diff options
authorDaniel Kolesa <>2016-05-12 12:04:18 +0100
committerDaniel Kolesa <>2016-05-12 12:04:18 +0100
commit56edc594c35f1ee115d1f69ea5c47377a7ef7823 (patch)
parent6760e05968a5f2939a484dd962ec48d44100dd0b (diff)
parent57ca910dbceb22c414902e9bd3d409f1668f1463 (diff)
docs: add an experimental elua based documentation generatordevs/q66/docgen
This is an Eolian-using doc gen written with Elua. It will be used to generate the Dokuwiki skeleton for new EFL docs. @feature
2 files changed, 1780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/scripts/elua/apps/docgen/ b/src/scripts/elua/apps/docgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b501ddfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/elua/apps/docgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# docgen
+This is the upcoming documentation generator for EFL. It takes documentation
+described in Eo files and turns it into a DokuWiki structure (with possibility
+of adapting it to other systems later on).
+Use the supplied script to generate. By default, it assumes that a
+directory called "dokuwiki" is present in the current directory, so symlink
+your dokuwiki setup into it (or change the path).
diff --git a/src/scripts/elua/apps/docgen/gendoc.lua b/src/scripts/elua/apps/docgen/gendoc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b8b710f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/elua/apps/docgen/gendoc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1771 @@
+local eolian = require("eolian")
+local getopt = require("getopt")
+local cutil = require("cutil")
+local util = require("util")
+local ffi = require("ffi")
+local global_opts = {}
+-- utils
+local path_sep, rep_sep = "/", "\\"
+if ffi.os == "Windows" then
+ path_sep, rep_sep = rep_sep, path_sep
+local path_join = function(...)
+ return table.concat({ ... }, path_sep):gsub(rep_sep, path_sep)
+local path_to_nspace = function(p)
+ return p:gsub(rep_sep, ":"):gsub(path_sep, ":"):lower()
+local nspace_to_path = function(ns)
+ return ns:gsub(":", path_sep):gsub(rep_sep, path_sep):lower()
+local make_page = function(path)
+ return path_join(global_opts.doc_root, path .. ".txt")
+local mkdir_r = function(dirn)
+ local dr = global_opts.doc_root
+ assert(cutil.file_mkpath(dirn and path_join(dr, dirn) or dr))
+local mkdir_p = function(path)
+ mkdir_r(path:match("(.+)" .. path_sep .. "([^" .. path_sep .. "]+)"))
+local str_split = function(str, delim)
+ if not str then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local s, e = str:find(delim, 1, true)
+ if not s then
+ return { str }
+ end
+ local t = {}
+ while s do
+ t[#t + 1] = str:sub(1, s - 1)
+ str = str:sub(e + 1)
+ s, e = str:find(delim, 1, true)
+ if not s then
+ t[#t + 1] = str
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- translation tables and funcs
+local classt_to_str = {
+ [eolian.class_type.REGULAR] = "class",
+ [eolian.class_type.ABSTRACT] = "class",
+ [eolian.class_type.MIXIN] = "mixin",
+ [eolian.class_type.INTERFACE] = "interface"
+local funct_to_str = {
+ [eolian.function_type.PROPERTY] = "property",
+ [eolian.function_type.PROP_GET] = "property",
+ [eolian.function_type.PROP_SET] = "property",
+ [eolian.function_type.METHOD] = "method"
+local decl_to_nspace = function(decl)
+ local dt = eolian.declaration_type
+ local decltypes = {
+ [dt.ALIAS] = "alias",
+ [dt.STRUCT] = "struct",
+ [dt.ENUM] = "enum",
+ [dt.VAR] = "var"
+ }
+ local ns = decltypes[decl:type_get()]
+ if ns then
+ return ns
+ elseif decl:type_get() == dt.CLASS then
+ local ret = classt_to_str[decl:class_get():type_get()]
+ if not ret then
+ error("unknown class type for class '" .. decl:name_get() .. "'")
+ end
+ return ret
+ else
+ error("unknown declaration type for declaration '"
+ .. decl:name_get() .. "'")
+ end
+local gen_nsp_eo = function(eobj, subn, root)
+ local tbl = eobj:namespaces_get():to_array()
+ for i = 1, #tbl do
+ tbl[i] = tbl[i]:lower()
+ end
+ table.insert(tbl, 1, subn)
+ tbl[#tbl + 1] = eobj:name_get():lower()
+ if root then
+ tbl[#tbl + 1] = true
+ end
+ return tbl
+local gen_nsp_class = function(cl, root)
+ return gen_nsp_eo(cl, classt_to_str[cl:type_get()], root)
+local gen_nsp_func = function(fn, cl, root)
+ local tbl = gen_nsp_class(cl)
+ tbl[#tbl + 1] = funct_to_str[fn:type_get()]
+ tbl[#tbl + 1] = fn:name_get():lower()
+ if root then
+ tbl[#tbl + 1] = true
+ end
+ return tbl
+local gen_nsp_ref
+gen_nsp_ref = function(str, root)
+ local decl = eolian.declaration_get_by_name(str)
+ if decl then
+ local t = { decl_to_nspace(decl) }
+ for tok in str:gmatch("[^%.]+") do
+ t[#t + 1] = tok:lower()
+ end
+ if root then t[#t + 1] = true end
+ return t
+ end
+ -- field or func
+ local bstr = str:match("(.+)%.[^.]+")
+ if not bstr then
+ error("invalid reference '" .. str .. "'")
+ end
+ local sfx = str:sub(#bstr + 1)
+ decl = eolian.declaration_get_by_name(bstr)
+ if decl then
+ local dt = eolian.declaration_type
+ local tp = decl:type_get()
+ if tp == dt.STRUCT or tp == dt.ENUM then
+ -- TODO: point to the actual item
+ return gen_nsp_ref(bstr, root)
+ end
+ end
+ local ftp = eolian.function_type
+ local cl = eolian.class_get_by_name(bstr)
+ local fn
+ local ftype = ftp.UNRESOLVED
+ if not cl then
+ if sfx == ".get" then
+ ftype = ftp.PROP_GET
+ elseif sfx == ".set" then
+ ftype = ftp.PROP_SET
+ end
+ local mname
+ if ftype ~= ftp.UNRESOLVED then
+ mname = bstr:match(".+%.([^.]+)")
+ if not mname then
+ error("invalid reference '" .. str .. "'")
+ end
+ bstr = bstr:match("(.+)%.[^.]+")
+ cl = eolian.class_get_by_name(bstr)
+ if cl then
+ fn = cl:function_get_by_name(mname, ftype)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ fn = cl:function_get_by_name(sfx:sub(2), ftype)
+ if fn then ftype = fn:type_get() end
+ end
+ if not fn or not funct_to_str[ftype] then
+ error("invalid reference '" .. str .. "'")
+ end
+ local ret = gen_nsp_ref(bstr)
+ ret[#ret + 1] = funct_to_str[ftype]
+ ret[#ret + 1] = fn:name_get():lower()
+ if root then ret[#ret + 1] = true end
+ return ret
+-- statistics
+local stats = {}
+local stats_pd = function(n)
+ local ret = 0
+ if n == 0 then
+ return 1
+ end
+ while (n ~= 0) do
+ n = math.floor(n / 10)
+ ret = ret + 1
+ end
+ return ret
+local fcol = 30
+local ncol = 0
+local print_stat = function(printname, statname, sub)
+ local sv = stats[statname] or 0
