diff options
authorChris Michael <>2018-08-30 13:58:46 +0900
committerHermet Park <>2018-08-30 13:59:14 +0900
commitf5086dde02905f14ecca97f527748daa94cf67ef (patch)
parent3846059288a06f83de941b0fc7b180b706ab4647 (diff)
evas: Remove cache2 support
As cserve2 support has been removed, cache2 can go away also ref T7226 Depends on D6940
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1286 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/evas/cache2/evas_cache2.c b/src/lib/evas/cache2/evas_cache2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 795d21d27a..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/evas/cache2/evas_cache2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1194 +0,0 @@
-# include <config.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# include <Evil.h>
-#include "evas_common_private.h"
-#include "evas_private.h"
-#include "evas_cache2.h"
-#include "evas_cs2.h"
-#include "evas_cs2_private.h"
-#define FREESTRC(Var) \
- if (Var) \
-{ \
- eina_stringshare_del(Var); \
- Var = NULL; \
-/* Size of characters used to determine a string that'll be used for load
- * options in hash keys.
- */
-// Default LRU size. If 0, all scaled images will be dropped instantly.
-#define DEFAULT_CACHE_LRU_SIZE (4*1024*1024)
-static void _evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(Image_Entry *im);
-static void _evas_cache2_image_dirty_del(Image_Entry *im);
-static void _evas_cache2_image_activ_add(Image_Entry *im);
-static void _evas_cache2_image_activ_del(Image_Entry *im);
-static void _evas_cache2_image_lru_add(Image_Entry *im);
-static void _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(Image_Entry *im);
-static void _evas_cache2_image_entry_preload_remove(Image_Entry *ie, const void *target);
-// static void _evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_add(Image_Entry *im);
-// static void _evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_del(Image_Entry *im);
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(Image_Entry *im)
- if (im->flags.dirty) return;
- _evas_cache2_image_activ_del(im);
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(im);
- // _evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_del(im);
- im->flags.dirty = 1;
- im->flags.cached = 1;
- im->cache2->dirty = eina_inlist_prepend(im->cache2->dirty, EINA_INLIST_GET(im));
- if (im->cache_key)
- {
- eina_stringshare_del(im->cache_key);
- im->cache_key = NULL;
- }
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_dirty_del(Image_Entry *im)
- if (!im->flags.dirty) return;
- if (!im->cache2) return;
- im->flags.dirty = 0;
- im->flags.cached = 0;
- im->cache2->dirty = eina_inlist_remove(im->cache2->dirty, EINA_INLIST_GET(im));
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_activ_add(Image_Entry *im)
- if (im->flags.activ) return;
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_del(im);
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(im);
- // _evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_del(im);
- if (!im->cache_key) return;
- im->flags.activ = 1;
- im->flags.cached = 1;
- eina_hash_direct_add(im->cache2->activ, im->cache_key, im);
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_activ_del(Image_Entry *im)
- if (!im->flags.activ) return;
- if (!im->cache_key) return;
- im->flags.activ = 0;
- im->flags.cached = 0;
- eina_hash_del(im->cache2->activ, im->cache_key, im);
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_lru_add(Image_Entry *im)
- if (im->flags.lru) return;
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_del(im);
- _evas_cache2_image_activ_del(im);
- // _evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_del(im);
- if (!im->cache_key) return;
- im->flags.lru = 1;
- im->flags.cached = 1;
- eina_hash_direct_add(im->cache2->inactiv, im->cache_key, im);
- im->cache2->lru = eina_inlist_prepend(im->cache2->lru, EINA_INLIST_GET(im));
- im->cache2->usage += im->cache2->func.mem_size_get(im);
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_lru_del(Image_Entry *im)
- if (!im->flags.lru) return;
- if (!im->cache_key) return;
- im->flags.lru = 0;
- im->flags.cached = 0;
- eina_hash_del(im->cache2->inactiv, im->cache_key, im);
- im->cache2->lru = eina_inlist_remove(im->cache2->lru, EINA_INLIST_GET(im));
- im->cache2->usage -= im->cache2->func.mem_size_get(im);
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_add(Image_Entry *im)
- if (im->flags.lru_nodata) return;
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_del(im);
