;;; print-tests.el --- tests for src/print.c -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'ert) ;; Support sharing test code with cl-print-tests. (defalias 'print-tests--prin1-to-string #'identity "The function to print to a string which is under test.") (defmacro print-tests--deftest (name arg &rest docstring-keys-and-body) "Test both print.c and cl-print.el at once." (declare (debug ert-deftest) (doc-string 3) (indent 2)) (let ((clname (intern (concat (symbol-name name) "-cl-print"))) (doc (when (stringp (car-safe docstring-keys-and-body)) (list (pop docstring-keys-and-body)))) (keys-and-values nil)) (while (keywordp (car-safe docstring-keys-and-body)) (let ((key (pop docstring-keys-and-body)) (val (pop docstring-keys-and-body))) (push val keys-and-values) (push key keys-and-values))) `(progn ;; Set print-tests--prin1-to-string at both declaration and ;; runtime, so that it can be used by the :expected-result ;; keyword. (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'prin1-to-string)) (ert-deftest ,name ,arg ,@doc ,@keys-and-values (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'prin1-to-string)) ,@docstring-keys-and-body))) (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'cl-prin1-to-string)) (ert-deftest ,clname ,arg ,@doc ,@keys-and-values (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'cl-prin1-to-string)) ,@docstring-keys-and-body)))))) (print-tests--deftest print-hex-backslash () (should (string= (let ((print-escape-multibyte t) (print-escape-newlines t)) (print-tests--prin1-to-string "\u00A2\ff")) "\"\\x00a2\\ff\""))) (defun print-tests--prints-with-charset-p (ch odd-charset) "Return t if print function being tested prints CH with the `charset' property. CH is propertized with a `charset' value according to ODD-CHARSET: if nil, then use the one returned by `char-charset', otherwise, use a different charset." (integerp (string-match "charset" (print-tests--prin1-to-string (propertize (string ch) 'charset (if odd-charset (cl-find (char-charset ch) charset-list :test-not #'eq) (char-charset ch))))))) (print-tests--deftest print-charset-text-property-nil () :expected-result (if (eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'cl-prin1-to-string) :failed :passed) (let ((print-charset-text-property nil)) (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?\xf6 t)) ; Bug#31376. (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?a t)) (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?\xf6 nil)) (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?a nil)))) (print-tests--deftest print-charset-text-property-default () :expected-result (if (eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'cl-prin1-to-string) :failed :passed) (let ((print-charset-text-property 'default)) (should (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?\xf6 t)) (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?a t)) (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?\xf6 nil)) (should-not (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?a nil)))) (print-tests--deftest print-charset-text-property-t () (let ((print-charset-text-property t)) (should (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?\xf6 t)) (should (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?a t)) (should (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?\xf6 nil)) (should (print-tests--prints-with-charset-p ?a nil)))) (ert-deftest terpri () (should (string= (with-output-to-string (princ 'abc) (should (terpri nil t))) "abc\n")) (should (string= (with-output-to-string (should-not (terpri nil t)) (princ 'xyz)) "xyz")) (message nil) (if noninteractive (progn (should (terpri nil t)) (should-not (terpri nil t)) (princ 'abc) (should (terpri nil t)) (should-not (terpri nil t))) (should (string= (progn (should-not (terpri nil t)) (princ 'abc) (should (terpri nil t)) (current-message)) "abc\n"))) (let ((standard-output (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*terpri-test*") (insert "--------") (point-max-marker)))) (should (terpri nil t)) (should-not (terpri nil t)) (should (string= (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer standard-output) (buffer-string)) "--------\n")))) (print-tests--deftest print-read-roundtrip () (let ((syms (list '## '& '* '+ '- '/ '0E '0e '< '= '> 'E 'E0 'NaN '\" '\# '\#x0 '\' '\'\' '\( '\) '\+00 '\, '\-0 '\. '\.0 '\0 '\0.0 '\0E0 '\0e0 '\1E+ '\1E+NaN '\1e+ '\1e+NaN '\; '\? '\[ '\\ '\] '\` '_ 'a 'e 'e0 'x '{ '| '} '~ : '\’ '\’bar (intern "\t") (intern "\n") (intern " ") (intern "\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}") (intern "\N{ZERO WIDTH SPACE}") (intern "\0")))) (dolist (sym syms) (should (eq (read (print-tests--prin1-to-string sym)) sym)) (dolist (sym1 syms) (let ((sym2 (intern (concat (symbol-name sym) (symbol-name sym1))))) (should (eq (read (print-tests--prin1-to-string sym2)) sym2))))))) (print-tests--deftest print-bignum () (let* ((str "999999999999999999999999999999999") (val (read str))) (should (> val most-positive-fixnum)) (should (equal (print-tests--prin1-to-string val) str)))) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-print-gensym () "Printing observes `print-gensym'." (let* ((sym1 (gensym)) (syms (list sym1 (gensym "x") (make-symbol "y") sym1))) (let* ((print-circle nil) (printed-with (let ((print-gensym t)) (print-tests--prin1-to-string syms))) (printed-without (let ((print-gensym nil)) (print-tests--prin1-to-string syms)))) (should (string-match "(#:\\(g[[:digit:]]+\\) #:x[[:digit:]]+ #:y #:\\(g[[:digit:]]+\\))$" printed-with)) (should (string= (match-string 1 printed-with) (match-string 2 printed-with))) (should (string-match "(g[[:digit:]]+ x[[:digit:]]+ y g[[:digit:]]+)$" printed-without))) (let* ((print-circle t) (printed-with (let ((print-gensym t)) (print-tests--prin1-to-string syms))) (printed-without (let ((print-gensym nil)) (print-tests--prin1-to-string syms)))) (should (string-match "(#1=#:g[[:digit:]]+ #:x[[:digit:]]+ #:y #1#)$" printed-with)) (should (string-match "(g[[:digit:]]+ x[[:digit:]]+ y g[[:digit:]]+)$" printed-without))))) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-continuous-numbering () "Printing observes `print-continuous-numbering'." ;; cl-print does not support print-continuous-numbering. :expected-result (if (eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'cl-prin1-to-string) :failed :passed) (let* ((x (list 1)) (y "hello") (g (gensym)) (g2 (gensym)) (print-circle t) (print-gensym t)) (let ((print-continuous-numbering t) (print-number-table nil)) (should (string-match "(#1=(1) #1# #2=\"hello\" #2#)(#3=#:g[[:digit:]]+ #3#)(#1# #2# #3#)#2#$" (mapconcat #'print-tests--prin1-to-string `((,x ,x ,y ,y) (,g ,g) (,x ,y ,g) ,y) "")))) ;; This is the special case for byte-compile-output-docform ;; mentioned in a comment in print_preprocess. When ;; print-continuous-numbering and print-circle and print-gensym ;; are all non-nil, print all gensyms with numbers even if they ;; only occur once. (let ((print-continuous-numbering t) (print-number-table nil)) (should (string-match "(#1=#:g[[:digit:]]+ #2=#:g[[:digit:]]+)$" (print-tests--prin1-to-string (list g g2))))))) (cl-defstruct print--test a b) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-1 () "Test print code." (let ((x (make-print--test :a 1 :b 2)) (rec (cond ((eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) 'prin1-to-string) "#s(print--test 1 2)") ((eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) 'cl-prin1-to-string) "#s(print--test :a 1 :b 2)") (t (cl-assert nil))))) (let ((print-circle nil)) (should (equal (print-tests--prin1-to-string `((x . ,x) (y . ,x))) (format "((x . %s) (y . %s))" rec rec)))) (let ((print-circle t)) (should (equal (print-tests--prin1-to-string `((x . ,x) (y . ,x))) (format "((x . #1=%s) (y . #1#))" rec)))))) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-2 () (let ((x (record 'foo 1 2 3))) (should (equal x (car (read-from-string (with-output-to-string (prin1 x)))))) (let ((print-circle t)) (should (string-match "\\`(#1=#s(foo 1 2 3) #1#)\\'" (print-tests--prin1-to-string (list x x))))))) (cl-defstruct (print-tests-struct (:constructor print-tests-con)) a b c d e) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-3 () "Printing observes `print-length'." (let ((long-list (make-list 5 'a)) (long-vec (make-vector 5 'b)) ;; (long-struct (print-tests-con)) ;; (long-string (make-string 5 ?a)) (print-length 4)) (should (equal "(a a a a ...)" (print-tests--prin1-to-string long-list))) (should (equal "[b b b b ...]" (print-tests--prin1-to-string long-vec))) ;; This one only prints 3 nils. Should it print 4? ;; (should (equal "#s(print-tests-struct nil nil nil nil ...)" ;; (print-tests--prin1-to-string long-struct))) ;; This one is only supported by cl-print ;; (should (equal "\"aaaa...