#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "elementary_config.h" #endif #define EFL_ACCESS_OBJECT_PROTECTED #define EFL_ACCESS_WIDGET_ACTION_PROTECTED #define EFL_UI_FOCUS_LAYER_PROTECTED #define EFL_PART_PROTECTED #include #include "elm_priv.h" #include "elm_widget_panel.h" #include "els_box.h" #include "elm_panel_part.eo.h" #include "elm_part_helper.h" #define MY_CLASS ELM_PANEL_CLASS #define MY_CLASS_NAME "Elm_Panel" #define MY_CLASS_NAME_LEGACY "elm_panel" static const char ACCESS_OUTLINE_PART[] = "access.outline"; static const char SIG_TOGGLED[] = "toggled"; static const char SIG_SCROLL[] = "scroll"; static const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description _smart_callbacks[] = { {SIG_TOGGLED, ""}, {SIG_SCROLL, ""}, {SIG_LAYOUT_FOCUSED, ""}, /**< handled by elm_layout */ {SIG_LAYOUT_UNFOCUSED, ""}, /**< handled by elm_layout */ {NULL, NULL} }; static void _panel_toggle(void *, Evas_Object *, const char *,const char *); static Eina_Bool _key_action_toggle(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params); static void _drawer_open(Evas_Object *, Evas_Coord , Evas_Coord , Eina_Bool ); static void _drawer_close(Evas_Object *, Evas_Coord , Evas_Coord , Eina_Bool); static const Elm_Action key_actions[] = { {"toggle", _key_action_toggle}, {NULL, NULL} }; static void _mirrored_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool rtl) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if ((sd->content) && (efl_isa(sd->content, EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS))) efl_ui_mirrored_set(sd->content, rtl); elm_panel_orient_set(obj, elm_panel_orient_get(obj)); } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_elm_layout_sizing_eval(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { Evas_Coord mw = 0, mh = 0; ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd); if (sd->delete_me) return; if (sd->scrollable) { if (sd->hidden) _drawer_close(obj, wd->w, wd->h, EINA_FALSE); else _drawer_open(obj, wd->w, wd->h, EINA_FALSE); } evas_object_smart_calculate(sd->bx); edje_object_size_min_calc(wd->resize_obj, &mw, &mh); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(obj, mw, mh); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(obj, -1, -1); } static char * _access_state_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(data, sd); if (!sd->hidden) return strdup(E_("state: opened")); else return strdup(E_("state: closed")); return NULL; } static Evas_Object * _access_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part) { Evas_Object *po, *ao, *o; ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); o = elm_layout_edje_get(sd->scr_ly); edje_object_freeze(o); po = (Evas_Object *)edje_object_part_object_get(o, part); edje_object_thaw(o); ao = evas_object_data_get(po, "_part_access_obj"); return ao; } static void _access_activate_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *part_obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Object_Item *item EINA_UNUSED) { elm_panel_hidden_set(data, EINA_TRUE); } static void _access_obj_process(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool is_access) { Evas_Object *ao; ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if (is_access) { ao = _access_object_get(obj, ACCESS_OUTLINE_PART); if (!ao) { ao = _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_register (obj, elm_layout_edje_get(sd->scr_ly), ACCESS_OUTLINE_PART); _elm_access_text_set(_elm_access_info_get(ao), ELM_ACCESS_TYPE, E_("A panel is open")); _elm_access_text_set(_elm_access_info_get(ao), ELM_ACCESS_CONTEXT_INFO, E_("Double tap to close panel menu")); _elm_access_activate_callback_set (_elm_access_info_get(ao), _access_activate_cb, obj); } } else { _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_unregister (obj, elm_layout_edje_get(sd->scr_ly), ACCESS_OUTLINE_PART); } } static void _orient_set_do(Evas_Object *obj) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd); switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: if (!elm_layout_theme_set (obj, "panel", "top", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: if (!elm_layout_theme_set (obj, "panel", "bottom", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if (!elm_layout_theme_set(obj, "panel", "left", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if (!elm_layout_theme_set(obj, "panel", "right", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; } /* access */ if (_elm_config->access_mode == ELM_ACCESS_MODE_ON) { Evas_Object *ao; ao = _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_register (obj, wd->resize_obj, "btn_icon"); _elm_access_text_set(_elm_access_info_get(ao), ELM_ACCESS_TYPE, E_("panel button")); _elm_access_callback_set (_elm_access_info_get(ao), ELM_ACCESS_STATE, _access_state_cb, obj); } } static void _scrollable_layout_theme_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: if (!elm_layout_theme_set(sd->scr_ly, "scroller", "panel/top", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: if (!elm_layout_theme_set(sd->scr_ly, "scroller", "panel/bottom", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if (!elm_layout_theme_set(sd->scr_ly, "scroller", "panel/left", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if (!elm_layout_theme_set(sd->scr_ly, "scroller", "panel/right", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); break; } /* access */ if (_elm_config->access_mode == ELM_ACCESS_MODE_ON) _access_obj_process(obj, EINA_TRUE); } EOLIAN static Eina_Error _elm_panel_efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { const char *str; Evas_Coord minw = 0, minh = 0; Eina_Error int_ret = EFL_UI_THEME_APPLY_ERROR_GENERIC; ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd, EFL_UI_THEME_APPLY_ERROR_GENERIC); int_ret = efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); if (int_ret == EFL_UI_THEME_APPLY_ERROR_GENERIC) return int_ret; _mirrored_set(obj, efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)); if (sd->scrollable) { const char *handler_size; elm_widget_theme_object_set(obj, sd->scr_edje, "scroller", "panel", elm_widget_style_get(obj)); _scrollable_layout_theme_set(obj, sd); handler_size = edje_object_data_get(sd->scr_edje, "handler_size"); if (handler_size) sd->handler_size = (int) (elm_object_scale_get(obj)) * (atoi(handler_size)); } else { str = edje_object_data_get (wd->resize_obj, "focus_highlight"); if ((str) && (!strcmp(str, "on"))) elm_widget_highlight_in_theme_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); else elm_widget_highlight_in_theme_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); _orient_set_do(obj); evas_object_hide(sd->event); elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(1, &minw, 1, &minh); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(sd->event, minw, minh); if (edje_object_part_exists(wd->resize_obj, "elm.swallow.event")) efl_content_set(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), "elm.swallow.event"), sd->event); } if (efl_finalized_get(obj)) elm_layout_sizing_eval(obj); return int_ret; } static void _box_layout_cb(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Box_Data *priv, void *data EINA_UNUSED) { _els_box_layout(o, priv, EINA_TRUE, EINA_FALSE, EINA_FALSE); } static void _handler_open(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); if (sd->handler_size == 0) return; switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: elm_interface_scrollable_region_bring_in (obj, 0, (h * sd->content_size_ratio) - sd->handler_size, w, h); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: elm_interface_scrollable_region_bring_in (obj, 0, sd->handler_size, w, h); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: elm_interface_scrollable_region_bring_in (obj, (w * sd->content_size_ratio) - sd->handler_size, 0, w, h); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: elm_interface_scrollable_region_bring_in (obj, sd->handler_size, 0, w, h); break; } } static void _drawer_open(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Eina_Bool anim) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); int x = 0, y = 0; if (sd->freeze) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if (efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)) x = w * sd->content_size_ratio; break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: y = h * sd->content_size_ratio; break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if (!efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)) x = w * sd->content_size_ratio; break; } if (anim) elm_interface_scrollable_region_bring_in (obj, x, y, w, h); else elm_interface_scrollable_content_region_show (obj, x, y, w, h); } static void _drawer_close(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Eina_Bool anim) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); int x = 0, y = 0, cx, cy; Eina_Bool horizontal = EINA_FALSE; switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: y = h * sd->content_size_ratio; break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if (!efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)) x = w * sd->content_size_ratio; horizontal = EINA_TRUE; break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if (efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)) x = w * sd->content_size_ratio; horizontal = EINA_TRUE; break; } elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, &cx, &cy); if ((x == cx) && (y == cy)) { if (!sd->freeze) { if (horizontal) elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); else elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); sd->freeze = EINA_TRUE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,hidden", "elm"); } return; } if (anim) { if (sd->freeze) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } elm_interface_scrollable_region_bring_in(obj, x, y, w, h); } else { elm_interface_scrollable_content_region_show(obj, x, y, w, h); if (!sd->freeze) { if (horizontal) elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); else elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); sd->freeze = EINA_TRUE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,hidden", "elm"); } } } static void _panel_toggle(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission EINA_UNUSED, const char *source EINA_UNUSED) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd); int w, h; if (sd->scrollable) { if (elm_widget_disabled_get(obj)) return; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if (sd->hidden) { sd->hidden = EINA_FALSE; _drawer_open(obj, w, h, EINA_TRUE); } else { sd->hidden = EINA_TRUE; _drawer_close(obj, w, h, EINA_TRUE); } } else { if (sd->hidden) { elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,action,show", "elm"); sd->hidden = EINA_FALSE; evas_object_repeat_events_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); } else { elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,action,hide", "elm"); sd->hidden = EINA_TRUE; evas_object_repeat_events_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); } //if the panel is hidden, make this thing unfocusable edje_object_message_signal_process(wd->resize_obj); } efl_ui_focus_layer_enable_set(obj, !sd->hidden); efl_event_callback_legacy_call(obj, ELM_PANEL_EVENT_TOGGLED, NULL); } static Eina_Bool _state_sync(Evas_Object *obj) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); Evas_Coord pos, panel_size, w, h, threshold; Eina_Bool horizontal = EINA_FALSE, reverse = EINA_FALSE; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if (!evas_object_visible_get(sd->bx)) return EINA_TRUE; switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: reverse = EINA_TRUE; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: reverse = EINA_TRUE; EINA_FALLTHROUGH; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: horizontal = EINA_TRUE; break; } if (horizontal) { if (w <= 0) return EINA_TRUE; panel_size = w * sd->content_size_ratio; elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, &pos, NULL); reverse ^= efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj); } else { if (h <= 0) return EINA_TRUE; panel_size = h * sd->content_size_ratio; elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, NULL, &pos); } threshold = (sd->hidden) ? panel_size - (panel_size / 4) : (panel_size / 4); if (reverse) { if (pos > panel_size - threshold) sd->hidden = EINA_FALSE; else sd->hidden = EINA_TRUE; } else { if (pos < threshold) sd->hidden = EINA_FALSE; else sd->hidden = EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _timer_cb(void *data) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(data, sd); Evas_Object *obj = data; Evas_Coord w, h; sd->timer = NULL; if (sd->freeze) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); _handler_open(obj, w, h); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _event_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(data, sd); Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = event_info; Evas_Coord x, y, up_x, up_y, minw = 0, minh = 0; evas_object_geometry_get(data, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); up_x = ev->canvas.x - x; up_y = ev->canvas.y - y; elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(1, &minw, 1, &minh); if ((!sd->hidden) && (up_x == sd->down_x) && (up_y == sd->down_y)) elm_panel_hidden_set(data, EINA_TRUE); } static void _on_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { Elm_Panel_Data *sd = data; Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = event_info; Evas_Coord finger_size = elm_config_finger_size_get(); Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, &x, &y, &w, &h); Eina_Bool is_mirrored = efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj); sd->down_x = ev->canvas.x - x; sd->down_y = ev->canvas.y - y; // if freeze state & mouse down on the edge // then set timer for un-freeze switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: if ((sd->freeze) && (sd->down_y >= 0) && (sd->down_y < finger_size)) { ecore_timer_del(sd->timer); sd->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.2, _timer_cb, obj); } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: if ((sd->freeze) && (sd->down_y <= h) && (sd->down_y > (h - finger_size))) { ecore_timer_del(sd->timer); sd->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.2, _timer_cb, obj); } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if ((!is_mirrored && (sd->freeze) && (sd->down_x >= 0) && (sd->down_x < finger_size)) || ((is_mirrored && (sd->freeze) && (sd->down_x <= w) && (sd->down_x > (w - finger_size))))) { ecore_timer_del(sd->timer); sd->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.2, _timer_cb, obj); } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if ((is_mirrored && (sd->freeze) && (sd->down_x >= 0) && (sd->down_x < finger_size)) || (!is_mirrored && (sd->freeze) && (sd->down_x <= w) && (sd->down_x > (w - finger_size)))) { ecore_timer_del(sd->timer); sd->timer = ecore_timer_add(0.2, _timer_cb, obj); } break; } } static void _on_mouse_move(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { Elm_Panel_Data *sd = data; Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev = event_info; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, cur_x, cur_y, finger_size; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, &x, &y, &w, &h); finger_size = elm_config_finger_size_get(); Eina_Bool is_mirrored = efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj); cur_x = ev->cur.canvas.x - x; cur_y = ev->cur.canvas.y - y; // if mouse down on the edge (it means sd->timer is not null) // and move more than finger size // then un-freeze switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: if (sd->timer && ((cur_y - sd->down_y) > finger_size)) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: if (sd->timer && ((sd->down_y - cur_y) > finger_size)) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if ((!is_mirrored && (sd->timer) && ((cur_x - sd->down_x) > finger_size)) || ((is_mirrored) && (sd->timer) && ((sd->down_x - cur_x) > finger_size))) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if ((is_mirrored && (sd->timer) && ((cur_x - sd->down_x) > finger_size)) || (!is_mirrored && (sd->timer) && ((sd->down_x - cur_x) > finger_size))) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } break; } if (!sd->freeze && sd->hidden) ev->event_flags |= EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD; } static void _on_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { Elm_Panel_Data *sd = data; Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = event_info; Evas_Coord w, h; Eina_Bool hidden; hidden = sd->hidden; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->timer, ecore_timer_del); if (_state_sync(obj)) return; if (sd->hidden) _drawer_close(obj, w, h, EINA_TRUE); else _drawer_open(obj, w, h, EINA_TRUE); if (sd->hidden != hidden) efl_event_callback_legacy_call(obj, ELM_PANEL_EVENT_TOGGLED, NULL); if (!sd->freeze && sd->hidden) ev->event_flags |= EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD; } static Eina_Bool _key_action_toggle(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params EINA_UNUSED) { _panel_toggle(NULL, obj, NULL, NULL); return EINA_TRUE; } // _panel_elm_widget_widget_event ELM_WIDGET_KEY_DOWN_DEFAULT_IMPLEMENT(panel, Elm_Panel_Data) EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _elm_panel_efl_ui_widget_widget_input_event_handler(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *pd, const Efl_Event *eo_event, Evas_Object *src) { if (src != obj) return EINA_FALSE; return _panel_efl_ui_widget_widget_input_event_handler(obj, pd, eo_event, src); } static Eina_Bool _elm_panel_content_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, const char *part, Evas_Object *content) { if (part) { // "elm.swallow.event" part is used for internal needs and should not be changed. if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.event")) { ERR("elm.swallow.event is being used for panel internally. Don't touch this part!"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.content")) { Eina_Bool int_ret = EINA_TRUE; int_ret = efl_content_set(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), part), content); return int_ret; } } if (sd->content == content) return EINA_TRUE; if (sd->content) evas_object_box_remove_all(sd->bx, EINA_TRUE); sd->content = content; if (content) { evas_object_box_append(sd->bx, sd->content); evas_object_show(sd->content); if (sd->scrollable) elm_widget_sub_object_add(sd->scr_ly, sd->content); else elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->content); } if (efl_finalized_get(obj)) elm_layout_sizing_eval(obj); return EINA_TRUE; } static Evas_Object* _elm_panel_content_get(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, const char *part) { if (part) { // "elm.swallow.event" part is used for internal needs and should not be changed. if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.event")) { ERR("elm.swallow.event is being used for panel internally. Don't touch this part!"); return NULL; } if (strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.content")) { Evas_Object *ret = NULL; ret = efl_content_get(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), part)); return ret; } } return sd->content; } static Evas_Object* _elm_panel_content_unset(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, const char *part) { Evas_Object *ret = NULL; if (part) { // "elm.swallow.event" part is used for internal needs and should not be changed. if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.event")) { ERR("elm.swallow.event is being used for panel internally. Don't touch this