+ local svu = stats[statname .. "_undoc"] or 0
+ local percent = (sv == 0) and 100 or math.floor(((sv - svu) / sv) * 100 + 0.5)
+ local tb = (" "):rep(math.max(0, fcol - #printname - 1) + ncol - stats_pd(sv))
+ local dtb = (" "):rep(ncol - stats_pd(sv - svu))
+ local ptb = (" "):rep(3 - stats_pd(percent))
+ print(("%s:%s%d (documented: %s%d or %s%d%%)")
+ :format(printname, tb, sv, dtb, sv - svu, ptb, percent))
+local print_stats = function()
+ for k, v in pairs(stats) do
+ ncol = math.max(ncol, stats_pd(v))
+ end
+ print("=== CLASS SECTION ===\n")
+ print_stat("Classes", "class")
+ print_stat("Interfaces", "interface")
+ print_stat("Mixins", "mixin")
+ print_stat("Events", "event")
+ print("\n=== FUNCTION SECTION ===\n")
+ print_stat("Methods", "method")
+ print_stat(" Method params", "param")
+ print_stat(" Method returns", "mret")
+ print_stat("Getters", "getter")
+ print_stat(" Getter returns", "gret")
+ print_stat(" Getter keys", "gkey")
+ print_stat(" Getter values", "gvalue")
+ print_stat("Setters", "setter")
+ print_stat(" Setter returns", "sret")
+ print_stat(" Setter keys", "skey")
+ print_stat(" Setter values", "svalue")
+ print("\n=== TYPE SECTION ===\n")
+ print_stat("Aliases", "alias")
+ print_stat("Structs", "struct")
+ print_stat("Struct fields", "sfield")
+ print_stat("Enums", "enum")
+ print_stat("Enum fields", "efield")
+ print("\n=== VARIABLE SECTION ===\n")
+ print_stat("Constants", "constant")
+ print_stat("Globals", "global")
+local stat_incr = function(name, missing)
+ if not stats[name] then
+ stats[name], stats[name .. "_undoc"] = 0, 0
+ end
+ stats[name] = stats[name] + 1
+ if missing then
+ stats[name .. "_undoc"] = stats[name .. "_undoc"] + 1
+ end
+local print_missing = function(name, tp)
+ if not global_opts.verbose then
+ return
+ end
+ print(tp .. " '" .. name .. "'" .. " missing documentation")
+local check_class = function(cl)
+ local ct = classt_to_str[cl:type_get()]
+ if not ct then
+ return
+ end
+ if not cl:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(cl:full_name_get(), ct)
+ stat_incr(ct, true)
+ else
+ stat_incr(ct, false)
+ end
+ for ev in cl:events_get() do
+ if not ev:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. ev:name_get(), "event")
+ stat_incr("event", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("event", false)
+ end
+ end
+local check_method = function(fn, cl)
+ local fts = eolian.function_type
+ local fulln = cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. fn:name_get()
+ if fn:return_type_get(fts.METHOD) then
+ if not fn:return_documentation_get(fts.METHOD) then
+ print_missing(fulln, "method return")
+ stat_incr("mret", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("mret", false)
+ end
+ end
+ if not fn:documentation_get(fts.METHOD) then
+ print_missing(fulln, "method")
+ stat_incr("method", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("method", false)
+ end
+ for p in fn:parameters_get() do
+ if not p:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(fulln .. "." .. p:name_get(), "method parameter")
+ stat_incr("param", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("param", false)
+ end
+ end
+local check_property = function(fn, cl, ft)
+ local fts = eolian.function_type
+ local pfxs = {
+ [fts.PROP_GET] = "g",
+ [fts.PROP_SET] = "s",
+ }
+ local pfx = pfxs[ft]
+ local fulln = cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. fn:name_get()
+ if fn:return_type_get(ft) then
+ if not fn:return_documentation_get(ft) then
+ print_missing(fulln, pfx .. "etter return")
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "ret", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "ret", false)
+ end
+ end
+ if not fn:documentation_get(fts.PROPERTY) and not fn:documentation_get(ft) then
+ print_missing(fulln, pfx .. "etter")
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "etter", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "etter", false)
+ end
+ for p in fn:property_keys_get(ft) do
+ if not p:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(fulln .. "." .. p:name_get(), pfx .. "etter key")
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "key", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "key", false)
+ end
+ end
+ for p in fn:property_values_get(ft) do
+ if not p:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(fulln .. "." .. p:name_get(), pfx .. "etter value")
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "value", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr(pfx .. "value", false)
+ end
+ end
+local check_alias = function(v)
+ if not v:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "alias")
+ stat_incr("alias", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("alias", false)
+ end
+local check_struct = function(v)
+ if not v:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "struct")
+ stat_incr("struct", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("struct", false)
+ end
+ for fl in v:struct_fields_get() do
+ if not fl:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get() .. "." .. fl:name_get(), "struct field")
+ stat_incr("sfield", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("sfield", false)
+ end
+ end
+local check_enum = function(v)
+ if not v:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "enum")
+ stat_incr("enum", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("enum", false)
+ end
+ for fl in v:enum_fields_get() do
+ if not fl:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get() .. "." .. fl:name_get(), "enum field")
+ stat_incr("efield", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("efield", false)
+ end
+ end
+local check_constant = function(v)
+ if not v:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "constant")
+ stat_incr("constant", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("constant", false)
+ end
+local check_global = function(v)
+ if not v:documentation_get() then
+ print_missing(v:full_name_get(), "global")
+ stat_incr("global", true)
+ else
+ stat_incr("global", false)
+ end
+-- generator
+local Writer = util.Object:clone {
+ __ctor = function(self, path)
+ local subs
+ if type(path) == "table" then
+ subs = path_join(unpack(path))
+ else
+ subs = nspace_to_path(path)
+ end
+ mkdir_p(subs)
+ self.file = assert(, "w"))
+ end,
+ write_raw = function(self, ...)
