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authorAli Alzyod <>2019-04-23 16:52:55 +0000
committerMarcel Hollerbach <>2019-04-25 14:04:05 +0200
commit555ac0a452c3986b77deefcf791e9919e00f5e6b (patch)
parent1c974289e4506a9eb82a7fdcfc147fa870ff34e3 (diff)
evas: change way of searching for Escape strings/values in textblock
Instead of using old way for linear search for Escape Strings or Escape values, we will sort these values and string in compile time then binary search them. In simple words: Instead of having one array with pair of {escapeChar,escapeValue} and linear search it. We will have two arrays with pair of {escapeChar,escapeValue}, one with escapeChar Sorted, and one with escapeValue sorted. and we will use one of the array to binary search escape chars, and use the other to binary search escape values, 1- This will increase the speed for the search a lot for both Escape characters and Escape values. 2- Make code more easy to understand and trace 3- This will also fix bug for ``` int value; const char * value = evas_textblock_string_escape_get("",&value) //because of some unhanded case in previous code, this will return "&qout;" , which is first element in predefined escape character array ``` Reviewed-by: Xavi Artigas <> Differential Revision:
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/evas/canvas/evas_object_textblock.c b/src/lib/evas/canvas/evas_object_textblock.c
index da73c03eb7..0913fd30b7 100644
--- a/src/lib/evas/canvas/evas_object_textblock.c
+++ b/src/lib/evas/canvas/evas_object_textblock.c
@@ -1087,173 +1087,364 @@ _line_free(Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln)
/* table of html escapes (that i can find) this should be ordered with the
- * most common first as it's a linear search to match - no hash for this.
+ * sorted by there escape strings and values as it's a binary search to match - no hash for this.
- * these are stored as one large string and one additional array that
- * contains the offsets to the tokens for space efficiency.
+ * these are stored as array of struct of Escape_Value structure (no Runtime sort will happen)
+ * @internal
+ * @var escape_values_e_sorted[]
+ * This array consists of Escape_Value structure sorted by escape string
+ * And new added value must be placed sorted position, and reflected on escape_values_v_sorted
+ */
+typedef struct _Escape_Value Escape_Value;
+struct _Escape_Value
+ char *escape;
+ char *value;
+ size_t escape_len;
+ size_t value_len;
+#define ESCAPE_VALUE(e,v) {e,v,strlen(e),strlen(v)}
+static const Escape_Value escape_values_e_sorted[] = {
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Aacute;", "\xc3\x81"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Acirc;", "\xc3\x82"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Aelig;", "\xc3\x86"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Agrave;", "\xc3\x80"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Aring;", "\xc3\x85"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Atilde;", "\xc3\x83"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Auml;", "\xc3\x84"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ccedil;", "\xc3\x87"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Dagger;", "\xe2\x80\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Eacute;", "\xc3\x89"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ecirc;", "\xc3\x8a"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Egrave;", "\xc3\x88"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Eth;", "\xc3\x90"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Euml;", "\xc3\x8b"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Iacute;", "\xc3\x8d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Icirc;", "\xc3\x8e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Igrave;", "\xc3\x8c"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Iuml;", "\xc3\x8f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ntilde;", "\xc3\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Oacute;", "\xc3\x93"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ocirc;", "\xc3\x94"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ograve;", "\xc3\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Oslash;", "\xc3\x98"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Otilde;", "\xc3\x95"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ouml;", "\xc3\x96"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Thorn;", "\xc3\x9e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Uacute;", "\xc3\x9a"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ucirc;", "\xc3\x9b"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ugrave;", "\xc3\x99"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Yacute;", "\xc3\x9d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&aacute;", "\xc3\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&acirc;", "\xc3\xa2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&acute;", "\xc2\xb4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&aelig;", "\xc3\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&agrave;", "\xc3\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&alpha;", "\xce\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&and;", "\xe2\x88\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&aring;", "\xc3\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&atilde;", "\xc3\xa3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&auml;", "\xc3\xa4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&beta;", "\xce\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&brvbar;", "\xc2\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&bull;", "\xe2\x80\xa2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ccedil;", "\xc3\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&cedil;", "\xc2\xb8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&cent;", "\xc2\xa2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&chi;", "\xce\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&copy;", "\xc2\xa9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&curren;", "\xc2\xa4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&dagger;", "\xe2\x80\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&darr;", "\xe2\x86\x93"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&deg;", "\xc2\xb0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&delta;", "\xce\x94"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&divide;", "\xc3\xb7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&eacute;", "\xc3\xa9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ecirc;", "\xc3\xaa"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&egrave;", "\xc3\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&epsilon;", "\xce\x95"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&equiv;", "\xe2\x89\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&eta;", "\xce\x97"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&eth;", "\xc3\xb0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&euml;", "\xc3\xab"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&euro;", "\xe2\x82\xac"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&exist;", "\xe2\x88\x83"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&forall;", "\xe2\x88\x80"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&frac12;", "\xc2\xbd"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&frac14;", "\xc2\xbc"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&frac34;", "\xc2\xbe"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&gamma;", "\xce\x93"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&harr;", "\xe2\x86\x94"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&hellip;", "\xe2\x80\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iacute;", "\xc3\xad"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&icirc;", "\xc3\xae"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iexcl;", "\xc2\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&igrave;", "\xc3\xac"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&int;", "\xe2\x88\xab"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iota;", "\xce\x99"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iquest;", "\xc2\xbf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iuml;", "\xc3\xaf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&kappa;", "\xce\x9a"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&lambda;", "\xce\x9b"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&laquo;", "\xc2\xab"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&larr;", "\xe2\x86\x90"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&larr;", "\xe2\x87\x90"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&lrm;", "\xe2\x80\x8e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&macr;", "\xc2\xaf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&micro;", "\xc2\xb5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&middot;", "\xc2\xb7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&mu;", "\xce\x9c"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&nabla;", "\xe2\x88\x87"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&nbsp;", "\xc2\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ne;", "\xe2\x89\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&not;", "\xc2\xac"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ntilde;", "\xc3\xb1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&nu;", "\xce\x9d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&oacute;", "\xc3\xb3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ocirc;", "\xc3\xb4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ograve;", "\xc3\xb2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&omega;", "\xce\xa9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&omicron;", "\xce\x9f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&oplus;", "\xe2\x8a\x95"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&or;", "\xe2\x88\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ordf;", "\xc2\xaa"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ordm;", "\xc2\xba"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&oslash;", "\xc3\xb8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&otilde;", "\xc3\xb5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ouml;", "\xc3\xb6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&para;", "\xc2\xb6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&perp;", "\xe2\x8a\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&phi;", "\xce\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&pi;", "\xce\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&plusmn;", "\xc2\xb1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&pound;", "\xc2\xa3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&prod;", "\xe2\x88\x8f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&psi;", "\xce\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&raquo;", "\xc2\xbb"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rarr;", "\xe2\x86\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rarr;", "\xe2\x87\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&reg;", "\xc2\xae"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rho;", "\xce\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rlm;", "\xe2\x80\x8f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sect;", "\xc2\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&shy;", "\xc2\xad"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sigma;", "\xce\xa3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sum;", "\xe2\x88\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sup1;", "\xc2\xb9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sup2;", "\xc2\xb2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sup3;", "\xc2\xb3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&szlig;", "\xc3\x9f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&tau;", "\xce\xa4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&theta;", "\xce\x98"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&thorn;", "\xc3\xbe"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&times;", "\xc3\x97"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uacute;", "\xc3\xba"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uarr;", "\xe2\x86\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ucirc;", "\xc3\xbb"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ugrave;", "\xc3\xb9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uml;", "\xc2\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&upsilon;", "\xce\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uuml;", "\xc3\xbc"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&xi;", "\xce\x9e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&yacute;", "\xc3\xbd"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&yen;", "\xc2\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&yuml;", "\xc3\xbf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&zeta;", "\xce\x96"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&zwj;", "\xe2\x80\x8d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&zwnj;", "\xe2\x80\x8c"),
* @internal
- * @var escape_strings[]
- * This string consists of NULL terminated pairs of strings, the first of
- * every pair is an escape and the second is the value of the escape.
