path: root/erts/emulator/nifs/win32/win_socket_asyncio.c
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1 files changed, 10250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/win32/win_socket_asyncio.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/win32/win_socket_asyncio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7d1f424fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/win32/win_socket_asyncio.c
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+ * %CopyrightBegin%
+ *
+ * Copyright Ericsson AB 2023-2023. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * %CopyrightEnd%
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Purpose : Windows version of the asyncronous I/O backend.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Misc:
+ * This is based of the Windows concept: I/O Completion Port.
+ * This feature works on "all" kinds of I/O, even file I/O. But,
+ * our implementation only deals with socket I/O.
+ * The "asynchronous" access functions (that "can" block) that we
+ * use are as following:
+ *
+ * * WSASend, WSASendTo, WSASendMsg, WSARecv, WSARecvFrom, WSARecvMsg
+ * * AccepxEx
+ * (this is actually a function pointer, obtained at run time by
+ * making a call to the WSAIoctl function with the
+ * The input buffer passed to the WSAIoctl function must contain
+ * To get the local and remote addresses, the GetAcceptExSockaddrs
+ * must be called. This function is *also* a function pointer
+ * obtained at run time by making a call to the WSAIoctl function.
+ * * ConnectEx:
+ * (this is actually a function pointer, obtained at run time by
+ * The function pointer for the ConnectEx function must be
+ * making a call to the WSAIoctl function with the
+ * The input buffer passed to the WSAIoctl function must contain
+ * * WSASendMsg & WSARecvMsg are actually *also* function pointers!!
+ *
+ * But since we want them to "behave" the same way, we need to add
+ * some wrapper code to simulate the "completion behaviour".
+ *
+ * These functions (in erlang) should return simething *like* this:
+ *
+ * ok | completion | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ * And if the return value was 'completion', the caller shall expect
+ * the following message, when the "operation" has "completed" (success
+ * or failure):
+ *
+ * {'$socket', Socket, completion, {Ref, CompletionStatus}}
+ *
+ * Where 'Socket' is the socket on which the call was made (for example,
+ * 'socket:send(Socket, ...)), and CompletionStatus is the result of
+ * actual operation: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *
+ *
+ * More useful links:
+ * *
+ * *
+ * *
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * -
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+// #include <Ws2def.h>
+// #include <winsock2.h>
+// #include <windows.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+#include <mswsock.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys.h>
+#include "socket_int.h"
+#include "socket_io.h"
+#include "socket_asyncio.h"
+#include "socket_util.h"
+#include "socket_tarray.h"
+#include "socket_dbg.h"
+/* =================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Local Constants *
+ * *
+ * =================================================================== */
+#define ESAIO_ERR_WINSOCK_INIT 0x0001
+#define ESAIO_ERR_FSOCK_CREATE 0x0003
+/* ======================================================================== *
+ * Socket wrappers *
+ * ======================================================================== *
+ */
+#define sock_accept_O(s, as, b, al, rb, o) \
+ ctrl.accept((s), (as), (b), 0, (al), (al), (rb), (o))
+#define sock_bind(s, addr, len) bind((s), (addr), (len))
+#define sock_close(s) closesocket((s))
+#define sock_connect(s, a, al) connect((s), (a), (al))
+#define sock_connect_O(s, a, al, sent, o) \
+ ctrl.connect((s), (struct sockaddr*) (a), (al), NULL, 0, (sent), (o))
+#define sock_errno() WSAGetLastError()
+// #define sock_listen(s, b) listen((s), (b))
+// #define sock_name(s, addr, len) getsockname((s), (addr), (len))
+#define sock_open(domain, type, proto) socket((domain), (type), (proto))
+#define sock_open_O(domain, type, proto) \
+ WSASocket((domain), (type), (proto), NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED)
+#define sock_recv_O(s,buf,flag,ol) \
+ WSARecv((s), (buf), 1, NULL, (flag), (ol), NULL)
+#define sock_recvfrom_O(s,buf,flag,fa,fal,ol) \
+ WSARecvFrom((s), (buf), 1, NULL, (flag), (fa), (fal), (ol), NULL)
+#define sock_recvmsg_O(s,msg,o) \
+ ctrl.recvmsg((s), (msg), NULL, (o), NULL)
+#define sock_send_O(s,buf,flag,o) \
+ WSASend((s), (buf), 1, NULL, (flag), (o), NULL)
+/* #define sock_sendmsg_O(s,buf,flag,ol) \ */
+/* WSASendMsg((s), (buf), (flag), NULL, (ol), NULL) */
+#define sock_sendmsg_O(s,buf,flag,ol) \
+ ctrl.sendmsg((s), (buf), (flag), NULL, (ol), NULL)
+#define sock_sendto_O(s,buf,flag,ta,tal,o) \
+ WSASendTo((s), (buf), 1, NULL, (flag), (ta), (tal), (o), NULL)
+#define sock_setopt(s,l,o,v,ln) setsockopt((s),(l),(o),(v),(ln))
+ (char*) &(LS), sizeof( (LS) ))
+/* =================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Local types *
+ * *
+ * =================================================================== */
+typedef struct {
+ Uint16 id; /* Thread id: mainly used for debugging,
+ * and name creation */
+ /* Thread state(s) */
+ Uint16 state; /* State of the thread:
+ * undefined, initiating, operational, terminating */
+ /* Thread error 'state(s)'.
+ * If the thread is "not running", this value tells why.
+ */
+#define ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_OK 0x0000
+#define ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_GET 0x0003
+#define ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_CMD 0x0004
+ Uint32 error; /* In case the thread exits,
+ * this is where the (error) reason is stored.
+ * Not sure i f we would ever be able to
+ * read this (if things are bad enough that the
+ * threads terminate)...
+ */
+ /* Do we need this?
+ * "The environment of the calling thread (process bound or
+ * callback environment) or NULL if calling from a custom
+ * thread not spawned by ERTS."
+ */
+ ErlNifEnv* env; /* Used when sending messages */
+ Uint32 cnt; /* Run-counter: mainly used for debugging */
+ unsigned int latest; /* Latest request (tag) */
+} ESAIOThreadData;
+typedef struct {
+ ErlNifThreadOpts* optsP;
+ ErlNifTid tid;
+ ESAIOThreadData data;
+} ESAIOThread;
+typedef struct {
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ HANDLE cport;
+ SOCKET dummy; // Used for extracting AcceptEx and ConnectEx
+ /* Thread pool stuff.
+ * The size of the pool is configurable. */
+ DWORD numThreads;
+ ESAIOThread* threads;
+ /* Misc stuff */
+ BOOLEAN_T dbg;
+ BOOLEAN_T sockDbg;
+ /* Counter stuff */
+ ErlNifMutex* cntMtx;
+ ESockCounter unexpectedConnects;
+ ESockCounter unexpectedAccepts;
+ ESockCounter unexpectedWrites;
+ ESockCounter unexpectedReads;
+ ESockCounter genErrs;
+ ESockCounter unknownCmds;
+} ESAIOControl;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataAccept {
+ /* AcceptEx; ; lookup with WSAID_ACCEPTEX */
+ /* The socket, sock, is created empty and then provided as an
+ * argumented to AcceptEx (together with the listen socket
+ * and the other arguments).
+ * When AcceptEx has completed successfully, the socket, s, is
+ * usable.
+ * But in order for the functions sockname and peername to work,
+ * the SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT option must be set on the
+ * accepted socket, sock. */
+ SOCKET lsock; /* The listen socket */
+ SOCKET asock; /* The "accepted" socket.
+ * This is created "in advance"
+ * and then sent to AcceptEx as an argument.
+ */
+ char* buf; /* Size depends on domain.
+ * This is used for 'initial data',
+ * 'local address' and 'remote address'.
+ * We use neither of these, but the
+ * AcceptEx function requires this argument!
+ */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM lSockRef; /* The listen socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID) of the accept */
+} ESAIOOpDataAccept;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataConnect {
+ /* ConnectEx; ; lookup with WSAID_CONNECTEX */
+ /* When ConnectEx has completed successfully,
+ * the socket is usable.
+ * *But*, in order for the functions sockname and peername to work,
+ * the SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT option must be set on the socket.
+ */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the connect request */
+} ESAIOOpDataConnect;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataSend {
+ /* WSASend */
+ WSABUF wbuf; /* During ongoing sending, this buffer cannot
+ * be de-allocated. */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the send request */
+} ESAIOOpDataSend;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataSendTo {
+ /* WSASendTo */
+ WSABUF wbuf; /* During ongoing sending, this buffer cannot
+ * be de-allocated. */
+ /* Do we actually need these (remote address)?
+ * Debugging/logging?
+ */
+ ESockAddress remoteAddr;
+ SOCKLEN_T remoteAddrLen;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the send request */
+} ESAIOOpDataSendTo;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataSendMsg {
+ /* WSASendMsg; lookup with WSAID_WSASENDMSG */
+ WSAMSG msg;
+ ErlNifIOVec* iovec;
+ char* ctrlBuf;
+ ESockAddress addr;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the send request */
+} ESAIOOpDataSendMsg;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataRecv {
+ /* WSARecv */
+ DWORD toRead; /* Can be 0 (= zero)
+ * "just to indicate: give me what you got"
+ */
+ ErlNifBinary buf;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the recv request */
+} ESAIOOpDataRecv;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom {
+ /* WSARecvFrom */
+ DWORD toRead; /* Can be 0 (= zero)
+ * "just to indicate: give me what you got"
+ */
+ ErlNifBinary buf;
+ ESockAddress fromAddr;
+ INT addrLen; // SOCKLEN_T
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the recv request */
+} ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom;
+typedef struct __ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg {
+ /* WSARecvMsg; lookup with WSAID_WSARECVMSG */
+ /* If we used I/O - vectors of different size(s),
+ * we would (maybe) need to malloc them, and simply
+ * have a pointer here.
+ */
+ WSAMSG msg;
+ WSABUF wbufs[1];
+ ErlNifBinary data[1];
+ ErlNifBinary ctrl;
+ ESockAddress addr;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef; /* The socket */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef; /* The (unique) reference (ID)
+ * of the recv request */
+} ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg;
+/* An 'operation', recv/recvfrom/recvmsg and send/sendto/sendmsg,
+ * accept or connect, is 'encoded' into this structure, which is
+ * "passed around".
+ */
+typedef struct __ESAIOOperation {
+ /* Has to be first and is *only* used by I/O Completion Port framework */
+ /* *** Commands (=tags) *** */
+#define ESAIO_OP_NONE 0x0000 // None
+ /* "system" commands */
+#define ESAIO_OP_TERMINATE 0x0001 // Terminate
+#define ESAIO_OP_DEBUG 0x0002 // Change debug level for thread(s)
+ /* Commands for establishing connections; connect and accept */
+#define ESAIO_OP_CONNECT 0x0011 // ConnectEx (function pointer)
+#define ESAIO_OP_ACCEPT 0x0012 // AcceptEx (function pointer)
+ /* Commands for sending */
+#define ESAIO_OP_SEND 0x0021 // WSASend
+#define ESAIO_OP_SENDTO 0x0022 // WSASendTo
+#define ESAIO_OP_SENDMSG 0x0023 // WSASendMsg
+ /* Commands for receiving */
+#define ESAIO_OP_RECV 0x0031 // WSARecv
+#define ESAIO_OP_RECVFROM 0x0032 // WSARecvFrom
+#define ESAIO_OP_RECVMSG 0x0033 // WSARecvMsg
+ unsigned int tag; /* The 'tag' of the operation */
+ ErlNifPid caller; /* Almost every request (not connect)
+ * operations require a caller */
+ ErlNifEnv* env; /* Almost every request
+ * needs an environment */
+ /* Generic "data" field.
+ * This is different for each 'operation'!
+ * Also, not all opererations have this!
+ */
+ union {
+ /* +++ accept +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept accept;
+ /* +++ connect +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect connect;
+ /* +++ send +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataSend send;
+ /* +++ sendto +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo sendto;
+ /* +++ sendmsg +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg sendmsg;
+ /* +++ recv +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv recv;
+ /* +++ recvfrom +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom recvfrom;
+ /* +++ recvmsg +++ */
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg recvmsg;
+ } data;
+} ESAIOOperation;
+/* =================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Function Forwards *
+ * *
+ * =================================================================== */
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_connect_stream(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef,
+ ESockAddress* addrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM connect_stream_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ BOOL cres);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_connect_dgram(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef,
+ ESockAddress* addrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM accept_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ BOOL ares,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef,
+ SOCKET accSock,
+ ErlNifPid caller);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM accept_check_pending(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM accept_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ SOCKET accSock,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_accept_accepted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid pid,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ SOCKET accSock);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int send_result,
+ ssize_t dataSize,
+ BOOLEAN_T dataInTail,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ BOOLEAN_T* cleanup);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ DWORD written,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_pending(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static BOOLEAN_T init_sendmsg_sockaddr(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ WSAMSG* msgP,
+ ESockAddress* addrP);
+static BOOLEAN_T verify_sendmsg_iovec_size(const ESockData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifIOVec* iovec);
+static BOOLEAN_T verify_sendmsg_iovec_tail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM* tail);
+static BOOLEAN_T check_sendmsg_iovec_overflow(ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifIOVec* iovec,
+ ssize_t* dataSize);
+static BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdrs(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ char* cmsgHdrBufP,
+ size_t cmsgHdrBufLen,
+ size_t* cmsgHdrBufUsed);
+static BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdr(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ char* bufP,
+ size_t rem,
+ size_t* used);
+static BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdr_value(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int level,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eValue,
+ char* dataP,
+ size_t dataLen,
+ size_t* dataUsedP);
+static BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdr_data(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int level,
+ char* dataP,
+ size_t dataLen,
+ size_t* dataUsedP);
+static void encode_msg(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ssize_t read,
+ WSAMSG* msgP,
+ ErlNifBinary* dataBufP,
+ ErlNifBinary* ctrlBufP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM* eMsg);
+static void encode_cmsgs(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifBinary* cmsgBinP,
+ WSAMSG* msgP,
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int recv_result,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_pending(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int recv_result,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int recv_result,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef);
+static void* esaio_completion_main(void* threadDataP);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_terminate(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_unknown(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ DWORD numBytes,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ const char* opStr,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_connect(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_connect_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_connect_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_connect_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_connect_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataPP);
+static void esaio_completion_connect_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP);
+static void esaio_completion_connect_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_accept(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_accept_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_accept_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_accept_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_accept_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP);
+static void esaio_completion_accept_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP);
+static void esaio_completion_accept_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_send(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_send_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_send_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_send_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_send_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* sender,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ DWORD toWrite,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_send_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ DWORD written);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_send_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ DWORD written);
+static void esaio_completion_send_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static void esaio_completion_send_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_sendto(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_sendto_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_sendto_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_sendto_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_sendto_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_sendmsg(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_sendmsg_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_sendmsg_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_sendmsg_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_sendmsg_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_recv(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ DWORD flags);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP,
+ DWORD read,
+ DWORD flags);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_partial_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ssize_t read,
+ DWORD flags);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_partial_part(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ssize_t read,
+ DWORD flags);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_closed(ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recv_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_recvfrom(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recvfrom_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_recvfrom_more_data(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recvfrom_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_recvfrom_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvfrom_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ DWORD flags);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvfrom_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP,
+ DWORD read,
+ DWORD flags);
+static void esaio_completion_recvfrom_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_recvmsg(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recvmsg_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_recvmsg_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP);
+static void esaio_completion_recvmsg_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ int error);
+static void esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvmsg_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ DWORD flags);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvmsg_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP,
+ DWORD read,
+ DWORD flags);
+static void esaio_completion_recvmsg_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error);
+static BOOL get_send_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* written);
+static BOOL get_recv_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* read,
+ DWORD* flags);
+static BOOL get_recvmsg_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* read);
+static BOOL get_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* transfer,
+ DWORD* flags);
+static void esaio_completion_inc(ESAIOThreadData* dataP);
+static int esaio_add_socket(ESockDescriptor* descP);
+static void esaio_send_completion_msg(ErlNifEnv* sendEnv,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* pid,
+ ErlNifEnv* msgEnv,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM mk_completion_msg(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionRef);
+static void esaio_down_acceptor(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP);
+static void esaio_down_writer(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP);
+static void esaio_down_reader(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP);
+static BOOLEAN_T do_stop(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP);
+/* =================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Local (global) variables *
+ * *
+ * =================================================================== */
+static ESAIOControl ctrl = {0};
+/* =================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Various esaio macros *
+ * *
+ * =================================================================== */
+/* Global socket debug */
+#define SGDBG( proto ) ESOCK_DBG_PRINTF( ctrl.dbg , proto )
+/* These are just wrapper macros for the I/O Completion Port */
+ CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, (u_long) 0, (NT))
+ CreateIoCompletionPort((SOCK), ctrl.cport, (ULONG*) (DP), 0)
+/* These are just wrapper macros for the I/O Completion Port queue */
+#define ESAIO_IOCQ_POP(NB, DP, OLP) \
+ GetQueuedCompletionStatus(ctrl.cport, (DP), (DP), (OLP), INFINITE)
+#define ESAIO_IOCQ_PUSH(OP) \
+ PostQueuedCompletionStatus(ctrl.cport, 0, 0, (OVERLAPPED*) (OP))
+ CancelIoEx((H), (OVERLAPPED*) (OP))
+/* =================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * I/O Backend exports *
+ * *
+ * =================================================================== */
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * This function is called during (esock) nif loading
+ * The only argument that we actually *need* is the 'numThreads'.
+ * 'dataP' is just for convenience (dbg and stuff).
+ */
+int esaio_init(unsigned int numThreads,
+ const ESockData* dataP)
+ int ires, save_errno;
+ unsigned int i;
+ DWORD dummy;
+ /* Enabling this results in a core dump when calling socket:accept
+ * multiple times (the second call fails in env alloc).!
+ */
+ // ctrl.dbg = TRUE;
+ ctrl.dbg = dataP->dbg;
+ ctrl.sockDbg = dataP->sockDbg;
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> entry\r\n") );
+ ctrl.cntMtx = MCREATE("win-esaio.cnt");
+ ctrl.unexpectedConnects = 0;
+ ctrl.unexpectedAccepts = 0;
+ ctrl.unexpectedWrites = 0;
+ ctrl.unexpectedReads = 0;
+ ctrl.genErrs = 0;
+ ctrl.unknownCmds = 0;
+ /* We should actually check the value of 'numThreads'
+ * Since if its zero (the default), we should instead
+ * assign: 2 * 'number of schedulers'
+ * Or shall we trust the 'prim_socket' preloaded to
+ * select the proper value?
+ */
+ ctrl.numThreads = (DWORD) numThreads;
+ // Initialize Winsock
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try initialize winsock\r\n") );
+ ires = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &ctrl.wsaData);
+ if (ires != NO_ERROR) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed initialize winsock: %d"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ ires, erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ }
+ // Create a handle for the completion port
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try create I/O completion port\r\n") );
+ ctrl.cport = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
+ NULL, (u_long) 0, ctrl.numThreads);
+ if (ctrl.cport == NULL) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed create I/O Completion Port:"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n", erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ /* Create the "dummy" socket and then
+ * extract the AcceptEx and ConnectEx functions.
+ */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try create 'dummy' socket\r\n") );
+ ctrl.dummy = sock_open(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
+ if (ctrl.dummy == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed create 'dummy' socket: "
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ /* Load the AcceptEx function into memory using WSAIoctl.
+ * The WSAIoctl function is an extension of the ioctlsocket()
+ * function that can use overlapped I/O.
+ * The function's 3rd through 6th parameters are input and output
+ * buffers where we pass the pointer to our AcceptEx function.
+ * This is used so that we can call the AcceptEx function directly,
+ * rather than refer to the Mswsock.lib library.
