/* NeXT/Open/GNUstep / MacOSX communication module.
Copyright (C) 1989, 1993-1994, 2005-2006, 2008-2013 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Emacs.
GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . */
Originally by Carl Edman
Updated by Christian Limpach (chris@nice.ch)
OpenStep/Rhapsody port by Scott Bender (sbender@harmony-ds.com)
MacOSX/Aqua port by Christophe de Dinechin (descubes@earthlink.net)
GNUstep port and post-20 update by Adrian Robert (arobert@cogsci.ucsd.edu)
/* This should be the first include, as it may set up #defines affecting
interpretation of even the system includes. */
#include "lisp.h"
#include "blockinput.h"
#include "sysselect.h"
#include "nsterm.h"
#include "systime.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "fontset.h"
#include "composite.h"
#include "ccl.h"
#include "termhooks.h"
#include "termchar.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "font.h"
/* call tracing */
#if 0
int term_trace_num = 0;
#define NSTRACE(x) fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: [%d] " #x "\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, ++term_trace_num)
#define NSTRACE(x)
extern NSString *NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification;
/* ==========================================================================
Local declarations
========================================================================== */
/* Convert a symbol indexed with an NSxxx value to a value as defined
in keyboard.c (lispy_function_key). I hope this is a correct way
of doing things... */
static unsigned convert_ns_to_X_keysym[] =
NSHomeFunctionKey, 0x50,
NSLeftArrowFunctionKey, 0x51,
NSUpArrowFunctionKey, 0x52,
NSRightArrowFunctionKey, 0x53,
NSDownArrowFunctionKey, 0x54,
NSPageUpFunctionKey, 0x55,
NSPageDownFunctionKey, 0x56,
NSEndFunctionKey, 0x57,
NSBeginFunctionKey, 0x58,
NSSelectFunctionKey, 0x60,
NSPrintFunctionKey, 0x61,
NSClearLineFunctionKey, 0x0B,
NSExecuteFunctionKey, 0x62,
NSInsertFunctionKey, 0x63,
NSUndoFunctionKey, 0x65,
NSRedoFunctionKey, 0x66,
NSMenuFunctionKey, 0x67,
NSFindFunctionKey, 0x68,
NSHelpFunctionKey, 0x6A,
NSBreakFunctionKey, 0x6B,
NSF1FunctionKey, 0xBE,
NSF2FunctionKey, 0xBF,
NSF3FunctionKey, 0xC0,
NSF4FunctionKey, 0xC1,
NSF5FunctionKey, 0xC2,
NSF6FunctionKey, 0xC3,
NSF7FunctionKey, 0xC4,
NSF8FunctionKey, 0xC5,
NSF9FunctionKey, 0xC6,
NSF10FunctionKey, 0xC7,
NSF11FunctionKey, 0xC8,
NSF12FunctionKey, 0xC9,
NSF13FunctionKey, 0xCA,
NSF14FunctionKey, 0xCB,
NSF15FunctionKey, 0xCC,
NSF16FunctionKey, 0xCD,
NSF17FunctionKey, 0xCE,
NSF18FunctionKey, 0xCF,
NSF19FunctionKey, 0xD0,
NSF20FunctionKey, 0xD1,
NSF21FunctionKey, 0xD2,
NSF22FunctionKey, 0xD3,
NSF23FunctionKey, 0xD4,
NSF24FunctionKey, 0xD5,
NSBackspaceCharacter, 0x08, /* 8: Not on some KBs. */
NSDeleteCharacter, 0xFF, /* 127: Big 'delete' key upper right. */
NSDeleteFunctionKey, 0x9F, /* 63272: Del forw key off main array. */
NSTabCharacter, 0x09,
0x19, 0x09, /* left tab->regular since pass shift */
NSCarriageReturnCharacter, 0x0D,
NSNewlineCharacter, 0x0D,
NSEnterCharacter, 0x8D,
0x41|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xAE, /* KP_Decimal */
0x43|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xAA, /* KP_Multiply */
0x45|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xAB, /* KP_Add */
0x4B|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xAF, /* KP_Divide */
0x4E|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xAD, /* KP_Subtract */
0x51|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xBD, /* KP_Equal */
0x52|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB0, /* KP_0 */
0x53|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB1, /* KP_1 */
0x54|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB2, /* KP_2 */
0x55|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB3, /* KP_3 */
0x56|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB4, /* KP_4 */
0x57|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB5, /* KP_5 */
0x58|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB6, /* KP_6 */
0x59|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB7, /* KP_7 */
0x5B|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB8, /* KP_8 */
0x5C|NSNumericPadKeyMask, 0xB9, /* KP_9 */
0x1B, 0x1B /* escape */
static Lisp_Object Qmodifier_value;
Lisp_Object Qalt, Qcontrol, Qhyper, Qmeta, Qsuper;
extern Lisp_Object Qcursor_color, Qcursor_type, Qns, Qleft;
static Lisp_Object QUTF8_STRING;
/* On OS X picks up the default NSGlobalDomain AppleAntiAliasingThreshold,
the maximum font size to NOT antialias. On GNUstep there is currently
no way to control this behavior. */
float ns_antialias_threshold;
/* Used to pick up AppleHighlightColor on OS X */
NSString *ns_selection_color;
NSArray *ns_send_types =0, *ns_return_types =0, *ns_drag_types =0;
NSString *ns_app_name = @"Emacs"; /* default changed later */
/* Display variables */
struct ns_display_info *x_display_list; /* Chain of existing displays */
Lisp_Object ns_display_name_list;
long context_menu_value = 0;
/* display update */
NSPoint last_mouse_motion_position;
static NSRect last_mouse_glyph;
static Time last_mouse_movement_time = 0;
static Lisp_Object last_mouse_motion_frame;
static EmacsScroller *last_mouse_scroll_bar = nil;
static struct frame *ns_updating_frame;
static NSView *focus_view = NULL;
static int ns_window_num = 0;
static NSRect uRect;
static BOOL gsaved = NO;
static BOOL ns_fake_keydown = NO;
int ns_tmp_flags; /* FIXME */
struct nsfont_info *ns_tmp_font; /* FIXME */
static BOOL ns_menu_bar_is_hidden = NO;
/*static int debug_lock = 0; */
/* event loop */
static BOOL send_appdefined = YES;
static int last_appdefined_event_data = NO_APPDEFINED_DATA;
static NSTimer *timed_entry = 0;
static NSTimer *scroll_repeat_entry = nil;
static fd_set select_readfds, select_writefds;
static int select_nfds = 0, select_valid = 0;
static EMACS_TIME select_timeout = { 0, 0 };
static int selfds[2] = { -1, -1 };
static pthread_mutex_t select_mutex;
static int apploopnr = 0;
static NSAutoreleasePool *outerpool;
static struct input_event *emacs_event = NULL;
static struct input_event *q_event_ptr = NULL;
static int n_emacs_events_pending = 0;
static NSMutableArray *ns_pending_files, *ns_pending_service_names,
static BOOL ns_do_open_file = NO;
static BOOL ns_last_use_native_fullscreen;
static struct {
struct input_event *q;
int nr, cap;
} hold_event_q = {
NULL, 0, 0
/* Convert modifiers in a NeXTstep event to emacs style modifiers. */
#define NS_FUNCTION_KEY_MASK 0x800000
#define NSLeftControlKeyMask (0x000001 | NSControlKeyMask)
#define NSRightControlKeyMask (0x002000 | NSControlKeyMask)
#define NSLeftCommandKeyMask (0x000008 | NSCommandKeyMask)
#define NSRightCommandKeyMask (0x000010 | NSCommandKeyMask)
#define NSLeftAlternateKeyMask (0x000020 | NSAlternateKeyMask)
#define NSRightAlternateKeyMask (0x000040 | NSAlternateKeyMask)
#define EV_MODIFIERS(e) \
((([e modifierFlags] & NSHelpKeyMask) ? \
hyper_modifier : 0) \
| (!EQ (ns_right_alternate_modifier, Qleft) && \
(([e modifierFlags] & NSRightAlternateKeyMask) \
== NSRightAlternateKeyMask) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_right_alternate_modifier) : 0) \
| (([e modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_alternate_modifier) : 0) \
| (([e modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) ? \
shift_modifier : 0) \
| (!EQ (ns_right_control_modifier, Qleft) && \
(([e modifierFlags] & NSRightControlKeyMask) \
== NSRightControlKeyMask) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_right_control_modifier) : 0) \
| (([e modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_control_modifier) : 0) \
| (([e modifierFlags] & NS_FUNCTION_KEY_MASK) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_function_modifier) : 0) \
| (!EQ (ns_right_command_modifier, Qleft) && \
(([e modifierFlags] & NSRightCommandKeyMask) \
== NSRightCommandKeyMask) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_right_command_modifier) : 0) \
| (([e modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) ? \
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_command_modifier):0))
#define EV_UDMODIFIERS(e) \
((([e type] == NSLeftMouseDown) ? down_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSRightMouseDown) ? down_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSOtherMouseDown) ? down_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSLeftMouseDragged) ? down_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSRightMouseDragged) ? down_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSOtherMouseDragged) ? down_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSLeftMouseUp) ? up_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSRightMouseUp) ? up_modifier : 0) \
| (([e type] == NSOtherMouseUp) ? up_modifier : 0))
#define EV_BUTTON(e) \
((([e type] == NSLeftMouseDown) || ([e type] == NSLeftMouseUp)) ? 0 : \
(([e type] == NSRightMouseDown) || ([e type] == NSRightMouseUp)) ? 2 : \
[e buttonNumber] - 1)
/* Convert the time field to a timestamp in milliseconds. */
#define EV_TIMESTAMP(e) ([e timestamp] * 1000)
/* This is a piece of code which is common to all the event handling
methods. Maybe it should even be a function. */
#define EV_TRAILER(e) \
{ \
XSETFRAME (emacs_event->frame_or_window, emacsframe); \
if (e) emacs_event->timestamp = EV_TIMESTAMP (e); \
if (q_event_ptr) \
{ \
n_emacs_events_pending++; \
kbd_buffer_store_event_hold (emacs_event, q_event_ptr); \
} \
else \
hold_event (emacs_event); \
EVENT_INIT (*emacs_event); \
ns_send_appdefined (-1); \
void x_set_cursor_type (struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
/* TODO: get rid of need for these forward declarations */
static void ns_condemn_scroll_bars (struct frame *f);
static void ns_judge_scroll_bars (struct frame *f);
void x_set_frame_alpha (struct frame *f);
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
static void
hold_event (struct input_event *event)
if (hold_event_q.nr == hold_event_q.cap)
if (hold_event_q.cap == 0) hold_event_q.cap = 10;
else hold_event_q.cap *= 2;
hold_event_q.q = (struct input_event *)
xrealloc (hold_event_q.q, hold_event_q.cap * sizeof (*hold_event_q.q));
hold_event_q.q[hold_event_q.nr++] = *event;
/* Make sure ns_read_socket is called, i.e. we have input. */
raise (SIGIO);
send_appdefined = YES;
static Lisp_Object
append2 (Lisp_Object list, Lisp_Object item)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility to append to a list
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Lisp_Object array[2];
array[0] = list;
array[1] = Fcons (item, Qnil);
return Fnconc (2, &array[0]);
const char *
ns_etc_directory (void)
/* If running as a self-contained app bundle, return as a string the
filename of the etc directory, if present; else nil. */
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *resourceDir = [bundle resourcePath];
NSString *resourcePath;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL isDir;
resourcePath = [resourceDir stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"etc"];
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath: resourcePath isDirectory: &isDir])
if (isDir) return [resourcePath UTF8String];
return NULL;
const char *
ns_exec_path (void)
/* If running as a self-contained app bundle, return as a path string
the filenames of the libexec and bin directories, ie libexec:bin.
Otherwise, return nil.
Normally, Emacs does not add its own bin/ directory to the PATH.
However, a self-contained NS build has a different layout, with
bin/ and libexec/ subdirectories in the directory that contains
Emacs.app itself.
We put libexec first, because init_callproc_1 uses the first
element to initialize exec-directory. An alternative would be
for init_callproc to check for invocation-directory/libexec.
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *resourceDir = [bundle resourcePath];
NSString *binDir = [bundle bundlePath];
NSString *resourcePath, *resourcePaths;
NSRange range;
NSString *pathSeparator = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%c", SEPCHAR];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSArray *paths;
NSEnumerator *pathEnum;
BOOL isDir;
range = [resourceDir rangeOfString: @"Contents"];
if (range.location != NSNotFound)
binDir = [binDir stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Contents"];
binDir = [binDir stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"MacOS"];
paths = [binDir stringsByAppendingPaths:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"libexec", @"bin", nil]];
pathEnum = [paths objectEnumerator];
resourcePaths = @"";
while ((resourcePath = [pathEnum nextObject]))
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath: resourcePath isDirectory: &isDir])
if (isDir)
if ([resourcePaths length] > 0)
= [resourcePaths stringByAppendingString: pathSeparator];
= [resourcePaths stringByAppendingString: resourcePath];
if ([resourcePaths length] > 0) return [resourcePaths UTF8String];
return NULL;
const char *
ns_load_path (void)
/* If running as a self-contained app bundle, return as a path string
the filenames of the site-lisp, lisp and leim directories.
Ie, site-lisp:lisp:leim. Otherwise, return nil. */
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *resourceDir = [bundle resourcePath];
NSString *resourcePath, *resourcePaths;
NSString *pathSeparator = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%c", SEPCHAR];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL isDir;
NSArray *paths = [resourceDir stringsByAppendingPaths:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"site-lisp", @"lisp", @"leim", nil]];
NSEnumerator *pathEnum = [paths objectEnumerator];
resourcePaths = @"";
/* Hack to skip site-lisp. */
if (no_site_lisp) resourcePath = [pathEnum nextObject];
while ((resourcePath = [pathEnum nextObject]))
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath: resourcePath isDirectory: &isDir])
if (isDir)
if ([resourcePaths length] > 0)
= [resourcePaths stringByAppendingString: pathSeparator];
= [resourcePaths stringByAppendingString: resourcePath];
if ([resourcePaths length] > 0) return [resourcePaths UTF8String];
return NULL;
static void
ns_timeout (int usecs)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Blocking timer utility used by ns_ring_bell
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EMACS_TIME wakeup = add_emacs_time (current_emacs_time (),
make_emacs_time (0, usecs * 1000));
/* Keep waiting until past the time wakeup. */
while (1)
EMACS_TIME timeout, now = current_emacs_time ();
if (EMACS_TIME_LE (wakeup, now))
timeout = sub_emacs_time (wakeup, now);
/* Try to wait that long--but we might wake up sooner. */
pselect (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL);
ns_release_object (void *obj)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Release an object (callable from C)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
[(id)obj release];
ns_retain_object (void *obj)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retain an object (callable from C)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
[(id)obj retain];
void *
ns_alloc_autorelease_pool (void)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allocate a pool for temporary objects (callable from C)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
return [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
ns_release_autorelease_pool (void *pool)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Free a pool and temporary objects it refers to (callable from C)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ns_release_object (pool);
/* ==========================================================================
Focus (clipping) and screen update
========================================================================== */
// Window constraining
// -------------------
// To ensure that the windows are not placed under the menu bar, they
// are typically moved by the call-back constrainFrameRect. However,
// by overriding it, it's possible to inhibit this, leaving the window
// in it's original position.
// It's possible to hide the menu bar. However, technically, it's only
// possible to hide it when the application is active. To ensure that
// this work properly, the menu bar and window constraining are
// deferred until the application becomes active.
// Even though it's not possible to manually move a window above the
// top of the screen, it is allowed if it's done programmatically,
// when the menu is hidden. This allows the editable area to cover the
// full screen height.
// Test cases
// ----------
// Use the following extra files:
// init.el:
// ;; Hide menu and place frame slightly above the top of the screen.
// (setq ns-auto-hide-menu-bar t)
// (set-frame-position (selected-frame) 0 -20)
// Test 1:
// emacs -Q -l init.el
// Result: No menu bar, and the title bar should be above the screen.
// Test 2:
// emacs -Q
// Result: Menu bar visible, frame placed immediately below the menu.
static void
ns_constrain_all_frames (void)
Lisp_Object tail, frame;
FOR_EACH_FRAME (tail, frame)
struct frame *f = XFRAME (frame);
if (FRAME_NS_P (f))
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
/* This no-op will trigger the default window placing
* constraint system. */
f->output_data.ns->dont_constrain = 0;
[[view window] setFrameOrigin:[[view window] frame].origin];
/* True, if the menu bar should be hidden. */
static BOOL
ns_menu_bar_should_be_hidden (void)
return !NILP (ns_auto_hide_menu_bar)
&& [NSApp respondsToSelector:@selector(setPresentationOptions:)];
/* Show or hide the menu bar, based on user setting. */
static void
ns_update_auto_hide_menu_bar (void)
block_input ();
NSTRACE (ns_update_auto_hide_menu_bar);
if (NSApp != nil
&& [NSApp isActive]
&& [NSApp respondsToSelector:@selector(setPresentationOptions:)])
// Note, "setPresentationOptions" triggers an error unless the
// application is active.
BOOL menu_bar_should_be_hidden = ns_menu_bar_should_be_hidden ();
if (menu_bar_should_be_hidden != ns_menu_bar_is_hidden)
NSApplicationPresentationOptions options
= NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock;
if (menu_bar_should_be_hidden)
options |= NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar;
[NSApp setPresentationOptions: options];
ns_menu_bar_is_hidden = menu_bar_should_be_hidden;
if (!ns_menu_bar_is_hidden)
ns_constrain_all_frames ();
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_update_begin (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepare for a grouped sequence of drawing calls
external (RIF) call; whole frame, called before update_window_begin
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
NSRect r = [view frame];
NSBezierPath *bp;
NSTRACE (ns_update_begin);
ns_update_auto_hide_menu_bar ();
ns_updating_frame = f;
[view lockFocus];
/* drawRect may have been called for say the minibuffer, and then clip path
is for the minibuffer. But the display engine may draw more because
we have set the frame as garbaged. So reset clip path to the whole
view. */
bp = [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: r] retain];
[bp setClip];
[bp release];
uRect = NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0);
static void
ns_update_window_begin (struct window *w)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepare for a grouped sequence of drawing calls
external (RIF) call; for one window, called after update_begin
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = MOUSE_HL_INFO (f);
NSTRACE (ns_update_window_begin);
updated_window = w;
set_output_cursor (&w->cursor);
block_input ();
if (f == hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
/* Don't do highlighting for mouse motion during the update. */
hlinfo->mouse_face_defer = 1;
/* If the frame needs to be redrawn,
simply forget about any prior mouse highlighting. */
hlinfo->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
/* (further code for mouse faces ifdef'd out in other terms elided) */
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_update_window_end (struct window *w, int cursor_on_p,
int mouse_face_overwritten_p)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finished a grouped sequence of drawing calls
external (RIF) call; for one window called before update_end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = MOUSE_HL_INFO (XFRAME (w->frame));
/* note: this fn is nearly identical in all terms */
if (!w->pseudo_window_p)
block_input ();
if (cursor_on_p)
display_and_set_cursor (w, 1,
output_cursor.hpos, output_cursor.vpos,
output_cursor.x, output_cursor.y);
if (draw_window_fringes (w, 1))
x_draw_vertical_border (w);
unblock_input ();
/* If a row with mouse-face was overwritten, arrange for
frame_up_to_date to redisplay the mouse highlight. */
if (mouse_face_overwritten_p)
hlinfo->mouse_face_beg_row = hlinfo->mouse_face_beg_col = -1;
hlinfo->mouse_face_end_row = hlinfo->mouse_face_end_col = -1;
hlinfo->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
updated_window = NULL;
NSTRACE (update_window_end);
static void
ns_update_end (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finished a grouped sequence of drawing calls
external (RIF) call; for whole frame, called after update_window_end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
/* if (f == MOUSE_HL_INFO (f)->mouse_face_mouse_frame) */
MOUSE_HL_INFO (f)->mouse_face_defer = 0;
block_input ();
/* trigger flush only in the rectangle we tracked as being drawn */
[view unlockFocusNeedsFlush: NO];
/*fprintf (stderr, " (%.0f, %.0f : %.0f x %.0f)", uRect.origin.x, uRect.origin.y, uRect.size.width, uRect.size.height); */
[view lockFocusInRect: uRect];
[view unlockFocus];
[[view window] flushWindow];
unblock_input ();
ns_updating_frame = NULL;
NSTRACE (ns_update_end);
static void
ns_flush (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
external (RIF) call
NS impl is no-op since currently we flush in ns_update_end and elsewhere
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_flush);
static void
ns_focus (struct frame *f, NSRect *r, int n)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal: Focus on given frame. During small local updates this is used to
draw, however during large updates, ns_update_begin and ns_update_end are
called to wrap the whole thing, in which case these calls are stubbed out.