+ * @var escape_values_e_common_sorted[]
+ * same as escape_values_e_sorted with small subset of common escapes
-static const char escape_strings[] =
-/* most common escaped stuff */
-"&quot;\0" "\x22\0"
-"&amp;\0" "\x26\0"
-"&apos;\0" "\x27\0"
-"&lt;\0" "\x3c\0"
-"&gt;\0" "\x3e\0"
-/* all the rest */
-"&nbsp;\0" "\xc2\xa0\0"
-"&iexcl;\0" "\xc2\xa1\0"
-"&cent;\0" "\xc2\xa2\0"
-"&pound;\0" "\xc2\xa3\0"
-"&curren;\0" "\xc2\xa4\0"
-"&yen;\0" "\xc2\xa5\0"
-"&brvbar;\0" "\xc2\xa6\0"
-"&sect;\0" "\xc2\xa7\0"
-"&uml;\0" "\xc2\xa8\0"
-"&copy;\0" "\xc2\xa9\0"
-"&ordf;\0" "\xc2\xaa\0"
-"&laquo;\0" "\xc2\xab\0"
-"&not;\0" "\xc2\xac\0"
-"&shy;\0" "\xc2\xad\0"
-"&reg;\0" "\xc2\xae\0"
-"&macr;\0" "\xc2\xaf\0"
-"&deg;\0" "\xc2\xb0\0"
-"&plusmn;\0" "\xc2\xb1\0"
-"&sup2;\0" "\xc2\xb2\0"
-"&sup3;\0" "\xc2\xb3\0"
-"&acute;\0" "\xc2\xb4\0"
-"&micro;\0" "\xc2\xb5\0"
-"&para;\0" "\xc2\xb6\0"
-"&middot;\0" "\xc2\xb7\0"
-"&cedil;\0" "\xc2\xb8\0"
-"&sup1;\0" "\xc2\xb9\0"
-"&ordm;\0" "\xc2\xba\0"
-"&raquo;\0" "\xc2\xbb\0"
-"&frac14;\0" "\xc2\xbc\0"
-"&frac12;\0" "\xc2\xbd\0"
-"&frac34;\0" "\xc2\xbe\0"
-"&iquest;\0" "\xc2\xbf\0"
-"&Agrave;\0" "\xc3\x80\0"
-"&Aacute;\0" "\xc3\x81\0"
-"&Acirc;\0" "\xc3\x82\0"
-"&Atilde;\0" "\xc3\x83\0"
-"&Auml;\0" "\xc3\x84\0"
-"&Aring;\0" "\xc3\x85\0"
-"&Aelig;\0" "\xc3\x86\0"
-"&Ccedil;\0" "\xc3\x87\0"
-"&Egrave;\0" "\xc3\x88\0"
-"&Eacute;\0" "\xc3\x89\0"
-"&Ecirc;\0" "\xc3\x8a\0"
-"&Euml;\0" "\xc3\x8b\0"
-"&Igrave;\0" "\xc3\x8c\0"
-"&Iacute;\0" "\xc3\x8d\0"
-"&Icirc;\0" "\xc3\x8e\0"
-"&Iuml;\0" "\xc3\x8f\0"
-"&Eth;\0" "\xc3\x90\0"
-"&Ntilde;\0" "\xc3\x91\0"
-"&Ograve;\0" "\xc3\x92\0"
-"&Oacute;\0" "\xc3\x93\0"
-"&Ocirc;\0" "\xc3\x94\0"
-"&Otilde;\0" "\xc3\x95\0"
-"&Ouml;\0" "\xc3\x96\0"
-"&times;\0" "\xc3\x97\0"
-"&Oslash;\0" "\xc3\x98\0"
-"&Ugrave;\0" "\xc3\x99\0"
-"&Uacute;\0" "\xc3\x9a\0"
-"&Ucirc;\0" "\xc3\x9b\0"
-"&Yacute;\0" "\xc3\x9d\0"
-"&Thorn;\0" "\xc3\x9e\0"
-"&szlig;\0" "\xc3\x9f\0"
-"&agrave;\0" "\xc3\xa0\0"
-"&aacute;\0" "\xc3\xa1\0"
-"&acirc;\0" "\xc3\xa2\0"
-"&atilde;\0" "\xc3\xa3\0"
-"&auml;\0" "\xc3\xa4\0"
-"&aring;\0" "\xc3\xa5\0"
-"&aelig;\0" "\xc3\xa6\0"
-"&ccedil;\0" "\xc3\xa7\0"
-"&egrave;\0" "\xc3\xa8\0"
-"&eacute;\0" "\xc3\xa9\0"
-"&ecirc;\0" "\xc3\xaa\0"
-"&euml;\0" "\xc3\xab\0"
-"&igrave;\0" "\xc3\xac\0"
-"&iacute;\0" "\xc3\xad\0"
-"&icirc;\0" "\xc3\xae\0"
-"&iuml;\0" "\xc3\xaf\0"
-"&eth;\0" "\xc3\xb0\0"
-"&ntilde;\0" "\xc3\xb1\0"
-"&ograve;\0" "\xc3\xb2\0"
-"&oacute;\0" "\xc3\xb3\0"
-"&ocirc;\0" "\xc3\xb4\0"
-"&otilde;\0" "\xc3\xb5\0"
-"&ouml;\0" "\xc3\xb6\0"
-"&divide;\0" "\xc3\xb7\0"
-"&oslash;\0" "\xc3\xb8\0"
-"&ugrave;\0" "\xc3\xb9\0"
-"&uacute;\0" "\xc3\xba\0"
-"&ucirc;\0" "\xc3\xbb\0"
-"&uuml;\0" "\xc3\xbc\0"
-"&yacute;\0" "\xc3\xbd\0"
-"&thorn;\0" "\xc3\xbe\0"
-"&yuml;\0" "\xc3\xbf\0"
-"&alpha;\0" "\xce\x91\0"
-"&beta;\0" "\xce\x92\0"
-"&gamma;\0" "\xce\x93\0"
-"&delta;\0" "\xce\x94\0"
-"&epsilon;\0" "\xce\x95\0"
-"&zeta;\0" "\xce\x96\0"
-"&eta;\0" "\xce\x97\0"
-"&theta;\0" "\xce\x98\0"
-"&iota;\0" "\xce\x99\0"
-"&kappa;\0" "\xce\x9a\0"
-"&lambda;\0" "\xce\x9b\0"
-"&mu;\0" "\xce\x9c\0"
-"&nu;\0" "\xce\x9d\0"
-"&xi;\0" "\xce\x9e\0"
-"&omicron;\0" "\xce\x9f\0"
-"&pi;\0" "\xce\xa0\0"
-"&rho;\0" "\xce\xa1\0"
-"&sigma;\0" "\xce\xa3\0"
-"&tau;\0" "\xce\xa4\0"
-"&upsilon;\0" "\xce\xa5\0"
-"&phi;\0" "\xce\xa6\0"
-"&chi;\0" "\xce\xa7\0"
-"&psi;\0" "\xce\xa8\0"
-"&omega;\0" "\xce\xa9\0"
-"&hellip;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa6\0"
-"&euro;\0" "\xe2\x82\xac\0"
-"&larr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x90\0"
-"&uarr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x91\0"
-"&rarr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x92\0"
-"&darr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x93\0"
-"&harr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x94\0"
-"&larr;\0" "\xe2\x87\x90\0"
-"&rarr;\0" "\xe2\x87\x92\0"
-"&forall;\0" "\xe2\x88\x80\0"
-"&exist;\0" "\xe2\x88\x83\0"
-"&nabla;\0" "\xe2\x88\x87\0"
-"&prod;\0" "\xe2\x88\x8f\0"
-"&sum;\0" "\xe2\x88\x91\0"
-"&and;\0" "\xe2\x88\xa7\0"
-"&or;\0" "\xe2\x88\xa8\0"
-"&int;\0" "\xe2\x88\xab\0"
-"&ne;\0" "\xe2\x89\xa0\0"
-"&equiv;\0" "\xe2\x89\xa1\0"
-"&oplus;\0" "\xe2\x8a\x95\0"
-"&perp;\0" "\xe2\x8a\xa5\0"
-"&dagger;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa0\0"