- _evas_cache2_image_activ_del(im);
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(im);
- im->flags.lru = 1;
- im->flags.cached = 1;
- im->cache2->lru_nodata = eina_inlist_prepend(im->cache2->lru_nodata, EINA_INLIST_GET(im));
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_del(Image_Entry *im)
- if (!im->flags.lru_nodata) return;
- im->flags.lru = 0;
- im->flags.cached = 0;
- im->cache2->lru_nodata = eina_inlist_remove(im->cache2->lru_nodata, EINA_INLIST_GET(im));
-static Eina_Bool
-_timestamp_compare(Image_Timestamp *tstamp, struct stat *st)
- if (tstamp->mtime != st->st_mtime) return EINA_FALSE;
- if (tstamp->size != st->st_size) return EINA_FALSE;
- if (tstamp->ino != st->st_ino) return EINA_FALSE;
-#if (defined __USE_MISC && defined st_mtime)
- if (tstamp->mtime_nsec != (unsigned long int)st->st_mtim.tv_nsec)
- return EINA_FALSE;
- if (tstamp->mtime_nsec != (unsigned long int)st->st_mtimensec)
- return EINA_FALSE;
- return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_timestamp_build(Image_Timestamp *tstamp, struct stat *st)
- tstamp->mtime = st->st_mtime;
- tstamp->size = st->st_size;
- tstamp->ino = st->st_ino;
-#if (defined __USE_MISC && defined st_mtime)
- tstamp->mtime_nsec = (unsigned long int)st->st_mtim.tv_nsec;
- tstamp->mtime_nsec = (unsigned long int)st->st_mtimensec;
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(Evas_Cache2 *cache, Image_Entry *ie)
- if (!ie) return;
- if (ie->flags.delete_me == 1)
- return;
- if (ie->preload_rid)
- {
- ie->flags.delete_me = 1;
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_preload_remove(ie, NULL);
- return;
- }
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_del(ie);
- _evas_cache2_image_activ_del(ie);
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(ie);
- // _evas_cache2_image_lru_nodata_del(ie);
- if (ie->data1)
- {
- evas_cserve2_image_unload(ie);
- evas_cache2_image_unload_data(ie);
- evas_cserve2_image_free(ie);
- }
- else
- {
- if (cache)
- cache->func.surface_delete(ie);
- }
- FREESTRC(ie->cache_key);
- FREESTRC(ie->file);
- FREESTRC(ie->key);
- ie->cache2 = NULL;
- evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_shutdown(ie);
- free(ie);
-static Image_Entry *
-_evas_cache2_image_entry_new(Evas_Cache2 *cache,
- const char *hkey,
- Image_Timestamp *tstamp,
- const char *file,
- const char *key,
- Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo,
- int *error)
- Image_Entry *ie;
- RGBA_Image *im;
- // ie = cache->func.alloc();
- im = calloc(1, sizeof(RGBA_Image));
- if (!im)
- {
- if (error)
- return NULL;
- }
- im->flags = RGBA_IMAGE_NOTHING;
- evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_init(&im->cache_entry);
- ie = &im->cache_entry;
- ie->cache2 = cache;
- if (hkey) ie->cache_key = eina_stringshare_add(hkey);
- ie->flags.need_data = 1;
- ie->space = EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888;
- ie->w = -1;
- ie->h = -1;
- ie->scale = 1;
- if (file) ie->file = eina_stringshare_add(file);
- if (key) ie->key = eina_stringshare_add(key);
- if (tstamp) ie->tstamp = *tstamp;
- else memset(&ie->tstamp, 0, sizeof(Image_Timestamp));
- if (lo) ie->load_opts = *lo;
- if (ie->file)
- {
- if (!evas_cserve2_image_load(ie))
- {
- ERR("couldn't load '%s' '%s' with cserve2!",
- ie->file, ie->key ? ie->key : "");
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, ie);
- if (error)
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (ie->cache_key) _evas_cache2_image_activ_add(ie);
- else _evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(ie);
- if (error)
- return ie;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_surface_alloc(Image_Entry *ie, int w, int h)
- Evas_Cache2 *cache = ie->cache2;
- int wmin = w > 0 ? w : 1;
- int hmin = h > 0 ? h : 1;
- if (cache->func.surface_alloc(ie, wmin, hmin))
- {
- wmin = 0;
- hmin = 0;
- }
- ie->w = wmin;
- ie->h = hmin;
- ie->flags.loaded = EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_preloaded_cb(void *data, Eina_Bool success)
- Image_Entry *ie = data;
- Evas_Cache_Target *tmp;
- ie->cache2->preload = eina_list_remove(ie->cache2->preload, ie);
- ie->flags.preload_done = success;
- ie->flags.updated_data = EINA_TRUE;
- while ((tmp = ie->targets))
- {
- ie->targets = (Evas_Cache_Target *)
- eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(ie->targets),
- EINA_INLIST_GET(ie->targets));
- if (!ie->flags.delete_me)
- {
- if (!tmp->delete_me && tmp->preloaded_cb)
- tmp->preloaded_cb(tmp->preloaded_data);