Except, on GNUstep, we accumulate the rectangle being drawn into, because
the back end won't do this automatically, and will just end up flushing
the entire window.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// NSTRACE (ns_focus);
NSRect u;
if (n == 2)
u = NSUnionRect (r[0], r[1]);
else if (r)
u = *r;
/* static int c =0;
fprintf (stderr, "focus: %d", c++);
if (r) fprintf (stderr, " (%.0f, %.0f : %.0f x %.0f)", r->origin.x, r->origin.y, r->size.width, r->size.height);
fprintf (stderr, "\n"); */
if (f != ns_updating_frame)
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
if (view != focus_view)
if (focus_view != NULL)
[focus_view unlockFocus];
[[focus_view window] flushWindow];
/*debug_lock--; */
if (view)
r ? [view lockFocusInRect: u] : [view lockFocus];
[view lockFocus];
focus_view = view;
/*if (view) debug_lock++; */
/* more than one rect being drawn into */
if (view && r)
[view unlockFocus]; /* add prev rect to redraw list */
[view lockFocusInRect: u]; /* focus for draw in new rect */
/* in batch mode, but in GNUstep must still track rectangles explicitly */
uRect = (r ? NSUnionRect (uRect, u) : [FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) visibleRect]);
/* clipping */
if (r)
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
if (n == 2)
NSRectClipList (r, 2);
NSRectClip (*r);
gsaved = YES;
static void
ns_unfocus (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal: Remove focus on given frame
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// NSTRACE (ns_unfocus);
if (gsaved)
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
gsaved = NO;
if (f != ns_updating_frame)
if (focus_view != NULL)
[focus_view unlockFocus];
[[focus_view window] flushWindow];
focus_view = NULL;
/*debug_lock--; */
static void
ns_clip_to_row (struct window *w, struct glyph_row *row, int area, BOOL gc)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal (but parallels other terms): Focus drawing on given row
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
NSRect clip_rect;
int window_x, window_y, window_width;
window_box (w, area, &window_x, &window_y, &window_width, 0);
clip_rect.origin.x = window_x;
clip_rect.origin.y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, max (0, row->y));
clip_rect.origin.y = max (clip_rect.origin.y, window_y);
clip_rect.size.width = window_width;
clip_rect.size.height = row->visible_height;
ns_focus (f, &clip_rect, 1);
static void
ns_ring_bell (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Beep" routine
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_ring_bell);
if (visible_bell)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
struct frame *frame = SELECTED_FRAME ();
NSView *view;
block_input ();
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (frame);
if (view != nil)
NSRect r, surr;
NSPoint dim = NSMakePoint (128, 128);
r = [view bounds];
r.origin.x += (r.size.width - dim.x) / 2;
r.origin.y += (r.size.height - dim.y) / 2;
r.size.width = dim.x;
r.size.height = dim.y;
surr = NSInsetRect (r, -2, -2);
ns_focus (frame, &surr, 1);
[[view window] cacheImageInRect: [view convertRect: surr toView:nil]];
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND
(FRAME_DEFAULT_FACE (frame)), frame) set];
NSRectFill (r);
[[view window] flushWindow];
ns_timeout (150000);
[[view window] restoreCachedImage];
[[view window] flushWindow];
ns_unfocus (frame);
[pool release];
unblock_input ();
NSBeep ();
static void
ns_reset_terminal_modes (struct terminal *terminal)
/* Externally called as hook */
NSTRACE (ns_reset_terminal_modes);
static void
ns_set_terminal_modes (struct terminal *terminal)
/* Externally called as hook */
NSTRACE (ns_set_terminal_modes);
/* ==========================================================================
Frame / window manager related functions
========================================================================== */
static void
ns_raise_frame (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bring window to foreground and make it active
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
check_ns ();
block_input ();
[[view window] makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_lower_frame (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Send window to back
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
check_ns ();
block_input ();
[[view window] orderBack: NSApp];
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_frame_raise_lower (struct frame *f, int raise)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_frame_raise_lower);
if (raise)
ns_raise_frame (f);
ns_lower_frame (f);
static void
ns_frame_rehighlight (struct frame *frame)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): called on things like window switching within frame
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (frame);
struct frame *old_highlight = dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame;
NSTRACE (ns_frame_rehighlight);
if (dpyinfo->x_focus_frame)
= (FRAMEP (FRAME_FOCUS_FRAME (dpyinfo->x_focus_frame))
? XFRAME (FRAME_FOCUS_FRAME (dpyinfo->x_focus_frame))
: dpyinfo->x_focus_frame);
if (!FRAME_LIVE_P (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame))
fset_focus_frame (dpyinfo->x_focus_frame, Qnil);
dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = dpyinfo->x_focus_frame;
dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = 0;
if (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame &&
dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame != old_highlight)
if (old_highlight)
x_update_cursor (old_highlight, 1);
x_set_frame_alpha (old_highlight);
if (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame)
x_update_cursor (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame, 1);
x_set_frame_alpha (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame);
x_make_frame_visible (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External: Show the window (X11 semantics)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (x_make_frame_visible);
/* XXX: at some points in past this was not needed, as the only place that
called this (frame.c:Fraise_frame ()) also called raise_lower;
if this ends up the case again, comment this out again. */
EmacsView *view = (EmacsView *)FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
ns_raise_frame (f);
/* Making a new frame from a fullscreen frame will make the new frame
fullscreen also. So skip handleFS as this will print an error. */
if ([view fsIsNative] && f->want_fullscreen == FULLSCREEN_BOTH
&& [view isFullscreen])
if (f->want_fullscreen != FULLSCREEN_NONE)
block_input ();
[view handleFS];
unblock_input ();
x_make_frame_invisible (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External: Hide the window (X11 semantics)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView * view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
NSTRACE (x_make_frame_invisible);
check_ns ();
[[view window] orderOut: NSApp];
x_iconify_frame (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External: Iconify window
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView * view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
NSTRACE (x_iconify_frame);
check_ns ();
if (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame == f)
dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = 0;
if ([[view window] windowNumber] <= 0)
/* the window is still deferred. Make it very small, bring it
on screen and order it out. */
NSRect s = { { 100, 100}, {0, 0} };
NSRect t;
t = [[view window] frame];
[[view window] setFrame: s display: NO];
[[view window] orderBack: NSApp];
[[view window] orderOut: NSApp];
[[view window] setFrame: t display: NO];
[[view window] miniaturize: NSApp];
/* Free X resources of frame F. */
x_free_frame_resources (struct frame *f)
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = MOUSE_HL_INFO (f);
NSTRACE (x_free_frame_resources);
check_ns ();
[(EmacsView *)view setWindowClosing: YES]; /* may not have been informed */
block_input ();
free_frame_menubar (f);
free_frame_faces (f);
if (f == dpyinfo->x_focus_frame)
dpyinfo->x_focus_frame = 0;
if (f == dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame)
dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = 0;
if (f == hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
hlinfo->mouse_face_beg_row = hlinfo->mouse_face_beg_col = -1;
hlinfo->mouse_face_end_row = hlinfo->mouse_face_end_col = -1;
hlinfo->mouse_face_window = Qnil;
hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame = 0;
if (f->output_data.ns->miniimage != nil)
[f->output_data.ns->miniimage release];
[[view window] close];
[view release];
xfree (f->output_data.ns);
unblock_input ();
x_destroy_window (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External: Delete the window
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (x_destroy_window);
check_ns ();
x_free_frame_resources (f);
x_set_offset (struct frame *f, int xoff, int yoff, int change_grav)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External: Position the window
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens];
NSScreen *fscreen = [screens objectAtIndex: 0];
NSScreen *screen = [[view window] screen];
NSTRACE (x_set_offset);
block_input ();
f->left_pos = xoff;
f->top_pos = yoff;
if (view != nil && screen && fscreen)
f->left_pos = f->size_hint_flags & XNegative
? [screen visibleFrame].size.width + f->left_pos - FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f)
: f->left_pos;
/* We use visibleFrame here to take menu bar into account.
Ideally we should also adjust left/top with visibleFrame.origin. */
f->top_pos = f->size_hint_flags & YNegative
? ([screen visibleFrame].size.height + f->top_pos
: f->top_pos;
if (f->left_pos < 100)
f->left_pos = 100; /* don't overlap menu */
/* Constrain the setFrameTopLeftPoint so we don't move behind the
menu bar. */
f->output_data.ns->dont_constrain = 0;
[[view window] setFrameTopLeftPoint:
NSMakePoint (SCREENMAXBOUND (f->left_pos),
SCREENMAXBOUND ([fscreen frame].size.height
- NS_TOP_POS (f)))];
f->size_hint_flags &= ~(XNegative|YNegative);
unblock_input ();
x_set_window_size (struct frame *f, int change_grav, int cols, int rows)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjust window pixel size based on given character grid size
Impl is a bit more complex than other terms, need to do some
internal clipping.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
NSWindow *window = [view window];
NSRect wr = [window frame];
int pixelwidth, pixelheight;
NSTRACE (x_set_window_size);
if (view == nil)
/*fprintf (stderr, "\tsetWindowSize: %d x %d, font size %d x %d\n", cols, rows, FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f), FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f)); */
block_input ();
check_frame_size (f, &rows, &cols);
f->scroll_bar_actual_width = NS_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f);
compute_fringe_widths (f, 0);
pixelwidth = FRAME_TEXT_COLS_TO_PIXEL_WIDTH (f, cols);
pixelheight = FRAME_TEXT_LINES_TO_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f, rows);
/* If we have a toolbar, take its height into account. */
if (tb && ! [view isFullscreen])
/* NOTE: previously this would generate wrong result if toolbar not
yet displayed and fixing toolbar_height=32 helped, but
now (200903) seems no longer needed */
NSHeight ([window frameRectForContentRect: NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0)])
wr.size.width = pixelwidth + f->border_width;
wr.size.height = pixelheight;
if (! [view isFullscreen])
wr.size.height += FRAME_NS_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT (f)
/* Do not try to constrain to this screen. We may have multiple
screens, and want Emacs to span those. Constraining to screen
prevents that, and that is not nice to the user. */
if (f->output_data.ns->zooming)
f->output_data.ns->zooming = 0;
wr.origin.y += FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f) - pixelheight;
[view setRows: rows andColumns: cols];
[window setFrame: wr display: YES];
/*fprintf (stderr, "\tx_set_window_size %d, %d\t%d, %d\n", cols, rows, pixelwidth, pixelheight); */
/* This is a trick to compensate for Emacs' managing the scrollbar area
as a fixed number of standard character columns. Instead of leaving
blank space for the extra, we chopped it off above. Now for
left-hand scrollbars, we shift all rendering to the left by the
difference between the real width and Emacs' imagined one. For
right-hand bars, don't worry about it since the extra is never used.
(Obviously doesn't work for vertically split windows tho..) */
: NSMakePoint (0, 0);
[view setFrame: NSMakeRect (0, 0, pixelwidth, pixelheight)];
[view setBoundsOrigin: origin];
change_frame_size (f, rows, cols, 0, 1, 0); /* pretend, delay, safe */
FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f) = pixelwidth;
FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f) = pixelheight;
/* SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (f); // this short-circuits expose call in drawRect */
mark_window_cursors_off (XWINDOW (f->root_window));
cancel_mouse_face (f);
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_fullscreen_hook (FRAME_PTR f)
EmacsView *view = (EmacsView *)FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
if (! [view fsIsNative] && f->want_fullscreen == FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
/* Old style fs don't initiate correctly if created from
init/default-frame alist, so use a timer (not nice...).
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.5 target: view
selector: @selector (handleFS)
userInfo: nil repeats: NO];
block_input ();
[view handleFS];
unblock_input ();
/* ==========================================================================
Color management
========================================================================== */
NSColor *
ns_lookup_indexed_color (unsigned long idx, struct frame *f)
struct ns_color_table *color_table = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->color_table;
if (idx < 1 || idx >= color_table->avail)
return nil;
return color_table->colors[idx];
unsigned long
ns_index_color (NSColor *color, struct frame *f)
struct ns_color_table *color_table = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->color_table;
ptrdiff_t idx;
ptrdiff_t i;
if (!color_table->colors)
color_table->size = NS_COLOR_CAPACITY;
color_table->avail = 1; /* skip idx=0 as marker */
color_table->colors = xmalloc (color_table->size * sizeof (NSColor *));
color_table->colors[0] = nil;
color_table->empty_indices = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
/* do we already have this color ? */
for (i = 1; i < color_table->avail; i++)
if (color_table->colors[i] && [color_table->colors[i] isEqual: color])
return i;
if ([color_table->empty_indices count] > 0)
NSNumber *index = [color_table->empty_indices anyObject];
[color_table->empty_indices removeObject: index];
idx = [index unsignedLongValue];
if (color_table->avail == color_table->size)
color_table->colors =
xpalloc (color_table->colors, &color_table->size, 1,
min (ULONG_MAX, PTRDIFF_MAX), sizeof *color_table->colors);
idx = color_table->avail++;
color_table->colors[idx] = color;
[color retain];
/*fprintf(stderr, "color_table: allocated %d\n",idx);*/
return idx;
ns_free_indexed_color (unsigned long idx, struct frame *f)
struct ns_color_table *color_table;
NSColor *color;
NSNumber *index;
if (!f)
color_table = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->color_table;
if (idx <= 0 || idx >= color_table->size) {
message1 ("ns_free_indexed_color: Color index out of range.\n");
index = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt: idx];
if ([color_table->empty_indices containsObject: index]) {
message1 ("ns_free_indexed_color: attempt to free already freed color.\n");
color = color_table->colors[idx];
[color release];
color_table->colors[idx] = nil;
[color_table->empty_indices addObject: index];
/*fprintf(stderr, "color_table: FREED %d\n",idx);*/
static int
ns_get_color (const char *name, NSColor **col)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parse a color name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* On *Step, we attempt to mimic the X11 platform here, down to installing an
X11 rgb.txt-compatible color list in Emacs.clr (see ns_term_init()).
See: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.devel/113050/focus=113272). */
NSColor *new = nil;
static char hex[20];
int scaling;
float r = -1.0, g, b;
NSString *nsname = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: name];
/*fprintf (stderr, "ns_get_color: '%s'\n", name); */
block_input ();
if ([nsname isEqualToString: @"ns_selection_color"])
nsname = ns_selection_color;
name = [ns_selection_color UTF8String];
/* First, check for some sort of numeric specification. */
hex[0] = '\0';
if (name[0] == '0' || name[0] == '1' || name[0] == '.') /* RGB decimal */
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: nsname];
[scanner scanFloat: &r];
[scanner scanFloat: &g];
[scanner scanFloat: &b];
else if (!strncmp(name, "rgb:", 4)) /* A newer X11 format -- rgb:r/g/b */
scaling = (snprintf (hex, sizeof hex, "%s", name + 4) - 2) / 3;
else if (name[0] == '#') /* An old X11 format; convert to newer */
int len = (strlen(name) - 1);
int start = (len % 3 == 0) ? 1 : len / 4 + 1;
int i;
scaling = strlen(name+start) / 3;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
sprintf (hex + i * (scaling + 1), "%.*s/", scaling,
name + start + i * scaling);
hex[3 * (scaling + 1) - 1] = '\0';
if (hex[0])
int rr, gg, bb;
float fscale = scaling == 4 ? 65535.0 : (scaling == 2 ? 255.0 : 15.0);
if (sscanf (hex, "%x/%x/%x", &rr, &gg, &bb))
r = rr / fscale;
g = gg / fscale;
b = bb / fscale;
if (r >= 0.0)
*col = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: 1.0];
unblock_input ();
return 0;
/* Otherwise, color is expected to be from a list */
NSEnumerator *lenum, *cenum;
NSString *name;
NSColorList *clist;
/* XXX: who is wrong, the requestor or the implementation? */
if ([nsname compare: @"Highlight" options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch]
== NSOrderedSame)
nsname = @"highlightColor";
lenum = [[NSColorList availableColorLists] objectEnumerator];
while ( (clist = [lenum nextObject]) && new == nil)
cenum = [[clist allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ( (name = [cenum nextObject]) && new == nil )
if ([name compare: nsname
options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch] == NSOrderedSame )
new = [clist colorWithKey: name];
if (new)
*col = [new colorUsingColorSpaceName: NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace];
unblock_input ();
return new ? 0 : 1;
ns_lisp_to_color (Lisp_Object color, NSColor **col)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convert a Lisp string object to a NS color
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_lisp_to_color);
if (STRINGP (color))
return ns_get_color (SSDATA (color), col);
else if (SYMBOLP (color))
return ns_get_color (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (color)), col);
return 1;
ns_color_to_lisp (NSColor *col)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convert a color to a lisp string with the RGB equivalent
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha, gray;
char buf[1024];
const char *str;
NSTRACE (ns_color_to_lisp);
block_input ();
if ([[col colorSpaceName] isEqualToString: NSNamedColorSpace])
if ((str =[[col colorNameComponent] UTF8String]))
unblock_input ();
return build_string ((char *)str);
[[col colorUsingColorSpaceName: NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace]
getRed: &red green: &green blue: &blue alpha: &alpha];
if (red ==green && red ==blue)
[[col colorUsingColorSpaceName: NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace]
getWhite: &gray alpha: &alpha];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "#%2.2lx%2.2lx%2.2lx",
lrint (gray * 0xff), lrint (gray * 0xff), lrint (gray * 0xff));
unblock_input ();
return build_string (buf);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "#%2.2lx%2.2lx%2.2lx",
lrint (red*0xff), lrint (green*0xff), lrint (blue*0xff));
unblock_input ();
return build_string (buf);
ns_query_color(void *col, XColor *color_def, int setPixel)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get ARGB values out of NSColor col and put them into color_def.
If setPixel, set the pixel to a concatenated version.
and set color_def pixel to the resulting index.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CGFloat r, g, b, a;
[((NSColor *)col) getRed: &r green: &g blue: &b alpha: &a];
color_def->red = r * 65535;
color_def->green = g * 65535;
color_def->blue = b * 65535;
if (setPixel == YES)
= ARGB_TO_ULONG((int)(a*255),
(int)(r*255), (int)(g*255), (int)(b*255));
ns_defined_color (struct frame *f,
const char *name,
XColor *color_def,
bool alloc,
bool makeIndex)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return true if named color found, and set color_def rgb accordingly.
If makeIndex and alloc are nonzero put the color in the color_table,
and set color_def pixel to the resulting index.
If makeIndex is zero, set color_def pixel to ARGB.
