%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et -module(rebar3_deps1_rt). -export([setup/1, files/0, run/1]). setup([Target]) -> retest_utils:load_module(filename:join(Target, "inttest_utils.erl")), ok. %% Test deps with rebar3-type dependencies (that is, dependencies without Regexes) %% Example: {git, {appname, "git://something/something", {branch, master}}} files() -> [ %% A application {create, "ebin/a.app", app(a, [a])}, {copy, "a.rebar.config", "rebar.config"}, {copy, "a.erl", "src/a.erl"}, %% B application {create, "repo/b/ebin/b.app", app(b, [])}, {copy, "b.hrl", "repo/b/include/b.hrl"}, {copy, "c.txt", "repo/c/c.txt"} ] ++ inttest_utils:rebar_setup(). apply_cmds([], _Params) -> ok; apply_cmds([Cmd | Rest], Params) -> io:format("Running: ~s (~p)\n", [Cmd, Params]), {ok, _} = retest_sh:run(Cmd, Params), apply_cmds(Rest, Params). run(_Dir) -> %% Initialize the dep app as git repos so that dependencies pull %% properly GitCmds = ["git init", "git add -A", "git config user.email 'tdeps@example.com'", "git config user.name 'tdeps'", "git commit -a -m \"Initial Commit\""], apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/b"}]), apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/c"}]), {ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar get-deps", []), {ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar compile", []), true = filelib:is_regular("ebin/a.beam"), true = filelib:is_regular("deps/c/c.txt"), ok. %% %% Generate the contents of a simple .app file %% app(Name, Modules) -> App = {application, Name, [{description, atom_to_list(Name)}, {vsn, "1"}, {modules, Modules}, {registered, []}, {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]}, io_lib:format("~p.\n", [App]).