path: root/src/scripts/testgen
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scripts/testgen')
8 files changed, 1226 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4531f636db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/testgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Testgen: Template-based Eolian tests generator
+Testgen is a Python Script using the Pyolian to generate tests rendering
+templates with custom files, this can be a easy way to expand the
+API test coveraged.
+Testgen can generate tests C and to other bingings languages only
+adding new language specialized templates.
+There is nothing to install to use the generator, everything is included in
+the efl source tree and it is intended to work directly inside the tree,
+usually at efl tests compilation time (make check).
+The only requirement is that **the source tree must be already built** (not
+installed) because pyolian search the eolian .so/.dll inside the source tree.
+If you built the efl tree in a custom location (fe, you build out-of-tree) you
+can tell pyolian where to find the built eolian .so files using the
+`EOLIAN_SO_DIR` environment variable.
+Command line usage
+The simplest way to use the generator is from the command line, using the
+`src/scripts/testgen/` command, the `--help` option state:
+usage: [-h] testname suitename filename [eofiles [eofiles ...]]
+Eolian Test Generator.
+positional arguments:
+ testname The Test Name used to find custom and template files. (REQUIRED)
+ suitename The Suite Name used to find custom files. (REQUIRED)
+ filename Generated test file destination. (REQUIRED)
+ eofiles The Eolian Files to use.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+Use .c extension in <filename> to generate C tests or .cs to CSharp
+To test this generator in `src/scripts/testgen` you can run:
+./ automated efl efl_automated_test.c efl_loop.eo
+This will rendere the automated tests using files in `src/tests/automated` with
+suite name `efl_automated` and with Efl.Loop Class as Test Case
+or run:
+./ automated eio eio_automated_test.c eio_sentry.eo eio_model.eo
+This will rendere with suite name `eio_automated` and with Eio.Sentry and
+Eio.Model Class as Test Cases `eio_automated_eio_sentry_test` and
+How customise a Generated Test
+Testgen use the filesystem to find custom files if you need customise a test,
+add/write follow files in src/tests:
+ Suite custom files
+ * `src/test/<testname>/`
+ |-> <suitename>_custom.c #add include files, functions or structs
+ |-> <suitename>_init.c #add code in SUITE_INIT
+ |-> <suitename>_shutdown.c #add code in SUITE_SHUTDOWN
+ Class Test case custom files
+ * `src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/` #use lowercase and `_` separator
+ |-> custom.c #add include files, functions or structs
+ |-> init.c #add default way to create the object of this class
+ |-> shutdown.c #add default way to free the object
+Funtions Tests
+- Tests methodes custom files
+ * `src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/<method_name>`
+ |-> arg_init.c #initialize method arguments (arg_<argument_name>)
+ |-> init.c #add how to create the object (replace default)
+ |-> arg_shutdown.c #free arguments
+ |-> shutdown.c #add how to free the object (replace default)
+- Tests properties custom files
+ * `src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/<property_name>`
+ | -- Property Get --
+ |-> arg_get_init.c #initialize property get arguments (arg_<argument_name>)
+ |-> get_init.c #how to create the object (replace default)
+ |-> arg_get_shutdown.c #free arguments
+ |-> get_shutdown.c #how to free the object (replace default)
+ | -- Property Set --
+ |-> arg_set_init.c #initialize propety set arguments (arg_<argument_name>)
+ |-> set_init.c #how to create the object (replace default)
+ |-> arg_set_shutdown.c #free arguments
+ |-> set_shutdown.c #how to free the object (replace default)
+Event Tests
+- Tests Events custom files
+ * `src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/<event_name>/`
+ |-> init.cs #add how to initialize the objects
+ |-> custom.cs #add customizations in callback
+ |-> shutdown.cs #add shutdown or any method to call the event
+to make some custom files you only need a code using:
+ `parent` -> default name of parent object defined as `Eo *`
+ `obj` -> default name of current object
+ `arg_<name>` -> replace <name> with functions arguments name
+you can use custom.c (suite or class) to add specilized code, structs and callbacks
+-- Use `*.cs` to Emono/CSharp generated code --
+Some class or function test don't need a test in some Suite, you can disable test generated
+of it with a blank file as following:
+use lowercase and `_` as separator
+`src/test/<testname>/<class_name>` #don't generate test for <class_name>
+`src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/method_name` #don't generate test for <method_name>
+`src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/<property_name>` #don't generate test for this property
+`src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/<property_name>_get` #don't generate test for this property get
+`src/test/<testname>/<class_name>/<property_name>_set` #don't generate test for this property set
+Where to find more info
+ * read the Pyolian README file in EFL scripts
+ * read the file (it declare the full eolian API)
+ * read the file (it's super simple)
+ * read the original [pyratemp docs](
+This markdown file is mirrored in efl src tree (src/scripts/pyolian) and in
+phab wiki ( Don't forget to update the other
+if you change one!