Return false if not found
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSColor *col;
NSTRACE (ns_defined_color);
block_input ();
if (ns_get_color (name, &col) != 0) /* Color not found */
unblock_input ();
return 0;
if (makeIndex && alloc)
color_def->pixel = ns_index_color (col, f);
ns_query_color (col, color_def, !makeIndex);
unblock_input ();
return 1;
unsigned long
ns_get_rgb_color (struct frame *f, float r, float g, float b, float a)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
return an autoreleased RGB color
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*static int c = 1; fprintf (stderr, "color request %d\n", c++); */
if (r < 0.0) r = 0.0;
else if (r > 1.0) r = 1.0;
if (g < 0.0) g = 0.0;
else if (g > 1.0) g = 1.0;
if (b < 0.0) b = 0.0;
else if (b > 1.0) b = 1.0;
if (a < 0.0) a = 0.0;
else if (a > 1.0) a = 1.0;
return (unsigned long) ns_index_color(
[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: a], f);
x_set_frame_alpha (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
change the entire-frame transparency
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
double alpha = 1.0;
double alpha_min = 1.0;
if (dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame == f)
alpha = f->alpha[0];
alpha = f->alpha[1];
if (FLOATP (Vframe_alpha_lower_limit))
alpha_min = XFLOAT_DATA (Vframe_alpha_lower_limit);
else if (INTEGERP (Vframe_alpha_lower_limit))
alpha_min = (XINT (Vframe_alpha_lower_limit)) / 100.0;
if (alpha < 0.0)
else if (1.0 < alpha)
alpha = 1.0;
else if (0.0 <= alpha && alpha < alpha_min && alpha_min <= 1.0)
alpha = alpha_min;
[[view window] setAlphaValue: alpha];
/* ==========================================================================
Mouse handling
========================================================================== */
x_set_mouse_pixel_position (struct frame *f, int pix_x, int pix_y)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Programmatically reposition mouse pointer in pixel coordinates
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (x_set_mouse_pixel_position);
ns_raise_frame (f);
#if 0
/* FIXME: this does not work, and what about GNUstep? */
[FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) lockFocus];
PSsetmouse ((float)pix_x, (float)pix_y);
[FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) unlockFocus];
x_set_mouse_position (struct frame *f, int h, int v)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Programmatically reposition mouse pointer in character coordinates
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int pix_x, pix_y;
pix_x = FRAME_COL_TO_PIXEL_X (f, h) + FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f) / 2;
pix_y = FRAME_LINE_TO_PIXEL_Y (f, v) + FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f) / 2;
if (pix_x < 0) pix_x = 0;
if (pix_x > FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f)) pix_x = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f);
if (pix_y < 0) pix_y = 0;
if (pix_y > FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f)) pix_y = FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f);
x_set_mouse_pixel_position (f, pix_x, pix_y);
static int
note_mouse_movement (struct frame *frame, float x, float y)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called by EmacsView on mouseMovement events. Passes on
to emacs mainstream code if we moved off of a rect of interest
known as last_mouse_glyph.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// NSTRACE (note_mouse_movement);
XSETFRAME (last_mouse_motion_frame, frame);
/* Note, this doesn't get called for enter/leave, since we don't have a
position. Those are taken care of in the corresponding NSView methods. */
/* has movement gone beyond last rect we were tracking? */
if (x < last_mouse_glyph.origin.x ||
x >= (last_mouse_glyph.origin.x + last_mouse_glyph.size.width) ||
y < last_mouse_glyph.origin.y ||
y >= (last_mouse_glyph.origin.y + last_mouse_glyph.size.height))
frame->mouse_moved = 1;
note_mouse_highlight (frame, x, y);
remember_mouse_glyph (frame, x, y, &last_mouse_glyph);
return 1;
return 0;
static void
ns_mouse_position (struct frame **fp, int insist, Lisp_Object *bar_window,
enum scroll_bar_part *part, Lisp_Object *x, Lisp_Object *y,
Time *time)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): inform emacs about mouse position and hit parts.
If a scrollbar is being dragged, set bar_window, part, x, y, time.
x & y should be position in the scrollbar (the whole bar, not the handle)
and length of scrollbar respectively
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
id view;
NSPoint position;
Lisp_Object frame, tail;
struct frame *f;
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo;
NSTRACE (ns_mouse_position);
if (*fp == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: ns_mouse_position () called with null *fp.\n");
dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (*fp);
block_input ();
if (last_mouse_scroll_bar != nil && insist == 0)
/* TODO: we do not use this path at the moment because drag events will
go directly to the EmacsScroller. Leaving code in for now. */
[last_mouse_scroll_bar getMouseMotionPart: (int *)part window: bar_window
x: x y: y];
if (time) *time = last_mouse_movement_time;
last_mouse_scroll_bar = nil;
/* Clear the mouse-moved flag for every frame on this display. */
FOR_EACH_FRAME (tail, frame)
if (FRAME_NS_P (XFRAME (frame))
XFRAME (frame)->mouse_moved = 0;
last_mouse_scroll_bar = nil;
if (last_mouse_frame && FRAME_LIVE_P (last_mouse_frame))
f = last_mouse_frame;
f = dpyinfo->x_focus_frame ? dpyinfo->x_focus_frame
if (f && f->output_data.ns) /* TODO: 2nd check no longer needed? */
view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (*fp);
position = [[view window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
position = [view convertPoint: position fromView: nil];
remember_mouse_glyph (f, position.x, position.y, &last_mouse_glyph);
/*fprintf (stderr, "ns_mouse_position: %.0f, %.0f\n", position.x, position.y); */
if (bar_window) *bar_window = Qnil;
if (part) *part = 0; /*scroll_bar_handle; */
if (x) XSETINT (*x, lrint (position.x));
if (y) XSETINT (*y, lrint (position.y));
if (time) *time = last_mouse_movement_time;
*fp = f;
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_frame_up_to_date (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): Fix up mouse highlighting right after a full update.
Can't use FRAME_MOUSE_UPDATE due to ns_frame_begin and ns_frame_end calls.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_frame_up_to_date);
if (FRAME_NS_P (f))
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = MOUSE_HL_INFO (f);
if (f == hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
block_input ();
if (hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
note_mouse_highlight (hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame,
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_define_frame_cursor (struct frame *f, Cursor cursor)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): set frame mouse pointer type.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_define_frame_cursor);
if (FRAME_POINTER_TYPE (f) != cursor)
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
FRAME_POINTER_TYPE (f) = cursor;
[[view window] invalidateCursorRectsForView: view];
/* Redisplay assumes this function also draws the changed frame
cursor, but this function doesn't, so do it explicitly. */
x_update_cursor (f, 1);
/* ==========================================================================
Keyboard handling
========================================================================== */
static unsigned
ns_convert_key (unsigned code)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal call used by NSView-keyDown.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const unsigned last_keysym = (sizeof (convert_ns_to_X_keysym)
/ sizeof (convert_ns_to_X_keysym[0]));
unsigned keysym;
/* An array would be faster, but less easy to read. */
for (keysym = 0; keysym < last_keysym; keysym += 2)
if (code == convert_ns_to_X_keysym[keysym])
return 0xFF00 | convert_ns_to_X_keysym[keysym+1];
return 0;
/* if decide to use keyCode and Carbon table, use this line:
return code > 0xff ? 0 : 0xFF00 | ns_keycode_to_xkeysym_table[code]; */
char *
x_get_keysym_name (int keysym)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called by keyboard.c. Not sure if the return val is important, except
that it be unique.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static char value[16];
NSTRACE (x_get_keysym_name);
sprintf (value, "%d", keysym);
return value;
/* ==========================================================================
Block drawing operations
========================================================================== */
static void
ns_redraw_scroll_bars (struct frame *f)
int i;
id view;
NSArray *subviews = [[FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) superview] subviews];
NSTRACE (ns_redraw_scroll_bars);
for (i =[subviews count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
view = [subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if (![view isKindOfClass: [EmacsScroller class]]) continue;
[view display];
ns_clear_frame (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): Erase the entire frame
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
NSRect r;
NSTRACE (ns_clear_frame);
/* comes on initial frame because we have
after-make-frame-functions = select-frame */
mark_window_cursors_off (XWINDOW (FRAME_ROOT_WINDOW (f)));
output_cursor.hpos = output_cursor.vpos = 0;
output_cursor.x = -1;
r = [view bounds];
block_input ();
ns_focus (f, &r, 1);
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (FRAME_DEFAULT_FACE (f)), f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
ns_unfocus (f);
/* as of 2006/11 or so this is now needed */
ns_redraw_scroll_bars (f);
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_clear_frame_area (struct frame *f, int x, int y, int width, int height)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): Clear section of frame
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSRect r = NSMakeRect (x, y, width, height);
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
struct face *face = FRAME_DEFAULT_FACE (f);
if (!view || !face)
NSTRACE (ns_clear_frame_area);
r = NSIntersectionRect (r, [view frame]);
ns_focus (f, &r, 1);
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
ns_unfocus (f);
static void
ns_scroll_run (struct window *w, struct run *run)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): Insert or delete n lines at line vpos
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct frame *f = XFRAME (w->frame);
int x, y, width, height, from_y, to_y, bottom_y;
NSTRACE (ns_scroll_run);
/* begin copy from other terms */
/* Get frame-relative bounding box of the text display area of W,
without mode lines. Include in this box the left and right
fringe of W. */
window_box (w, -1, &x, &y, &width, &height);
from_y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, run->current_y);
to_y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, run->desired_y);
bottom_y = y + height;
if (to_y < from_y)
/* Scrolling up. Make sure we don't copy part of the mode
line at the bottom. */
if (from_y + run->height > bottom_y)
height = bottom_y - from_y;
height = run->height;
/* Scrolling down. Make sure we don't copy over the mode line.
at the bottom. */
if (to_y + run->height > bottom_y)
height = bottom_y - to_y;
height = run->height;
/* end copy from other terms */
if (height == 0)
block_input ();
updated_window = w;
x_clear_cursor (w);
NSRect srcRect = NSMakeRect (x, from_y, width, height);
NSRect dstRect = NSMakeRect (x, to_y, width, height);
NSPoint dstOrigin = NSMakePoint (x, to_y);
ns_focus (f, &dstRect, 1);
NSCopyBits (0, srcRect , dstOrigin);
ns_unfocus (f);
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_after_update_window_line (struct glyph_row *desired_row)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): preparatory to fringe update after text was updated
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct window *w = updated_window;
struct frame *f;
int width, height;
NSTRACE (ns_after_update_window_line);
/* begin copy from other terms */
eassert (w);
if (!desired_row->mode_line_p && !w->pseudo_window_p)
desired_row->redraw_fringe_bitmaps_p = 1;
/* When a window has disappeared, make sure that no rest of
full-width rows stays visible in the internal border. */
if (windows_or_buffers_changed
&& desired_row->full_width_p
&& (f = XFRAME (w->frame),
width != 0)
&& (height = desired_row->visible_height,
height > 0))
int y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, max (0, desired_row->y));
block_input ();
ns_clear_frame_area (f, 0, y, width, height);
ns_clear_frame_area (f,
FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f) - width,
y, width, height);
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_shift_glyphs_for_insert (struct frame *f,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
int shift_by)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): copy an area horizontally, don't worry about clearing src
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSRect srcRect = NSMakeRect (x, y, width, height);
NSRect dstRect = NSMakeRect (x+shift_by, y, width, height);
NSPoint dstOrigin = dstRect.origin;
NSTRACE (ns_shift_glyphs_for_insert);
ns_focus (f, &dstRect, 1);
NSCopyBits (0, srcRect, dstOrigin);
ns_unfocus (f);
/* ==========================================================================
Character encoding and metrics
========================================================================== */
static void
ns_compute_glyph_string_overhangs (struct glyph_string *s)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF); compute left/right overhang of whole string and set in s
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct font *font = s->font;
if (s->char2b)
struct font_metrics metrics;
unsigned int codes[2];
codes[0] = *(s->char2b);
codes[1] = *(s->char2b + s->nchars - 1);
font->driver->text_extents (font, codes, 2, &metrics);
s->left_overhang = -metrics.lbearing;
= metrics.rbearing > metrics.width
? metrics.rbearing - metrics.width : 0;
s->left_overhang = 0;
s->right_overhang = ((struct nsfont_info *)font)->ital ?
FONT_HEIGHT (font) * 0.2 : 0;
/* ==========================================================================
Fringe and cursor drawing
========================================================================== */
extern int max_used_fringe_bitmap;
static void
ns_draw_fringe_bitmap (struct window *w, struct glyph_row *row,
struct draw_fringe_bitmap_params *p)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF); fringe-related
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
struct face *face = p->face;
int rowY;
static EmacsImage **bimgs = NULL;
static int nBimgs = 0;
/* grow bimgs if needed */
if (nBimgs < max_used_fringe_bitmap)
bimgs = xrealloc (bimgs, max_used_fringe_bitmap * sizeof *bimgs);
memset (bimgs + nBimgs, 0,
(max_used_fringe_bitmap - nBimgs) * sizeof *bimgs);
nBimgs = max_used_fringe_bitmap;
/* Must clip because of partially visible lines. */
rowY = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, row->y);
ns_clip_to_row (w, row, -1, YES);
if (!p->overlay_p)
int bx = p->bx, by = p->by, nx = p->nx, ny = p->ny;
/* If the fringe is adjacent to the left (right) scroll bar of a
leftmost (rightmost, respectively) window, then extend its
background to the gap between the fringe and the bar. */
if (sb_width > 0)
int bar_area_x = WINDOW_SCROLL_BAR_AREA_X (w);
int bar_area_width = (WINDOW_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_COLS (w)
if (bx < 0)
/* Bitmap fills the fringe. */
if (bar_area_x + bar_area_width == p->x)
bx = bar_area_x + sb_width;
else if (p->x + p->wd == bar_area_x)
bx = bar_area_x;
if (bx >= 0)
int header_line_height = WINDOW_HEADER_LINE_HEIGHT (w);
nx = bar_area_width - sb_width;
by = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (w, max (header_line_height,
ny = row->visible_height;
if (bar_area_x + bar_area_width == bx)
bx = bar_area_x + sb_width;
nx += bar_area_width - sb_width;
else if (bx + nx == bar_area_x)
nx += bar_area_width - sb_width;
if (bx >= 0 && nx > 0)
NSRect r = NSMakeRect (bx, by, nx, ny);
NSRectClip (r);
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->background, f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
if (p->which)
NSRect r = NSMakeRect (p->x, p->y, p->wd, p->h);
EmacsImage *img = bimgs[p->which - 1];
if (!img)
unsigned short *bits = p->bits + p->dh;
int len = p->h;
int i;
unsigned char *cbits = xmalloc (len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
cbits[i] = ~(bits[i] & 0xff);
img = [[EmacsImage alloc] initFromXBM: cbits width: 8 height: p->h
flip: NO];
bimgs[p->which - 1] = img;
xfree (cbits);
NSRectClip (r);
/* Since we composite the bitmap instead of just blitting it, we need
to erase the whole background. */
[ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->background, f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
[img setXBMColor: ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->foreground, f)];
[img drawInRect: r
fromRect: NSZeroRect
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver
fraction: 1.0
respectFlipped: YES
hints: nil];
NSPoint pt = r.origin;
pt.y += p->h;
[img compositeToPoint: pt operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
ns_unfocus (f);
static void
ns_draw_window_cursor (struct window *w, struct glyph_row *glyph_row,
int x, int y, int cursor_type, int cursor_width,
int on_p, int active_p)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External call (RIF): draw cursor.
Note that CURSOR_WIDTH is meaningful only for (h)bar cursors.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSRect r, s;
int fx, fy, h, cursor_height;
struct frame *f = WINDOW_XFRAME (w);
struct glyph *phys_cursor_glyph;
int overspill;
struct glyph *cursor_glyph;
struct face *face;
NSColor *hollow_color = FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR (f);
/* If cursor is out of bounds, don't draw garbage. This can happen
in mini-buffer windows when switching between echo area glyphs
and mini-buffer. */
NSTRACE (dumpcursor);
if (!on_p)
w->phys_cursor_type = cursor_type;
w->phys_cursor_on_p = on_p;
if (cursor_type == NO_CURSOR)
w->phys_cursor_width = 0;
if ((phys_cursor_glyph = get_phys_cursor_glyph (w)) == NULL)
if (glyph_row->exact_window_width_line_p
&& w->phys_cursor.hpos >= glyph_row->used[TEXT_AREA])
glyph_row->cursor_in_fringe_p = 1;
draw_fringe_bitmap (w, glyph_row, 0);
/* We draw the cursor (with NSRectFill), then draw the glyph on top
(other terminals do it the other way round). We must set
w->phys_cursor_width to the cursor width. For bar cursors, that
is CURSOR_WIDTH; for box cursors, it is the glyph width. */
get_phys_cursor_geometry (w, glyph_row, phys_cursor_glyph, &fx, &fy, &h);
/* The above get_phys_cursor_geometry call set w->phys_cursor_width
to the glyph width; replace with CURSOR_WIDTH for (V)BAR cursors. */
if (cursor_type == BAR_CURSOR)
if (cursor_width < 1)
cursor_width = max (FRAME_CURSOR_WIDTH (f), 1);
w->phys_cursor_width = cursor_width;
/* If we have an HBAR, "cursor_width" MAY specify height. */
else if (cursor_type == HBAR_CURSOR)
cursor_height = (cursor_width < 1) ? lrint (0.25 * h) : cursor_width;
fy += h - cursor_height;
h = cursor_height;
r.origin.x = fx, r.origin.y = fy;
r.size.height = h;
r.size.width = w->phys_cursor_width;
/* TODO: only needed in rare cases with last-resort font in HELLO..
should we do this more efficiently? */
ns_clip_to_row (w, glyph_row, -1, NO); /* do ns_focus(f, &r, 1); if remove */
face = FACE_FROM_ID (f, phys_cursor_glyph->face_id);
if (face && NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face)
== ns_index_color (FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (f), f))
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), f) set];
hollow_color = FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (f);
/* TODO: This makes drawing of cursor plus that of phys_cursor_glyph
atomic. Cleaner ways of doing this should be investigated.
One way would be to set a global variable DRAWING_CURSOR
when making the call to draw_phys..(), don't focus in that
case, then move the ns_unfocus() here after that call. */
NSDisableScreenUpdates ();
switch (cursor_type)
NSRectFill (r);
NSRectFill (r);
[hollow_color set];
NSRectFill (NSInsetRect (r, 1, 1));
NSRectFill (r);
s = r;
/* If the character under cursor is R2L, draw the bar cursor
on the right of its glyph, rather than on the left. */
cursor_glyph = get_phys_cursor_glyph (w);
if ((cursor_glyph->resolved_level & 1) != 0)
s.origin.x += cursor_glyph->pixel_width - s.size.width;
NSRectFill (s);
ns_unfocus (f);
/* draw the character under the cursor */
if (cursor_type != NO_CURSOR)
draw_phys_cursor_glyph (w, glyph_row, DRAW_CURSOR);
NSEnableScreenUpdates ();
static void
ns_draw_vertical_window_border (struct window *w, int x, int y0, int y1)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): Draw a vertical line.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (w));
struct face *face;
NSRect r = NSMakeRect (x, y0, 1, y1-y0);
NSTRACE (ns_draw_vertical_window_border);
if (face)
[ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->foreground, f) set];
ns_focus (f, &r, 1);
ns_unfocus (f);
show_hourglass (struct atimer *timer)
if (hourglass_shown_p)
block_input ();
/* TODO: add NSProgressIndicator to selected frame (see macfns.c) */
hourglass_shown_p = 1;
unblock_input ();
hide_hourglass (void)
if (!hourglass_shown_p)
block_input ();
/* TODO: remove NSProgressIndicator from all frames */
hourglass_shown_p = 0;
unblock_input ();
/* ==========================================================================
Glyph drawing operations
========================================================================== */
static int
ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (struct glyph_string *s, NativeRectangle *nr)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wrapper utility to account for internal border width on full-width lines,
and allow top full-width rows to hit the frame top. nr should be pointer
to two successive NSRects. Number of rects actually used is returned.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int n = get_glyph_string_clip_rects (s, nr, 2);
return n;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Draw a wavy line under glyph string s. The wave fills wave_height
pixels from y.
x wave_length = 2
y * * * * *
|* * * * * * * * *
wave_height = 3 | * * * *
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
ns_draw_underwave (struct glyph_string *s, CGFloat width, CGFloat x)
int wave_height = 3, wave_length = 2;
int y, dx, dy, odd, xmax;
NSPoint a, b;
NSRect waveClip;
dx = wave_length;
dy = wave_height - 1;
y = s->ybase - wave_height + 3;
xmax = x + width;
/* Find and set clipping rectangle */
waveClip = NSMakeRect (x, y, width, wave_height);
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
NSRectClip (waveClip);
/* Draw the waves */
a.x = x - ((int)(x) % dx) + 0.5;
b.x = a.x + dx;
odd = (int)(a.x/dx) % 2;
a.y = b.y = y + 0.5;
if (odd)
a.y += dy;
b.y += dy;
while (a.x <= xmax)
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:a toPoint:b];
a.x = b.x, a.y = b.y;
b.x += dx, b.y = y + 0.5 + odd*dy;
odd = !odd;
/* Restore previous clipping rectangle(s) */
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
ns_draw_text_decoration (struct glyph_string *s, struct face *face,
NSColor *defaultCol, CGFloat width, CGFloat x)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Draw underline, overline, and strike-through on glyph string s.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (s->for_overlaps)
/* Do underline. */
if (face->underline_p)
if (s->face->underline_type == FACE_UNDER_WAVE)
if (face->underline_defaulted_p)
[defaultCol set];
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->underline_color, s->f) set];
ns_draw_underwave (s, width, x);
else if (s->face->underline_type == FACE_UNDER_LINE)
NSRect r;
unsigned long thickness, position;
/* If the prev was underlined, match its appearance. */
if (s->prev && s->prev->face->underline_p
&& s->prev->face->underline_type == FACE_UNDER_LINE
&& s->prev->underline_thickness > 0)
thickness = s->prev->underline_thickness;
position = s->prev->underline_position;
struct font *font;
unsigned long descent;
descent = s->y + s->height - s->ybase;
/* Use underline thickness of font, defaulting to 1. */
thickness = (font && font->underline_thickness > 0)
? font->underline_thickness : 1;
/* Determine the offset of underlining from the baseline. */
if (x_underline_at_descent_line)
position = descent - thickness;
else if (x_use_underline_position_properties
&& font && font->underline_position >= 0)
position = font->underline_position;
else if (font)
position = lround (font->descent / 2);
position = underline_minimum_offset;
position = max (position, underline_minimum_offset);
/* Ensure underlining is not cropped. */
if (descent <= position)
position = descent - 1;
thickness = 1;
else if (descent < position + thickness)
thickness = 1;
s->underline_thickness = thickness;
s->underline_position = position;
r = NSMakeRect (x, s->ybase + position, width, thickness);
if (face->underline_defaulted_p)
[defaultCol set];
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->underline_color, s->f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
/* Do overline. We follow other terms in using a thickness of 1
and ignoring overline_margin. */
if (face->overline_p)
NSRect r;
r = NSMakeRect (x, s->y, width, 1);
if (face->overline_color_defaulted_p)
[defaultCol set];
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->overline_color, s->f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
/* Do strike-through. We follow other terms for thickness and
vertical position.*/
if (face->strike_through_p)
NSRect r;
unsigned long dy;
dy = lrint ((s->height - 1) / 2);
r = NSMakeRect (x, s->y + dy, width, 1);
if (face->strike_through_color_defaulted_p)
[defaultCol set];
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->strike_through_color, s->f) set];
NSRectFill (r);
static void
ns_draw_box (NSRect r, float thickness, NSColor *col, char left_p, char right_p)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Draw an unfilled rect inside r, optionally leaving left and/or right open.
