diff options
authorMike Blumenkrantz <>2019-11-27 12:52:06 -0500
committerMike Blumenkrantz <>2019-11-27 12:52:06 -0500
commit69d1112f5b757a67b3e499d470bfff1305192207 (patch)
parent2ceaf9b657bda60fa94d8c42e1289d0f2469520e (diff)
Revert "tests/genlist: add behavior testing for nearly all genlist events"devs/zmike/123citest
This reverts commit 9d259115b806edcb3250f181dd47f9d5bb893092. this is incompatible with the current state of genlist
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/elementary/elm_test_genlist.c b/src/tests/elementary/elm_test_genlist.c
index 81eca40d81..3d6474af45 100644
--- a/src/tests/elementary/elm_test_genlist.c
+++ b/src/tests/elementary/elm_test_genlist.c
@@ -134,15 +134,6 @@ _item_content_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part EIN
return ic;
-static char *
-_item_text_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, const char *part)
- char buf[128];
- /* just some random-ish (not really) text */
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%p", part);
- return strdup(buf);
Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *gtc;
@@ -572,182 +563,6 @@ EFL_START_TEST(elm_genlist_test_focus_state)
-/* keep in sync with elm_genlist.c value */
- unsigned int i, called[10] = {0};
- Eina_Bool norender = EINA_FALSE;
- /* need focus for item focus tests */
- win = win_add_focused(NULL, "genlist", ELM_WIN_BASIC);
- itc.func.text_get = _item_text_get;
- genlist = elm_genlist_add(win);
- elm_genlist_mode_set(genlist, ELM_LIST_COMPRESS);
- for (i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_ITEMS_PER_BLOCK; i++)
- elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, &itc,
- NULL/* item data */, NULL/* parent */,
- 0, NULL/* func */,
- NULL/* func data */);
- /* show 10ish items */
- evas_object_resize(genlist, 200, 10 + GL_ITEM_SIZE_ISH * 10);
- evas_object_show(genlist);
- evas_object_show(win);
- evas_object_resize(win, 200, 10 + GL_ITEM_SIZE_ISH * 10);
- get_me_to_those_events(genlist);
-/* add callbacks only for the name array passed,
- * verify that each callback is triggered based on event callback type
- * remove callbacks so they don't break successive testing
- * note: order is not tested or useful
- */
-#define CB_TEST(namearray, ev_func, ...) \
- do { \
- const char **names = namearray; \
- memset(called, 0, sizeof(called)); \
- norender = EINA_FALSE; \
- for (i = 0; *names; i++, names++) \
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, *names, ev_func, &(called[i])); \
- __VA_ARGS__ \
- if (!norender) \
- get_me_to_those_events(genlist); \
- for (i = 0, names = namearray; *names; i++, names++) \
- { \
- evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(genlist, *names, ev_func, &(called[i])); \
- if (!called[i]) fprintf(stderr, "GENLIST EVENT TEST ERROR: \"%s\" failed to trigger as expected!\n", namearray[i]); \
- if (ev_func == event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called) \
- ck_assert_int_ge(called[i], 1); \
- else \
- ck_assert_int_eq(called[i], 1); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-#define NAMEARRAY(...) \
- (const char*[]){__VA_ARGS__, NULL}
- /* first item: double click ->
- * "activated" + "clicked,double" + "selected" + "highlighted" */
- CB_TEST(NAMEARRAY("activated", "clicked,double", "selected", "highlighted"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- click_object_at_flags(genlist, 5, 5, EVAS_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK);
- );
- /* first item: right click ->
- * "clicked,right" */
- NAMEARRAY("clicked,right"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(genlist);
- norender = EINA_TRUE;
- evas_event_feed_mouse_move(e, 5, 5, 0, NULL);
- /* no util function for this since we never use right click */
- evas_event_feed_mouse_down(e, 3, 0, 0, NULL);
- evas_event_feed_mouse_up(e, 3, 0, 0, NULL);
- );
- /* some other item:
- * click ->
- * "unselected" + "unhighlighted" + "item,unfocused" on first item
- * "pressed" + "released" + "item,focused" on other item */
- NAMEARRAY("unselected", "unhighlighted", "pressed", "released", "item,focused", "item,unfocused"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- /* click on some other random item to trigger different selection/highlight */
- click_object_at(genlist, 5, 50);
- );
- /* wheel ->
- * "realized" on unrealized items
- * "unrealized" on first item */