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index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
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index 0000000000..42d9889f8d
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@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag
+from testgen import name_helpers
+class Function_List_Type(IntFlag):
+ OWN = 1
+ IMPLEMENTS = 2 # Overrides
+ EXTENSIONS = 4 # Interfaces/Mixins
+ INHERITED = 8 # Inherited but not overriden methods and classes
+class EKeys:
+ def __init__(self, ext):
+ self.ext = ext
+ self.dicttypes = {}
+ self.keywords = []
+ self.verbs = []
+ self.blacklist = ["efl_constructor"]
+ self.keyloads = ["init", "shutdown", "custom"]
+ self.implementsbl = ["construtor", "destructor", "finalize"]
+ self.funclist = Function_List_Type.OWN | Function_List_Type.IMPLEMENTS
+ def type_convert(self, eotype):
+ return
+ def event_convert(self, event):
+ return event.c_macro
+ def print_arg(self, eoarg):
+ return "arg_{}".format(
+ def format_name(self, func):
+ return
+class EMonoKeys(EKeys):
+ def __init__(self, ext):
+ super().__init__(ext)
+ self.funclist = (
+ Function_List_Type.OWN
+ | Function_List_Type.IMPLEMENTS
+ | Function_List_Type.EXTENSIONS
+ )
+ self.dicttypes = {
+ "byte": "sbyte",
+ "llong": "long",
+ "int8": "sbyte",
+ "int16": "short",
+ "int32": "int",
+ "int64": "long",
+ "ssize": "long",
+ "ubyte": "byte",
+ "ullong": "ulong",
+ "uint8": "byte",
+ "uint16": "ushort",
+ "uint32": "uint",
+ "uint64": "ulong",
+ "size": "ulong",
+ "ptrdiff": "long",
+ "intptr": "System.IntPtr",
+ "uintptr": "System.IntPtr",
+ "void_ptr": "System.IntPtr",
+ "void": "System.IntPtr", # only if is out/inout
+ "Error": "Eina.Error",
+ "string": "System.String",
+ "mstring": "System.String",
+ "stringshare": "System.String",
+ "any_value": "Eina.Value",
+ "any_value_ptr": "Eina.Value"
+ # complex Types
+ ,
+ "list": "Eina.List",
+ "inlist": "Eina.Inlist",
+ "array": "Eina.Array",
+ "inarray": "Eina.Inarray",
+ "hash": "Eina.Hash",
+ "promise": "int",
+ "future": "int",
+ "iterator": "Eina.Iterator",
+ "accessor": "Eina.Accessor",
+ "strbuf": "Eina.Strbuf",
+ "Efl.Class": "System.Type",
+ "rw_slice": "Eina.RwSlice",
+ "slice": "Eina.Slice",
+ }
+ self.keywords = [
+ "delete",
+ "do",
+ "lock",
+ "event",
+ "in",
+ "object",
+ "interface",
+ "string",
+ "internal",
+ "fixed",
+ "base",
+ ]
+ self.verbs = [
+ "add",
+ "get",
+ "is",
+ "del",
+ "thaw",
+ "freeze",
+ "save",
+ "wait",
+ "eject",
+ "raise",
+ "lower",
+ "load",
+ "dup",
+ "reset",
+ "unload",
+ "close",
+ "set",
+ "interpolate",
+ "has",
+ "grab",
+ "check",
+ "find",
+ "ungrab",
+ "unset",
+ "clear",
+ "pop",
+ "new",
+ "peek",
+ "push",
+ "update",
+ "show",
+ "move",
+ "hide",
+ "calculate",
+ "resize",
+ "attach",
+ "pack",
+ "unpack",
+ "emit",
+ "call",
+ "append",
+ ]
+ self.blacklist = [
+ "efl_event_callback_array_priority_add",
+ "efl_event_callback_forwarder_priority_add",
+ "efl_player_position_get",
+ "efl_text_font_source",
+ "efl_ui_focus_manager_focus_get",
+ "efl_ui_widget_focus",
+ "efl_ui_text_password",
+ "elm_interface_scrollable_repeat_events",
+ "elm_wdg_item_del",
+ "elm_wdg_item_focus",
+ "elm_interface_scrollable_mirrored_set",
+ "evas_obj_table_mirrored",
+ "edje_obj_load_error_get",
+ "efl_ui_focus_user_parent_get",
+ "efl_canvas_object_scale", # duplicated signature
+ "efl_access_parent_get",
+ "efl_access_name",
+ "efl_access_root_get",
+ "efl_access_type_get",
+ "efl_access_role_get",
+ "efl_access_action_description",
+ "efl_access_image_description",
+ "efl_access_component_layer_get", # duplicated signature
+ "efl_access_component_alpha_get",
+ "efl_access_component_size_get",
+ "efl_ui_spin_button_loop_get",
+ "efl_ui_list_model_size_get",
+ "efl_ui_list_relayout_layout_do",
