/* Haiku window system support. Hey, Emacs, this is -*- C++ -*- Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Emacs. GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "haiku_support.h" /* Cache used during font lookup. It contains an opened font object we can look inside, and some previously determined information. */ struct font_object_cache_bucket { struct font_object_cache_bucket *next; unsigned int hash; BFont *font_object; }; static struct font_object_cache_bucket *font_object_cache[2048]; /* Haiku doesn't expose font language data in BFont objects. Thus, we select a few representative characters for each supported `:lang' (currently Chinese, Korean and Japanese,) and test for those instead. */ static int language_code_points[MAX_LANGUAGE][3] = {{20154, 20754, 22996}, /* Chinese. */ {51312, 49440, 44544}, /* Korean. */ {26085, 26412, 12371}, /* Japanese. */}; static unsigned int hash_string (const char *name_or_style) { unsigned int i; i = 3323198485ul; for (; *name_or_style; ++name_or_style) { i ^= *name_or_style; i *= 0x5bd1e995; i ^= i >> 15; } return i; } static struct font_object_cache_bucket * cache_font_object_data (const char *family, const char *style, BFont *font_object) { uint32_t hash; struct font_object_cache_bucket *bucket, *next; hash = hash_string (family) ^ hash_string (style); bucket = font_object_cache[hash % 2048]; for (next = bucket; next; next = next->next) { if (next->hash == hash) { delete next->font_object; next->font_object = font_object; return next; } } next = new struct font_object_cache_bucket; next->font_object = font_object; next->hash = hash; next->next = bucket; font_object_cache[hash % 2048] = next; return next; } static struct font_object_cache_bucket * lookup_font_object_data (const char *family, const char *style) { uint32_t hash; struct font_object_cache_bucket *bucket, *next; hash = hash_string (family) ^ hash_string (style); bucket = font_object_cache[hash % 2048]; for (next = bucket; next; next = next->next) { if (next->hash == hash) return next; } return NULL; } static bool font_object_has_chars (struct font_object_cache_bucket *cached, int *chars, int nchars, bool just_one_of) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nchars; ++i) { if (just_one_of && cached->font_object->IncludesBlock (chars[i], chars[i])) return true; if (!just_one_of && !cached->font_object->IncludesBlock (chars[i], chars[i])) return false; } return !just_one_of; } static void estimate_font_ascii (BFont *font, int *max_width, int *min_width, int *avg_width) { char ch[2]; bool tems[1]; int total = 0; int count = 0; int min = 0; int max = 0; std::memset (ch, 0, sizeof ch); for (ch[0] = 32; ch[0] < 127; ++ch[0]) { tems[0] = false; font->GetHasGlyphs (ch, 1, tems); if (tems[0]) { int w = font->StringWidth (ch); ++count; total += w; if (!min || min > w) min = w; if (max < w) max = w; } } *min_width = min; *max_width = max; if (count) *avg_width = total / count; else *avg_width = 0; } void BFont_close (void *font) { if (font != (void *) be_fixed_font && font != (void *) be_plain_font && font != (void *) be_bold_font) delete (BFont *) font; } void BFont_metrics (void *font, int *px_size, int *min_width, int *max_width, int *avg_width, int *height, int *space_width, int *ascent, int *descent, int *underline_position, int *underline_thickness) { BFont *ft = (BFont *) font; struct font_height fheight; bool have_space_p; char atem[1]; bool otem[1]; ft->GetHeight (&fheight); atem[0] = ' '; otem[0] = false; ft->GetHasGlyphs (atem, 1, otem); have_space_p = otem[0]; estimate_font_ascii (ft, max_width, min_width, avg_width); *ascent = std::lrint (fheight.ascent); *descent = std::lrint (fheight.descent); *height = *ascent + *descent; *space_width = have_space_p ? ft->StringWidth (" ") : 0; *px_size = std::lrint (ft->Size ()); *underline_position = 0; *underline_thickness = 0; } /* Return non-null if FONT contains CHR, a Unicode code-point. */ int BFont_have_char_p (void *font, int32_t chr) { BFont *ft = (BFont *) font; return ft->IncludesBlock (chr, chr); } /* Return non-null if font contains a block from BEG to END. */ int BFont_have_char_block (void *font, int32_t beg, int32_t end) { BFont *ft = (BFont *) font; return ft->IncludesBlock (beg, end); } /* Compute bounds for MB_STR, a character in multibyte encoding, used with FONT. The distance to move rightwards before reaching to the next character's left escapement boundary is returned in ADVANCE, the left bearing in LB, and the right bearing in RB. The left bearing is the amount of pixels from the left escapement boundary (origin) to the left-most pixel that constitutes the glyph corresponding to mb_str, and RB is the amount of pixels from the origin to the right-most pixel constituting the glyph. Both the left and right bearings are positive values measured towards the right, which means that the left bearing will only be negative if the left-most pixel is to the left of the origin. The bearing values correspond to X11 XCharStruct semantics, which is what Emacs code operates on. Haiku itself uses a slightly different scheme, where the "left edge" is the distance from the origin to the left-most pixel, where leftwards is negative and rightwards is positive, and the "right edge" is the distance (where leftwards is similarly negative) between the right-most pixel and the right escapement boundary, which is the left escapement boundary plus the advance. */ void BFont_char_bounds (void *font, const char *mb_str, int *advance, int *lb, int *rb) { BFont *ft = (BFont *) font; edge_info edge_info; float size, escapement; size = ft->Size (); ft->GetEdges (mb_str, 1, &edge_info); ft->GetEscapements (mb_str, 1, &escapement); *advance = std::lrint (escapement * size); *lb = std::lrint (edge_info.left * size); *rb = *advance + std::lrint (edge_info.right * size); } /* The same, but for a variable amount of chars. */ void BFont_nchar_bounds (void *font, const char *mb_str, int *advance, int *lb, int *rb, int32_t n) { BFont *ft = (BFont *) font; edge_info edge_info[n]; float size; float escapement[n]; size = ft->Size (); ft->GetEdges (mb_str, n, edge_info); ft->GetEscapements (mb_str, n, (float *) escapement); for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { advance[i] = std::lrint (escapement[i] * size); lb[i] = advance[i] - std::lrint (edge_info[i].left * size); rb[i] = advance[i] + std::lrint (edge_info[i].right * size); } } static void font_style_to_flags (char *st, struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern) { char *style = strdup (st); char *token; int tok = 0; if (!style) return; pattern->weight = NO_WEIGHT; pattern->width = NO_WIDTH; pattern->slant = NO_SLANT; while ((token = std::strtok (!tok ? style : NULL, " ")) && tok < 3) { if (token && !strcmp (token, "Thin")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_THIN; else if (token && (!strcmp (token, "UltraLight") || !strcmp (token, "ExtraLight"))) pattern->weight = HAIKU_EXTRALIGHT; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Light")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_LIGHT; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "SemiLight")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_SEMI_LIGHT; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Regular")) { if (pattern->slant == NO_SLANT) pattern->slant = SLANT_REGULAR; if (pattern->width == NO_WIDTH) pattern->width = NORMAL_WIDTH; if (pattern->weight == NO_WEIGHT) pattern->weight = HAIKU_REGULAR; } else if (token && (!strcmp (token, "SemiBold") /* Likewise, this was reported by a user. */ || !strcmp (token, "Semibold"))) pattern->weight = HAIKU_SEMI_BOLD; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Bold")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_BOLD; else if (token && (!strcmp (token, "ExtraBold") /* This has actually been seen in the wild. */ || !strcmp (token, "Extrabold") || !strcmp (token, "UltraBold"))) pattern->weight = HAIKU_EXTRA_BOLD; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Book")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_BOOK; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Heavy")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_HEAVY; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "UltraHeavy")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_ULTRA_HEAVY; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Black")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_BLACK; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Medium")) pattern->weight = HAIKU_MEDIUM; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Oblique")) pattern->slant = SLANT_OBLIQUE; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Italic")) pattern->slant = SLANT_ITALIC; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "UltraCondensed")) pattern->width = ULTRA_CONDENSED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "ExtraCondensed")) pattern->width = EXTRA_CONDENSED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Condensed")) pattern->width = CONDENSED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "SemiCondensed")) pattern->width = SEMI_CONDENSED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "SemiExpanded")) pattern->width = SEMI_EXPANDED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "Expanded")) pattern->width = EXPANDED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "ExtraExpanded")) pattern->width = EXTRA_EXPANDED; else if (token && !strcmp (token, "UltraExpanded")) pattern->width = ULTRA_EXPANDED; else { tok = 1000; break; } tok++; } if (pattern->weight != NO_WEIGHT) pattern->specified |= FSPEC_WEIGHT; if (pattern->slant != NO_SLANT) pattern->specified |= FSPEC_SLANT; if (pattern->width != NO_WIDTH) pattern->specified |= FSPEC_WIDTH; if (tok > 3) { pattern->specified &= ~FSPEC_SLANT; pattern->specified &= ~FSPEC_WEIGHT; pattern->specified &= ~FSPEC_WIDTH; pattern->specified |= FSPEC_STYLE; std::strncpy ((char *) &pattern->style, st, sizeof pattern->style - 1); pattern->style[sizeof pattern->style - 1] = '\0'; } free (style); } static bool font_check_wanted_chars (struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern, font_family family, char *style) { BFont *ft; static struct font_object_cache_bucket *cached; unicode_block wanted_block; cached = lookup_font_object_data (family, style); if (cached) ft = cached->font_object; else { ft = new BFont; if (ft->SetFamilyAndStyle (family, style) != B_OK) { delete ft; return false; } cached = cache_font_object_data (family, style, ft); } return font_object_has_chars (cached, pattern->wanted_chars, pattern->want_chars_len, false); } static bool font_check_one_of (struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern, font_family family, char *style) { BFont *ft; static struct font_object_cache_bucket *cached; unicode_block wanted_block; cached = lookup_font_object_data (family, style); if (cached) ft = cached->font_object; else { ft = new BFont; if (ft->SetFamilyAndStyle (family, style) != B_OK) { delete ft; return false; } cached = cache_font_object_data (family, style, ft); } return font_object_has_chars (cached, pattern->need_one_of, pattern->need_one_of_len, true); } static bool font_check_language (struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern, font_family family, char *style) { BFont *ft; static struct font_object_cache_bucket *cached; cached = lookup_font_object_data (family, style); if (cached) ft = cached->font_object; else { ft = new BFont; if (ft->SetFamilyAndStyle (family, style) != B_OK) { delete ft; return false; } cached = cache_font_object_data (family, style, ft); } if (pattern->language == MAX_LANGUAGE) return false; return font_object_has_chars (cached, language_code_points[pattern->language], 3, false); } static bool font_family_style_matches_p (font_family family, char *style, uint32_t flags, struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern, int ignore_flags_p = 0) { struct haiku_font_pattern m; m.specified = 0; if (style) font_style_to_flags (style, &m); if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_FAMILY) && strcmp ((char *) &pattern->family, family)) return false; if (!ignore_flags_p && (pattern->specified & FSPEC_SPACING) && !(pattern->mono_spacing_p) != !