- NAMEARRAY("realized", "unrealized"),
- event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called,
- /* disable animations to avoid having to wait an indeterminate amount of time for scrolling */
- elm_config_scroll_animation_disabled_set(EINA_TRUE);
- /* wheel to trigger realize/unrealize */
- wheel_object_at(genlist, 50, 50, 0, 1);
- /* re-enable animations before failure to avoid triggering cascading test failures */
- elm_config_scroll_animation_disabled_set(EINA_FALSE);
- );
- /* filter_set ->
- * "filter,done"
- */
- NAMEARRAY("filter,done"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- elm_genlist_filter_set(genlist, "2");
- );
- elm_genlist_filter_set(genlist, NULL);
- /* simple drag ->
- * "swipe" + "drag,start,right" + "drag,stop"
- * also multiple "drag" events
- */
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "drag", event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called, &called[5]);
- NAMEARRAY("swipe", "drag,start,right", "drag,stop"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- click_object_at(genlist, 5, 50);
- drag_object(genlist, 5, 50, 150, 0, EINA_FALSE);
- );
- evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(genlist, "drag", event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called, &called[5]);
- /* there should be DRAG_OBJECT_NUM_MOVES - 1 "drag" events */
- ck_assert_int_eq(called[5], DRAG_OBJECT_NUM_MOVES - 1);
- /* continuous simple drags ->
- * "drag,start,left", "drag,start,up", "drag,start,down"
- */
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "drag,stop", event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called, &called[3]);
- NAMEARRAY("drag,start,left", "drag,start,up", "drag,start,down"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- /* left */
- click_object_at(genlist, 155, 50);
- drag_object(genlist, 155, 50, -150, 0, EINA_FALSE);
- /* down */
- click_object_at(genlist, 5, 50);
- drag_object(genlist, 5, 50, 0, 100, EINA_FALSE);
- /* up */
- click_object_at(genlist, 5, 150);
- drag_object(genlist, 5, 150, 0, -100, EINA_FALSE);
- );
- evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(genlist, "drag", event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called, &called[3]);
- ck_assert_int_eq(called[3], DRAG_OBJECT_NUM_MOVES - 1);
- /* intensive drag down ->
- * "longpressed" + "moved" + ("moved,after" || "moved,before")
- * also "index,update" on all affected items
- */
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "index,update", event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called, &called[3]);
- /* exactly one of these will be called */
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "moved,before", event_callback_single_call_int_data, &called[2]);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "moved,after", event_callback_single_call_int_data, &called[2]);
- /* "moved,before" can only be triggered on the first item and is a bit finnicky/unreliable
- * to trigger in unit tests so it's being ignored for now
- */
- NAMEARRAY("longpressed", "moved"),
- event_callback_single_call_int_data,
- double lp = elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_get(genlist);
- elm_genlist_reorder_mode_set(genlist, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set(genlist, 0);
- click_object_at(genlist, 5, 5);
- drag_object(genlist, 5, 5, 0, 90, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_genlist_reorder_mode_set(genlist, EINA_FALSE);
- elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set(genlist, lp);
- );
- evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(genlist, "moved,before", event_callback_single_call_int_data, &called[2]);
- evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(genlist, "moved,after", event_callback_single_call_int_data, &called[2]);
- ck_assert_int_eq(called[2], 1);
- evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(genlist, "index,update", event_callback_that_increments_an_int_when_called, &called[3]);
- /* at minimum, 2 items should have been changed */
- ck_assert_int_ge(called[3], 2);
void elm_test_genlist(TCase *tc)
tcase_add_test(tc, elm_genlist_test_legacy_type_check);
@@ -763,6 +578,4 @@ void elm_test_genlist(TCase *tc)
tcase_add_test(tc, elm_genlist_test_focus_state);
tcase_add_test(tc, elm_genlist_test_tree_expand);
- tcase_add_test(tc, elm_genlist_test_events);