Note we can't just use an NSDrawRect command, because of the possibility
of some sides not being drawn, and because the rect will be filled.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSRect s = r;
[col set];
/* top, bottom */
s.size.height = thickness;
NSRectFill (s);
s.origin.y += r.size.height - thickness;
NSRectFill (s);
s.size.height = r.size.height;
s.origin.y = r.origin.y;
/* left, right (optional) */
s.size.width = thickness;
if (left_p)
NSRectFill (s);
if (right_p)
s.origin.x += r.size.width - thickness;
NSRectFill (s);
static void
ns_draw_relief (NSRect r, int thickness, char raised_p,
char top_p, char bottom_p, char left_p, char right_p,
struct glyph_string *s)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Draw a relief rect inside r, optionally leaving some sides open.
Note we can't just use an NSDrawBezel command, because of the possibility
of some sides not being drawn, and because the rect will be filled.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static NSColor *baseCol = nil, *lightCol = nil, *darkCol = nil;
NSColor *newBaseCol = nil;
NSRect sr = r;
NSTRACE (ns_draw_relief);
/* set up colors */
if (s->face->use_box_color_for_shadows_p)
newBaseCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (s->face->box_color, s->f);
/* else if (s->first_glyph->type == IMAGE_GLYPH
&& s->img->pixmap
newBaseCol = IMAGE_BACKGROUND (s->img, s->f, 0);
} */
newBaseCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (s->face->background, s->f);
if (newBaseCol == nil)
newBaseCol = [NSColor grayColor];
if (newBaseCol != baseCol) /* TODO: better check */
[baseCol release];
baseCol = [newBaseCol retain];
[lightCol release];
lightCol = [[baseCol highlightWithLevel: 0.2] retain];
[darkCol release];
darkCol = [[baseCol shadowWithLevel: 0.3] retain];
[(raised_p ? lightCol : darkCol) set];
/* TODO: mitering. Using NSBezierPath doesn't work because of color switch. */
/* top */
sr.size.height = thickness;
if (top_p) NSRectFill (sr);
/* left */
sr.size.height = r.size.height;
sr.size.width = thickness;
if (left_p) NSRectFill (sr);
[(raised_p ? darkCol : lightCol) set];
/* bottom */
sr.size.width = r.size.width;
sr.size.height = thickness;
sr.origin.y += r.size.height - thickness;
if (bottom_p) NSRectFill (sr);
/* right */
sr.size.height = r.size.height;
sr.origin.y = r.origin.y;
sr.size.width = thickness;
sr.origin.x += r.size.width - thickness;
if (right_p) NSRectFill (sr);
static void
ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (struct glyph_string *s)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function modeled after x_draw_glyph_string_box ().
Sets up parameters for drawing.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int right_x, last_x;
char left_p, right_p;
struct glyph *last_glyph;
NSRect r;
int thickness;
struct face *face;
if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_HL_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id);
if (!face)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
face = s->face;
thickness = face->box_line_width;
NSTRACE (ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief);
last_x = ((s->row->full_width_p && !s->w->pseudo_window_p)
: window_box_right (s->w, s->area));
last_glyph = (s->cmp || s->img
? s->first_glyph : s->first_glyph + s->nchars-1);
right_x = ((s->row->full_width_p && s->extends_to_end_of_line_p
? last_x - 1 : min (last_x, s->x + s->background_width) - 1));
left_p = (s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p
|| (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE
&& (s->prev == NULL || s->prev->hl != s->hl)));
right_p = (last_glyph->right_box_line_p
|| (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE
&& (s->next == NULL || s->next->hl != s->hl)));
r = NSMakeRect (s->x, s->y, right_x - s->x + 1, s->height);
/* TODO: Sometimes box_color is 0 and this seems wrong; should investigate. */
if (s->face->box == FACE_SIMPLE_BOX && s->face->box_color)
ns_draw_box (r, abs (thickness),
ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->box_color, s->f),
left_p, right_p);
ns_draw_relief (r, abs (thickness), s->face->box == FACE_RAISED_BOX,
1, 1, left_p, right_p, s);
static void
ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (struct glyph_string *s, char force_p)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modeled after x_draw_glyph_string_background, which draws BG in
certain cases. Others are left to the text rendering routine.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background);
if (!s->background_filled_p/* || s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE*/)
int box_line_width = max (s->face->box_line_width, 0);
if (FONT_HEIGHT (s->font) < s->height - 2 * box_line_width
|| s->font_not_found_p || s->extends_to_end_of_line_p || force_p)
struct face *face;
if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f,
MOUSE_HL_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id);
if (!face)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, s->first_glyph->face_id);
if (!face->stipple)
[(NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face) != 0
? ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), s->f)
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f);
[[dpyinfo->bitmaps[face->stipple-1].img stippleMask] set];
if (s->hl != DRAW_CURSOR)
NSRect r = NSMakeRect (s->x, s->y + box_line_width,
NSRectFill (r);
s->background_filled_p = 1;
static void
ns_dumpglyphs_image (struct glyph_string *s, NSRect r)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Renders an image and associated borders.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EmacsImage *img = s->img->pixmap;
int box_line_vwidth = max (s->face->box_line_width, 0);
int x = s->x, y = s->ybase - image_ascent (s->img, s->face, &s->slice);
int bg_x, bg_y, bg_height;
int th;
char raised_p;
NSRect br;
struct face *face;
NSColor *tdCol;
NSTRACE (ns_dumpglyphs_image);
if (s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
&& s->first_glyph->left_box_line_p && s->slice.x == 0)
x += abs (s->face->box_line_width);
bg_x = x;
bg_y = s->slice.y == 0 ? s->y : s->y + box_line_vwidth;
bg_height = s->height;
/* other terms have this, but was causing problems w/tabbar mode */
/* - 2 * box_line_vwidth; */
if (s->slice.x == 0) x += s->img->hmargin;
if (s->slice.y == 0) y += s->img->vmargin;
/* Draw BG: if we need larger area than image itself cleared, do that,
otherwise, since we composite the image under NS (instead of mucking
with its background color), we must clear just the image area. */
if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_HL_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id);
if (!face)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, s->first_glyph->face_id);
[ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), s->f) set];
if (bg_height > s->slice.height || s->img->hmargin || s->img->vmargin
|| s->img->mask || s->img->pixmap == 0 || s->width != s->background_width)
br = NSMakeRect (bg_x, bg_y, s->background_width, bg_height);
s->background_filled_p = 1;
br = NSMakeRect (x, y, s->slice.width, s->slice.height);
NSRectFill (br);
/* Draw the image.. do we need to draw placeholder if img ==nil? */
if (img != nil)
NSRect dr = NSMakeRect (x, y, s->slice.width, s->slice.height);
NSRect ir = NSMakeRect (s->slice.x, s->slice.y,
s->slice.width, s->slice.height);
[img drawInRect: dr
fromRect: ir
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver
fraction: 1.0
respectFlipped: YES
hints: nil];
[img compositeToPoint: NSMakePoint (x, y + s->slice.height)
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
[FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (s->f) set];
if (s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
tdCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), s->f);
/* Currently on NS img->mask is always 0. Since
get_window_cursor_type specifies a hollow box cursor when on
a non-masked image we never reach this clause. But we put it
in in anticipation of better support for image masks on
NS. */
tdCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), s->f);
tdCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), s->f);
/* Draw underline, overline, strike-through. */
ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, tdCol, br.size.width, br.origin.x);
/* Draw relief, if requested */
if (s->img->relief || s->hl ==DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED || s->hl ==DRAW_IMAGE_SUNKEN)
if (s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_SUNKEN || s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED)
th = tool_bar_button_relief >= 0 ?
tool_bar_button_relief : DEFAULT_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON_RELIEF;
raised_p = (s->hl == DRAW_IMAGE_RAISED);
th = abs (s->img->relief);
raised_p = (s->img->relief > 0);
r.origin.x = x - th;
r.origin.y = y - th;
r.size.width = s->slice.width + 2*th-1;
r.size.height = s->slice.height + 2*th-1;
ns_draw_relief (r, th, raised_p,
s->slice.y == 0,
s->slice.y + s->slice.height == s->img->height,
s->slice.x == 0,
s->slice.x + s->slice.width == s->img->width, s);
/* If there is no mask, the background won't be seen,
so draw a rectangle on the image for the cursor.
Do this for all images, getting transparency right is not reliable. */
if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
int thickness = abs (s->img->relief);
if (thickness == 0) thickness = 1;
ns_draw_box (br, thickness, FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (s->f), 1, 1);
static void
ns_dumpglyphs_stretch (struct glyph_string *s)
NSRect r[2];
int n, i;
struct face *face;
NSColor *fgCol, *bgCol;
if (!s->background_filled_p)
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
*r = NSMakeRect (s->x, s->y, s->background_width, s->height);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_HL_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id);
if (!face)
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, s->first_glyph->face_id);
bgCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), s->f);
fgCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), s->f);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (!s->row->full_width_p)
int overrun, leftoverrun;
/* truncate to avoid overwriting fringe and/or scrollbar */
overrun = max (0, (s->x + s->background_width)
r[i].size.width -= overrun;
/* truncate to avoid overwriting to left of the window box */
leftoverrun = (WINDOW_BOX_LEFT_EDGE_X (s->w)
+ WINDOW_LEFT_FRINGE_WIDTH (s->w)) - s->x;
if (leftoverrun > 0)
r[i].origin.x += leftoverrun;
r[i].size.width -= leftoverrun;
/* XXX: Try to work between problem where a stretch glyph on
a partially-visible bottom row will clear part of the
modeline, and another where list-buffers headers and similar
rows erroneously have visible_height set to 0. Not sure
where this is coming from as other terms seem not to show. */
r[i].size.height = min (s->height, s->row->visible_height);
[bgCol set];
/* NOTE: under NS this is NOT used to draw cursors, but we must avoid
overwriting cursor (usually when cursor on a tab) */
if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
CGFloat x, width;
x = r[i].origin.x;
width = s->w->phys_cursor_width;
r[i].size.width -= width;
r[i].origin.x += width;
NSRectFill (r[i]);
/* Draw overlining, etc. on the cursor. */
if (s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, bgCol, width, x);
ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, fgCol, width, x);
NSRectFill (r[i]);
/* Draw overlining, etc. on the stretch glyph (or the part
of the stretch glyph after the cursor). */
ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, fgCol, r[i].size.width,
ns_unfocus (s->f);
s->background_filled_p = 1;
static void
ns_draw_glyph_string (struct glyph_string *s)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (RIF): Main draw-text call.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* TODO (optimize): focus for box and contents draw */
NSRect r[2];
int n;
char box_drawn_p = 0;
NSTRACE (ns_draw_glyph_string);
if (s->next && s->right_overhang && !s->for_overlaps/*&&s->hl!=DRAW_CURSOR*/)
int width;
struct glyph_string *next;
for (width = 0, next = s->next;
next && width < s->right_overhang;
width += next->width, next = next->next)
if (next->first_glyph->type != IMAGE_GLYPH)
if (next->first_glyph->type != STRETCH_GLYPH)
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s->next, r);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (s->next, 1);
ns_unfocus (s->f);
ns_dumpglyphs_stretch (s->next);
next->num_clips = 0;
if (!s->for_overlaps && s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX
&& (s->first_glyph->type == CHAR_GLYPH
|| s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH))
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (s, 1);
ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (s);
ns_unfocus (s->f);
box_drawn_p = 1;
switch (s->first_glyph->type)
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
ns_dumpglyphs_image (s, r[0]);
ns_unfocus (s->f);
ns_dumpglyphs_stretch (s);
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
if (s->for_overlaps || (s->cmp_from > 0
&& ! s->first_glyph->u.cmp.automatic))
s->background_filled_p = 1;
(s, s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH);
ns_tmp_flags = s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR ? NS_DUMPGLYPH_CURSOR :
(s->for_overlaps ? NS_DUMPGLYPH_FOREGROUND :
ns_tmp_font = (struct nsfont_info *)s->face->font;
if (ns_tmp_font == NULL)
ns_tmp_font = (struct nsfont_info *)FRAME_FONT (s->f);
if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR && s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
unsigned long tmp = NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (s->face);
NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) = tmp;
(s, 0, s->nchars, s->x, s->y,
(ns_tmp_flags == NS_DUMPGLYPH_NORMAL && !s->background_filled_p)
|| ns_tmp_flags == NS_DUMPGLYPH_MOUSEFACE);
if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR && s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
unsigned long tmp = NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (s->face);
NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) = tmp;
ns_unfocus (s->f);
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
if (s->for_overlaps || (s->cmp_from > 0
&& ! s->first_glyph->u.cmp.automatic))
s->background_filled_p = 1;
(s, s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH);
/* ... */
/* Not yet implemented. */
/* ... */
ns_unfocus (s->f);
emacs_abort ();
/* Draw box if not done already. */
if (!s->for_overlaps && !box_drawn_p && s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX)
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (s);
ns_unfocus (s->f);
s->num_clips = 0;
/* ==========================================================================
Event loop
========================================================================== */
static void
ns_send_appdefined (int value)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal: post an appdefined event which EmacsApp-sendEvent will
recognize and take as a command to halt the event loop.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*NSTRACE (ns_send_appdefined); */
/* Only post this event if we haven't already posted one. This will end
the [NXApp run] main loop after having processed all events queued at
this moment. */
if (send_appdefined)
NSEvent *nxev;
/* We only need one NX_APPDEFINED event to stop NXApp from running. */
send_appdefined = NO;
/* Don't need wakeup timer any more */
if (timed_entry)
[timed_entry invalidate];
[timed_entry release];
timed_entry = nil;
nxev = [NSEvent otherEventWithType: NSApplicationDefined
location: NSMakePoint (0, 0)
modifierFlags: 0
timestamp: 0
windowNumber: [[NSApp mainWindow] windowNumber]
context: [NSApp context]
subtype: 0
data1: value
data2: 0];
/* Post an application defined event on the event queue. When this is
received the [NXApp run] will return, thus having processed all
events which are currently queued. */
[NSApp postEvent: nxev atStart: NO];
static void
check_native_fs ()
Lisp_Object frame, tail;
if (ns_last_use_native_fullscreen == ns_use_native_fullscreen)
ns_last_use_native_fullscreen = ns_use_native_fullscreen;
/* Clear the mouse-moved flag for every frame on this display. */
FOR_EACH_FRAME (tail, frame)
struct frame *f = XFRAME (frame);
if (FRAME_NS_P (f))
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
[view updateCollectionBehaviour];
static int
ns_read_socket (struct terminal *terminal, struct input_event *hold_quit)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): Post an event to ourself and keep reading events until
we read it back again. In effect process all events which were waiting.
From 21+ we have to manage the event buffer ourselves.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct input_event ev;
int nevents;
/* NSTRACE (ns_read_socket); */
check_native_fs ();
if ([NSApp modalWindow] != nil)
return -1;
if (hold_event_q.nr > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hold_event_q.nr; ++i)
kbd_buffer_store_event_hold (&hold_event_q.q[i], hold_quit);
hold_event_q.nr = 0;
return i;
block_input ();
n_emacs_events_pending = 0;
emacs_event = &ev;
q_event_ptr = hold_quit;
/* we manage autorelease pools by allocate/reallocate each time around
the loop; strict nesting is occasionally violated but seems not to
matter.. earlier methods using full nesting caused major memory leaks */
[outerpool release];
outerpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
/* If have pending open-file requests, attend to the next one of those. */
if (ns_pending_files && [ns_pending_files count] != 0
&& [(EmacsApp *)NSApp openFile: [ns_pending_files objectAtIndex: 0]])
[ns_pending_files removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
/* Deal with pending service requests. */
else if (ns_pending_service_names && [ns_pending_service_names count] != 0
&& [(EmacsApp *)
NSApp fulfillService: [ns_pending_service_names objectAtIndex: 0]
withArg: [ns_pending_service_args objectAtIndex: 0]])
[ns_pending_service_names removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
[ns_pending_service_args removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
/* Run and wait for events. We must always send one NX_APPDEFINED event
to ourself, otherwise [NXApp run] will never exit. */
send_appdefined = YES;
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
if (++apploopnr != 1)
emacs_abort ();
[NSApp run];
nevents = n_emacs_events_pending;
n_emacs_events_pending = 0;
emacs_event = q_event_ptr = NULL;
unblock_input ();
return nevents;
ns_select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
fd_set *exceptfds, EMACS_TIME *timeout, sigset_t *sigmask)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Replacement for select, checking for events
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int result;
int t, k, nr = 0;
struct input_event event;
char c;
/* NSTRACE (ns_select); */
check_native_fs ();
if (hold_event_q.nr > 0)
/* We already have events pending. */
raise (SIGIO);
errno = EINTR;
return -1;
for (k = 0; k < nfds+1; k++)
if (readfds && FD_ISSET(k, readfds)) ++nr;
if (writefds && FD_ISSET(k, writefds)) ++nr;
if (NSApp == nil
|| (timeout && timeout->tv_sec == 0 && timeout->tv_nsec == 0))
return pselect (nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout, sigmask);
[outerpool release];
outerpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
send_appdefined = YES;
if (nr > 0)
pthread_mutex_lock (&select_mutex);
select_nfds = nfds;
select_valid = 0;
if (readfds)
select_readfds = *readfds;
select_valid += SELECT_HAVE_READ;
if (writefds)
select_writefds = *writefds;
select_valid += SELECT_HAVE_WRITE;
if (timeout)
select_timeout = *timeout;
select_valid += SELECT_HAVE_TMO;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&select_mutex);
/* Inform fd_handler that select should be called */
c = 'g';
emacs_write (selfds[1], &c, 1);
else if (nr == 0 && timeout)
/* No file descriptor, just a timeout, no need to wake fd_handler */
double time = EMACS_TIME_TO_DOUBLE (*timeout);
timed_entry = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: time
target: NSApp
@selector (timeout_handler:)
userInfo: 0
repeats: NO]
else /* No timeout and no file descriptors, can this happen? */
/* Send appdefined so we exit from the loop */
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
EVENT_INIT (event);
block_input ();
emacs_event = &event;
if (++apploopnr != 1)
emacs_abort ();
[NSApp run];
emacs_event = NULL;
if (nr > 0 && readfds)
c = 's';
emacs_write (selfds[1], &c, 1);
unblock_input ();
t = last_appdefined_event_data;
last_appdefined_event_data = NO_APPDEFINED_DATA;
if (t == -2)
/* The NX_APPDEFINED event we received was a timeout. */
result = 0;
else if (t == -1)
/* The NX_APPDEFINED event we received was the result of
at least one real input event arriving. */
errno = EINTR;
result = -1;
/* Received back from select () in fd_handler; copy the results */
pthread_mutex_lock (&select_mutex);
if (readfds) *readfds = select_readfds;
if (writefds) *writefds = select_writefds;
if (timeout) *timeout = select_timeout;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&select_mutex);
result = t;
return result;
/* ==========================================================================
Scrollbar handling
========================================================================== */
static void
ns_set_vertical_scroll_bar (struct window *window,
int portion, int whole, int position)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): Update or add scrollbar
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Lisp_Object win;
NSRect r, v;
struct frame *f = XFRAME (WINDOW_FRAME (window));
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
int window_y, window_height;
int top, left, height, width, sb_width, sb_left;
EmacsScroller *bar;
BOOL fringe_extended_p;
/* optimization; display engine sends WAY too many of these.. */
if (!NILP (window->vertical_scroll_bar))
bar = XNS_SCROLL_BAR (window->vertical_scroll_bar);
if ([bar checkSamePosition: position portion: portion whole: whole])
if (view->scrollbarsNeedingUpdate == 0)
if (!windows_or_buffers_changed)
NSTRACE (ns_set_vertical_scroll_bar);
/* Get dimensions. */
window_box (window, -1, 0, &window_y, 0, &window_height);
top = window_y;
height = window_height;
left = WINDOW_SCROLL_BAR_AREA_X (window);
/* allow for displaying a skinnier scrollbar than char area allotted */
sb_width = (WINDOW_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (window) > 0) ?
