path: root/src/bin/eolian_mono/eolian/mono/function_definition.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/eolian_mono/eolian/mono/function_definition.hh')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/eolian_mono/eolian/mono/function_definition.hh b/src/bin/eolian_mono/eolian/mono/function_definition.hh
index 007581d5d2..e30c979fe1 100644
--- a/src/bin/eolian_mono/eolian/mono/function_definition.hh
+++ b/src/bin/eolian_mono/eolian/mono/function_definition.hh
@@ -107,49 +107,75 @@ struct native_function_definition_generator
if (f.is_static)
self = "";
- if(!as_generator
- (indent << "private static "
- << eolian_mono::marshall_type(true) << " "
- << string
- << "(System.IntPtr obj, System.IntPtr pd"
- << *(", " << marshall_parameter)
- << ")\n"
- << indent << "{\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Debug(\"function " << string << " was called\");\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "var ws = Efl.Eo.Globals.GetWrapperSupervisor(obj);\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "if (ws != null)\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "{\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << eolian_mono::native_function_definition_preamble() << "\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "try\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << (return_type != "void" ? "_ret_var = " : "")
- << (f.is_static ? "" : "((") << klass_cast_name << (f.is_static ? "." : ")ws.Target).") << string
- << "(" << (native_argument_invocation % ", ") << ");\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "catch (Exception e)\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Warning($\"Callback error: {e.ToString()}\");\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Error.Set(Eina.Error.UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION);\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n\n"
- << indent << eolian_mono::native_function_definition_epilogue(*klass) << "\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "}\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "else\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "{\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << (return_type != "void" ? "return " : "") << string
- << "_ptr.Value.Delegate(" << self << ((!f.is_static && f.parameters.size() > 0) ? ", " : "") << (argument % ", ") << ");\n"
- << indent << scope_tab << "}\n"
- << indent << "}\n\n"
+ // Preamble
+ if (!as_generator
+ (indent << "private static "
+ << eolian_mono::marshall_type(true) << " "
+ << string
+ << "(System.IntPtr obj, System.IntPtr pd"
+ << *(", " << marshall_parameter)
+ << ")\n"
+ << indent << "{\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Debug(\"function " << string << " was called\");\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "var ws = Efl.Eo.Globals.GetWrapperSupervisor(obj);\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "if (ws != null)\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "{\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << eolian_mono::native_function_definition_preamble() << "\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "try\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n"
+ ).generate(sink, std::make_tuple(f.return_type, escape_keyword(, f.parameters, f.c_name, f), context))
+ return false;
+ // Actual call
+ // FIXME Replace with attribute assignment for properties
+ if (!helpers::is_property_wrapper(f, context))
+ {
+ if (!as_generator
+ (indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << (return_type != "void" ? "_ret_var = " : "")
+ << (f.is_static ? "" : "((") << klass_cast_name << (f.is_static ? "." : ")ws.Target).") << string
+ << "(" << (native_argument_invocation % ", ") << ");\n"
+ ).generate(sink, std::make_tuple(name_helpers::managed_method_name(f), f.parameters), context))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f.type == attributes::function_type::prop_get)
+ {
+ if (!as_generator
+ (indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << (return_type != "void" ? "_ret_var = " : "return ")
+ << (f.is_static ? "" : "((") << klass_cast_name << (f.is_static ? "." : ")ws.Target).") << string
+ << ";\n"
+ ).generate(sink, name_helpers::property_managed_name(f.klass,, - 3)), context))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f.type == attributes::function_type::prop_get)
+ {
+ if (!as_generator
+ (indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << (return_type != "void" ? "_ret_var = " : "")
+ << (f.is_static ? "" : "((") << klass_cast_name << (f.is_static ? "." : ")ws.Target).") << string
+ << "(" << (native_argument_invocation % ", ") << ");\n"
+ ).generate(sink, std::make_tuple(name_helpers::managed_method_name(f), f.parameters), context))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ EINA_CXX_DOM_LOG_DBG(eolian_mono::domain) << "Invalid type of native function for function " << f.c_name << std::endl;
+ // Epilogue
+ if (!as_generator(
+ indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "catch (Exception e)\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Log.Warning($\"Callback error: {e.ToString()}\");\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "Eina.Error.Set(Eina.Error.UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION);\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n\n"
+ << indent << eolian_mono::native_function_definition_epilogue(*klass) << "\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "}\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "else\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "{\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << (return_type != "void" ? "return " : "") << string
+ << "_ptr.Value.Delegate(" << self << ((!f.is_static && f.parameters.size() > 0) ? ", " : "") << (argument % ", ") << ");\n"
+ << indent << scope_tab << "}\n"
+ << indent << "}\n\n"
- .generate(sink, std::make_tuple(f.return_type, escape_keyword(, f.parameters
- , /***/f.c_name/***/
- , f
- , name_helpers::managed_method_name(f)
- , f.parameters
- , f
- , f.c_name
- , f.parameters
- )
- , context))
+ .generate(sink, std::make_tuple(f, f.c_name, f.parameters), context))
return false;
// Static functions do not need to be called from C