+ "efl_constructor",
+ ]
+ self.struct_blacklist = [
+ "Efl.Event_Description",
+ "Eina.Binbuf",
+ "Eina.Strbuf",
+ "Eina.Slice",
+ "Eina.Rw_Slice",
+ "Eina.Promise",
+ "Eina.Value",
+ "Eina.Value_Type",
+ "Eina.Future",
+ ]
+ def escape_keyword(self, key):
+ key = "kw_{}".format(key) if key in self.keywords else key
+ return "{}Add".format(key) if key == "Finalize" else key
+ def direction_get(self, param):
+ direction = param.direction
+ if direction == direction.INOUT:
+ return "ref"
+ elif direction != direction.IN:
+ if in ("slice", "rw_slice"):
+ return "ref"
+ else:
+ return "out"
+ elif (direction == direction.IN) and param.type.is_ptr:
+ if param.type.typedecl and (
+ param.type.typedecl.type == param.type.typedecl.type.STRUCT
+ ):
+ return "ref" if not in self.struct_blacklist else None
+ return None
+ def klass_name(self, eotype):
+ *namespaces, name =".")
+ namespaces = [self.escape_keyword(x.lower()) for x in namespaces]
+ is_interface = eotype.type == eotype.type.CLASS
+ k_name = ("I" if is_interface else "") + name
+ return ".".join(namespaces + [k_name])
+ def type_convert(self, eotype):
+ if eotype.type == eotype.type.VOID:
+ return "System.IntPtr"
+ new_type = self.dicttypes.get(
+, name_helpers.type_managed_name(eotype)
+ )
+ if new_type not in ("Eina.RwSlice", "Eina.Slice") and eotype.base_type:
+ # Stringshare is a special case where its C# type differs if inside or outside
+ # a container:
+ # - Non-contained stringshares are directly converted to strings.
+ # - Contained stringshares are kept as the container parameter as a tag to
+ # marshal the value correctly whem adding/removing items from the container.
+ if == "stringshare":
+ base_type = "Eina.Stringshare"
+ else:
+ base_type = self.dicttypes.get(
+ name_helpers.type_managed_name(eotype.base_type),
+ )
+ new_type = "{}<{}>".format(new_type, base_type)
+ return new_type
+ def event_convert(self, event):
+ return "{}Evt".format("".join([i.capitalize() for i in",")]))
+ def print_arg(self, eoarg):
+ r = super().print_arg(eoarg)
+ prefix = self.direction_get(eoarg) or None
+ return " ".join([prefix, r]) if prefix else r
+ def format_name(self, func):
+ names ="_")
+ if func.type == func.type.METHOD and names[-1] in self.verbs:
+ names.insert(0, names.pop())
+ fname = "".join([name.capitalize() for name in names])
+ if func.type == func.type.METHOD:
+ fname = self.escape_keyword(fname)
+ return fname
+def GetKey(ext):
+ if ext == ".cs":
+ return EMonoKeys(ext)
+ return EKeys(ext)
diff --git a/src/scripts/testgen/ b/src/scripts/testgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e03ad23a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/testgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+"""Helper module with naming rules for the C# binding."""
+import os
+import sys
+# Hackish way of detecting pyolian...
+script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+if "EFL_DIR" in os.environ:
+ root_path = os.environ["EFL_DIR"]
+ root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_path, "..", "..", ".."))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(root_path, "src", "scripts"))
+from pyolian import eolian
+def remove_underlines(name):
+ """Removes underlines from name"""
+ return name.replace("_", "")
+def managed_name(name):
+ """Replaces underlines and capitalize first letter of each word"""
+ words = name.split("_")
+ return "".join(word[0].upper() + word[1:] for word in words)
+def managed_namespaces(namespaces):
+ """Converts an eolian list of namespaces into the managed namespace"""
+ return ".".join(remove_underlines(nsp) for nsp in namespaces)
+def class_managed_name(cls):
+ """Gets the full managed name of the given eolian class"""
+ ret = managed_namespaces(cls.namespaces)
+ if ret:
+ ret += "."