- evas_object_inform_call_image_preloaded((Evas_Object *)tmp->target);
- }
- free(tmp);
- }
- if (ie->flags.delete_me)
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(ie->cache2, ie);
-static Eina_Bool
-_evas_cache2_image_entry_preload_add(Image_Entry *ie, const void *target, void (*preloaded_cb)(void *), void *preloaded_data)
- Evas_Cache_Target *tg;
- if (ie->flags.preload_done)
- return EINA_FALSE;
- tg = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Cache_Target));
- if (!tg)
- return EINA_TRUE;
- tg->target = target;
- tg->preloaded_cb = preloaded_cb;
- tg->preloaded_data = preloaded_data;
- ie->targets = (Evas_Cache_Target *)
- eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(ie->targets), EINA_INLIST_GET(tg));
- if (!ie->preload_rid)
- {
- ie->cache2->preload = eina_list_append(ie->cache2->preload, ie);
- evas_cserve2_image_preload(ie, _evas_cache2_image_preloaded_cb);
- }
- return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_evas_cache2_image_entry_preload_remove(Image_Entry *ie, const void *target)
- if (target)
- {
- Evas_Cache_Target *tg;
- EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ie->targets, tg)
- {
- if (tg->target == target)
- {
- ie->targets = (Evas_Cache_Target *)
- eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(ie->targets),
- free(tg);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Evas_Cache_Target *tg;
- while (ie->targets)
- {
- tg = ie->targets;
- ie->targets = (Evas_Cache_Target *)
- eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(ie->targets),
- free(tg);
- }
- }
- // FIXME: Should also send message to the server to cancel the request.
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_copied_data(Evas_Cache2 *cache, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace)
- Image_Entry *im;
- if ((cspace == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL) ||
- (cspace == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL) ||
- (cspace == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422601_PL))
- w &= ~0x1;
- im = _evas_cache2_image_entry_new(cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (!im)
- return NULL;
- im->space = cspace;
- im->flags.alpha = alpha;
- evas_cache2_image_surface_alloc(im, w, h);
- if (cache->func.copied_data(im, w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace) != 0)
- {
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- return NULL;
- }
- im->references = 1;
- im->flags.loaded = EINA_TRUE;
- if (cache->func.debug) cache->func.debug("copied-data", im);
- return im;
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_data(Evas_Cache2 *cache, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace)
- Image_Entry *im;
- if ((cspace == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL) ||
- (cspace == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL) ||
- (cspace == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422601_PL))
- w &= ~0x1;
- im = _evas_cache2_image_entry_new(cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (!im) return NULL;
- im->w = w;
- im->h = h;
- im->flags.alpha = alpha;
- if (cache->, w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace) != 0)
- {
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- return NULL;
- }
- im->references = 1;
- im->flags.loaded = EINA_TRUE;
- if (cache->func.debug) cache->func.debug("data", im);
- return im;
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_empty(Evas_Cache2 *cache)
- Image_Entry *im;
- im = _evas_cache2_image_entry_new(cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (!im)
- return NULL;
- im->references = 1;
- return im;
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_size_set(Image_Entry *im, unsigned int w, unsigned h)
- Evas_Cache2 *cache;
- Image_Entry *im2 = NULL;
- int error;
- if ((im->space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL) ||
- (im->space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL) ||
- (im->space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422601_PL))
- w &= ~0x1;
- if ((im->w == w) && (im->h == h)) return im;
- cache = im->cache2;
- im2 = _evas_cache2_image_entry_new(cache, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- NULL);
- if (!im2) goto on_error;
- im2->flags.alpha = im->flags.alpha;
- im2->space = im->space;
- im2->load_opts = im->load_opts;
- evas_cache2_image_surface_alloc(im2, w, h);
- error = cache->func.size_set(im2, im, w, h);
- if (error != 0) goto on_error;
- im2->references = 1;
- im2->flags.loaded = EINA_TRUE;
- evas_cache2_image_close(im);
