.TH ENCHANT 5 .SH NAME Enchant \- enchant ordering files and personal word lists .SH ORDERING FILE Enchant uses global and per-user ordering files named \fIenchant.ordering\fR to decide which spelling provider to use for particular languages. The per-user file takes precedence. .PP The ordering file takes the form \fIlanguage_tag:\fR. The language tag is an IETF BCP 47 language tag, typically of the form \fICOUNTRY_LANGUAGE\fR. To see what dictionaries are available, run \fIenchant-lsmod-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@\fR. \(oq*\(cq is used to mean \(lquse this ordering for all languages, unless instructed otherwise.\(rq For example: .IP *:aspell,hunspell,nuspell .br en:aspell,hunspell,nuspell .br en_GB:hunspell,nuspell,aspell .br fr:hunspell,nuspell,aspell .SH PERSONAL WORD LISTS Personal word lists are simple plain text files with one word per line. Lines starting with a hash sign \(oq#\(cq are ignored. .SS SHARING PERSONAL WORD LISTS BETWEEN SPELL-CHECKERS It is possible, and usually safe, to share Enchant\(cqs personal word lists with other spelling checkers that use the same format (note that other spell-checkers may not support comments!). The spell-checkers known to be compatible are Hunspell, Nuspell and Ispell. (Although Enchant does not support Ispell as a back-end, it\(cqs still fine to share word lists with it.) Other spell-checkers supported by Enchant are either incompatible, or have no personal word list mechanism. There may well be yet other spell-checkers, unknown to Enchant, that use the same format. .PP Some applications use Hunspell or Nuspell, but store the personal word list under another name or in another location. Firefox is one example. Firefox also seems to reorder its word list when updating it; again, this is OK, as the result is still in the same format. Anonther example is Thunderbird. .PP To share word lists with Enchant, find the other spelling checker\(cqs word list file, e.g. \fI~/.hunspell_fr_FR\fR or \fI~/.config/nuspell/fr_FR\fR, and merge it with the corresponding Enchant file, in this case \fI~/.config/enchant/fr_FR.dic\fR. Use the following command, replacing \fIENCHANT-DICT\fR and \fIOTHER-DICT\fR with the corresponding dictionary file names: .IP cat ENCHANT-DICT OTHER-DICT | sort -u > merged.txt .PP Take a look at merged.txt to check the merge has worked, then .IP mv merged.txt ENCHANT-DICT .br rm OTHER-DICT .br ln -s OTHER-DICT ENCHANT-DICT .PP to replace the other dictionary file with a link to the Enchant dictionary, again filling in the name of the dictionary files. .SH FILES AND DIRECTORIES Enchant looks in the following places for files, in decreasing order of precedence: .TP \fIENCHANT_CONFIG_DIR\fR (If the environment variable is set.) .TP \fIXDG_CONFIG_HOME/enchant\fR (non-Windows systems) Default: \fI~/.config/enchant\fR .TP \fICSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA\\enchant\fR (Windows systems) Default: \fIC:\\Documents and Settings\\\fRusername\fI\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\enchant .TP \fIDATADIR/enchant\fR (Or the equivalent location relative to the enchant library for a relocatable build.) .PP Dictionaries are looked for in a subdirectory with the same name as the provider; for example, \fIDATADIR/enchant/hunspell\fR and \fI~/.config/enchant/hunspell\fR. .PP Some providers may also look in a standard system directory for their dictionaries; the hunspell provider can be configured to do so at build time. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR enchant-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ (1), .BR enchant-lsmod-@ENCHANT_MAJOR_VERSION@ (1) .SH "AUTHOR" Written by Dom Lachowicz and Reuben Thomas.