diff options
authorAli Alzyod <>2020-01-14 10:42:06 +0900
committerWooHyun Jung <>2020-01-14 10:42:06 +0900
commite894c9bff8b1a0a7c2e6b18a9e0b0f707400eee4 (patch)
parentf5fd009992cd0cd6c1b61ecc0960290376451b56 (diff)
efl.input.text: add variation enums + remove @since word
Summary: efl.input.text: add variation enums + remove @since word Reviewers: woohyun, segfaultxavi Reviewed By: segfaultxavi Subscribers: cedric, #reviewers, #committers Tags: #efl Maniphest Tasks: T8541 Differential Revision:
2 files changed, 48 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/efl/interfaces/efl_input_text.eo b/src/lib/efl/interfaces/efl_input_text.eo
index 37d3acb978..f563b6dc4f 100644
--- a/src/lib/efl/interfaces/efl_input_text.eo
+++ b/src/lib/efl/interfaces/efl_input_text.eo
@@ -15,15 +15,9 @@ enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type
hex, [[Hexadecimal layout.]]
terminal, [[Command-line terminal layout including esc, alt, ctrl key, so on (no auto-correct, no auto-capitalization).]]
password, [[Like normal, but no auto-correct, no auto-capitalization etc.]]
- datetime, [[Date and time layout
- @since 1.8]]
- emoticon, [[Emoticon layout
- @since 1.10]]
- voice [[Voice layout, but if the IME does not support voice layout, then normal layout will be shown.
- @since 1.19]]
+ datetime, [[Date and time layout.]]
+ emoticon, [[Emoticon layout.]]
+ voice [[Voice layout, but if the IME does not support voice layout, then normal layout will be shown.]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Language_Type
@@ -57,9 +51,7 @@ enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_Type
next, [[Next.]]
search, [[Search string or magnifier icon.]]
send, [[Send.]]
- signin [[Sign-in
- @since 1.8]]
+ signin [[Sign-in.]]
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_State
@@ -75,53 +67,48 @@ enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Return_Key_State
enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Hints_Type
- [[Enumeration that defines the types of Input Hints.
- @since 1.12
- ]]
- none = 0, [[No active hints
- @since 1.12]]
- auto_complete = 1 << 0, [[Suggest word auto completion
- @since 1.12]]
- sensitive_data = 1 << 1, [[Typed text should not be stored.
- @since 1.12]]
- autofill_credit_card_expiration_date = 0x100, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration date
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_credit_card_expiration_day = 0x200, [[Autofill hint for a credit card expiration day
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_credit_card_expiration_month = 0x300, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration month
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_credit_card_expiration_year = 0x400, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration year
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_credit_card_number = 0x500, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card number
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_email_address = 0x600, [[ Autofill hint for an email address
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_name = 0x700, [[ Autofill hint for a user's real name
+ [[Enumeration that defines the types of Input Hints.]]
+ none = 0, [[No active hints.]]
+ auto_complete = 1 << 0, [[Suggest word auto completion.]]
+ sensitive_data = 1 << 1, [[Typed text should not be stored.]]
+ autofill_credit_card_expiration_date = 0x100, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration date.]]
+ autofill_credit_card_expiration_day = 0x200, [[Autofill hint for a credit card expiration day.]]
+ autofill_credit_card_expiration_month = 0x300, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration month.]]
+ autofill_credit_card_expiration_year = 0x400, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card expiration year.]]
+ autofill_credit_card_number = 0x500, [[ Autofill hint for a credit card number.]]
+ autofill_email_address = 0x600, [[ Autofill hint for an email address.]]
+ autofill_name = 0x700, [[ Autofill hint for a user's real name.]]
+ autofill_phone = 0x800, [[ Autofill hint for a phone number.]]
+ autofill_postal_address = 0x900, [[ Autofill hint for a postal address.]]
+ autofill_postal_code = 0xA00, [[ Autofill hint for a postal code.]]
+ autofill_id = 0xB00 [[ Autofill hint for a user's ID.]]
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_phone = 0x800, [[ Autofill hint for a phone number
+enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Normal_Variation_Type
+ [[Enumeration for defining the types of @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type for normal variation.]]
+ normal , [[The plain normal layout.]]
+ filename , [[Filename layout. Symbols such as '/' should be disabled.]]
+ person_name , [[The name of a person, @Efl.Input_Text.autocapitalization will be set to @Efl.Input_Text.Capitalize_Type.word.]]
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_postal_address = 0x900, [[ Autofill hint for a postal address
+enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Numberonly_Variation_Type
+ [[Enumeration for defining the types of @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type for normal variation.]]
+ normal , [[The plain normal number layout.]]
+ signed , [[The number layout to allow a positive or negative sign at the start.]]
+ decimal , [[The number layout to allow decimal point to provide fractional value.]]
+ signed_and_decimal , [[The number layout to allow decimal point and negative sign.]]
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_postal_code = 0xA00, [[ Autofill hint for a postal code
+enum @beta Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Password_Variation_Type
+ [[Enumeration for defining the types of @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Type for normal variation.]]
+ normal , [[The normal password layout.]]
+ numberonly , [[The password layout to allow only number.]]
- @since 1.21]]
- autofill_id = 0xB00 [[ Autofill hint for a user's ID
- @since 1.21]]
interface @beta Efl.Input_Text {
[[All the functionality relating to input hints
@@ -154,9 +141,10 @@ interface @beta Efl.Input_Text {
- // FIXME: What is this?
@property input_panel_layout_variation {
- [[The input panel layout variation of the entry.]]
+ [[The input panel layout variation of the entry, this can be
+ @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Normal_Variation_Type , @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Numberonly_Variation_Type
+ or @Efl.Input_Text.Panel_Layout_Password_Variation_Type.]]
set {
get {
diff --git a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_internal_text_interactive.c b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_internal_text_interactive.c
index a5768cc74b..3851aa82a1 100644
--- a/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_internal_text_interactive.c
+++ b/src/lib/elementary/efl_ui_internal_text_interactive.c
@@ -2067,6 +2067,10 @@ _efl_ui_internal_text_interactive_efl_input_text_input_panel_layout_variation_se
+ if (sd->input_panel_layout == EFL_INPUT_TEXT_PANEL_LAYOUT_TYPE_NORMAL &&
+ efl_input_text_autocapitalization_set(obj, EFL_INPUT_TEXT_CAPITALIZE_TYPE_WORD);
EOLIAN static int