diff options
authorMike Blumenkrantz <>2019-03-05 17:00:37 -0500
committerCedric BAIL <>2019-03-07 14:16:24 -0800
commit49044cc3ade681f15fc33ceaee86648124933fd0 (patch)
parentf4192aef96b9cda81601f8991712abc1a80959b7 (diff)
elm_spinner: remove all legacy usage from eo files
this takes the current generated output from eolian for legacy code in efl and adds it to the tree, then removes legacy references from the corresponding eo files. in the case where the entire eo file was for a legacy object, that eo file has been removed from the tree ref T7724 Reviewed-by: Cedric BAIL <> Differential Revision:
12 files changed, 1069 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 484a6ef96f..6e9470f11a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ elm_public_eolian_files += \
lib/elementary/efl_ui_radio_legacy_part.eo \
lib/elementary/efl_ui_check_legacy_part.eo \
lib/elementary/efl_ui_progressbar_legacy_part.eo \
- lib/elementary/elm_spinner.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_multibuttonentry_part.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_interface_scrollable.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_atspi_bridge.eo \
@@ -387,6 +386,8 @@ lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_eo.c \
lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_eo.legacy.c \
lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_item_eo.c \
lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_item_eo.legacy.c \
+lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.c \
+lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.c \
elm_legacy_eo_headers = \
@@ -576,6 +577,8 @@ lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_eo.h \
lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_eo.legacy.h \
lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_item_eo.h \
lib/elementary/elm_slideshow_item_eo.legacy.h \
+lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.h \
+lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.h \
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/Elementary.h b/src/lib/elementary/Elementary.h
index 8e54b4a710..c37c41df0a 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/Elementary.h
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/Elementary.h
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ EAPI void efl_ui_focus_relation_free(Efl_Ui_Focus_Relations *rel);
# include <efl_ui_focus_layer.eo.h>
# include <elm_interface_scrollable.h>
# include <elm_interface_scrollable.eo.h>
-# include <elm_spinner.eo.h>
+# include <elm_spinner_eo.h>
#include <elm_tooltip.h>
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.c
index e00f0d38f6..001dd3b152 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.c
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.c
@@ -1722,4 +1722,4 @@ _elm_spinner_efl_access_object_i18n_name_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *sd
-#include "elm_spinner.eo.c"
+#include "elm_spinner_eo.c"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.eo b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.eo
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c9819ff08..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.eo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-class Elm.Spinner extends Efl.Ui.Layout_Base implements Efl.Ui.Range_Interactive, Efl.Ui.Focus.Composition,
- Efl.Access.Value, Efl.Access.Widget.Action, Efl.Ui.Legacy
- [[Elementary spinner class]]
- legacy_prefix: elm_spinner;
- eo_prefix: elm_obj_spinner;
- event_prefix: elm_spinner;
- methods {
- @property wrap {
- [[Control whether the spinner should wrap when it reaches its minimum or maximum value.
- Disabled by default. If disabled, when the user tries to increment the
- value,
- but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value,
- the new value will be the maximum value.
- The same happens when the user tries to decrement it,
- but the value less step is less than minimum value. In this case,
- the new displayed value will be the minimum value.
- When wrap is enabled, when the user tries to increment the value,
- but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value,
- the new value will be the minimum value. When the the user tries to
- decrement it, but the value less step is less than minimum value,
- the new displayed value will be the maximum value.
- E.g.:
- $min = 10
- $max = 50
- $step = 20
- $displayed = 20
- When the user decrement value (using left or bottom arrow), it will
- displays $50.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- wrap: bool; [[$true to enable wrap or $false to disable it.]]
- }
- }
- @property interval {
- [[Control the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on spinner widgets' arrows.
- This interval value is decreased while the user holds the
- mouse pointer either incrementing or decrementing spinner's value.
- This helps the user to get to a given value distant from the
- current one easier/faster, as it will start to change quicker and
- quicker on mouse button holds.
- The calculation for the next change interval value, starting from
- the one set with this call, is the previous interval divided by
- $1.05, so it decreases a little bit.
- The default starting interval value for automatic changes is
- $0.85 seconds.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- interval: double; [[The (first) interval value in seconds.]]
- }
- }
- @property round {
- [[Control the round value for rounding
- Sets the rounding value used for value rounding in the spinner.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- rnd: int; [[The rounding value]]
- }
- }
- @property editable {
- [[Control whether the spinner can be directly edited by the user or not.