-"&Dagger;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa1\0"
-"&bull;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa2\0"
-"&zwnj;\0" "\xe2\x80\x8c\0"
-"&zwj;\0" "\xe2\x80\x8d\0"
-"&lrm;\0" "\xe2\x80\x8e\0"
-"&rlm;\0" "\xe2\x80\x8f\0"
+static const Escape_Value escape_values_e_common_sorted[] = {
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&amp;", "\x26"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&apos;", "\x27"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&gt;", "\x3e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&quot;", "\x22"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&lt;", "\x3c"),
+ * @internal
+ * @var escape_values_v_sorted[]
+ * This array consists of Escape_Value structure sorted by escape value
+ * And new added value must be placed sorted position, and reflected on escape_values_e_sorted
+ */
+static const Escape_Value escape_values_v_sorted[] = {
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&nbsp;", "\xc2\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iexcl;", "\xc2\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&cent;", "\xc2\xa2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&pound;", "\xc2\xa3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&curren;", "\xc2\xa4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&yen;", "\xc2\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&brvbar;", "\xc2\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sect;", "\xc2\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uml;", "\xc2\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&copy;", "\xc2\xa9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ordf;", "\xc2\xaa"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&laquo;", "\xc2\xab"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&not;", "\xc2\xac"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&shy;", "\xc2\xad"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&reg;", "\xc2\xae"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&macr;", "\xc2\xaf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&deg;", "\xc2\xb0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&plusmn;", "\xc2\xb1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sup2;", "\xc2\xb2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sup3;", "\xc2\xb3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&acute;", "\xc2\xb4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&micro;", "\xc2\xb5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&para;", "\xc2\xb6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&middot;", "\xc2\xb7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&cedil;", "\xc2\xb8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sup1;", "\xc2\xb9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ordm;", "\xc2\xba"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&raquo;", "\xc2\xbb"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&frac14;", "\xc2\xbc"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&frac12;", "\xc2\xbd"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&frac34;", "\xc2\xbe"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iquest;", "\xc2\xbf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Agrave;", "\xc3\x80"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Aacute;", "\xc3\x81"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Acirc;", "\xc3\x82"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Atilde;", "\xc3\x83"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Auml;", "\xc3\x84"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Aring;", "\xc3\x85"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Aelig;", "\xc3\x86"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ccedil;", "\xc3\x87"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Egrave;", "\xc3\x88"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Eacute;", "\xc3\x89"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ecirc;", "\xc3\x8a"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Euml;", "\xc3\x8b"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Igrave;", "\xc3\x8c"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Iacute;", "\xc3\x8d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Icirc;", "\xc3\x8e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