Help Cmake build system come true by helping with the following tasks. Most of them can be done on top of autotools only, then we'll catch-up with the cmake parts. General (non-CMake specific) Tasks: - move each target (binary, lib, test) to its own directory, example: src/lib/efreet contains efreet_mime and efreet_trash in addition to efreet. Create src/lib/efreet_mime and src/lib/efreet_trash. It also applies to tests (ie: src/tests/ector which contains both ector_suite and cxx_compile_test), in the case of binaries and tests make sure to contain them in the library folder: src/tests/ector should then contain 2 folders, one for each test. Another one is src/tests/eo, which contains lots of stand-alone tests in addition to eo_suite. - uniform installation (and lookup!) of modules, like lib/evas/modules/engines/NAME/v-1.18/ versus lib/ecore/system/NAME/v-1.18/ (missing 'modules/') lib/ecore_evas/engines/NAME/v-1.18/ (missing 'modules/') - uniform module enable variables: {LIB}_MODULE_TYPE_{SCOPE}_{MODNAME}_STATIC (static/built-in, with scope) {LIB}_MODULE_TYPE_{SCOPE}_{MODNAME}_DYNAMIC (dynamic, with scope) {LIB}_MODULE_TYPE_{MODNAME}_STATIC (static/built-in, no scope) {LIB}_MODULE_TYPE_{MODNAME}_DYNAMIC (dynamic, no scope) Example: EINA_MODULE_TYPE_MP_PASS_THROUGH_STATIC instead of EINA_STATIC_BUILD_PASS_THROUGH EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_ENGINE_FB instead of EVAS_STATIC_BUILD_FB As this will make clear we're dealing with modules and their scope (if any, things like Ecore_IMF have no module scope). CMake Tasks: - add src/lib/NAME/CMakeLists.txt defining SOURCES, PUBLIC_HEADERS, PKG_CONFIG_REQUIRES, PKG_CONFIG_REQUIRES_PRIVATE, LIBRARIES, PUBLIC_LIBRARIES and so on. See src/lib/eina/CMakeLists.txt as an example. - add options and dependency detection to cmake/config/NAME.cmake, see cmake/config/eina.cmake and cmake/config/common.cmake - add src/modules/NAME/SCOPE/MODNAME/CMakeLists.txt or src/modules/NAME/MODNAME/CMakeLists.txt (if no module scope). If single source and no special requiresments (libs, etc), then it should require no CMakeLists.txt and will be built automatically. - add src/bin/NAME/CMakeLists.txt (single binary of a lib) or src/bin/NAME/EXE_NAME/CMakeLists.txt (multiple binaries for a lib). If single source (one .c), then no CMakeLists.txt should be needed, see if it's already being built. - add src/tests/NAME/CMakeLists.txt (single test of a lib) or src/tests/NAME/EXE_NAME/CMakeLists.txt (multiple tests for a lib). If single source (one .c), then no CMakeLists.txt should be needed, see if it's already being built. Since it's under development, check the code in cmake/helpers/*.cmake, in particular cmake/helpers/EflMacros.cmake and check the comments and also fix bugs :-) Feedback on repetitive tasks and if you spot some unification/simplification/automatization.