diff options
authorAndrew Thompson <>2013-09-23 15:19:51 -0400
committerAndrew Thompson <>2013-09-23 15:19:51 -0400
commitd9aa65f118839f2ea76bbdace71166bad705423b (patch)
parentf46e7b2e5c389ab8489121a3ab23159750dd1661 (diff)
Make update-deps honor apps= and skip_apps=
Because rebar_core handles skipping apps, we had to specialcase the handling in the case of update-deps because it has to do its own dep handling. The way this was done is not particularly clean, but there currently does not exist another way for a command to signal rebar_core that it doesn't want rebar_core to pay attention to skip_apps. With this change, however, you can update-deps even with local conflicting changes/commits by simply skipping the deps you don't wish to update, or whitelisting he ones you do wish to update.
2 files changed, 21 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_core.erl b/src/rebar_core.erl
index 863d1d5..42e106e 100644
--- a/src/rebar_core.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_core.erl
@@ -163,6 +163,13 @@ skip_or_process_dir({_, ModuleSetFile}=ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
skip_or_process_dir1(AppFile, ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
Dir, Command, DirSet) ->
case rebar_app_utils:is_skipped_app(Config, AppFile) of
+ {Config1, {true, _SkippedApp}} when Command == 'update-deps' ->
+ %% update-deps does its own app skipping. Unfortunately there's no
+ %% way to signal this to rebar_core, so we have to explicitly do it
+ %% here... Otherwise if you use app=, it'll skip the toplevel
+ %% directory and nothing will be updated.
+ process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config1,
+ CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet);
{Config1, {true, SkippedApp}} ->
?DEBUG("Skipping app: ~p~n", [SkippedApp]),
Config2 = increment_operations(Config1),
diff --git a/src/rebar_deps.erl b/src/rebar_deps.erl
index 4a98ddf..40000ad 100644
--- a/src/rebar_deps.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_deps.erl
@@ -600,7 +600,10 @@ update_deps_int(Config0, UDD) ->
%% Update each dep
UpdatedDeps = [update_source(Config1, D)
- || D <- Deps, D#dep.source =/= undefined, not lists:member(D, UDD)],
+ || D <- Deps, D#dep.source =/= undefined,
+ not lists:member(D, UDD),
+ not should_skip_update_dep(Config1, D)
+ ],
lists:foldl(fun(Dep, {Config, Updated}) ->
{true, AppDir} = get_deps_dir(Config,,
@@ -629,6 +632,16 @@ update_deps_int(Config0, UDD) ->
end, {Config1, lists:umerge(lists:sort(UpdatedDeps),
lists:sort(UDD))}, UpdatedDeps).
+should_skip_update_dep(Config, Dep) ->
+ {true, AppDir} = get_deps_dir(Config,,
+ {true, AppFile} = rebar_app_utils:is_app_dir(AppDir),
+ case rebar_app_utils:is_skipped_app(Config, AppFile) of
+ {_Config, {true, _SkippedApp}} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
%% Recursively walk the deps and build a list of them.
collect_deps(Dir, C) ->
case file:set_cwd(Dir) of