- return im2;
- if (im2)
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im2);
- return NULL;
-EAPI Evas_Cache2 *
-evas_cache2_init(const Evas_Cache2_Image_Func *cb)
- char *env;
- Evas_Cache2 *cache = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Cache2));
- cache->func = *cb;
- cache->activ = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL);
- cache->inactiv = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL);
- env = getenv("EVAS_CSERVE2_SIZE");
- if (env)
- cache->limit = atoi(env) * 1024 * 1024;
- if (!env || (cache->limit < 0))
- cache->limit = DEFAULT_CACHE_LRU_SIZE;
- return cache;
-static Eina_Bool
-_evas_cache2_image_free_cb(EINA_UNUSED const Eina_Hash *hash, EINA_UNUSED const void *key, void *data, void *fdata)
- Eina_List **delete_list = fdata;
- *delete_list = eina_list_prepend(*delete_list, data);
- return EINA_TRUE;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_shutdown(Evas_Cache2 *cache)
- Eina_List *delete_list;
- Image_Entry *im;
- Eina_Inlist *il;
- EINA_INLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(cache->lru, il, im)
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- if (cache->lru)
- ERR("Cache2 LRU still contains %d elements after dump!",
- eina_inlist_count(cache->lru));
- /* This is mad, I am about to destroy image still alive, but we need to prevent leak. */
- EINA_INLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(cache->dirty, il, im)
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- if (cache->dirty)
- ERR("Cache2 dirty pool still contains %d elements after dump!",
- eina_inlist_count(cache->dirty));
- delete_list = NULL;
- eina_hash_foreach(cache->activ, _evas_cache2_image_free_cb, &delete_list);
- EINA_LIST_FREE(delete_list, im)
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- eina_hash_free(cache->activ);
- eina_hash_free(cache->inactiv);
- if (cache->usage > 0)
- WRN("Cache2 reports %d bytes used after shutdown.", cache->usage);
- free(cache);
-EAPI Eina_Bool
-evas_cache2_image_cached(Image_Entry *ie)
- if (!ie) return EINA_FALSE;
- return (ie->cache2 != NULL);
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_cache_key_create(char *hkey, const char *path, size_t pathlen,
- const char *key, size_t keylen,
- const Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo)
- const char *ckey = "(null)";
- size_t size;
- /* generate hkey from file+key+load opts */
- memcpy(hkey, path, pathlen);
- size = pathlen;
- memcpy(hkey + size, "//://", 5);
- size += 5;
- if (key) ckey = key;
- else keylen = 6;
- memcpy(hkey + size, ckey, keylen);
- size += keylen;
- if (lo)
- {
- memcpy(hkey + size, "//@/", 4);
- size += 4;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_down_by, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = '/';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_dtoa(lo->emile.dpi, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = '/';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.w, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = 'x';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.h, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = '/';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.region.x, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = '+';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.region.y, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = '.';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.region.w, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = 'x';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.region.h, hkey + size);
- hkey[size++] = '!';
- hkey[size++] = '(';
- hkey[size] = '[';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.src_x, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = ',';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.src_y, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = ':';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.src_w, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = 'x';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.src_h, hkey + size);
- hkey[size++] = ']';
- hkey[size++] = '-';
- hkey[size] = '[';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.dst_w, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = 'x';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.dst_h, hkey + size);
- hkey[size] = ':';
- size += 1;
- size += eina_convert_xtoa(lo->emile.scale_load.smooth, hkey + size);
- hkey[size++] = ']';
- hkey[size++] = ')';
- if (lo->emile.orientation)