- Spinner objects can have edition disabled, in which state they will
- be changed only by arrows.
- Useful for contexts
- where you don't want your users to interact with it writing the value.
- Specially
- when using special values, the user can see real value instead
- of special label on edition.
- It's enabled by default.]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- editable: bool; [[$true to allow users to edit it or $false to don't allow users to edit it directly.]]
- }
- }
- @property base {
- [[Control the base for rounding
- Rounding works as follows:
- rounded_val = base + (double)(((value - base) / round) * round)
- Where rounded_val, value and base are doubles, and round is an integer.
- This means that things will be rounded to increments (or decrements) of
- "round" starting from value $base. The default base for rounding is 0.
- Example: round = 3, base = 2
- Values: ..., -2, 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...
- Example: round = 2, base = 5.5
- Values: ..., -0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5, 11.5, ...]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- base: double; [[The base value]]
- }
- }
- @property label_format {
- [[Control the format string of the displayed label.
- If $NULL, this sets the format to "%.0f". If not it sets the format
- string for the label text. The label text is provided a floating point
- value, so the label text can display up to 1 floating point value.
- Note that this is optional.
- Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will
- display values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159.
- Default is "%0.f".]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- fmt: string @nullable; [[The format string for the label display.]]
- }
- }
- special_value_add {
- [[Control special string to display in the place of the numerical value.
- It's useful for cases when a user should select an item that is
- better indicated by a label than a value. For example, weekdays or months.
- Note: If another label was previously set to $value, it will be replaced
- by the new label.]]
- /* FIXME-doc
- E.g.:
- @code
- sp = elm_spinner_add(win);
- elm_spinner_min_max_set(sp, 1, 3);
- elm_spinner_special_value_add(sp, 1, "January");
- elm_spinner_special_value_add(sp, 2, "February");
- elm_spinner_special_value_add(sp, 3, "March");
- evas_object_show(sp);
- @endcode
- */
- params {
- @in value: double; [[The value to be replaced.]]
- @in label: string; [[The label to be used.]]
- }
- }
- }
- implements {
- class.constructor;
- Efl.Object.constructor;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.theme_apply;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.on_access_update;
- Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.on_focus_update;
- Efl.Ui.Widget.widget_input_event_handler;
- Efl.Ui.Range_Display.range_min_max { get; set; }
- Efl.Ui.Range_Interactive.range_step { get; set; }
- Efl.Ui.Range_Display.range_value { get; set; }
- Efl.Access.Object.i18n_name { get; }
- Efl.Access.Value.value_and_text { get; set; }
- Efl.Access.Value.range { get; }
- Efl.Access.Value.increment { get; }
- Efl.Access.Widget.Action.elm_actions { get; }
- }
- events {
- /* FIXME: Colorselector puts Colorselector_Data here! */
- changed: void; [[Called when spinner changed]]
- delay,changed: void; [[Called when spinner delay changed]]
- spinner,drag,start: void; [[Called when spinner drag started]]
- spinner,drag,stop: void; [[Called when spinner drag stopped]]
- min,reached: void; [[Called when spinner value reached min]]
- max,reached: void; [[Called when spinner value reached max]]
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.h
index 16c040a3e7..6da9976379 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.h
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
-#include "elm_spinner.eo.h"
+#include "elm_spinner_eo.h"
#include "elm_spinner_legacy.h"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a616dcd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_CHANGED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("delay,changed");
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("spinner,drag,start");
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("spinner,drag,stop");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_MIN_REACHED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("min,reached");
+EWAPI const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_MAX_REACHED =
+ EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION("max,reached");
+void _elm_spinner_wrap_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, Eina_Bool wrap);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_spinner_wrap_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_spinner_wrap_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_wrap_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(wrap), Eina_Bool wrap);
+Eina_Bool _elm_spinner_wrap_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_spinner_wrap_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_spinner_wrap_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_spinner_wrap_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+void _elm_spinner_interval_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double interval);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_spinner_interval_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; double cval;
+ if (!eina_value_double_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_spinner_interval_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_interval_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(interval), double interval);
+double _elm_spinner_interval_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_spinner_interval_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ double val = elm_obj_spinner_interval_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_double_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_spinner_interval_get, double, 0);
+void _elm_spinner_round_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, int rnd);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_spinner_round_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; int cval;
+ if (!eina_value_int_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_spinner_round_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_round_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(rnd), int rnd);
+int _elm_spinner_round_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_spinner_round_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ int val = elm_obj_spinner_round_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_int_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_spinner_round_get, int, 0);
+void _elm_spinner_editable_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, Eina_Bool editable);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_spinner_editable_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_spinner_editable_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_editable_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(editable), Eina_Bool editable);