+ if cls.type in (eolian.Eolian_Class_Type.INTERFACE, eolian.Eolian_Class_Type.MIXIN):
+ ret += "I"
+ ret += remove_underlines(cls.short_name)
+ if ret == "Efl.Class":
+ return "System.Type"
+ return ret
+def type_managed_name(type):
+ """Gets the full managed name of a given type."""
+ if type.type == eolian.Eolian_Type_Type.CLASS:
+ return class_managed_name(type.class_)
+ ret = managed_namespaces(type.namespaces)
+ if ret:
+ ret += "."
+ ret += remove_underlines(type.short_name)
+ return ret
+# Need to pass the class as it is not accessible from Event in Pyolian
+def event_args_managed_name(event, cls):
+ """Gets the full managed name of the event arguments struct"""
+ if event.type is None:
+ return "System.EventArgs"
+ ret = class_managed_name(cls)
+ return ret + managed_name(event.myname) + "Evt_Args"
+def event_managed_short_name(event):
+ """Gets the managed short name of an event"""
+ return managed_name(",", "_")) + "Evt"
+def enum_field_managed_name(field):
+ """Gets the managed name of an Enum field"""
+ return managed_name(
diff --git a/src/scripts/testgen/ b/src/scripts/testgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5551eabf8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/testgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import itertools
+import os
+from pyolian.eolian import Eolian_Function_Type, Eolian_Class_Type, Eolian_Object_Scope
+from .ekeys import GetKey, Function_List_Type
+from pyolian import eolian
+from testgen import name_helpers
+class BaseItem:
+ def __init__(self, path, keys, prefix=""):
+ self.path = path
+ self.keys = keys
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if not attr.split("_")[-1] in self.keys.keyloads:
+ raise AttributeError("Error getting {}".format(attr))
+ filename = os.path.join(self.path, self.prefix + attr) + self.keys.ext
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ return
+ return None
+class ComItem(BaseItem):
+ def __init__(self, comp, path, keys):
+ super().__init__(path, keys)
+ self.comp = comp
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if hasattr(self.comp, attr):
+ return getattr(self.comp, attr)
+ return super().__getattr__(attr)
+class FuncItem(ComItem):
+ def __init__(self, comp, path, keys):
+ super().__init__(comp, os.path.join(path,, keys)
+ self.has_getter = (
+ comp.type in (Eolian_Function_Type.PROP_GET, Eolian_Function_Type.PROPERTY)
+ and comp.full_c_getter_name not in keys.blacklist
+ and comp.getter_scope == Eolian_Object_Scope.PUBLIC
+ and not os.path.isfile("{}_get".format(os.path.join(path,
+ )
+ self.has_setter = (
+ comp.type in (Eolian_Function_Type.PROP_SET, Eolian_Function_Type.PROPERTY)
+ and comp.full_c_setter_name not in keys.blacklist
+ and comp.setter_scope == Eolian_Object_Scope.PUBLIC
+ and not os.path.isfile("{}_set".format(os.path.join(path,
+ )
+ self.is_enum = (
+ lambda arg: arg.type
+ and arg.type.typedecl
+ and arg.type.typedecl.type == arg.type.typedecl.type.ENUM
+ )
+ self.is_number = lambda arg: arg.type and arg.type.builtin_type in (
+ arg.type.builtin_type.INT,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.UINT,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.LONG,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.ULONG,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.LLONG,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.ULLONG,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.INT8,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.UINT8,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.INT16,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.UINT16,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.INT32,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.UINT32,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.INT64,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.UINT64,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.INT128,
+ arg.type.builtin_type.UINT128,
+ )
+ @property
+ def getter_args(self):
+ return itertools.chain(self.getter_values, self.getter_keys)
+ @property
+ def setter_args(self):
+ return itertools.chain(self.setter_values, self.setter_keys)
+ @property
+ def format_name(self):