\"" (cl-print-tests--prin1-to-string long-string))) )) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-4 () "Printing observes `print-level'." (let* ((deep-list '(a (b (c (d (e)))))) (buried-vector '(a (b (c (d [e]))))) (deep-struct (print-tests-con)) (buried-struct `(a (b (c (d ,deep-struct))))) (buried-string '(a (b (c (d #("hello" 0 5 (print-test t))))))) (buried-simple-string '(a (b (c (d "hello"))))) (print-level 4)) (setf (print-tests-struct-a deep-struct) deep-list) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d ...))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string deep-list))) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d \"hello\"))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-simple-string))) (cond ((eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'prin1-to-string) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d [e]))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-vector))) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d #s(print-tests-struct ... nil nil nil nil)))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-struct))) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d #(\"hello\" 0 5 ...)))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-string))) (should (equal "#s(print-tests-struct (a (b (c ...))) nil nil nil nil)" (print-tests--prin1-to-string deep-struct)))) ((eq (symbol-function #'print-tests--prin1-to-string) #'cl-prin1-to-string) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d ...))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-vector))) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d ...))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-struct))) (should (equal "(a (b (c (d ...))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string buried-string))) (should (equal "#s(print-tests-struct :a (a (b (c ...))) :b nil :c nil :d nil :e nil)" (print-tests--prin1-to-string deep-struct)))) (t (cl-assert nil))))) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-5 () "Printing observes `print-quoted'." (let ((quoted-stuff '('a #'b `(,c ,@d)))) (let ((print-quoted t)) (should (equal "('a #'b `(,c ,@d))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string quoted-stuff)))) (let ((print-quoted nil)) (should (equal "((quote a) (function b) (\\` ((\\, c) (\\,@ d))))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string quoted-stuff)))))) (print-tests--deftest print-tests-strings () "Can print strings and propertized strings." (let* ((str1 "abcdefghij") (str2 #("abcdefghij" 3 6 (bold t) 7 9 (italic t))) (str3 #("abcdefghij" 0 10 (test t))) (obj '(a b)) ;; Since the byte compiler reuses string literals, ;; and the put-text-property call is destructive, use ;; copy-sequence to make a new string. (str4 (copy-sequence "abcdefghij"))) (put-text-property 0 5 'test obj str4) (put-text-property 7 10 'test obj str4) (should (equal "\"abcdefghij\"" (print-tests--prin1-to-string str1))) (should (equal "#(\"abcdefghij\" 3 6 (bold t) 7 9 (italic t))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string str2))) (should (equal "#(\"abcdefghij\" 0 10 (test t))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string str3))) (let ((print-circle nil)) (should (equal "#(\"abcdefghij\" 0 5 (test (a b)) 7 10 (test (a b)))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string str4)))) (let ((print-circle t)) (should (equal "#(\"abcdefghij\" 0 5 (test #1=(a b)) 7 10 (test #1#))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string str4)))))) (print-tests--deftest print-circle () (let ((x '(#1=(a . #1#) #1#))) (let ((print-circle nil)) (should (string-match "\\`((a . #[0-9]) (a . #[0-9]))\\'" (print-tests--prin1-to-string x)))) (let ((print-circle t)) (should (equal "(#1=(a . #1#) #1#)" (print-tests--prin1-to-string x)))))) (print-tests--deftest print-circle-2 () ;; Bug#31146. (let ((x '(0 . #1=(0 . #1#)))) (let ((print-circle nil)) (should (string-match "\\`(0\\( 0\\)* . #[0-9]+)\\'" (print-tests--prin1-to-string x)))) (let ((print-circle t)) (should (equal "(0 . #1=(0 . #1#))" (print-tests--prin1-to-string x)))))) (print-tests--deftest error-message-string-circular () (let ((err (list 'error))) (setcdr err err) (should-error (error-message-string err) :type 'circular-list))) (provide 'print-tests) ;;; print-tests.el ends here