#ifndef EVAS_PRIVATE_H #define EVAS_PRIVATE_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifndef EFL_CANVAS_OBJECT_PROTECTED # define EFL_CANVAS_OBJECT_PROTECTED #endif #include "Evas.h" #include "Eet.h" #include "../file/evas_module.h" #include "../file/evas_path.h" #include "../common/evas_text_utils.h" #include "../common/language/evas_bidi_utils.h" #include "../common/language/evas_language_utils.h" #include "evas_3d_utils.h" #ifdef EAPI # undef EAPI #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # ifdef EFL_EVAS_BUILD # ifdef DLL_EXPORT # define EAPI __declspec(dllexport) # else # define EAPI # endif /* ! DLL_EXPORT */ # else # define EAPI __declspec(dllimport) # endif /* ! EFL_EVAS_BUILD */ #else # ifdef __GNUC__ # if __GNUC__ >= 4 # define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) # else # define EAPI # endif # else # define EAPI # endif #endif /* ! _WIN32 */ #include "canvas/evas_text.eo.h" #include "canvas/evas_textgrid.eo.h" #include "canvas/evas_line.eo.h" #include "canvas/evas_box.eo.h" #include "canvas/evas_table.eo.h" #include "canvas/evas_grid.eo.h" #include "canvas/evas_out.eo.h" #define RENDER_METHOD_INVALID 0x00000000 typedef struct _Evas_Layer Evas_Layer; typedef struct _Evas_Size Evas_Size; typedef struct _Evas_Aspect Evas_Aspect; typedef struct _Evas_Border Evas_Border; typedef struct _Evas_Double_Pair Evas_Double_Pair; typedef struct _Evas_Size_Hints Evas_Size_Hints; typedef struct _Evas_Font_Dir Evas_Font_Dir; typedef struct _Evas_Font Evas_Font; typedef struct _Evas_Font_Alias Evas_Font_Alias; typedef struct _Evas_Font_Description Evas_Font_Description; typedef struct _Evas_Data_Node Evas_Data_Node; typedef struct _Evas_Func Evas_Func; typedef struct _Evas_Image_Save_Func Evas_Image_Save_Func; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Func Evas_Object_Func; typedef struct _Evas_Intercept_Func Evas_Intercept_Func; typedef struct _Evas_Key_Grab Evas_Key_Grab; typedef struct _Evas_Format Evas_Format; typedef struct _Evas_Map_Point Evas_Map_Point; typedef struct _Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array; typedef struct _Evas_Smart_Interfaces_Array Evas_Smart_Interfaces_Array; typedef struct _Evas_Post_Callback Evas_Post_Callback; typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Touch_Point Evas_Coord_Touch_Point; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Proxy_Data Evas_Object_Proxy_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Map_Data Evas_Object_Map_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Proxy_Render_Data Evas_Proxy_Render_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Object_3D_Data Evas_Object_3D_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Mask_Data Evas_Object_Mask_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Smart_Data Evas_Smart_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Protected_State Evas_Object_Protected_State; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Protected_Data Evas_Object_Protected_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Filter_Program Evas_Filter_Program; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Filter_Data Evas_Object_Filter_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Filter_Data_Binding Evas_Filter_Data_Binding; // 3D stuff #define EVAS_CANVAS3D_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT 5 #define EVAS_CANVAS3D_MATERIAL_ATTRIB_COUNT 5 typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Object Evas_Canvas3D_Object_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Scene_Public_Data Evas_Canvas3D_Scene_Public_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Mesh Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Mesh; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Object_Func Evas_Canvas3D_Object_Func; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Pick_Data Evas_Canvas3D_Pick_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Interpolate_Vertex_Buffer Evas_Canvas3D_Interpolate_Vertex_Buffer; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Scene Evas_Canvas3D_Scene_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Node Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Camera Evas_Canvas3D_Camera_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Light Evas_Canvas3D_Light_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Material Evas_Canvas3D_Material_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Texture Evas_Canvas3D_Texture_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive_Data; /* Structs for mesh eet saver/loader */ typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vec2_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Vec2_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vec3_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Vec3_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Geometry_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Geometry_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Color_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Color_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Material_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Material_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Frame_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Frame_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Header_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_Header_Eet; typedef struct _Evas_Canvas3D_File_Eet Evas_Canvas3D_File_Eet; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vec2_Eet { float x; float y; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vec3_Eet { float x; float y; float z; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Eet { Evas_Canvas3D_Vec3_Eet position; Evas_Canvas3D_Vec3_Eet normal; Evas_Canvas3D_Vec2_Eet texcoord; };//one point of mesh struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Geometry_Eet { unsigned int id; int vertices_count; Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Eet *vertices; };//contain array of vertices and id for using in Evas_Canvas3D_Frame_Eet in future struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Color_Eet { float r; float g; float b; float a; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Material_Eet { int id; float shininess; int colors_count; Evas_Canvas3D_Color_Eet *colors;//Color per attribute (ambient, diffuse, specular etc.) }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Frame_Eet { int id; int geometry_id; int material_id; };//only ids to prevent of spending of memory when animation will change only geometry or only material struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Eet { int materials_count; int frames_count; int geometries_count; Evas_Canvas3D_Material_Eet *materials; Evas_Canvas3D_Frame_Eet *frames; Evas_Canvas3D_Geometry_Eet *geometries; };//contain materials, geometries and bounding between it (frames) struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Header_Eet { int version; int *materials;//colors_count int materials_count; int *geometries;//vertices_count int geometries_count; int frames; };//can be use for fast allocating of memory struct _Evas_Canvas3D_File_Eet { Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Eet *mesh; Evas_Canvas3D_Header_Eet *header; };//contain mesh data and information about mesh size typedef Eina_Bool (*Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Func)(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *, void *data); typedef enum _Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Traverse_Type { EVAS_CANVAS3D_NODE_TRAVERSE_DOWNWARD, EVAS_CANVAS3D_NODE_TRAVERSE_UPWARD, } Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Traverse_Type; typedef enum _Evas_Canvas3D_Tree_Traverse_Type { EVAS_CANVAS3D_TREE_TRAVERSE_PRE_ORDER, EVAS_CANVAS3D_TREE_TRAVERSE_ANY_ORDER = EVAS_CANVAS3D_TREE_TRAVERSE_PRE_ORDER, EVAS_CANVAS3D_TREE_TRAVERSE_POST_ORDER, EVAS_CANVAS3D_TREE_TRAVERSE_LEVEL_ORDER, } Evas_Canvas3D_Tree_Traverse_Type; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Object { Evas *evas; Evas_Canvas3D_Object_Type type; Eina_Bool dirty[EVAS_CANVAS3D_STATE_MAX]; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Scene { Evas_Canvas3D_Node *root_node; Evas_Canvas3D_Node *camera_node; Evas_Color bg_color; Eina_Bool shadows_enabled :1; Eina_Bool color_pick_enabled :1; void *surface; int w, h; Eina_List *images; Eina_Hash *node_mesh_colors; Eina_Hash *colors_node_mesh; /*sets constant for shadow rendering*/ Evas_Real depth_offset; Evas_Real depth_constant; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Mesh { Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node; Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh; int frame; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Node { Eina_List *members; Evas_Canvas3D_Node *parent; Evas_Canvas3D_Node *billboard_target; Eina_Vector3 position; Eina_Quaternion orientation; Eina_Vector3 scale; Eina_Vector3 position_world; Eina_Quaternion orientation_world; Eina_Vector3 scale_world; Evas_Box3 aabb; Evas_Box3 obb; Evas_Sphere bsphere; Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Type type; /* Camera node. */ union { struct { Evas_Canvas3D_Camera *camera; Eina_Matrix4 matrix_world_to_eye; } camera; struct { Evas_Canvas3D_Light *light; Eina_Matrix4 matrix_local_to_world; } light; struct { Eina_List *meshes; Eina_Hash *node_meshes; Eina_Matrix4 matrix_local_to_world; } mesh; } data; /* Scene using this node as root. */ Eina_Hash *scenes_root; /* Scene using this node as camera. */ Eina_Hash *scenes_camera; Eina_Bool position_inherit : 1; Eina_Bool orientation_inherit : 1; Eina_Bool scale_inherit : 1; Eina_Bool lod : 1; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Camera { Eina_Matrix4 projection; Eina_Hash *nodes; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Light { Evas_Color ambient; Evas_Color