+Eina_Bool _elm_spinner_editable_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_spinner_editable_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_obj_spinner_editable_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_spinner_editable_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+void _elm_spinner_base_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double base);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_spinner_base_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; double cval;
+ if (!eina_value_double_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_spinner_base_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_base_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(base), double base);
+double _elm_spinner_base_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_spinner_base_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ double val = elm_obj_spinner_base_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_double_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_spinner_base_get, double, 0);
+void _elm_spinner_label_format_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, const char *fmt);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_spinner_label_format_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; const char *cval;
+ if (!eina_value_string_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_obj_spinner_label_format_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_label_format_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(fmt), const char *fmt);
+const char *_elm_spinner_label_format_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_spinner_label_format_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ const char *val = elm_obj_spinner_label_format_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_string_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_obj_spinner_label_format_get, const char *, NULL);
+void _elm_spinner_special_value_add(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double value, const char *label);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_obj_spinner_special_value_add, EFL_FUNC_CALL(value, label), double value, const char *label);
+Efl_Object *_elm_spinner_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+Eina_Error _elm_spinner_efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_ui_widget_on_access_update(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, Eina_Bool enable);
+Eina_Bool _elm_spinner_efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+Eina_Bool _elm_spinner_efl_ui_widget_widget_input_event_handler(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, const Efl_Event *eo_event, Efl_Canvas_Object *source);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_min_max_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double min, double max);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_min_max_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double *min, double *max);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_interactive_range_step_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double step);
+double _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_interactive_range_step_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_value_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double val);
+double _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_value_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+const char *_elm_spinner_efl_access_object_i18n_name_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+Eina_Bool _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_value_and_text_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double value, const char *text);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_value_and_text_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double *value, const char **text);
+void _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_range_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd, double *lower_limit, double *upper_limit, const char **description);
+double _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_increment_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+const Efl_Access_Action_Data *_elm_spinner_efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Spinner_Data *pd);
+static Eina_Bool
+_elm_spinner_class_initializer(Efl_Class *klass)
+ const Efl_Object_Ops *opsp = NULL;
+ const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops *ropsp = NULL;
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_wrap_set, _elm_spinner_wrap_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_wrap_get, _elm_spinner_wrap_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_interval_set, _elm_spinner_interval_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_interval_get, _elm_spinner_interval_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_round_set, _elm_spinner_round_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_round_get, _elm_spinner_round_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_editable_set, _elm_spinner_editable_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_editable_get, _elm_spinner_editable_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_base_set, _elm_spinner_base_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_base_get, _elm_spinner_base_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_label_format_set, _elm_spinner_label_format_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_label_format_get, _elm_spinner_label_format_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_obj_spinner_special_value_add, _elm_spinner_special_value_add),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_constructor, _elm_spinner_efl_object_constructor),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_theme_apply, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_widget_theme_apply),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_on_access_update, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_widget_on_access_update),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_widget_input_event_handler, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_widget_widget_input_event_handler),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_range_min_max_set, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_min_max_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_range_min_max_get, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_min_max_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_range_step_set, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_interactive_range_step_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_range_step_get, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_interactive_range_step_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_range_value_set, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_value_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_ui_range_value_get, _elm_spinner_efl_ui_range_display_range_value_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_object_i18n_name_get, _elm_spinner_efl_access_object_i18n_name_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_value_and_text_set, _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_value_and_text_set),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_value_and_text_get, _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_value_and_text_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_value_range_get, _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_range_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_value_increment_get, _elm_spinner_efl_access_value_increment_get),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get, _elm_spinner_efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get),