+ return self.keys.format_name(self)
+class EventItem(ComItem):
+ def __init__(self, comp, path, keys):
+ self.myname =",", "_")
+ super().__init__(comp, os.path.join(path, self.myname), keys)
+ self.format_name = self.keys.event_convert(self)
+class ClassItem(ComItem):
+ def __init__(self, comp, path, keys):
+ self.myname = os.path.splitext(comp.file)[0]
+ super().__init__(comp, os.path.join(path, self.myname), keys)
+ def mfilter(f):
+ if f.full_c_method_name in self.keys.blacklist:
+ return False
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path,
+ return False
+ if f.type == Eolian_Function_Type.PROPERTY:
+ if f.getter_scope != Eolian_Object_Scope.PUBLIC:
+ scope = f.setter_scope
+ else:
+ scope = f.getter_scope
+ else:
+ scope = f.scope_get(f.type)
+ if scope != Eolian_Object_Scope.PUBLIC:
+ return False
+ return True
+ if self.keys.funclist & Function_List_Type.OWN:
+ self._methods = {
+ FuncItem(m, self.path, keys)
+ for m in self.comp.methods
+ if mfilter(m)
+ }
+ self._properties = {
+ FuncItem(p, self.path, keys)
+ for p in
+ if mfilter(p)
+ }
+ self._events = {
+ EventItem(e, self.path, keys) for e in
+ }
+ else:
+ self._methods = {}
+ self._properties = {}
+ self._events = {}
+ if self.keys.funclist & Function_List_Type.IMPLEMENTS:
+ for imp in comp.implements:
+ if (
+ imp.namespace ==
+ or imp.short_name.lower() in self.keys.implementsbl
+ ):
+ continue
+ f = imp.function
+ if not mfilter(f):
+ continue
+ if f.type == Eolian_Function_Type.METHOD:
+ if in self._methods:
+ continue
+ self._methods[] = FuncItem(f, self.path, keys)
+ elif f.type in (
+ Eolian_Function_Type.PROPERTY,
+ Eolian_Function_Type.PROP_GET,
+ Eolian_Function_Type.PROP_SET,
+ ):
+ if in self._properties:
+ continue
+ self._properties[] = FuncItem(f, self.path, keys)
+ parents = []
+ if self.keys.funclist & Function_List_Type.INHERITS_FULL:
+ # Use inherits full to get inherited interfaces too
+ parents = self.comp.inherits_full
+ else:
+ if self.keys.funclist & Function_List_Type.EXTENSIONS:
+ parents = self.comp.extensions_hierarchy
+ if self.keys.funclist & Function_List_Type.INHERITED:
+ if parents:
+ parents = itertools.chain(self.comp.hierarchy, parents)
+ else:
+ parents = self.comp.hierarchy
+ for eoclass in parents:
+ for f in filter(mfilter, eoclass.methods):
+ if in self._methods:
+ continue
+ self._methods[] = FuncItem(f, self.path, keys)
+ for f in filter(mfilter,
+ if in self._properties:
+ continue
+ self._properties[] = FuncItem(f, self.path, keys)
+ @property
+ def properties(self):
+ return filter(lambda p: p.has_setter or p.has_getter, self._properties.values())
+ @property
+ def properties_get(self):
+ return filter(lambda p: p.has_getter, self._properties.values())
+ @property
+ def properties_set(self):
+ return filter(lambda p: p.has_setter, self._properties.values())
+ @property
+ def methods(self):
+ return self._methods.values()
+ @property
+ def events(self):
+ return self._events.values()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return itertools.chain(self.methods,
+class SuiteGen(BaseItem):
+ def __init__(self, name, testname, filename, path, template=None):
+ keys = GetKey(os.path.splitext(filename)[1])
+ super().__init__(path, keys, name + "_")
+ = name
+ self.testname = testname
+ self.fullname = "_".join([name, testname]) if testname else name
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.template = template
+ self.clslist = []
+ if not self.template:
+ script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ self.template = os.path.join(
+ script_path, "testgenerator{}.template".format(self.keys.ext)
+ )
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.clslist)
+ def type_convert(self, eotype):
+ if eotype.type == eolian.Eolian_Type_Type.CLASS:
+ return name_helpers.class_managed_name(eotype.class_)
+ if eotype.typedecl:
+ return name_helpers.type_managed_name(eotype)
+ return self.keys.type_convert(eotype)
+ def constructor_params(self, cls):
+ ret = []
+ constructors = itertools.chain(
+ cls.constructors, *[base.constructors for base in cls.inherits_full]
+ )
+ for constructor in constructors:
+ # Skip optional constructors for now
+ if constructor.is_optional:
+ continue
+ func = constructor.function
+ if func.type == eolian.Eolian_Function_Type.PROPERTY:
+ first_param = list(func.setter_values)[0]
+ else:
+ first_param = list(func.parameters)[0]
+ param_type = first_param.type
+ ret.append("default({})".format(name_helpers.type_managed_name(param_type)))
+ return (", " if ret else "") + ", ".join(ret)
+ def print_arg(self, eoarg):
+ return self.keys.print_arg(eoarg)
+ def intersect(self, a, b):
+ return list(set(a) & set(b))
+ def loadFiles(self, eolian_db, eofiles):
+ self.clslist.clear()
+ for eofile in eofiles:
+ eocls = eolian_db.class_by_file_get(os.path.basename(eofile))
+ if not eocls or eocls.type != Eolian_Class_Type.REGULAR:
+ continue
+ self.loadObj(eocls)
+ def loadObj(self, eocls):
+ cls = ClassItem(eocls, self.path, self.keys)
+ if not os.path.isfile(cls.path):
+ cls.myfullname = "{}_{}".format(self.fullname, cls.myname)
+ self.clslist.append(cls)
+ else:
+ print("removing {} Class from generated list".format(
diff --git a/src/scripts/testgen/ b/src/scripts/testgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..24ec00195e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/testgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+import os
+import sys
+import datetime
+script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+if "EFL_DIR" in os.environ:
+ root_path = os.environ["EFL_DIR"]
+ root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_path, "..", "..", ".."))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(root_path, "src", "scripts"))
+from pyolian import eolian
+from pyolian import pyratemp
+from testgen.suitegen import SuiteGen
+from testgen import name_helpers
+# Use .eo files from the source tree (not the installed ones)
+SCAN_FOLDER = os.path.join(root_path, "src", "lib")
+# create main eolian state
+eolian_db = eolian.Eolian_State()
+if not isinstance(eolian_db, eolian.Eolian_State):
+ raise (RuntimeError("Eolian, failed to create Eolian state"))
+# eolian source tree scan
+if not eolian_db.directory_add(SCAN_FOLDER):
+ raise (RuntimeError("Eolian, failed to scan source directory"))
+# Parse all known eo files
+if not eolian_db.all_eot_files_parse():
+ raise (RuntimeError("Eolian, failed to parse all EOT files"))
+if not eolian_db.all_eo_files_parse():
+ raise (RuntimeError("Eolian, failed to parse all EO files"))
+# cleanup the database on exit
+import atexit
+def cleanup_db():
+ global eolian_db
+ del eolian_db
+class Template(pyratemp.Template):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ filename,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ loader_class=pyratemp.LoaderFile,
+ parser_class=pyratemp.Parser,
+ renderer_class=pyratemp.Renderer,
+ eval_class=pyratemp.EvalPseudoSandbox,
+ ):
+ global_ctx = {}
+ global_ctx.update(
+ {
+ # Template info
+ "date":,
+ "template_file": os.path.basename(filename),
+ }
+ )
+ self.template_filename = filename
+ pyratemp.Template.__init__(
+ self,
+ filename=filename,
+ encoding=encoding,
+ data=global_ctx,
+ loader_class=loader_class,
+ parser_class=parser_class,
+ renderer_class=renderer_class,
+ eval_class=eval_class,
+ )
+ def render(self, suite, verbose=True):
+ # Build the context for the template
+ ctx = {}
+ ctx["suite"] = suite
+ ctx["name_helpers"] = name_helpers
+ # render with the augmented context
+ output = self(**ctx)
+ if suite.filename is not None:
+ # write to file
+ with open(suite.filename, "w") as f:
+ f.write(output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Eolian Test Generator.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "testname",
+ help="The Test Name used to find custom and template files. (REQUIRED)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "suitename", help="The Suite Name used to find custom files. (REQUIRED)"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("filename", help="Generated test file destination. (REQUIRED)")
+ parser.add_argument("eofiles", nargs="*", help="The Eolian Files to use.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ testdir = os.path.join(root_path, "src", "tests", args.testname)
+ suite = SuiteGen(args.suitename, args.testname, args.filename, testdir)