+ self.file:write(...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_nl = function(self, n)
+ self:write_raw(("\n"):rep(n or 1))
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_h = function(self, heading, level, nonl)
+ local s = ("="):rep(7 - level)
+ self:write_raw(s, " ", heading, " ", s, "\n")
+ if not nonl then
+ self:write_nl()
+ end
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_fmt = function(self, fmt1, fmt2, ...)
+ self:write_raw(fmt1, ...)
+ self:write_raw(fmt2)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_b = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("**", "**", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_i = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("//", "//", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_u = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("__", "__", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_s = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("<del>", "</del>", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_m = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("''", "''", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_sub = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("<sub>", "</sub>", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_sup = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("<sup>", "</sup>", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_br = function(self, nl)
+ self:write_raw("\\\\", nl and "\n" or " ")
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_pre_inline = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("%%", "%%", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_pre = function(self, ...)
+ self:write_fmt("<nowiki>\n", "\n</nowiki>", ...)
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_code = function(self, str, lang)
+ lang = lang and (" " .. lang) or ""
+ self:write_raw("<code" .. lang .. ">\n", str, "\n</code>\n")
+ end,
+ write_link = function(self, target, title)
+ if type(target) == "table" then
+ if target[#target] == true then
+ target[#target] = nil
+ target = ":" .. global_opts.root_nspace .. ":"
+ .. table.concat(target, ":")
+ else
+ target = table.concat(target, ":")
+ end
+ end
+ if not title then
+ self:write_raw("[[", target:lower(), "|", target, "]]")
+ return
+ end
+ target = target:lower()
+ if type(title) == "string" then
+ self:write_raw("[[", target, "|", title, "]]")
+ return self
+ end
+ self:write_raw("[[", target, "|")
+ title(self)
+ self:write_raw("]]")
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_graph = function(self, tbl)
+ self:write_raw("<graphviz>\n")
+ self:write_raw("digraph ", tbl.type, " {\n")
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl.attrs or {}) do
+ self:write_raw(" ", k, " = \"", v, "\"\n")
+ end
+ local write_node = function(nname, attrs)
+ self:write_raw(" ", nname, " [")
+ local first = true
+ for k, v in pairs(attrs) do
+ if not first then
+ self:write_raw(", ")
+ end
+ self:write_raw(k, " = \"", v, "\"")
+ first = false
+ end
+ self:write_raw("]\n")
+ end
+ if tbl.node then
+ self:write_nl()
+ write_node("node", tbl.node)
+ end
+ if tbl.edge then
+ if not tbl.node then self:write_nl() end
+ write_node("edge", tbl.edge)
+ end
+ self:write_nl()
+ for i, v in ipairs(tbl.nodes) do
+ local nname =
+ = nil
+ write_node(nname, v)
+ end
+ self:write_nl()
+ for i, v in ipairs(tbl.connections) do
+ local from, to, sep = v[1], v[2], (v[3] or "->")
+ if type(from) == "table" then
+ self:write_raw(" {", table.concat(from, ", "), "}")
+ else
+ self:write_raw(" ", from)
+ end
+ self:write_raw(" ", sep, " ")
+ if type(to) == "table" then
+ self:write_raw("{", table.concat(to, ", "), "}")
+ else
+ self:write_raw(to)
+ end
+ self:write_nl()
+ end
+ self:write_raw("}\n</graphviz>")
+ end,
+ write_table = function(self, titles, tbl)
+ self:write_raw("^ ", table.concat(titles, " ^ "), " ^\n")
+ for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
+ self:write_raw("| ", table.concat(v, " | "), " |\n")
+ end
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_list = function(self, tbl, ord)
+ local prec = ord and "-" or "*"
+ for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
+ local lvl, str = 1, v
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ lvl, str = v[1] + 1, v[2]
+ end
+ local pbeg, pend = str:match("([^\n]+)\n(.+)")
+ if not pbeg then
+ pbeg = str
+ end
+ self:write_raw((" "):rep(lvl), prec, " ", str, "\n")
+ if pend then
+ self:write_raw(pend, "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_par_markup = function(self, str)
+ self:write_raw("%%")
+ local f = str:gmatch(".")
+ local c = f()
+ while c do
+ if c == "\\" then
+ c = f()
+ if c ~= "@" and c ~= "$" then
+ self:write_raw("\\")
+ end
+ self:write_raw(c)
+ c = f()
+ elseif c == "$" then
+ c = f()
+ if c and c:match("[a-zA-Z_]") then
+ local wbuf = { c }
+ c = f()
+ while c and c:match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]") do
+ wbuf[#wbuf + 1] = c
+ c = f()
+ end
+ self:write_raw("%%''" .. table.concat(wbuf) .. "''%%")
+ else
+ self:write_raw("$")
+ end
+ elseif c == "@" then
+ c = f()
+ if c and c:match("[a-zA-Z_]") then
+ local rbuf = { c }
+ c = f()
+ while c and c:match("[a-zA-Z0-9_.]") do
+ rbuf[#rbuf + 1] = c
+ c = f()
+ end
+ local ldot = false
+ if rbuf[#rbuf] == "." then
+ ldot = true
+ rbuf[#rbuf] = nil
+ end
+ local title = table.concat(rbuf)
+ self:write_raw("%%")
+ self:write_link(gen_nsp_ref(title, true), title)
+ self:write_raw("%%")
+ if ldot then
+ self:write_raw(".")