Iuml;", "\xc3\x8f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Eth;", "\xc3\x90"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ntilde;", "\xc3\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ograve;", "\xc3\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Oacute;", "\xc3\x93"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ocirc;", "\xc3\x94"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Otilde;", "\xc3\x95"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ouml;", "\xc3\x96"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&times;", "\xc3\x97"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Oslash;", "\xc3\x98"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ugrave;", "\xc3\x99"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Uacute;", "\xc3\x9a"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Ucirc;", "\xc3\x9b"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Yacute;", "\xc3\x9d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Thorn;", "\xc3\x9e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&szlig;", "\xc3\x9f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&agrave;", "\xc3\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&aacute;", "\xc3\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&acirc;", "\xc3\xa2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&atilde;", "\xc3\xa3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&auml;", "\xc3\xa4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&aring;", "\xc3\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&aelig;", "\xc3\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ccedil;", "\xc3\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&egrave;", "\xc3\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&eacute;", "\xc3\xa9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ecirc;", "\xc3\xaa"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&euml;", "\xc3\xab"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&igrave;", "\xc3\xac"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iacute;", "\xc3\xad"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&icirc;", "\xc3\xae"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iuml;", "\xc3\xaf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&eth;", "\xc3\xb0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ntilde;", "\xc3\xb1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ograve;", "\xc3\xb2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&oacute;", "\xc3\xb3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ocirc;", "\xc3\xb4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&otilde;", "\xc3\xb5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ouml;", "\xc3\xb6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&divide;", "\xc3\xb7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&oslash;", "\xc3\xb8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ugrave;", "\xc3\xb9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uacute;", "\xc3\xba"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ucirc;", "\xc3\xbb"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uuml;", "\xc3\xbc"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&yacute;", "\xc3\xbd"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&thorn;", "\xc3\xbe"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&yuml;", "\xc3\xbf"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&alpha;", "\xce\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&beta;", "\xce\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&gamma;", "\xce\x93"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&delta;", "\xce\x94"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&epsilon;", "\xce\x95"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&zeta;", "\xce\x96"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&eta;", "\xce\x97"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&theta;", "\xce\x98"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&iota;", "\xce\x99"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&kappa;", "\xce\x9a"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&lambda;", "\xce\x9b"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&mu;", "\xce\x9c"