+ );
+ opsp = &ops;
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection refl_table[] = {
+ {"wrap", __eolian_elm_spinner_wrap_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_spinner_wrap_get_reflect},
+ {"interval", __eolian_elm_spinner_interval_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_spinner_interval_get_reflect},
+ {"round", __eolian_elm_spinner_round_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_spinner_round_get_reflect},
+ {"editable", __eolian_elm_spinner_editable_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_spinner_editable_get_reflect},
+ {"base", __eolian_elm_spinner_base_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_spinner_base_get_reflect},
+ {"label_format", __eolian_elm_spinner_label_format_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_spinner_label_format_get_reflect},
+ };
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops rops = {
+ refl_table, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(refl_table)
+ };
+ ropsp = &rops;
+ return efl_class_functions_set(klass, opsp, ropsp);
+static const Efl_Class_Description _elm_spinner_class_desc = {
+ "Elm.Spinner",
+ sizeof(Elm_Spinner_Data),
+ _elm_spinner_class_initializer,
+ _elm_spinner_class_constructor,
+#include "elm_spinner_eo.legacy.c"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff9205c262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+#ifndef _ELM_SPINNER_EO_H_
+#define _ELM_SPINNER_EO_H_
+typedef Eo Elm_Spinner;
+/** Elementary spinner class
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+#define ELM_SPINNER_CLASS elm_spinner_class_get()
+EWAPI const Efl_Class *elm_spinner_class_get(void);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner should wrap when it reaches its minimum
+ * or maximum value.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, when the user tries to increment the
+ * value, but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the
+ * new value will be the maximum value. The same happens when the user tries to
+ * decrement it, but the value less step is less than minimum value. In this
+ * case, the new displayed value will be the minimum value.
+ *
+ * When wrap is enabled, when the user tries to increment the value, but
+ * displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the new value
+ * will be the minimum value. When the the user tries to decrement it, but the
+ * value less step is less than minimum value, the new displayed value will be
+ * the maximum value.
+ *
+ * E.g.: @c min = 10 @c max = 50 @c step = 20 @c displayed = 20
+ *
+ * When the user decrement value (using left or bottom arrow), it will displays
+ * $50.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] wrap @c true to enable wrap or @c false to disable it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_wrap_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool wrap);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner should wrap when it reaches its minimum
+ * or maximum value.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, when the user tries to increment the
+ * value, but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the
+ * new value will be the maximum value. The same happens when the user tries to
+ * decrement it, but the value less step is less than minimum value. In this
+ * case, the new displayed value will be the minimum value.
+ *
+ * When wrap is enabled, when the user tries to increment the value, but
+ * displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the new value
+ * will be the minimum value. When the the user tries to decrement it, but the
+ * value less step is less than minimum value, the new displayed value will be
+ * the maximum value.
+ *
+ * E.g.: @c min = 10 @c max = 50 @c step = 20 @c displayed = 20
+ *
+ * When the user decrement value (using left or bottom arrow), it will displays
+ * $50.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to enable wrap or @c false to disable it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_spinner_wrap_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on
+ * spinner widgets' arrows.
+ *
+ * This interval value is decreased while the user holds the mouse pointer
+ * either incrementing or decrementing spinner's value.
+ *
+ * This helps the user to get to a given value distant from the current one
+ * easier/faster, as it will start to change quicker and quicker on mouse
+ * button holds.
+ *
+ * The calculation for the next change interval value, starting from the one
+ * set with this call, is the previous interval divided by $1.05, so it
+ * decreases a little bit.
+ *
+ * The default starting interval value for automatic changes is $0.85 seconds.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] interval The (first) interval value in seconds.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_interval_set(Eo *obj, double interval);
+ * @brief Control the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on
+ * spinner widgets' arrows.
+ *
+ * This interval value is decreased while the user holds the mouse pointer
+ * either incrementing or decrementing spinner's value.
+ *
+ * This helps the user to get to a given value distant from the current one
+ * easier/faster, as it will start to change quicker and quicker on mouse
+ * button holds.
+ *
+ * The calculation for the next change interval value, starting from the one
+ * set with this call, is the previous interval divided by $1.05, so it
+ * decreases a little bit.
+ *
+ * The default starting interval value for automatic changes is $0.85 seconds.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The (first) interval value in seconds.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI double elm_obj_spinner_interval_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control the round value for rounding
+ *
+ * Sets the rounding value used for value rounding in the spinner.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] rnd The rounding value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_round_set(Eo *obj, int rnd);
+ * @brief Control the round value for rounding
+ *
+ * Sets the rounding value used for value rounding in the spinner.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The rounding value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI int elm_obj_spinner_round_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner can be directly edited by the user or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * Spinner objects can have edition disabled, in which state they will be
+ * changed only by arrows. Useful for contexts where you don't want your users
+ * to interact with it writing the value. Specially when using special values,
+ * the user can see real value instead of special label on edition.
