.TH ENCHANT-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ 1 .SH NAME Enchant \- a spellchecker .SH SYNOPSIS .ll +8 .B enchant-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ \fB\-a\fR|\fB\-l\fR|\fB\-h\fR|\fB\-v\fR [\fB\-L\fR] [\fB\-d\fR \fIDICTIONARY\fR] [\fIFILE\fR] .ll -8 .br .SH DESCRIPTION .B Enchant is an ispell-compatible spellchecker. .TP \fB\-d \fIDICTIONARY\fR use the given dictionary .TP \fB\-p \fIWORDLIST\fR use the given personal wordlist .TP .B "\-a" list suggestions in ispell pipe mode format .TP .B "\-l" list only the misspellings .TP .B "\-L" display line numbers .TP .B "\-h" display help and exit .TP .B "\-v" display version information and exit .SH ENCHANT ORDERING FILE Enchant uses global and per-user ordering files named \fIenchant.ordering\fR to decide which spelling provider to use for particular languages. The per-user file takes precedence. .PP The ordering file takes the form language_tag:. To see what providers are available, run \fIenchant-lsmod-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@\fR. '*' is used to mean "use this ordering for all languages, unless instructed otherwise." For example: .PP *:aspell,hunspell,nuspell .br en:aspell,hunspell,nuspell .br en_GB:hunspell,nuspell,aspell .br fr:hunspell,nuspell,aspell .SH FILES AND DIRECTORIES Enchant looks in the following places for files, in decreasing order of precedence: .TP \fIENCHANT_CONFIG_DIR\fR (If the environment variable is set.) .TP \fIXDG_CONFIG_HOME/enchant\fR (non-Windows systems) Default: \fI~/.config/enchant\fR .TP \fICSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA\\enchant\fR (Windows systems) Default: \fIC:\\Documents and Settings\\\fRusername\fI\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\enchant .TP \fI@datadir@/enchant\fR (Or the equivalent location relative to the enchant library for a relocatable build.) .PP Dictionaries are looked for in a subdirectory with the same name as the provider; for example, \fI@datadir@/enchant/hunspell\fR and \fI~/.config/enchant/hunspell\fR. .PP Some providers may also look in a standard system directory for their dictionaries; the hunspell provider can be configured to do so at build time. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR aspell (1), .BR enchant-lsmod-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ (1) .SH "AUTHOR" Written by Dom Lachowicz and Reuben Thomas.