sb_left = left;
r = NSMakeRect (sb_left, top, sb_width, height);
/* the parent view is flipped, so we need to flip y value */
v = [view frame];
r.origin.y = (v.size.height - r.size.height - r.origin.y);
fringe_extended_p = (WINDOW_LEFTMOST_P (window)
|| WINDOW_LEFT_MARGIN_COLS (window) == 0));
fringe_extended_p = (WINDOW_RIGHTMOST_P (window)
|| WINDOW_RIGHT_MARGIN_COLS (window) == 0));
XSETWINDOW (win, window);
block_input ();
/* we want at least 5 lines to display a scrollbar */
if (WINDOW_TOTAL_LINES (window) < 5)
if (!NILP (window->vertical_scroll_bar))
bar = XNS_SCROLL_BAR (window->vertical_scroll_bar);
[bar removeFromSuperview];
wset_vertical_scroll_bar (window, Qnil);
ns_clear_frame_area (f, sb_left, top, width, height);
unblock_input ();
if (NILP (window->vertical_scroll_bar))
if (width > 0 && height > 0)
if (fringe_extended_p)
ns_clear_frame_area (f, sb_left, top, sb_width, height);
ns_clear_frame_area (f, left, top, width, height);
bar = [[EmacsScroller alloc] initFrame: r window: win];
wset_vertical_scroll_bar (window, make_save_pointer (bar));
NSRect oldRect;
bar = XNS_SCROLL_BAR (window->vertical_scroll_bar);
oldRect = [bar frame];
r.size.width = oldRect.size.width;
if (FRAME_LIVE_P (f) && !NSEqualRects (oldRect, r))
if (oldRect.origin.x != r.origin.x)
ns_clear_frame_area (f, sb_left, top, width, height);
[bar setFrame: r];
[bar setPosition: position portion: portion whole: whole];
unblock_input ();
static void
ns_condemn_scroll_bars (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): arrange for all frame's scrollbars to be removed
at next call to judge_scroll_bars, except for those redeemed.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i;
id view;
NSArray *subviews = [[FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) superview] subviews];
NSTRACE (ns_condemn_scroll_bars);
for (i =[subviews count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
view = [subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if ([view isKindOfClass: [EmacsScroller class]])
[view condemn];
static void
ns_redeem_scroll_bar (struct window *window)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): arrange to spare this window's scrollbar
at next call to judge_scroll_bars.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
id bar;
NSTRACE (ns_redeem_scroll_bar);
if (!NILP (window->vertical_scroll_bar))
bar = XNS_SCROLL_BAR (window->vertical_scroll_bar);
[bar reprieve];
static void
ns_judge_scroll_bars (struct frame *f)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
External (hook): destroy all scrollbars on frame that weren't
redeemed after call to condemn_scroll_bars.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i;
id view;
EmacsView *eview = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
NSArray *subviews = [[eview superview] subviews];
BOOL removed = NO;
NSTRACE (ns_judge_scroll_bars);
for (i = [subviews count]-1; i >= 0; --i)
view = [subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if (![view isKindOfClass: [EmacsScroller class]]) continue;
[view judge];
removed = YES;
if (removed)
[eview updateFrameSize: NO];
x_wm_set_icon_position (struct frame *f, int icon_x, int icon_y)
/* XXX irrelevant under NS */
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
x_display_pixel_height (struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo)
NSScreen *screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
return [screen frame].size.height;
x_display_pixel_width (struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo)
NSScreen *screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
return [screen frame].size.width;
static Lisp_Object ns_string_to_lispmod (const char *s)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convert modifier name to lisp symbol
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (!strncmp (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (Qmeta)), s, 10))
return Qmeta;
else if (!strncmp (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (Qsuper)), s, 10))
return Qsuper;
else if (!strncmp (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (Qcontrol)), s, 10))
return Qcontrol;
else if (!strncmp (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (Qalt)), s, 10))
return Qalt;
else if (!strncmp (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (Qhyper)), s, 10))
return Qhyper;
else if (!strncmp (SSDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (Qnone)), s, 10))
return Qnone;
return Qnil;
static void
ns_default (const char *parameter, Lisp_Object *result,
Lisp_Object yesval, Lisp_Object noval,
BOOL is_float, BOOL is_modstring)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check a parameter value in user's preferences
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const char *value = ns_get_defaults_value (parameter);
if (value)
double f;
char *pos;
if (c_strcasecmp (value, "YES") == 0)
*result = yesval;
else if (c_strcasecmp (value, "NO") == 0)
*result = noval;
else if (is_float && (f = strtod (value, &pos), pos != value))
*result = make_float (f);
else if (is_modstring && value)
*result = ns_string_to_lispmod (value);
else fprintf (stderr,
"Bad value for default \"%s\": \"%s\"\n", parameter, value);
static void
ns_initialize_display_info (struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize global info and storage for display.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSScreen *screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
NSWindowDepth depth = [screen depth];
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = &dpyinfo->mouse_highlight;
dpyinfo->resx = 72.27; /* used 75.0, but this makes pt == pixel, expected */
dpyinfo->resy = 72.27;
dpyinfo->color_p = ![NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace isEqualToString:
NSColorSpaceFromDepth (depth)]
&& ![NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace isEqualToString:
NSColorSpaceFromDepth (depth)];
dpyinfo->n_planes = NSBitsPerPixelFromDepth (depth);
dpyinfo->image_cache = make_image_cache ();
dpyinfo->color_table = xmalloc (sizeof *dpyinfo->color_table);
dpyinfo->color_table->colors = NULL;
dpyinfo->root_window = 42; /* a placeholder.. */
hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame = NULL;
hlinfo->mouse_face_beg_row = hlinfo->mouse_face_beg_col = -1;
hlinfo->mouse_face_end_row = hlinfo->mouse_face_end_col = -1;
hlinfo->mouse_face_face_id = DEFAULT_FACE_ID;
hlinfo->mouse_face_window = hlinfo->mouse_face_overlay = Qnil;
hlinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 0;
hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_x = hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_y = 0;
hlinfo->mouse_face_defer = 0;
dpyinfo->x_highlight_frame = dpyinfo->x_focus_frame = NULL;
dpyinfo->n_fonts = 0;
dpyinfo->smallest_font_height = 1;
dpyinfo->smallest_char_width = 1;
/* This and next define (many of the) public functions in this file. */
/* x_... are generic versions in xdisp.c that we, and other terms, get away
with using despite presence in the "system dependent" redisplay
interface. In addition, many of the ns_ methods have code that is
shared with all terms, indicating need for further refactoring. */
extern frame_parm_handler ns_frame_parm_handlers[];
static struct redisplay_interface ns_redisplay_interface =
0, /* flush_display_optional */
0, /* define_fringe_bitmap */ /* FIXME: simplify ns_draw_fringe_bitmap */
0, /* destroy_fringe_bitmap */
ns_draw_glyph_string, /* interface to nsfont.m */
static void
ns_delete_display (struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo)
/* TODO... */
/* This function is called when the last frame on a display is deleted. */
static void
ns_delete_terminal (struct terminal *terminal)
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = terminal->display_info.ns;
/* Protect against recursive calls. delete_frame in
delete_terminal calls us back when it deletes our last frame. */
if (!terminal->name)
block_input ();
x_destroy_all_bitmaps (dpyinfo);
ns_delete_display (dpyinfo);
unblock_input ();
static struct terminal *
ns_create_terminal (struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set up use of NS before we make the first connection.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct terminal *terminal;
NSTRACE (ns_create_terminal);
terminal = create_terminal ();
terminal->type = output_ns;
terminal->display_info.ns = dpyinfo;
dpyinfo->terminal = terminal;
terminal->rif = &ns_redisplay_interface;
terminal->clear_frame_hook = ns_clear_frame;
terminal->ins_del_lines_hook = 0; /* XXX vestigial? */
terminal->delete_glyphs_hook = 0; /* XXX vestigial? */
terminal->ring_bell_hook = ns_ring_bell;
terminal->reset_terminal_modes_hook = ns_reset_terminal_modes;
terminal->set_terminal_modes_hook = ns_set_terminal_modes;
terminal->update_begin_hook = ns_update_begin;
terminal->update_end_hook = ns_update_end;
terminal->set_terminal_window_hook = NULL; /* XXX vestigial? */
terminal->read_socket_hook = ns_read_socket;
terminal->frame_up_to_date_hook = ns_frame_up_to_date;
terminal->mouse_position_hook = ns_mouse_position;
terminal->frame_rehighlight_hook = ns_frame_rehighlight;
terminal->frame_raise_lower_hook = ns_frame_raise_lower;
terminal->fullscreen_hook = ns_fullscreen_hook;
terminal->set_vertical_scroll_bar_hook = ns_set_vertical_scroll_bar;
terminal->condemn_scroll_bars_hook = ns_condemn_scroll_bars;
terminal->redeem_scroll_bar_hook = ns_redeem_scroll_bar;
terminal->judge_scroll_bars_hook = ns_judge_scroll_bars;
terminal->delete_frame_hook = x_destroy_window;
terminal->delete_terminal_hook = ns_delete_terminal;
terminal->scroll_region_ok = 1;
terminal->char_ins_del_ok = 1;
terminal->line_ins_del_ok = 1;
terminal->fast_clear_end_of_line = 1;
terminal->memory_below_frame = 0;
return terminal;
struct ns_display_info *
ns_term_init (Lisp_Object display_name)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Start the Application and get things rolling.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct terminal *terminal;
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo;
static int ns_initialized = 0;
Lisp_Object tmp;
if (ns_initialized) return x_display_list;
ns_initialized = 1;
NSTRACE (ns_term_init);
[outerpool release];
outerpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
/* count object allocs (About, click icon); on OS X use ObjectAlloc tool */
/*GSDebugAllocationActive (YES); */
block_input ();
baud_rate = 38400;
Fset_input_interrupt_mode (Qnil);
if (selfds[0] == -1)
if (pipe (selfds) == -1)
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create pipe: %s\n",
emacs_strerror (errno));
emacs_abort ();
fcntl (selfds[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK|fcntl (selfds[0], F_GETFL));
FD_ZERO (&select_readfds);
FD_ZERO (&select_writefds);
pthread_mutex_init (&select_mutex, NULL);
ns_pending_files = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
ns_pending_service_names = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
ns_pending_service_args = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
/* Start app and create the main menu, window, view.
Needs to be here because ns_initialize_display_info () uses AppKit classes.
The view will then ask the NSApp to stop and return to Emacs. */
[EmacsApp sharedApplication];
if (NSApp == nil)
return NULL;
[NSApp setDelegate: NSApp];
/* Start the select thread. */
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector (fd_handler:)
/* debugging: log all notifications */
/* [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp
selector: @selector (logNotification:)
name: nil object: nil]; */
dpyinfo = xzalloc (sizeof *dpyinfo);
ns_initialize_display_info (dpyinfo);
terminal = ns_create_terminal (dpyinfo);
terminal->kboard = xmalloc (sizeof *terminal->kboard);
init_kboard (terminal->kboard);
kset_window_system (terminal->kboard, Qns);
terminal->kboard->next_kboard = all_kboards;
all_kboards = terminal->kboard;
/* Don't let the initial kboard remain current longer than necessary.
That would cause problems if a file loaded on startup tries to
prompt in the mini-buffer. */
if (current_kboard == initial_kboard)
current_kboard = terminal->kboard;
dpyinfo->next = x_display_list;
x_display_list = dpyinfo;
/* Put it on ns_display_name_list */
ns_display_name_list = Fcons (Fcons (display_name, Qnil),
dpyinfo->name_list_element = XCAR (ns_display_name_list);
terminal->name = xstrdup (SSDATA (display_name));
unblock_input ();
if (!inhibit_x_resources)
ns_default ("GSFontAntiAlias", &ns_antialias_text,
Qt, Qnil, NO, NO);
tmp = Qnil;
/* this is a standard variable */
ns_default ("AppleAntiAliasingThreshold", &tmp,
make_float (10.0), make_float (6.0), YES, NO);
ns_antialias_threshold = NILP (tmp) ? 10.0 : XFLOATINT (tmp);
ns_selection_color = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
stringForKey: @"AppleHighlightColor"];
if (ns_selection_color == nil)
ns_selection_color = NS_SELECTION_COLOR_DEFAULT;
NSColorList *cl = [NSColorList colorListNamed: @"Emacs"];
if ( cl == nil )
Lisp_Object color_file, color_map, color;
unsigned long c;
char *name;
color_file = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("rgb.txt"),
Fsymbol_value (intern ("data-directory")));
color_map = Fx_load_color_file (color_file);
if (NILP (color_map))
fatal ("Could not read %s.\n", SDATA (color_file));
cl = [[NSColorList alloc] initWithName: @"Emacs"];
for ( ; CONSP (color_map); color_map = XCDR (color_map))
color = XCAR (color_map);
name = SSDATA (XCAR (color));
c = XINT (XCDR (color));
[cl setColor:
[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: RED_FROM_ULONG (c) / 255.0
green: GREEN_FROM_ULONG (c) / 255.0
blue: BLUE_FROM_ULONG (c) / 255.0
alpha: 1.0]
forKey: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: name]];
[cl writeToFile: nil];
Vwindow_system_version = build_string (gnustep_base_version);
/*PSnextrelease (128, c); */
int len = dtoastr (c, sizeof c, 0, 0, NSAppKitVersionNumber);
Vwindow_system_version = make_unibyte_string (c, len);
delete_keyboard_wait_descriptor (0);
ns_app_name = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
/* Set up OS X app menu */
NSMenu *appMenu;
NSMenuItem *item;
/* set up the application menu */
svcsMenu = [[EmacsMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"Services"];
[svcsMenu setAutoenablesItems: NO];
appMenu = [[EmacsMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"Emacs"];
[appMenu setAutoenablesItems: NO];
mainMenu = [[EmacsMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @""];
dockMenu = [[EmacsMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @""];
[appMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"About Emacs"
action: @selector (orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:)
keyEquivalent: @""
atIndex: 0];
[appMenu insertItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex: 1];
[appMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"Preferences..."
action: @selector (showPreferencesWindow:)
keyEquivalent: @","
atIndex: 2];
[appMenu insertItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex: 3];
item = [appMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"Services"
action: @selector (menuDown:)
keyEquivalent: @""
atIndex: 4];
[appMenu setSubmenu: svcsMenu forItem: item];
[appMenu insertItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex: 5];
[appMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"Hide Emacs"
action: @selector (hide:)
keyEquivalent: @"h"
atIndex: 6];
item = [appMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"Hide Others"
action: @selector (hideOtherApplications:)
keyEquivalent: @"h"
atIndex: 7];
[item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: NSCommandKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask];
[appMenu insertItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex: 8];
[appMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"Quit Emacs"
action: @selector (terminate:)
keyEquivalent: @"q"
atIndex: 9];
item = [mainMenu insertItemWithTitle: ns_app_name
action: @selector (menuDown:)
keyEquivalent: @""
atIndex: 0];
[mainMenu setSubmenu: appMenu forItem: item];
[dockMenu insertItemWithTitle: @"New Frame"
action: @selector (newFrame:)
keyEquivalent: @""
atIndex: 0];
[NSApp setMainMenu: mainMenu];
[NSApp setAppleMenu: appMenu];
[NSApp setServicesMenu: svcsMenu];
/* Needed at least on Cocoa, to get dock menu to show windows */
[NSApp setWindowsMenu: [[NSMenu alloc] init]];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: mainMenu
selector: @selector (trackingNotification:)
name: NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification object: mainMenu];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: mainMenu
selector: @selector (trackingNotification:)
name: NSMenuDidEndTrackingNotification object: mainMenu];
#endif /* MAC OS X menu setup */
/* Register our external input/output types, used for determining
applicable services and also drag/drop eligibility. */
ns_send_types = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSStringPboardType, nil] retain];
ns_return_types = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSStringPboardType, nil]
ns_drag_types = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
NSFontPboardType, nil] retain];
/* If fullscreen is in init/default-frame-alist, focus isn't set
right for fullscreen windows, so set this. */
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[NSApp run];
ns_do_open_file = YES;
return dpyinfo;
ns_term_shutdown (int sig)
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
/* code not reached in emacs.c after this is called by shut_down_emacs: */
if (STRINGP (Vauto_save_list_file_name))
unlink (SSDATA (Vauto_save_list_file_name));
if (sig == 0 || sig == SIGTERM)
[NSApp terminate: NSApp];
else // force a stack trace to happen
emacs_abort ();
/* ==========================================================================
EmacsApp implementation
========================================================================== */
@implementation EmacsApp
- (void)logNotification: (NSNotification *)notification
const char *name = [[notification name] UTF8String];
if (!strstr (name, "Update") && !strstr (name, "NSMenu")
&& !strstr (name, "WindowNumber"))
NSLog (@"notification: '%@'", [notification name]);
- (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent *)theEvent
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Called when NSApp is running for each event received. Used to stop
the loop when we choose, since there's no way to just run one iteration.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int type = [theEvent type];
NSWindow *window = [theEvent window];
/* NSTRACE (sendEvent); */
/*fprintf (stderr, "received event of type %d\t%d\n", type);*/
if (type == NSApplicationDefined
&& [theEvent data2] == NSAPP_DATA2_RUNASSCRIPT)
ns_run_ascript ();
[self stop: self];
if (type == NSCursorUpdate && window == nil)
fprintf (stderr, "Dropping external cursor update event.\n");
if (type == NSApplicationDefined)
/* Events posted by ns_send_appdefined interrupt the run loop here.