+ */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try extract 'accept' function\r\n") );
+ &guidAcceptEx, sizeof (guidAcceptEx),
+ &ctrl.accept, sizeof (ctrl.accept),
+ &dummy, NULL, NULL);
+ if (ires == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed extracting 'accept' function: %d"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ ires, erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ (void) sock_close(ctrl.dummy);
+ ctrl.dummy = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ ctrl.accept = NULL;
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ /* Basically the same as for AcceptEx above */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try extract 'connect' function\r\n") );
+ &guidConnectEx, sizeof (guidConnectEx),
+ &ctrl.connect, sizeof (ctrl.connect),
+ &dummy, NULL, NULL);
+ if (ires == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed extracting 'connect' function: %d"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ ires, erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ (void) sock_close(ctrl.dummy);
+ ctrl.dummy = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ ctrl.accept = NULL;
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ /* Basically the same as for AcceptEx above */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try extract 'sendmsg' function\r\n") );
+ &guidSendMsg, sizeof (guidSendMsg),
+ &ctrl.sendmsg, sizeof (ctrl.sendmsg),
+ &dummy, NULL, NULL);
+ if (ires == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed extracting 'sendmsg' function: %d"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ ires, erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ (void) sock_close(ctrl.dummy);
+ ctrl.dummy = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ ctrl.accept = NULL;
+ ctrl.connect = NULL;
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ /* Basically the same as for AcceptEx above */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try extract 'recvmsg' function\r\n") );
+ &guidRecvMsg, sizeof (guidRecvMsg),
+ &ctrl.recvmsg, sizeof (ctrl.recvmsg),
+ &dummy, NULL, NULL);
+ if (ires == SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed extracting 'recvmsg' function: %d"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ ires, erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ (void) sock_close(ctrl.dummy);
+ ctrl.dummy = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ ctrl.accept = NULL;
+ ctrl.connect = NULL;
+ ctrl.sendmsg = NULL;
+ WSACleanup();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create the completion port thread pool.
+ */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try alloc thread pool memory\r\n") );
+ ctrl.threads = MALLOC(numThreads * sizeof(ESAIOThread));
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( ctrl.threads != NULL );
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> basic init of thread data\r\n") );
+ for (i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
+ ctrl.threads[i] = i;
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.state = ESAIO_THREAD_STATE_UNDEF;
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.error = ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_UNDEF;
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.env = NULL;
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.cnt = 0;
+ }
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> try create thread(s)\r\n") );
+ for (i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
+ char buf[64]; /* Buffer used for building the names */
+ int j;
+ /* We set these here to avoid raise with the thread.
+ * *If* we fail in the creation, then we set an error */
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.state = ESAIO_THREAD_STATE_INITIATING;
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.error = ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_OK;
+ "esaio_init -> try create %d thread opts\r\n", i) );
+ sprintf(buf, "esaio-opts[%d]", i);
+ ctrl.threads[i].optsP = TOCREATE(buf);
+ if (ctrl.threads[i].optsP == NULL) {
+ esock_error_msg("Failed create thread opts %d\r\n");
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.error = ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_TOCREATE;
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ "esaio_init -> destroy thread opts %d\r\n", j) );
+ TODESTROY(ctrl.threads[j].optsP);
+ }
+ }
+ "esaio_init -> try create thread %d\r\n", i) );
+ sprintf(buf, "esaio[%d]", i);
+ if (0 != TCREATE(buf,
+ &ctrl.threads[i].tid,
+ esaio_completion_main,
+ (void*) &ctrl.threads[i].data,
+ ctrl.threads[i].optsP)) {
+ ctrl.threads[i].data.error = ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_TCREATE;
+ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+ "esaio_init -> destroy thread opts %d\r\n", j) );
+ TODESTROY(ctrl.threads[j].optsP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_init -> done\r\n") );
+ return ESAIO_OK;
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * Finish, terminate, the ESock Async I/O backend.
+ * This means principally to terminate (threads of) the thread pool.
+ * Issue a "message" via PostQueuedCompletionStatus
+ * instructing all (completion) threads to terminate.
+ */
+void esaio_finish()
+ int t, lastThread;
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_finish -> entry\r\n") );
+ if (ctrl.dummy != INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_finish -> close 'dummy' socket\r\n") );
+ (void) sock_close(ctrl.dummy);
+ ctrl.dummy = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ }
+ "esaio_finish -> try terminate %d worker threads\r\n",
+ ctrl.numThreads) );
+ for (t = 0, lastThread = -1, lastThread; t < ctrl.numThreads; t++) {
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ BOOL qres;
+ "esaio_finish -> "
+ "[%d] try allocate (terminate-) operation\r\n", t) );
+ /* Where is this FREE'ed??
+ * By the thread after it has been received?
+ */
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ /* We should actually check that the alloc was successful
+ * and if not ...
+ * Note that this function is only called when we are terminating
+ * the VM. So, is there actuall any pointy in "doing" something?
+ * Or should we solve this another way? Instead of allocating
+ * a memory block; Send in a constant, ESAIO_OP_TERMINATE,
+ * *instead of* the overlapped pointer!
+ */
+ /* If this dows not work, there is not much we can do!
+ * And since this is *only* done when we terminate the VM...
+ */
+ if (opP != NULL) {
+ sys_memzero((char *) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ "esaio_finish -> "
+ "try post (terminate-) package %d\r\n", t) );
+ qres = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(ctrl.cport,
+ 0, 0, (OVERLAPPED*) opP);
+ if (!qres) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ esock_error_msg("Failed posting 'terminate' command: "
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n", erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ lastThread = t;
+ }
+ } else {
+ "esaio_finish -> "
+ "failed allocate (terminate-) operation %d\r\n", t) );
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastThread >= 0) {
+ "esaio_finish -> await (worker) thread(s) termination\r\n") );
+ for (t = 0; t < (lastThread+1); t++) {
+ "esaio_finish -> try join with thread %d\r\n", t) );
+ (void) TJOIN(ctrl.threads[t].tid, NULL);
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_finish -> joined with %d\r\n", t) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* This is overkill,
+ * since this function, esaio_finish, is called when the VM is halt'ing...
+ * ...but just to be a nice citizen...
+ */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_finish -> free the thread pool data\r\n") );
+ FREE( ctrl.threads );
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_finish -> invalidate functions\r\n") );
+ ctrl.accept = NULL;
+ ctrl.connect = NULL;
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_finish -> done\r\n") );
+ return;
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * esaio_info - Return info "about" this I/O backend.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_info(ErlNifEnv* env)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM info, numThreads,
+ numUnexpAccs, numUnexpConns, numUnexpWs, numUnexpRs,
+ numGenErrs,
+ numUnknownCmds;
+ numThreads = MKUI(env, ctrl.numThreads);
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ numUnexpConns = MKUI(env, ctrl.unexpectedConnects);
+ numUnexpAccs = MKUI(env, ctrl.unexpectedAccepts);
+ numUnexpWs = MKUI(env, ctrl.unexpectedWrites);
+ numUnexpRs = MKUI(env, ctrl.unexpectedReads);
+ numGenErrs = MKUI(env, ctrl.genErrs);
+ numUnknownCmds = MKUI(env, ctrl.unknownCmds);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM cntKeys[] = {esock_atom_num_unexpected_connects,
+ esock_atom_num_unexpected_accepts,
+ esock_atom_num_unexpected_writes,
+ esock_atom_num_unexpected_reads,
+ esock_atom_num_general_errors,
+ esock_atom_num_unknown_cmds};
+ ERL_NIF_TERM cntVals[] = {numUnexpConns, numUnexpAccs,
+ numUnexpWs, numUnexpRs,
+ numGenErrs,
+ numUnknownCmds};
+ unsigned int numCntKeys = NUM(cntKeys);
+ unsigned int numCntVals = NUM(cntVals);
+ ERL_NIF_TERM counters;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( numCntKeys == numCntVals );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MKMA(env, cntKeys, cntVals, numCntKeys, &counters) );
+ {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM keys[] = {esock_atom_name,
+ esock_atom_num_threads,
+ esock_atom_counters};
+ ERL_NIF_TERM vals[] = {MKA(env, "win_esaio"),
+ numThreads,
+ counters};
+ unsigned int numKeys = NUM(keys);
+ unsigned int numVals = NUM(vals);
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( numKeys == numVals );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MKMA(env, keys, vals, numKeys, &info) );
+ }
+ }
+ return info;
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * esaio_open_plain - create an endpoint (from an existing fd) for
+ * communication.
+ *
+ * Create an *overlapped* socket, then add it to the I/O
+ * completion port.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_open_plain(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ int domain,
+ int type,
+ int protocol,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eopts,
+ const ESockData* dataP)
+ /* We do not actually need the dataP since we already have the dbg... */
+ BOOLEAN_T dbg = esock_open_is_debug(env, eopts, dataP->sockDbg);
+ BOOLEAN_T useReg = esock_open_use_registry(env, eopts, dataP->useReg);
+ ESockDescriptor* descP;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef;
+ int proto = protocol;
+ ErlNifPid self;
+ int res, save_errno;
+ /* Keep track of the creator
+ * This should not be a problem, but just in case
+ * the *open* function is used with the wrong kind
+ * of environment...
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &self) != NULL );
+ SSDBG2( dbg,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_open_plain -> entry with"
+ "\r\n domain: %d"
+ "\r\n type: %d"
+ "\r\n protocol: %d"
+ "\r\n eopts: %T"
+ "\r\n", domain, type, protocol, eopts) );
+ sock = sock_open_O(domain, type, proto);
+ if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ return esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ }
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> open success: %d\r\n", sock) );
+ /* NOTE that if the protocol = 0 (default) and the domain is not
+ * local (AF_LOCAL) we need to explicitly get the protocol here!
+ */
+ if (proto == 0)
+ (void) esock_open_which_protocol(sock, &proto);
+ /* Create and initiate the socket "descriptor" */
+ descP = esock_alloc_descriptor(sock);
+ descP->ctrlPid = self;
+ descP->domain = domain;
+ descP->type = type;
+ descP->protocol = proto;
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> add to completion port\r\n") );
+ if (ESAIO_OK != (save_errno = esaio_add_socket(descP))) {
+ // See esock_dtor for what needs done!
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_add_socket;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKA(env, erl_errno_id(save_errno));
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> "
+ "failed adding socket to completion port: "
+ "%T (%d)\r\n", reason, save_errno) );
+ esock_dealloc_descriptor(env, descP);
+ sock_close(sock);
+ /* This should really be:
+ * {error, {invalid, {add_to_completion_port, Reason}}}
+ */
+ return esock_make_error_t2r(env, tag, reason);
+ }
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> create socket ref\r\n") );
+ sockRef = enif_make_resource(env, descP);
+ enif_release_resource(descP);
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> monitor owner %T\r\n", descP->ctrlPid) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MONP("esaio_open -> ctrl",
+ env, descP,
+ &descP->ctrlPid,
+ &descP->ctrlMon) == 0 );
+ descP->dbg = dbg;
+ descP->useReg = useReg;
+ esock_inc_socket(domain, type, proto);
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> maybe update registry\r\n") );
+ /* And finally (maybe) update the registry */
+ if (descP->useReg) esock_send_reg_add_msg(env, descP, sockRef);
+ SSDBG2( dbg, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_open_plain -> done\r\n") );
+ return esock_make_ok2(env, sockRef);
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * esaio_bind - Bind a name to a socket.
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_bind(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESockAddress* sockAddrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen)
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ if (sock_bind(descP->sock, &sockAddrP->sa, addrLen) < 0) {
+ return esock_make_error_errno(env, sock_errno());
+ }
+ descP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_BOUND;
+ return esock_atom_ok;
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * esaio_connect - Connect the socket to a specified address
+ *
+ * The function we use here, ConnectEx, is intended for STREAM/TCP.
+ * But (traditional) connect can be used with DGRAM/UDP.
+ * So, does ConnectEx work with DGRAM/UDP sockets? I think not.
+ * So we may need to test what kind of socket we have, and for
+ * DGRAM/UDP use the "old" connect:
+ *
+ * if (type == DGRAM) && (protocol == UDP)
+ * connect(...);
+ * else
+ * ConnectEx(...);
+ *
+ * Quote from the Microsoft documentation:
+ * "The ConnectEx function can only be used with connection-oriented sockets.
+ * The socket passed in the s parameter must be created with a socket type
+ *
+ * Quote from the Microsoft documentation:
+ * When the ConnectEx function successfully completes, the "connected socket"
+ * can be passed to only the following functions:
+ *
+ * * ReadFile (not provided by our API)
+ * * WriteFile (not provided by our API)
+ * * send or WSASend (send not used by us)
+ * * recv or WSARecv (recv not used by us)
+ * * TransmitFile (not provided by our API)
+ * * closesocket
+ *
+ * Socket used *must* be *bound* before calling ConnectEx!
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_connect(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef,
+ ESockAddress* addrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen)
+ /*
+ * Verify that we are in the proper state
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_connect(%T, %d) -> verify open\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState))
+ return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_closed);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_connect(%T, %d) -> verify type: %s\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, TYPE2STR(descP->type)) );
+ switch (descP->type) {
+ return esaio_connect_stream(env,
+ descP, sockRef, connRef,
+ addrP, addrLen);
+ break;
+ case SOCK_DGRAM:
+ return esaio_connect_dgram(env,
+ descP, sockRef, connRef,
+ addrP, addrLen);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return enif_make_badarg(env);
+ }
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * esaio_connect_stream - Connect the (stream) socket
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_connect_stream(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef,
+ ESockAddress* addrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen)
+ int save_errno;
+ BOOL cres;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ ErlNifPid self;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &self) != NULL );
+ /* ConnectEx *requires* the socket to be bound */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_connect_stream(%T) -> verify bound\r\n", sockRef) );
+ if (! IS_BOUND(descP->writeState))
+ return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_not_bound);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_connect_stream(%T) -> check if ongoing\r\n",
+ sockRef) );
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL) {
+ /* Connect already in progress, check if its us */
+ if (COMPARE_PIDS(&self, &descP-> != 0) {
+ /* *Other* process has connect in progress */
+ if (addrP != NULL) {
+ eres = esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_already);
+ } else {
+ /* This is a bad call sequence
+ * - connect without an address is only allowed
+ * for the connecting process
+ */
+ eres = esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ } else {
+ * This function should never be called *again*
+ * The completion message contains the full and final answer.
+ * No need to call again!
+ */
+ eres = esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ } else if (addrP == NULL) {
+ /* This is a bad call sequence
+ * - connect without an address is not valid on Windows.
+ */
+ eres = esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ } else {
+ DWORD sentDummy = 0;
+ /* No connect in progress */
+ /* Initial connect call, with address */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_connect_stream(%T) -> allocate (connect) operation\r\n",
+ sockRef) );
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_CONNECT;
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * How much does this cost?
+ */
+ /* Initiate connector */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_connect_stream(%T) -> initiate connector\r\n",
+ sockRef) );
+ descP-> = self;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MONP("esaio_connect_stream -> conn",
+ env, descP,
+ &self, &descP->connector.mon) == 0 );
+ descP->connector.dataP = (void*) opP;
+ descP->connector.env = esock_alloc_env("connector");
+ descP->connector.ref = CP_TERM(descP->connector.env, connRef);
+ descP->connectorP = &descP->connector;
+ descP->writeState |=
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio-connect-stream");
+ opP->caller = self;
+ opP->data.connect.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->data.connect.connRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, connRef);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_connect_stream {%d} -> try connect\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ /*
+ * BOOL LpfnConnectex(
+ * [in] SOCKET s,
+ * [in] const sockaddr *name,
+ * [in] int namelen,
+ * [in, optional] PVOID lpSendBuffer,
+ * [in] DWORD dwSendDataLength,
+ * [out] LPDWORD lpdwBytesSent,
+ * [in] LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
+ * )
+ */
+ cres = sock_connect_O(descP->sock,
+ addrP, addrLen,
+ &sentDummy, (OVERLAPPED*) opP);
+ /*
+ * We need to keep using the requestor "queues"!
+ * That is the "only" way to handle the monitoring of
+ * the requestor.
+ * That is if the request (for instance a connect) is
+ * is scheduled, WSA_IO_PENDING, then we need to store
+ * the info about the requestor somewhere we can access it,
+ * in case the requestor for example dies (and we need to
+ * clean up).
+ */
+ eres = connect_stream_check_result(env, descP, opP, cres);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_connect {%d} -> done with"
+ "\r\n eres: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock, eres) );
+ return eres;
+ERL_NIF_TERM connect_stream_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ BOOL cres)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres, tag, reason;
+ int save_errno;
+ if (cres) {
+ /* Success already! */
+ int err;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "connect_stream_check_result(%d) -> connected\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ /* Clean up the connector stuff, no need for that anymore */
+ esock_requestor_release("connect_stream_check_result -> success",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ /* We need to make sure peername and sockname works! */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "connect_stream_check_result {%d} -> "
+ "update connect context\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ err = ESAIO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT( descP->sock );
+ if (err == 0) {
+ descP->writeState &=
+ descP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_CONNECTED;
+ eres = esock_atom_ok;
+ } else {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ tag = esock_atom_update_connect_context;
+ reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "connect_stream_check_result(%d) -> "
+ "connect context update failed: %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, reason) );
+ sock_close(descP->sock);
+ descP->writeState = ESOCK_STATE_CLOSED;
+ WSACleanup();
+ eres = esock_make_error_t2r(env, tag, reason);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Connect returned error, check which */
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ if (save_errno == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "connect_stream_check_result(%d) -> connect scheduled\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ eres = esock_atom_completion;
+ } else {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM ereason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "connect_stream_check_result(%d) -> "
+ "connect attempt failed: %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, ereason) );
+ /* Clean up the connector stuff, no need for that anymore */
+ esock_requestor_release("connect_stream_check_result -> failure",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ /* Will an event be generetade in this case?
+ * Assume not => We need to clean up here!
+ */
+ esock_clear_env("connect_stream_check_result", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("connect_stream_check_result", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ sock_close(descP->sock);
+ descP->writeState = ESOCK_STATE_CLOSED;
+ WSACleanup();
+ eres = esock_make_error(env, ereason);
+ }
+ }
+ return eres;
+/* *** esaio_connect_dgram ***
+ * Handle the "fake" connect of a DGRAM socket ("bind" to
+ * a remote address, so user can use send/recv instead of
+ * sendto/recvfrom). Should use sock_connect(...)
+ * This is corrently just a placeholder!
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_connect_dgram(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM connRef,
+ ESockAddress* addrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen)
+ return enif_make_badarg(env);
+/* *** esaio_listen *** */
+/* ========================================================================
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_accept(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ SOCKET accSock;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ BOOLEAN_T ares;
+ unsigned int addrSz, bufSz;
+ DWORD recvBytes;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not already have a
+ * (accept) request waiting */
+ if (esock_acceptor_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Acceptor already in queue */
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* Accept and Read uses the same flag so they can not be simultaneous.
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_accept {%d} -> verify not reading\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first != NULL)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ /* Should we verify domain, type and protocol? */
+ /* Allocate 'operation' */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_accept {%d} -> allocate 'operation'\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_ACCEPT;
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * How much does this cost?
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_accept {%d} -> initiate 'operation'\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio_accept - operation");
+ opP->data.accept.lSockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->data.accept.accRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, accRef);
+ opP->data.accept.lsock = descP->sock;
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ /* Create the accepting socket
+ * domain - should be AF_INET | AF_INET6 (sould we make sure?)
+ * type - should be SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_SEQPACKET (should we make sure?)
+ * protocol - should be IPPROTO_TCP | IPPROTO_SCTP (should we make sure?)
+ * See check above!
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_accept {%d} -> try create 'accepting' socket\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ accSock = sock_open(descP->domain, descP->type, descP->protocol);
+ if (accSock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKA(env, erl_errno_id(save_errno));
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_create_accept_socket;
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_accept - invalid accept socket", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_accept - invalid accept socket", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ WSACleanup();
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_accept {%d} -> failed create 'accepting' socket:"
+ "\r\n %T (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock, reason, save_errno) );
+ return esock_make_error_t2r(env, tag, reason);
+ }
+ opP->data.accept.asock = accSock;
+ /* According to the (Microsoft) documentation, the buffer size of the
+ * local and remote address must be 16 bytes *more* than the size of
+ * the sockaddr structure for the transport protocol in use.
