Evas generic loaders 1.11.0 =========================== ****************************************************************************** FOR ANY ISSUES PLEASE EMAIL: enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ****************************************************************************** These are additional "generic" loaders for Evas that are stand-alone executables that evas may run from its generic loader module. This means that if they crash, the application loading the image does not crash also. In addition the licensing of these binaries will not affect the license of any application that uses Evas as this uses a completely generic execution system that allows anything to be plugged in as a loader. REQUIREMENTS ------------ Required by default: * libc * libm * zlib Highly recommended: * gstreamer (1.x or 0.10) (ensure you have all the gstreamer codecs you need/want) * poppler * libraw * libspectre * librsvg Suggested: * libreoffice COMPONENTS ---------- Generic loaders currently provided: * **XCF** (.xcf .xcf.gz) * **PDF** (using poppler) * use -key option to specific what page to get and load options for size Should we add mupdf ? * **PS** (using libspectre) * use -key option to specific what page to get and load options for size Should we use directly libgs ? * **RAW** (using libraw) * **SVG** (using librsvg) * **MPG/AVI/OGV/MOV/MKV/WMV** etc. (using gstreamer) * Should we add libxine and vlc ? * **PPT/PPTX/DOC/DOCX/XLS** etc. * Required PDF loader, and uses libreoffice binaries as slaves to export PDFs to load COMPILING AND INSTALLING ------------------------ ./configure make sudo make install COMPILER FLAGS -------------- You may want to change the install prefix for EFL with: --prefix=/path/to/prefix **NOTE:** You should put generic loaders in the same prefix as EFL or they will not be found by EFL at runtime.