+ end
+ else
+ self:write_raw("@")
+ end
+ elseif c == "%" then
+ c = f()
+ if c == "%" then
+ c = f()
+ self:write_raw("%%<nowiki>%%</nowiki>%%")
+ else
+ self:write_raw("%")
+ end
+ else
+ self:write_raw(c)
+ c = f()
+ end
+ end
+ self:write_raw("%%")
+ return self
+ end,
+ write_par = function(self, str)
+ local notetypes = global_opts.use_notes and {
+ ["Note: "] = "<note>\n",
+ ["Warning: "] = "<note warning>\n",
+ ["Remark: "] = "<note tip>\n",
+ ["TODO: "] = "<note>\n**TODO:** "
+ } or {}
+ local tag
+ for k, v in pairs(notetypes) do
+ if str:match("^" .. k) then
+ tag = v
+ str = str:sub(#k + 1)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if tag then
+ self:write_raw(tag)
+ self:write_par_markup(str)
+ self:write_raw("\n</note>")
+ else
+ self:write_par_markup(str)
+ end
+ return self
+ end,
+ finish = function(self)
+ self.file:close()
+ end
+local Buffer = Writer:clone {
+ __ctor = function(self)
+ self.buf = {}
+ end,
+ write_raw = function(self, ...)
+ for i, v in ipairs({ ... }) do
+ self.buf[#self.buf + 1] = v
+ end
+ return self
+ end,
+ finish = function(self)
+ self.result = table.concat(self.buf)
+ self.buf = {}
+ return self.result
+ end
+-- eolian to various doc elements conversions
+local wrap_type_attrs = function(tp, str)
+ if tp:is_const() then
+ str = "const(" .. str .. ")"
+ end
+ if tp:is_own() then
+ str = "own(" .. str .. ")"
+ end
+ local ffunc = tp:free_func_get()
+ if ffunc then
+ str = "free(" .. str .. ", " .. ffunc .. ")"
+ end
+ return str
+local get_type_str
+get_type_str = function(tp)
+ local tps = eolian.type_type
+ local tpt = tp:type_get()
+ if tpt == tps.UNKNOWN then
+ error("unknown type: " .. tp:full_name_get())
+ elseif tpt == tps.VOID then
+ return wrap_type_attrs(tp, "void")
+ elseif tpt == tps.UNDEFINED then
+ return wrap_type_attrs(tp, "__undefined_type")
+ elseif tpt == tps.REGULAR or tpt == tps.CLASS then
+ return wrap_type_attrs(tp, tp:full_name_get())
+ elseif tpt == tps.COMPLEX then
+ local stypes = {}
+ for stp in tp:subtypes_get() do
+ stypes[#stypes + 1] = get_type_str(stp)
+ end
+ return wrap_type_attrs(tp, tp:full_name_get() .. "<"
+ .. table.concat(stypes, ", ") .. ">")
+ elseif tpt == tps.POINTER then
+ local btp = tp:base_type_get()
+ local suffix = " *"
+ if btp:type_get() == tps.POINTER then
+ suffix = "*"
+ end
+ return wrap_type_attrs(tp, get_type_str(btp) .. suffix)
+ end
+ error("unhandled type type: " .. tpt)
+local add_typedecl_attrs = function(tp, buf)
+ if tp:is_extern() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@extern "
+ end
+ local ffunc = tp:free_func_get()
+ if ffunc then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@free("
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ffunc
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ") "
+ end
+local get_typedecl_str = function(tp)
+ local tps = eolian.typedecl_type
+ local tpt = tp:type_get()
+ if tpt == tps.UNKNOWN then
+ error("unknown typedecl: " .. tp:full_name_get())
+ elseif tpt == tps.STRUCT or tpt == tps.STRUCT_OPAQUE then
+ local buf = { "struct " }
+ add_typedecl_attrs(tp, buf)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = tp:full_name_get()
+ if tpt == tps.STRUCT_OPAQUE then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ";"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ end
+ local fields = tp:struct_fields_get():to_array()
+ if #fields == 0 then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " {}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " {\n"
+ for i, fld in ipairs(fields) do
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = fld:name_get()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ": "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = get_type_str(fld:type_get())
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ";\n"
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ elseif tpt == tps.ENUM then
+ local buf = { "enum " }
+ add_typedecl_attrs(tp, buf)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = tp:full_name_get()
+ local fields = tp:enum_fields_get():to_array()
+ if #fields == 0 then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " {}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " {\n"
+ for i, fld in ipairs(fields) do
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = fld:name_get()
+ local val = fld:value_get()
+ if val then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ": "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = val:serialize()
+ end
+ if i == #fields then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "\n"
+ else
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ",\n"
+ end
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ elseif tpt == tps.ALIAS then
+ local buf = { "type " }
+ add_typedecl_attrs(tp, buf)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = tp:full_name_get()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ": "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = get_type_str(tp:base_type_get())
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ";"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ end
+ error("unhandled typedecl type: " .. tpt)
+local gen_doc_refd = function(str)
+ if not str then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local pars = str_split(str, "\n\n")
+ for i = 1, #pars do
+ pars[i] = Buffer():write_par(pars[i]):finish()
+ end
+ return table.concat(pars, "\n\n")
+local get_fallback_fdoc = function(f, ftype)
+ if not ftype then
+ local ft = f:type_get()
+ local ftt = eolian.function_type
+ if ft == ftt.PROP_GET or ft == ftt.PROP_SET then
+ ftype = ft
+ end
+ end
+ if ftype then
+ return f:documentation_get(ftype)
+ end
+ return nil
+local get_brief_doc = function(doc1, doc2)
+ if not doc1 and not doc2 then
+ return "No description supplied."
+ end
+ if not doc1 then
+ doc1, doc2 = doc2, doc1
+ end
+ return gen_doc_refd(doc1:summary_get())
+local get_brief_fdoc = function(f, ftype)
+ return get_brief_doc(f:documentation_get(eolian.function_type.METHOD),
+ get_fallback_fdoc(f, ftype))
+local get_full_doc = function(doc1, doc2)
+ if not doc1 and not doc2 then
+ return "No description supplied."