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_accept {%d} -> "
+ "try calculate address and address buffer size(s)\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ switch (descP->domain) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ addrSz = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) + 16;
+ break;
+ case AF_INET6:
+ addrSz = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) + 16;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_domain);
+ break;
+ }
+ bufSz = 2 * addrSz;
+ opP->data.accept.buf = MALLOC( bufSz );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( opP->data.accept.buf != NULL);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_accept(%T, %d) -> try accept\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_acc_tries, &descP->accTries, 1);
+ ares = sock_accept_O(descP->sock, accSock,
+ opP->data.accept.buf,
+ addrSz,
+ &recvBytes,
+ eres = accept_check_result(env, descP, opP, ares,
+ sockRef, accRef, accSock, caller);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_accept(%T, %d) -> done when"
+ "\r\n eres: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, eres) );
+ return eres;
+ERL_NIF_TERM accept_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ BOOL ares,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef,
+ SOCKET accSock,
+ ErlNifPid caller)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ if (ares) {
+ /* Success already!
+ * So, no need to store the data (in the "queue").
+ * And then allocate and initiate the new descriptor.
+ */
+ eres = esaio_accept_accepted(env, descP, caller, sockRef, accSock);
+ } else {
+ /* Accept returned error, check which */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ /* As pointed out above, there are basically two kinds of errors:
+ * 1) Pending:
+ * An overlapped operation was successfully initiated.
+ * Completion will be "indicated" at a later time.
+ * 2) An actual error
+ */
+ if (save_errno == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
+ /* We need to store the data in the queue! */
+ eres = accept_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, accRef);
+ } else {
+ eres = accept_check_fail(env, descP, opP, save_errno,
+ accSock, sockRef);
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "accept_check_result(%T, %d) -> done with"
+ "\r\n result: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, eres) );
+ return eres;
+ERL_NIF_TERM accept_check_pending(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "accept_check_pending(%T, %d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n accRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, accRef) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_acc_waits, &descP->accWaits, 1);
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)
+ descP->readState |= ESOCK_STATE_ACCEPTING;
+ /* Will be picked up by the (worker) threads when the event comes */
+ esock_acceptor_push(env, descP, caller, accRef, opP);
+ return esock_atom_completion;
+ERL_NIF_TERM accept_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ SOCKET accSock,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "accept_check_fail(%T, %d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n errno: %d"
+ "\r\n (acc) socket: %d"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, saveErrno, accSock) );
+ reason = MKA(env, erl_errno_id(saveErrno));
+ /* Will an event be generetade in this case?
+ * Assume not => We need to clean up here!
+ */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_accept", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_accept", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP->data.accept.buf );
+ FREE( opP );
+ sock_close(accSock);
+ WSACleanup();
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_acc_fails, &descP->accFails, 1);
+ return esock_make_error(env, reason);
+/* *** esaio_accept_accepted ***
+ *
+ * Generic function handling a successful accept.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_accept_accepted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid pid,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ SOCKET accSock)
+ ESockDescriptor* accDescP;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef;
+ int save_errno;
+ /*
+ * We got one
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_accept_accepted(%T, %d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n (accept) socket: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, accSock) );
+ // Allocate the descriptor
+ accDescP = esock_alloc_descriptor(accSock);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_accept_accepted(%T, %d) -> add to completion port\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (ESAIO_OK != (save_errno = esaio_add_socket(accDescP))) {
+ // See esock_dtor for what needs done!
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_add_socket;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKA(env, erl_errno_id(save_errno));
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_acc_fails, &descP->accFails, 1);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_accept_accepted(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed adding (accepted) socket to completion port: "
+ "%T (%d)\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason, save_errno) );
+ esock_dealloc_descriptor(env, accDescP);
+ sock_close(accSock);
+ /* This should really be:
+ * {error, {invalid, {add_to_completion_port, Reason}}}
+ */
+ return esock_make_error_t2r(env, tag, reason);
+ }
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_acc_success, &descP->accSuccess, 1);
+ accDescP->domain = descP->domain;
+ accDescP->type = descP->type;
+ accDescP->protocol = descP->protocol;
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ accDescP->rBufSz = descP->rBufSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->rCtrlSz = descP->rCtrlSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->wCtrlSz = descP->wCtrlSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->iow = descP->iow; // Inherit iow
+ accDescP->dbg = descP->dbg; // Inherit debug flag
+ accDescP->useReg = descP->useReg; // Inherit useReg flag
+ esock_inc_socket(accDescP->domain, accDescP->type, accDescP->protocol);
+ accRef = enif_make_resource(env, accDescP);
+ enif_release_resource(accDescP);
+ accDescP->ctrlPid = pid;
+ /* pid has actually been compared equal to self()
+ * in this code path just a little while ago
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MONP("esaio_accept_accepted -> ctrl",
+ env, accDescP,
+ &accDescP->ctrlPid,
+ &accDescP->ctrlMon) == 0 );
+ accDescP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_CONNECTED;
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ /* And finally (maybe) update the registry */
+ if (descP->useReg) esock_send_reg_add_msg(env, descP, accRef);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_accept_accepted(%T, %d) -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return esock_make_ok2(env, accRef);
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Do the actual send.
+ * Do some initial writer checks, do the actual send and then
+ * analyze the result.
+ *
+ * The following flags are "valid":
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_send(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ ErlNifBinary* sndDataP,
+ int flags)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ BOOLEAN_T cleanup = FALSE;
+ int wres;
+ DWORD toWrite;
+ char* buf;
+ DWORD f = (DWORD) flags;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ ESOCK_EPRINTF("esaio_send(%T, %d) -> NOT OPEN\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock);
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ }
+ /* Connect and Write can not be simultaneous? */
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL) {
+ ESOCK_EPRINTF("esaio_send(%T, %d) -> CONNECTING\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock);
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not *already* have a
+ * (send) request waiting */
+ if (esock_writer_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Sender already in queue */
+ ESOCK_EPRINTF("esaio_send(%T, %d) -> ALREADY SENDING\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock);
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* This is a size check,
+ * to ensure we do not try to send something *to* large */
+ toWrite = (DWORD) sndDataP->size;
+ if ((size_t) toWrite != sndDataP->size)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_data_size);
+ /* Once the send function has been called, this memory
+ * is "owned" by the system. That is, we cannot free it
+ * (or do anything with it) until the *operation* has completed,
+ * so the free is done by the thread(s).
+ */
+ buf = MALLOC( toWrite );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( buf != NULL );
+ sys_memcpy(buf, sndDataP->data, toWrite);
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_SEND;
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * But after the call is to late, so...
+ */
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio-send - operation");
+ opP->data.send.sendRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sendRef);
+ opP->data.send.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->data.send.wbuf.buf = buf;
+ opP->data.send.wbuf.len = toWrite;
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_tries, &descP->writeTries, 1);
+ wres = sock_send_O(descP->sock, &opP->data.send.wbuf, f, (OVERLAPPED*) opP);
+ eres = send_check_result(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ wres, toWrite, FALSE,
+ sockRef, sendRef, &cleanup);
+ if (cleanup) {
+ /* "Manually" allocated buffer */
+ FREE( opP->data.send.wbuf.buf );
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_send - cleanup", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_send - cleanup", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_send {%d} -> done (%s)"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, B2S(cleanup), eres) );
+ return eres;
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Do the actual send.
+ * Do some initial writer checks, do the actual send and then
+ * analyze the result.
+ *
+ * The following flags are "valid":
+ *
+ *
+ * "Explicit binding is discouraged for client applications."
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_sendto(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ ErlNifBinary* sndDataP,
+ int flags,
+ ESockAddress* toAddrP,
+ SOCKLEN_T toAddrLen)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ BOOLEAN_T cleanup = FALSE;
+ int wres;
+ DWORD toWrite;
+ char* buf;
+ DWORD f = (DWORD) flags;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ /* Connect and Write can not be simultaneous? */
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ /* Empty address to allowed */
+ if (toAddrP == NULL)
+ return esock_make_invalid(env, esock_atom_sockaddr);
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not *already* have a
+ * (send) request waiting */
+ if (esock_writer_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Sender already in queue */
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* This is a size check,
+ * to ensure we do not try to send something *to* large */
+ toWrite = (DWORD) sndDataP->size;
+ if ((size_t) toWrite != sndDataP->size)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_data_size);
+ /* Once the send function has been called, this memory
+ * (buf) "belongs" to the "system" (so no need to free it).
+ */
+ buf = MALLOC( toWrite );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( buf != NULL );
+ sys_memcpy(buf, sndDataP->data, toWrite);
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_SENDTO;
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * But after the call is to late, so...
+ */
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio-sendto - operation");
+ opP->data.sendto.sendRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sendRef);
+ opP->data.sendto.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->data.sendto.wbuf.buf = buf;
+ opP->data.sendto.wbuf.len = toWrite;
+ opP->data.sendto.remoteAddr = *toAddrP; // Do we need this?
+ opP->data.sendto.remoteAddrLen = toAddrLen;// Do we need this?
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_tries, &descP->writeTries, 1);
+ wres = sock_sendto_O(descP->sock, &opP->data.sendto.wbuf, f,
+ (struct sockaddr*) toAddrP, toAddrLen,
+ eres = send_check_result(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ wres, toWrite, FALSE,
+ sockRef, sendRef, &cleanup);
+ if (cleanup) {
+ /* "Manually" allocated buffer */
+ FREE( opP->data.sendto.wbuf.buf );
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_sendto - cleanup", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_sendto - cleanup", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_sendto {%d} -> done (%s)"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, B2S(cleanup), eres) );
+ return eres;
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Do the actual sendmsg.
+ * Do some initial writer checks, do the actual send and then
+ * analyze the result.
+ *
+ * The following flags are "valid":
+ *
+ *
+ * "Explicit binding is discouraged for client applications."
+ *
+ * Also, according to Microsoft documentation:
+ *
+ * "can only be used with datagrams and raw sockets."
+ *
+ * So, should we check, or let the user crash and burn?
+ *
+ * Note that this operation *only* works for socket
+ * of types SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW! Should we check
+ * and throw 'enotsup' otherwise? Would make testing
+ * easier...
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_sendmsg(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ int flags,
+ const ESockData* dataP)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ BOOLEAN_T cleanup = FALSE;
+ int wres;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tail;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eAddr, eCtrl;
+ ssize_t dataSize;
+ size_t ctrlBufLen, ctrlBufUsed;
+ WSABUF* wbufs = NULL;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP = NULL;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_sendmsg(%T, %d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ /* This *only* works on socket type(s) DGRAM or RAW.
+ * Other socket types results in einval, which is not very
+ * helpful. So, in order to, atleast, help with testing,
+ * we do this...
+ */
+ if (! ((descP->type == SOCK_DGRAM) || (descP->type == SOCK_RAW))) {
+ return enif_raise_exception(env, MKA(env, "notsup"));
+ }
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ /* Connect and Write can not be simultaneous? */
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not *already* have a
+ * (send) request waiting */
+ if (esock_writer_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Sender already in queue */
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_SENDMSG;
+ if (! init_sendmsg_sockaddr(env, descP, eMsg,
+ &opP->data.sendmsg.msg,
+ &opP->data.sendmsg.addr)) {
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_invalid(env, esock_atom_addr);
+ }
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * How much does this cost?
+ */
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio_sendmsg - operation");
+ /* Extract the *mandatory* 'iov', which must be an erlang:iovec(),
+ * from which we take at most IOV_MAX binaries.
+ * The env *cannot* be NULL because we don't actually know if
+ * the send succeeds *now*. It could be sceduled!
+ */
+ if ((! enif_inspect_iovec(opP->env,
+ dataP->iov_max, eIOV, &tail,
+ &opP->data.sendmsg.iovec))) {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "essaio_sendmsg {%d} -> not an iov\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ esock_free_env("esaio-sendmsg - iovec failure", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_iov);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_sendmsg {%d} ->"
+ "\r\n iovcnt: %lu"
+ "\r\n tail: %s"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock,
+ (unsigned long) opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iovcnt,
+ B2S(! enif_is_empty_list(opP->env, tail))) );
+ /* We now have an allocated iovec - verify vector size */
+ if (! verify_sendmsg_iovec_size(dataP, descP, opP->data.sendmsg.iovec)) {
+ /* We can not send the whole packet in one sendmsg() call */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_sendmsg {%d} -> iovcnt > iov_max\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ // No need - belongs to op env: FREE_IOVEC( opP->data.sendmsg.iovec );
+ esock_free_env("esaio-sendmsg - iovec failure", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_iov);
+ }
+ /* Verify that we can send the entire message.
+ * On DGRAM the tail must be "empty" (= everything must fit in one message).
+ */
+ if (! verify_sendmsg_iovec_tail(opP->env, descP, &tail)) {
+ // No need - belongs to op env: FREE_IOVEC( opP->data.sendmsg.iovec );
+ esock_free_env("esaio-sendmsg - iovec tail failure", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_iov);
+ }
+ if (! check_sendmsg_iovec_overflow(descP,
+ opP->data.sendmsg.iovec, &dataSize)) {
+ // No need - belongs to op env: FREE_IOVEC( opP->data.sendmsg.iovec );
+ esock_free_env("esaio-sendmsg - iovec size failure", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_iov);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_sendmsg {%d} -> iovec size verified"
+ "\r\n iov length: %lu"
+ "\r\n data size: %u"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ (unsigned long) opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iovcnt,
+ (long) dataSize) );
+ wbufs = MALLOC(opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iovcnt * sizeof(WSABUF));
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( wbufs != NULL );
+ for (int i = 0; i < opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iovcnt; i++) {
+ wbufs[i].len = opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iov[i].iov_len;
+ wbufs[i].buf = opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iov[i].iov_base;
+ }
+ opP->data.sendmsg.msg.lpBuffers = wbufs;
+ opP->data.sendmsg.msg.dwBufferCount = opP->data.sendmsg.iovec->iovcnt;
+ /* And now for the control headers - some default first */
+ eCtrl = esock_atom_undefined;
+ ctrlBufLen = 0;
+ opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf = NULL;
+ /* Extract the *optional* 'ctrl' out of the eMsg map */
+ if (GET_MAP_VAL(env, eMsg, esock_atom_ctrl, &eCtrl)) {
+ ctrlBufLen = descP->wCtrlSz;
+ opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf = (char*) MALLOC(ctrlBufLen);
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf != NULL );
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_sendmsg {%d} -> optional ctrl: "
+ "\r\n ctrlBuf: %p"
+ "\r\n ctrlBufLen: %lu"
+ "\r\n eCtrl: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock,
+ opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf,
+ (unsigned long) ctrlBufLen, eCtrl) );
+ if (opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf != NULL) {
+ if (! decode_cmsghdrs(env, descP,
+ eCtrl,
+ opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf, ctrlBufLen,
+ &ctrlBufUsed)) {
+ FREE( opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf );
+ FREE( opP->data.sendmsg.msg.lpBuffers );
+ // No need - belongs to op env: FREE_IOVEC( opP->data.sendmsg.iovec );
+ esock_free_env("esaio-sendmsg - iovec size failure", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_invalid(env, esock_atom_ctrl);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctrlBufUsed = 0;
+ }
+ opP->data.sendmsg.msg.Control.len = ctrlBufUsed;
+ opP->data.sendmsg.msg.Control.buf = opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf;
+ /* We do not yet handle the flags (see function header above),
+ * so zero it just in case. */
+ opP->data.sendmsg.msg.dwFlags = 0;
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_SENDMSG;
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ opP->data.sendmsg.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->data.sendmsg.sendRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sendRef);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_tries, &descP->writeTries, 1);
+ wres = sock_sendmsg_O(descP->sock, &opP->data.sendmsg.msg, flags,
+ eres = send_check_result(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ wres, dataSize,
+ (! enif_is_empty_list(opP->env, tail)),
+ sockRef, sendRef, &cleanup);
+ if (cleanup) {
+ /* "Manually" allocated buffers */
+ FREE( opP->data.sendmsg.msg.lpBuffers );
+ if (opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf != NULL)
+ FREE( opP->data.sendmsg.ctrlBuf );
+ /* The i/o vector belongs to the op env,
+ * so it goes when the env goes.
+ */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_sendto - cleanup", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_sendto - cleanup", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_sendmsg {%d} -> done (%s)"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, B2S(cleanup), eres) );
+ return eres;
+BOOLEAN_T init_sendmsg_sockaddr(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ WSAMSG* msgP,
+ ESockAddress* addrP)
+ if (! GET_MAP_VAL(env, eMsg, esock_atom_addr, &eAddr)) {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "init_sendmsg_sockaddr {%d} -> no address\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ msgP->name = NULL;
+ msgP->namelen = 0;
+ } else {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "init_sendmsg_sockaddr {%d} ->"
+ "\r\n address: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, eAddr) );
+ msgP->name = (void*) addrP;
+ msgP->namelen = sizeof(ESockAddress);
+ sys_memzero((char *) msgP->name, msgP->namelen);
+ if (! esock_decode_sockaddr(env, eAddr,
+ (ESockAddress*) msgP->name,
+ (SOCKLEN_T*) &msgP->namelen)) {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "init_sendmsg_sockaddr {%d} -> invalid address\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOLEAN_T verify_sendmsg_iovec_size(const ESockData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifIOVec* iovec)
+ if (iovec->iovcnt > dataP->iov_max) {
+ if (descP->type == SOCK_STREAM) {
+ iovec->iovcnt = dataP->iov_max;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOLEAN_T verify_sendmsg_iovec_tail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM* tail)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM h, t, tmp = *tail;
+ ErlNifBinary bin;
+ /* Find out if there is remaining data in the tail.
+ * Skip empty binaries otherwise break.
+ * If 'tail' after loop exit is the empty list
+ * there was no more data. Otherwise there is more
+ * data or the 'iov' is invalid.
+ */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (enif_get_list_cell(env, tmp, &h, &t) &&
+ enif_inspect_binary(env, h, &bin) &&
+ (bin.size == 0)) {
+ tmp = t;
+ continue;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ *tail = tmp;
+ if ((! enif_is_empty_list(env, tmp)) &&
+ (descP->type != SOCK_STREAM)) {
+ /* We can not send the whole packet in one sendmsg() call */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "essio_sendmsg {%d} -> invalid tail\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOLEAN_T check_sendmsg_iovec_overflow(ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifIOVec* iovec,
+ ssize_t* dataSize)
+ ssize_t dsz = 0;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < iovec->iovcnt; i++) {
+ size_t len = iovec->iov[i].iov_len;
+ dsz += len;
+ if (dsz < len) {
+ /* Overflow */
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "verify_sendmsg_iovec_size {%d} -> Overflow"
+ "\r\n i: %lu"
+ "\r\n len: %lu"
+ "\r\n dataSize: %ld"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, (unsigned long) i,
+ (unsigned long) len, (long) dsz) );
+ *dataSize = dsz;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ *dataSize = dsz;
+ return TRUE;
+/* *** Control message utility functions *** */
+/* +++ decode_cmsghdrs +++
+ *
+ * Decode a list of cmsg(). There can be 0 or more "blocks".
+ *
+ * Each element can either be a (erlang) map that needs to be decoded,
+ * or a (erlang) binary that just needs to be appended to the control
+ * buffer.
+ *
+ * Our "problem" is that we have no idea how much memory we actually need.
+ *
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdrs(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ char* cmsgHdrBufP,
+ size_t cmsgHdrBufLen,
+ size_t* cmsgHdrBufUsed)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM elem, tail, list;
+ char* bufP;
+ size_t rem, used, totUsed = 0;
+ unsigned int len;
+ int i;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdrs {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n eCMsg: %T"
+ "\r\n cmsgHdrBufP: 0x%lX"
+ "\r\n cmsgHdrBufLen: %d"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock,
+ eCMsg, cmsgHdrBufP, cmsgHdrBufLen) );
+ if (! GET_LIST_LEN(env, eCMsg, &len))
+ return FALSE;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdrs {%d} -> list length: %d\r\n",
+ descP->sock, len) );
+ for (i = 0, list = eCMsg, rem = cmsgHdrBufLen, bufP = cmsgHdrBufP;
+ i < len; i++) {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdrs {%d} -> process elem %d:"
+ "\r\n (buffer) rem: %u"
+ "\r\n (buffer) totUsed: %u"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, i, rem, totUsed) );
+ /* Extract the (current) head of the (cmsg hdr) list */
+ if (! GET_LIST_ELEM(env, list, &elem, &tail))
+ return FALSE;
+ used = 0; // Just in case...
