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authorDaniel Kolesa <>2015-08-07 13:30:06 +0100
committerDaniel Kolesa <>2015-08-07 13:30:50 +0100
commit3548e0b4d5fed67eb1aeba77fede444e3fc77ae8 (patch)
parentc32c71ad0035afa9c41e2d527c3573def75d8b6f (diff)
flip: convert docs
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/elm_flip.eo b/src/lib/elm_flip.eo
index d41b367cd..77819bd38 100644
--- a/src/lib/elm_flip.eo
+++ b/src/lib/elm_flip.eo
@@ -39,237 +39,190 @@ class Elm.Flip (Elm.Container)
methods {
@property interaction {
set {
- /*@
- @brief Set the interactive flip mode
- This sets if the flip should be interactive (allow user to click and
- drag a side of the flip to reveal the back page and cause it to flip).
- By default a flip is not interactive. You may also need to set which
- sides of the flip are "active" for flipping and how much space they use
- (a minimum of a finger size) with elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set()
- and elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set()
- The four available mode of interaction are:
- @li #ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE - No interaction is allowed
- @li #ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_ROTATE - Interaction will cause rotate animation
- @li #ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_CUBE - Interaction will cause cube animation
- @li #ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_PAGE - Interaction will cause page animation
- @note #ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_ROTATE won't cause
- happen, those can only be achieved with elm_flip_go();
- @ingroup Flip */
+ [[Set the interactive flip mode.
+ This sets if the flip should be interactive (allow user to
+ click and drag a side of the flip to reveal the back page
+ and cause it to flip). By default a flip is not interactive.
+ You may also need to set which sides of the flip are "active"
+ for flipping and how much space they use (a minimum of a
+ finger size) with \@ref @.interaction_direction_enabled_set
+ and @.interaction_direction_hitsize_set.
+ The four available mode of interaction are
+ to happen, those can only be achieved with @.go.
+ ]]
get {
- /*@
- @brief Get the interactive flip mode
- @return The interactive flip mode
- Returns the interactive flip mode set by elm_flip_interaction_set()
- @ingroup Flip */
+ [[Get the interactive flip mode.]]
values {
- mode: Elm.Flip.Interaction; /*@ The interactive flip mode to use */
+ mode: Elm.Flip.Interaction; [[The interactive flip mode to use.]]
@property front_visible {
get {
- /*@
- @brief Get flip front visibility state
- @return true if front front is showing, false if the back is
- showing.
- @ingroup Flip */
- return: bool;
+ [[Get flip front visibility state.]]
+ return: bool; [[$true if front front is showing, $false if
+ the back is showing.]]
interaction_direction_hitsize_set {
- /*@
- @brief Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip
+ [[Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip.
- Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip, with 0
- representing no area in the flip and 1 representing the entire flip. There
- is however a consideration to be made in that the area will never be
- smaller than the finger size set (as set in your Elementary configuration),
- and dragging must always start from the opposite half of the flip (eg. right
- half of the flip when dragging to the left).
+ Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip,
+ with 0 representing no area in the flip and 1 representing the
+ entire flip. There is however a consideration to be made in that
+ the area will never be smaller than the finger size set (as set
+ in your Elementary configuration), and dragging must always start
+ from the opposite half of the flip (eg. right half of the flip
+ when dragging to the left).
- Note that the $dir parameter is not actually related to the direction of
- the drag, it only refers to the area in the flip where interaction can
- occur (top, bottom, left, right).
+ Note: The $dir parameter is not actually related to the direction
+ of the drag, it only refers to the area in the flip where
+ interaction can occur (top, bottom, left, right).
- Negative values of $hitsize will disable this hit area.
- @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
- @ingroup Flip */
+ Negative values of $hitsize will disable this hit area.
+ See also @.interaction.set.
+ ]]
params {
- @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; /*@ The hit area to set */
- @in hitsize: double; /*@ The amount of that dimension (0.0 to 1.0) to use */
+ @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; [[The hit area to set.]]
+ @in hitsize: double; [[The amount of that dimension (0.0 to 1.0) to use.]]
interaction_direction_hitsize_get {
- /*@
- @brief Get the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip
- @return The size set for that direction
- Returns the amount of sensitive area set by
- elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set().