+ end
+ if not doc1 then
+ doc1, doc2 = doc2, doc1
+ end
+ local sum1 = doc1:summary_get()
+ local desc1 = doc1:description_get()
+ local edoc = ""
+ if doc2 then
+ local sum2 = doc2:summary_get()
+ local desc2 = doc2:description_get()
+ if not desc2 then
+ if sum2 then edoc = "\n\n" .. sum2 end
+ else
+ edoc = "\n\n" .. sum2 .. "\n\n" .. desc2
+ end
+ end
+ if not desc1 then
+ return gen_doc_refd(sum1 .. edoc)
+ end
+ return gen_doc_refd(sum1 .. "\n\n" .. desc1 .. edoc)
+local get_full_fdoc = function(f, ftype)
+ return get_full_doc(f:documentation_get(eolian.function_type.METHOD),
+ get_fallback_fdoc(f, ftype))
+local propt_to_type = {
+ [eolian.function_type.PROPERTY] = "(get, set)",
+ [eolian.function_type.PROP_GET] = "(get)",
+ [eolian.function_type.PROP_SET] = "(set)",
+local gen_func_sig = function(f, ftype)
+ ftype = ftype or eolian.function_type.METHOD
+local gen_cparam = function(par, out)
+ local part = par:type_get()
+ local tstr
+ out = out or (par:direction_get() == eolian.parameter_dir.OUT)
+ if part:type_get() == eolian.type_type.POINTER then
+ tstr = part:c_type_get()
+ if out then
+ tstr = tstr .. "*"
+ end
+ elseif out then
+ tstr = part:c_type_get() .. " *"
+ else
+ tstr = part:c_type_get() .. " "
+ end
+ return tstr .. par:name_get()
+local gen_func_csig = function(f, ftype)
+ ftype = ftype or eolian.function_type.METHOD
+ assert(ftype ~= eolian.function_type.PROPERTY)
+ local cn = f:full_c_name_get(ftype)
+ local rtype = f:return_type_get(ftype)
+ local fparam = "Eo *obj"
+ if f:is_const() or f:is_class() or ftype == eolian.function_type.PROP_GET then
+ fparam = "const Eo *obj"
+ end
+ if f:type_get() == eolian.function_type.METHOD then
+ local pars = f:parameters_get():to_array()
+ local cnrt = rtype and rtype:c_type_named_get(cn) or ("void " .. cn)
+ for i = 1, #pars do
+ pars[i] = gen_cparam(pars[i])
+ end
+ table.insert(pars, 1, fparam);
+ return cnrt .. "(" .. table.concat(pars, ", ") .. ");"
+ end
+ local keys = f:property_keys_get(ftype):to_array()
+ local vals = f:property_values_get(ftype):to_array()
+ if ftype == eolian.function_type.PROP_SET then
+ local cnrt = rtype and rtype:c_type_named_get(cn) or ("void " .. cn)
+ local pars = {}
+ for i, par in ipairs(keys) do
+ pars[#pars + 1] = gen_cparam(par)
+ end
+ for i, par in ipairs(vals) do
+ pars[#pars + 1] = gen_cparam(par)
+ end
+ table.insert(pars, 1, fparam);
+ return cnrt .. "(" .. table.concat(pars, ", ") .. ");"
+ end
+ -- getters
+ local cnrt
+ if not rtype then
+ if #vals == 1 then
+ cnrt = vals[1]:type_get():c_type_named_get(cn)
+ table.remove(vals, 1)
+ else
+ cnrt = "void " .. cn
+ end
+ else
+ cnrt = rtype:c_type_named_get(cn)
+ end
+ local pars = {}
+ for i, par in ipairs(keys) do
+ pars[#pars + 1] = gen_cparam(par)
+ end
+ for i, par in ipairs(vals) do
+ pars[#pars + 1] = gen_cparam(par, true)
+ end
+ table.insert(pars, 1, fparam);
+ return cnrt .. "(" .. table.concat(pars, ", ") .. ");"
+local gen_func_namesig = function(fn, cl, buf)
+ if fn:type_get() ~= eolian.function_type.METHOD then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@property "
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = cl:full_name_get()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "."
+ buf[#buf + 1] = fn:name_get()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " "
+ if fn:scope_get() == eolian.object_scope.PROTECTED then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@protected "
+ end
+ if fn:is_class() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@class "
+ end
+ if fn:is_const() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@const "
+ end
+ if fn:is_c_only() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@c_only "
+ end
+local gen_func_param = function(fp, buf, nodir)
+ -- TODO: default value
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " "
+ local dirs = {
+ [eolian.parameter_dir.IN] = "@in ",
+ [eolian.parameter_dir.OUT] = "@out ",
+ [eolian.parameter_dir.INOUT] = "@inout ",
+ }
+ if not nodir then buf[#buf + 1] = dirs[fp:direction_get()] end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = fp:name_get()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ": "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = get_type_str(fp:type_get())
+ local dval = fp:default_value_get()
+ if dval then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " ("
+ buf[#buf + 1] = dval:serialize()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ")"
+ end
+ if fp:is_nonull() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " @nonull"
+ end
+ if fp:is_nullable() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " @nullable"
+ end
+ if fp:is_optional() then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " @optional"
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ";\n"
+local gen_func_return = function(fp, ftype, buf, indent)
+ local rett = fp:return_type_get(ftype)
+ if not rett then
+ return
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = indent and (" "):rep(indent) or " "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "return: "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = get_type_str(rett)
+ local dval = fp:return_default_value_get(ftype)
+ if dval then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " ("
+ buf[#buf + 1] = dval:serialize()
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ")"
+ end
+ if fp:return_is_warn_unused(ftype) then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " @warn_unused"
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ";\n"
+local gen_method_sig = function(fn, cl)
+ local buf = {}
+ gen_func_namesig(fn, cl, buf)