+ *
+ * It's enabled by default.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] editable @c true to allow users to edit it or @c false to don't
+ * allow users to edit it directly.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_editable_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool editable);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner can be directly edited by the user or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * Spinner objects can have edition disabled, in which state they will be
+ * changed only by arrows. Useful for contexts where you don't want your users
+ * to interact with it writing the value. Specially when using special values,
+ * the user can see real value instead of special label on edition.
+ *
+ * It's enabled by default.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to allow users to edit it or @c false to don't allow users
+ * to edit it directly.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_obj_spinner_editable_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control the base for rounding
+ *
+ * Rounding works as follows:
+ *
+ * rounded_val = base + (double)(((value - base) / round) * round)
+ *
+ * Where rounded_val, value and base are doubles, and round is an integer.
+ *
+ * This means that things will be rounded to increments (or decrements) of
+ * "round" starting from value @c base. The default base for rounding is 0.
+ *
+ * Example: round = 3, base = 2 Values: ..., -2, 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...
+ *
+ * Example: round = 2, base = 5.5 Values: ..., -0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5,
+ * 11.5, ...
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] base The base value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_base_set(Eo *obj, double base);
+ * @brief Control the base for rounding
+ *
+ * Rounding works as follows:
+ *
+ * rounded_val = base + (double)(((value - base) / round) * round)
+ *
+ * Where rounded_val, value and base are doubles, and round is an integer.
+ *
+ * This means that things will be rounded to increments (or decrements) of
+ * "round" starting from value @c base. The default base for rounding is 0.
+ *
+ * Example: round = 3, base = 2 Values: ..., -2, 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...
+ *
+ * Example: round = 2, base = 5.5 Values: ..., -0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5,
+ * 11.5, ...
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The base value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI double elm_obj_spinner_base_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control the format string of the displayed label.
+ *
+ * If @c NULL, this sets the format to "%.0f". If not it sets the format string
+ * for the label text. The label text is provided a floating point value, so
+ * the label text can display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is
+ * optional.
+ *
+ * Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will display
+ * values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159.
+ *
+ * Default is "%0.f".
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] fmt The format string for the label display.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_label_format_set(Eo *obj, const char *fmt);
+ * @brief Control the format string of the displayed label.
+ *
+ * If @c NULL, this sets the format to "%.0f". If not it sets the format string
+ * for the label text. The label text is provided a floating point value, so
+ * the label text can display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is
+ * optional.
+ *
+ * Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will display
+ * values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159.
+ *
+ * Default is "%0.f".
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The format string for the label display.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI const char *elm_obj_spinner_label_format_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Control special string to display in the place of the numerical
+ * value.
+ *
+ * It's useful for cases when a user should select an item that is better
+ * indicated by a label than a value. For example, weekdays or months.
+ *
+ * @note If another label was previously set to @c value, it will be replaced
+ * by the new label.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] value The value to be replaced.
+ * @param[in] label The label to be used.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_obj_spinner_special_value_add(Eo *obj, double value, const char *label);
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_CHANGED;
+/** Called when spinner changed
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_DELAY_CHANGED;
+/** Called when spinner delay changed
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_SPINNER_DRAG_START;
+/** Called when spinner drag started
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_SPINNER_DRAG_STOP;
+/** Called when spinner drag stopped
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_MIN_REACHED;
+/** Called when spinner value reached min
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
+EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_SPINNER_EVENT_MAX_REACHED;
+/** Called when spinner value reached max
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner
+ */
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.c b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed35ba1df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_wrap_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, Eina_Bool wrap)
+ elm_obj_spinner_wrap_set(obj, wrap);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_spinner_wrap_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj)
+ return elm_obj_spinner_wrap_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_interval_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, double interval)
+ elm_obj_spinner_interval_set(obj, interval);
+EAPI double
+elm_spinner_interval_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj)
+ return elm_obj_spinner_interval_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_round_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, int rnd)
+ elm_obj_spinner_round_set(obj, rnd);
+EAPI int
+elm_spinner_round_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj)
+ return elm_obj_spinner_round_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_editable_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, Eina_Bool editable)
+ elm_obj_spinner_editable_set(obj, editable);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+elm_spinner_editable_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj)
+ return elm_obj_spinner_editable_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_base_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, double base)
+ elm_obj_spinner_base_set(obj, base);
+EAPI double
+elm_spinner_base_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj)
+ return elm_obj_spinner_base_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_label_format_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, const char *fmt)
+ elm_obj_spinner_label_format_set(obj, fmt);
+EAPI const char *
+elm_spinner_label_format_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj)
+ return elm_obj_spinner_label_format_get(obj);
+EAPI void
+elm_spinner_special_value_add(Elm_Spinner *obj, double value, const char *label)
+ elm_obj_spinner_special_value_add(obj, value, label);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..798ec39d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_eo.legacy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+typedef Eo Elm_Spinner;
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner should wrap when it reaches its minimum
+ * or maximum value.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, when the user tries to increment the
+ * value, but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the
+ * new value will be the maximum value. The same happens when the user tries to
+ * decrement it, but the value less step is less than minimum value. In this
+ * case, the new displayed value will be the minimum value.