diffuse; Evas_Color specular; Eina_Bool directional; Evas_Real spot_exp; Evas_Real spot_cutoff; Evas_Real spot_cutoff_cos; Eina_Bool enable_attenuation; Evas_Real atten_const; Evas_Real atten_linear; Evas_Real atten_quad; Eina_Matrix4 projection; Eina_Hash *nodes; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer { int element_count; int stride; void *data; int size; Eina_Bool owns_data; Eina_Bool mapped; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Interpolate_Vertex_Buffer { void *data0; int stride0; int size0; void *data1; int stride1; int size1; Evas_Real weight; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame { Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh; int frame; Evas_Canvas3D_Material *material; Evas_Box3 aabb; Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer vertices[EVAS_CANVAS3D_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT]; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh { Evas_Canvas3D_Shader_Mode shader_mode; int vertex_count; int frame_count; Eina_List *frames; Evas_Canvas3D_Index_Format index_format; int index_count; void *indices; int index_size; Eina_Bool owns_indices; Eina_Bool index_mapped; Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Assembly assembly; Eina_Hash *nodes; Eina_Bool shadowed; Eina_Bool blending :1; Evas_Canvas3D_Blend_Func blend_sfactor; Evas_Canvas3D_Blend_Func blend_dfactor; Evas_Canvas3D_Comparison alpha_comparison; Evas_Real alpha_ref_value; Eina_Bool alpha_test_enabled :1; Evas_Color fog_color; Eina_Bool fog_enabled :1; Evas_Color color_pick_key; Eina_Bool color_pick_enabled :1; /*sets of the quality and offsets for shadow rendering*/ int shadows_edges_filtering_level; Evas_Real shadows_edges_size; Evas_Real shadows_constant_bias; Evas_Real near_lod_boundary; Evas_Real far_lod_boundary; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Texture { /* List of materials using this texture. */ Eina_Hash *materials; /* Proxy data. */ Evas_Object *source; Eina_Bool proxy_rendering; void *proxy_surface; /* Engine-side object. */ void *engine_data; /*Use atlases, @EINA_TRUE by default*/ Eina_Bool atlas_enable :1; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Material { struct { Eina_Bool enable; Evas_Color color; Evas_Canvas3D_Texture *texture; } attribs[EVAS_CANVAS3D_MATERIAL_ATTRIB_COUNT]; Evas_Real shininess; Eina_Hash *meshes; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive { Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Primitive form; Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive_Mode mode; Evas_Real ratio; int precision; Evas_Canvas3D_Surface_Func *surface; Eina_Vector2 tex_scale; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Scene_Public_Data { Evas_Color bg_color; Evas_Canvas3D_Node *camera_node; Eina_List *light_nodes; Eina_List *mesh_nodes; Eina_Bool shadows_enabled :1; Eina_Bool color_pick_enabled :1; Eina_Hash *node_mesh_colors; Eina_Hash *colors_node_mesh; /*sets constant for shadow rendering*/ Evas_Real depth_offset; Evas_Real depth_constant; Eina_Bool render_to_texture; unsigned int lod_distance; Eina_Bool post_processing :1; Evas_Canvas3D_Shader_Mode post_processing_type; }; struct _Evas_Canvas3D_Pick_Data { /* Input */ Evas_Real x, y; Eina_Matrix4 matrix_vp; Evas_Ray3 ray_world; /* Output */ Eina_Bool picked; Evas_Real z; Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node; Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh; Evas_Real u, v; Evas_Real s, t; }; enum _Evas_Font_Style { EVAS_FONT_STYLE_SLANT, EVAS_FONT_STYLE_WEIGHT, EVAS_FONT_STYLE_WIDTH }; enum _Evas_Font_Slant { EVAS_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, EVAS_FONT_SLANT_OBLIQUE, EVAS_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC }; enum _Evas_Font_Weight { EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_THIN, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHT, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_BOOK, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_BLACK, EVAS_FONT_WEIGHT_EXTRABLACK }; enum _Evas_Font_Width { EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_NORMAL, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_CONDENSED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_EXPANDED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED, EVAS_FONT_WIDTH_ULTRAEXPANDED }; enum _Evas_Font_Spacing { EVAS_FONT_SPACING_PROPORTIONAL, EVAS_FONT_SPACING_DUAL, EVAS_FONT_SPACING_MONO, EVAS_FONT_SPACING_CHARCELL }; typedef enum _Evas_Font_Style Evas_Font_Style; typedef enum _Evas_Font_Slant Evas_Font_Slant; typedef enum _Evas_Font_Weight Evas_Font_Weight; typedef enum _Evas_Font_Width Evas_Font_Width; typedef enum _Evas_Font_Spacing Evas_Font_Spacing; /* General types - used for script type chceking */ #define OPAQUE_TYPE(type) struct __##type { int a; }; \ typedef struct __##type type OPAQUE_TYPE(Evas_Font_Set); /* General type for RGBA_Font */ OPAQUE_TYPE(Evas_Font_Instance); /* General type for RGBA_Font_Int */ /* End of general types */ #define MAGIC_EVAS 0x70777770 #define MAGIC_OBJ 0x71737723 #define MAGIC_OBJ_RECTANGLE 0x76748772 #define MAGIC_OBJ_LINE 0x7a27f839 #define MAGIC_OBJ_POLYGON 0x7bb7577e #define MAGIC_OBJ_IMAGE 0x747ad76c #define MAGIC_OBJ_TEXT 0x77757721 #define MAGIC_OBJ_SMART 0x78c7c73f #define MAGIC_OBJ_TEXTBLOCK 0x71737744 #define MAGIC_OBJ_TEXTGRID 0x7377a7ca #define MAGIC_SMART 0x7c6977c5 #define MAGIC_OBJ_SHAPE 0x747297f7 #define MAGIC_OBJ_CONTAINER 0x71877776 #define MAGIC_OBJ_VG 0x77817EE7 #define MAGIC_OBJ_CUSTOM 0x7b7857ab #define MAGIC_EVAS_GL 0x77976718 #define MAGIC_MAP 0x7575177d #define MAGIC_DEV 0x7d773738 #ifdef EINA_MAGIC_DEBUG # define MAGIC_CHECK_FAILED(o, t, m) \ {evas_debug_error(); \ if (!o) evas_debug_input_null(); \ } # define MAGIC_CHECK(o, t, m) \ {if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!o)) { \ MAGIC_CHECK_FAILED(o, t, m) # define MAGIC_CHECK_END() }} #else # define MAGIC_CHECK_FAILED(o, t, m) # define MAGIC_CHECK(o, t, m) { if (!o) { # define MAGIC_CHECK_END() }} #endif // helper function for legacy EAPI implementations #define EVAS_OBJ_GET_OR_RETURN(o, ...) ({ \ Evas_Object_Protected_Data *_obj = eo_isa(o, EFL_CANVAS_OBJECT_CLASS) ? \ eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EFL_CANVAS_OBJECT_CLASS) : NULL; \ if (!_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK_FAILED(o,0,0) return __VA_ARGS__; } \ _obj; }) #define NEW_RECT(_r, _x, _y, _w, _h) (_r) = eina_rectangle_new(_x, _y, _w, _h); #define MERR_NONE() _evas_alloc_error = EVAS_ALLOC_ERROR_NONE #define MERR_FATAL() _evas_alloc_error = EVAS_ALLOC_ERROR_FATAL #define MERR_BAD() _evas_alloc_error = EVAS_ALLOC_ERROR_RECOVERED /* DEBUG mode: fail, but normally just ERR(). This also returns if NULL. */ #ifdef DEBUG #define EVAS_OBJECT_LEGACY_API(_eo, ...) \ do { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *_o = eo_data_scope_get(_eo, EFL_CANVAS_OBJECT_CLASS); \ if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!_o)) return __VA_ARGS__; \ if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!_o->legacy)) { \ char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Calling legacy API on EO object '%s' is not permitted!", eo_class_name_get(_o->object)); \ EINA_SAFETY_ERROR(buf); \ return __VA_ARGS__; \ } } while (0) #else #define EVAS_OBJECT_LEGACY_API(_eo, ...) \ do { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *_o = eo_data_scope_get(_eo, EFL_CANVAS_OBJECT_CLASS); \ if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!_o)) return __VA_ARGS__; \ if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!_o->legacy)) { \ char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Calling legacy API on EO object '%s' is not permitted!", eo_class_name_get(_o->object)); \ EINA_SAFETY_ERROR(buf); \ } } while (0) #endif #define EVAS_OBJECT_IMAGE_FREE_FILE_AND_KEY(cur, prev) \ if (cur->u.file && !cur->mmaped_source) \ { \ eina_stringshare_del(cur->u.file); \ if (prev->u.file == cur->u.file) \ prev->u.file = NULL; \ cur->u.file = NULL; \ } \ if (cur->key) \ { \ eina_stringshare_del(cur->key); \ if (prev->key == cur->key) \ prev->key = NULL; \ cur->key = NULL; \ } \ if (prev->u.file && !prev->mmaped_source) \ { \ eina_stringshare_del(prev->u.file); \ prev->u.file = NULL; \ } \ if (prev->key) \ { \ eina_stringshare_del(prev->key); \ prev->key = NULL; \ } struct _Evas_Coord_Touch_Point { Evas_Coord x, y; // point's x, y position int id; // id in order to distinguish each point Evas_Touch_Point_State state; }; struct _Evas_Key_Grab { char *keyname; Evas_Modifier_Mask modifiers; Evas_Modifier_Mask not_modifiers; Evas_Object *object; Eina_Bool exclusive : 1; Eina_Bool just_added : 1; Eina_Bool delete_me : 1; Eina_Bool is_active : 1; }; struct _Evas_Intercept_Func { struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Show_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } show; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Hide_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } hide; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Move_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } move; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Resize_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } resize; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Raise_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } raise; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Lower_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } lower; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Stack_Above_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } stack_above; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Stack_Below_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } stack_below; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Layer_Set_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } layer_set; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Color_Set_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } color_set; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Clip_Set_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } clip_set; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Clip_Unset_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } clip_unset; struct { Evas_Object_Intercept_Focus_Set_Cb func; void *data; Eina_Bool intercepted; } focus_set; }; struct _Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array { unsigned int size; const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **array; }; struct _Evas_Smart_Interfaces_Array { unsigned int size; const Evas_Smart_Interface **array; }; struct _Evas_Smart { DATA32 magic; int usage; const Evas_Smart_Class *smart_class; Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array callbacks; Evas_Smart_Interfaces_Array interfaces; unsigned char delete_me : 1; unsigned char class_allocated : 1; }; struct _Evas_Modifier { struct { int count; char **list; } mod; Evas_Modifier_Mask mask; /* ok we have a max of 64 modifiers */ }; struct _Evas_Lock { struct { int count; char **list; } lock; Evas_Modifier_Mask mask; /* we have a max of 64 locks */ }; struct _Evas_Post_Callback { Evas_Object *obj; Evas_Object_Event_Post_Cb func; const void *data; unsigned char delete_me : 1; }; struct _Evas_Public_Data { EINA_INLIST; DATA32 magic; Evas *evas; struct { unsigned char inside : 1; int mouse_grabbed; int downs; DATA32 button; Evas_Coord x, y; int nogrep; struct { Eina_List *in; } object; } pointer; struct { Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; unsigned char changed : 1; } viewport; struct { int w, h; DATA32 render_method; unsigned char changed : 1; } output; struct { Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; Eina_Bool changed : 1; Evas_Object *clip; } framespace; Eina_List *damages; Eina_List *obscures; Evas_Layer *layers; Eina_Hash *name_hash; // locking so we can implement async rendering threads Eina_Lock lock_objects; int output_validity; int walking_list; Evas_Event_Flags default_event_flags; struct { Evas_Module *module; Evas_Func *func; Ector_Surface *ector; struct { void *output; void *context; } data; void *info; int info_magic; } engine; struct { Eina_List *updates; Eina_Spinlock lock; } render; Eina_Array delete_objects; Eina_Array active_objects; Eina_Array restack_objects; Eina_Array render_objects; Eina_Array pending_objects; Eina_Array obscuring_objects; Eina_Array temporary_objects; Eina_Array snapshot_objects; Eina_Array clip_changes; Eina_Array scie_unref_queue; Eina_Array image_unref_queue; Eina_Array glyph_unref_queue; Eina_Array texts_unref_queue; Eina_Clist calc_list; Eina_Clist calc_done; Eina_List *video_objects; Eina_List *post_events; // free me on evas_free Eina_Inlist *callbacks; int delete_grabs; int walking_grabs; Eina_List *grabs; Eina_List *font_path; int in_smart_calc; int smart_calc_count; Evas_Object *focused; void *attach_data; Evas_Modifier modifiers; Evas_Lock locks; unsigned int last_timestamp; int last_mouse_down_counter; int last_mouse_up_counter; int nochange; Evas_Font_Hinting_Flags hinting; Eina_List *touch_points; Eina_List *devices; Eina_Array *cur_device; Eina_List *outputs; unsigned char changed : 1; unsigned char delete_me : 1; unsigned char invalidate : 1; unsigned char cleanup : 1; unsigned char focus : 1; Eina_Bool is_frozen : 1; Eina_Bool rendering : 1; Eina_Bool render2 : 1; }; struct _Evas_Layer { EINA_INLIST; short layer; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *objects; Evas_Public_Data *evas; void *engine_data; Eina_List *removes; int usage; int walking_objects; unsigned char delete_me : 1; }; struct _Evas_Size { Evas_Coord w, h; }; struct _Evas_Aspect { Evas_Aspect_Control mode; Evas_Size size; }; struct _Evas_Border { Evas_Coord l, r, t, b; }; struct _Evas_Double_Pair { double x, y; }; struct _Evas_Size_Hints { Evas_Size min, max, user_min, request; Evas_Aspect aspect; Evas_Double_Pair align, weight; Evas_Border padding; Evas_Display_Mode dispmode; }; struct _Evas_Map_Point { double x, y, z, px, py; double u, v; unsigned char r, g, b, a; }; struct _Evas_Map { DATA32 magic; int count; // num of points Evas_Coord_Rectangle normal_geometry; // bounding box of map geom actually // void *surface; // surface holding map if needed // int surface_w, surface_h; // current surface w & h alloc Evas_Coord mx, my; // mouse x, y after conversion to map space struct { Evas_Coord px, py, z0, foc; } persp; Eina_Bool alpha : 1; Eina_Bool smooth : 1; struct { Eina_Bool enabled : 1; Evas_Coord diff_x, diff_y; } move_sync; Evas_Map_Point points[]; // actual points }; struct _Evas_Object_Proxy_Data { Eina_List *proxies; Eina_List *proxy_textures; void *surface; int w,h; Eina_List *src_event_in; Eina_Bool redraw : 1; Eina_Bool is_proxy : 1; Eina_Bool src_invisible : 1; Eina_Bool src_events: 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Map_Data { struct { Evas_Map *map; Evas_Object *map_parent; Eina_Bool usemap : 1; Eina_Bool valid_map : 1; } cur, prev; void *surface; // surface holding map if needed int surface_w, surface_h; // current surface w & h alloc Evas_Map *cache_map; RGBA_Map *spans; }; struct _Evas_Object_3D_Data { void *surface; int w, h; }; // Mask clipper information struct _Evas_Object_Mask_Data { void *surface; int w, h; Eina_Bool is_mask : 1; Eina_Bool redraw : 1; Eina_Bool is_alpha : 1; Eina_Bool is_scaled : 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Protected_State { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *clipper; Evas_Coord_Rectangle geometry; struct { struct { Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; unsigned char r, g, b, a; Eina_Bool visible : 1; Eina_Bool dirty : 1; } clip; } cache; struct { unsigned char r, g, b, a; } color; double scale; short layer; Evas_Render_Op render_op : 4; Eina_Bool visible : 1; Eina_Bool have_clipees : 1; Eina_Bool anti_alias : 1; Eina_Bool valid_bounding_box : 1; Eina_Bool snapshot : 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Protected_Data { EINA_INLIST; const char *type; Evas_Layer *layer; const Evas_Object_Protected_State *cur; const Evas_Object_Protected_State *prev; char *name; Evas_Intercept_Func *interceptors; Eina_List *grabs; Eina_Inlist *callbacks; struct { Eina_List *clipees; Eina_List *cache_clipees_answer; Eina_List *changes; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *mask, *prev_mask; } clip; const Evas_Object_Func *func; void *private_data; struct { Evas_Smart *smart; Evas_Object *parent; Evas_Smart_Data *parent_data; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *parent_object_data; } smart; // Eina_Cow pointer be careful when writing to it const Evas_Object_Proxy_Data *proxy; const Evas_Object_Map_Data *map; const Evas_Object_3D_Data *data_3d; const Evas_Object_Mask_Data *mask; // Pointer to the Evas_Object itself Evas_Object *object; Evas_Size_Hints *size_hints; int last_mouse_down_counter; int last_mouse_up_counter; int mouse_grabbed; // Daniel: Added because the destructor can't take parameters, at least for the moment int clean_layer; int last_event; Evas_Callback_Type last_event_type; struct { int in_move, in_resize; } doing; unsigned int ref; unsigned int animator_ref; unsigned int move_ref; unsigned char delete_me; struct { Eina_Bool pass_events : 1; Eina_Bool pass_events_valid : 1; Eina_Bool freeze_events : 1; Eina_Bool freeze_events_valid : 1; Eina_Bool src_invisible : 1; Eina_Bool src_invisible_valid : 1; } parent_cache; Evas_Object_Pointer_Mode pointer_mode : 2; Eina_Bool store : 1; Eina_Bool pass_events : 1; Eina_Bool freeze_events : 1; Eina_Bool repeat_events : 1; Eina_Bool restack : 1; Eina_Bool is_active : 1; Eina_Bool precise_is_inside : 1; Eina_Bool is_static_clip : 1; Eina_Bool render_pre : 1; Eina_Bool rect_del : 1; Eina_Bool mouse_in : 1; Eina_Bool pre_render_done : 1; Eina_Bool focused : 1; Eina_Bool in_layer : 1; Eina_Bool no_propagate : 1; Eina_Bool changed : 1; Eina_Bool changed_move : 1; Eina_Bool changed_color : 1; Eina_Bool changed_map : 1; Eina_Bool changed_pchange : 1; Eina_Bool changed_src_visible : 1; Eina_Bool need_surface_clear : 1; Eina_Bool del_ref : 1; Eina_Bool is_frame : 1; Eina_Bool child_has_map : 1; Eina_Bool efl_del_called : 1; Eina_Bool is_smart : 1; Eina_Bool no_render : 1; // since 1.15 Eina_Bool legacy : 1; // used legacy constructor }; struct _Evas_Data_Node { char *key; void *data; }; struct _Evas_Font_Dir { Eina_Hash *lookup; Eina_List *fonts; Eina_List *aliases; DATA64 dir_mod_time; DATA64 fonts_dir_mod_time; DATA64 fonts_alias_mod_time; }; struct _Evas_Font { struct { const char *prop[14]; } x; struct { const char *name; } simple; const char *path; char type; }; struct _Evas_Font_Alias { const char *alias; Evas_Font *fn; }; struct _Evas_Font_Description { int ref; Eina_Stringshare *name; Eina_Stringshare *fallbacks; Eina_Stringshare *lang; Eina_Stringshare *style; Evas_Font_Slant slant; Evas_Font_Weight weight; Evas_Font_Width width; Evas_Font_Spacing spacing; Eina_Bool is_new : 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Filter_Data { Eina_Stringshare *name; Eina_Stringshare *code; Evas_Filter_Program *chain; Eina_Hash *sources; // Evas_Filter_Proxy_Binding Eina_Inlist *data; // Evas_Filter_Data_Binding void *output; struct { struct { Eina_Stringshare *name; double value; } cur; struct { Eina_Stringshare *name; double value; } next; double pos; } state; Eina_Bool changed : 1; Eina_Bool invalid : 1; // Code parse failed Eina_Bool async : 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Func { void (*free) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); void (*render) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*render_pre) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); void (*render_post) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); unsigned