+ if fn:is_virtual_pure(eolian.function_type.METHOD) then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@virtual_pure "
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "{"
+ local params = fn:parameters_get():to_array()
+ local rtp = fn:return_type_get(eolian.function_type.METHOD)
+ if #params == 0 and not rtp then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "\n"
+ if #params > 0 then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " params {\n"
+ for i, fp in ipairs(params) do
+ gen_func_param(fp, buf)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " }\n"
+ end
+ gen_func_return(fn, eolian.function_type.METHOD, buf)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+local eovals_check_same = function(a1, a2)
+ if #a1 ~= #a2 then return false end
+ for i, v in ipairs(a1) do
+ if v ~= a2[i] then return false end
+ end
+ return true
+local gen_prop_keyvals = function(tbl, kword, buf, indent)
+ local ind = indent and (" "):rep(indent) or " "
+ if #tbl == 0 then return end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ind
+ buf[#buf + 1] = kword
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " {\n"
+ for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ind
+ gen_func_param(v, buf, true)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " "
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ind
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}\n"
+local gen_prop_sig = function(fn, cl)
+ local buf = {}
+ gen_func_namesig(fn, cl, buf)
+ local fnt = fn:type_get()
+ local ftt = eolian.function_type
+ local isget = (fnt == ftt.PROPERTY or fnt == ftt.PROP_GET)
+ local isset = (fnt == ftt.PROPERTY or fnt == ftt.PROP_SET)
+ local gvirt = fn:is_virtual_pure(ftt.PROP_GET)
+ local svirt = fn:is_virtual_pure(ftt.PROP_SET)
+ if (not isget or gvirt) and (not isset or svirt) then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "@virtual_pure "
+ end
+ local gkeys = isget and fn:property_keys_get(ftt.PROP_GET):to_array() or {}
+ local skeys = isset and fn:property_keys_get(ftt.PROP_SET):to_array() or {}
+ local gvals = isget and fn:property_values_get(ftt.PROP_GET):to_array() or {}
+ local svals = isget and fn:property_values_get(ftt.PROP_SET):to_array() or {}
+ local grtt = isget and fn:return_type_get(ftt.PROP_GET) or nil
+ local srtt = isset and fn:return_type_get(ftt.PROP_SET) or nil
+ local keys_same = eovals_check_same(gkeys, skeys)
+ local vals_same = eovals_check_same(gvals, svals)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "{\n"
+ if isget then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " get {"
+ if (#gkeys == 0 or keys_same) and (#gvals == 0 or vals_same) and
+ (not grtt or grtt == srtt) then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}\n"
+ else
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "\n"
+ if not keys_same then gen_prop_keyvals(gkeys, "keys", buf) end
+ if not vals_same then gen_prop_keyvals(gvals, "values", buf) end
+ if grtt ~= srtt then
+ gen_func_return(fn, ftt.PROP_GET, buf, 2)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " }\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if isset then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " set {"
+ if (#skeys == 0 or keys_same) and (#svals == 0 or vals_same) and
+ (not srtt or grtt == srtt) then
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}\n"
+ else
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "\n"
+ if not keys_same then gen_prop_keyvals(skeys, "keys", buf) end
+ if not vals_same then gen_prop_keyvals(svals, "values", buf) end
+ if grtt ~= srtt then
+ gen_func_return(fn, ftt.PROP_SET, buf, 2)
+ end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = " }\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if keys_same then gen_prop_keyvals(gkeys, "keys", buf, 0) end
+ if vals_same then gen_prop_keyvals(gvals, "values", buf, 0) end
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+local get_property_sig = function(fn, cl)
+ local buf = {}
+ gen_func_namesig(fn, cl, buf)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "{"
+ buf[#buf + 1] = "}"
+ return table.concat(buf)
+-- builders
+local build_method, build_property
+local build_reftable = function(f, title, ctitle, ctype, t)
+ if not t or #t == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ f:write_h(title, 2)
+ local nt = {}
+ for i, v in ipairs(t) do
+ nt[#nt + 1] = {
+ Buffer():write_link(gen_nsp_eo(v, ctype, true),
+ v:full_name_get()):finish(),
+ get_brief_doc(v:documentation_get())
+ }
+ end
+ table.sort(nt, function(v1, v2) return v1[1] < v2[1] end)
+ f:write_table({ ctitle, "Brief description" }, nt)
+ f:write_nl()
+local build_functable = function(f, title, ctitle, cl, tp)
+ local t = cl:functions_get(tp):to_array()
+ if #t == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ f:write_h(title, 3)
+ local nt = {}
+ for i, v in ipairs(t) do
+ local lbuf = Buffer()
+ lbuf:write_link(gen_nsp_func(v, cl, true), v:name_get())
+ local pt = propt_to_type[v:type_get()]
+ if pt then
+ lbuf:write_raw(" ")
+ lbuf:write_i(pt)
+ end
+ nt[#nt + 1] = {
+ lbuf:finish(), get_brief_fdoc(v)
+ }
+ if funct_to_str[v:type_get()] == "property" then
+ build_property(v, cl, linkt)
+ else
+ build_method(v, cl, linkt)
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(nt, function(v1, v2) return v1[1] < v2[1] end)
+ f:write_table({ ctitle, "Brief description" }, nt)
+ f:write_nl()
+local build_ref = function()
+ local f = Writer("reference")
+ f:write_h("EFL Reference", 2)
+ local classes = {}
+ local ifaces = {}
+ local mixins = {}
+ local clt = eolian.class_type
+ for cl in eolian.all_classes_get() do
+ local tp = cl:type_get()
+ if tp == clt.REGULAR or tp == clt.ABSTRACT then
