diff options
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/test_server_node.erl b/lib/common_test/src/test_server_node.erl
index 8deea353d7..b4b174c4a4 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/test_server_node.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/test_server_node.erl
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ start_tracer_node(TraceFile,TI) ->
Cookie = TI#target_info.cookie,
{ok,LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(0,[binary,{reuseaddr,true},{packet,2}]),
{ok,TracePort} = inet:port(LSock),
- Prog = quote_progname(pick_erl_program(default)),
+ {false, Prog0} = pick_erl_program(default),
+ Prog = quote_progname(Prog0),
Cmd = lists:concat([Prog, " -sname tracer -hidden -setcookie ", Cookie,
" -s ", ?MODULE, " trc ", TraceFile, " ",
TracePort, " ", TI#target_info.os_family]),
@@ -313,7 +314,8 @@ start_node_peer(SlaveName, OptList, From, TI) ->
CrashArgs = lists:concat([" -env ERL_CRASH_DUMP \"",CrashFile,"\" "]),
FailOnError = start_node_get_option_value(fail_on_error, OptList, true),
Prog0 = start_node_get_option_value(erl, OptList, default),
- Prog = quote_progname(pick_erl_program(Prog0)),
+ {ClearAFlags, Prog1} = pick_erl_program(Prog0),
+ Prog = quote_progname(Prog1),
Args =
case string:find(SuppliedArgs,"-setcookie") of
nomatch ->
@@ -327,9 +329,11 @@ start_node_peer(SlaveName, OptList, From, TI) ->
" ", Args]),
- Opts = case start_node_get_option_value(env, OptList, []) of
- [] -> [];
- Env -> [{env, Env}]
+ Opts = case {ClearAFlags, start_node_get_option_value(env, OptList, [])} of
+ {false, []} -> [];
+ {false, Env} -> [{env, Env}];
+ {true, []} -> [{env, [{"ERL_AFLAGS", false}]}];
+ {true, Env} -> [{env, [{"ERL_AFLAGS", false} | Env]}]
%% peer is always started on localhost
@@ -382,33 +386,60 @@ start_node_slave(SlaveName, OptList, From, _TI) ->
Args = lists:concat([" ", SuppliedArgs, CrashArgs]),
Prog0 = start_node_get_option_value(erl, OptList, default),
- Prog = pick_erl_program(Prog0),
+ {ClearAFlags, Prog} = pick_erl_program(Prog0),
Ret =
case start_which_node(OptList) of
{error,Reason} -> {{error,Reason},undefined,undefined};
- Host0 -> do_start_node_slave(Host0,SlaveName,Args,Prog,Cleanup)
+ Host0 -> do_start_node_slave(Host0,SlaveName,Args,Prog,Cleanup,
+ ClearAFlags)
-do_start_node_slave(Host0, SlaveName, Args, Prog, Cleanup) ->
+do_start_node_slave(Host0, SlaveName, Args, Prog, Cleanup, ClearAFlags) ->
Host =
case Host0 of
local -> test_server_sup:hoststr();
_ -> cast_to_list(Host0)
Cmd = Prog ++ " " ++ Args,
- case slave:start(Host, SlaveName, Args, no_link, Prog) of
- {ok,Nodename} ->
- case Cleanup of
- true -> ets:insert(slave_tab,#slave_info{name=Nodename});
- false -> ok
- end,
- {{ok,Nodename}, Host, Cmd, [], []};
- Ret ->
- {Ret, Host, Cmd}
+ SavedAFlags = save_clear_aflags(ClearAFlags),
+ Res = case slave:start(Host, SlaveName, Args, no_link, Prog) of
+ {ok,Nodename} ->
+ case Cleanup of
+ true -> ets:insert(slave_tab,#slave_info{name=Nodename});
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ {{ok,Nodename}, Host, Cmd, [], []};
+ Ret ->
+ {Ret, Host, Cmd}
+ end,
+ restore_aflags(SavedAFlags),
+ Res.
+%% This saving/clearing/restoring is not free from races, but since
+%% there are no slave:start() that has an option for setting environment
+%% this is the best we can do without improving the slave module. Since
+%% the slave module is about to be replaced by the new peer module, we
+%% do not bother...
+save_clear_aflags(false) ->
+ false;
+save_clear_aflags(true) ->
+ case os:getenv("ERL_AFLAGS") of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ ErlAFlags ->
+ os:unsetenv("ERL_AFLAGS"),
+ ErlAFlags
+restore_aflags(false) ->
+ ok;
+restore_aflags(ErlAFlags) ->
+ true = os:putenv("ERL_AFLAGS", ErlAFlags),
+ ok.
wait_for_node_started(LSock,Timeout,Client,Cleanup,TI,CtrlPid) ->
case gen_tcp:accept(LSock,Timeout) of
@@ -590,28 +621,26 @@ cast_to_list(X) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tw", [X])).
%%% {release, Rel} where Rel = String | latest | previous
%%% this
+%%% First element of returned tuple answers the question
+%%% "Do we need to clear ERL_AFLAGS?":
+%%% When starting a node with a previous release, options in
+%%% ERL_AFLAGS could prevent the node from starting. For example,
+%%% if ERL_AFLAGS is set to "-emu_type lcnt", the node will only
+%%% start if the previous release happens to also have a lock
+%%% counter emulator installed (unlikely).
pick_erl_program(default) ->
- ct:get_progname();
+ {false, ct:get_progname()};
pick_erl_program(L) ->
P = random_element(L),
case P of
{prog, S} ->
- S;
+ {false, S};
{release, S} ->
- clear_erl_aflags(),
- find_release(S);
+ {true, find_release(S)};
this ->
- ct:get_progname()
+ {false, ct:get_progname()}
-clear_erl_aflags() ->
- %% When starting a node with a previous release, options in
- %% ERL_AFLAGS could prevent the node from starting. For example,
- %% if ERL_AFLAGS is set to "-emu_type lcnt", the node will only
- %% start if the previous release happens to also have a lock
- %% counter emulator installed (unlikely).
- os:unsetenv("ERL_AFLAGS").
%% This is an attempt to distinguish between spaces in the program
%% path and spaces that separate arguments. The program is quoted to
%% allow spaces in the path.