- {
- hkey[size] = '/';
- size += 1;
- hkey[size] = 'o';
- size += 1;
- }
- }
- hkey[size] = '\0';
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_open(Evas_Cache2 *cache, const char *path, const char *key,
- Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo, int *error)
- size_t size;
- size_t pathlen;
- size_t keylen;
- char *hkey;
- Image_Entry *im;
- int stat_done = 0, stat_failed = 0;
- struct stat st;
- Image_Timestamp tstamp;
- Evas_Image_Load_Opts prevent;
- if (!path)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(&prevent, 0, sizeof (Evas_Image_Load_Opts));
- pathlen = strlen(path);
- keylen = key ? strlen(key) : 6;
- size = pathlen + keylen + HKEY_LOAD_OPTS_STR_LEN;
- hkey = alloca(sizeof(char) * size);
- evas_cache2_image_cache_key_create(hkey, path, pathlen, key, keylen, lo);
- DBG("Looking at the hash for key '%s'", hkey);
- /* use local var to copy default load options to the image entry */
- if ((!lo) ||
- (lo &&
- (lo->emile.scale_down_by == 0) &&
- (EINA_DBL_EQ(lo->emile.dpi, 0.0)) &&
- ((lo->emile.w == 0) || (lo->emile.h == 0)) &&
- ((lo->emile.region.w == 0) || (lo->emile.region.h == 0)) &&
- ((lo->emile.scale_load.dst_w == 0) || (lo->emile.scale_load.dst_h == 0)) &&
- (lo->emile.orientation == 0)
- ))
- {
- lo = &prevent;
- }
- im = eina_hash_find(cache->activ, hkey);
- if (im)
- {
- int ok = 1;
- DBG("Found entry on active hash for key: '%s'", hkey);
- stat_done = 1;
- if (stat(path, &st) < 0)
- {
- stat_failed = 1;
- ok = 0;
- }
- else if (!_timestamp_compare(&(im->tstamp), &st)) ok = 0;
- if (ok) goto on_ok;
- /* image we found doesn't match what's on disk (stat info wise)
- * so dirty the active cache entry so we never find it again. this
- * also implicitly guarantees that we only have 1 active copy
- * of an image at a given key. we wither find it and keep re-reffing
- * it or we dirty it and get it out */
- DBG("Entry on inactive hash was invalid (file changed or deleted).");
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(im);
- im = NULL;
- }
- im = eina_hash_find(cache->inactiv, hkey);
- if (im)
- {
- int ok = 1;
- DBG("Found entry on inactive hash for key: '%s'", hkey);
- if (!stat_done)
- {
- stat_done = 1;
- if (stat(path, &st) < 0)
- {
- stat_failed = 1;
- ok = 0;
- }
- else if (!_timestamp_compare(&(im->tstamp), &st)) ok = 0;
- }
- else if (!_timestamp_compare(&(im->tstamp), &st)) ok = 0;
- if (ok)
- {
- /* remove from lru and make it active again */
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(im);
- _evas_cache2_image_activ_add(im);
- goto on_ok;
- }
- DBG("Entry on inactive hash was invalid (file changed or deleted).");
- /* as active cache find - if we match in lru and its invalid, dirty */
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(im);
- /* this image never used, so it have to be deleted */
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- im = NULL;
- }
- if (stat_failed) goto on_stat_error;
- if (!stat_done)
- {
- if (stat(path, &st) < 0) goto on_stat_error;
- }
- _timestamp_build(&tstamp, &st);
- DBG("Creating a new entry for key '%s'.", hkey);
- im = _evas_cache2_image_entry_new(cache, hkey, &tstamp, path, key,
- lo, error);
- if (!im) goto on_stat_error;
- DBG("Using entry on hash for key '%s'", hkey);
- im->references++;
- return im;
-#ifndef _WIN32
- if ((errno == ENOENT) || (errno == ENOTDIR) ||
- (errno == ENAMETOOLONG) || (errno == ELOOP))
- if (errno == ENOENT)
-#ifndef _WIN32
- else if ((errno == ENOMEM) || (errno == EOVERFLOW))
- else if (errno == ENOMEM)
- else if (errno == EACCES)
- else
- return NULL;
-EAPI int
-evas_cache2_image_open_wait(Image_Entry *im)
- DBG("Wait for open image '%s' '%s'", im->file, im->key);
- if (evas_cserve2_image_load_wait(im) != CSERVE2_NONE)
-static Image_Entry *
-_scaled_image_find(Image_Entry *im, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w,
- int src_h, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth)
- size_t pathlen, keylen, size;
- char *hkey;
- Evas_Image_Load_Opts lo;
- Image_Entry *ret;
- if ((!im->file) || (!im->data1) ||
- ((src_w == dst_w) && (src_h == dst_h)) ||
- ((!im->flags.alpha) && (!smooth))) return NULL;
- pathlen = strlen(im->file);
- keylen = im->key ? strlen(im->key) : 6;
- size = pathlen + keylen + HKEY_LOAD_OPTS_STR_LEN;
- hkey = alloca(sizeof(char) * size);
- memcpy(&lo, &im->load_opts, sizeof lo);
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_x = src_x;
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_y = src_y;