+ classes[#classes + 1] = cl
+ elseif tp == clt.MIXIN then
+ mixins[#mixins + 1] = cl
+ elseif tp == clt.INTERFACE then
+ ifaces[#ifaces + 1] = cl
+ else
+ error("unknown class: " .. cl:full_name_get())
+ end
+ end
+ build_reftable(f, "Classes", "Class name", "class", classes)
+ build_reftable(f, "Interfaces", "Interface name", "interface", ifaces)
+ build_reftable(f, "Mixins", "Mixin name", "mixin", mixins)
+ build_reftable(f, "Aliases", "Alias name", "alias",
+ eolian.typedecl_all_aliases_get():to_array())
+ build_reftable(f, "Structures", "Struct name", "struct",
+ eolian.typedecl_all_structs_get():to_array())
+ build_reftable(f, "Enums", "Enum name", "enum",
+ eolian.typedecl_all_enums_get():to_array())
+ build_reftable(f, "Constants", "Constant name", "constant",
+ eolian.variable_all_constants_get():to_array())
+ build_reftable(f, "Globals", "Global name", "global",
+ eolian.variable_all_globals_get():to_array())
+ f:finish()
+local write_full_doc = function(f, doc1, doc2)
+ f:write_raw(get_full_doc(doc1, doc2))
+ local since
+ if doc2 then
+ since = doc2:since_get()
+ end
+ if not since and doc1 then
+ since = doc1:since_get()
+ end
+ if since then
+ f:write_nl(2)
+ f:write_i("Since " .. since)
+ end
+local write_full_fdoc = function(f, fn, ftype)
+ write_full_doc(f, fn:documentation_get(eolian.function_type.METHOD),
+ get_fallback_fdoc(fn, ftype))
+local build_inherits
+build_inherits = function(cl, t, lvl)
+ t = t or {}
+ lvl = lvl or 0
+ local lbuf = Buffer()
+ lbuf:write_link(gen_nsp_class(cl, true), cl:full_name_get())
+ lbuf:write_raw(" ")
+ lbuf:write_i("(" .. classt_to_str[cl:type_get()] .. ")")
+ if lvl == 0 then
+ lbuf:write_b(lbuf:finish())
+ end
+ t[#t + 1] = { lvl, lbuf:finish() }
+ for cln in cl:inherits_get() do
+ local acl = eolian.class_get_by_name(cln)
+ if not acl then
+ error("error retrieving inherited class " .. cln)
+ end
+ build_inherits(acl, t, lvl + 1)
+ end
+ return t
+local class_to_color = function(cl)
+ local classt_to_color = {
+ [eolian.class_type.REGULAR] = { "black", "gray" },
+ [eolian.class_type.ABSTRACT] = { "black", "gray" },
+ [eolian.class_type.MIXIN] = { "blue", "skyblue" },
+ [eolian.class_type.INTERFACE] = { "cornflowerblue", "azure" }
+ }
+ return classt_to_color[cl:type_get()]
+local class_to_node = function(cl, main)
+ local ret = {}
+ ret.label = cl:full_name_get()
+ = ret.label:lower():gsub("%.", "_")
+ local clr = class_to_color(cl)
+ = "filled"
+ ret.color = clr[1]
+ ret.fillcolor = main and clr[2] or "white"
+ -- FIXME: need a dokuwiki graphviz plugin with proper URL support
+ -- the existing one only supports raw URLs (no dokuwikí namespaces)
+ --ret.URL = ":" .. global_opts.root_nspace .. ":"
+ -- .. table.concat(gen_nsp_class(cl), ":")
+ return ret
+local build_igraph_r
+build_igraph_r = function(cl, nbuf, ibuf)
+ local sn = cl:full_name_get():lower():gsub("%.", "_")
+ for cln in cl:inherits_get() do
+ local acl = eolian.class_get_by_name(cln)
+ if not acl then
+ error("error retrieving inherited class " .. cln)
+ end
+ nbuf[#nbuf + 1] = class_to_node(acl)
+ ibuf[#ibuf + 1] = { sn, (cln:lower():gsub("%.", "_")) }
+ build_igraph_r(acl, nbuf, ibuf)
+ end
+local build_igraph = function(cl)
+ local graph = {
+ type = "hierarchy",
+ attrs = {
+ rankdir = "TB",
+ size = "6",
+ bgcolor = "transparent"
+ },
+ node = { shape = "box" }
+ }
+ local nbuf = {}
+ local ibuf = {}
+ nbuf[#nbuf + 1] = class_to_node(cl, true)
+ build_igraph_r(cl, nbuf, ibuf)
+ graph.nodes = nbuf
+ graph.connections = ibuf
+ return graph
+local build_class = function(cl)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_class(cl))
+ check_class(cl)
+ f:write_h(cl:full_name_get(), 2)
+ f:write_h("Inheritance hierarchy", 3)
+ f:write_list(build_inherits(cl))
+ f:write_nl()
+ if global_opts.use_dot then
+ f:write_graph(build_igraph(cl))
+ f:write_nl(2)
+ end
+ f:write_h("Description", 3)
+ write_full_doc(f, cl:documentation_get())
+ f:write_nl(2)
+ build_functable(f, "Methods", "Method name", cl, eolian.function_type.METHOD)
+ build_functable(f, "Properties", "Property name",
+ cl, eolian.function_type.PROPERTY)
+ f:write_h("Events", 3)
+ local evs = cl:events_get():to_array()
+ if #evs == 0 then
+ f:write_raw("This class does not define any events.\n")
+ else
+ local first = true
+ for i, ev in ipairs(evs) do
+ if not first then
+ f:write_nl(2)
+ end
+ f:write_h(ev:name_get(), 4)
+ write_full_doc(f, ev:documentation_get())
+ first = false
+ end
+ end
+ f:finish()
+local build_classes = function()
+ for cl in eolian.all_classes_get() do
+ local ct = cl:type_get()
+ if not classt_to_str[ct] then
+ error("unknown class: " .. cl:full_name_get())
+ end
+ build_class(cl)
+ end
+local write_tsigs = function(f, tp)
+ f:write_h(tp:full_name_get(), 2)
+ f:write_h("Signature", 3)
+ f:write_code(get_typedecl_str(tp))
+ f:write_nl()
+ f:write_h("C signature", 3)
+ f:write_code(tp:c_type_get() .. ";")
+ f:write_nl()
+local build_alias = function(tp)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_eo(tp, "alias"))
+ check_alias(tp)
+ write_tsigs(f, tp)
+ f:finish()
+local build_struct = function(tp)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_eo(tp, "struct"))
+ check_struct(tp)
+ write_tsigs(f, tp)
+ f:finish()
+local build_enum = function(tp)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_eo(tp, "enum"))
+ check_enum(tp)
+ write_tsigs(f, tp)
+ f:finish()
+local build_variable = function(v, constant)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_eo(v, constant and "constant" or "global"))
+ if constant then
+ check_constant(v)
+ else
+ check_global(v)
+ end
+ f:finish()
+local build_typedecls = function()
+ for tp in eolian.typedecl_all_aliases_get() do