But, if a modal window is up, an appdefined can still come through,
(e.g., from a makeKeyWindow event) but stopping self also stops the
modal loop. Just defer it until later. */
if ([NSApp modalWindow] == nil)
last_appdefined_event_data = [theEvent data1];
[self stop: self];
send_appdefined = YES;
[super sendEvent: theEvent];
- (void)showPreferencesWindow: (id)sender
struct frame *emacsframe = SELECTED_FRAME ();
NSEvent *theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if (!emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_SHOW_PREFS;
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
- (void)newFrame: (id)sender
struct frame *emacsframe = SELECTED_FRAME ();
NSEvent *theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if (!emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_NEW_FRAME;
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
/* Open a file (used by below, after going into queue read by ns_read_socket) */
- (BOOL) openFile: (NSString *)fileName
struct frame *emacsframe = SELECTED_FRAME ();
NSEvent *theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if (!emacs_event)
return NO;
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_OPEN_FILE_LINE;
ns_input_file = append2 (ns_input_file, build_string ([fileName UTF8String]));
ns_input_line = Qnil; /* can be start or cons start,end */
emacs_event->modifiers =0;
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
/* **************************************************************************
EmacsApp delegate implementation
************************************************************************** */
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *)notification
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
When application is loaded, terminate event loop in ns_term_init
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NSTRACE (applicationDidFinishLaunching);
[NSApp setServicesProvider: NSApp];
ns_send_appdefined (-2);
/* Termination sequences:
C-x C-c:
MenuBar | File | Exit:
Select Quit from App menubar:
KEY_NS_POWER_OFF, (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
Select Quit from Dock menu:
Logout attempt:
Cancel -> Nothing else
Accept ->
KEY_NS_POWER_OFF, (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
- (void) terminate: (id)sender
struct frame *emacsframe = SELECTED_FRAME ();
if (!emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_POWER_OFF;
emacs_event->arg = Qt; /* mark as non-key event */
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate: (id)sender
int ret;
if (NILP (ns_confirm_quit)) // || ns_shutdown_properly --> TO DO
return NSTerminateNow;
ret = NSRunAlertPanel(ns_app_name,
@"Exit requested. Would you like to Save Buffers and Exit, or Cancel the request?",
@"Save Buffers and Exit", @"Cancel", nil);
if (ret == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
return NSTerminateNow;
else if (ret == NSAlertAlternateReturn)
return NSTerminateCancel;
return NSTerminateNow; /* just in case */
static int
not_in_argv (NSString *arg)
int k;
const char *a = [arg UTF8String];
for (k = 1; k < initial_argc; ++k)
if (strcmp (a, initial_argv[k]) == 0) return 0;
return 1;
/* Notification from the Workspace to open a file */
- (BOOL)application: sender openFile: (NSString *)file
if (ns_do_open_file || not_in_argv (file))
[ns_pending_files addObject: file];
return YES;
/* Open a file as a temporary file */
- (BOOL)application: sender openTempFile: (NSString *)file
if (ns_do_open_file || not_in_argv (file))
[ns_pending_files addObject: file];
return YES;
/* Notification from the Workspace to open a file noninteractively (?) */
- (BOOL)application: sender openFileWithoutUI: (NSString *)file
if (ns_do_open_file || not_in_argv (file))
[ns_pending_files addObject: file];
return YES;
/* Notification from the Workspace to open multiple files */
- (void)application: sender openFiles: (NSArray *)fileList
NSEnumerator *files = [fileList objectEnumerator];
NSString *file;
/* Don't open files from the command line unconditionally,
Cocoa parses the command line wrong, --option value tries to open value
if --option is the last option. */
while ((file = [files nextObject]) != nil)
if (ns_do_open_file || not_in_argv (file))
[ns_pending_files addObject: file];
[self replyToOpenOrPrint: NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess];
/* Handle dock menu requests. */
- (NSMenu *)applicationDockMenu: (NSApplication *) sender
return dockMenu;
/* TODO: these may help w/IO switching btwn terminal and NSApp */
- (void)applicationWillBecomeActive: (NSNotification *)notification
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive: (NSNotification *)notification
NSTRACE (applicationDidBecomeActive);
ns_update_auto_hide_menu_bar ();
// No constraining takes place when the application is not active.
ns_constrain_all_frames ();
- (void)applicationDidResignActive: (NSNotification *)notification
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
/* ==========================================================================
EmacsApp aux handlers for managing event loop
========================================================================== */
- (void)timeout_handler: (NSTimer *)timedEntry
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The timeout specified to ns_select has passed.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*NSTRACE (timeout_handler); */
ns_send_appdefined (-2);
- (void)fd_handler:(id)unused
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check data waiting on file descriptors and terminate if so
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int result;
int waiting = 1, nfds;
char c;
SELECT_TYPE readfds, writefds, *wfds;
EMACS_TIME timeout, *tmo;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = nil;
/* NSTRACE (fd_handler); */
for (;;)
[pool release];
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
if (waiting)
FD_ZERO (&fds);
FD_SET (selfds[0], &fds);
result = select (selfds[0]+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (result > 0 && read (selfds[0], &c, 1) == 1 && c == 'g')
waiting = 0;
pthread_mutex_lock (&select_mutex);
nfds = select_nfds;
if (select_valid & SELECT_HAVE_READ)
readfds = select_readfds;
FD_ZERO (&readfds);
if (select_valid & SELECT_HAVE_WRITE)
writefds = select_writefds;
wfds = &writefds;
wfds = NULL;
if (select_valid & SELECT_HAVE_TMO)
timeout = select_timeout;
tmo = &timeout;
tmo = NULL;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&select_mutex);
FD_SET (selfds[0], &readfds);
if (selfds[0] >= nfds) nfds = selfds[0]+1;
result = pselect (nfds, &readfds, wfds, NULL, tmo, NULL);
if (result == 0)
ns_send_appdefined (-2);
else if (result > 0)
if (FD_ISSET (selfds[0], &readfds))
if (read (selfds[0], &c, 1) == 1 && c == 's')
waiting = 1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&select_mutex);
if (select_valid & SELECT_HAVE_READ)
select_readfds = readfds;
if (select_valid & SELECT_HAVE_WRITE)
select_writefds = writefds;
if (select_valid & SELECT_HAVE_TMO)
select_timeout = timeout;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&select_mutex);
ns_send_appdefined (result);
waiting = 1;
/* ==========================================================================
Service provision
========================================================================== */
/* called from system: queue for next pass through event loop */
- (void)requestService: (NSPasteboard *)pboard
userData: (NSString *)userData
error: (NSString **)error
[ns_pending_service_names addObject: userData];
[ns_pending_service_args addObject: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:
SSDATA (ns_string_from_pasteboard (pboard))]];
/* called from ns_read_socket to clear queue */
- (BOOL)fulfillService: (NSString *)name withArg: (NSString *)arg
struct frame *emacsframe = SELECTED_FRAME ();
NSEvent *theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if (!emacs_event)
return NO;
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_SPI_SERVICE_CALL;
ns_input_spi_name = build_string ([name UTF8String]);
ns_input_spi_arg = build_string ([arg UTF8String]);
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
@end /* EmacsApp */
/* ==========================================================================
EmacsView implementation
========================================================================== */
@implementation EmacsView
/* needed to inform when window closed from LISP */
- (void) setWindowClosing: (BOOL)closing
windowClosing = closing;
- (void)dealloc
NSTRACE (EmacsView_dealloc);
[toolbar release];
if (fs_state == FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
[nonfs_window release];
[super dealloc];
/* called on font panel selection */
- (void)changeFont: (id)sender
NSEvent *e =[[self window] currentEvent];
struct face *face =FRAME_DEFAULT_FACE (emacsframe);
id newFont;
float size;
NSTRACE (changeFont);
if (!emacs_event)
if ((newFont = [sender convertFont:
((struct nsfont_info *)face->font)->nsfont]))
SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (emacsframe); /* now needed as of 2008/10 */
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_CHANGE_FONT;
size = [newFont pointSize];
ns_input_fontsize = make_number (lrint (size));
ns_input_font = build_string ([[newFont familyName] UTF8String]);
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
NSTRACE (acceptsFirstResponder);
return YES;
- (void)resetCursorRects
NSRect visible = [self visibleRect];
NSCursor *currentCursor = FRAME_POINTER_TYPE (emacsframe);
NSTRACE (resetCursorRects);
if (currentCursor == nil)
currentCursor = [NSCursor arrowCursor];
if (!NSIsEmptyRect (visible))
[self addCursorRect: visible cursor: currentCursor];
[currentCursor setOnMouseEntered: YES];
/* Keyboard handling. */
#define NS_KEYLOG 0
- (void)keyDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = MOUSE_HL_INFO (emacsframe);
int code;
unsigned fnKeysym = 0;
static NSMutableArray *nsEvArray;
static BOOL firstTime = YES;
int left_is_none;
unsigned int flags = [theEvent modifierFlags];
NSTRACE (keyDown);
/* Rhapsody and OS X give up and down events for the arrow keys */
if (ns_fake_keydown == YES)
ns_fake_keydown = NO;
else if ([theEvent type] != NSKeyDown)
if (!emacs_event)
if (![[self window] isKeyWindow]
&& [[theEvent window] isKindOfClass: [EmacsWindow class]]
/* we must avoid an infinite loop here. */
&& (EmacsView *)[[theEvent window] delegate] != self)
/* XXX: There is an occasional condition in which, when Emacs display
updates a different frame from the current one, and temporarily
selects it, then processes some interrupt-driven input
(dispnew.c:3878), OS will send the event to the correct NSWindow, but
for some reason that window has its first responder set to the NSView
most recently updated (I guess), which is not the correct one. */
[(EmacsView *)[[theEvent window] delegate] keyDown: theEvent];
if (nsEvArray == nil)
nsEvArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 1];
[NSCursor setHiddenUntilMouseMoves: YES];
if (hlinfo->mouse_face_hidden && INTEGERP (Vmouse_highlight))
clear_mouse_face (hlinfo);
hlinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 1;
if (!processingCompose)
/* When using screen sharing, no left or right information is sent,
so use Left key in those cases. */
int is_left_key, is_right_key;
code = ([[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] length] == 0) ?
0 : [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex: 0];
/* (Carbon way: [theEvent keyCode]) */
/* is it a "function key"? */
fnKeysym = (code < 0x00ff && (flags&NSNumericPadKeyMask))
? ns_convert_key ([theEvent keyCode] | NSNumericPadKeyMask)
: ns_convert_key (code);
if (fnKeysym)
/* COUNTERHACK: map 'Delete' on upper-right main KB to 'Backspace',
because Emacs treats Delete and KP-Delete same (in simple.el). */
if (fnKeysym == 0xFFFF && [theEvent keyCode] == 0x33)
code = 0xFF08; /* backspace */
code = fnKeysym;
/* are there modifiers? */
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
if (flags & NSHelpKeyMask)
emacs_event->modifiers |= hyper_modifier;
if (flags & NSShiftKeyMask)
emacs_event->modifiers |= shift_modifier;
is_right_key = (flags & NSRightCommandKeyMask) == NSRightCommandKeyMask;
is_left_key = (flags & NSLeftCommandKeyMask) == NSLeftCommandKeyMask
|| (! is_right_key && (flags & NSCommandKeyMask) == NSCommandKeyMask);
if (is_right_key)
emacs_event->modifiers |= parse_solitary_modifier
(EQ (ns_right_command_modifier, Qleft)
? ns_command_modifier
: ns_right_command_modifier);
if (is_left_key)
emacs_event->modifiers |= parse_solitary_modifier
/* if super (default), take input manager's word so things like
dvorak / qwerty layout work */
if (EQ (ns_command_modifier, Qsuper)
&& !fnKeysym
&& [[theEvent characters] length] != 0)
/* XXX: the code we get will be unshifted, so if we have
a shift modifier, must convert ourselves */
if (!(flags & NSShiftKeyMask))
code = [[theEvent characters] characterAtIndex: 0];
#if 0
/* this is ugly and also requires linking w/Carbon framework
(for LMGetKbdType) so for now leave this rare (?) case
undealt with.. in future look into CGEvent methods */
long smv = GetScriptManagerVariable (smKeyScript);
Handle uchrHandle = GetResource
('uchr', GetScriptVariable (smv, smScriptKeys));
UInt32 dummy = 0;
UCKeyTranslate ((UCKeyboardLayout*)*uchrHandle,
[[theEvent characters] characterAtIndex: 0],
(flags & ~NSCommandKeyMask) >> 8,
LMGetKbdType (), kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysMask,
&dummy, 1, &dummy, &code);
code &= 0xFF;
is_right_key = (flags & NSRightControlKeyMask) == NSRightControlKeyMask;
is_left_key = (flags & NSLeftControlKeyMask) == NSLeftControlKeyMask
|| (! is_right_key && (flags & NSControlKeyMask) == NSControlKeyMask);
if (is_right_key)
emacs_event->modifiers |= parse_solitary_modifier
(EQ (ns_right_control_modifier, Qleft)
? ns_control_modifier
: ns_right_control_modifier);
if (is_left_key)
emacs_event->modifiers |= parse_solitary_modifier
if (flags & NS_FUNCTION_KEY_MASK && !fnKeysym)
emacs_event->modifiers |=
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_function_modifier);
left_is_none = NILP (ns_alternate_modifier)
|| EQ (ns_alternate_modifier, Qnone);
is_right_key = (flags & NSRightAlternateKeyMask)
== NSRightAlternateKeyMask;
is_left_key = (flags & NSLeftAlternateKeyMask) == NSLeftAlternateKeyMask
|| (! is_right_key
&& (flags & NSAlternateKeyMask) == NSAlternateKeyMask);
if (is_right_key)
if ((NILP (ns_right_alternate_modifier)
|| EQ (ns_right_alternate_modifier, Qnone)
|| (EQ (ns_right_alternate_modifier, Qleft) && left_is_none))
&& !fnKeysym)
{ /* accept pre-interp alt comb */
if ([[theEvent characters] length] > 0)
code = [[theEvent characters] characterAtIndex: 0];
/*HACK: clear lone shift modifier to stop next if from firing */
if (emacs_event->modifiers == shift_modifier)
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
emacs_event->modifiers |= parse_solitary_modifier
(EQ (ns_right_alternate_modifier, Qleft)
? ns_alternate_modifier
: ns_right_alternate_modifier);
if (is_left_key) /* default = meta */
if (left_is_none && !fnKeysym)
{ /* accept pre-interp alt comb */
if ([[theEvent characters] length] > 0)
code = [[theEvent characters] characterAtIndex: 0];
/*HACK: clear lone shift modifier to stop next if from firing */
if (emacs_event->modifiers == shift_modifier)
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
emacs_event->modifiers |=
parse_solitary_modifier (ns_alternate_modifier);
fprintf (stderr, "keyDown: code =%x\tfnKey =%x\tflags = %x\tmods = %x\n",
code, fnKeysym, flags, emacs_event->modifiers);
/* if it was a function key or had modifiers, pass it directly to emacs */
if (fnKeysym || (emacs_event->modifiers
&& (emacs_event->modifiers != shift_modifier)
&& [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] length] > 0))
/*[[theEvent characters] length] */
emacs_event->kind = NON_ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT;
if (code < 0x20)
code |= (1<<28)|(3<<16);
else if (code == 0x7f)
code |= (1<<28)|(3<<16);
else if (!fnKeysym)
emacs_event->kind = code > 0xFF
emacs_event->code = code;
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
processingCompose = NO;
/* if we get here we should send the key for input manager processing */
if (firstTime && [[NSInputManager currentInputManager]
wantsToDelayTextChangeNotifications] == NO)
fprintf (stderr,
"Emacs: WARNING: TextInput mgr wants marked text to be permanent!\n");
firstTime = NO;
if (NS_KEYLOG && !processingCompose)
fprintf (stderr, "keyDown: Begin compose sequence.\n");
processingCompose = YES;
[nsEvArray addObject: theEvent];
[self interpretKeyEvents: nsEvArray];
[nsEvArray removeObject: theEvent];
/* Needed to pick up Ctrl-tab and possibly other events that OS X has
decided not to send key-down for.
See http://osdir.com/ml/editors.vim.mac/2007-10/msg00141.html
This only applies on Tiger and earlier.
If it matches one of these, send it on to keyDown. */
-(void)keyUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
int flags = [theEvent modifierFlags];
int code = [theEvent keyCode];
if (floor (NSAppKitVersionNumber) <= 824 /*NSAppKitVersionNumber10_4*/ &&
code == 0x30 && (flags & NSControlKeyMask) && !(flags & NSCommandKeyMask))
fprintf (stderr, "keyUp: passed test");
ns_fake_keydown = YES;
[self keyDown: theEvent];
/* implementation (called through super interpretKeyEvents:]). */
/* : called when done composing;
NOTE: also called when we delete over working text, followed immed.
by doCommandBySelector: deleteBackward: */
- (void)insertText: (id)aString
int code;
int len = [(NSString *)aString length];
int i;
NSLog (@"insertText '%@'\tlen = %d", aString, len);
processingCompose = NO;
if (!emacs_event)
/* first, clear any working text */
if (workingText != nil)
[self deleteWorkingText];
/* now insert the string as keystrokes */
for (i =0; imodifiers = 0;
emacs_event->code = code;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
/* : inserts display of composing characters */
- (void)setMarkedText: (id)aString selectedRange: (NSRange)selRange
NSString *str = [aString respondsToSelector: @selector (string)] ?
[aString string] : aString;
NSLog (@"setMarkedText '%@' len =%d range %d from %d", str, [str length],
selRange.length, selRange.location);
if (workingText != nil)
[self deleteWorkingText];
if ([str length] == 0)
if (!emacs_event)
processingCompose = YES;
workingText = [str copy];
ns_working_text = build_string ([workingText UTF8String]);
emacs_event->kind = NS_TEXT_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_PUT_WORKING_TEXT;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
/* delete display of composing characters [not in ] */
- (void)deleteWorkingText
if (workingText == nil)
NSLog(@"deleteWorkingText len =%d\n", [workingText length]);
[workingText release];
workingText = nil;
processingCompose = NO;
if (!emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = NS_TEXT_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_UNPUT_WORKING_TEXT;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (BOOL)hasMarkedText
return workingText != nil;
- (NSRange)markedRange
NSRange rng = workingText != nil
? NSMakeRange (0, [workingText length]) : NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0);
NSLog (@"markedRange request");
return rng;
- (void)unmarkText
NSLog (@"unmark (accept) text");
[self deleteWorkingText];
processingCompose = NO;
/* used to position char selection windows, etc. */
- (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange: (NSRange)theRange
NSRect rect;
NSPoint pt;
struct window *win = XWINDOW (FRAME_SELECTED_WINDOW (emacsframe));
NSLog (@"firstRectForCharRange request");
rect.size.width = theRange.length * FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (emacsframe);
rect.size.height = FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe);
pt.x = WINDOW_TEXT_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (win, win->phys_cursor.x);
pt.y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (win, win->phys_cursor.y
+FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe));
pt = [self convertPoint: pt toView: nil];
pt = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen: pt];
rect.origin = pt;
return rect;
- (NSInteger)conversationIdentifier
return (NSInteger)self;
- (void)doCommandBySelector: (SEL)aSelector
NSLog (@"doCommandBySelector: %@", NSStringFromSelector (aSelector));
processingCompose = NO;
if (aSelector == @selector (deleteBackward:))
/* happens when user backspaces over an ongoing composition:
throw a 'delete' into the event queue */
if (!emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = NON_ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = 0xFF08;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (NSArray *)validAttributesForMarkedText
static NSArray *arr = nil;
if (arr == nil) arr = [NSArray new];
/* [[NSArray arrayWithObject: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName] retain]; */
return arr;
- (NSRange)selectedRange
NSLog (@"selectedRange request");
return NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0);
- (NSUInteger)characterIndexForPoint: (NSPoint)thePoint
NSLog (@"characterIndexForPoint request");
return 0;
- (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringFromRange: (NSRange)theRange
static NSAttributedString *str = nil;
if (str == nil) str = [NSAttributedString new];
NSLog (@"attributedSubstringFromRange request");
return str;
/* End impl. */
/* This is what happens when the user presses a mouse button. */
- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSPoint p = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
NSTRACE (mouseDown);
[self deleteWorkingText];
if (!emacs_event)
last_mouse_frame = emacsframe;
/* appears to be needed to prevent spurious movement events generated on
button clicks */
last_mouse_frame->mouse_moved = 0;
if ([theEvent type] == NSScrollWheel)
float delta = [theEvent deltaY];
/* Mac notebooks send wheel events w/delta =0 when trackpad scrolling */
if (delta == 0)
emacs_event->kind = WHEEL_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = 0;
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent) |
((delta > 0) ? up_modifier : down_modifier);
emacs_event->kind = MOUSE_CLICK_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = EV_BUTTON (theEvent);
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent)
| EV_UDMODIFIERS (theEvent);
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, lrint (p.x));
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, lrint (p.y));
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
- (void)rightMouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (rightMouseDown);
[self mouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)otherMouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (otherMouseDown);
[self mouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (mouseUp);
[self mouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)rightMouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (rightMouseUp);
[self mouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)otherMouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (otherMouseUp);
[self mouseDown: theEvent];
- (void) scrollWheel: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (scrollWheel);
[self mouseDown: theEvent];
/* Tell emacs the mouse has moved. */
- (void)mouseMoved: (NSEvent *)e
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = MOUSE_HL_INFO (emacsframe);
Lisp_Object frame;
// NSTRACE (mouseMoved);
last_mouse_movement_time = EV_TIMESTAMP (e);
= [self convertPoint: [e locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
/* update any mouse face */
if (hlinfo->mouse_face_hidden)
hlinfo->mouse_face_hidden = 0;
clear_mouse_face (hlinfo);
/* tooltip handling */
previous_help_echo_string = help_echo_string;
help_echo_string = Qnil;
if (!note_mouse_movement (emacsframe, last_mouse_motion_position.x,
help_echo_string = previous_help_echo_string;
XSETFRAME (frame, emacsframe);
if (!NILP (help_echo_string) || !NILP (previous_help_echo_string))
/* NOTE: help_echo_{window,pos,object} are set in xdisp.c
(note_mouse_highlight), which is called through the
note_mouse_movement () call above */
gen_help_event (help_echo_string, frame, help_echo_window,
help_echo_object, help_echo_pos);
help_echo_string = Qnil;
gen_help_event (Qnil, frame, Qnil, Qnil, 0);
if (emacsframe->mouse_moved && send_appdefined)
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
- (void)mouseDragged: (NSEvent *)e
NSTRACE (mouseDragged);
[self mouseMoved: e];
- (void)rightMouseDragged: (NSEvent *)e
NSTRACE (rightMouseDragged);
[self mouseMoved: e];
- (void)otherMouseDragged: (NSEvent *)e
NSTRACE (otherMouseDragged);
[self mouseMoved: e];
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose: (id)sender
NSEvent *e =[[self window] currentEvent];
NSTRACE (windowShouldClose);
windowClosing = YES;
if (!emacs_event)
return NO;
emacs_event->kind = DELETE_WINDOW_EVENT;
emacs_event->modifiers = 0;
emacs_event->code = 0;
/* Don't close this window, let this be done from lisp code. */
return NO;
- (void) updateFrameSize: (BOOL) delay;
NSWindow *window = [self window];
NSRect wr = [window frame];
int extra = 0;
int gsextra = 0;
gsextra = 3;
int oldc = cols, oldr = rows;
int oldw = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (emacsframe),
oldh = FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (emacsframe);
int neww, newh;
cols = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH_TO_TEXT_COLS (emacsframe, wr.size.width + gsextra);
if (cols < MINWIDTH)
cols = MINWIDTH;
if (! [self isFullscreen])
extra = FRAME_NS_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT (emacsframe)
+ FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT (emacsframe) - gsextra;
rows = FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT_TO_TEXT_LINES (emacsframe, wr.size.height - extra);
if (rows < MINHEIGHT)
neww = (int)wr.size.width - emacsframe->border_width;
newh = (int)wr.size.height - extra;
if (oldr != rows || oldc != cols || neww != oldw || newh != oldh)
NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (emacsframe);
FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (emacsframe) = neww;
FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (emacsframe) = newh;
change_frame_size (emacsframe, rows, cols, 0, delay, 0);
SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (emacsframe);
cancel_mouse_face (emacsframe);
[view setFrame: NSMakeRect (0, 0, neww, newh)];
[self windowDidMove:nil]; // Update top/left.