+ suite.loadFiles(eolian_db, args.eofiles)
+ t = Template(suite.template)
+ # try:
+ t.render(suite)
+# except:
+# print("ERROR RENDERING - Cannot create file: {}".format(suite.filename))
diff --git a/src/scripts/testgen/testgenerator.c.template b/src/scripts/testgen/testgenerator.c.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99fc76d596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/testgen/testgenerator.c.template
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+<!--(macro m_show)-->
+ <!--(if mshow)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro init)-->
+ Eo *parent = NULL;
+ Eo *obj = NULL;
+ <!--(if exists("mfunc") and mfunc!= None)-->
+ <!--(elif exists("mcls") and mcls!= None)-->
+ <!--(else)-->
+ obj = efl_add_ref(${cls.c_macro}$, parent);
+ fail_if(!obj, "ERROR: Cannot init ${}$!\n");
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro shutdown)-->
+ /** shutdown **/
+ <!--(if exists("mfunc") and mfunc != None)-->
+ <!--(elif exists("mcls") and mcls != None)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ efl_unref(obj);
+<!--(macro arg_default)-->
+ <!--(if == "__builtin_free_cb" or arg.type.is_ptr or arg.type.type == arg.type.type.CLASS or arg.type.builtin_type == arg.type.builtin_type.STRING)-->NULL<!--(elif arg.type.builtin_type == arg.type.builtin_type.ANY_VALUE)-->EINA_VALUE_EMPTY<!--(elif arg.type.typedecl and arg.type.typedecl.type == arg.type.typedecl.type.STRUCT )-->{}<!--(else)-->0<!--(end)-->;
+<!--(macro args_declaration)-->
+ <!--(for arg in args)-->
+ <!--(if arg.type.typedecl and arg.type.typedecl.type == arg.type.typedecl.type.FUNCTION_POINTER)-->
+ void * arg_${}$_data = NULL;
+ ${arg.type.c_type_param}$ arg_${}$ = NULL;
+ Eina_Free_Cb arg_${}$_free_cb = NULL;
+ <!--(else)-->
+ ${arg.type.c_type_param}$ arg_${}$ = ${arg_default(arg=arg)}$
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro print_arg)-->
+ <!--(if arg.type.typedecl and arg.type.typedecl.type == arg.type.typedecl.type.FUNCTION_POINTER)-->
+arg_${}$_data, arg_${}$, arg_${}$_free_cb
+ <!--(else)-->
+ <!--(if arg.direction in (arg.direction.OUT, arg.direction.INOUT))-->&<!--(end)-->arg_${}$
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro arg_self)-->
+ <!--(if not func.is_class)-->
+ obj
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro print_comma)-->
+ <!--(if i > 0 or not is_class)-->
+ ,
+ <!--(end)-->
+# include <config.h>
+#include <check.h>
+#include "efl_check.h"
+#include <Elementary.h>
+<!--(for cls in suite)-->
+void ${cls.myfullname}$_test(TCase *tc);
+static const Efl_Test_Case etc[] = {
+<!--(for cls in suite)-->
+ { "${}$ ${suite.testname.capitalize()}$ ${cls.myname.capitalize()}$", ${cls.myfullname}$_test },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+<!--(for cls in suite)-->
+/**************** TEST CASE ${cls.c_macro}$ ****************/
+ <!--(for func in cls.methods)-->
+ <!--(if func.method_return_type)-->${func.method_return_type.c_type_return}$ r = <!--(end)-->${func.full_c_method_name}$(${arg_self(func=func)}$<!--(for i, arg in enumerate(func.parameters))-->${print_comma(i=i, is_class=func.is_class)}$${print_arg(arg=arg)}$<!--(end)-->);
+ <!--(if func.method_return_type)-->(void)r;<!--(end)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(for func in>
+ <!--(if func.has_getter)-->
+ <!--(if len(list(func.getter_values)) > 1)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(if len(list(func.getter_values)) == 1)-->
+ ${list(func.getter_values)[0].type.c_type_return}$ r = ${func.full_c_getter_name}$(obj<!--(for arg in func.getter_keys)-->, arg_${}$<!--(end)-->);
+ (void)r;
+ <!--(else)-->
+ ${func.full_c_getter_name}$(obj<!--(for arg in func.getter_keys)-->, arg_${}$<!--(end)--><!--(for arg in func.getter_values)-->, &arg_${}$<!--(end)-->);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(if func.has_setter)-->
+ ${func.full_c_setter_name}$(obj<!--(for arg in func.setter_keys)-->, arg_${}$<!--(end)--><!--(for arg in func.setter_values)-->, arg_${}$<!--(end)-->);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+void ${cls.myfullname}$_test(TCase *tc)
+ tcase_add_test(tc, ${cls.myfullname}$_smoke);
+ <!--(for func in cls.methods)-->