+ if (! decode_cmsghdr(env, descP, elem, bufP, rem, &used))
+ return FALSE;
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+ bufP = CHARP( bufP + used );
+ bufP = CHARP( ULONG(bufP) + used );
+ rem = SZT( rem - used );
+ list = tail;
+ totUsed += used;
+ }
+ *cmsgHdrBufUsed = totUsed;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdrs {%d} -> done"
+ "\r\n all %u ctrl headers processed"
+ "\r\n totUsed = %lu\r\n",
+ descP->sock, len, (unsigned long) totUsed) );
+ return TRUE;
+/* +++ decode_cmsghdr +++
+ *
+ * Decode one cmsg(). Put the "result" into the buffer and advance the
+ * pointer (of the buffer) afterwards. Also update 'rem' accordingly.
+ * But before the actual decode, make sure that there is enough room in
+ * the buffer for the cmsg header (sizeof(*hdr) < rem).
+ *
+ * The eCMsg should be a map with three fields:
+ *
+ * level :: socket | protocol() | integer()
+ * type :: atom() | integer()
+ * What values are valid depend on the level
+ * data :: binary() | integer() | boolean()
+ * The type of the data depends on
+ * or level and type, but can be a binary,
+ * which means that the data is already coded.
+ * value :: term() Which is a term matching the decode function
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdr(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ char* bufP,
+ size_t rem,
+ size_t* used)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eLevel, eType, eData, eValue;
+ int level;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n eCMsg: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, eCMsg) );
+ // Get 'level' field
+ if (! GET_MAP_VAL(env, eCMsg, esock_atom_level, &eLevel))
+ return FALSE;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d} -> eLevel: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, eLevel) );
+ // Get 'type' field
+ if (! GET_MAP_VAL(env, eCMsg, esock_atom_type, &eType))
+ return FALSE;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d} -> eType: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, eType) );
+ // Decode Level
+ if (! esock_decode_level(env, eLevel, &level))
+ return FALSE;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d}-> level: %d\r\n",
+ descP->sock, level) );
+ // Get 'data' field
+ if (! GET_MAP_VAL(env, eCMsg, esock_atom_data, &eData)) {
+ // Get 'value' field
+ if (! GET_MAP_VAL(env, eCMsg, esock_atom_value, &eValue))
+ return FALSE;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d} -> eValue: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, eValue) );
+ // Decode Value
+ if (! decode_cmsghdr_value(env, descP, level, eType, eValue,
+ bufP, rem, used))
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ // Verify no 'value' field
+ if (GET_MAP_VAL(env, eCMsg, esock_atom_value, &eValue))
+ return FALSE;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d} -> eData: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, eData) );
+ // Decode Data
+ if (! decode_cmsghdr_data(env, descP, level, eType, eData,
+ bufP, rem, used))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "decode_cmsghdr {%d}-> used: %lu\r\n",
+ descP->sock, (unsigned long) *used) );
+ return TRUE;
+BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdr_value(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int level,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eValue,
+ char* bufP,
+ size_t rem,
+ size_t* usedP)
+ int type;
+ struct cmsghdr* cmsgP = (struct cmsghdr *) bufP;
+ ESockCmsgSpec* cmsgTable;
+ ESockCmsgSpec* cmsgSpecP = NULL;
+ size_t num = 0;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_value {%d} -> entry \r\n"
+ " eType: %T\r\n"
+ " eValue: %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, eType, eValue) );
+ // We have decode functions only for symbolic (atom) types
+ if (! IS_ATOM(env, eType)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_value {%d} -> FALSE:\r\n"
+ " eType not an atom\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Try to look up the symbolic type
+ */
+ if (((cmsgTable = esock_lookup_cmsg_table(level, &num)) == NULL) ||
+ ((cmsgSpecP = esock_lookup_cmsg_spec(cmsgTable, num, eType)) == NULL) ||
+ (cmsgSpecP->decode == NULL)) {
+ /* We found no table for this level,
+ * we found no symbolic type in the level table,
+ * or no decode function for this type
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_value {%d} -> FALSE:\r\n"
+ " cmsgTable: %p\r\n"
+ " cmsgSpecP: %p\r\n",
+ descP->sock, cmsgTable, cmsgSpecP) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (! cmsgSpecP->decode(env, eValue, cmsgP, rem, usedP)) {
+ // Decode function failed
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_value {%d} -> FALSE:\r\n"
+ " decode function failed\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Successful decode
+ type = cmsgSpecP->type;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_value {%d} -> TRUE:\r\n"
+ " level: %d\r\n"
+ " type: %d\r\n",
+ " *usedP: %lu\r\n",
+ descP->sock, level, type, (unsigned long) *usedP) );
+ cmsgP->cmsg_level = level;
+ cmsgP->cmsg_type = type;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOLEAN_T decode_cmsghdr_data(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int level,
+ char* bufP,
+ size_t rem,
+ size_t* usedP)
+ int type;
+ ErlNifBinary bin;
+ struct cmsghdr* cmsgP = (struct cmsghdr *) bufP;
+ ESockCmsgSpec* cmsgSpecP = NULL;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_data {%d} -> entry \r\n"
+ " eType: %T\r\n"
+ " eData: %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, eType, eData) );
+ // Decode Type
+ if (! GET_INT(env, eType, &type)) {
+ ESockCmsgSpec* cmsgTable = NULL;
+ size_t num = 0;
+ /* Try to look up the symbolic (atom) type
+ */
+ if ((! IS_ATOM(env, eType)) ||
+ ((cmsgTable = esock_lookup_cmsg_table(level, &num)) == NULL) ||
+ ((cmsgSpecP = esock_lookup_cmsg_spec(cmsgTable, num, eType)) == NULL)) {
+ /* Type was not an atom,
+ * we found no table for this level,
+ * or we found no symbolic type in the level table
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_data {%d} -> FALSE:\r\n"
+ " cmsgTable: %p\r\n"
+ " cmsgSpecP: %p\r\n",
+ descP->sock, cmsgTable, cmsgSpecP) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ type = cmsgSpecP->type;
+ }
+ // Decode Data
+ if (GET_BIN(env, eData, &bin)) {
+ void *p;
+ p = esock_init_cmsghdr(cmsgP, rem, bin.size, usedP);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ /* No room for the data
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_data {%d} -> FALSE:\r\n"
+ " rem: %lu\r\n"
+ " bin.size: %lu\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ (unsigned long) rem,
+ (unsigned long) bin.size) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Copy the binary data
+ sys_memcpy(p,, bin.size);
+ } else if ((! esock_cmsg_decode_int(env, eData, cmsgP, rem, usedP)) &&
+ (! esock_cmsg_decode_bool(env, eData, cmsgP, rem, usedP))) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_data {%d} -> FALSE\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Successful decode
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "decode_cmsghdr_data {%d} -> TRUE:\r\n"
+ " level: %d\r\n"
+ " type: %d\r\n"
+ " *usedP: %lu\r\n",
+ descP->sock, level, type, (unsigned long) *usedP) );
+ cmsgP->cmsg_level = level;
+ cmsgP->cmsg_type = type;
+ return TRUE;
+/* +++ encode_msg +++
+ *
+ * Encode a msg() (recvmsg). In erlang its represented as
+ * a map, which has a specific set of attributes:
+ *
+ * addr (source address) - sockaddr()
+ * iov - [binary()]
+ * ctrl - [cmsg()]
+ * flags - msg_flags()
+ */
+void encode_msg(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ssize_t read,
+ WSAMSG* msgP,
+ ErlNifBinary* dataBufP,
+ ErlNifBinary* ctrlBufP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM addr, iov, ctrl, flags;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_msg {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n read: %ld"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, (long) read) );
+ /* The address is not used if we are connected (unless, maybe,
+ * family is 'local'), so check (length = 0) before we try to encodel
+ */
+ if (msgP->namelen != 0) {
+ esock_encode_sockaddr(env,
+ (ESockAddress*) msgP->name,
+ msgP->namelen,
+ &addr);
+ } else {
+ addr = esock_atom_undefined;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_msg {%d} -> encode iov"
+ "\r\n num vectors: %lu"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, (unsigned long) msgP->dwBufferCount) );
+ esock_encode_iov(env, read,
+ (SysIOVec*) msgP->lpBuffers, msgP->dwBufferCount, dataBufP,
+ &iov);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "encode_msg {%d} -> try encode cmsgs\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ encode_cmsgs(env, descP, ctrlBufP, msgP, &ctrl);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "encode_msg {%d} -> try encode flags\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ esock_encode_msg_flags(env, descP, msgP->dwFlags, &flags);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_msg {%d} -> components encoded:"
+ "\r\n addr: %T"
+ "\r\n ctrl: %T"
+ "\r\n flags: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, addr, ctrl, flags) );
+ {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM keys[] = {esock_atom_iov,
+ esock_atom_ctrl,
+ esock_atom_flags,
+ esock_atom_addr};
+ ERL_NIF_TERM vals[] = {iov, ctrl, flags, addr};
+ size_t numKeys = NUM(keys);
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( numKeys == NUM(vals) );
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "encode_msg {%d} -> create map\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ if (msgP->namelen == 0)
+ numKeys--; // No addr
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MKMA(env, keys, vals, numKeys, eMsg) );
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "encode_msg {%d}-> map encoded\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_msg {%d} -> done\r\n", descP->sock) );
+/* +++ encode_cmsgs +++
+ *
+ * Encode a list of cmsg(). There can be 0 or more cmsghdr "blocks".
+ *
+ * Our "problem" is that we have no idea how many control messages
+ * we have.
+ *
+ * The cmsgHdrP arguments points to the start of the control data buffer,
+ * an actual binary. Its the only way to create sub-binaries. So, what we
+ * need to continue processing this is to turn that into an binary erlang
+ * term (which can then in turn be turned into sub-binaries).
+ *
+ * We need the cmsgBufP (even though cmsgHdrP points to it) to be able
+ * to create sub-binaries (one for each cmsg hdr).
+ *
+ * The TArray (term array) is created with the size of 128, which should
+ * be enough. But if its not, then it will be automatically realloc'ed during
+ * add. Once we are done adding hdr's to it, we convert the tarray to a list.
+ */
+void encode_cmsgs(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifBinary* cmsgBinP,
+ WSAMSG* msgP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM ctrlBuf = MKBIN(env, cmsgBinP); // The *entire* binary
+ SocketTArray cmsghdrs = TARRAY_CREATE(128);
+ WSACMSGHDR* currentP;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> entry when"
+ "\r\n msg ctrl len: %d"
+ "\r\n (ctrl) firstP: 0x%lX"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, msgP->Control.len, firstP) );
+ for (currentP = firstP;
+ (currentP != NULL);
+ /* nifs\win32\win_socket_asyncio.c(3167):
+ * warning C4116: unnamed type definition in parentheses
+ */
+ currentP = ESOCK_CMSG_NXTHDR(msgP, currentP)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> process cmsg header when"
+ "\r\n TArray Size: %d"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, TARRAY_SZ(cmsghdrs)) );
+ /* MUST check this since on Linux the returned "cmsg" may actually
+ * go too far!
+ */
+ if (((CHARP(currentP) + currentP->cmsg_len) - CHARP(firstP)) >
+ msgP->Control.len) {
+ /* Ouch, fatal error - give up
+ * We assume we cannot trust any data if this is wrong.
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> check failed when: "
+ "\r\n currentP: 0x%lX"
+ "\r\n (current) cmsg_len: %d"
+ "\r\n firstP: 0x%lX"
+ "\r\n => %d"
+ "\r\n msg ctrl len: %d"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock,
+ CHARP(currentP), currentP->cmsg_len, CHARP(firstP),
+ (CHARP(currentP) + currentP->cmsg_len) - CHARP(firstP),
+ msgP->Control.len) );
+ TARRAY_ADD(cmsghdrs, esock_atom_bad_data);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ unsigned char* dataP = UCHARP(ESOCK_CMSG_DATA(currentP));
+ size_t dataPos = dataP - cmsgBinP->data;
+ size_t dataLen =
+ (UCHARP(currentP) + currentP->cmsg_len) - dataP;
+ cmsgHdr,
+ keys[] =
+ {esock_atom_level,
+ esock_atom_type,
+ esock_atom_data,
+ esock_atom_value},
+ vals[NUM(keys)];
+ size_t numKeys = NUM(keys);
+ BOOLEAN_T have_value;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> cmsg header data: "
+ "\r\n dataPos: %d"
+ "\r\n dataLen: %d"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, dataPos, dataLen) );
+ vals[0] = esock_encode_level(env, currentP->cmsg_level);
+ vals[2] = MKSBIN(env, ctrlBuf, dataPos, dataLen);
+ have_value = esock_encode_cmsg(env,
+ currentP->cmsg_level,
+ currentP->cmsg_type,
+ dataP, dataLen, &vals[1], &vals[3]);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> "
+ "\r\n %T: %T"
+ "\r\n %T: %T"
+ "\r\n %T: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock,
+ keys[0], vals[0], keys[1], vals[1], keys[2], vals[2]) );
+ if (have_value)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> "
+ "\r\n %T: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, keys[3], vals[3]) );
+ /* Guard against cut-and-paste errors */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( numKeys == NUM(vals) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MKMA(env, keys, vals,
+ numKeys - (have_value ? 0 : 1), &cmsgHdr) );
+ /* And finally add it to the list... */
+ TARRAY_ADD(cmsghdrs, cmsgHdr);
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "encode_cmsgs {%d} -> cmsg headers processed when"
+ "\r\n TArray Size: %d"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, TARRAY_SZ(cmsghdrs)) );
+ /* The tarray is populated - convert it to a list */
+ TARRAY_TOLIST(cmsghdrs, env, eCMsg);
+/* ====== Receive functions ====== */
+/* ========================================================================
+ * The (read) buffer handling should be optimized!
+ * But for now we make it easy for ourselves by
+ * allocating a binary (of the specified or default
+ * size) and then throwing it away...
+ *
+ * The following flags are supported (with overlapped):
+ * MSG_OOB - Processes OOB data.
+ * MSG_PARTIAL - *message-oriented* sockets only.
+ * Both intput to *and* output from recv.
+ * MSG_PUSH_IMMEDIATE - *stream-oriented* sockets only.
+ * Hint rather than an actual guarantee.
+ * MSG_WAITALL - *stream-oriented* sockets only.
+ * The request will complete only when one of
+ * the following conditions apply:
+ * - buffer is completely full.
+ * - The connection has been closed.
+ * - The request has been canceled or an error occurred.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_recv(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef,
+ ssize_t len,
+ int flags)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ int rres;
+ WSABUF wbuf;
+ DWORD f = flags;
+ size_t bufSz = (len != 0 ? len : descP->rBufSz);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_recv {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n length: %ld"
+ "\r\n (buffer) size: %lu"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock,
+ (long) len, (unsigned long) bufSz) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ /* Accept and Read can not be simultaneous? */
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first != NULL)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not *already* have a
+ * (recv) request waiting */
+ if (esock_reader_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Reader already in queue */
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* Allocate the operation */
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_RECV;
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * How much does this cost?
+ */
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio-recv - operation");
+ opP->data.recv.recvRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, recvRef);
+ opP->data.recv.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ /* Allocate a buffer:
+ * Either as much as we want to read or (if zero (0)) use the "default"
+ * size (what has been configured).
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( ALLOC_BIN(bufSz, &opP->data.recv.buf) );
+ opP->data.recv.toRead = len;
+ wbuf.buf = opP->;
+ wbuf.len = opP->data.recv.buf.size;
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_tries, &descP->readTries, 1);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_recv {%d} -> try read (%lu)\r\n",
+ descP->sock, (unsigned long) bufSz) );
+ rres = sock_recv_O(descP->sock, &wbuf, &f, (OVERLAPPED*) opP);
+ return recv_check_result(env, descP, opP, caller, rres,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+/* *** recv_check_result ***
+ *
+ * Analyze the result of a receive attempt.
+ * The receive may have been completed directly or scheduled (overlapped).
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int recv_result,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ if (recv_result == 0) {
+ /* +++ Success +++ */
+ eres = recv_check_ok(env, descP, opP, caller, sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ int err;
+ /* +++ Failure or pending +++ */
+ err = sock_errno();
+ /* As pointed out above, there are basically two kinds of errors:
+ * 1) Pending:
+ * An overlapped operation was successfully initiated.
+ * Completion will be indicated at a later time.
+ * 2) An actual error
+ */
+ if (err == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
+ if (! IS_ZERO(recvRef)) {
+ eres = recv_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ /* We are not allowed to wait! => cancel */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_result(%T, %d) -> "
+ "pending - but we are not allowed to wait => cancel"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP)) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_cancel;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_result(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed cancel pending operation"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason) );
+ eres = esock_make_error(env, MKT2(env, tag, reason));
+ } else {
+ eres = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ eres = recv_check_fail(env, descP, opP, err, sockRef);
+ }
+ }
+ return eres;
+/* *** recv_check_ok ***
+ *
+ * A successful recv. We *know* that in this case the buffer is filled!
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM data, result;
+ DWORD read = 0, flags = 0;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_ok -> try get overlapped result\r\n") );
+ if (get_recv_ovl_result(descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP, &read, &flags)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_ok -> overlapped success result: "
+ "\r\n read: %d"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", read, flags) );
+ (void) flags; // We should really do something with this...
+ /* <KOLLA>
+ *
+ * We need to handle read = 0 for other type(s) (DGRAM) when
+ * its actually valid to read 0 bytes.
+ *
+ * </KOLLA>
+ */
+ if ((read == 0) && (descP->type == SOCK_STREAM)) {
+ /*
+ * When a stream socket peer has performed an orderly
+ * shutdown, the return value will be 0 (the traditional
+ * "end-of-file" return).
+ *
+ * *We* do never actually try to read 0 bytes!
+ */
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_fails, &descP->readFails, 1);
+ result = esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_closed);
+ } else {
+ if (read == opP->data.recv.buf.size) {
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(env, &opP->data.recv.buf);
+ } else {
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(env, &opP->data.recv.buf);
+ data = MKSBIN(env, data, 0, read);
+ }
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ /* (maybe) Update max */
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ result = esock_make_ok2(env, data);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ switch (save_errno) {
+ /*
+ *
+ * Even though it (the I/O Completion Port framework) told
+ * us it was done, it was not. So we need to postpone and let
+ * the (worker) threads deal with it anyway...effing framework...
+ */
+ if (! IS_ZERO(recvRef)) {
+ result = recv_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ /* But we are not allowed to wait! => cancel */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_ok(%T, %d) -> "
+ "incomplete - but we are not allowed to wait => cancel"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP)) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_cancel;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_ok(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed cancel incomplete operation"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason) );
+ result = esock_make_error(env, MKT2(env, tag, reason));
+ } else {
+ result = esock_atom_ok; // Will trigger {error, timeout}
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eerrno = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_get_overlapped_result,
+ eerrno);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_fails, &descP->readFails, 1);
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.genErrs, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ result = esock_make_error(env, reason);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recv_check_ok(%T) {%d} -> done with"
+ "\r\n result: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, result) );
+ return result;
+/* *** recv_check_pending ***
+ *
+ * The recv operation was scheduled, that is, its now in the hands
+ * of the I/O Completion Port framework.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_pending(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recv_check_pending(%T, %d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recvRef) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_waits, &descP->readWaits, 1);
+ descP->readState |= ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ esock_reader_push(env, descP, caller, recvRef, opP);
+ return esock_atom_completion;
+/* *** recv_check_fail ***
+ *
+ * Processing done upon failed 'recv'.
+ * An actual failure.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recv_check_fail(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n errno: %d"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, saveErrno) );
+ FREE_BIN( &opP->data.recv.buf );
+ return recv_check_failure(env, descP, opP, saveErrno, sockRef);
+/* *** recv_check_failure ***
+ *
+ * Processing done upon failed recv.
+ * An actual failure.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKA(env, erl_errno_id(saveErrno));
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recv_check_failure(%T) {%d} -> error: %d (%T)\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, saveErrno, reason) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_fails, &descP->readFails, 1);
+ esock_clear_env("recv_check_failure", opP->env);
+ esock_free_env("recv_check_failure", opP->env);
+ FREE( opP );
+ return esock_make_error(env, reason);
+/* ========================================================================
+ * esaio_recvfrom - Read a "packet" from a socket
+ *
+ * The (read) buffer handling *must* be optimized!
+ * But for now we make it easy for ourselves by
+ * allocating a binary (of the specified or default
+ * size) and then throw'ing it away...