- @ingroup Flip */
- return: double;
+ [[Get the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip.]]
+ return: double; [[The size set for that direction.]]
params {
- @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; /*@ The direction to check */
+ @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; [[The direction to check.]]
interaction_direction_enabled_set {
- /*@
- @brief Set which directions of the flip respond to interactive flip
- By default all directions are disabled, so you may want to enable the
- desired directions for flipping if you need interactive flipping. You must
- call this function once for each direction that should be enabled.
- You can also set the appropriate hit area size by calling
- $elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(). By default, a minimum
- hit area will be created on the opposite edge of the flip.
- @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
+ [[Set which directions of the flip respond to interactive flip
- @ingroup Flip */
+ By default all directions are disabled, so you may want to
+ enable the desired directions for flipping if you need
+ interactive flipping. You must call this function once for
+ each direction that should be enabled.
+ You can also set the appropriate hit area size by calling
+ @.interaction_direction_hitsize_set. By default, a minimum
+ hit area will be created on the opposite edge of the flip.
+ ]]
params {
- @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; /*@ The direction to change */
- @in enabled: bool; /*@ If that direction is enabled or not */
+ @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; [[The direction to change.]]
+ @in enabled: bool; [[If that direction is enabled or not.]]
interaction_direction_enabled_get {
- /*@
- @brief Get the enabled state of that flip direction
- @return If that direction is enabled or not
- Get the enabled state set by elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set()
- @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
- @ingroup Flip */
- return: bool;
+ [[Get the enabled state of that flip direction.]]
+ return: bool; [[If that direction is enabled or not.]]
params {
- @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; /*@ The direction to check */
+ @in dir: Elm.Flip.Direction; [[The direction to check.]]
go {
- /*@
- @brief Runs the flip animation
- Flips the front and back contents using the $mode animation. This
- effectively hides the currently visible content and shows the hidden one.
- There a number of possible animations to use for the flipping:
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a horizontal axis in the middle of its height, the other content
- is shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_Y_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a vertical axis in the middle of its width, the other content is
- shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a diagonal axis in the middle of its width, the other content is
- shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a diagonal axis in the middle of its height, the other content is
- shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_LEFT - Rotate the currently visible content to the left
- as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the right face of
- the cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT - Rotate the currently visible content to the
- right as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the left
- face of the cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_UP - Rotate the currently visible content up as if the
- flip was a cube, the other content is show as the bottom face of the cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_DOWN - Rotate the currently visible content down as if
- the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the upper face of the
- cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_LEFT - Move the currently visible content to the left as
- if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_RIGHT - Move the currently visible content to the right
- as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below
- that.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_UP - Move the currently visible content up as if the
- flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_DOWN - Move the currently visible content down as if the
- flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.
- @image html elm_flip.png
- @image latex elm_flip.eps width=\textwidth
- @see elm_flip_go_to()
- @ingroup Flip */
+ [[Runs the flip animation.
+ Flips the front and back contents using the $mode animation.
+ This effectively hides the currently visible content and shows
+ the hidden one.
+ There a number of possible animations to use for the flipping,
+ these being #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently
+ visible content around a horizontal axis in the middle of its
+ height, the other content is shown as the other side of the flip),
+ #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_Y_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently visible
+ content around a vertical axis in the middle of its width, the
+ other content is shown as the other side of the flip),
+ #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently visible
+ content around a diagonal axis in the middle of its width, the
+ other content is shown as the other side of the flip),
+ #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently visible
+ content around a diagonal axis in the middle of its height, the
+ other content is hown as the other side of the flip).
+ #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_LEFT (rotate the currently visible content to the
+ left as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the
+ right face of the cube), #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT (rotate the
+ currently visible content to the right as if the flip was a
+ cube, the other content is show as the left face of the cube),
+ #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_UP (rotate the currently visible content up as if
+ the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the bottom face
+ of the cube), #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_DOWN (rotate the currently visible
+ content down as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show
+ as the upper face of the cube), #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_LEFT (move the
+ currently visible content to the left as if the flip was a book,
+ the other content is shown as the page below that),
+ #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_RIGHT (move the currently visible content to the
+ right s if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the
+ page below that), #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_UP (move the currently visible
+ content up as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown
+ as the page below that) and #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_DOWN (move the
+ currently visible content down as if the flip was a book, the
+ other content is shown as the page below that).
