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authorXavi Artigas <>2019-05-31 11:18:24 +0000
committerMarcel Hollerbach <>2019-06-20 17:03:09 +0200
commitff97b0ed3dec3e156c9400dba745660643557fd2 (patch)
parent89102ecbd3bb99c996d7b34fbbb55900686200bc (diff)
Efl.Ui.Radio: Update docs
Ref T7867 Reviewed-by: Marcel Hollerbach <> Differential Revision:
4 files changed, 63 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio.eo b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio.eo
index bd7475775c..790d2237f6 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio.eo
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio.eo
@@ -1,22 +1,36 @@
class @beta Efl.Ui.Radio extends Efl.Ui.Check implements Efl.Access.Widget.Action
- [[Elementary radio class]]
+ [[Elementary radio button class.
+ Radio buttons are like check boxes in that they can be either checked or unchecked.
+ However, radio buttons are always bunched together in groups, and only one button in
+ each group can be checked at any given time. Pressing a different button in the group
+ will automatically uncheck any previously checked button.
+ They are a common way to allow a user to select one option among a list.
+ To handle button grouping, you can either use an @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group object (obtained
+ through @.group_create) or use more convenient widgets like @Efl.Ui.Radio_Box.
+ ]]
methods {
@property state_value {
- set {
- [[Set the integer value that this radio object represents.
+ [[Integer value that this radio button represents.
- This sets the value of the radio.
- ]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get the integer value that this radio object represents.
+ Each radio button in a group must have a unique value. The selected button in a group
+ can then be set or retrieved through the @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.selected_value property.
+ This value is also informed through the @[Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.value,changed] event.
- This gets the value of the radio.
- ]]
- }
+ All non-negative values are legal but keep in mind that 0 is the starting value for all new groups:
+ If no button in the group has this value, then no button in the group is initially
+ selected. -1 is the value that @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.selected_value returns when no button
+ is selected and therefore cannot be used.
+ ]]
+ set {}
+ get {}
values {
- value: int; [[The value to use if this radio object is selected.]]
+ value: int; [[The value to use when this radio button is selected.
+ Any value can be used but 0 and -1 have special meanings as described
+ above.]]
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_box.eo b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_box.eo
index 07cfb81bbc..aa2d91c835 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_box.eo
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_box.eo
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
class @beta Efl.Ui.Radio_Box extends Efl.Ui.Box implements Efl.Ui.Radio_Group
- methods {
- }
+ [[A standard @Efl.Ui.Box container which automatically handles grouping of any @Efl.Ui.Radio
+ widget added to it.
+ All @Efl.Ui.Radio widgets are added to the same internal group which you only indirectly
+ access through this object.
+ ]]
implements {
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group.eo b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group.eo
index c19636308c..34f0d7b907 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group.eo
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group.eo
@@ -1,50 +1,62 @@
interface @beta Efl.Ui.Radio_Group
- [[A object for organising a group of radio buttons
+ [[Interface for manually handling a group of @Efl.Ui.Radio buttons.
- A group of radio buttons is a set of pair-wise different values. (Where values are the assosiated values of each radio button)
- At any point of time only 1 or 0 buttons can be selected. If a new button is selected, the previous selected button will be unselected.
+ See the documentation of @Efl.Ui.Radio for an explanation of radio button grouping.
methods {
@property selected_object {
- [[Which object is currently selected in the group
+ [[Currently selected button in a radio button group, or $NULL if no button is selected.
- $NULL if no object is selected.
+ See also @.selected_value.
values {
- selected_object : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The selected radio button in the group, $NULL for no object]]
+ selected_object : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The currently selected radio button in the group, or $NULL.]]
@property selected_value {
- [[Each group has a selected value, representing which radio group is selected.
+ [[The value associated with the currently selected button in the group.
+ Give each radio button in the group a different value using @Efl.Ui.Radio.state_value.
- A value of -1 here does represent that no button is selected.
- Possible values here are only those that are assisiated with a registered radio button.
+ A value of -1 means that no button is selected.
+ Only values associated with the buttons in the group (and -1) can be used.
values {
- selected_value : int; [[The value of the selection state]]
+ selected_value : int; [[The value of the currently selected radio button, or -1.]]
register {
- [[Register a new radio button to this group.
+ [[Register a new @Efl.Ui.Radio button to this group.
+ Keep in mind that registering to a group will only handle button grouping, you still
+ need to add the button to a layout for it to be rendered.
- The assosiated value of the radio button must not collide with any other assosiated value of registered buttons.
+ If the @Efl.Ui.Radio.state_value of the new button is already used by a previous
+ button in the group, the button will not be added.
+ See also @.unregister.
params {
- radio : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The radio button to regsiter]]
+ radio : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The radio button to add to the group.]]
unregister {
- [[Unregsiter a before registered button from this group.
+ [[Unregister an @Efl.Ui.Radio button from this group.
+ This will unlink the behavior of this button from the other buttons in the group,
+ but if it still belongs to a layout, it will still be rendered.
+ If the button was not registered in the group the call is ignored.
+ If the button was selected, no button will be selected in the group after this call.
- if the button was selected before, no object will be selected afterwards.
+ See also @.register.
params {
- radio : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The radio button to unregister]]
+ radio : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The radio button to remove from the group.]]
events {
- value,changed : int; [[Emitted each time the $selected_value has changed.]]
+ value,changed : int; [[Emitted each time the $selected_value changes. The event information
+ contains the @Efl.Ui.Radio.state_value of the newly selected button or
+ -1 if no button is now selected.]]
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group_impl.eo b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group_impl.eo
index 82204cf386..bc41093526 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group_impl.eo
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_group_impl.eo
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
class @beta Efl.Ui.Radio_Group_Impl extends Efl.Object implements Efl.Ui.Radio_Group
+ [[Object with the default implementation for @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.
+ ]]
implements {