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_recvfrom(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef,
+ ssize_t len,
+ int flags)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ int rres;
+ WSABUF wbuf;
+ DWORD f = flags;
+ size_t bufSz = (len != 0 ? len : descP->rBufSz);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "essio_recvfrom {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n bufSz: %d"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, bufSz) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ /* Accept and Read can not be simultaneous? */
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first != NULL)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not *already* have a
+ * (recv) request waiting */
+ if (esock_reader_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Reader already in queue */
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* Allocate the operation */
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * How much does this cost?
+ */
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio-recvfrom - operation");
+ opP->data.recvfrom.recvRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, recvRef);
+ opP->data.recvfrom.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ /* Allocate a buffer:
+ * Either as much as we want to read or (if zero (0)) use the "default"
+ * size (what has been configured).
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( ALLOC_BIN(bufSz, &opP->data.recv.buf) );
+ opP->data.recvfrom.toRead = len;
+ wbuf.buf = opP->;
+ wbuf.len = opP->data.recvfrom.buf.size;
+ opP->data.recvfrom.addrLen = sizeof(ESockAddress);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_tries, &descP->readTries, 1);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_recvfrom {%d} -> try read (%lu)\r\n",
+ descP->sock, (unsigned long) bufSz) );
+ rres = sock_recvfrom_O(descP->sock, &wbuf, &f,
+ (struct sockaddr*) &opP->data.recvfrom.fromAddr,
+ &opP->data.recvfrom.addrLen, (OVERLAPPED*) opP);
+ return recvfrom_check_result(env, descP, opP, caller, rres,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+/* *** recvfrom_check_result ***
+ *
+ * Analyze the result of a receive attempt.
+ * The receive may have been completed directly or scheduled (overlapped).
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int recv_result,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ if (recv_result == 0) {
+ /* +++ Success +++ */
+ eres = recvfrom_check_ok(env, descP, opP, caller, sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ int err;
+ /* +++ Failure +++ */
+ err = sock_errno();
+ /* As pointed out above, there are basically two kinds of errors:
+ * 1) Pending:
+ * An overlapped operation was successfully initiated.
+ * Completion will be indicated at a later time.
+ * 2) An actual error
+ */
+ if (err == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
+ if (! IS_ZERO(recvRef)) {
+ eres = recv_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ /* We are not allowed to wait! => cancel */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvfrom_check_result(%T, %d) -> "
+ "pending - but we are not allowed to wait => cancel"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP)) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_cancel;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvfrom_check_result(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed cancel pending operation"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason) );
+ eres = esock_make_error(env, MKT2(env, tag, reason));
+ } else {
+ eres = esock_atom_ok; // Will trigger {error, timeout}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ eres = recvfrom_check_fail(env, descP, opP, err, sockRef);
+ }
+ }
+ return eres;
+/* *** recvfrom_check_ok ***
+ *
+ * A successful recvfrom. We *know* that in this case the buffer is filled!
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM data, result;
+ DWORD read = 0, flags = 0;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvfrom_check_ok -> try get overlapped result\r\n") );
+ if (get_recv_ovl_result(descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP, &read, &flags)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eSockAddr;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvfrom_check_ok -> overlapped result: "
+ "\r\n read: %d"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", read, flags) );
+ (void) flags; // We should really do something with this...
+ esock_encode_sockaddr(env,
+ &opP->data.recvfrom.fromAddr,
+ opP->data.recvfrom.addrLen,
+ &eSockAddr);
+ if (read == opP->data.recvfrom.buf.size) {
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(env, &opP->data.recvfrom.buf);
+ } else {
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(env, &opP->data.recvfrom.buf);
+ data = MKSBIN(env, data, 0, read);
+ }
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ /* (maybe) Update max */
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ /*
+ * This is: {ok, {Source, Data}}
+ * But it should really be: {ok, {Source, Flags, Data}}
+ */
+ result = esock_make_ok2(env, MKT2(env, eSockAddr, data));
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ switch (save_errno) {
+ /*
+ *
+ * Even though it (the I/O Completion Port framework) told
+ * us it was done, it was not. So we need to postpone and let
+ * the (worker) threads deal with it anyway...effing framework...
+ */
+ if (! IS_ZERO(recvRef)) {
+ result = recv_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ /* But we are not allowed to wait! => cancel */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvfrom_check_ok(%T, %d) -> "
+ "incomplete - but we are not allowed to wait => cancel"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP)) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_cancel;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvfrom_check_ok(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed cancel incomplete operation"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason) );
+ result = esock_make_error(env, MKT2(env, tag, reason));
+ } else {
+ result = esock_atom_ok; // Will trigger {error, timeout}
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eerrno = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_get_overlapped_result,
+ eerrno);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_fails, &descP->readFails, 1);
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.genErrs, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ result = esock_make_error(env, reason);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recvfrom_check_ok(%T) {%d} -> done with"
+ "\r\n result: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, result) );
+ return result;
+/* *** recvfrom_check_fail ***
+ *
+ * Processing done upon failed 'recvfrom'.
+ * An actual failure.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recfrom_check_fail(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n errno: %d"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, saveErrno) );
+ FREE_BIN( &opP->data.recvfrom.buf );
+ return recv_check_failure(env, descP, opP, saveErrno, sockRef);
+/* ========================================================================
+ * esaio_recvmsg - Read a "message" from a socket
+ * The (read) buffer handling *must* be optimized!
+ * But for now we make it easy for ourselves by
+ * allocating a binary (of the specified or default
+ * size) and then throwing it away...
+ *
+ * Note that this operation *only* works for socket
+ * of types SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW! Should we check
+ * and throw 'enotsup' otherwise? Would make testing
+ * easier...
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_recvmsg(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef,
+ ssize_t bufLen,
+ ssize_t ctrlLen,
+ int flags)
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ SOCKLEN_T addrLen;
+ size_t bufSz = (bufLen != 0 ? bufLen : descP->rBufSz);
+ size_t ctrlSz = (ctrlLen != 0 ? ctrlLen : descP->rCtrlSz);
+ int rres;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ (void) flags;
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_recvmsg(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n bufSz: %lu (%ld)"
+ "\r\n ctrlSz: %ld (%ld)"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock,
+ (unsigned long) bufSz, (long) bufLen,
+ (unsigned long) ctrlSz, (long) ctrlLen) );
+ /* This *only* works on socket type(s) DGRAM or RAW.
+ * Other socket types results in einval, which is not very
+ * helpful. So, in order to, atleast, help with testing,
+ * we do this...
+ */
+ if (! ((descP->type == SOCK_DGRAM) || (descP->type == SOCK_RAW))) {
+ return enif_raise_exception(env, MKA(env, "notsup"));
+ }
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ /* Accept and Read can not be simultaneous? */
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first != NULL)
+ return esock_make_error_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ /* Ensure that this caller does not *already* have a
+ * (recv) request waiting */
+ if (esock_reader_search4pid(env, descP, &caller)) {
+ /* Reader already in queue */
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ /* Allocate the operation */
+ opP = MALLOC( sizeof(ESAIOOperation) );
+ sys_memzero((char*) opP, sizeof(ESAIOOperation));
+ opP->tag = ESAIO_OP_RECVMSG;
+ /* Its a bit annoying that we have to alloc an env and then
+ * copy the ref *before* we know that we actually need it.
+ * How much does this cost?
+ */
+ opP->env = esock_alloc_env("esaio-recvmsg - operation");
+ opP->data.recvmsg.recvRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, recvRef);
+ opP->data.recvmsg.sockRef = CP_TERM(opP->env, sockRef);
+ opP->caller = caller;
+ /* Allocate the (msg) data buffer:
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( ALLOC_BIN(bufSz, &opP->[0]) );
+ /* Allocate the ctrl (buffer):
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( ALLOC_BIN(ctrlSz, &opP->data.recvmsg.ctrl) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_tries, &descP->readTries, 1);
+ addrLen = sizeof(opP->data.recvmsg.addr);
+ sys_memzero((char*) &opP->data.recvmsg.addr, addrLen);
+ sys_memzero((char*) &opP->data.recvmsg.msg, sizeof(opP->data.recvmsg.msg));
+ opP->data.recvmsg.wbufs[0].buf = opP->[0].data;
+ opP->data.recvmsg.wbufs[0].len = opP->[0].size;
+ opP-> = (SOCKADDR*) &opP->data.recvmsg.addr;
+ opP->data.recvmsg.msg.namelen = addrLen;
+ opP->data.recvmsg.msg.lpBuffers = opP->data.recvmsg.wbufs;
+ opP->data.recvmsg.msg.dwBufferCount = 1; // Should be calculated...
+ opP->data.recvmsg.msg.Control.buf = opP->;
+ opP->data.recvmsg.msg.Control.len = opP->data.recvmsg.ctrl.size;
+ opP->data.recvmsg.msg.dwFlags = 0; // TMP
+ rres = sock_recvmsg_O(descP->sock,
+ &opP->data.recvmsg.msg,
+ eres = recvmsg_check_result(env, descP, opP, caller, rres,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_recvmsg(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return eres;
+BOOLEAN_T recv_check_reader(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM* checkResult)
+ BOOLEAN_T result;
+ /* Check if already reader */
+ if (! esock_reader_search4pid(env, descP, caller)) {
+ /* No; check if we can wait for a result */
+ if (COMPARE(ref, esock_atom_zero) == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ *checkResult = esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* *** recvmsg_check_result ***
+ *
+ * The recvmsg function (maybe) delivers one (1) message. If our buffer
+ * is to small, the message will be truncated. So, regardless of
+ * if we filled the buffer or not, we have got what we are going
+ * to get regarding this message.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int recv_result,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eres;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recvmsg_check_result(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recv_result: %d"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recv_result, recvRef) );
+ if (recv_result == 0) {
+ /* +++ Success +++ */
+ eres = recvmsg_check_ok(env, descP, opP, caller, sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ int err;
+ /* +++ Failure +++ */
+ err = sock_errno();
+ /* As pointed out above, there are basically two kinds of errors:
+ * 1) Pending:
+ * An overlapped operation was successfully initiated.
+ * Completion will be indicated at a later time.
+ * 2) An actual error
+ */
+ if (err == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
+ if (! IS_ZERO(recvRef)) {
+ eres = recv_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ /* We are not allowed to wait! => cancel */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvmsg_check_result(%T, %d) -> "
+ "pending - but we are not allowed to wait => cancel"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP)) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_cancel;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvmsg_check_result(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed cancel pending operation"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason) );
+ eres = esock_make_error(env, MKT2(env, tag, reason));
+ } else {
+ eres = esock_atom_ok; // Will trigger {error, timeout}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ eres = recvmsg_check_fail(env, descP, opP, err, sockRef);
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recvmsg_check_result(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return eres;
+/* *** recvmsg_check_ok ***
+ *
+ * A successful recvmsg. We *know* that in this case the buffer is filled!
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eMsg, result;
+ DWORD read = 0, flags = 0;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvmsg_check_ok(%T) {%d} -> try get overlapped result\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (get_recv_ovl_result(descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP, &read, &flags)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eSockAddr;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvmsg_check_ok(%T, %d) -> overlapped success result: "
+ "\r\n read: %d"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, read, flags) );
+ (void) flags; // We should really do something with this...
+ encode_msg(env, descP, read,
+ &opP->data.recvmsg.msg,
+ opP->,
+ &opP->data.recvmsg.ctrl,
+ &eMsg);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ /* (maybe) Update max */
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ result = esock_make_ok2(env, eMsg);
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ switch (save_errno) {
+ /*
+ *
+ * Even though it (the I/O Completion Port framework) told
+ * us it was done, it was not. So we need to postpone and let
+ * the (worker) threads deal with it anyway...effing framework...
+ */
+ if (! IS_ZERO(recvRef)) {
+ result = recv_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller,
+ sockRef, recvRef);
+ } else {
+ /* But we are not allowed to wait! => cancel */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvmsg_check_ok(%T, %d) -> "
+ "incomplete - but we are not allowed to wait => cancel"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) opP)) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_cancel;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "recvmsg_check_ok(%T, %d) -> "
+ "failed cancel incomplete operation"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, reason) );
+ result = esock_make_error(env, MKT2(env, tag, reason));
+ } else {
+ result = esock_atom_ok; // Will trigger {error, timeout}
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eerrno = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_get_overlapped_result,
+ eerrno);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_fails, &descP->readFails, 1);
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.genErrs, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ result = esock_make_error(env, reason);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recvmsg_check_ok(%T) {%d} -> done with"
+ "\r\n result: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, result) );
+ return result;
+/* *** recvmsg_check_fail ***
+ *
+ * Processing done upon failed 'recvmsg'.
+ * An actual failure.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "recvmsg_check_fail(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n errno: %d"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, saveErrno) );
+ FREE_BIN( &opP->[0] );
+ FREE_BIN( &opP->data.recvmsg.ctrl );
+ return recv_check_failure(env, descP, opP, saveErrno, sockRef);
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * esaio_close - Close a socket
+ *
+ * Stage 1 of the socket close
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_close(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ /* A bit of cheeting; maybe not closed yet - do we need a queue? */
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ }
+ /* Store the PID of the caller,
+ * since we need to inform it when we
+ * (that is, the stop callback function)
+ * completes.
+ */
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &descP->closerPid) != NULL );
+ /* If the caller is not the owner; monitor the caller,
+ * since we should complete this operation even if the caller dies
+ * (for whatever reason).
+ */
+ if (COMPARE_PIDS(&descP->closerPid, &descP->ctrlPid) != 0) {
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MONP("esaio_close-check -> closer",
+ env, descP,
+ &descP->closerPid,
+ &descP->closerMon) == 0 );
+ }
+ /* Prepare for closing the socket */
+ descP->readState |= ESOCK_STATE_CLOSING;
+ descP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_CLOSING;
+ if (do_stop(env, descP)) {
+ // stop() has been scheduled - wait for it
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_close {%d} -> stop was scheduled\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ // Create closeRef for the close msg that esock_stop() will send
+ descP->closeEnv = esock_alloc_env("esock_close_do - close-env");
+ descP->closeRef = MKREF(descP->closeEnv);
+ return esock_make_ok2(env, CP_TERM(env, descP->closeRef));
+ } else {
+ // The socket may be closed - tell caller to finalize
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_close {%d} -> stop was called\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return esock_atom_ok;
+ }
+BOOLEAN_T do_stop(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ BOOLEAN_T ret;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef;
+ sockRef = enif_make_resource(env, descP);
+ if (IS_SELECTED(descP)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "do_stop {%d} -> cancel outstanding I/O operations\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ /* Cancel *all* outstanding I/O operations on the socket.
+ * We have to wait for the worker threads to process these ops!
+ * (will result in OPERATION_ABORTED for the threads).
+ */
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, NULL) ) {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "do_stop {%d} -> cancel I/O failed: %s (%d)\r\n",
+ descP->sock, erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno) );
+ /* Only issue an error message for errors *other* than
+ * 'not found' (since 'not found' means there is no active
+ * requests = already completed => race).
+ */
+ if (save_errno != ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
+ esock_error_msg("Failed cancel outstanding I/O operations:"
+ "\r\n Socket: " SOCKET_FORMAT_STR
+ "\r\n Reason: %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /* Cancel of all active requests (to the I/O completion port
+ * machinery) has been successfully requested.
+ * The requests will be aborted and handled by the worker threads.
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "do_stop {%d} -> successfully canceled\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* No active requests in the I/O completion port machinery */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "do_stop {%d} -> no active I/O requests\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* We do nothing here with the requests in the various queues
+ * They are handled by the working threads, when the abort is triggered
+ * (one for each request)!
+ */
+ /* +++++++ Connector +++++++
+ * Note that there should not be Writers and a Connector
+ * at the same time so the check for if the
+ * current Writer/Connecter was deselected is only correct
+ * under that assumption
+ */
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL) {
+ /* We have a Connector;
+ *
+ * The Connector will not get a select message
+ * - send it an abort message
+ */
+ esock_stop_handle_current(env,
+ "connector",
+ descP, sockRef, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Perform the final step in the socket close.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_fin_close(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ int err;
+ ErlNifPid self;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &self) != NULL );
+ if (IS_CLOSED(descP->readState))
+ return esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ if (! IS_CLOSING(descP->readState)) {
+ // esock_close() has not been called
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ if (IS_SELECTED(descP) && (descP->closeEnv != NULL)) {
+ // esock_stop() is scheduled but has not been called
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ if (COMPARE_PIDS(&descP->closerPid, &self) != 0) {
+ // This process is not the closer
+ return esock_raise_invalid(env, esock_atom_state);
+ }
+ // Close the socket
+ /* Stop monitoring the closer.
+ * Demonitoring may fail since this is a dirty NIF
+ * - the caller may have died already.
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_fin_close {%d} -> demonitor closer process %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, descP->closerPid) );
+ enif_set_pid_undefined(&descP->closerPid);
+ if (descP->closerMon.isActive) {
+ (void) DEMONP("esaio_fin_close -> closer",
+ env, descP, &descP->closerMon);
+ }
+ /* Stop monitoring the owner */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_fin_close {%d} -> demonitor owner process %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, descP->ctrlPid) );
+ enif_set_pid_undefined(&descP->ctrlPid);
+ (void) DEMONP("esaio_fin_close -> ctrl",
+ env, descP, &descP->ctrlMon);
+ /* Not impossible to still get a esock_down() call from a
+ * just triggered owner monitor down
+ */
+ /* This nif-function is executed in a dirty scheduler just so
+ * that it can "hang" (with minimum effect on the VM) while the
+ * kernel writes our buffers. IF we have set the linger option
+ * for this ({true, integer() > 0}).
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_fin_close {%d} -> (try) close the socket\r\n",
+ descP->sock, descP->ctrlPid) );
+ err = esock_close_socket(env, descP, TRUE);
+ if (err != 0) {
+ if (err == ERRNO_BLOCK) {
+ /* Not all data in the buffers where sent,
+ * make sure the caller gets this.
+ */
+ return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_timeout);
+ } else {
+ return esock_make_error_errno(env, err);
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_fin_close -> done\r\n") );
+ return esock_atom_ok;
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Cancel a connect request.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_cancel_connect(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid self;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_connect {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n writeState: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n opRef: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock, descP->writeState, opRef) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &self) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ res = esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ } else if ((descP->connectorP == NULL) ||
+ (COMPARE_PIDS(&self, &descP-> != 0) ||
+ (COMPARE(opRef, descP->connector.ref) != 0)) {
+ res = esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_not_found);
+ } else {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_connect {%d} -> "
+ "try cancel connect I/O request\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock,
+ (OVERLAPPED*) descP->connector.dataP)) {
+ /* What does this mean?
+ * One of the possible reasons is that the connect succeeded.
+ * In which case, one of the threads in the thread-pool will
+ * be triggered (eventually).
+ * Then we have to deal with a connected socket that no one wants...
+ */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ res = esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ } else {
+ res = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
+ esock_requestor_release("esock_cancel_connect",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_CONNECTING;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_connect {%d} -> done when"
+ "\r\n res: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock, descP->writeState,
+ opRef, res) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esock_cancel_accept ***
+ *
+ * We have three different cases:
+ * *) Socket is closed:
+ * return error: closed
+ * *) Active accept (found in the request store):
+ * Cancel the completion request!
+ * Success will trigger an event (delivered) to the
+ * (completion) worker threads.
+ * *) Not found (in the request store):
+ * This request has already completed (race):
+ * return: not_found
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_cancel_accept(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_accept(%T), {%d,0x%X} ->"
+ "\r\n opRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, descP->readState, opRef) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ res = esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ } else if (esock_acceptor_get(env, descP, &opRef, &caller, &req)) {
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_cancel_accept -> acceptor",
+ env, descP, &req.mon) == 0);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_accept {%d} -> try cancel accept I/O request\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) req.dataP)) {
+ /* What does this mean?
+ * One of the possible reasons is that the accept succeeded.
+ * In which case, one of the threads in the thread-pool will
+ * be triggered (eventually).
+ * Then we have to deal with a connected socket that no one wants...
+ */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ res = esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ } else {
+ res = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_cancel_accept -> req cleanup", req.env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_cancel_accept -> req cleanup", req.env);
+ /* *Maybe* update listen socket (read) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_ACCEPTING;
+ }
+ } else {
+ res = esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_not_found);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_cancel_accept(%T) -> done with result:"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, res) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esock_cancel_send ***
+ *
+ * We have three different cases:
+ * *) Socket is closed:
+ * return error: closed
+ * *) Active send (found in the request store):
+ * Cancel the completion request!