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_w = src_w;
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_h = src_h;
- lo.emile.scale_load.dst_w = dst_w;
- lo.emile.scale_load.dst_h = dst_h;
- lo.emile.scale_load.smooth = smooth;
- if (!smooth)
- {
- lo.emile.scale_load.smooth = 1;
- evas_cache2_image_cache_key_create(hkey, im->file, pathlen,
- im->key, keylen, &lo);
- ret = eina_hash_find(im->cache2->activ, hkey);
- if (ret) goto found;
- ret = eina_hash_find(im->cache2->inactiv, hkey);
- if (ret) goto handle_inactiv;
- lo.emile.scale_load.smooth = smooth;
- }
- evas_cache2_image_cache_key_create(hkey, im->file, pathlen,
- im->key, keylen, &lo);
- ret = eina_hash_find(im->cache2->activ, hkey);
- if (ret) goto found;
- ret = eina_hash_find(im->cache2->inactiv, hkey);
- handle_inactiv:
- if (!ret) return NULL;
- /* Remove from lru and make it active again */
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_del(ret);
- _evas_cache2_image_activ_add(ret);
- found:
- if (evas_cache2_image_load_data(ret) != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
- return NULL;
- ret->references++;
- return ret;
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_scale_load(Image_Entry *im,
- int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h,
- int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth)
- size_t pathlen, keylen, size;
- char *hkey;
- Evas_Image_Load_Opts lo;
- int error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE;
- Image_Entry *ret;
- if (!im->cache2)
- return im;
- if (!smooth && im->scale_hint != EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC)
- goto parent_out;
- // Concept from scalecache: don't cache large images.
- if (((((dst_w > 640) || (dst_h > 640)) &&
- ((dst_w * dst_h) > (480 * 480))) ||
- (im->scale_hint == EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC)) &&
- (im->scale_hint != EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_DYNAMIC))
- goto parent_out;
- if ((!im->file) ||
- ((src_w == 0) || (src_h == 0) || (dst_w == 0) || (dst_h == 0)) ||
- (im->scale_hint == EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_DYNAMIC)) goto parent_out;
- if (((src_w == dst_w) && (src_h == dst_h)) ||
- ((!im->flags.alpha) && (!smooth))) goto parent_out;
- ret = _scaled_image_find(im, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h,
- dst_w, dst_h, smooth);
- if (ret) return ret;
- pathlen = strlen(im->file);
- keylen = im->key ? strlen(im->key) : 6;
- size = pathlen + keylen + HKEY_LOAD_OPTS_STR_LEN;
- hkey = alloca(sizeof(char) * size);
- memcpy(&lo, &im->load_opts, sizeof lo);
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_x = src_x;
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_y = src_y;
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_w = src_w;
- lo.emile.scale_load.src_h = src_h;
- lo.emile.scale_load.dst_w = dst_w;
- lo.emile.scale_load.dst_h = dst_h;
- lo.emile.scale_load.smooth = smooth;
- lo.emile.scale_load.scale_hint = (Emile_Image_Scale_Hint) im->scale_hint;
- evas_cache2_image_cache_key_create(hkey, im->file, pathlen,
- im->key, keylen, &lo);
- ret = _evas_cache2_image_entry_new(im->cache2, hkey, NULL, im->file, im->key,
- &lo, &error);
- if ((!ret) || (error != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE))
- {
- ERR("Failed to create scale image entry with error code %d.", error);
- if (ret) _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(im->cache2, ret);
- goto parent_out;
- }
- evas_cserve2_image_load_wait(ret);
- error = evas_cache2_image_load_data(ret);
- if (error != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
- {
- if (ret) _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(im->cache2, ret);
- goto parent_out;
- }
- ret->references++;
- ret->w = dst_w;
- ret->h = dst_h;
- return ret;
- parent_out:
- evas_cache2_image_load_data(im);
- return im;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_ref(Image_Entry *im)
- im->references++;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_close(Image_Entry *im)
- Evas_Cache2 *cache;
- int references;
- im->references--;
- if (im->references < 0)
- {
- ERR("image with negative references: %d", im->references);
- im->references = 0;
- }
- references = im->references;
- cache = im->cache2;
- if (references > 0)
- return;
- if (im->flags.dirty || im->animated.animated)
- {
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- return;
- }
- _evas_cache2_image_lru_add(im);
- if (cache)
- evas_cache2_flush(cache);
-EAPI int
-evas_cache2_image_load_data(Image_Entry *ie)
