneStyle", "PaneStyle"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "flush_left") == 0) p_style = LEFT; else if (strcmp(def_val, "flush_right") == 0) p_style = RIGHT; else if (strcmp(def_val, "center") == 0) p_style = CENTER; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("paneFont", "PaneFont"); if (def_val != NULL) p_fnt_name = def_val; def_val = x_get_resource_string ("paneForeground", "PaneForeground"); if ( def_val != NULL && DisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display)) > 2 ) XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), def_val, &p_frg_color, &color_def); else if (reverse) XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &p_frg_color, &color_def); else XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &p_frg_color, &color_def); def_val = x_get_resource_string ("paneBorder", "PaneBorder"); if ( def_val != NULL && DisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display)) > 2 && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), def_val, &p_bdr_color, &color_def) ); else if (reverse && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &p_bdr_color, &color_def) ); else XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &p_bdr_color, &color_def); def_val = x_get_resource_string ("paneBorderWidth", "PaneBorderWidth"); if (def_val != NULL) p_bdr_width = atoi(def_val); def_val = x_get_resource_string ("paneSpread", "PaneSpread"); if (def_val != NULL) p_spread = atof(def_val); def_val = x_get_resource_string ("selectionStyle", "SelectionStyle"); if (def_val != NULL) { if (strcmp(def_val, "flush_left") == 0) s_style = LEFT; else if (strcmp(def_val, "flush_right") == 0) s_style = RIGHT; else if (strcmp(def_val, "center") == 0) s_style = CENTER; } def_val = x_get_resource_string ("selectionFont", "SelectionFont"); if (def_val != NULL) s_fnt_name = def_val; def_val = x_get_resource_string ("selectionForeground", "SelectionForeground"); if ( def_val != NULL && DisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display)) > 2 && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), def_val, &s_frg_color, &color_def) ); else if (reverse && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &s_frg_color, &color_def) ) ; else if (XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &s_frg_color, &color_def) ) ; else {} def_val = x_get_resource_string ("selectionBorder", "SelectionBorder"); if ( def_val != NULL && DisplayCells(display, DefaultScreen(display)) > 2 && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), def_val, &s_bdr_color, &color_def) ) ; else if (reverse && XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &s_bdr_color, &color_def) ) ; else if (XAllocDisplayColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &s_bdr_color, &color_def) ) ; else {} def_val = x_get_resource_string ("selectionBorderWidth", "SelectionBorderWidth"); if (def_val != NULL) s_bdr_width = atoi(def_val); def_val = x_get_resource_string ("selectionSpread", "SelectionSpread"); if (def_val != NULL) s_spread = atof(def_val); /* * Create and store the inactive pattern pixmap. */ { char *data = NULL; int width, height; switch (inact_pnum) { case 0: data = (char *)dimple1_bits; width = dimple1_width; height = dimple1_height; break; case 1: data = (char *)dimple3_bits; width = dimple3_width; height = dimple3_height; break; case 2: data = (char *)gray1_bits; width = gray1_width; height = gray1_height; break; case 3: data = (char *)gray3_bits; width = gray3_width; height = gray3_height; break; case 4: data = (char *)cross_weave_bits; width = cross_weave_width; height = cross_weave_height; break; } if (! data) { _XMErrorCode = XME_STORE_BITMAP; return(NULL); } inact_bitmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (display, root, data, width, height, p_frg_color.pixel, bkgnd_color.pixel, DisplayPlanes (display, DefaultScreen (display))); } /* * Load the mouse cursor. */ switch (menu_style) { case LEFT: cursor = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, left_ptr_bits, left_ptr_width, left_ptr_height); cursor_mask = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, left_ptrmsk_bits, left_ptrmsk_width, left_ptrmsk_height); mouse_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor( display, cursor, cursor_mask, &mouse_color, &bkgnd_color, left_ptr_x_hot, left_ptr_y_hot ); XFreePixmap(display, cursor); XFreePixmap(display, cursor_mask); break; case RIGHT: cursor = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, right_ptr_bits, right_ptr_width, right_ptr_height); cursor_mask = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, right_ptrmsk_bits, right_ptrmsk_width, right_ptrmsk_height); mouse_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor( display, cursor, cursor_mask, &mouse_color, &bkgnd_color, right_ptr_x_hot, right_ptr_y_hot ); XFreePixmap(display, cursor); XFreePixmap(display, cursor_mask); break; case CENTER: cursor = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, cntr_ptr_bits, cntr_ptr_width, cntr_ptr_height); cursor_mask = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, cntr_ptrmsk_bits, cntr_ptrmsk_width, cntr_ptrmsk_height); mouse_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor( display, cursor, cursor_mask, &mouse_color, &bkgnd_color, cntr_ptr_x_hot, cntr_ptr_y_hot ); XFreePixmap(display, cursor); XFreePixmap(display, cursor_mask); break; default: /* Error! Invalid style parameter. */ _XMErrorCode = XME_STYLE_PARAM; return(NULL); } if (mouse_cursor == _X_FAILURE) { _XMErrorCode = XME_CREATE_CURSOR; return(NULL); } /* * Open the pane and selection fonts. */ p_fnt_info = XLoadQueryFont(display, p_fnt_name); if (p_fnt_info == NULL) { _XMErrorCode = XME_OPEN_FONT; return(NULL); } s_fnt_info = XLoadQueryFont(display, s_fnt_name); if (s_fnt_info == NULL) { _XMErrorCode = XME_OPEN_FONT; return(NULL); } /* * Calculate the fixed padding value in pixels for each font. */ p_fnt_height = p_fnt_info->max_bounds.ascent + p_fnt_info->max_bounds.descent; s_fnt_height = s_fnt_info->max_bounds.ascent + s_fnt_info->max_bounds.descent; p_fnt_pad = s_spread * p_fnt_height; s_fnt_pad = s_spread * s_fnt_height; /* * Calculate fixed height and offset requirements. */ flag_height = p_fnt_height + (p_fnt_pad << 1); p_height = 0; p_y_off = flag_height + p_bdr_width; p_x_off = p_y_off * p_spread; s_height = s_fnt_height + (s_fnt_pad << 1) + (s_bdr_width << 1); s_y_off = s_height; s_x_off = p_x_off; /* * Set up the pane list header. */ pane->next = pane; pane->prev = pane; pane->type = PL_HEADER; pane->serial = -1; /* * Initialize the internal pane and selection creation queues. */ _XMWinQueInit(); /* * Create pane, active, and inactive GC's. */ values = (XGCValues *)malloc(sizeof(XGCValues)); if (!values) return NULL; valuemask = (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont | GCLineWidth); /* * First, pane. */ values->foreground = p_frg_color.pixel; values->background = bkgnd_color.pixel; values->font = p_fnt_info->fid; values->line_width = p_bdr_width; pane_GC = XCreateGC( display, root, valuemask, values); /* * Then normal video selection. */ values->foreground = s_frg_color.pixel; values->background = bkgnd_color.pixel; values->font = s_fnt_info->fid; values->line_width = s_bdr_width; normal_select_GC = XCreateGC(display, root, valuemask, values); /* * Inverse video selection. */ values->foreground = bkgnd_color.pixel; values->background = s_frg_color.pixel; values->font = s_fnt_info->fid; values->line_width = s_bdr_width; inverse_select_GC = XCreateGC(display, root, valuemask, values); stipple_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, stipple_bits, stipple_width, stipple_height); /* * Finally, inactive pane header and selections */ valuemask |= (GCFillStyle | GCStipple); values->foreground = s_frg_color.pixel; values->background = bkgnd_color.pixel; values->font = s_fnt_info->fid; values->line_width = s_bdr_width; values->fill_style = FillStippled; values->stipple = stipple_pixmap; inact_GC = XCreateGC(display, root, valuemask, values); valuemask |= (GCGraphicsExposures); values->graphics_exposures = False; /* * Construct the XMenu object. */ /* -------------------- Menu data -------------------- */ menu->menu_style = menu_style; menu->menu_mode = menu_mode; menu->freeze = freeze; menu->aeq = 0; menu->recompute = 1; menu->parent = parent; menu->height = 0; menu->width = 0; menu->mouse_cursor = mouse_cursor; menu->assoc_tab = assoc_tab; menu->p_list = pane; /* -------------------- Pane window data -------------------- */ menu->p_style = p_style; menu->p_events = DEF_P_EVENTS; menu->p_fnt_info = p_fnt_info; menu->p_fnt_pad = p_fnt_pad; menu->p_spread = p_spread; menu->p_bdr_width = p_bdr_width; menu->flag_height = flag_height; menu->p_width = 0; menu->p_height = p_height; menu->p_x_off = p_x_off; menu->p_y_off = p_y_off; menu->p_count = 0; menu->pane_GC = pane_GC; menu->x_pos = 0; menu->y_pos = 0; /* -------------------- Selection window data -------------------- */ menu->s_style = s_style; menu->s_events = DEF_S_EVENTS; menu->s_fnt_info = s_fnt_info; menu->s_fnt_pad = s_fnt_pad; menu->s_spread = s_spread; menu->s_bdr_width = s_bdr_width; /* unnecessary */ menu->s_width = 0; menu->s_height = s_height; menu->s_x_off = s_x_off; menu->s_y_off = s_y_off; menu->s_count = 0; menu->normal_select_GC = normal_select_GC; menu->inverse_select_GC = inverse_select_GC; menu->inact_GC = inact_GC; /* -------------------- Color data -------------------- */ menu->p_bdr_color = p_bdr_color.pixel; menu->s_bdr_color = s_bdr_color.pixel; menu->p_frg_color = p_frg_color.pixel; menu->s_frg_color = s_frg_color.pixel; menu->bkgnd_color = bkgnd_color.pixel; /* -------------------- Pixmap data -------------------- */ menu->p_bdr_pixmap = None; menu->s_bdr_pixmap = None; menu->p_frg_pixmap = None; menu->s_frg_pixmap = None; menu->bkgnd_pixmap = None; menu->inact_pixmap = inact_bitmap; /* * Return the completed XMenu. */ _XMErrorCode = XME_NO_ERROR; return(menu); }