+ * Success will trigger an event (delivered) to the
+ * (completion) worker threads.
+ * *) Not found (in the request store):
+ * This request has already completed (race):
+ * return: not_found
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_cancel_send(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_send(%T), {%d,0x%X} ->"
+ "\r\n opRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, descP->readState, opRef) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ res = esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ } else if (esock_writer_get(env, descP, &opRef, &caller, &req)) {
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_cancel_send -> sender",
+ env, descP, &req.mon) == 0);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_send {%d} -> try cancel send I/O request\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) req.dataP)) {
+ /* What does this mean?
+ * One of the possible reasons is that the send succeeded.
+ * In which case, one of the threads in the thread-pool will
+ * be triggered (eventually).
+ */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ res = esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ } else {
+ res = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_cancel_send -> req cleanup", req.env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_cancel_send -> req cleanup", req.env);
+ } else {
+ res = esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_not_found);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_cancel_send(%T) -> done with result:"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, res) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esock_cancel_recv ***
+ *
+ * We have three different cases:
+ * *) Socket is closed:
+ * return error: closed
+ * *) Active receive (found in the request store):
+ * Cancel the completion request!
+ * Success will trigger an event (delivered) to the
+ * (completion) worker threads.
+ * *) Not found (in the request store):
+ * This request has already completed (race):
+ * return: not_found
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_cancel_recv(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ErlNifPid caller;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_recv(%T), {%d,0x%X} ->"
+ "\r\n opRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, descP->readState, opRef) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( enif_self(env, &caller) != NULL );
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ res = esock_make_error_closed(env);
+ } else if (esock_reader_get(env, descP, &opRef, &caller, &req)) {
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_cancel_recv -> reader",
+ env, descP, &req.mon) == 0);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_cancel_recv {%d} -> try cancel send I/O request\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ if (! CancelIoEx((HANDLE) descP->sock, (OVERLAPPED*) req.dataP)) {
+ /* What does this mean?
+ * One of the possible reasons is that the recv succeeded.
+ * In which case, one of the threads in the thread-pool will
+ * be triggered (eventually).
+ */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ res = esock_make_error_errno(env, save_errno);
+ } else {
+ res = esock_atom_ok;
+ }
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_cancel_recv -> req cleanup", req.env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_cancel_recv -> req cleanup", req.env);
+ } else {
+ res = esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_not_found);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_cancel_recv(%T) -> done with result:"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, res) );
+ return res;
+/* ====================================================================
+ *
+ * The "worker" thread of the I/O Completion Port thread pool.
+ * Shall each thread have its own environment?
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ */
+void* esaio_completion_main(void* threadDataP)
+ char envName[64]; /* Used for building the (env-) name */
+ ESAIOThreadData* dataP = (ESAIOThreadData*) threadDataP;
+ ESockDescriptor* descP = NULL;
+ ESAIOOperation* opP;
+ BOOL res;
+ DWORD numBytes, flags = 0;
+ int save_errno;
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_main -> entry\r\n") );
+ sprintf(envName, "esaio-completion-main[%d]", dataP->id);
+ dataP->env = esock_alloc_env(envName);
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_main -> initiated\r\n") );
+ while (!done) {
+ /*
+ * If this function *fails*, return value FALSE, the (out-) arguments:
+ * - lpNumberOfBytes (numBytes)
+ * - lpCompletionKey (descP)
+ * - lpOverlapped (olP)
+ * *can* contain particular value combinations as follows:
+ *
+ * * If *lpOverlapped is NULL, the function did not dequeue a
+ * completion packet from the completion port.
+ * In this case, the function does not store information in the
+ * variables pointed to by the lpNumberOfBytes and lpCompletionKey
+ * parameters, and their values are indeterminate.
+ *
+ * * If *lpOverlapped is not NULL and the function dequeues a
+ * completion packet for a failed I/O operation from the
+ * completion port, the function stores information about the
+ * failed operation in the variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytes,
+ * lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped.
+ * To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
+ *
+ */
+ "esaio_completion_main -> [%d] try dequeue packet\r\n",
+ dataP->cnt) );
+ res = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(ctrl.cport,
+ &numBytes,
+ (PULONG_PTR) &descP,
+ &olP,
+ save_errno = NO_ERROR;
+ if (!res) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno(); // Details
+ if (olP == NULL) {
+ /* First alt.
+ * What shall we do here? Quit? Try again?
+ */
+ "esaio_completion_main -> [failure 1]"
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n", erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno) );
+ dataP->error = ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_GET;
+ opP = NULL;
+ done = TRUE;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* Second alt.
+ * Dequeued a complete packet for a *failed* I/O operation.
+ */
+ "esaio_completion_main -> [failure 2] "
+ "\r\n %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n", erl_errno_id(save_errno), save_errno) );
+ opP = CONTAINING_RECORD(olP, ESAIOOperation, ol);
+ esaio_completion_inc(dataP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ opP = CONTAINING_RECORD(olP, ESAIOOperation, ol);
+ esaio_completion_inc(dataP);
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_main -> success\r\n") );
+ } /* if (!res) */
+ dataP->latest = opP->tag;
+ switch (opP->tag) {
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received terminate cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_terminate(dataP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received connect cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_connect(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.connect,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received accept cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_accept(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.accept,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received send cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_send(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.send,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received sendto cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_sendto(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.sendto,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received sendmsg cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_sendmsg(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.sendmsg,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received recv cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_recv(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.recv,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received recvfrom cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_recvfrom(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.recvfrom,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received recvmsg cmd\r\n") );
+ done = esaio_completion_recvmsg(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ opP->env, &opP->caller,
+ &opP->data.recvmsg,
+ save_errno);
+ break;
+ default:
+ "esaio_completion_main -> received unknown cmd: "
+ "\r\n %d"
+ "\r\n",
+ opP->tag) );
+ done = esaio_completion_unknown(dataP, descP, (OVERLAPPED*) opP,
+ numBytes, save_errno);
+ break;
+ }
+ FREE(opP);
+ } /* while (!done) */
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_main -> terminating\r\n") );
+ TEXIT(threadDataP);
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_main -> terminated\r\n") );
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_main -> done\r\n") );
+ return threadDataP;
+/* *** esaio_completion_terminate ***
+ *
+ * We are done
+ *
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_terminate(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ (void) ovl;
+ dataP->error = ESAIO_THREAD_ERROR_CMD;
+ return TRUE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'connect' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:connect(Socket, ..., nowait), the connect is
+ * scheduled, and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'connect completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_connect(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_connect(%d) -> entry\r\n",
+ descP->sock, error) );
+ (void) opCaller;
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_connect(%d) -> success"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_connect_success(env, descP, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_connect_aborted(env, descP, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect(%d) -> unknown failure:"
+ "\r\n %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error)) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_connect_failure(env, descP, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ "esaio_completion_connect -> clear and delete op env\r\n") );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_connect", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_connect", opEnv);
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_connect -> done\r\n") );
+ return FALSE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect_success ***
+ * The 'connect' operation was successful.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_connect_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP)
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ esaio_completion_connect_completed(env, descP, opDataP);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ /* Clean up the connector stuff, no need for that anymore */
+ esock_requestor_release("esaio_completion_connect_success -> "
+ "not active",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ descP->writeState &=
+ esaio_completion_connect_not_active(descP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Connect was actually completed directly
+ * (and 'connector' was therefor not initiated)
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup.
+ */
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect_aborted ***
+ * The 'connect' operation was aborted.
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_connect_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP)
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ descP->connectorP, reason);
+ /* Clean up the connector stuff, no need for that anymore */
+ esock_requestor_release("connect_stream_check_result -> abort",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'connect' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_connect_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ if (descP->connectorP != NULL) {
+ /* Figure out the reason */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ descP->connectorP, reason);
+ esaio_completion_connect_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ /* Clean up the connector stuff, no need for that anymore */
+ esock_requestor_release("connect_stream_check_result -> failure",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_connect_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect_completed ***
+ * The connect request has completed.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_connect_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOpDataConnect* opDataP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus, completionInfo;
+ int ucres;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect_completed(%d) -> "
+ "success - try update context\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ ucres = ESAIO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT( descP->sock );
+ if (ucres == 0) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect_completed({%d) -> success\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ descP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_CONNECTED;
+ completionStatus = esock_atom_ok;
+ } else {
+ /* It is actually possible that this is an error "we do not know"
+ * which will result in the atom 'unknown', which is not very useful...
+ * So, we should really test if is 'unknown' and if so use the actual
+ * value (the integer) instead.
+ */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_update_connect_context;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_completion_connect_completed(%d) -> "
+ "failed update connect context: %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, reason) );
+ descP->writeState = ESOCK_STATE_CLOSED;
+ sock_close(descP->sock);
+ WSACleanup();
+ completionStatus = esock_make_error_t2r(descP->connector.env,
+ tag, reason);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect_completed {%d} -> "
+ "completion status: %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, completionStatus) );
+ completionInfo = MKT2(descP->connector.env,
+ descP->connector.ref,
+ completionStatus);
+ /* Send a 'connect' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env,
+ descP,
+ &descP->,
+ descP->connector.env,
+ CP_TERM(descP->connector.env, opDataP->sockRef),
+ completionInfo);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect_completed {%d} -> cleanup\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ /* Clean up the connector stuff, no need for that anymore */
+ esock_requestor_release("esaio_completion_connect_completed",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect_not_active ***
+ * A connect has completed but the operation is no longer valid.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_connect_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_connect_not_active -> "
+ "success for cancelled connect\r\n") );
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.unexpectedConnects, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+/* *** esaio_completion_connect_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_connect_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "connect", error, inform);
+/* === accept 'stuff' === */
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'accept' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:accept(Socket, ..., nowait), the accept is
+ * scheduled, and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'accept completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_accept(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_accept(%d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n error: %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, erl_errno_id(error), error) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_accept(%d) -> success"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_accept_success(env, descP, opEnv, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_accept_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept(%d) -> unknown failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_accept_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ "esaio_completion_accept -> clear and delete op env\r\n") );
+ /* "Manually" allocated buffer */
+ FREE( opDataP->buf );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_accept - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_accept - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_accept -> done\r\n") );
+ return FALSE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept_success ***
+ * The 'accept' operation was successful.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_accept_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_acceptor_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->accRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ esaio_completion_accept_completed(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opCaller, opDataP,
+ &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_accept_not_active(descP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ * => But we do not free the "buffer" since it was "used up"
+ * when we (as assumed) got the result (directly)...
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (read) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept_aborted ***
+ * The 'accept' operation was aborted.
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_accept_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_acceptor_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->accRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->lSockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->readersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->writersQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (read) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'accept' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_accept_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ if (esock_acceptor_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->accRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->lSockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_accept_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_accept_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (read) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_failure(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept_completed ***
+ * The accept request has completed.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_accept_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataAccept* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus, completionInfo;
+ int ucres;
+ ESockDescriptor* accDescP;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM accRef, accSocket;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_completion_accept_completed - acceptor",
+ env, descP, &reqP->mon) == 0);
+ /* We need to make sure peername and sockname works! */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_completed -> "
+ "success - try update context\r\n") );
+ ucres = ESAIO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT( opDataP->asock, opDataP->lsock );
+ if (ucres == 0) {
+ int save_errno;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_completed -> "
+ "create (accepted) descriptor\r\n") );
+ accDescP = esock_alloc_descriptor(opDataP->asock);
+ if (ESAIO_OK != (save_errno = esaio_add_socket(accDescP))) {
+ // See esock_dtor for what needs done!
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_add_socket;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(opEnv, save_errno);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, CP_TERM(env, opDataP->lSockRef),
+ esock_atom_acc_fails, &descP->accFails, 1);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_completed -> "
+ "failed adding (accepted) socket to completion port: "
+ "%T\r\n", reason) );
+ esock_dealloc_descriptor(env, accDescP);
+ sock_close(opDataP->asock);
+ /* This should really be:
+ * {error, {invalid, {add_to_completion_port, Reason}}}
+ */
+ completionStatus = esock_make_error_t2r(opEnv, tag, reason);
+ } else {
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, CP_TERM(env, opDataP->lSockRef),
+ esock_atom_acc_success, &descP->accSuccess, 1);
+ accDescP->domain = descP->domain;
+ accDescP->type = descP->type;
+ accDescP->protocol = descP->protocol;
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ accDescP->rBufSz = descP->rBufSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->rCtrlSz = descP->rCtrlSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->wCtrlSz = descP->wCtrlSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->iow = descP->iow; // Inherit iow
+ accDescP->dbg = descP->dbg; // Inherit debug flag
+ accDescP->useReg = descP->useReg; // Inherit useReg flag
+ esock_inc_socket(accDescP->domain, accDescP->type,
+ accDescP->protocol);
+ accRef = enif_make_resource(env, accDescP);
+ enif_release_resource(accDescP);
+ accSocket = esock_mk_socket(opEnv, CP_TERM(opEnv, accRef));
+ accDescP->ctrlPid = *opCaller;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MONP("esaio_completion_accept_completed -> ctrl",
+ env, accDescP,
+ &accDescP->ctrlPid,
+ &accDescP->ctrlMon) == 0 );
+ accDescP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_CONNECTED;
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ /* And finally (maybe) update the registry */
+ if (descP->useReg)
+ esock_send_reg_add_msg(env, descP, accRef);
+ completionStatus = esock_make_ok2(opEnv, accSocket);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* It is actually possible that this is an error "we do not know"
+ * which will result in the atom 'unknown', which is not very useful...
+ * So, we should really test if is 'unknown' and if so use the actual
+ * value (the integer) instead.
+ */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ ERL_NIF_TERM tag = esock_atom_update_accept_context;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = ENO2T(env, save_errno);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO",
+ "esaio_completion_accept_completed(%d) -> "
+ "accept context update failed: %T (%d)\r\n",
+ descP->sock, reason, save_errno) );
+ sock_close(descP->sock);
+ descP->writeState = ESOCK_STATE_CLOSED;
+ WSACleanup();
+ completionStatus = esock_make_error_t2r(opEnv, tag, reason);
+ }
+ completionInfo = MKT2(opEnv, opDataP->accRef, completionStatus);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_completed -> "
+ "send completion message to %T with"
+ "\r\n CompletionInfo: %T"
+ "\r\n", MKPID(env, opCaller), completionInfo) );
+ /* Send a 'accept' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env, // Send env
+ descP, // Descriptor
+ opCaller, // Msg destination
+ opEnv, // Msg env
+ opDataP->lSockRef, // Dest socket
+ completionInfo); // Info
+ /* *** Finalize *** */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_accept_completed -> finalize\r\n") );
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_accept_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_accept_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_accept_completed -> done\r\n") );
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept_not_active ***
+ * A accept request has completed but the request is no longer valid.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_accept_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_not_active(%d) -> "
+ "success for not active accept request\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.unexpectedAccepts, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_accept_not_active(%d) -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+/* *** esaio_completion_accept_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_accept_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "accept", error, inform);
+/* === send 'stuff' === */
+/* *** esaio_completion_send ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'send' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:send(Socket, ..., nowait), the send is scheduled,
+ * and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'send completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ *
+ * We need to use 'WSAGetOverlappedResult' to actually figure out the
+ * "transfer result" (how much was sent).
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_send(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_send(%d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n error: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error)) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_send(%d) -> no error"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_send_success(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_send_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send(%d) -> operation unknown failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_send_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send(%d) -> cleanup\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ FREE( opDataP->wbuf.buf );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_send - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_send - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_send(%d) -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_success ***
+ * The 'send' operation was successful.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_send_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ esaio_completion_send_completed(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller,
+ opDataP->sockRef,
+ opDataP->sendRef,
+ opDataP->wbuf.len,
+ &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_send_not_active(descP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_aborted ***
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_send_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->readersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'send' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_send_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSend* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_send_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_send_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_failure(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_completed ***
+ * The send request has completed.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_send_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* sender,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ DWORD toWrite,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus, completionInfo;
+ DWORD written;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_completion_send_completed - sender",
+ env, descP, &reqP->mon) == 0);
+ /* Success, but we need to check how much we actually got.
+ * Also the 'flags' (which we currentöy ignore)
+ *
+ * CompletionStatus = ok | {ok, RestData}
+ * CompletionInfo = {ConnRef, CompletionStatus}
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_completed ->"
+ "success - try get overlapped result\r\n") );
+ if (get_send_ovl_result(descP->sock, ovl, &written)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_completed -> overlapped result: "
+ "\r\n written: %d"
+ "\r\n buffer size: %d"
+ "\r\n", written, toWrite) );
+ if (written == toWrite) {
+ /* Sent it all => done */
+ completionStatus = esaio_completion_send_done(env,
+ descP, sockRef,
+ written);
+ } else {
+ /* Only send part of the data =>
+ * needs splitting and (maybe) retry (its up to the caller)!
+ */
+ completionStatus = esaio_completion_send_partial(env,
+ descP,
+ sockRef,
+ written);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ /* Now what?
+ * We know we wrote "something" but we cannot figure out
+ * how much...
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_completed -> "
+ "overlapped result failure: %d\r\n", save_errno) );
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail(env, descP, save_errno);
+ }
+ completionInfo = MKT2(env, CP_TERM(env, sendRef), completionStatus);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_completed -> "
+ "send completion message to %T with"
+ "\r\n CompletionInfo: %T"
+ "\r\n", MKPID(env, sender), completionInfo) );
+ /* Send a 'send' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env, // Send env
+ descP, // Descriptor
+ sender, // Msg destination
+ opEnv, // Msg env
+ sockRef, // Dest socket
+ completionInfo); // Info
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_send_completed -> done\r\n") );
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_done ***
+ *
+ * A complete write (the entire buffer was sent).
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_send_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ DWORD written)
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_pkg, &descP->writePkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_byte, &descP->writeByteCnt, written);
+ if (written > descP->writePkgMax)
+ descP->writePkgMax = written;
+ return esock_atom_ok;
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_partial ***
+ *
+ * A partial send, that is only part of the buffer was used.
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_send_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ DWORD written)
+ if (written > 0) {
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_pkg, &descP->writePkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_byte, &descP->writeByteCnt, written);
+ if (written > descP->writePkgMax)
+ descP->writePkgMax = written;
+ }
+ return esock_make_ok2(env, MKI64(env, written));
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_not_active ***
+ * A send request has completed but the request is no longer valid.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_send_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ /* This send request is *not* "active"!
+ * The send (send, sendto, sendmsg) operation
+ * has been (most likely) cancelled => cleanup.
+ * If the op failed, its safe to assume that the error is
+ * the result of the cancellation, and we do not actually
+ * need to do anything here.
+ * If however, the send succeeded, we need to do "some
+ * cleanup".
+ * But what can we do here?
+ * Send an abort message to the sender or/and owner?
+ * Increment a counter (unexpected acceptssends)?
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_not_active(%d) -> "
+ "success for not active send request\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.unexpectedWrites, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_send_not_active(%d) -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+/* *** esaio_completion_send_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_send_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "send", error, inform);
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendto ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'sendto' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:sendto(Socket, ..., nowait), the send is scheduled,
+ * and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'send completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ *
+ * We need to use 'WSAGetOverlappedResult' to actually figure out the
+ * "transfer result" (how much was sent).
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_sendto(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_sendto(%d) -> entry"
+ "\r\n error: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error)) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_sendto(%d) -> no error"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_sendto_success(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendto(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_sendto_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendto(%d) -> operation unknown failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_sendto_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendto(%d) -> cleanup\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ FREE( opDataP->wbuf.buf );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_sendto - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_sendto - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_sendto(%d) -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendto_suuccess *** */
+void esaio_completion_sendto_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ esaio_completion_send_completed(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller,
+ opDataP->sockRef,
+ opDataP->sendRef,
+ opDataP->wbuf.len,
+ &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_send_not_active(descP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendto_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendto_aborted ***
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_sendto_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->readersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendto_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendto_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'sendto' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_sendto_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendTo* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_sendto_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_sendto_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendto_failure(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendto_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_sendto_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "sendto", error, inform);
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendmsg ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'sendmsg' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:sendto(Socket, ..., nowait), the send is scheduled,
+ * and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'send completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ *
+ * We need to use 'WSAGetOverlappedResult' to actually figure out the
+ * "transfer result" (how much was sent).