(flags & B_IS_FIXED)) return false; if (pattern->specified & FSPEC_STYLE) return style && !strcmp (style, pattern->style); /* Don't allow matching fonts with an adstyle if no style was specified in the query pattern. */ else if (m.specified & FSPEC_STYLE) return false; if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_WEIGHT) && (pattern->weight != ((m.specified & FSPEC_WEIGHT) ? m.weight : HAIKU_REGULAR))) return false; if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_SLANT) && (pattern->slant != (m.specified & FSPEC_SLANT ? m.slant : SLANT_REGULAR))) return false; if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_WANTED) && !font_check_wanted_chars (pattern, family, style)) return false; if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_WIDTH) && (pattern->width != (m.specified & FSPEC_WIDTH ? m.width : NORMAL_WIDTH))) return false; if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_NEED_ONE_OF) && !font_check_one_of (pattern, family, style)) return false; if ((pattern->specified & FSPEC_LANGUAGE) && !font_check_language (pattern, family, style)) return false; return true; } static void haiku_font_fill_pattern (struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern, font_family family, char *style, uint32_t flags) { if (style) font_style_to_flags (style, pattern); pattern->specified |= FSPEC_FAMILY; std::strncpy (pattern->family, family, sizeof pattern->family - 1); pattern->family[sizeof pattern->family - 1] = '\0'; pattern->specified |= FSPEC_SPACING; pattern->mono_spacing_p = flags & B_IS_FIXED; } /* Delete every element of the font pattern PT. */ void haiku_font_pattern_free (struct haiku_font_pattern *pt) { struct haiku_font_pattern *tem = pt; while (tem) { struct haiku_font_pattern *t = tem; tem = t->next; delete t; } } /* Find all fonts matching the font pattern PT. */ struct haiku_font_pattern * BFont_find (struct haiku_font_pattern *pt) { struct haiku_font_pattern *r = NULL; font_family name; font_style sname; uint32 flags; int sty_count, fam_count, si, fi; struct haiku_font_pattern *p, *head, *n; bool oblique_seen_p; fam_count = count_font_families (); for (fi = 0; fi < fam_count; ++fi) { if (get_font_family (fi, &name, &flags) == B_OK) { sty_count = count_font_styles (name); if (!sty_count && font_family_style_matches_p (name, NULL, flags, pt)) { p = new struct haiku_font_pattern; p->specified = 0; p->oblique_seen_p = 1; haiku_font_fill_pattern (p, name, NULL, flags); p->next = r; if (p->next) p->next->last = p; p->last = NULL; p->next_family = r; r = p; if (pt->specified & FSPEC_ANTIALIAS) { p->specified |= FSPEC_ANTIALIAS; p->use_antialiasing = pt->use_antialiasing; } } else if (sty_count) { for (si = 0; si < sty_count; ++si) { oblique_seen_p = 0; head = r; p = NULL; if (get_font_style (name, si, &sname, &flags) == B_OK) { if (font_family_style_matches_p (name, (char *) &sname, flags, pt)) { p = new struct haiku_font_pattern; p->specified = 0; haiku_font_fill_pattern (p, name, (char *) &sname, flags); /* Add the indices to this font now so we won't have to loop over each font in order to open it later. */ p->specified |= FSPEC_INDICES; p->family_index = fi; p->style_index = si; if (pt->specified & FSPEC_ANTIALIAS) { p->specified |= FSPEC_ANTIALIAS; p->use_antialiasing = pt->use_antialiasing; } if (p->specified & FSPEC_SLANT && (p->slant == SLANT_OBLIQUE || p->slant == SLANT_ITALIC)) oblique_seen_p = 1; p->next = r; if (p->next) p->next->last = p; r = p; p->next_family = head; } } if (p) p->last = NULL; for (; head; head = head->last) head->oblique_seen_p = oblique_seen_p; } } } } /* There's a very good chance that this result will get cached if no slant is specified. Thus, we look through each font that hasn't seen an oblique style, and add one. */ if (!(pt->specified & FSPEC_SLANT)) { /* r->last is invalid from here onwards. */ for (p = r; p;) { if (!p->oblique_seen_p) { n = new haiku_font_pattern; *n = *p; n->slant = SLANT_OBLIQUE; /* Opening a font by its indices doesn't provide enough information to synthesize the oblique font later. */ n->specified &= ~FSPEC_INDICES; p->next = n; p = p->next_family; } else p = p->next_family; } } return r; } /* Find and open a font with the family at FAMILY and the style at STYLE, and set its size to SIZE. Value is NULL if opening the font failed. */ void * be_open_font_at_index (int family, int style, float size) { font_family family_name; font_style style_name; uint32 flags; status_t rc; BFont *font; rc = get_font_family (family, &family_name, &flags); if (rc != B_OK) return NULL; rc = get_font_style (family_name, style, &style_name, &flags); if (rc != B_OK) return NULL; font = new BFont; rc = font->SetFamilyAndStyle (family_name, style_name); if (rc != B_OK) { delete font; return NULL; } font->SetSize (size); font->SetEncoding (B_UNICODE_UTF8); font->SetSpacing (B_BITMAP_SPACING); return font; } /* Find and open a font matching the pattern PAT, which must have its family set. */ int BFont_open_pattern (struct haiku_font_pattern *pat, void **font, float size) { int sty_count, si, code; font_family name; font_style sname; BFont *ft; uint32 flags = 0; struct haiku_font_pattern copy; if (!(pat->specified & FSPEC_FAMILY)) return 1; strncpy (name, pat->family, sizeof name - 1); name[sizeof name - 1] = '\0'; sty_count = count_font_styles (name); if (!sty_count && font_family_style_matches_p (name, NULL, flags, pat, 1)) { ft = new BFont; ft->SetSize (size); ft->SetEncoding (B_UNICODE_UTF8); ft->SetSpacing (B_BITMAP_SPACING); if (ft->SetFamilyAndStyle (name, NULL) != B_OK) { delete ft; return 1; } *font = (void *) ft; return 0; } else if (sty_count) { for (si = 0; si < sty_count; ++si) { if (get_font_style (name, si, &sname, &flags) == B_OK && font_family_style_matches_p (name, (char *) &sname, flags, pat)) { ft = new BFont; ft->SetSize (size); ft->SetEncoding (B_UNICODE_UTF8); ft->SetSpacing (B_BITMAP_SPACING); if (ft->SetFamilyAndStyle (name, sname) != B_OK) { delete ft; return 1; } *font = (void *) ft; return 0; } } } if (pat->specified & FSPEC_SLANT && pat->slant == SLANT_OBLIQUE) { copy = *pat; copy.slant = SLANT_REGULAR; code = BFont_open_pattern (©, font, size); if (code) return code; ft = (BFont *) *font; /* XXX Font measurements don't respect shear. Haiku bug? This apparently worked in BeOS. ft->SetShear (100.0); */ ft->SetFace (B_ITALIC_FACE); return 0; } return 1; } /* Query the family of the default fixed font. */ void BFont_populate_fixed_family (struct haiku_font_pattern *ptn) { font_family f; font_style s; be_fixed_font->GetFamilyAndStyle (&f, &s); ptn->specified |= FSPEC_FAMILY; strncpy (ptn->family, f, sizeof ptn->family - 1); ptn->family[sizeof ptn->family - 1] = '\0'; } void BFont_populate_plain_family (struct haiku_font_pattern *ptn) { font_family f; font_style s; be_plain_font->GetFamilyAndStyle (&f, &s); ptn->specified |= FSPEC_FAMILY; strncpy (ptn->family, f, sizeof ptn->family - 1); ptn->family[sizeof ptn->family - 1] = '\0'; } haiku_font_family_or_style * be_list_font_families (size_t *length) { int32 families = count_font_families (); haiku_font_family_or_style *array; int32 idx; uint32 flags; array = (haiku_font_family_or_style *) malloc (sizeof *array * families); if (!array) return NULL; for (idx = 0; idx < families; ++idx) { if (get_font_family (idx, &array[idx], &flags) != B_OK) array[idx][0] = '\0'; } *length = families; return array; } void be_init_font_data (void) { memset (&font_object_cache, 0, sizeof font_object_cache); } /* Free the font object cache. This is called every 50 updates of a frame. */ void be_evict_font_cache (void) { struct font_object_cache_bucket *bucket, *last; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2048; ++i) { bucket = font_object_cache[i]; while (bucket) { last = bucket; bucket = bucket->next; delete last->font_object; delete last; } font_object_cache[i] = NULL; } } void be_font_style_to_flags (char *style, struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern) { pattern->specified = 0; font_style_to_flags (style, pattern); } int be_find_font_indices (struct haiku_font_pattern *pattern, int *family_index, int *style_index) { int32 i, j, n_families, n_styles; font_family family; font_style style; uint32 flags; n_families = count_font_families (); for (i = 0; i < n_families; ++i) { if (get_font_family (i, &family, &flags) == B_OK) { n_styles = count_font_styles (family); for (j = 0; j < n_styles; ++j) { if (get_font_style (family, j, &style, &flags) == B_OK && font_family_style_matches_p (family, style, flags, pattern)) { *family_index = i; *style_index = j; return 0; } } } } return 1; } void be_set_font_antialiasing (void *font, bool antialias_p) { BFont *font_object; font_object = (BFont *) font; font_object->SetFlags (antialias_p ? B_FORCE_ANTIALIASING : B_DISABLE_ANTIALIASING); }