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&nu;", "\xce\x9d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&xi;", "\xce\x9e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&omicron;", "\xce\x9f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&pi;", "\xce\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rho;", "\xce\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sigma;", "\xce\xa3"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&tau;", "\xce\xa4"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&upsilon;", "\xce\xa5"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&phi;", "\xce\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&chi;", "\xce\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&psi;", "\xce\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&omega;", "\xce\xa9"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&zwnj;", "\xe2\x80\x8c"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&zwj;", "\xe2\x80\x8d"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&lrm;", "\xe2\x80\x8e"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rlm;", "\xe2\x80\x8f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&dagger;", "\xe2\x80\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&Dagger;", "\xe2\x80\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&bull;", "\xe2\x80\xa2"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&hellip;", "\xe2\x80\xa6"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&euro;", "\xe2\x82\xac"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&larr;", "\xe2\x86\x90"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&uarr;", "\xe2\x86\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rarr;", "\xe2\x86\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&darr;", "\xe2\x86\x93"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&harr;", "\xe2\x86\x94"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&larr;", "\xe2\x87\x90"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&rarr;", "\xe2\x87\x92"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&forall;", "\xe2\x88\x80"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&exist;", "\xe2\x88\x83"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&nabla;", "\xe2\x88\x87"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&prod;", "\xe2\x88\x8f"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&sum;", "\xe2\x88\x91"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&and;", "\xe2\x88\xa7"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&or;", "\xe2\x88\xa8"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&int;", "\xe2\x88\xab"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&ne;", "\xe2\x89\xa0"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&equiv;", "\xe2\x89\xa1"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&oplus;", "\xe2\x8a\x95"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&perp;", "\xe2\x8a\xa5"),
+ * @internal
+ * @var escape_values_v_common_sorted[]
+ * same as escape_values_v_sorted with small subset of common escapes
+ */
+static const Escape_Value escape_values_v_common_sorted[] = {
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&quot;", "\x22"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&amp;", "\x26"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&apos;", "\x27"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&lt;", "\x3c"),
+ ESCAPE_VALUE("&gt;", "\x3e"),
* @internal
@@ -7521,48 +7712,93 @@ _escaped_is_eq_and_advance(const char *s, const char *s_end,
return ((s == s_end) && reached_end);
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * @param s the escape string to search for its index
+ * @param s_len length of s string
+ * @param escape_values array of Escape_Value to look inside, Sorted by Escape
+ * @param escape_values_len is the len of Escape_Value array
+ */
+int _escaped_string_search(const char * s, size_t s_len, const Escape_Value escape_values[], const size_t escape_values_len)
+ int l = 0;
+ int r = escape_values_len - 1;
+ while (l <= r)
+ {
+ int m = (l + r) / 2;
+ int res = strncmp(s, escape_values[m].escape, MAX(escape_values[m].escape_len, s_len));
+ if (res == 0)
+ {
+ //Handle special case when s_len is less than escape_len
+ //then we will continue searching
+ //example ("&gt;",1,....)