- int error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE;
- if ((ie->flags.loaded) && (!ie->animated.animated))
- {
- evas_cserve2_image_hit(ie);
- }
- ie->flags.in_progress = EINA_TRUE;
- DBG("try cserve2 image data '%s' '%s'",
- ie->file, ie->key ? ie->key : "");
- if (evas_cserve2_image_data_load(ie))
- {
- error = evas_cserve2_image_load_data_wait(ie);
- RGBA_Image *im = (RGBA_Image *)ie;
- if ((error == CSERVE2_NONE) && im->
- {
- DBG("try cserve2 image data '%s' '%s' loaded!",
- ie->file, ie->key ? ie->key : "");
- }
- else
- {
- ERR("Failed to load data for image '%s' '%s'.",
- ie->file, ie->key ? ie->key : "");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ERR("Couldn't send LOAD message to cserve2.");
- }
- ie->flags.in_progress = EINA_FALSE;
- ie->flags.loaded = 1;
- if (error != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
- ie->flags.loaded = 0;
- return error;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_unload_data(Image_Entry *im)
- // FIXME: This function seems pretty useless, since we always have
- // to send an UNLOAD message to the server when closing an image,
- // even if we didn't send a LOAD message before, because the SETOPTS
- // message increases the image refcount.
- if (im->flags.in_progress)
- return;
- if ((!im->file))
- return;
- if (!im->flags.loaded)
- return;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_preload_data(Image_Entry *im, const void *target, void (*preloaded_cb)(void *), void *preloaded_data)
- RGBA_Image *img = (RGBA_Image *)im;
- if ((im->flags.loaded) && (img->
- {
- evas_object_inform_call_image_preloaded((Evas_Object *)target);
- return;
- }
- if (!_evas_cache2_image_entry_preload_add(im, target, preloaded_cb, preloaded_data))
- evas_object_inform_call_image_preloaded((Evas_Object *)target);
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_image_preload_cancel(Image_Entry *im, const void *target)
- if (!target)
- return;
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_preload_remove(im, target);
-evas_cache2_image_pixels(Image_Entry *im)
- return im->cache2->func.surface_pixels(im);
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_writable(Image_Entry *im)
- Evas_Cache2 *cache = im->cache2;
- Image_Entry *im2 = NULL;
- if (!im->cache_key)
- {
- if (!im->flags.dirty)
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(im);
- return im;
- }
- im2 = evas_cache2_image_copied_data(cache, im->w, im->h,
- evas_cache2_image_pixels(im),
- im->flags.alpha, im->space);
- if (!im2)
- {
- ERR("Could not create a copy of this image (%dx%d)", im->w, im->h);
- return NULL;
- }
- evas_cache2_image_close(im);
- return im2;
-EAPI Image_Entry *
-evas_cache2_image_dirty(Image_Entry *im, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
- Evas_Cache2 *cache = im->cache2;
- Image_Entry *im2 = NULL;
- if (!im->cache_key)
- {
- if (!im->flags.dirty)
- _evas_cache2_image_dirty_add(im);
- im2 = im;
- }
- else
- {
- im2 = evas_cache2_image_copied_data(cache, im->w, im->h,
- evas_cache2_image_pixels(im),
- im->flags.alpha, im->space);
- if (!im2)
- goto on_error;
- evas_cache2_image_close(im);
- }
- if (cache->func.dirty_region)
- cache->func.dirty_region(im2, x, y, w, h);
- return im2;
- evas_cache2_image_close(im);
- return NULL;
-EAPI int
-evas_cache2_flush(Evas_Cache2 *cache)
- Eina_Inlist *cur, *prev;
- if (cache->limit == -1) return -1;
- if (!cache->lru) return cache->usage; // Should be 0
- //EINA_INLIST_FOREACH_REVERSE_SAFE(cache->lru, cur, prev, im)
- for (cur = cache->lru->last;
- cur && (cache->limit < cache->usage);
- cur = prev)
- {
- Image_Entry *im;
- prev = cur->prev;
- im = EINA_INLIST_CONTAINER_GET(cur, Image_Entry);
- _evas_cache2_image_entry_delete(cache, im);
- }
- return cache->usage;
-EAPI void
-evas_cache2_limit_set(Evas_Cache2 *cache, int limit)
- if (cache->limit == limit)
- return;
- DBG("Cache2 limit set to %d", limit);
- cache->limit = limit;
- evas_cache2_flush(cache);
-EAPI int
-evas_cache2_limit_get(Evas_Cache2 *cache)
- return cache->limit;
-EAPI int
-evas_cache2_usage_get(Evas_Cache2 *cache)
- return cache->usage;
diff --git a/src/lib/evas/cache2/evas_cache2.h b/src/lib/evas/cache2/evas_cache2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef9df8b55..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/evas/cache2/evas_cache2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _EVAS_CACHE2_H
-#define _EVAS_CACHE2_H
-typedef struct _Evas_Cache2_Image_Func Evas_Cache2_Image_Func;