- (NSSize)windowWillResize: (NSWindow *)sender toSize: (NSSize)frameSize
/* normalize frame to gridded text size */
int extra = 0;
int gsextra = 0;
gsextra = 3;
NSTRACE (windowWillResize);
/*fprintf (stderr,"Window will resize: %.0f x %.0f\n",frameSize.width,frameSize.height); */
&& (maximized_width != (int)frameSize.width
|| maximized_height != (int)frameSize.height))
[self setFSValue: FULLSCREEN_NONE];
else if (fs_state == FULLSCREEN_WIDTH
&& maximized_width != (int)frameSize.width)
[self setFSValue: FULLSCREEN_NONE];
else if (fs_state == FULLSCREEN_HEIGHT
&& maximized_height != (int)frameSize.height)
[self setFSValue: FULLSCREEN_NONE];
if (fs_state == FULLSCREEN_NONE)
maximized_width = maximized_height = -1;
cols = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH_TO_TEXT_COLS (emacsframe,
frameSize.width + gsextra);
if (cols < MINWIDTH)
cols = MINWIDTH;
frameSize.height - extra);
if (rows < MINHEIGHT)
/* this sets window title to have size in it; the wm does this under GS */
NSRect r = [[self window] frame];
if (r.size.height == frameSize.height && r.size.width == frameSize.width)
if (old_title != 0)
xfree (old_title);
old_title = 0;
char *size_title;
NSWindow *window = [self window];
if (old_title == 0)
const char *t = [[[self window] title] UTF8String];
char *pos = strstr (t, " — ");
if (pos)
*pos = '\0';
old_title = xstrdup (t);
size_title = xmalloc (strlen (old_title) + 40);
esprintf (size_title, "%s — (%d x %d)", old_title, cols, rows);
[window setTitle: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: size_title]];
[window display];
xfree (size_title);
#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
/*fprintf (stderr," ...size became %.0f x %.0f (%d x %d)\n",frameSize.width,frameSize.height,cols,rows); */
return frameSize;
- (void)windowDidResize: (NSNotification *)notification
if (! [self fsIsNative])
NSWindow *theWindow = [notification object];
/* We can get notification on the non-FS window when in
fullscreen mode. */
if ([self window] != theWindow) return;
NSWindow *theWindow = [notification object];
/* In GNUstep, at least currently, it's possible to get a didResize
without getting a willResize.. therefore we need to act as if we got
the willResize now */
NSSize sz = [theWindow frame].size;
sz = [self windowWillResize: theWindow toSize: sz];
#endif /* NS_IMPL_GNUSTEP */
NSTRACE (windowDidResize);
/*fprintf (stderr,"windowDidResize: %.0f\n",[theWindow frame].size.height); */
if (old_title != 0)
xfree (old_title);
old_title = 0;
#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
if (cols > 0 && rows > 0)
[self updateFrameSize: YES];
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey: (NSNotification *)notification
/* cf. x_detect_focus_change(), x_focus_changed(), x_new_focus_frame() */
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (emacsframe);
struct frame *old_focus = dpyinfo->x_focus_frame;
NSTRACE (windowDidBecomeKey);
if (emacsframe != old_focus)
dpyinfo->x_focus_frame = emacsframe;
ns_frame_rehighlight (emacsframe);
if (emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = FOCUS_IN_EVENT;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (void)windowDidResignKey: (NSNotification *)notification
/* cf. x_detect_focus_change(), x_focus_changed(), x_new_focus_frame() */
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (emacsframe);
NSTRACE (windowDidResignKey);
if (dpyinfo->x_focus_frame == emacsframe)
dpyinfo->x_focus_frame = 0;
ns_frame_rehighlight (emacsframe);
/* FIXME: for some reason needed on second and subsequent clicks away
from sole-frame Emacs to get hollow box to show */
if (!windowClosing && [[self window] isVisible] == YES)
x_update_cursor (emacsframe, 1);
x_set_frame_alpha (emacsframe);
if (emacs_event)
[self deleteWorkingText];
emacs_event->kind = FOCUS_IN_EVENT;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (void)windowWillMiniaturize: sender
NSTRACE (windowWillMiniaturize);
- (BOOL)isFlipped
return YES;
- (BOOL)isOpaque
return NO;
- initFrameFromEmacs: (struct frame *)f
NSRect r, wr;
Lisp_Object tem;
NSWindow *win;
NSButton *toggleButton;
NSSize sz;
NSColor *col;
NSString *name;
NSTRACE (initFrameFromEmacs);
windowClosing = NO;
processingCompose = NO;
scrollbarsNeedingUpdate = 0;
fs_before_fs = next_maximized = -1;
fs_is_native = ns_use_native_fullscreen;
fs_is_native = NO;
maximized_width = maximized_height = -1;
nonfs_window = nil;
/*fprintf (stderr,"init with %d, %d\n",f->text_cols, f->text_lines); */
ns_userRect = NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0);
r = NSMakeRect (0, 0, FRAME_TEXT_COLS_TO_PIXEL_WIDTH (f, f->text_cols),
[self initWithFrame: r];
[self setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) = self;
emacsframe = f;
old_title = 0;
win = [[EmacsWindow alloc]
initWithContentRect: r
styleMask: (NSResizableWindowMask |
NSTitledWindowMask |
NSMiniaturizableWindowMask |
backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered
defer: YES];
[win setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary];
wr = [win frame];
bwidth = f->border_width = wr.size.width - r.size.width;
tibar_height = FRAME_NS_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT (f) = wr.size.height - r.size.height;
[win setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
[win setDelegate: self];
[win useOptimizedDrawing: YES];
sz.width = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
sz.height = FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f);
[win setResizeIncrements: sz];
[[win contentView] addSubview: self];
if (ns_drag_types)
[self registerForDraggedTypes: ns_drag_types];
tem = f->name;
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:
NILP (tem) ? "Emacs" : SSDATA (tem)];
[win setTitle: name];
/* toolbar support */
toolbar = [[EmacsToolbar alloc] initForView: self withIdentifier:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Emacs Frame %d",
[win setToolbar: toolbar];
[toolbar setVisible: NO];
toggleButton = [win standardWindowButton: NSWindowToolbarButton];
[toggleButton setTarget: self];
[toggleButton setAction: @selector (toggleToolbar: )];
tem = f->icon_name;
if (!NILP (tem))
[win setMiniwindowTitle:
[NSString stringWithUTF8String: SSDATA (tem)]];
NSScreen *screen = [win screen];
if (screen != 0)
[win setFrameTopLeftPoint: NSMakePoint
[screen frame].size.height - NS_TOP_POS (f), SCREENMAX))];
[win makeFirstResponder: self];
col = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND
(FRAME_DEFAULT_FACE (emacsframe)), emacsframe);
[win setBackgroundColor: col];
if ([col alphaComponent] != 1.0)
[win setOpaque: NO];
[self allocateGState];
[NSApp registerServicesMenuSendTypes: ns_send_types
returnTypes: nil];
return self;
- (void)windowDidMove: sender
NSWindow *win = [self window];
NSRect r = [win frame];
NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens];
NSScreen *screen = [screens objectAtIndex: 0];
NSTRACE (windowDidMove);
if (!emacsframe->output_data.ns)
if (screen != nil)
emacsframe->left_pos = r.origin.x;
emacsframe->top_pos =
[screen frame].size.height - (r.origin.y + r.size.height);
/* Called AFTER method below, but before our windowWillResize call there leads
to windowDidResize -> x_set_window_size. Update emacs' notion of frame
location so set_window_size moves the frame. */
- (BOOL)windowShouldZoom: (NSWindow *)sender toFrame: (NSRect)newFrame
emacsframe->output_data.ns->zooming = 1;
return YES;
/* Override to do something slightly nonstandard, but nice. First click on
zoom button will zoom vertically. Second will zoom completely. Third
returns to original. */
- (NSRect)windowWillUseStandardFrame:(NSWindow *)sender
NSRect result = [sender frame];
NSTRACE (windowWillUseStandardFrame);
if (fs_before_fs != -1) /* Entering fullscreen */
result = defaultFrame;
else if (next_maximized == FULLSCREEN_HEIGHT
|| (next_maximized == -1
&& abs (defaultFrame.size.height - result.size.height)
> FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe)))
/* first click */
ns_userRect = result;
maximized_height = result.size.height = defaultFrame.size.height;
maximized_width = -1;
result.origin.y = defaultFrame.origin.y;
else if (next_maximized == FULLSCREEN_WIDTH)
ns_userRect = result;
maximized_width = result.size.width = defaultFrame.size.width;
maximized_height = -1;
result.origin.x = defaultFrame.origin.x;
[self setFSValue: FULLSCREEN_WIDTH];
else if (next_maximized == FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED
|| (next_maximized == -1
&& abs (defaultFrame.size.width - result.size.width)
> FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (emacsframe)))
result = defaultFrame; /* second click */
maximized_width = result.size.width;
maximized_height = result.size.height;
/* restore */
result = ns_userRect.size.height ? ns_userRect : result;
ns_userRect = NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0);
[self setFSValue: FULLSCREEN_NONE];
maximized_width = maximized_width = -1;
if (fs_before_fs == -1) next_maximized = -1;
[self windowWillResize: sender toSize: result.size];
return result;
- (void)windowDidDeminiaturize: sender
NSTRACE (windowDidDeminiaturize);
if (!emacsframe->output_data.ns)
SET_FRAME_ICONIFIED (emacsframe, 0);
SET_FRAME_VISIBLE (emacsframe, 1);
if (emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = DEICONIFY_EVENT;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (void)windowDidExpose: sender
NSTRACE (windowDidExpose);
if (!emacsframe->output_data.ns)
SET_FRAME_VISIBLE (emacsframe, 1);
SET_FRAME_GARBAGED (emacsframe);
if (send_appdefined)
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
- (void)windowDidMiniaturize: sender
NSTRACE (windowDidMiniaturize);
if (!emacsframe->output_data.ns)
SET_FRAME_ICONIFIED (emacsframe, 1);
SET_FRAME_VISIBLE (emacsframe, 0);
if (emacs_event)
emacs_event->kind = ICONIFY_EVENT;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
- (NSApplicationPresentationOptions)window:(NSWindow *)window
return proposedOptions|NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideToolbar;
- (void)windowWillEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
fs_before_fs = fs_state;
- (void)windowDidEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
[self setFSValue: FULLSCREEN_BOTH];
if (! [self fsIsNative])
[self windowDidBecomeKey:notification];
[nonfs_window orderOut:self];
else if (! FRAME_EXTERNAL_TOOL_BAR (emacsframe))
[toolbar setVisible:NO];
- (void)windowWillExitFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
if (next_maximized != -1)
fs_before_fs = next_maximized;
- (void)windowDidExitFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
[self setFSValue: fs_before_fs];
fs_before_fs = -1;
[self updateCollectionBehaviour];
if (FRAME_EXTERNAL_TOOL_BAR (emacsframe))
[toolbar setVisible:YES];
update_frame_tool_bar (emacsframe);
[self updateFrameSize:YES];
[[self window] display];
[toolbar setVisible:NO];
if (next_maximized != -1)
[[self window] performZoom:self];
- (BOOL)fsIsNative
return fs_is_native;
- (BOOL)isFullscreen
if (! fs_is_native) return nonfs_window != nil;
return ([[self window] styleMask] & NSFullScreenWindowMask) != 0;
return NO;
- (void)updateCollectionBehaviour
if (! [self isFullscreen])
NSWindow *win = [self window];
NSWindowCollectionBehavior b = [win collectionBehavior];
if (ns_use_native_fullscreen)
b |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
b &= ~NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
[win setCollectionBehavior: b];
fs_is_native = ns_use_native_fullscreen;
- (void)toggleFullScreen: (id)sender
NSWindow *w, *fw;
BOOL onFirstScreen;
struct frame *f;
NSSize sz;
NSRect r, wr;
NSColor *col;
if (fs_is_native)
[[self window] toggleFullScreen:sender];
w = [self window];
onFirstScreen = [[w screen] isEqual:[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0]];
f = emacsframe;
wr = [w frame];
col = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND
sz.width = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
sz.height = FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f);
if (fs_state != FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
/* Hide dock and menubar if we are on the primary screen. */
if (onFirstScreen)
#if defined (NS_IMPL_COCOA) && \
NSApplicationPresentationOptions options
= NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock
| NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar;
[NSApp setPresentationOptions: options];
[NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:NO];
fw = [[EmacsFSWindow alloc]
initWithContentRect:[w contentRectForFrameRect:wr]
screen:[w screen]];
[fw setContentView:[w contentView]];
[fw setTitle:[w title]];
[fw setDelegate:self];
[fw setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
[fw useOptimizedDrawing: YES];
[fw setResizeIncrements: sz];
[fw setBackgroundColor: col];
if ([col alphaComponent] != 1.0)
[fw setOpaque: NO];
f->border_width = 0;
tobar_height = FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT (f);
nonfs_window = w;
[self windowWillEnterFullScreen:nil];
[fw makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp];
[fw makeFirstResponder:self];
[w orderOut:self];
r = [fw frameRectForContentRect:[[fw screen] frame]];
[fw setFrame: r display:YES animate:YES];
[self windowDidEnterFullScreen:nil];
[fw display];
fw = w;
w = nonfs_window;
nonfs_window = nil;
if (onFirstScreen)
#if defined (NS_IMPL_COCOA) && \
[NSApp setPresentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationDefault];
[NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:YES];
[w setContentView:[fw contentView]];
[w setResizeIncrements: sz];
[w setBackgroundColor: col];
if ([col alphaComponent] != 1.0)
[w setOpaque: NO];
f->border_width = bwidth;
FRAME_NS_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT (f) = tibar_height;
FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT (f) = tobar_height;
[self windowWillExitFullScreen:nil];
[fw setFrame: [w frame] display:YES animate:YES];
[fw close];
[w makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp];
[self windowDidExitFullScreen:nil];
[self updateFrameSize:YES];
- (void)handleFS
if (fs_state != emacsframe->want_fullscreen)
if (fs_state == FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
[self toggleFullScreen:self];
switch (emacsframe->want_fullscreen)
[self toggleFullScreen:self];
next_maximized = FULLSCREEN_WIDTH;
if (fs_state != FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
[[self window] performZoom:self];
next_maximized = FULLSCREEN_HEIGHT;
if (fs_state != FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
[[self window] performZoom:self];
next_maximized = FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED;
if (fs_state != FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
[[self window] performZoom:self];
if (fs_state != FULLSCREEN_BOTH)
next_maximized = FULLSCREEN_NONE;
[[self window] performZoom:self];
emacsframe->want_fullscreen = FULLSCREEN_NONE;
- (void) setFSValue: (int)value
Lisp_Object lval = Qnil;
switch (value)
lval = Qfullboth;
lval = Qfullwidth;
lval = Qfullheight;
lval = Qmaximized;
store_frame_param (emacsframe, Qfullscreen, lval);
fs_state = value;
- (void)mouseEntered: (NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTRACE (mouseEntered);
last_mouse_movement_time = EV_TIMESTAMP (theEvent);
- (void)mouseExited: (NSEvent *)theEvent
Mouse_HLInfo *hlinfo = emacsframe ? MOUSE_HL_INFO (emacsframe) : NULL;
NSTRACE (mouseExited);
if (!hlinfo)
last_mouse_movement_time = EV_TIMESTAMP (theEvent);
if (emacsframe == hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame)
clear_mouse_face (hlinfo);
hlinfo->mouse_face_mouse_frame = 0;
- menuDown: sender
NSTRACE (menuDown);
if (context_menu_value == -1)
context_menu_value = [sender tag];
NSInteger tag = [sender tag];
find_and_call_menu_selection (emacsframe, emacsframe->menu_bar_items_used,
(void *)tag);
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
return self;
- (EmacsToolbar *)toolbar
return toolbar;
/* this gets called on toolbar button click */
- toolbarClicked: (id)item
NSEvent *theEvent;
int idx = [item tag] * TOOL_BAR_ITEM_NSLOTS;
NSTRACE (toolbarClicked);
if (!emacs_event)
return self;
/* send first event (for some reason two needed) */
theEvent = [[self window] currentEvent];
emacs_event->kind = TOOL_BAR_EVENT;
XSETFRAME (emacs_event->arg, emacsframe);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
emacs_event->kind = TOOL_BAR_EVENT;
/* XSETINT (emacs_event->code, 0); */
emacs_event->arg = AREF (emacsframe->tool_bar_items,
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return self;
- toggleToolbar: (id)sender
if (!emacs_event)
return self;
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_TOGGLE_TOOLBAR;
EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
return self;
- (void)drawRect: (NSRect)rect
int x = NSMinX (rect), y = NSMinY (rect);
int width = NSWidth (rect), height = NSHeight (rect);
NSTRACE (drawRect);
if (!emacsframe || !emacsframe->output_data.ns)
ns_clear_frame_area (emacsframe, x, y, width, height);
expose_frame (emacsframe, x, y, width, height);
drawRect: may be called (at least in OS X 10.5) for invisible
views as well for some reason. Thus, do not infer visibility
emacsframe->async_visible = 1;
emacsframe->async_iconified = 0;
/* NSDraggingDestination protocol methods. Actually this is not really a
protocol, but a category of Object. O well... */
-(NSUInteger) draggingEntered: (id ) sender
NSTRACE (draggingEntered);
return NSDragOperationGeneric;
-(BOOL)prepareForDragOperation: (id ) sender
return YES;
-(BOOL)performDragOperation: (id ) sender
id pb;
int x, y;
NSString *type;
NSEvent *theEvent = [[self window] currentEvent];
NSPoint position;
NSTRACE (performDragOperation);
if (!emacs_event)
return NO;
position = [self convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation] fromView: nil];
x = lrint (position.x); y = lrint (position.y);
pb = [sender draggingPasteboard];
type = [pb availableTypeFromArray: ns_drag_types];
if (type == 0)
return NO;
else if ([type isEqualToString: NSFilenamesPboardType])
NSArray *files;
NSEnumerator *fenum;
NSString *file;
if (!(files = [pb propertyListForType: type]))
return NO;
fenum = [files objectEnumerator];
while ( (file = [fenum nextObject]) )
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_DRAG_FILE;
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, x);
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, y);
ns_input_file = append2 (ns_input_file,
build_string ([file UTF8String]));
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
else if ([type isEqualToString: NSURLPboardType])
NSString *file;
if (!(fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard: pb]) ||
[fileURL isFileURL] == NO)
return NO;
file = [fileURL path];
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_DRAG_FILE;
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, x);
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, y);
ns_input_file = append2 (ns_input_file, build_string ([file UTF8String]));
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
else if ([type isEqualToString: NSStringPboardType]
|| [type isEqualToString: NSTabularTextPboardType])
NSString *data;
if (! (data = [pb stringForType: type]))
return NO;
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_DRAG_TEXT;
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, x);
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, y);
ns_input_text = build_string ([data UTF8String]);
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
else if ([type isEqualToString: NSColorPboardType])
NSColor *c = [NSColor colorFromPasteboard: pb];
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_DRAG_COLOR;
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, x);
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, y);
ns_input_color = ns_color_to_lisp (c);
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
else if ([type isEqualToString: NSFontPboardType])
/* impl based on GNUstep NSTextView.m */
NSData *data = [pb dataForType: NSFontPboardType];
NSDictionary *dict = [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: data];
NSFont *font = [dict objectForKey: NSFontAttributeName];
char fontSize[10];
if (font == nil)
return NO;
emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_CHANGE_FONT;
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, x);
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, y);
ns_input_font = build_string ([[font fontName] UTF8String]);
snprintf (fontSize, 10, "%f", [font pointSize]);
ns_input_fontsize = build_string (fontSize);
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (theEvent);
EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
return YES;
error ("Invalid data type in dragging pasteboard.");
return NO;
- (id) validRequestorForSendType: (NSString *)typeSent
returnType: (NSString *)typeReturned
NSTRACE (validRequestorForSendType);
if (typeSent != nil && [ns_send_types indexOfObject: typeSent] != NSNotFound
&& typeReturned == nil)
if (! NILP (ns_get_local_selection (QPRIMARY, QUTF8_STRING)))
return self;
return [super validRequestorForSendType: typeSent
returnType: typeReturned];
/* The next two methods are part of NSServicesRequests informal protocol,
supposedly called when a services menu item is chosen from this app.