+ tcase_add_test(tc, ${cls.myfullname}$_${func.full_c_method_name}$);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(for func in cls.properties_get)-->
+ tcase_add_test(tc, ${cls.myfullname}$_${func.full_c_getter_name}$);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(for func in cls.properties_set)-->
+ tcase_add_test(tc, ${cls.myfullname}$_${func.full_c_setter_name}$);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ fail_if(!eina_init(), "ERROR: Cannot init Eina!\n");
+ fail_if(!ecore_init(), "ERROR: Cannot init Ecore!\n");
+ fail_if(!efl_object_init(), "ERROR: Cannot init EO!\n");
+ ecore_shutdown();
+ eina_shutdown();
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int failed_count;
+ if (!_efl_test_option_disp(argc, argv, etc))
+ return 0;
+ putenv("EFL_RUN_IN_TREE=1");
+ failed_count = _efl_suite_build_and_run(argc - 1, (const char **)argv + 1,
+ "${suite.fullname}$", etc, SUITE_INIT_FN(${}$), SUITE_SHUTDOWN_FN(${}$));
+ return (failed_count == 0) ? 0 : 255;
diff --git a/src/scripts/testgen/testgenerator.cs.template b/src/scripts/testgen/testgenerator.cs.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2085e838d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/testgen/testgenerator.cs.template
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<!--(macro m_show)-->
+ <!--(if mshow)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro def_obj)-->${name_helpers.class_managed_name(param.type.class_)}$ arg_${}$ = null;<!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro def_param)-->
+ <!--(if param.type.type == param.type.type.CLASS)-->${def_obj(param=param)}$<!--(else)-->${suite.type_convert(param.type)}$ arg_${}$ = default(${suite.type_convert(param.type)}$);<!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro def_params)-->
+ <!--(for p in parameters)-->
+ ${def_param(param=p)}$
+ <!--(end)-->
+<!--(macro meth_target)-->
+ <!--(if func.is_class)-->${name_helpers.class_managed_name(cls)}$<!--(else)-->obj<!--(end)-->
+using System;
+namespace TestSuite
+<!--(if suite.custom)-->${suite.custom}$<!--(end)-->
+<!--(for cls in suite)-->
+/**************** TEST CASE ${cls.c_macro}$ ****************/
+class Test${'.','')}$
+ ${name_helpers.class_managed_name(cls)}$ obj;
+ public void SetUp()
+ {
+ <!--(if cls.init)-->
+ <!--(else)-->
+ obj = new ${name_helpers.class_managed_name(cls)}$(null${suite.constructor_params(cls)}$);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ }
+ public void TearDown()
+ {
+ <!--(if cls.shutdown)-->
+ <!--(else)-->
+ obj.Dispose();
+ obj = null;
+ <!--(end)-->
+ }
+ public void smoke()
+ {
+ }
+ <!--(for func in cls.methods)-->
+ public void ${}$()
+ {
+ <!--(if len(list(func.parameters)) > 0)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(if func.method_return_type)-->var r = <!--(end)-->${meth_target(func=func, cls=cls)}$.${func.format_name}$(${', '.join([ suite.print_arg(p) for p in func.parameters])}$);
+ }
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(for func in>
+ <!--(if func.has_getter)-->
+ public void ${}$_pget()
+ {
+ <!--(if func.getter_return_type or len(list(func.getter_values)) > 1)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(if len(list(func.getter_keys)) > 0)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(if not func.getter_return_type and len(list(func.getter_values)) == 1)-->
+ var arg_${list(func.getter_values)[0].name}$ = ${meth_target(func=func, cls=cls)}$.Get${func.format_name}$(${', '.join(['arg_{}'.format( for param in func.getter_keys])}$);
+ <!--(else)-->
+ <!--(if func.getter_return_type)-->var r = <!--(end)-->${meth_target(func=func, cls=cls)}$.Get${func.format_name}$(${', '.join([suite.print_arg(p) for p in func.getter_keys] + ['out arg_{}'.format( for p in func.getter_values])}$);
+ <!--(end)-->
+ }
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(if func.has_setter)-->
+ public void ${}$_pset()
+ {
+ <!--(if len(list(func.setter_keys)) > 0)-->
+ <!--(end)-->
+ ${meth_target(func=func, cls=cls)}$.Set${func.format_name}$(${', '.join([suite.print_arg(p) for p in list(func.setter_keys) + list(func.setter_values)])}$);
+ }
+ <!--(end)-->
+ <!--(end)-->