+ build_alias(tp)
+ end
+ for tp in eolian.typedecl_all_structs_get() do
+ build_struct(tp)
+ end
+ for tp in eolian.typedecl_all_enums_get() do
+ build_enum(tp)
+ end
+local build_variables = function()
+ for v in eolian.variable_all_constants_get() do
+ build_variable(v, true)
+ end
+ for v in eolian.variable_all_globals_get() do
+ build_variable(v, false)
+ end
+local pdir_to_str = {
+ [eolian.parameter_dir.IN] = "(in)",
+ [eolian.parameter_dir.OUT] = "(out)",
+ [eolian.parameter_dir.INOUT] = "(inout)"
+local build_parlist = function(f, pl, nodir)
+ local params = {}
+ for i, p in ipairs(pl) do
+ local buf = Buffer()
+ buf:write_b(p:name_get())
+ if not nodir then
+ buf:write_raw(" ")
+ buf:write_i(pdir_to_str[p:direction_get()])
+ end
+ buf:write_raw(" - ", get_full_doc(p:documentation_get()))
+ params[#params + 1] = buf:finish()
+ end
+ f:write_list(params)
+local build_vallist = function(f, pg, ps, title)
+ if #pg == #ps then
+ local same = true
+ for i = 1, #pg do
+ if pg[i] ~= ps[i] then
+ same = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if same then ps = {} end
+ end
+ if #pg > 0 or #ps > 0 then
+ f:write_h(title, 3)
+ if #pg > 0 then
+ if #ps > 0 then
+ f:write_h("Getter", 4)
+ end
+ build_parlist(f, pg, true)
+ end
+ if #ps > 0 then
+ if #pg > 0 then
+ f:write_h("Setter", 4)
+ end
+ build_parlist(f, ps, true)
+ end
+ end
+build_method = function(fn, cl)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_func(fn, cl))
+ check_method(fn, cl)
+ f:write_h(cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. fn:name_get(), 2)
+ f:write_h("Signature", 3)
+ f:write_code(gen_method_sig(fn, cl))
+ f:write_nl()
+ f:write_h("C signature", 3)
+ f:write_code(gen_func_csig(fn), "c")
+ f:write_nl()
+ local pars = fn:parameters_get():to_array()
+ if #pars > 0 then
+ f:write_h("Parameters", 3)
+ build_parlist(f, pars)
+ f:write_nl()
+ end
+ f:write_h("Description", 3)
+ write_full_doc(f, fn:documentation_get(eolian.function_type.METHOD))
+ f:write_nl()
+ f:finish()
+build_property = function(fn, cl)
+ local f = Writer(gen_nsp_func(fn, cl))
+ local fts = eolian.function_type
+ local ft = fn:type_get()
+ local isget = (ft == fts.PROP_GET or ft == fts.PROPERTY)
+ local isset = (ft == fts.PROP_SET or ft == fts.PROPERTY)
+ if isget then check_property(fn, cl, fts.PROP_GET) end
+ if isset then check_property(fn, cl, fts.PROP_SET) end
+ local doc = fn:documentation_get(fts.PROPERTY)
+ local gdoc = fn:documentation_get(fts.PROP_GET)
+ local sdoc = fn:documentation_get(fts.PROP_SET)
+ f:write_h(cl:full_name_get() .. "." .. fn:name_get(), 2)
+ f:write_h("Signature", 3)
+ f:write_code(gen_prop_sig(fn, cl))
+ f:write_nl()
+ f:write_h("C signature", 3)
+ local codes = {}
+ if isget then
+ codes[#codes + 1] = gen_func_csig(fn, fts.PROP_GET)
+ end
+ if isset then
+ codes[#codes + 1] = gen_func_csig(fn, fts.PROP_SET)
+ end
+ f:write_code(table.concat(codes, "\n"), "c")
+ f:write_nl()
+ local pgkeys = isget and fn:property_keys_get(fts.PROP_GET):to_array() or {}
+ local pskeys = isset and fn:property_keys_get(fts.PROP_SET):to_array() or {}
+ build_vallist(f, pgkeys, pskeys, "Keys")
+ local pgvals = isget and fn:property_values_get(fts.PROP_GET):to_array() or {}
+ local psvals = isset and fn:property_values_get(fts.PROP_SET):to_array() or {}
+ build_vallist(f, pgvals, psvals, "Values")
+ if isget and isset then
+ f:write_h("Description", 3)
+ if doc or (not gdoc and not sdoc) then
+ write_full_doc(f, doc)
+ end
+ if (isget and gdoc) or (isset and sdoc) then
+ f:write_nl(2)
+ end
+ end
+ if isget and gdoc then
+ if isset then
+ f:write_h("Getter", 4)
+ else
+ f:write_h("Description", 3)
+ end
+ write_full_doc(f, gdoc)
+ if isset and sdoc then
+ f:write_nl(2)
+ end
+ end
+ if isset and sdoc then
+ if isget then
+ f:write_h("Setter", 4)
+ else
+ f:write_h("Description", 3)
+ end
+ write_full_doc(f, sdoc)
+ end
+ f:write_nl()
+ f:finish()
+getopt.parse {
+ args = arg,
+ descs = {
+ { category = "General" },
+ { "h", "help", nil, help = "Show this message.", metavar = "CATEGORY",
+ callback = getopt.help_cb(io.stdout)
+ },
+ { "v", "verbose", false, help = "Be verbose." },
+ { category = "Generator" },
+ { "r", "root", true, help = "Root path of the docs." },
+ { "n", "namespace", true, help = "Root namespace of the docs." },
+ { nil, "disable-graphviz", false, help = "Disable graphviz usage." },
+ { nil, "disable-notes", false, help = "Disable notes plugin usage." }
+ },
+ error_cb = function(parser, msg)
+ io.stderr:write(msg, "\n")
+, io.stderr)
+ end,
+ done_cb = function(parser, opts, args)
+ if opts["h"] then
+ return
+ end
+ global_opts.verbose = not not opts["v"]
+ global_opts.use_dot = not opts["disable-graphviz"]
+ global_opts.use_notes = not opts["disable-notes"]
+ global_opts.root_nspace = (not opts["n"] or opts["n"] == "")
+ and "efl" or opts["n"]
+ if not opts["r"] or opts["r"] == "" then
+ opts["r"] = "dokuwiki/data/pages"
+ end
+ global_opts.doc_root = path_join(opts["r"],
+ nspace_to_path(global_opts.root_nspace))
+ if #args == 0 then
+ if not eolian.system_directory_scan() then
+ error("failed scanning system directory")
+ end
+ else
+ for i, p in ipairs(args) do
+ if not eolian.directory_scan(p) then
+ error("failed scanning directory: " .. p)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not eolian.all_eot_files_parse() then
+ error("failed parsing eo type files")
+ end
+ if not eolian.all_eo_files_parse() then
+ error("failed parsing eo files")
+ end
+ cutil.file_rmrf(path_join(global_opts.doc_root))
+ mkdir_r(nil)
+ build_ref()
+ build_classes()
+ build_typedecls()
+ build_variables()
+ print_stats()
+ end
+return true \ No newline at end of file