+ ]]
+ /* FIXME-doc
+ * @image html elm_flip.png
+ * @image latex elm_flip.eps width=\textwidth
+ */
params {
- @in mode: Elm.Flip.Mode; /*@ The mode type */
+ @in mode: Elm.Flip.Mode; [[The mode type.]]
go_to {
- /*@
- @brief Runs the flip animation to front or back.
- Flips the front and back contents using the $mode animation. This
- effectively hides the currently visible content and shows the hidden one.
- There a number of possible animations to use for the flipping:
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a horizontal axis in the middle of its height, the other content
- is shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_Y_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a vertical axis in the middle of its width, the other content is
- shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a diagonal axis in the middle of its width, the other content is
- shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
- around a diagonal axis in the middle of its height, the other content is
- shown as the other side of the flip.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_LEFT - Rotate the currently visible content to the left
- as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the right face of
- the cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT - Rotate the currently visible content to the
- right as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the left
- face of the cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_UP - Rotate the currently visible content up as if the
- flip was a cube, the other content is show as the bottom face of the cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_DOWN - Rotate the currently visible content down as if
- the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the upper face of the
- cube.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_LEFT - Move the currently visible content to the left as
- if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_RIGHT - Move the currently visible content to the right
- as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below
- that.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_UP - Move the currently visible content up as if the
- flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.
- @li #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_DOWN - Move the currently visible content down as if the
- flip was a book, the other content is shown as the page below that.
- @image html elm_flip.png
- @image latex elm_flip.eps width=\textwidth
- @since 1.7
- @ingroup Flip */
+ [[Runs the flip animation to front or back.
+ Flips the front and back contents using the $mode animation.
+ This effectively hides the currently visible content and shows
+ he hidden one.
+ There a number of possible animations to use for the flipping,
+ these being #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently
+ visible content around a horizontal axis in the middle of its
+ height, the other content is shown as the other side of the flip),
+ #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_Y_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently visible
+ content around a vertical axis in the middle of its width, the
+ other content is shown as the other side of the flip),
+ #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_XZ_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently visible
+ content around a diagonal axis in the middle of its width, the
+ other content is shown as the other side of the flip),
+ #ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_YZ_CENTER_AXIS (rotate the currently visible
+ content around a diagonal axis in the middle of its height, the
+ other content is hown as the other side of the flip).
+ #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_LEFT (rotate the currently visible content to the
+ left as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the
+ right face of the cube), #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT (rotate the
+ currently visible content to the right as if the flip was a
+ cube, the other content is show as the left face of the cube),
+ #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_UP (rotate the currently visible content up as if
+ the flip was a cube, the other content is show as the bottom face
+ of the cube), #ELM_FLIP_CUBE_DOWN (rotate the currently visible
+ content down as if the flip was a cube, the other content is show
+ as the upper face of the cube), #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_LEFT (move the
+ currently visible content to the left as if the flip was a book,
+ the other content is shown as the page below that),
+ #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_RIGHT (move the currently visible content to the
+ right s if the flip was a book, the other content is shown as the
+ page below that), #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_UP (move the currently visible
+ content up as if the flip was a book, the other content is shown
+ as the page below that) and #ELM_FLIP_PAGE_DOWN (move the
+ currently visible content down as if the flip was a book, the
+ other content is shown as the page below that).
+ ]]
+ /* FIXME-doc
+ * @image html elm_flip.png
+ * @image latex elm_flip.eps width=\textwidth
+ */
params {
- @in front: bool; /*@ if $true, makes front visible, otherwise makes back. */
- @in mode: Elm.Flip.Mode; /*@ The mode type */
+ @in front: bool; [[If $true, makes front visible, otherwise
+ makes back.]]
+ @in mode: Elm.Flip.Mode; [[The mode type.]]