But this should not happen because we override the services menu with our
own entries which call ns-perform-service.
Nonetheless, it appeared to happen (under strange circumstances): bug#1435.
So let's at least stub them out until further investigation can be done. */
- (BOOL) readSelectionFromPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)pb
/* we could call ns_string_from_pasteboard(pboard) here but then it should
be written into the buffer in place of the existing selection..
ordinary service calls go through functions defined in ns-win.el */
return NO;
- (BOOL) writeSelectionToPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)pb types: (NSArray *)types
NSArray *typesDeclared;
Lisp_Object val;
/* We only support NSStringPboardType */
if ([types containsObject:NSStringPboardType] == NO) {
return NO;
val = ns_get_local_selection (QPRIMARY, QUTF8_STRING);
if (CONSP (val) && SYMBOLP (XCAR (val)))
val = XCDR (val);
if (CONSP (val) && NILP (XCDR (val)))
val = XCAR (val);
if (! STRINGP (val))
return NO;
typesDeclared = [NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType];
[pb declareTypes:typesDeclared owner:nil];
ns_string_to_pasteboard (pb, val);
return YES;
/* setMini =YES means set from internal (gives a finder icon), NO means set nil
(gives a miniaturized version of the window); currently we use the latter for
frames whose active buffer doesn't correspond to any file
(e.g., '*scratch*') */
- setMiniwindowImage: (BOOL) setMini
id image = [[self window] miniwindowImage];
NSTRACE (setMiniwindowImage);
/* NOTE: under Cocoa miniwindowImage always returns nil, documentation
about "AppleDockIconEnabled" notwithstanding, however the set message
below has its effect nonetheless. */
if (image != emacsframe->output_data.ns->miniimage)
if (image && [image isKindOfClass: [EmacsImage class]])
[image release];
[[self window] setMiniwindowImage:
setMini ? emacsframe->output_data.ns->miniimage : nil];
return self;
- (void) setRows: (int) r andColumns: (int) c
rows = r;
cols = c;
@end /* EmacsView */
/* ==========================================================================
EmacsWindow implementation
========================================================================== */
@implementation EmacsWindow
- (id)accessibilityAttributeValue:(NSString *)attribute
Lisp_Object str = Qnil;
struct frame *f = SELECTED_FRAME ();
struct buffer *curbuf = XBUFFER (XWINDOW (f->selected_window)->buffer);
if ([attribute isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityRoleAttribute])
return NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole;
if ([attribute isEqualToString:NSAccessibilitySelectedTextAttribute]
&& curbuf && ! NILP (BVAR (curbuf, mark_active)))
str = ns_get_local_selection (QPRIMARY, QUTF8_STRING);
else if (curbuf && [attribute isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityValueAttribute])
if (! NILP (BVAR (curbuf, mark_active)))
str = ns_get_local_selection (QPRIMARY, QUTF8_STRING);
if (NILP (str))
ptrdiff_t start_byte = BUF_BEGV_BYTE (curbuf);
ptrdiff_t byte_range = BUF_ZV_BYTE (curbuf) - start_byte;
ptrdiff_t range = BUF_ZV (curbuf) - BUF_BEGV (curbuf);
if (! NILP (BVAR (curbuf, enable_multibyte_characters)))
str = make_uninit_multibyte_string (range, byte_range);
str = make_uninit_string (range);
/* To check: This returns emacs-utf-8, which is a superset of utf-8.
Is this a problem? */
memcpy (SDATA (str), BYTE_POS_ADDR (start_byte), byte_range);
if (! NILP (str))
if (CONSP (str) && SYMBOLP (XCAR (str)))
str = XCDR (str);
if (CONSP (str) && NILP (XCDR (str)))
str = XCAR (str);
if (STRINGP (str))
const char *utfStr = SSDATA (str);
NSString *nsStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: utfStr];
return nsStr;
return [super accessibilityAttributeValue:attribute];
#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
/* If we have multiple monitors, one above the other, we don't want to
restrict the height to just one monitor. So we override this. */
- (NSRect)constrainFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect toScreen:(NSScreen *)screen
/* When making the frame visible for the first time or if there is just
one screen, we want to constrain. Other times not. */
NSUInteger nr_screens = [[NSScreen screens] count];
struct frame *f = ((EmacsView *)[self delegate])->emacsframe;
NSTRACE (constrainFrameRect);
if (nr_screens == 1)
NSRect r = [super constrainFrameRect:frameRect toScreen:screen];
return r;
if (f->output_data.ns->dont_constrain
|| ns_menu_bar_should_be_hidden ())
return frameRect;
f->output_data.ns->dont_constrain = 1;
return [super constrainFrameRect:frameRect toScreen:screen];
@end /* EmacsWindow */
@implementation EmacsFSWindow
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
return YES;
- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow
return YES;
/* ==========================================================================
EmacsScroller implementation
========================================================================== */
@implementation EmacsScroller
/* for repeat button push */
+ (CGFloat) scrollerWidth
/* TODO: if we want to allow variable widths, this is the place to do it,
however neither GNUstep nor Cocoa support it very well */
return [NSScroller scrollerWidth];
- initFrame: (NSRect )r window: (Lisp_Object)nwin
NSTRACE (EmacsScroller_initFrame);
r.size.width = [EmacsScroller scrollerWidth];
[super initWithFrame: r/*NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0)*/];
[self setContinuous: YES];
[self setEnabled: YES];
/* Ensure auto resizing of scrollbars occurs within the emacs frame's view
locked against the top and bottom edges, and right edge on OS X, where
scrollers are on right. */
[self setAutoresizingMask: NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewHeightSizable];
[self setAutoresizingMask: NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewHeightSizable];
win = nwin;
condemned = NO;
pixel_height = NSHeight (r);
if (pixel_height == 0) pixel_height = 1;
min_portion = 20 / pixel_height;
frame = XFRAME (XWINDOW (win)->frame);
if (FRAME_LIVE_P (frame))
int i;
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (frame);
NSView *sview = [[view window] contentView];
NSArray *subs = [sview subviews];
/* disable optimization stopping redraw of other scrollbars */
view->scrollbarsNeedingUpdate = 0;
for (i =[subs count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
if ([[subs objectAtIndex: i] isKindOfClass: [EmacsScroller class]])
[sview addSubview: self];
/* [self setFrame: r]; */
return self;
- (void)setFrame: (NSRect)newRect
NSTRACE (EmacsScroller_setFrame);
/* block_input (); */
pixel_height = NSHeight (newRect);
if (pixel_height == 0) pixel_height = 1;
min_portion = 20 / pixel_height;
[super setFrame: newRect];
[self display];
/* unblock_input (); */
- (void)dealloc
NSTRACE (EmacsScroller_dealloc);
if (!NILP (win))
wset_vertical_scroll_bar (XWINDOW (win), Qnil);
[super dealloc];
- condemn
NSTRACE (condemn);
condemned =YES;
return self;
- reprieve
NSTRACE (reprieve);
condemned =NO;
return self;
- judge
NSTRACE (judge);
if (condemned)
EmacsView *view;
block_input ();
/* ensure other scrollbar updates after deletion */
view = (EmacsView *)FRAME_NS_VIEW (frame);
if (view != nil)
[self removeFromSuperview];
[self release];
unblock_input ();
return self;
- (void)resetCursorRects
NSRect visible = [self visibleRect];
NSTRACE (resetCursorRects);
if (!NSIsEmptyRect (visible))
[self addCursorRect: visible cursor: [NSCursor arrowCursor]];
[[NSCursor arrowCursor] setOnMouseEntered: YES];
- (int) checkSamePosition: (int) position portion: (int) portion
whole: (int) whole
return em_position ==position && em_portion ==portion && em_whole ==whole
&& portion != whole; /* needed for resize empty buf */
- setPosition: (int)position portion: (int)portion whole: (int)whole
NSTRACE (setPosition);
em_position = position;
em_portion = portion;
em_whole = whole;
if (portion >= whole)
[self setKnobProportion: 1.0];
[self setDoubleValue: 1.0];
[self setFloatValue: 0.0 knobProportion: 1.0];
float pos, por;
portion = max ((float)whole*min_portion/pixel_height, portion);
pos = (float)position / (whole - portion);
por = (float)portion/whole;
[self setKnobProportion: por];
[self setDoubleValue: pos];
[self setFloatValue: pos knobProportion: por];
/* Events may come here even if the event loop is not running.
If we don't enter the event loop, the scroll bar will not update.
So send SIGIO to ourselves. */
if (apploopnr == 0) raise (SIGIO);
return self;
/* FIXME: unused at moment (see ns_mouse_position) at the moment because
drag events will go directly to the EmacsScroller. Leaving in for now. */
-(void)getMouseMotionPart: (int *)part window: (Lisp_Object *)window
x: (Lisp_Object *)x y: ( Lisp_Object *)y
*part = last_hit_part;
*window = win;
XSETINT (*y, pixel_height);
if ([self floatValue] > 0.999)
XSETINT (*x, pixel_height);
XSETINT (*x, pixel_height * [self floatValue]);
/* set up emacs_event */
- (void) sendScrollEventAtLoc: (float)loc fromEvent: (NSEvent *)e
if (!emacs_event)
emacs_event->part = last_hit_part;
emacs_event->code = 0;
emacs_event->modifiers = EV_MODIFIERS (e) | down_modifier;
emacs_event->frame_or_window = win;
emacs_event->timestamp = EV_TIMESTAMP (e);
emacs_event->kind = SCROLL_BAR_CLICK_EVENT;
emacs_event->arg = Qnil;
XSETINT (emacs_event->x, loc * pixel_height);
XSETINT (emacs_event->y, pixel_height-20);
if (q_event_ptr)
kbd_buffer_store_event_hold (emacs_event, q_event_ptr);
hold_event (emacs_event);
EVENT_INIT (*emacs_event);
ns_send_appdefined (-1);
/* called manually thru timer to implement repeated button action w/hold-down */
- repeatScroll: (NSTimer *)scrollEntry
NSEvent *e = [[self window] currentEvent];
NSPoint p = [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
BOOL inKnob = [self testPart: p] == NSScrollerKnob;
/* clear timer if need be */
if (inKnob || [scroll_repeat_entry timeInterval] == SCROLL_BAR_FIRST_DELAY)
[scroll_repeat_entry invalidate];
[scroll_repeat_entry release];
scroll_repeat_entry = nil;
if (inKnob)
return self;
= [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:
target: self
selector: @selector (repeatScroll:)
userInfo: 0
repeats: YES]
[self sendScrollEventAtLoc: 0 fromEvent: e];
return self;
/* Asynchronous mouse tracking for scroller. This allows us to dispatch
mouseDragged events without going into a modal loop. */
- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)e
NSRect sr, kr;
/* hitPart is only updated AFTER event is passed on */
NSScrollerPart part = [self testPart: [e locationInWindow]];
double inc = 0.0, loc, kloc, pos;
int edge = 0;
NSTRACE (EmacsScroller_mouseDown);
switch (part)
case NSScrollerDecrementPage:
last_hit_part = scroll_bar_above_handle; inc = -1.0; break;
case NSScrollerIncrementPage:
last_hit_part = scroll_bar_below_handle; inc = 1.0; break;
case NSScrollerDecrementLine:
last_hit_part = scroll_bar_up_arrow; inc = -0.1; break;
case NSScrollerIncrementLine:
last_hit_part = scroll_bar_down_arrow; inc = 0.1; break;
case NSScrollerKnob:
last_hit_part = scroll_bar_handle; break;
case NSScrollerKnobSlot: /* GNUstep-only */
last_hit_part = scroll_bar_move_ratio; break;
default: /* NSScrollerNoPart? */
fprintf (stderr, "EmacsScoller-mouseDown: unexpected part %ld\n",
(long) part);
if (inc != 0.0)
pos = 0; /* ignored */
/* set a timer to repeat, as we can't let superclass do this modally */
= [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: SCROLL_BAR_FIRST_DELAY
target: self
selector: @selector (repeatScroll:)
userInfo: 0
repeats: YES]
/* handle, or on GNUstep possibly slot */
NSEvent *fake_event;
/* compute float loc in slot and mouse offset on knob */
sr = [self convertRect: [self rectForPart: NSScrollerKnobSlot]
toView: nil];
loc = NSHeight (sr) - ([e locationInWindow].y - NSMinY (sr));
if (loc <= 0.0)
loc = 0.0;
edge = -1;
else if (loc >= NSHeight (sr))
loc = NSHeight (sr);
edge = 1;
if (edge)
kloc = 0.5 * edge;
kr = [self convertRect: [self rectForPart: NSScrollerKnob]
toView: nil];
kloc = NSHeight (kr) - ([e locationInWindow].y - NSMinY (kr));
last_mouse_offset = kloc;
/* if knob, tell emacs a location offset by knob pos
(to indicate top of handle) */
if (part == NSScrollerKnob)
pos = (loc - last_mouse_offset) / NSHeight (sr);
/* else this is a slot click on GNUstep: go straight there */
pos = loc / NSHeight (sr);
/* send a fake mouse-up to super to preempt modal -trackKnob: mode */
fake_event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType: NSLeftMouseUp
location: [e locationInWindow]
modifierFlags: [e modifierFlags]
timestamp: [e timestamp]
windowNumber: [e windowNumber]
context: [e context]
eventNumber: [e eventNumber]
clickCount: [e clickCount]
pressure: [e pressure]];
[super mouseUp: fake_event];
if (part != NSScrollerKnob)
[self sendScrollEventAtLoc: pos fromEvent: e];
/* Called as we manually track scroller drags, rather than superclass. */
- (void)mouseDragged: (NSEvent *)e
NSRect sr;
double loc, pos;
int edge = 0;
NSTRACE (EmacsScroller_mouseDragged);
sr = [self convertRect: [self rectForPart: NSScrollerKnobSlot]
toView: nil];
loc = NSHeight (sr) - ([e locationInWindow].y - NSMinY (sr));
if (loc <= 0.0)
loc = 0.0;
edge = -1;
else if (loc >= NSHeight (sr) + last_mouse_offset)
loc = NSHeight (sr) + last_mouse_offset;
edge = 1;
pos = /*(edge ? loc :*/ (loc - last_mouse_offset) / NSHeight (sr);
[self sendScrollEventAtLoc: pos fromEvent: e];
- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)e
if (scroll_repeat_entry)
[scroll_repeat_entry invalidate];
[scroll_repeat_entry release];
scroll_repeat_entry = nil;
last_hit_part = 0;
/* treat scrollwheel events in the bar as though they were in the main window */
- (void) scrollWheel: (NSEvent *)theEvent
EmacsView *view = (EmacsView *)FRAME_NS_VIEW (frame);
[view mouseDown: theEvent];
@end /* EmacsScroller */
/* ==========================================================================
Font-related functions; these used to be in nsfaces.m
========================================================================== */
x_new_font (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object font_object, int fontset)
struct font *font = XFONT_OBJECT (font_object);
if (fontset < 0)
fontset = fontset_from_font (font_object);
FRAME_FONTSET (f) = fontset;
if (FRAME_FONT (f) == font)
/* This font is already set in frame F. There's nothing more to
do. */
return font_object;
FRAME_FONT (f) = font;
FRAME_BASELINE_OFFSET (f) = font->baseline_offset;
FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f) = font->average_width;
FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f) = font->height;
compute_fringe_widths (f, 1);
/* Compute the scroll bar width in character columns. */
int wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
= (FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f) + wid - 1) / wid;
int wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_COLS (f) = (14 + wid - 1) / wid;
/* Now make the frame display the given font. */
if (FRAME_NS_WINDOW (f) != 0)
x_set_window_size (f, 0, FRAME_COLS (f), FRAME_LINES (f));
return font_object;
/* XLFD: -foundry-family-weight-slant-swidth-adstyle-pxlsz-ptSz-resx-resy-spc-avgWidth-rgstry-encoding */
/* Note: ns_font_to_xlfd and ns_fontname_to_xlfd no longer needed, removed
in 1.43. */
const char *
ns_xlfd_to_fontname (const char *xlfd)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convert an X font name (XLFD) to an NS font name.
Only family is used.
The string returned is temporarily allocated.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char *name = xmalloc (180);
int i, len;
const char *ret;
if (!strncmp (xlfd, "--", 2))
sscanf (xlfd, "--%*[^-]-%[^-]179-", name);
sscanf (xlfd, "-%*[^-]-%[^-]179-", name);
/* stopgap for malformed XLFD input */
if (strlen (name) == 0)
strcpy (name, "Monaco");
/* undo hack in ns_fontname_to_xlfd, converting '$' to '-', '_' to ' '
also uppercase after '-' or ' ' */
name[0] = c_toupper (name[0]);
for (len =strlen (name), i =0; i= 10.7.
Nil means use fullscreen the old (< 10.7) way. The old way works better with
multiple monitors, but lacks tool bar. This variable is ignored on OSX < 10.7.
Default is t for OSX >= 10.7, nil otherwise. */);
ns_use_native_fullscreen = YES;
ns_use_native_fullscreen = NO;
ns_last_use_native_fullscreen = ns_use_native_fullscreen;
/* TODO: move to common code */
DEFVAR_LISP ("x-toolkit-scroll-bars", Vx_toolkit_scroll_bars,
doc: /* Which toolkit scroll bars Emacs uses, if any.
A value of nil means Emacs doesn't use toolkit scroll bars.
With the X Window system, the value is a symbol describing the
X toolkit. Possible values are: gtk, motif, xaw, or xaw3d.
With MS Windows or Nextstep, the value is t. */);
Vx_toolkit_scroll_bars = Qt;
DEFVAR_BOOL ("x-use-underline-position-properties",
doc: /*Non-nil means make use of UNDERLINE_POSITION font properties.
A value of nil means ignore them. If you encounter fonts with bogus
UNDERLINE_POSITION font properties, for example 7x13 on XFree prior
to 4.1, set this to nil. */);
x_use_underline_position_properties = 0;
DEFVAR_BOOL ("x-underline-at-descent-line",
doc: /* Non-nil means to draw the underline at the same place as the descent line.
A value of nil means to draw the underline according to the value of the
variable `x-use-underline-position-properties', which is usually at the
baseline level. The default value is nil. */);
x_underline_at_descent_line = 0;
/* Tell emacs about this window system. */
Fprovide (intern ("ns"), Qnil);