+ *
+ * When wrap is enabled, when the user tries to increment the value, but
+ * displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the new value
+ * will be the minimum value. When the the user tries to decrement it, but the
+ * value less step is less than minimum value, the new displayed value will be
+ * the maximum value.
+ *
+ * E.g.: @c min = 10 @c max = 50 @c step = 20 @c displayed = 20
+ *
+ * When the user decrement value (using left or bottom arrow), it will displays
+ * $50.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] wrap @c true to enable wrap or @c false to disable it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_wrap_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, Eina_Bool wrap);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner should wrap when it reaches its minimum
+ * or maximum value.
+ *
+ * Disabled by default. If disabled, when the user tries to increment the
+ * value, but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the
+ * new value will be the maximum value. The same happens when the user tries to
+ * decrement it, but the value less step is less than minimum value. In this
+ * case, the new displayed value will be the minimum value.
+ *
+ * When wrap is enabled, when the user tries to increment the value, but
+ * displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the new value
+ * will be the minimum value. When the the user tries to decrement it, but the
+ * value less step is less than minimum value, the new displayed value will be
+ * the maximum value.
+ *
+ * E.g.: @c min = 10 @c max = 50 @c step = 20 @c displayed = 20
+ *
+ * When the user decrement value (using left or bottom arrow), it will displays
+ * $50.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to enable wrap or @c false to disable it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_spinner_wrap_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj);
+ * @brief Control the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on
+ * spinner widgets' arrows.
+ *
+ * This interval value is decreased while the user holds the mouse pointer
+ * either incrementing or decrementing spinner's value.
+ *
+ * This helps the user to get to a given value distant from the current one
+ * easier/faster, as it will start to change quicker and quicker on mouse
+ * button holds.
+ *
+ * The calculation for the next change interval value, starting from the one
+ * set with this call, is the previous interval divided by $1.05, so it
+ * decreases a little bit.
+ *
+ * The default starting interval value for automatic changes is $0.85 seconds.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] interval The (first) interval value in seconds.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_interval_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, double interval);
+ * @brief Control the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on
+ * spinner widgets' arrows.
+ *
+ * This interval value is decreased while the user holds the mouse pointer
+ * either incrementing or decrementing spinner's value.
+ *
+ * This helps the user to get to a given value distant from the current one
+ * easier/faster, as it will start to change quicker and quicker on mouse
+ * button holds.
+ *
+ * The calculation for the next change interval value, starting from the one
+ * set with this call, is the previous interval divided by $1.05, so it
+ * decreases a little bit.
+ *
+ * The default starting interval value for automatic changes is $0.85 seconds.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The (first) interval value in seconds.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI double elm_spinner_interval_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj);
+ * @brief Control the round value for rounding
+ *
+ * Sets the rounding value used for value rounding in the spinner.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] rnd The rounding value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_round_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, int rnd);
+ * @brief Control the round value for rounding
+ *
+ * Sets the rounding value used for value rounding in the spinner.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The rounding value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI int elm_spinner_round_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner can be directly edited by the user or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * Spinner objects can have edition disabled, in which state they will be
+ * changed only by arrows. Useful for contexts where you don't want your users
+ * to interact with it writing the value. Specially when using special values,
+ * the user can see real value instead of special label on edition.