int (*type_id_get) (Evas_Object *obj); unsigned int (*visual_id_get) (Evas_Object *obj); void *(*engine_data_get) (Evas_Object *obj); void (*store) (Evas_Object *obj); void (*unstore) (Evas_Object *obj); int (*is_visible) (Evas_Object *obj); int (*was_visible) (Evas_Object *obj); int (*is_opaque) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); int (*was_opaque) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); int (*is_inside) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); int (*was_inside) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); void (*coords_recalc) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); void (*scale_update) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); int (*has_opaque_rect) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data); int (*get_opaque_rect) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h); int (*can_map) (Evas_Object *obj); // new render2 functions void (*render2_walk) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, void *type_private_data, void *updates, int offx, int offy); // void (*render2) (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, // void *type_private_data, void *output, void *context, // void *surface, int x, int y); }; struct _Evas_Func { void *(*info) (Evas *e); void (*info_free) (Evas *e, void *info); int (*setup) (Evas *e, void *info); void (*output_free) (void *data); void (*output_resize) (void *data, int w, int h); void (*output_tile_size_set) (void *data, int w, int h); void (*output_redraws_rect_add) (void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h); void (*output_redraws_rect_del) (void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h); void (*output_redraws_clear) (void *data); void *(*output_redraws_next_update_get) (void *data, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch); void (*output_redraws_next_update_push) (void *data, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Evas_Render_Mode render_mode); void (*output_flush) (void *data, Evas_Render_Mode render_mode); void (*output_idle_flush) (void *data); void (*output_dump) (void *data); void *(*context_new) (void *data); void *(*context_dup) (void *data, void *context); Eina_Bool (*canvas_alpha_get) (void *data, void *context); void (*context_free) (void *data, void *context); void (*context_clip_set) (void *data, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h); void (*context_clip_image_set) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, Evas_Public_Data *evas, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*context_clip_image_unset) (void *data, void *context); void (*context_clip_image_get) (void *data, void *context, void **surface, int *x, int *y); /* incref surface if not NULL */ void (*context_clip_clip) (void *data, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h); void (*context_clip_unset) (void *data, void *context); int (*context_clip_get) (void *data, void *context, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h); void (*context_color_set) (void *data, void *context, int r, int g, int b, int a); int (*context_color_get) (void *data, void *context, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a); void (*context_multiplier_set) (void *data, void *context, int r, int g, int b, int a); void (*context_multiplier_unset) (void *data, void *context); int (*context_multiplier_get) (void *data, void *context, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a); void (*context_cutout_add) (void *data, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h); void (*context_cutout_clear) (void *data, void *context); void (*context_anti_alias_set) (void *data, void *context, unsigned char aa); unsigned char (*context_anti_alias_get) (void *data, void *context); void (*context_color_interpolation_set) (void *data, void *context, int color_space); int (*context_color_interpolation_get) (void *data, void *context); void (*context_render_op_set) (void *data, void *context, int render_op); int (*context_render_op_get) (void *data, void *context); void (*rectangle_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*line_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Eina_Bool do_async); void *(*polygon_point_add) (void *data, void *context, void *polygon, int x, int y); void *(*polygon_points_clear) (void *data, void *context, void *polygon); void (*polygon_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *polygon, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async); void *(*image_load) (void *data, const char *file, const char *key, int *error, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo); void *(*image_mmap) (void *data, Eina_File *f, const char *key, int *error, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo); void *(*image_new_from_data) (void *data, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace); void *(*image_new_from_copied_data) (void *data, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace); void (*image_free) (void *data, void *image); void *(*image_ref) (void *data, void *image); void (*image_size_get) (void *data, void *image, int *w, int *h); void *(*image_size_set) (void *data, void *image, int w, int h); void (*image_stride_get) (void *data, void *image, int *stride); void *(*image_dirty_region) (void *data, void *image, int x, int y, int w, int h); void *(*image_data_get) (void *data, void *image, int to_write, DATA32 **image_data, int *err, Eina_Bool *tofree); void *(*image_data_put) (void *data, void *image, DATA32 *image_data); void *(*image_data_direct) (void *data, void *image, Evas_Colorspace *cspace); void (*image_data_preload_request) (void *data, void *image, const Eo *target); void (*image_data_preload_cancel) (void *data, void *image, const Eo *target); void *(*image_alpha_set) (void *data, void *image, int has_alpha); int (*image_alpha_get) (void *data, void *image); void *(*image_orient_set) (void *data, void *image, Evas_Image_Orient orient); Evas_Image_Orient (*image_orient_get) (void *data, void *image); Eina_Bool (*image_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*image_colorspace_set) (void *data, void *image, Evas_Colorspace cspace); Evas_Colorspace (*image_colorspace_get) (void *data, void *image); Evas_Colorspace (*image_file_colorspace_get)(void *data, void *image); Eina_Bool (*image_can_region_get) (void *data, void *image); /* image data map/unmap: direct or indirect access to pixels data */ void *(*image_data_map) (void *data, void **image, int *length, int *stride, int x, int y, int w, int h, Evas_Colorspace cspace, Efl_Gfx_Buffer_Access_Mode mode); Eina_Bool (*image_data_unmap) (void *data, void *image, void *map, int length); int (*image_data_maps_get) (void *data, const void *image, void **maps, int *lengths); int (*image_native_init) (void *data, Evas_Native_Surface_Type type); void (*image_native_shutdown) (void *data, Evas_Native_Surface_Type type); void *(*image_native_set) (void *data, void *image, void *native); void *(*image_native_get) (void *data, void *image); void (*image_cache_flush) (void *data); void (*image_cache_set) (void *data, int bytes); int (*image_cache_get) (void *data); Evas_Font_Set *(*font_load) (void *data, const char *name, int size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend); Evas_Font_Set *(*font_memory_load) (void *data, const char *source, const char *name, int size, const void *fdata, int fdata_size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend); Evas_Font_Set *(*font_add) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const char *name, int size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend); Evas_Font_Set *(*font_memory_add) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const char *source, const char *name, int size, const void *fdata, int fdata_size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend); void (*font_free) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font); int (*font_ascent_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font); int (*font_descent_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font); int (*font_max_ascent_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font); int (*font_max_descent_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font); void (*font_string_size_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, int *w, int *h); int (*font_inset_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props); int (*font_h_advance_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props); int (*font_v_advance_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props); int (*font_char_coords_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, int pos, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch); int (*font_char_at_coords_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, int x, int y, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch); Eina_Bool (*font_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, Evas_Font_Set *font, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow, int oh, Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*font_cache_flush) (void *data); void (*font_cache_set) (void *data, int bytes); int (*font_cache_get) (void *data); /* Engine functions will over time expand from here */ void (*font_hinting_set) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, int hinting); int (*font_hinting_can_hint) (void *data, int hinting); /* void (*image_rotation_set) (void *data, void *image); */ void (*image_scale_hint_set) (void *data, void *image, int hint); int (*image_scale_hint_get) (void *data, void *image); int (*font_last_up_to_pos) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, int x, int y); Eina_Bool (*image_map_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, RGBA_Map *m, int smooth, int level, Eina_Bool do_async); void *(*image_map_surface_new) (void *data, int w, int h, int alpha); void (*image_map_clean) (void *data, RGBA_Map *m); void *(*image_scaled_update) (void *data, void *scaled, void *image, int dst_w, int dst_h, Eina_Bool smooth, Eina_Bool alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace); void (*image_content_hint_set) (void *data, void *surface, int hint); int (*image_content_hint_get) (void *data, void *surface); int (*font_pen_coords_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, int pos, int *cpen_x, int *cy, int *cadv, int *ch); Eina_Bool (*font_text_props_info_create) (void *data, Evas_Font_Instance *fi, const Eina_Unicode *text, Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, const Evas_BiDi_Paragraph_Props *par_props, size_t pos, size_t len, Evas_Text_Props_Mode mode, const char *lang); int (*font_right_inset_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props); /* EFL-GL Glue Layer */ void *(*gl_surface_create) (void *data, void *config, int w, int h); void *(*gl_pbuffer_surface_create) (void *data, void *config, int w, int h, int const *attrib_list); int (*gl_surface_destroy) (void *data, void *surface); void *(*gl_context_create) (void *data, void *share_context, int version, void *(*native_context_get)(void *ctx), void *(*engine_data_get)(void *evasgl)); int (*gl_context_destroy) (void *data, void *context); int (*gl_make_current) (void *data, void *surface, void *context); const char *(*gl_string_query) (void *data, int name); void *(*gl_proc_address_get) (void *data, const char *name); int (*gl_native_surface_get) (void *data, void *surface, void *native_surface); void *(*gl_api_get) (void *data, int version); void (*gl_direct_override_get) (void *data, Eina_Bool *override, Eina_Bool *force_off); void (*gl_get_pixels_set) (void *data, void *get_pixels, void *get_pixels_data, void *obj); Eina_Bool (*gl_surface_lock) (void *data, void *surface); Eina_Bool (*gl_surface_read_pixels) (void *data, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Evas_Colorspace cspace, void *pixels); Eina_Bool (*gl_surface_unlock) (void *data, void *surface); int (*gl_error_get) (void *data); void *(*gl_current_context_get) (void *data); void *(*gl_current_surface_get) (void *data); int (*gl_rotation_angle_get) (void *data); Eina_Bool (*gl_surface_query) (void *data, void *surface, int attr, void *value); Eina_Bool (*gl_surface_direct_renderable_get) (void *data, Evas_Native_Surface *ns, Eina_Bool *override, void *surface); void (*gl_image_direct_set) (void *data, void *image, Eina_Bool direct); int (*gl_image_direct_get) (void *data, void *image); void (*gl_get_pixels_pre) (void *data); void (*gl_get_pixels_post) (void *data); int (*image_load_error_get) (void *data, void *image); int (*font_run_end_get) (void *data, Evas_Font_Set *font, Evas_Font_Instance **script_fi, Evas_Font_Instance **cur_fi, Evas_Script_Type script, const Eina_Unicode *text, int run_len); /* animated feature */ Eina_Bool (*image_animated_get) (void *data, void *image); int (*image_animated_frame_count_get) (void *data, void *image); Evas_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint (*image_animated_loop_type_get) (void *data, void *image); int (*image_animated_loop_count_get) (void *data, void *image); double (*image_animated_frame_duration_get) (void *data, void *image, int start_frame, int frame_num); Eina_Bool (*image_animated_frame_set) (void *data, void *image, int frame_index); /* max size query */ void (*image_max_size_get) (void *data, int *maxw, int *maxh); /* multiple font draws */ Eina_Bool (*multi_font_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, Evas_Font_Set *font, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow, int oh, Evas_Font_Array *texts, Eina_Bool do_async); Eina_Bool (*pixel_alpha_get) (void *image, int x, int y, DATA8 *alpha, int src_region_x, int src_region_y, int src_region_w, int src_region_h, int dst_region_x, int dst_region_y, int dst_region_w, int dst_region_h); void (*context_flush) (void *data); /* 3D features */ void *(*drawable_new) (void *data, int w, int h, int alpha); void (*drawable_free) (void *data, void *drawable); void (*drawable_size_get) (void *data, void *drawable, int *w, int *h); void *(*image_drawable_set) (void *data, void *image, void *drawable); void (*drawable_texture_rendered_pixels_get) (unsigned int tex, int x, int y, int w, int h, void *drawable EINA_UNUSED, void *data); void (*drawable_scene_render) (void *data, void *drawable, void *scene_data); Eina_Bool (*drawable_scene_render_to_texture) (void *data, void *drawable, void *scene_data); int (*drawable_texture_color_pick_id_get) (void *drawable); int (*drawable_texture_target_id_get) (void *drawable); void (*drawable_texture_pixel_color_get) (unsigned int tex EINA_UNUSED, int x, int y, Evas_Color *color, void *drawable); void *(*texture_new) (void *data, Eina_Bool use_atlas); void (*texture_free) (void *data, void *texture); void (*texture_size_get) (void *data, void *texture, int *w, int *h); void (*texture_wrap_set) (void *data, void *texture, Evas_Canvas3D_Wrap_Mode s, Evas_Canvas3D_Wrap_Mode t); void (*texture_wrap_get) (void *data, void *texture, Evas_Canvas3D_Wrap_Mode *s, Evas_Canvas3D_Wrap_Mode *t); void (*texture_filter_set) (void *data, void *texture, Evas_Canvas3D_Texture_Filter min, Evas_Canvas3D_Texture_Filter mag); void (*texture_filter_get) (void *data, void *texture, Evas_Canvas3D_Texture_Filter *min, Evas_Canvas3D_Texture_Filter *mag); void (*texture_image_set) (void *data, void *texture, void *image); void *(*texture_image_get) (void *data, void *texture); Ector_Surface *(*ector_create) (void *data); void (*ector_destroy) (void *data, Ector_Surface *surface); Ector_Buffer *(*ector_buffer_wrap) (void *data, Evas *e, void *engine_image, Eina_Bool is_rgba_image); Ector_Buffer *(*ector_buffer_new) (void *data, Evas *e, void *pixels, int width, int height, int stride, Efl_Gfx_Colorspace cspace, Eina_Bool writeable, int l, int r, int t, int b, Ector_Buffer_Flag flags); void (*ector_begin) (void *data, void *context, Ector_Surface *ector, void *surface, void *engine_data, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*ector_renderer_draw) (void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *engine_data, Ector_Renderer *r, Eina_Array *clips, Eina_Bool do_async); void (*ector_end) (void *data, void *context, Ector_Surface *ector, void *surface, void *engine_data, Eina_Bool do_async); void* (*ector_new) (void *data, void *context, Ector_Surface *ector, void *surface); void (*ector_free) (void *engine_data); }; struct _Evas_Image_Save_Func { int (*image_save) (RGBA_Image *im, const char *file, const char *key, int quality, int compress, const char *encoding); }; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif Evas_Object *evas_object_new(Evas *e); void evas_object_change_reset(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_cur_prev(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_free(Evas_Object *obj, int clean_layer); void evas_object_update_bounding_box(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Smart_Data *s); void evas_object_inject(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas *e); void evas_object_release(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, int clean_layer); void evas_object_change(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_content_change(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_clip_changes_clean(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_render_pre_visible_change(Eina_Array *rects, Evas_Object *obj, int is_v, int was_v); void evas_object_render_pre_clipper_change(Eina_Array *rects, Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(Eina_Array *rects, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_render_pre_effect_updates(Eina_Array *rects, Evas_Object *obj, int is_v, int was_v); void evas_rects_return_difference_rects(Eina_Array *rects, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh); void evas_object_clip_dirty(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_recalc_clippees(Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); Evas_Layer *evas_layer_new(Evas *e); void _evas_layer_flush_removes(Evas_Layer *lay); void evas_layer_pre_free(Evas_Layer *lay); void evas_layer_free_objects(Evas_Layer *lay); void evas_layer_clean(Evas *e); Evas_Layer *evas_layer_find(Evas *e, short layer_num); void evas_layer_add(Evas_Layer *lay); void evas_layer_del(Evas_Layer *lay); int evas_object_was_in_output_rect(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, int x, int y, int w, int h); int evas_object_was_opaque(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); int evas_object_is_inside(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); int evas_object_was_inside(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); void evas_object_clip_across_check(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_clip_across_clippees_check(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_mapped_clip_across_mark(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_event_callback_call(Evas *e, Evas_Callback_Type type, void *event_info); void evas_object_event_callback_call(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Callback_Type type, void *event_info, int event_id, const Efl_Event_Description *efl_event_desc, Efl_Event *efl_event_info); Eina_List *evas_event_objects_event_list(Evas *e, Evas_Object *stop, int x, int y); int evas_mem_free(int mem_required); int evas_mem_degrade(int mem_required); void evas_debug_error(void); void evas_debug_input_null(void); void evas_debug_magic_null(void); void evas_debug_magic_wrong(DATA32 expected, DATA32 supplied); void evas_debug_generic(const char *str); const char *evas_debug_magic_string_get(DATA32 magic); void evas_object_smart_use(Evas_Smart *s); void evas_object_smart_unuse(Evas_Smart *s); void evas_smart_cb_descriptions_fix(Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array *a) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1); Eina_Bool evas_smart_cb_descriptions_resize(Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array *a, unsigned int size) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1); const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description *evas_smart_cb_description_find(const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array *a, const char *name) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2) EINA_PURE; Evas_Object *_evas_object_image_source_get(Evas_Object *obj); Eina_Bool _evas_object_image_preloading_get(const Evas_Object *obj); void _evas_object_image_preloading_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool preloading); void _evas_object_image_preloading_check(Evas_Object *obj); Evas_Object *_evas_object_image_videfl_parent_get(Evas_Object *obj); void _evas_object_image_video_overlay_show(Evas_Object *obj); void _evas_object_image_video_overlay_hide(Evas_Object *obj); void _evas_object_image_video_overlay_do(Evas_Object *obj); void _evas_object_image_free(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_smart_bounding_box_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Coord_Rectangle *cur_bounding_box, Evas_Coord_Rectangle *prev_bounding_box); void evas_object_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_smart_cleanup(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_smart_member_raise(Evas_Object *member); void evas_object_smart_member_lower(Evas_Object *member); void evas_object_smart_member_stack_above(Evas_Object *member, Evas_Object *other); void evas_object_smart_member_stack_below(Evas_Object *member, Evas_Object *other); const Eina_Inlist *evas_object_smart_members_get_direct(const Evas_Object *obj); void _efl_canvas_group_group_members_all_del(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_call_smarts_calculate(Evas *e); void evas_object_smart_bounding_box_update(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj); void evas_object_smart_need_bounding_box_update(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Smart_Data *o, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj); Eina_Bool evas_object_smart_changed_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj); void evas_object_smart_attach(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Smart *s); void *evas_mem_calloc(int size); void _evas_post_event_callback_call(Evas *e, Evas_Public_Data* e_pd); void _evas_post_event_callback_free(Evas *e); void evas_event_callback_list_post_free(Eina_Inlist **list); void evas_object_event_callback_all_del(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_event_callback_cleanup(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_event_callback_all_del(Evas *e); void evas_event_callback_cleanup(Evas *e); void evas_object_inform_call_show(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_hide(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_object_inform_call_resize(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_restack(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_changed_size_hints(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_image_preloaded(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_image_unloaded(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_inform_call_image_resize(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_object_intercept_cleanup(Evas_Object *obj); int evas_object_intercept_call_show(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); int evas_object_intercept_call_hide(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); int evas_object_intercept_call_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); int evas_object_intercept_call_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h); int evas_object_intercept_call_raise(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); int evas_object_intercept_call_lower(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); int evas_object_intercept_call_stack_above(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Object *above); int evas_object_intercept_call_stack_below(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Object *below); int evas_object_intercept_call_layer_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, int l); int evas_object_intercept_call_color_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, int r, int g, int b, int a); int evas_object_intercept_call_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Evas_Object *clip); int evas_object_intercept_call_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); int evas_object_intercept_call_focus_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, Eina_Bool focus); void evas_object_grabs_cleanup(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd); void evas_key_grab_free(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *pd, const char *keyname, Evas_Modifier_Mask modifiers, Evas_Modifier_Mask not_modifiers); void evas_font_dir_cache_free(void); const char *evas_font_dir_cache_find(char *dir, char *font); Eina_List *evas_font_dir_available_list(const Evas* evas); void evas_font_dir_available_list_free(Eina_List *available); void evas_font_free(Evas *evas, void *font); void evas_fonts_zero_free(Evas *evas); void evas_fonts_zero_pressure(Evas *evas); void evas_font_name_parse(Evas_Font_Description *fdesc, const char *name); int evas_font_style_find(const char *start, const char *end, Evas_Font_Style style); Evas_Font_Description *evas_font_desc_new(void); Evas_Font_Description *evas_font_desc_dup(const Evas_Font_Description *fdesc); void evas_font_desc_unref(Evas_Font_Description *fdesc); int evas_font_desc_cmp(const Evas_Font_Description *a, const Evas_Font_Description *b); Evas_Font_Description *evas_font_desc_ref(Evas_Font_Description *fdesc); const char *evas_font_lang_normalize(const char *lang); void * evas_font_load(Evas *evas, Evas_Font_Description *fdesc, const char *source, Evas_Font_Size size); void evas_font_load_hinting_set(Evas *evas, void *font, int hinting); void evas_object_smart_member_cache_invalidate(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool pass_events, Eina_Bool freeze_events, Eina_Bool sourve_invisible); void evas_text_style_pad_get(Evas_Text_Style_Type style, int *l, int *r, int *t, int *b); void _evas_object_text_rehint(Evas_Object *obj); void _evas_object_textblock_rehint(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_unref_queue_image_put(Evas_Public_Data *pd, void *image); void evas_unref_queue_glyph_put(Evas_Public_Data *pd, void *glyph); void evas_unref_queue_texts_put(Evas_Public_Data *pd, void *glyph); void evas_draw_image_map_async_check(Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, RGBA_Map *m, int smooth, int level, Eina_Bool do_async); void evas_font_draw_async_check(Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *data, void *context, void *surface, Evas_Font_Set *font, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow, int oh, Evas_Text_Props *intl_props, Eina_Bool do_async); void _freeze_events_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _freeze_events_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _pass_events_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _pass_events_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _repeat_events_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _repeat_events_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _propagate_events_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _propagate_events_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _pointer_mode_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _pointer_mode_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _key_grab(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _key_ungrab(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _focus_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _focus_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _name_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _name_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _name_child_find(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _layer_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _layer_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _clip_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _clip_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _clip_unset(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _clipees_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _clipees_has(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _map_enable_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _map_enable_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _map_source_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _map_source_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _map_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _map_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _raise(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _lower(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _stack_above(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _stack_below(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _above_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _below_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _smart_move_children_relative(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _smart_clipped_clipper_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _efl_canvas_object_clip_prev_reset(Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, Eina_Bool cur_prev); void _canvas_event_default_flags_set(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_default_flags_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_freeze(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_thaw(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_down(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_up(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_cancel(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_wheel(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_input_mouse_move(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_move(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_in(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_mouse_out(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_multi_down(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_multi_up(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_multi_move(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_input_multi_down(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_input_multi_up(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_input_multi_move(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_key_down(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_key_up(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_key_down_with_keycode(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_key_up_with_keycode(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_hold(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_feed_axis_update(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_refeed_event(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_event_down_count_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_tree_objects_at_xy_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_focus_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_path_clear(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_path_append(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_path_prepend(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_path_list(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_hinting_set(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_hinting_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_hinting_can_hint(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_cache_flush(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_cache_set(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_cache_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_font_available_list(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_modifier_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_lock_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_modifier_add(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_modifier_del(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_lock_add(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_lock_del(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_modifier_on(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_modifier_off(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_lock_on(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_lock_off(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_key_modifier_mask_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_damage_rectangle_add(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_obscured_rectangle_add(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_obscured_clear(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_render_async(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_render_updates(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_render(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_norender(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_render_idle_flush(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_sync(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_render_dump(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_object_bottom_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_object_top_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_touch_point_list_count(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_touch_point_list_nth_xy_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_touch_point_list_nth_id_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_touch_point_list_nth_state_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_image_cache_flush(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_image_cache_reload(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_image_cache_set(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_image_cache_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_image_max_size_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_object_name_find(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_object_top_at_xy_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_object_top_in_rectangle_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_objects_at_xy_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_objects_in_rectangle_get(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_smart_objects_calculate(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); void _canvas_smart_objects_calculate_count_get(Eo *e, void *_pd, va_list *list); /* Node functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_node_traverse(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *from, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *to, Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Traverse_Type type, Eina_Bool skip, Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Func func, void *data); void evas_canvas3d_node_tree_traverse(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *root, Evas_Canvas3D_Tree_Traverse_Type type, Eina_Bool skip, Evas_Canvas3D_Node_Func func, void *data); Eina_Bool evas_canvas3d_node_mesh_collect(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, void *data); Eina_Bool evas_canvas3d_node_color_node_mesh_collect(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, void *data); Eina_Bool evas_canvas3d_node_light_collect(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, void *data); void evas_canvas3d_node_scene_root_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, Evas_Canvas3D_Scene *scene); void evas_canvas3d_node_scene_root_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, Evas_Canvas3D_Scene *scene); void evas_canvas3d_node_scene_camera_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, Evas_Canvas3D_Scene *scene); void evas_canvas3d_node_scene_camera_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, Evas_Canvas3D_Scene *scene); Eina_Bool node_aabb_update(Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node, void *data EINA_UNUSED); /* Camera functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_camera_node_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Camera *camera, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node); void evas_canvas3d_camera_node_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Camera *camera, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node); /* Light functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_light_node_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Light *light, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node); void evas_canvas3d_light_node_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Light *light, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node); /* Mesh functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_mesh_node_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_node_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, Evas_Canvas3D_Node *node); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_interpolate_position_get(Eina_Vector3 *out, const Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer *pos0, const Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer *pos1, Evas_Real weight, int index); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_interpolate_vertex_buffer_get(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Attrib attrib, Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer *buffer0, Evas_Canvas3D_Vertex_Buffer *buffer1, Evas_Real *weight); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_file_md2_set(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_save_obj(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_file_obj_set(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file); Eina_Bool evas_canvas3d_mesh_aabb_add_to_frame(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Data *pd, int frame, int stride); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_file_eet_set(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_save_eet(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_file_ply_set(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file); void evas_canvas3d_mesh_save_ply(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); /* Texture functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_texture_material_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Texture *texture, Evas_Canvas3D_Material *material); void evas_canvas3d_texture_material_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Texture *texture, Evas_Canvas3D_Material *material); /* Material functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_material_mesh_add(Evas_Canvas3D_Material *material, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh); void evas_canvas3d_material_mesh_del(Evas_Canvas3D_Material *material, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh); /* Scene functions. */ void evas_canvas3d_scene_data_init(Evas_Canvas3D_Scene_Public_Data *data); void evas_canvas3d_scene_data_fini(Evas_Canvas3D_Scene_Public_Data *data); /* Eet saver/loader functions */ Evas_Canvas3D_File_Eet *_evas_canvas3d_eet_file_new(void); Eet_Data_Descriptor* _evas_canvas3d_eet_file_get(); void _evas_canvas3d_eet_file_init(); void _evas_canvas3d_eet_descriptor_shutdown(); void _evas_canvas3d_eet_file_free(Evas_Canvas3D_File_Eet* eet_file); /* Filters */ void evas_filter_init(void); void evas_filter_shutdown(void); /* Ector */ Ector_Surface *evas_ector_get(Evas_Public_Data *evas); /* Temporary save/load functions */ void evas_common_load_model_from_file(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *model, const char *file); void evas_common_load_model_from_eina_file(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *model, const Eina_File *file); void evas_common_save_model_to_file(const Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *model, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); void evas_model_load_file_eet(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, Eina_File *file); void evas_model_load_file_md2(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, Eina_File *file); void evas_model_load_file_obj(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, Eina_File *file); void evas_model_load_file_ply(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, Eina_File *file); void evas_model_save_file_eet(const Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); void evas_model_save_file_obj(const Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); void evas_model_save_file_ply(const Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, const char *file, Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh_Frame *f); /* Primitives functions */ void evas_common_set_model_from_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *model, int frame, Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive_Data *primitive); void evas_model_set_from_square_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame); void evas_model_set_from_cube_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame); void evas_model_set_from_cylinder_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive_Mode mode, int precision, Eina_Vector2 tex_scale); void evas_model_set_from_cone_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive_Mode mode, int precision, Eina_Vector2 tex_scale); void evas_model_set_from_sphere_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, Evas_Canvas3D_Primitive_Mode mode, int precision, Eina_Vector2 tex_scale); void evas_model_set_from_torus_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, Evas_Real ratio, int precision, Eina_Vector2 tex_scale); void evas_model_set_from_surface_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, Evas_Canvas3D_Surface_Func func, int precision, Eina_Vector2 tex_scale); void evas_model_set_from_terrain_primitive(Evas_Canvas3D_Mesh *mesh, int frame, int precision, Eina_Vector2 tex_scale); /* Filter functions */ Eina_Bool evas_filter_object_render(Eo *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async, Eina_Bool alpha); extern int _evas_alloc_error; extern int _evas_event_counter; struct _Evas_Imaging_Image { RGBA_Image *image; }; struct _Evas_Imaging_Font { RGBA_Font *font; }; struct _Evas_Proxy_Render_Data { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *proxy_obj; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *src_obj; Evas_Object *eo_proxy; Evas_Object *eo_src; Eina_Bool source_clip : 1; }; void _evas_canvas_event_init(Evas *eo_e, Evas_Public_Data *e); void _evas_canvas_event_shutdown(Evas *eo_e, Evas_Public_Data *e); int evas_async_events_init(void); int evas_async_events_shutdown(void); int evas_async_target_del(const void *target); EAPI int evas_thread_main_loop_begin(void); EAPI int evas_thread_main_loop_end(void); void _evas_preload_thread_init(void); void _evas_preload_thread_shutdown(void); Evas_Preload_Pthread *evas_preload_thread_run(void (*func_heavy)(void *data), void (*func_end)(void *data), void (*func_cancel)(void *data), const void *data); Eina_Bool evas_preload_thread_cancel(Evas_Preload_Pthread *thread); void _evas_walk(Evas_Public_Data *e_pd); void _evas_unwalk(Evas_Public_Data *e_pd); // expose for use in engines EAPI int _evas_module_engine_inherit(Evas_Func *funcs, char *name); EAPI const char *_evas_module_libdir_get(void); const char *_evas_module_datadir_get(void); EAPI Eina_List *_evas_canvas_image_data_unset(Evas *eo_e); EAPI void _evas_canvas_image_data_regenerate(Eina_List *list); Eina_Bool evas_render_mapped(Evas_Public_Data *e, Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *source_pd, void *context, void *surface, int off_x, int off_y, int mapped, int ecx, int ecy, int ecw, int ech, Evas_Proxy_Render_Data *proxy_render_data, int level, Eina_Bool use_mapped_ctx, Eina_Bool do_async); void evas_render_invalidate(Evas *e); void evas_render_object_recalc(Evas_Object *obj); void evas_render_proxy_subrender(Evas *eo_e, Evas_Object *eo_source, Evas_Object *eo_proxy, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *proxy_obj, Eina_Bool do_async); void evas_render_mask_subrender(Evas_Public_Data *e, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *mask, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *prev_mask, int level); Eina_Bool evas_map_inside_get(const Evas_Map *m, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); Eina_Bool evas_map_coords_get(const Evas_Map *m, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord *mx, Evas_Coord *my, int grab); Eina_Bool evas_object_map_update(Evas_Object *obj, int x, int y, int imagew, int imageh, int uvw, int uvh); void evas_map_object_move_diff_set(Evas_Map *m, Evas_Coord diff_x, Evas_Coord diff_y); Eina_List *evas_module_engine_list(void); /* for updating touch point list */ void _evas_touch_point_append(Evas *e, int id, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); void _evas_touch_point_update(Evas *e, int id, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Touch_Point_State state); void _evas_touch_point_remove(Evas *e, int id); void _evas_device_cleanup(Evas *e); Evas_Device *_evas_device_top_get(const Evas *e); /* legacy/eo events */ Eina_Bool efl_event_pointer_legacy_info_set(Efl_Event_Pointer *evt, const void *event_info, Evas_Callback_Type type); Eina_Bool efl_event_key_legacy_info_set(Efl_Event_Key *evt, const void *event_info, Evas_Callback_Type type); Eina_Bool efl_event_hold_legacy_info_set(Efl_Event_Hold *evt, const void *event_info, Evas_Callback_Type type); Eina_Bool evas_vg_loader_svg(Evas_Object *vg, const Eina_File *f, const char *key EINA_UNUSED); void *_evas_object_image_surface_get(Evas_Object *eo, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj); Eina_Bool _evas_image_proxy_source_clip_get(const Eo *eo_obj); extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_proxy_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_map_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_state_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_3d_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_image_pixels_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_image_load_opts_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_image_state_cow; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_filter_cow; // This should be replaced by something like "eina_cow_default_get()" maybe extern const void * const evas_object_filter_cow_default; extern Eina_Cow *evas_object_mask_cow; # define EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_BEGIN(Obj, Write, State) \ EINA_COW_WRITE_BEGIN(evas_object_state_cow, Obj->State, \ Evas_Object_Protected_State, Write) # define EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_END(Obj, Write, State) \ eina_cow_done(evas_object_state_cow, ((const Eina_Cow_Data**)&(Obj->State)), \ Write, EINA_FALSE); \ } \ while (0); /****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************/ /********************/ #define MPOOL 1 #ifdef MPOOL typedef struct _Evas_Mempool Evas_Mempool; struct _Evas_Mempool { int count; int num_allocs; int num_frees; Eina_Mempool *mp; }; # define EVAS_MEMPOOL(x) \ static Evas_Mempool x = {0, 0, 0, NULL} # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_INIT(x, nam, siz, cnt, ret) \ do { \ if (!x.mp) { \ const char *tmp, *choice = "chained_mempool"; \ tmp = getenv("EINA_MEMPOOL"); \ if (tmp && tmp[0]) choice = tmp; \ x.mp = eina_mempool_add(choice, nam, NULL, sizeof(siz), cnt); \ if (!x.mp) { \ return ret; \ } \ } \ } while (0) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_ALLOC(x, siz) \ eina_mempool_malloc(x.mp, sizeof(siz)) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_PREP(x, p, siz) \ do { \ x.count++; \ x.num_allocs++; \ memset(p, 0, sizeof(siz)); \ } while (0) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_FREE(x, p) \ do { \ eina_mempool_free(x.mp, p); \ x.count--; \ x.num_frees++; \ if (x.count <= 0) { \ eina_mempool_del(x.mp); \ x.mp = NULL; \ x.count = 0; \ } \ } while (0) #else # define EVAS_MEMPOOL(x) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_INIT(x, nam, siz, cnt, ret) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_PREP(x, p, siz) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_ALLOC(x, siz) \ calloc(1, sizeof(siz)) # define EVAS_MEMPOOL_FREE(x, p) \ free(p) #endif /********************/ /*****************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ #define EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(func, api, prefix) \ (api)->func = prefix##func #define EVAS_API_RESET(func, api) \ (api)->func = NULL static inline Efl_Gfx_Render_Op _evas_to_gfx_render_op(Evas_Render_Op rop) { if (rop == EVAS_RENDER_COPY) return EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_COPY; return EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_BLEND; } static inline Evas_Render_Op _gfx_to_evas_render_op(Efl_Gfx_Render_Op rop) { if (rop == EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_COPY) return EVAS_RENDER_COPY; return EVAS_RENDER_BLEND; } #include "evas_inline.x" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif