/* enchant * Copyright (C) 2003 Dom Lachowicz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Dom Lachowicz * gives permission to link the code of this program with * non-LGPL Spelling Provider libraries (eg: a MSFT Office * spell checker backend) and distribute linked combinations including * the two. You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than said providers. If you modify * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifndef ENCHANT_H #define ENCHANT_H #include /* for uint32_t */ #include /* for size_t, ssize_t */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct str_enchant_broker EnchantBroker; typedef struct str_enchant_dict EnchantDict; const char *enchant_get_version (void); /** * enchant_broker_init * * Returns: A new broker object capable of requesting * dictionaries from providers. */ EnchantBroker *enchant_broker_init (void); /** * enchant_broker_free * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * * Destroys the broker object. Must only be called once per broker init */ void enchant_broker_free (EnchantBroker * broker); /** * enchant_broker_request_dict * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * @tag: The non-null language tag you wish to request a dictionary for ("en_US", "de_DE", ...) * * Returns: An #EnchantDict, or %null if no suitable dictionary could be found. This dictionary is reference counted. */ EnchantDict *enchant_broker_request_dict (EnchantBroker * broker, const char *const tag); /** * enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict * * PWL is a personal wordlist file, 1 entry per line * * @pwl: A non-null pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows) * to the personal wordlist file * * Returns: An EnchantDict. This dictionary is reference counted. */ EnchantDict *enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict (EnchantBroker * broker, const char *const pwl); /** * enchant_broker_free_dict * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * * Releases the dictionary when you are done using it. Must only be called once per dictionary request */ void enchant_broker_free_dict (EnchantBroker * broker, EnchantDict * dict); /** * enchant_broker_dict_exists * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * @tag: The non-null language tag you wish to request a dictionary for ("en_US", "de_DE", ...) * * Return existance of the requested dictionary (1 == true, 0 == false) */ int enchant_broker_dict_exists (EnchantBroker * broker, const char * const tag); /** * enchant_broker_set_ordering * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * @tag: A non-null language tag (en_US) * @ordering: A non-null ordering (nuspell,aspell,hunspell,hspell) * * Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language * described/referred to by @tag. The ordering is a comma delimited * list of provider names. As a special exception, the "*" tag can * be used as a language tag to declare a default ordering for any * language that does not explictly declare an ordering. */ void enchant_broker_set_ordering (EnchantBroker * broker, const char * const tag, const char * const ordering); /** * enchant_broker_get_error * @broker: A non-null broker * * Returns a const char string or NULL describing the last exception in UTF8 encoding. * WARNING: error is transient and is likely cleared as soon as the * next broker operation happens */ const char *enchant_broker_get_error (EnchantBroker * broker); /** * EnchantBrokerDescribeFn * @provider_name: The provider's identifier, such as "hunspell" or "aspell", in UTF8 encoding * @provider_desc: A description of the provider, such as "Aspell 0.53" in UTF8 encoding * @provider_dll_file: The provider's DLL filename in Glib file encoding (UTF8 on Windows) * @user_data: Supplied user data, or %null if you don't care * * Callback used to enumerate and describe Enchant's various providers */ typedef void (*EnchantBrokerDescribeFn) (const char * const provider_name, const char * const provider_desc, const char * const provider_dll_file, void * user_data); /** * enchant_broker_describe * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * @fn: A non-null #EnchantBrokerDescribeFn * @user_data: Optional user-data * * Enumerates the Enchant providers and tells * you some rudimentary information about them. */ void enchant_broker_describe (EnchantBroker * broker, EnchantBrokerDescribeFn fn, void * user_data); /** * enchant_dict_check * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The non-null word you wish to check, in UTF-8 encoding * @len: The byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) * * Will return an "incorrect" value if any of those pre-conditions * are not met. * * Returns: 0 if the word is correctly spelled, positive if not, negative if error */ int enchant_dict_check (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_suggest * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The non-null word you wish to find suggestions for, in UTF-8 encoding * @len: The byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) * @out_n_suggs: The location to store the # of suggestions returned, or %null * * Will return an %null value if any of those pre-conditions * are not met. * * Returns: A %null terminated list of UTF-8 encoded suggestions, or %null */ char **enchant_dict_suggest (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len, size_t * out_n_suggs); /** * enchant_dict_add * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The non-null word you wish to add to your personal dictionary, in UTF-8 encoding * @len: The byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) * * Remarks: if the word exists in the exclude dictionary, it will be removed from the * exclude dictionary */ void enchant_dict_add (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_add_to_session * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The non-null word you wish to add to this