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_sendmsg(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_sendmsg(%d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n error: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error)) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_sendmsg(%d) -> no error"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_sendmsg_success(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendmsg(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_sendmsg_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendmsg(%d) -> operation unknown failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_sendmsg_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendmsg(%d) -> cleanup\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ /* "Manually" allocated buffers */
+ FREE( opDataP->msg.lpBuffers );
+ if (opDataP->ctrlBuf != NULL)
+ FREE( opDataP->ctrlBuf );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_sendmsg - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_sendmsg - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_sendmsg(%d) -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendmsg_suuccess *** */
+void esaio_completion_sendmsg_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ DWORD toWrite = 0;
+ /* Calculate how much data *in total*
+ * we was supposed to write */
+ for (int i = 0; i < opDataP->iovec->iovcnt; i++) {
+ toWrite += opDataP->iovec->iov[i].iov_len;
+ }
+ esaio_completion_send_completed(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller,
+ opDataP->sockRef,
+ opDataP->sendRef,
+ toWrite,
+ &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_send_not_active(descP);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendmsg_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendmsg_aborted ***
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_sendmsg_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->writeState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->readersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendmsg_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendmsg_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'sendmsg' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_sendmsg_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataSendMsg* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ if (esock_writer_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->sendRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_sendmsg_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_sendmsg_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_sendmsg_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (write) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->writersQ.first == NULL)), descP->writeState) );
+ if (descP->writersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_sendmsg_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_sendmsg_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "sendmsg", error, inform);
+/* === receive 'stuff' === */
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'recv' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:recv(Socket, ..., nowait), the recv is scheduled,
+ * and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'recv completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_recv(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recv(%d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n error: %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, erl_errno_id(error), error) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recv(%d) -> no error"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recv_success(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recv_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv(%d) -> operation unknown failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recv_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv {%d} -> clear and delete op env\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_recv - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_recv - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recv(%d) -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+void esaio_completion_recv_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ esaio_completion_recv_completed(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP,
+ &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_recv_not_active(descP);
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ * => But we do not free the "buffer" since it was "used up"
+ * when we (as assumed) got the result (directly)...
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_aborted ***
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recv_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->writersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'recv' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recv_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ /* Figure out the reason */
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_recv_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_recv_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_failure(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_completed ***
+ * The recv request has completed.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recv_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus, completionInfo;
+ DWORD read, flags;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_completion_recv_completed - sender",
+ env, descP, &reqP->mon) == 0);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_completed ->"
+ "success - try get overlapped result\r\n") );
+ if (get_recv_ovl_result(descP->sock, ovl, &read, &flags)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_completed -> overlapped result: "
+ "\r\n read: %d"
+ "\r\n buffer size: %d"
+ "\r\n flags: %d"
+ "\r\n", read, opDataP->buf.size, flags) );
+ /* *** Success! ***
+ * CompletionStatus = {ok, {Flags, Bin}} (should be)
+ * CompletionInfo = {ConnRef, CompletionStatus}
+ */
+ if ((read == 0) && (descP->type == SOCK_STREAM)) {
+ /*
+ * When a stream socket peer has performed an orderly
+ * shutdown, the return value will be 0 (the traditional
+ * "end-of-file" return).
+ *
+ * *We* do never actually try to read 0 bytes!
+ */
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_fails, &descP->readFails, 1);
+ completionStatus = esock_make_error(opEnv, esock_atom_closed);
+ } else {
+ if (read == opDataP->buf.size) {
+ /* We filled the buffer => done */
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_recv_done(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ flags);
+ } else {
+ /* Only used a part of the buffer =>
+ * needs splitting and (maybe) retry (its up to the caller)!
+ */
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_recv_partial(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ reqP, read, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ /* Now what?
+ * We know we read "something" but we cannot figure out
+ * how much...
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_completed -> "
+ "overlapped result failure: %d\r\n", save_errno) );
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail(opEnv, descP, save_errno);
+ }
+ completionInfo = MKT2(opEnv, opDataP->recvRef, completionStatus);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_completed -> "
+ "send completion message to %T with"
+ "\r\n CompletionInfo: %T"
+ "\r\n", MKPID(env, opCaller), completionInfo) );
+ /* Send a 'send' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env, // Send env
+ descP, // Descriptor
+ opCaller, // Msg destination
+ opEnv, // Msg env
+ opDataP->sockRef, // Socket
+ completionInfo); // Info
+ /* *** Finalize *** */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recv_completed -> finalize\r\n") );
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_recv_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_recv_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recv_completed -> done\r\n") );
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_done ***
+ *
+ * A complete read (filled the provided buffer).
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM data;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef = opDataP->recvRef;
+ DWORD read = opDataP->buf.size;
+ (void) flags;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_done(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recvRef, flags) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(opEnv, &opDataP->buf);
+ /* We ignore the flags *for now*.
+ * Needs to be passed up eventually!
+ *
+ * This should eventually be something like:
+ *
+ * {ok, {Flags, Bin}}
+ *
+ * But for now we skip the 'flags' part:
+ *
+ * {ok, Bin}
+ */
+ return esock_make_ok2(opEnv, data);
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_partial ***
+ *
+ * A partial read, that is only part of the buffer was used.
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP,
+ DWORD read,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef = opDataP->recvRef;
+ DWORD toRead = opDataP->toRead;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_partial(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n toRead: %ld"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n read: %ld"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock,
+ (long) toRead, recvRef, (long) read, flags) );
+ /* We only got part of what we wanted, but since we let the user
+ * (or possibly the read loop in socket) decide what to do,
+ * do we actually need this check? Why not just call a
+ * 'esaio_completion_recv_partial' function (that splits the
+ * binary and deliver what we got) and let the user sort it out?
+ */
+ if ((toRead == 0) ||
+ (descP->type != SOCK_STREAM)) {
+ /* +++ We only got a partial, ***
+ * *** but we should not wait for more. +++
+ * +++ Must split it into a sub-binary. +++
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_partial(%T) {%d} -> done reading\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ res = esaio_completion_recv_partial_done(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ read, flags);
+ } else {
+ /* A stream socket with specified read size
+ * and not a polling read, we got a partial read
+ * - return a result to initiate a retry
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_partial(%T) {%d} ->"
+ " only part of data - expected more"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ res = esaio_completion_recv_partial_part(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ read, flags);
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_partial(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_partial_done ***
+ *
+ * A successful but only partial recv, which fulfilled the required read.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_partial_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ssize_t read,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM data;
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(opEnv, &opDataP->buf);
+ data = MKSBIN(opEnv, data, 0, read);
+ (void) flags;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_partial_done(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return esock_make_ok2(opEnv, data);
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_partial_part ***
+ *
+ * A successful but only partial recv, which only partly fulfilled
+ * the required read.
+ * We do *not* want to risk ending up in a "never ending" read loop
+ * here (by trying to read more data (and yet again getting partial)).
+ * [worst case, we could up with all our worker threads busy trying
+ * to read more data, and no one ready to respond to new requests].
+ * So we simply return what we got to the user and let the user
+ * decide what to do.
+ *
+ * What shall we send? {ok, Bin} | {more, Bin}
+ * Presumably the user knows how much to expect, so is therefor
+ * able to check:
+ *
+ * "Expected > byte_size(Bin)" -> read again
+ * "Expected =:= byte_size(Bin)" -> done
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recv_partial_part(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecv* opDataP,
+ ssize_t read,
+ DWORD flags)
+ /* This is just a "placeholder". Is this really all we need to do? */
+ return esaio_completion_recv_partial_done(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ read, flags);
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_not_active ***
+ * A recv request has completed but the request is no longer valid.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recv_not_active(ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ /* This receive request is *not* "active"!
+ * The receive (recv,recvfrom,recvmsg) operation
+ * has been (most likely) cancelled => cleanup.
+ * If the op failed, its safe to assume that the error is
+ * the result of the cancellation, and we do not actually
+ * need to do anything here.
+ * If however, the recv succeeded, we need to do "some
+ * cleanup".
+ * But what can we do here?
+ * Send an abort message to the reader or/and owner?
+ * Increment a counter (unexpected readsa)?
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_not_active {%d} -> "
+ "success for not active read request\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.unexpectedReads, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_not_active {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_closed ***
+ * A recv request has completed but the socket is closed.
+ * When the socket is closed, all outstanding requests
+ * are "flushed", so we do not actually need to "do" anything
+ * here (other then maybe count unexpected writes), maybe read bytes?.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recv_closed(ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error)
+ if (error == NO_ERROR) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recv_closed -> "
+ "success for closed socket (%d)\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.unexpectedReads, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recv_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recv_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "recv", error, inform);
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'recvfrom' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:recvfrom(Socket, ..., nowait), the receive is scheduled,
+ * and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'recv completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_recvfrom(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvfrom(%d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n error: %T, %s (%d)"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error),
+ erl_errno_id(error), error) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvfrom(%d) -> no error"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_success(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom(%d) -> more data"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_more_data(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opCaller, opDataP,
+ error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom(%d) -> operation unknown failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom {%d} -> clear and delete op env\r\n") );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_recvfrom - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_recvfrom - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvfrom {%d} -> done\r\n") );
+ return FALSE;
+void esaio_completion_recvfrom_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed(env, descP,
+ ovl, opEnv, opCaller,
+ opDataP, &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_recv_not_active(descP);
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ * => But we do not free the "buffer" since it was "used up"
+ * when we (as assumed) got the result (directly)...
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+void esaio_completion_recvfrom_more_data(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ /* We do not actually need to call this function
+ * since we already know its 'more_data', but just
+ * get the same format...
+ */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus = esock_make_error(env, reason);
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionInfo = MKT2(opEnv,
+ opDataP->recvRef,
+ completionStatus);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_more_data(%d) -> "
+ "send completion message: "
+ "\r\n Completion Status: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, completionStatus) );
+ /* Send a 'recvfrom' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env, // Send env
+ descP, // Descriptor
+ opCaller, // Msg destination
+ opEnv, // Msg env
+ opDataP->sockRef, // Dest socket
+ completionInfo); // Info
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ * => But we do not free the "buffer" since it was "used up"
+ * when we (as assumed) got the result (directly)...
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_more_data(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom_aborted ***
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvfrom_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->writersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'recvfrom' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvfrom_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_failure(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed ***
+ * The recvfrom request has completed.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus, completionInfo;
+ DWORD read, flags;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed - sender",
+ env, descP, &reqP->mon) == 0);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed ->"
+ "success - try get overlapped result\r\n") );
+ if (get_recv_ovl_result(descP->sock, ovl, &read, &flags)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> overlapped result: "
+ "\r\n read: %d"
+ "\r\n buffer size: %d"
+ "\r\n flags: %d"
+ "\r\n", read, opDataP->buf.size, flags) );
+ /* *** Success! ***
+ * CompletionStatus = {ok, {Flags, Bin}} (should be)
+ * CompletionInfo = {ConnRef, CompletionStatus}
+ */
+ if (read == opDataP->buf.size) {
+ /* We filled the buffer => done */
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_done(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ flags);
+ } else {
+ /* Only used a part of the buffer =>
+ * needs splitting and (maybe) retry (its up to the caller)!
+ */
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_recvfrom_partial(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ reqP, read, flags);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ /* Now what?
+ * We know we read "something" but we cannot figure out
+ * how much...
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> "
+ "overlapped result failure: %d\r\n", save_errno) );
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail(opEnv, descP, save_errno);
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->buf );
+ }
+ completionInfo = MKT2(opEnv, opDataP->recvRef, completionStatus);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> "
+ "send completion message to %T with"
+ "\r\n CompletionInfo: %T"
+ "\r\n", MKPID(env, opCaller), completionInfo) );
+ /* Send a 'send' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env, // Send env
+ descP, // Descriptor
+ opCaller, // Msg destination
+ opEnv, // Msg env
+ opDataP->sockRef, // Dest socket
+ completionInfo); // Info
+ /* *** Finalize *** */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> finalize\r\n") );
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvfrom_completed -> done\r\n") );
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom_done ***
+ *
+ * A complete read (filled the provided buffer).
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvfrom_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res, data, eSockAddr;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef = opDataP->recvRef;
+ DWORD read = opDataP->buf.size;
+ (void) flags;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_done(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recvRef, flags) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ esock_encode_sockaddr(opEnv,
+ &opDataP->fromAddr,
+ opDataP->addrLen,
+ &eSockAddr);
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(opEnv, &opDataP->buf);
+ /* We ignore the flags *for now*.
+ * Needs to be passed up eventually!
+ *
+ * This should eventually be something like:
+ *
+ * {ok, {Source, Flags, Data}}
+ *
+ * But for now we skip the 'flags' part:
+ *
+ * {ok, {Source, Data}}
+ */
+ res = esock_make_ok2(opEnv, MKT2(opEnv, eSockAddr, data));
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_done(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom_partial ***
+ *
+ * A partial read, that is only part of the buffer was used.
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvfrom_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvFrom* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP,
+ DWORD read,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res, data, eSockAddr;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef = opDataP->recvRef;
+ (void) flags;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_partial(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n read: %ld"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recvRef, (long) read, flags) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ esock_encode_sockaddr(opEnv,
+ &opDataP->fromAddr,
+ opDataP->addrLen,
+ &eSockAddr);
+ /* This transfers "ownership" of the *allocated* binary to an
+ * erlang term (no need for an explicit free).
+ */
+ data = MKBIN(opEnv, &opDataP->buf);
+ data = MKSBIN(opEnv, data, 0, read);
+ /* We ignore the flags *for now*.
+ * Needs to be passed up eventually!
+ *
+ * This should eventually be something like:
+ *
+ * {ok, {Source, Flags, Data}}
+ *
+ * But for now we skip the 'flags' part:
+ *
+ * {ok, {Source, Data}}
+ */
+ res = esock_make_ok2(opEnv, MKT2(opEnv, eSockAddr, data));
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvfrom_partial(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvfrom_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvfrom_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "recvfrom", error, inform);
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg ***
+ *
+ * Handle a completed 'recvmsg' (completion) request.
+ * Send a 'completion' message (to requestor) with the request status.
+ *
+ * Completion message:
+ * {'socket tag', socket(), completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ * CompletionInfo: {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}
+ * CompletionHandle: reference()
+ * Result: ok | {error, Reason}
+ *
+ *
+ * There is a possibillity of a race here. That is, if the user
+ * calls socket:recvmsg(Socket, ..., nowait), the receive is scheduled,
+ * and then just as it has completed, but before this
+ * thread has been activated to handle the 'recv completed'
+ * the user calls socket:close(Socket) (or exits).
+ * Then when this function is called, the socket is closed.
+ * What to do?
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_recvmsg(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ErlNifEnv* env = dataP->env;
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvmsg(%d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n error: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error)) );
+ switch (error) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvmsg(%d) -> no error:"
+ "\r\n try get request %T from %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ opDataP->recvRef, MKPID(env, opCaller)) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_success(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg(%d) -> operation aborted"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ MLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_aborted(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->writeMtx);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg(%d) -> unknown operation failure"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ MLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_failure(env, descP, opCaller, opDataP, error);
+ MUNLOCK(descP->readMtx);
+ break;
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg {%d} -> clear and delete op env\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ /* No need for this "stuff" anymore */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_recvmsg - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_recvmsg - op cleanup", opEnv);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvmsg {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ return FALSE;
+void esaio_completion_recvmsg_success(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed(env, descP, ovl, opEnv,
+ opCaller, opDataP,
+ &req);
+ } else {
+ /* A completed (active) request for a socket that is not open.
+ * Is this even possible?
+ * A race (completed just as the socket was closed).
+ */
+ esaio_completion_recv_not_active(descP);
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->data[0] );
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->ctrl );
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Request was actually completed directly
+ * (and was therefor not put into the "queue")
+ * => Nothing to do here, other than cleanup (see below).
+ * => But we do not free the "buffer" since it was "used up"
+ * when we (as assumed) got the result (directly)...
+ */
+ }
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_success(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg_aborted ***
+ * The only thing *we* do that could cause an abort is the
+ * 'CancelIoEx' call, which we do when closing the socket
+ * (or cancel a request).
+ * But if we have done that;
+ * - Socket state will not be 'open' and
+ * - we have also set closer (pid and ref).
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvmsg_aborted(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = esock_atom_closed;
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ /* The socket not being open (assumed closing),
+ * means we are in the closing phase...
+ */
+ if (! IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ /* We can only send the 'close' message to the closer
+ * when all requests has been processed!
+ */
+ /* Check "our" queue */
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ /* Check "other" queue(s) and if there is a closer pid */
+ if ((descP->writersQ.first == NULL) &&
+ (descP->acceptorsQ.first == NULL)) {
+ esaio_stop(env, descP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->data[0] );
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->ctrl );
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_aborted(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg_failure *
+ * A "general" failure happened while performing the 'recvmsg' operation.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvmsg_failure(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ int error)
+ ESockRequestor req;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ /* We do not know what this is
+ * but we can "assume" that the request failed so we need to
+ * remove it from the "queue" if its still there...
+ * And cleanup...
+ */
+ if (esock_reader_get(env, descP,
+ &opDataP->recvRef,
+ opCaller,
+ &req)) {
+ reason = MKT2(env,
+ esock_atom_completion_status,
+ ENO2T(env, error));
+ /* Inform the user waiting for a reply */
+ esock_send_abort_msg(env, descP, opDataP->sockRef,
+ &req, reason);
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_fail(env, descP, error, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_fail(env, descP, error, TRUE);
+ }
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->data[0] );
+ FREE_BIN( &opDataP->ctrl );
+ /* *Maybe* update socket (write) state
+ * (depends on if the queue is now empty)
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_failure(%d) -> "
+ "maybe (%s) update (read) state (ox%X)\r\n",
+ descP->sock,
+ B2S((descP->readersQ.first == NULL)), descP->readState) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first == NULL) {
+ descP->readState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed ***
+ * The recvmsg request has completed.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ErlNifPid* opCaller,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionStatus, completionInfo;
+ DWORD read, flags;
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( DEMONP("esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed - sender",
+ env, descP, &reqP->mon) == 0);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed ->"
+ "success - try get overlapped result\r\n") );
+ if (get_recv_ovl_result(descP->sock, ovl, &read, &flags)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> overlapped result: "
+ "\r\n read: %d"
+ "\r\n buffer size: %d"
+ "\r\n flags: %d"
+ "\r\n", read, opDataP->data[0].size, flags) );
+ /* *** Success! ***
+ * CompletionStatus = {ok, Msg} (should be)
+ * CompletionInfo = {ConnRef, CompletionStatus}
+ */
+ /* We should have "calculated" the entire size before,
+ * but since we have a vector of size one...
+ */
+ if (read == opDataP->data[0].size) {
+ /* We filled the buffer => done */
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_done(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ flags);
+ } else {
+ /* Only used a part of the buffer =>
+ * needs splitting and (maybe) retry (its up to the caller)!
+ */
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_recvmsg_partial(env, descP,
+ opEnv, opDataP,
+ reqP, read, flags);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ /* Now what?
+ * We know we read "something" but we cannot figure out
+ * how much...
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> "
+ "overlapped result failure: %d\r\n", save_errno) );
+ completionStatus =
+ esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail(opEnv, descP, save_errno);
+ }
+ completionInfo = MKT2(opEnv, opDataP->recvRef, completionStatus);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> "
+ "send completion message to %T with"
+ "\r\n CompletionInfo: %T"
+ "\r\n", MKPID(env, opCaller), completionInfo) );
+ /* Send a 'send' completion message */
+ esaio_send_completion_msg(env, // Send env
+ descP, // Descriptor
+ opCaller, // Msg destination
+ opEnv, // Msg env
+ opDataP->sockRef, // Dest socket
+ completionInfo); // Info
+ /* *** Finalize *** */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> finalize\r\n") );
+ /* Request cleanup (demonitor already done above) */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> req cleanup",
+ reqP->env);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_completion_recvmsg_completed -> done\r\n") );
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg_done ***
+ *
+ * A complete read (filled the provided buffer).
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvmsg_done(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res, eMsg;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef = opDataP->recvRef;
+ DWORD read = opDataP->data[0].size;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_done(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recvRef, flags) );
+ (void) flags;
+ encode_msg(opEnv, descP, read,
+ &opDataP->msg,
+ opDataP->data,
+ &opDataP->ctrl,
+ &eMsg);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ res = esock_make_ok2(opEnv, eMsg);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_done(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg_partial ***
+ *
+ * A partial read, that is only part of the buffer was used.