+ *
+ * It's enabled by default.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] editable @c true to allow users to edit it or @c false to don't
+ * allow users to edit it directly.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_editable_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, Eina_Bool editable);
+ * @brief Control whether the spinner can be directly edited by the user or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * Spinner objects can have edition disabled, in which state they will be
+ * changed only by arrows. Useful for contexts where you don't want your users
+ * to interact with it writing the value. Specially when using special values,
+ * the user can see real value instead of special label on edition.
+ *
+ * It's enabled by default.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true to allow users to edit it or @c false to don't allow users
+ * to edit it directly.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI Eina_Bool elm_spinner_editable_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj);
+ * @brief Control the base for rounding
+ *
+ * Rounding works as follows:
+ *
+ * rounded_val = base + (double)(((value - base) / round) * round)
+ *
+ * Where rounded_val, value and base are doubles, and round is an integer.
+ *
+ * This means that things will be rounded to increments (or decrements) of
+ * "round" starting from value @c base. The default base for rounding is 0.
+ *
+ * Example: round = 3, base = 2 Values: ..., -2, 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...
+ *
+ * Example: round = 2, base = 5.5 Values: ..., -0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5,
+ * 11.5, ...
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] base The base value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_base_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, double base);
+ * @brief Control the base for rounding
+ *
+ * Rounding works as follows:
+ *
+ * rounded_val = base + (double)(((value - base) / round) * round)
+ *
+ * Where rounded_val, value and base are doubles, and round is an integer.
+ *
+ * This means that things will be rounded to increments (or decrements) of
+ * "round" starting from value @c base. The default base for rounding is 0.
+ *
+ * Example: round = 3, base = 2 Values: ..., -2, 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...
+ *
+ * Example: round = 2, base = 5.5 Values: ..., -0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5,
+ * 11.5, ...
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The base value
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI double elm_spinner_base_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj);
+ * @brief Control the format string of the displayed label.
+ *
+ * If @c NULL, this sets the format to "%.0f". If not it sets the format string
+ * for the label text. The label text is provided a floating point value, so
+ * the label text can display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is
+ * optional.
+ *
+ * Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will display
+ * values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159.
+ *
+ * Default is "%0.f".
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] fmt The format string for the label display.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_label_format_set(Elm_Spinner *obj, const char *fmt);
+ * @brief Control the format string of the displayed label.
+ *
+ * If @c NULL, this sets the format to "%.0f". If not it sets the format string
+ * for the label text. The label text is provided a floating point value, so
+ * the label text can display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is
+ * optional.
+ *
+ * Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it will display
+ * values like: "3.14 meters" for a value equal to 3.14159.
+ *
+ * Default is "%0.f".
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return The format string for the label display.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI const char *elm_spinner_label_format_get(const Elm_Spinner *obj);
+ * @brief Control special string to display in the place of the numerical
+ * value.
+ *
+ * It's useful for cases when a user should select an item that is better
+ * indicated by a label than a value. For example, weekdays or months.
+ *
+ * @note If another label was previously set to @c value, it will be replaced
+ * by the new label.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] value The value to be replaced.
+ * @param[in] label The label to be used.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Spinner_Group
+ */
+EAPI void elm_spinner_special_value_add(Elm_Spinner *obj, double value, const char *label);
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_legacy.h b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_legacy.h
index 8c4812b013..1b4e241c0c 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_legacy.h
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/elm_spinner_legacy.h
@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ EAPI void elm_spinner_value_set(Evas_Object *obj, double val);
EAPI double elm_spinner_value_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
-#include "elm_spinner.eo.legacy.h"
+#include "elm_spinner_eo.legacy.h"
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/ b/src/lib/elementary/
index d24f65eaf2..27b4b23761 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/
@@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ pub_eo_files = [
- 'elm_spinner.eo',
@@ -795,6 +794,8 @@ elementary_pub_headers = [
+ 'elm_spinner_eo.h',
+ 'elm_spinner_eo.legacy.h',
elementary_header_src = [
diff --git a/src/modules/elementary/prefs/elm_spinner.c b/src/modules/elementary/prefs/elm_spinner.c
index 6b169fca69..2463628e96 100644
--- a/src/modules/elementary/prefs/elm_spinner.c
+++ b/src/modules/elementary/prefs/elm_spinner.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "private.h"
-#include "elm_spinner.eo.h"
+#include "elm_spinner_eo.h"
static Elm_Prefs_Item_Type supported_types[] =