-typedef struct _Evas_Cache2 Evas_Cache2;
-struct _Evas_Cache2_Image_Func
- // Image_Entry *(*alloc)(void);
- // void (*dealloc)(Image_Entry *im);
- /* The cache provide some helpers for surface manipulation. */
- int (*surface_alloc)(Image_Entry *im, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
- void (*surface_delete)(Image_Entry *im);
- DATA32 *(*surface_pixels)(Image_Entry *im);
- /* The cache is doing the allocation and deallocation, you must just do the rest. */
- // int (*constructor)(Image_Entry *im); /**< return is EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_* or EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE! */
- // void (*destructor)(Image_Entry *im);
- void (*dirty_region)(Image_Entry *im, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
- /* Only called when references > 0. Need to provide a fresh copie of im. */
- /* The destination surface does have a surface, but no allocated pixel data. */
- int (*dirty)(Image_Entry *dst, const Image_Entry *src);
- /* Only called when references == 1. We will call drop on `im'. */
- /* The destination surface does not have any surface. */
- int (*size_set)(Image_Entry *dst, const Image_Entry *src, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
- /* The destination surface does not have any surface. */
- int (*copied_data)(Image_Entry *dst, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
- /* The destination surface does not have any surface. */
- int (*data)(Image_Entry *dst, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
- int (*color_space)(Image_Entry *dst, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
- /* This function need to update im->w and im->h. */
- // int (*load)(Image_Entry *im); /**< return is EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_* or EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE! */
- int (*mem_size_get)(Image_Entry *im);
- void (*debug)(const char *context, Image_Entry *im);
-struct _Evas_Cache2
- Evas_Cache2_Image_Func func;
- Eina_List *preload;
- Eina_Hash *inactiv;
- Eina_Hash *activ;
- Eina_Inlist *dirty;
- Eina_Inlist *lru;
- int usage;
- int limit;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-EAPI Evas_Cache2* evas_cache2_init(const Evas_Cache2_Image_Func *cb);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_shutdown(Evas_Cache2 *cache);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_open(Evas_Cache2 *cache, const char *path, const char *key, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo, int *error);
-EAPI Image_Entry *evas_cache2_image_scale_load(Image_Entry *im, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth);
-EAPI int evas_cache2_image_open_wait(Image_Entry *im);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_ref(Image_Entry *im);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_close(Image_Entry *im);
-EAPI int evas_cache2_image_load_data(Image_Entry *ie);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_unload_data(Image_Entry *im);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_preload_data(Image_Entry *im, const void *target, void (*preloaded_cb)(void *data), void *data);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_preload_cancel(Image_Entry *im, const void *target);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_cache_key_create(char *hkey, const char *path, size_t pathlen, const char *key, size_t keylen, const Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo);
-EAPI DATA32 * evas_cache2_image_pixels(Image_Entry *im);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_writable(Image_Entry *im);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_data(Evas_Cache2 *cache, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_copied_data(Evas_Cache2 *cache, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_size_set(Image_Entry *im, unsigned int w, unsigned h);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_dirty(Image_Entry *im, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
-EAPI Image_Entry * evas_cache2_image_empty(Evas_Cache2 *cache);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_image_surface_alloc(Image_Entry *ie, int w, int h);
-EAPI Eina_Bool evas_cache2_image_cached(Image_Entry *ie);
-EAPI int evas_cache2_flush(Evas_Cache2 *cache);
-EAPI void evas_cache2_limit_set(Evas_Cache2 *cache, int limit);
-EAPI int evas_cache2_limit_get(Evas_Cache2 *cache);
-EAPI int evas_cache2_usage_get(Evas_Cache2 *cache);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _EVAS_CACHE2_H */