part!"); return NULL; } if (strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.content")) { ret = efl_content_unset(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), part)); return ret; } } if (!sd->content) return NULL; ret = sd->content; evas_object_box_remove_all(sd->bx, EINA_FALSE); if (sd->scrollable) _elm_widget_sub_object_redirect_to_top(sd->scr_ly, sd->content); sd->content = NULL; return ret; } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_canvas_group_group_add(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *priv) { ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd); efl_canvas_group_add(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); elm_widget_can_focus_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); priv->panel_edje = wd->resize_obj; efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(obj); priv->bx = evas_object_box_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_box_layout_set(priv->bx, _box_layout_cb, priv, NULL); evas_object_show(priv->bx); elm_layout_signal_callback_add (obj, "elm,action,panel,toggle", "*", _panel_toggle, obj); _mirrored_set(obj, efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)); priv->event = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_color_set(priv->event, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_pass_events_set(priv->event, EINA_TRUE); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, priv->event); /* just to bootstrap and have theme hook to work */ if (!elm_layout_theme_set(obj, "panel", "top", elm_widget_style_get(obj))) CRI("Failed to set layout!"); else { efl_content_set(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), "elm.swallow.content"), priv->bx); if (edje_object_part_exists (wd->resize_obj, "elm.swallow.event")) { Evas_Coord minw = 0, minh = 0; elm_coords_finger_size_adjust(1, &minw, 1, &minh); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(priv->event, minw, minh); efl_content_set(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), "elm.swallow.event"), priv->event); } } } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_canvas_group_group_del(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { Evas_Object *child; Eina_List *l; ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd); sd->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->timer, ecore_timer_del); /* let's make our panel object the *last* to be processed, since it * may (smart) parent other sub objects here */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->subobjs, l, child) { if (child == sd->bx) { wd->subobjs = eina_list_demote_list(wd->subobjs, l); break; } } efl_canvas_group_del(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_gfx_entity_position_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Eina_Position2D pos) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_MOVE, 0, pos.x, pos.y)) return; efl_gfx_entity_position_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), pos); efl_gfx_entity_position_set(sd->hit_rect, pos); } static void _scrollable_layout_resize(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: // vertical evas_object_resize(sd->scr_ly, w, (1 + sd->content_size_ratio) * h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(sd->scr_panel, w, (sd->content_size_ratio * h)); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(sd->scr_event, w, h); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: // horizontal evas_object_resize(sd->scr_ly, (1 + sd->content_size_ratio) * w, h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(sd->scr_panel, (sd->content_size_ratio * w), h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(sd->scr_event, w, h); break; } if (efl_finalized_get(obj)) elm_layout_sizing_eval(obj); } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_gfx_entity_size_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Eina_Size2D sz) { if (_evas_object_intercept_call(obj, EVAS_OBJECT_INTERCEPT_CB_RESIZE, 0, sz.w, sz.h)) return; efl_gfx_entity_size_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), sz); if (!sd->scrollable) return; efl_gfx_entity_size_set(sd->hit_rect, sz); _scrollable_layout_resize(obj, sd, sz.w, sz.h); } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_canvas_group_group_member_add(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Evas_Object *member) { efl_canvas_group_member_add(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), member); if (sd->hit_rect) evas_object_raise(sd->hit_rect); } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_ui_widget_on_access_update(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *_pd, Eina_Bool is_access) { ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd); Elm_Panel_Data *sd = _pd; if (sd->scrollable) { _access_obj_process(obj, is_access); return; } if (is_access) _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_register (obj, wd->resize_obj, "btn_icon"); else _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_unregister (obj, wd->resize_obj, "btn_icon"); } EAPI Evas_Object * elm_panel_add(Evas_Object *parent) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(parent, NULL); Evas_Object *obj = elm_legacy_add(MY_CLASS, parent); ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, wd, NULL); wd->highlight_root = EINA_TRUE; return obj; } EOLIAN static Eo * _elm_panel_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *_pd EINA_UNUSED) { obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); efl_canvas_object_type_set(obj, MY_CLASS_NAME_LEGACY); evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(obj, _smart_callbacks); efl_access_object_role_set(obj, EFL_ACCESS_ROLE_PANEL); efl_ui_focus_layer_behaviour_set(obj, EINA_FALSE, EINA_FALSE); return obj; } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_orient_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Elm_Panel_Orient orient) { if (sd->orient == orient) return; sd->orient = orient; if (sd->scrollable) { _scrollable_layout_theme_set(obj, sd); if (!sd->freeze) { switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); break; } sd->freeze = EINA_TRUE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,hidden", "elm"); } elm_panel_scrollable_content_size_set(obj, sd->content_size_ratio); } else _orient_set_do(obj); if (efl_finalized_get(obj)) elm_layout_sizing_eval(obj); } EOLIAN static Elm_Panel_Orient _elm_panel_orient_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { return sd->orient; } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_hidden_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Eina_Bool hidden) { if (sd->hidden == !!hidden) { if (sd->scrollable && sd->hidden && !sd->freeze) { Evas_Coord w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); _drawer_close(obj, w, h, EINA_TRUE); } return; } _panel_toggle(NULL, obj, NULL, NULL); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _elm_panel_hidden_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { return sd->hidden; } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_toggle(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *_pd EINA_UNUSED) { _panel_toggle(NULL, obj, NULL, NULL); } EOLIAN static Eina_Rect _elm_panel_efl_ui_widget_interest_region_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { Eina_Rect r = {}; elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, &r.x, &r.y); evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &r.w, &r.h); switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: r.h *= sd->content_size_ratio; break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: r.w *= sd->content_size_ratio; break; } if (r.w < 1) r.w = 1; if (r.h < 1) r.h = 1; return r; } static void _anim_stop_cb(Evas_Object *obj, void *data EINA_UNUSED) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); Evas_Object *ao; Evas_Coord pos, w, h, panel_size = 0; Eina_Bool open = EINA_FALSE, horizontal = EINA_FALSE, reverse = EINA_FALSE; if (elm_widget_disabled_get(obj)) return; switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: reverse = EINA_TRUE; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: reverse = EINA_TRUE; EINA_FALLTHROUGH; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: horizontal = EINA_TRUE; break; } evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if (horizontal) { if (w <= 0) return; panel_size = w * sd->content_size_ratio; elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, &pos, NULL); reverse ^= efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj); } else { if (h <= 0) return; panel_size = h * sd->content_size_ratio; elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, NULL, &pos); } if (pos == 0) open = !reverse; else if (pos == panel_size) open = reverse; else return; if (open) { elm_interface_scrollable_single_direction_set (obj, ELM_SCROLLER_SINGLE_DIRECTION_HARD); //focus & access elm_object_tree_focus_allow_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); if (_elm_config->access_mode == ELM_ACCESS_MODE_ON) { ao = _access_object_get(obj, ACCESS_OUTLINE_PART); evas_object_show(ao); _elm_access_highlight_set(ao); } else elm_object_focus_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); } else { if (horizontal) elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); else elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); sd->freeze = EINA_TRUE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,hidden", "elm"); elm_interface_scrollable_single_direction_set (obj, ELM_SCROLLER_SINGLE_DIRECTION_NONE); //focus & access elm_object_tree_focus_allow_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); if (_elm_config->access_mode == ELM_ACCESS_MODE_ON) { ao = _access_object_get(obj, ACCESS_OUTLINE_PART); evas_object_hide(ao); } } } static void _scroll_cb(Evas_Object *obj, void *data