+ if (escape_values[m].escape_len > s_len)
+ res = -1;
+ else if (escape_values[m].escape_len < s_len)
+ res = 1;
+ else return m;
+ }
+ if (res > 0)
+ l = m + 1;
+ else
+ r = m - 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * @param s the value string to search for its index
+ * @param escape_values array of Escape_Value to look inside, Sorted by Value
+ * @param escape_values_len is the len of Escape_Value array
+ */
+int _escaped_value_search(const char * s, const Escape_Value escape_values[], const size_t escape_values_len)
+ int l = 0;
+ int r = escape_values_len - 1;
+ while (l <= r)
+ {
+ int m = (l + r) / 2;
+ int res = strncmp(s, escape_values[m].value, escape_values[m].value_len);
+ if (res == 0)
+ return m;
+ if (res > 0)
+ l = m + 1;
+ else
+ r = m - 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
* @internal
* @param s the string to match
static inline const char *
_escaped_char_match(const char *s, int *adv)
- const char *map_itr, *map_end, *mc, *sc;
- map_itr = escape_strings;
- map_end = map_itr + sizeof(escape_strings);
- while (map_itr < map_end)
+ static const size_t escape_common_size = sizeof(escape_values_v_common_sorted) / sizeof(Escape_Value);
+ int n_ret = _escaped_value_search(s, escape_values_v_common_sorted, escape_common_size);
+ if (n_ret != -1)
- const char *escape;
- int match;
- escape = map_itr;
- _escaped_advance_after_end_of_string(&map_itr);
- if (map_itr >= map_end) break;
- mc = map_itr;
- sc = s;
- match = 1;
- while ((*mc) && (*sc))
- {
- if ((unsigned char)*sc < (unsigned char)*mc) return NULL;
- if (*sc != *mc)
- {
- match = 0;
- break;
- }
- mc++;
- sc++;
- }
- if (match)
+ *adv = (int) escape_values_v_common_sorted[n_ret].value_len;
+ return escape_values_v_common_sorted[n_ret].escape;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static const size_t escape_size = sizeof(escape_values_v_sorted) / sizeof(Escape_Value);
+ n_ret = _escaped_value_search(s, escape_values_v_sorted, escape_size);
+ if (n_ret != -1)
- *adv = mc - map_itr;
- return escape;
+ *adv = (int)escape_values_v_sorted[n_ret].value_len;
+ return escape_values_v_sorted[n_ret].escape;
- _escaped_advance_after_end_of_string(&map_itr);
return NULL;
@@ -7617,17 +7853,18 @@ _escaped_char_get(const char *s, const char *s_end)
- const char *map_itr, *map_end;
- map_itr = escape_strings;
- map_end = map_itr + sizeof(escape_strings);
- while (map_itr < map_end)
+ static const size_t escape_common_size = sizeof(escape_values_e_common_sorted) / sizeof(Escape_Value);
+ int n_ret = _escaped_string_search(s, s_end-s, escape_values_e_common_sorted, escape_common_size);
+ if (n_ret != -1)
+ {
+ return escape_values_e_common_sorted[n_ret].value;
+ }
+ else
- if (_escaped_is_eq_and_advance(s, s_end, &map_itr, map_end))
- return map_itr;
- if (map_itr < map_end)
- _escaped_advance_after_end_of_string(&map_itr);
+ static const size_t escape_size = sizeof(escape_values_e_sorted) / sizeof(Escape_Value);
+ n_ret = _escaped_string_search(s, s_end-s, escape_values_e_sorted, escape_size);
+ if (n_ret != -1)
+ return escape_values_e_sorted[n_ret].value;