.TH ENCHANT-LSMOD-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ 1 "August 2017" .SH NAME Enchant \- list provider and dictionary information .SH SYNOPSIS .ll +8 .B enchant-lsmod-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ [[\fB\-lang\fR|\fB-word-chars\fR] [\fBlanguage_tag\fR]|\fB\-list-dicts\fR|\fB\-help\fR|\fB\-version\fR] .ll -8 .br .SH DESCRIPTION .B enchant-lsmod-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ gives information about Enchant's spell-checker providers and the dictionaries each offers. See \fBenchant-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@\fR(1) for details about how the providers and dictionaries are located. If no command-line options are given, the available providers are listed. .SS OPTIONS .TP .B "\-lang" Show which provider and dictionary will be used for the given language, or all languages if none is supplied. .TP .B "\-word\-chars" Show the extra word characters for the given language, if available. This is of little interest to most users. .TP .B "\-list\-dicts" List the provider and dictionary for all available languages. .TP .B "\-help" Show brief help. .TP .B "\-version" Prints the program's version. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR enchant-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@(1) .SH "AUTHOR" Written by Dom Lachowicz and Reuben Thomas.