EINA_UNUSED) { ELM_PANEL_DATA_GET(obj, sd); Elm_Panel_Scroll_Info event; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; if (elm_widget_disabled_get(obj)) return; // in the case of // freeze_set(FALSE) -> mouse_up -> freeze_set(TRUE) -> scroll if (sd->freeze) { elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_NONE); sd->freeze = EINA_FALSE; elm_layout_signal_emit(sd->scr_ly, "elm,state,content,visible", "elm"); } elm_interface_scrollable_content_pos_get(obj, &x, &y); evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: event.rel_x = 1; event.rel_y = 1 - ((double) y / (double) ((sd->content_size_ratio) * h)); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: event.rel_x = 1; event.rel_y = (double) y / (double) ((sd->content_size_ratio) * h); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: if (!efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)) { event.rel_x = 1 - ((double) x / (double) ((sd->content_size_ratio) * w)); event.rel_y = 1; } else { event.rel_x = (double) x / (double) ((sd->content_size_ratio) * w); event.rel_y = 1; } break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: if (efl_ui_mirrored_get(obj)) { event.rel_x = 1 - ((double) x / (double) ((sd->content_size_ratio) * w)); event.rel_y = 1; } else { event.rel_x = (double) x / (double) ((sd->content_size_ratio) * w); event.rel_y = 1; } break; } efl_event_callback_legacy_call (obj, EFL_UI_EVENT_SCROLL, (void *) &event); } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_ui_widget_disabled_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Eina_Bool disabled) { efl_ui_widget_disabled_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), disabled); if (sd->scrollable) { if (efl_ui_widget_disabled_get(obj) && sd->callback_added) { switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); break; } evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _on_mouse_down); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _on_mouse_move); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _on_mouse_up); evas_object_event_callback_del(sd->scr_event, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _event_mouse_up); sd->callback_added = EINA_FALSE; } else if (!efl_ui_widget_disabled_get(obj) && !sd->callback_added) { switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); break; } evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _on_mouse_down, sd); evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _on_mouse_move, sd); evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _on_mouse_up, sd); evas_object_event_callback_add(sd->scr_event, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _event_mouse_up, obj); sd->callback_added = EINA_TRUE; } } } EOLIAN static double _elm_panel_scrollable_content_size_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { return sd->content_size_ratio; } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_scrollable_content_size_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, double ratio) { if (ratio < 0) ratio = 0; else if (ratio > 1.0) ratio = 1.0; sd->content_size_ratio = ratio; if (sd->scrollable) { Evas_Coord w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); _scrollable_layout_resize(obj, sd, w, h); } } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _elm_panel_scrollable_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Panel_Data *sd) { return sd->scrollable; } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_scrollable_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Eina_Bool scrollable) { scrollable = !!scrollable; if (sd->scrollable == scrollable) return; sd->scrollable = scrollable; if (scrollable) { efl_content_unset(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), "elm.swallow.content")); //Hide previous resize object evas_object_hide(sd->panel_edje); elm_widget_resize_object_set(obj, NULL); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->panel_edje); if (!sd->scr_edje) { const char *handler_size; sd->scr_edje = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); elm_widget_theme_object_set(obj, sd->scr_edje, "scroller", "panel", elm_widget_style_get(obj)); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set (sd->scr_edje, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set (sd->scr_edje, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); handler_size = edje_object_data_get(sd->scr_edje, "handler_size"); if (handler_size) sd->handler_size = (int) (elm_object_scale_get(obj)) * (atoi(handler_size)); } elm_widget_resize_object_set(obj, sd->scr_edje); if (!sd->hit_rect) { sd->hit_rect = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->hit_rect, obj); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->hit_rect); evas_object_color_set(sd->hit_rect, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_show(sd->hit_rect); evas_object_repeat_events_set(sd->hit_rect, EINA_TRUE); elm_interface_scrollable_objects_set(obj, sd->scr_edje, sd->hit_rect); elm_interface_scrollable_animate_stop_cb_set(obj, _anim_stop_cb); elm_interface_scrollable_scroll_cb_set(obj, _scroll_cb); } if (!sd->scr_ly) { sd->scr_ly = elm_layout_add(obj); evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->scr_ly, obj); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->scr_ly); _scrollable_layout_theme_set(obj, sd); sd->scr_panel = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_color_set(sd->scr_panel, 0, 0, 0, 0); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->scr_panel); if (!elm_layout_content_set(sd->scr_ly, "elm.panel_area", sd->scr_panel)) elm_layout_content_set(sd->scr_ly, "panel_area", sd->scr_panel); sd->scr_event = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); evas_object_color_set(sd->scr_event, 0, 0, 0, 0); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->scr_event); if (!elm_layout_content_set(sd->scr_ly, "elm.event_area", sd->scr_event)) elm_layout_content_set(sd->scr_ly, "event_area", sd->scr_event); } else _scrollable_layout_theme_set(obj, sd); elm_interface_scrollable_content_set(obj, sd->scr_ly); sd->freeze = EINA_TRUE; elm_layout_content_set(sd->scr_ly, "elm.swallow.content", sd->bx); if (sd->content) elm_widget_sub_object_add(sd->scr_ly, sd->content); if (sd->hidden) { switch (sd->orient) { case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_TOP: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_BOTTOM: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_VERTICAL); break; case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_LEFT: case ELM_PANEL_ORIENT_RIGHT: elm_interface_scrollable_movement_block_set (obj, EFL_UI_SCROLL_BLOCK_HORIZONTAL); break; } } elm_interface_scrollable_single_direction_set (obj, ELM_SCROLLER_SINGLE_DIRECTION_NONE); if (!elm_widget_disabled_get(obj) && !sd->callback_added) { evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _on_mouse_down, sd); evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _on_mouse_move, sd); evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _on_mouse_up, sd); evas_object_event_callback_add(sd->scr_event, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _event_mouse_up, obj); sd->callback_added = EINA_TRUE; } } else { elm_interface_scrollable_content_set(obj, NULL); if (sd->callback_added) { evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _on_mouse_down); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _on_mouse_move); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _on_mouse_up); evas_object_event_callback_del(sd->scr_event, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _event_mouse_up); sd->callback_added = EINA_FALSE; } elm_widget_resize_object_set(obj, NULL); elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->scr_edje); elm_widget_resize_object_set(obj, sd->panel_edje); _orient_set_do(obj); if (sd->hidden) { elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,action,hide,no_animate", "elm"); evas_object_repeat_events_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); } else { elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,action,show,no_animate", "elm"); evas_object_repeat_events_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); } edje_object_message_signal_process(sd->panel_edje); evas_object_hide(sd->scr_ly); elm_layout_content_unset(sd->scr_ly, "elm.swallow.content"); efl_content_set(efl_part(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), "elm.swallow.content"), sd->bx); if (sd->content) elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, sd->content); } } EOLIAN static void _elm_panel_efl_ui_i18n_mirrored_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Panel_Data *sd, Eina_Bool mirrored) { if (sd->scrollable) efl_ui_mirrored_set(efl_cast(obj, ELM_INTERFACE_SCROLLABLE_MIXIN), mirrored); else efl_ui_mirrored_set(efl_cast(obj, EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS), mirrored); } static void _elm_panel_class_constructor(Efl_Class *klass) { evas_smart_legacy_type_register(MY_CLASS_NAME_LEGACY, klass); } EOLIAN const Efl_Access_Action_Data * _elm_panel_efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Panel_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { static Efl_Access_Action_Data atspi_actions[] = { { "toggle", "toggle", NULL, _key_action_toggle}, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; return &atspi_actions[0]; } /* Efl.Part begin */ ELM_PART_OVERRIDE(elm_panel, ELM_PANEL, Elm_Panel_Data) ELM_PART_OVERRIDE_CONTENT_SET(elm_panel, ELM_PANEL, Elm_Panel_Data) ELM_PART_OVERRIDE_CONTENT_GET(elm_panel, ELM_PANEL, Elm_Panel_Data) ELM_PART_OVERRIDE_CONTENT_UNSET(elm_panel, ELM_PANEL, Elm_Panel_Data) #include "elm_panel_part.eo.c" /* Efl.Part end */ /* Internal EO APIs and hidden overrides */ #define ELM_PANEL_EXTRA_OPS \ ELM_LAYOUT_SIZING_EVAL_OPS(elm_panel), \ EFL_CANVAS_GROUP_ADD_DEL_OPS(elm_panel) #include "elm_panel_eo.c"