spell-checking session, in UTF-8 encoding * @len: The byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) * */ void enchant_dict_add_to_session (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_remove * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The non-null word you wish to add to your exclude dictionary and * remove from the personal dictionary, in UTF-8 encoding * @len: The byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) * */ void enchant_dict_remove (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_remove_from_session * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The non-null word you wish to exclude from this spell-checking session, in UTF-8 encoding * @len: The byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) * */ void enchant_dict_remove_from_session (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_is_added * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The word you wish to see if it has been added (to your session or dict) in UTF8 encoding * @len: the byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) */ int enchant_dict_is_added (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_is_removed * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @word: The word you wish to see if it has been removed (from your session or dict) in UTF8 encoding * @len: the byte length of @word, or -1 for strlen (@word) */ int enchant_dict_is_removed (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const word, ssize_t len); /** * enchant_dict_store_replacement * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @mis: The non-null word you wish to add a correction for, in UTF-8 encoding * @mis_len: The byte length of @mis, or -1 for strlen (@mis) * @cor: The non-null correction word, in UTF-8 encoding * @cor_len: The byte length of @cor, or -1 for strlen (@cor) * * Notes that you replaced @mis with @cor, so it's possibly more likely * that future occurrences of @mis will be replaced with @cor. So it might * bump @cor up in the suggestion list. */ void enchant_dict_store_replacement (EnchantDict * dict, const char *const mis, ssize_t mis_len, const char *const cor, ssize_t cor_len); /** * enchant_dict_free_string_list * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * @string_list: A non-null string list returned from enchant_dict_suggest * * Releases the string list */ void enchant_dict_free_string_list (EnchantDict * dict, char **string_list); /** * enchant_dict_get_error * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * * Returns a const char string or NULL describing the last exception in UTF8 encoding. * WARNING: error is transient. It will likely be cleared as soon as * the next dictionary operation is called. */ const char *enchant_dict_get_error (EnchantDict * dict); /** * enchant_dict_get_extra_word_characters * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDict * * Returns a const char UTF-8-encoded string containing the non-letter characters * allowed in a word, e.g. "01234567890’-". If dash occurs, it will be last, so that * the string can be appended to a character class used to match word characters. * * Words containing non-letters not in this string will automatically be rejected * by Enchant. * * Note that for some back-ends the result may be a guess, in which case it * may include characters not actually allowed in the given dictionary. */ const char *enchant_dict_get_extra_word_characters (EnchantDict * dict); /** * enchant_dict_is_word_character * @dict: An #EnchantDict, or %null * @uc: A unicode code-point * @n: An integer: 0 if the character is at the start of a word, 1 if it is * in the middle, or 2 if at the end. * * Returns a flag specifying whether the given character is valid at the * given position. * * One way to match a complete word is to check that the first character matches * with n == 0, then proceed matching characters with n == 1 until failure, then * proceed backwards until a character matches with n == 2. * * Note that for some back-ends the result may be a guess, in which case it * may allow characters not actually allowed in the given dictionary. * * If @dict is %null, a built-in implementation is used (FIXME: We should document * behavior for this). If @n is not 0, 1 or 2, then a false flag is returned. */ int enchant_dict_is_word_character (EnchantDict * dict, uint32_t uc, size_t n); /** * EnchantDictDescribeFn * @lang_tag: The dictionary's language tag (eg: en_US, de_AT, ...) * @provider_name: The provider's name (eg: Aspell) in UTF8 encoding * @provider_desc: The provider's description (eg: Aspell 0.50.3) in UTF8 encoding * @provider_file: The DLL/SO where this dict's provider was loaded from in Glib file encoding (UTF8 on Windows) * @user_data: Supplied user data, or %null if you don't care * * Callback used to describe an individual dictionary */ typedef void (*EnchantDictDescribeFn) (const char * const lang_tag, const char * const provider_name, const char * const provider_desc, const char * const provider_file, void * user_data); /** * enchant_dict_describe * @broker: A non-null #EnchantDict * @dict: A non-null #EnchantDictDescribeFn * @user_data: Optional user-data * * Describes an individual dictionary */ void enchant_dict_describe (EnchantDict * dict, EnchantDictDescribeFn fn, void * user_data); /** * enchant_broker_list_dicts * @broker: A non-null #EnchantBroker * @fn: A non-null #EnchantDictDescribeFn * @user_data: Optional user-data * * Enumerates the dictionaries available from * all Enchant providers. */ void enchant_broker_list_dicts (EnchantBroker * broker, EnchantDictDescribeFn fn, void * user_data); /** * enchant_set_prefix_dir * * Set the prefix dir. This overrides any auto-detected value, * and can also be used on systems or installations where * auto-detection does not work. * */ void enchant_set_prefix_dir(const char *); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* ENCHANT_H */