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_recvmsg_partial(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifEnv* opEnv,
+ ESAIOOpDataRecvMsg* opDataP,
+ ESockRequestor* reqP,
+ DWORD read,
+ DWORD flags)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res, eMsg;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = opDataP->sockRef;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM recvRef = opDataP->recvRef;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_partial(%T) {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n recvRef: %T"
+ "\r\n read: %ld"
+ "\r\n flags: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, recvRef, (long) read, flags) );
+ (void) flags;
+ /* This function hansles splitting the binaries */
+ encode_msg(opEnv, descP, read,
+ &opDataP->msg,
+ opDataP->data,
+ &opDataP->ctrl,
+ &eMsg);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_pkg, &descP->readPkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_read_byte, &descP->readByteCnt, read);
+ if (read > descP->readPkgMax)
+ descP->readPkgMax = read;
+ res = esock_make_ok2(opEnv, eMsg);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_recvmsg_partial(%T) {%d} -> done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ return res;
+/* *** esaio_completion_recvmsg_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure.
+ */
+void esaio_completion_recvmsg_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ esaio_completion_fail(env, descP, "recvmsg", error, inform);
+/* *** esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail ***
+ * This function is called when the function 'WSAGetOverlappedResult' fails.
+ * It generates a result (returns) in the form of:
+ *
+ * {error, {get_overlapped_result, atom()}}
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int error)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM eerrno = ENO2T(env, error);
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason = MKT2(env, esock_atom_get_overlapped_result, eerrno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_completion_get_ovl_result_fail{%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n Errno: %d (%T)"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, error, eerrno) );
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.genErrs, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ return esock_make_error(env, reason);
+/* === Unknown command 'stuff' === */
+/* *** esaio_completion_unknown ***
+ * What shall we actually do here?
+ * Increment counters (bytes, number of unknown packages)?
+ * Send a messge with this info to "someone"?
+ * Write a (error) message to stdout/stderr?
+ */
+BOOLEAN_T esaio_completion_unknown(ESAIOThreadData* dataP,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ DWORD numBytes,
+ int error)
+ (void) dataP;
+ (void) descP;
+ (void) ovl;
+ (void) numBytes;
+ (void) error;
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.unknownCmds, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ return FALSE;
+/* *** esaio_completion_fail ***
+ * Unknown operation failure (not 'unknown operation' failure,
+ * but an unknown 'operation failure').
+ */
+void esaio_completion_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ const char* opStr,
+ int error,
+ BOOLEAN_T inform)
+ if (inform)
+ esock_warning_msg("[WIN-ESAIO] Unknown (%s) operation failure: "
+ "\r\n Descriptor: %d"
+ "\r\n Error: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ opStr, descP->sock, ENO2T(env, error));
+ MLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+ esock_cnt_inc(&ctrl.genErrs, 1);
+ MUNLOCK(ctrl.cntMtx);
+void esaio_completion_inc(ESAIOThreadData* dataP)
+ if (dataP->cnt == ESAIO_THREAD_CNT_MAX) {
+ dataP->cnt = 0;
+ } else {
+ dataP->cnt++;
+ }
+/* ====================================================================
+ *
+ * NIF (I/O backend) Resource callback functions: dtor, stop and down
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ */
+void esaio_dtor(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef;
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_dtor -> entry\r\n") );
+ /*
+ ESOCK_PRINTF("esaio_dtor -> entry when"
+ "\r\n is selected: %s"
+ "\r\n read state: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n is read-closed: %s"
+ "\r\n write state: 0x%X"
+ "\r\n is write-closed: %s"
+ "\r\n sock: %d"
+ "\r\n",
+ B2S(IS_SELECTED(descP)),
+ descP->readState,
+ B2S(IS_CLOSED(descP->readState)),
+ descP->writeState,
+ B2S(IS_CLOSED(descP->writeState)),
+ descP->sock);
+ */
+ if (IS_SELECTED(descP)) {
+ /* We have used the socket in the "I/O Completion Port" machinery,
+ * so we must have closed it properly to get here
+ */
+ if (! IS_CLOSED(descP->readState) )
+ esock_warning_msg("Socket Read State not CLOSED (0x%X) "
+ "at dtor\r\n", descP->readState);
+ if (! IS_CLOSED(descP->writeState) )
+ esock_warning_msg("Socket Write State not CLOSED (0x%X) "
+ "at dtor\r\n", descP->writeState);
+ if ( descP->sock != INVALID_SOCKET )
+ esock_warning_msg("Socket %d still valid\r\n", descP->sock);
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( IS_CLOSED(descP->readState) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( IS_CLOSED(descP->writeState) );
+ } else {
+ /* The socket is only opened, should be safe to close nonblocking */
+ (void) sock_close(descP->sock);
+ descP->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ }
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_dtor -> set state and pattern\r\n") );
+ "esaio_dtor -> try free readers request queue\r\n") );
+ esock_free_request_queue(&descP->readersQ);
+ "esaio_dtor -> try free writers request queue\r\n") );
+ esock_free_request_queue(&descP->writersQ);
+ "esaio_dtor -> try free acceptors request queue\r\n") );
+ esock_free_request_queue(&descP->acceptorsQ);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_dtor close env", descP->closeEnv);
+ descP->closeEnv = NULL;
+ esock_free_env("esaio_dtor meta env", descP->meta.env);
+ descP->meta.env = NULL;
+ SGDBG( ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_dtor -> done\r\n") );
+void esaio_stop(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_stop(%d) -> entry\r\n", descP->sock) );
+ /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * Inform waiting Closer, or close socket
+ *
+ * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ */
+ if (! IS_PID_UNDEF(&descP->closerPid)) {
+ /* We have a waiting closer process after nif_close()
+ * - send message to trigger nif_finalize_close()
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_stop(%d) -> send close msg to %T\r\n",
+ descP->sock, MKPID(env, &descP->closerPid)) );
+ esock_send_close_msg(env, descP, &descP->closerPid);
+ /* Message send frees closeEnv */
+ descP->closeEnv = NULL;
+ descP->closeRef = esock_atom_undefined;
+ } else {
+ int err;
+ /* We do not have a closer process
+ * - have to do an unclean (non blocking) close */
+ err = esock_close_socket(env, descP, FALSE);
+ switch (err) {
+ case NO_ERROR:
+ break;
+ if (descP->sock != INVALID_SOCKET)
+ esock_warning_msg("[WIN-ESAIO] Attempt to close an "
+ "already closed socket"
+ "\r\n(without a closer process): "
+ "\r\n Controlling Process: %T"
+ "\r\n socket fd: %d"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->ctrlPid, descP->sock);
+ break;
+ default:
+ esock_warning_msg("[WIN-ESAIO] Failed closing socket without "
+ "closer process: "
+ "\r\n Controlling Process: %T"
+ "\r\n socket fd: %d"
+ "\r\n Errno: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ descP->ctrlPid, descP->sock, ENO2T(env, err));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_stop(%d) -> done\r\n", descP->sock) );
+/* A 'down' has occured.
+ * Check the possible processes we monitor in turn:
+ * closer, controlling process (owner), connector, reader, acceptor and writer.
+ *
+ */
+void esaio_down(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> entry with:"
+ "\r\n Pid: %T"
+ "\r\n Mon: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, MKPID(env, pidP), MON2T(env, monP)) );
+ if (COMPARE_PIDS(&descP->closerPid, pidP) == 0) {
+ /* The closer process went down
+ * - it will not call nif_finalize_close
+ */
+ enif_set_pid_undefined(&descP->closerPid);
+ if (MON_EQ(&descP->closerMon, monP)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> closer process exit\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ MON_INIT(&descP->closerMon);
+ } else {
+ // The owner is the closer so we used its monitor
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> closer controlling process exit\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ ESOCK_ASSERT( MON_EQ(&descP->ctrlMon, monP) );
+ MON_INIT(&descP->ctrlMon);
+ enif_set_pid_undefined(&descP->ctrlPid);
+ }
+ /* Since the closer went down there was one,
+ * hence esock_close() must have run or scheduled esock_stop(),
+ * or the socket has never been "selected" upon.
+ */
+ if (descP->closeEnv == NULL) {
+ int err;
+ /* Since there is no closeEnv,
+ * esock_close() did not schedule esock_stop()
+ * and is about to call esock_finalize_close() but died,
+ * or esock_stop() has run, sent close_msg to the closer
+ * and cleared ->closeEnv but the closer died
+ * - we have to do an unclean (non blocking) socket close here
+ */
+ err = esock_close_socket(env, descP, FALSE);
+ if (err != 0)
+ esock_warning_msg("[WIN-ESAIO] "
+ "Failed closing socket for terminating "
+ "closer process: "
+ "\r\n Closer Process: %T"
+ "\r\n Descriptor: %d"
+ "\r\n Errno: %d (%T)"
+ "\r\n",
+ MKPID(env, pidP), descP->sock,
+ err, ENO2T(env, err));
+ } else {
+ /* Since there is a closeEnv esock_stop() has not run yet
+ * - when it finds that there is no closer process
+ * it will close the socket and ignore the close_msg
+ *
+ * The 'stop' callback function will never be triggered on
+ * Windows...It may be explicitly called...
+ */
+ esock_clear_env("esaio_down - close-env", descP->closeEnv);
+ esock_free_env("esaio_down - close-env", descP->closeEnv);
+ descP->closeEnv = NULL;
+ descP->closeRef = esock_atom_undefined;
+ }
+ } else if (MON_EQ(&descP->ctrlMon, monP)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> controller process exit\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ MON_INIT(&descP->ctrlMon);
+ /* The owner went down */
+ enif_set_pid_undefined(&descP->ctrlPid);
+ if (IS_OPEN(descP->readState)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> OPEN => initiate close\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ esaio_down_ctrl(env, descP, pidP);
+ descP->readState |= ESOCK_STATE_CLOSING;
+ descP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_CLOSING;
+ } else {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> already closed or closing\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ }
+ } else if (descP->connectorP != NULL &&
+ MON_EQ(&descP->connector.mon, monP)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down {%d} -> connector process exit\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ MON_INIT(&descP->connector.mon);
+ /* connectorP is only set during connection.
+ * Forget all about the ongoing connection.
+ * We might end up connected, but the process that initiated
+ * the connection has died and will never know
+ */
+ esock_requestor_release("esaio_down->connector",
+ env, descP, &descP->connector);
+ descP->connectorP = NULL;
+ descP->writeState &= ~ESOCK_STATE_CONNECTING;
+ } else {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef = enif_make_resource(env, descP);
+ /* check all operation queue(s): acceptor, writer and reader.
+ *
+ * Is it really any point in doing this if the socket is closed?
+ *
+ */
+ if (IS_CLOSED(descP->readState)) {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down(%T) {%d} -> stray down: %T\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, pidP) );
+ } else {
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down(%T) {%d} -> "
+ "other process - check readers, writers and acceptors\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ if (descP->readersQ.first != NULL)
+ esaio_down_reader(env, descP, sockRef, pidP, monP);
+ if (descP->acceptorsQ.first != NULL)
+ esaio_down_acceptor(env, descP, sockRef, pidP, monP);
+ if (descP->writersQ.first != NULL)
+ esaio_down_writer(env, descP, sockRef, pidP, monP);
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP, ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_down {%d} -> done\r\n", descP->sock) );
+/* *** esaio_down_ctrl ***
+ *
+ * Stop after a downed controller (controlling process = owner process)
+ *
+ * This is 'extern' because its currently called from prim_socket_nif
+ * (esock_setopt_otp_ctrl_proc).
+ */
+void esaio_down_ctrl(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_down_ctrl {%d} -> entry with"
+ "\r\n Pid: %T"
+ "\r\n", descP->sock, MKPID(env, pidP)) );
+ if (do_stop(env, descP)) {
+ /* esock_stop() is scheduled
+ * - it has to close the socket
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_down_ctrl {%d} -> stop was scheduled\r\n",
+ descP->sock) );
+ } else {
+ int err;
+ /* Socket has no *active* requests in the I/O Completion Ports machinery
+ * so esock_stop() will not be called
+ * - we have to do an unclean (non blocking) socket close here
+ */
+ err = esock_close_socket(env, descP, FALSE);
+ if (err != 0)
+ esock_warning_msg("[WIN-ESAIO] "
+ "Failed closing socket for terminating "
+ "owner process: "
+ "\r\n Owner Process: %T"
+ "\r\n Descriptor: %d"
+ "\r\n Errno: %d (%T)"
+ "\r\n",
+ MKPID(env, pidP), descP->sock,
+ err, ENO2T(env, err));
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "esaio_down_ctrl {%d} -> done\r\n", descP->sock) );
+/* *** esaio_down_acceptor ***
+ *
+ * Check and then handle a downed acceptor process.
+ *
+ */
+void esaio_down_acceptor(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP)
+ /* Maybe unqueue one of the waiting acceptors */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down_acceptor(%T) {%d} -> "
+ "maybe unqueue a waiting acceptor\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ esock_acceptor_unqueue(env, descP, NULL, pidP);
+/* *** esaio_down_writer ***
+ *
+ * Check and then handle a downed writer process.
+ *
+ */
+void esaio_down_writer(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP)
+ /* Maybe unqueue one of the waiting writer(s) */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down_writer(%T) {%d} -> maybe unqueue a waiting writer\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ esock_writer_unqueue(env, descP, NULL, pidP);
+/* *** esaio_down_reader ***
+ *
+ * Check and then handle a downed reader process.
+ *
+ */
+void esaio_down_reader(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ const ErlNifPid* pidP,
+ const ErlNifMonitor* monP)
+ /* Maybe unqueue one of the waiting reader(s) */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_down_reader(%T) {%d} -> maybe unqueue a waiting reader\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock) );
+ esock_reader_unqueue(env, descP, NULL, pidP);
+/* ==================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Send Utility functions *
+ * *
+ * ==================================================================== *
+ */
+/* *** send_check_result ***
+ *
+ * Check the result of a socket send (WSASend, WSASendTo and WSASendMsg) call.
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ int send_result,
+ ssize_t dataSize,
+ BOOLEAN_T dataInTail,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef,
+ BOOLEAN_T* cleanup)
+ BOOLEAN_T send_error;
+ int err;
+ if (send_result == 0) {
+ /* Send success already!
+ * So, no need to store the data (request, in the "queue").
+ * Note that the completion threads will use the
+ * precense or absence of this request 'record' to inform
+ * its actions.
+ */
+ *cleanup = FALSE;
+ res = send_check_ok(env, descP, dataSize, sockRef);
+ } else {
+ /* send returned error, check which */
+ int save_errno = sock_errno();
+ /* There are basically two kinds of errors:
+ * 1) Pending:
+ * An overlapped operation was successfully initiated.
+ * Completion will be "indicated" at a later time.
+ * 2) An actual error
+ */
+ if (save_errno == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
+ /* We need to store the data in the queue! */
+ *cleanup = FALSE;
+ res = send_check_pending(env, descP, opP, caller, sockRef, sendRef);
+ } else {
+ *cleanup = TRUE;
+ res = send_check_fail(env, descP, save_errno, sockRef);
+ }
+ }
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "send_check_result(%T) {%d} -> done:"
+ "\r\n res: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, res) );
+ return res;
+/* *** send_check_ok ***
+ *
+ * Processing done upon successful send.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_ok(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ DWORD written,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_pkg, &descP->writePkgCnt, 1);
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_byte, &descP->writeByteCnt, written);
+ /* We can *never* have a partial successs:
+ * Either the entire buffer is sent, or the op is scheduled or we fail.
+ * But since we have a field (writePkgMaxCnt) in the descriptor
+ * we might as well use it.
+ */
+ descP->writePkgMaxCnt = written;
+ if (descP->writePkgMaxCnt > descP->writePkgMax)
+ descP->writePkgMax = descP->writePkgMaxCnt;
+ descP->writePkgMaxCnt = 0;
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("WIN-ESAIO", "send_check_ok(%T) {%d} -> %ld written - done\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, written) );
+ return esock_atom_ok;
+/* *** send_check_pending ***
+ *
+ * The send operation was scheduled, that is, its now in the handls
+ * of the I/O Completion Port framework.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_pending(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ESAIOOperation* opP,
+ ErlNifPid caller,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sendRef)
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "send_check_pending(%T, %d) -> entry with"
+ "\r\n sendRef: %T"
+ "\r\n", sockRef, descP->sock, sendRef) );
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_waits, &descP->writeWaits, 1);
+ descP->writeState |= ESOCK_STATE_SELECTED;
+ esock_writer_push(env, descP, caller, sendRef, opP);
+ return esock_atom_completion;
+/* *** send_check_fail ***
+ *
+ * Processing done upon failed send.
+ * An actual failure.
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_fail(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ int saveErrno,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM reason;
+ ESOCK_CNT_INC(env, descP, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_write_fails, &descP->writeFails, 1);
+ reason = ENO2T(env, saveErrno);
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "send_check_fail(%T, %d) -> error: "
+ "\r\n %d (%T)\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, saveErrno, reason) );
+ return esock_make_error(env, reason);
+/* ==================================================================== *
+ * *
+ * Utility functions *
+ * *
+ * ==================================================================== *
+ */
+/* *** get_send_ovl_result ***
+ *
+ * Used for all send 'overlapped' operations; send, sendto and sendmsg.
+ */
+BOOL get_send_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* written)
+ DWORD flags = 0;
+ BOOL result = get_ovl_result(sock, ovl, written, &flags);
+ (void) flags;
+ return result;
+/* *** get_recv_ovl_result ***
+ *
+ * Used for recv *and* recvfrom 'overlapped' operations.
+ */
+BOOL get_recv_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* read,
+ DWORD* flags)
+ return get_ovl_result(sock, ovl, read, flags);
+/* *** get_recvmsg_ovl_result ***
+ *
+ * Used for all recvmsg 'overlapped' operations.
+ */
+BOOL get_recvmsg_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* read)
+ DWORD flags = 0;
+ BOOL result = get_ovl_result(sock, ovl, read, &flags);
+ (void) flags;
+ return result;
+/* *** get_ovl_result ***
+ *
+ * Simple wrapper function for WSAGetOverlappedResult.
+ */
+BOOL get_ovl_result(SOCKET sock,
+ DWORD* transfer,
+ DWORD* flags)
+ return WSAGetOverlappedResult(sock, ovl, transfer, FALSE, flags);
+/* *** esaio_add_socket ***
+ *
+ * Add socket to I/O completion port.
+ */
+int esaio_add_socket(ESockDescriptor* descP)
+ int res;
+ HANDLE tmp = CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE) descP->sock, ctrl.cport,
+ (ULONG_PTR) descP, 0);
+ if (tmp != NULL) {
+ res = ESAIO_OK;
+ } else {
+ res = sock_errno();
+ }
+ return res;
+void esaio_send_completion_msg(ErlNifEnv* sendEnv,
+ ESockDescriptor* descP,
+ ErlNifPid* pid,
+ ErlNifEnv* msgEnv,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM completionInfo)
+ ERL_NIF_TERM msg = mk_completion_msg(msgEnv, sockRef, completionInfo);
+ /* This can only fail if:
+ * - The recipient is dead.
+ * Our monitor should clear this up ... eventually.
+ * Possible race?
+ * - We (the sender) are "dead" (which we are clearly not)
+ */
+ if (! esock_send_msg(sendEnv, pid, msg, NULL)) {
+ /*
+ "esaio_send_completion_msg(%T) {%d} failed ->"
+ "\r\n pid: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, MKPID(sendEnv, pid)) );
+ */
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ "esaio_send_completion_msg(%T) {%d} failed ->"
+ "\r\n pid: %T"
+ "\r\n",
+ sockRef, descP->sock, MKPID(sendEnv, pid)) );
+ }
+/* *** mk_completion_msg ***
+ *
+ * Construct a completion (socket) message. It has the form:
+ *
+ * {'$socket', Socket, completion, CompletionInfo}
+ *
+ */
+ERL_NIF_TERM mk_completion_msg(ErlNifEnv* env,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM sockRef,
+ ERL_NIF_TERM info)
+ return esock_mk_socket_msg(env, sockRef,
+ esock_atom_completion, info);