path: root/lib/crypto/test/property_test/crypto_ng_api_stateful.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/crypto/test/property_test/crypto_ng_api_stateful.erl')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/crypto/test/property_test/crypto_ng_api_stateful.erl b/lib/crypto/test/property_test/crypto_ng_api_stateful.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21bbe272dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/crypto/test/property_test/crypto_ng_api_stateful.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% Properties:
+prop__crypto_init_multi(Config) ->
+ numtests(300,
+ ?FORALL(Cmds, parallel_commands(?MODULE),
+ begin
+ RunResult = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+ ct_property_test:present_result(?MODULE, Cmds, RunResult, Config)
+ end)).
+-define(call(F,As), {call,?MODULE,F,As}).
+initial_state() ->
+ #{}.
+command(S) ->
+ frequency(
+ lists:flatten(
+ [
+ {max(0,5-maps:size(S)),
+ ?call(init_crypto, ?LET(Ciph, cipher(),
+ [Ciph, key(Ciph), iv(Ciph), block_size(Ciph)]))},
+ [{10, ?call(encrypt, [oneof(refs(S)), binary()])
+ }
+ || refs(S) =/= []],
+ [{30, ?call(decrypt, ?LET({Refs,{_,[CT|_]}}, oneof(Sc),
+ [Refs, CT]))
+ }
+ || Sc <- [[R || {_,{_,Cs}} = R <- maps:to_list(S),
+ Cs =/= []]
+ ],
+ Sc =/= [] ],
+[] ])).
+precondition(S, {call,?MODULE,decrypt,[Refs,CrT]}) ->
+ %% io:format("precondition(1) ~p Args = ~p, S = ~p", [decrypt,[Refs,CrT],S]),
+ case maps:get(Refs, S) of
+ {_BlockSize, [CrT|_]} ->
+ %% io:format(" (sym) true~n",[]),
+ true;
+ {_BlockSize, [CrT|_], _} ->
+ %% io:format(" (dyn) true~n",[]),
+ true;
+ _Other ->
+ %% io:format(" _Other=~p false~n",[_Other]),
+ false
+ end;
+precondition(_S, {call,?MODULE,_Name,_Args}) ->
+ %% io:format("precondition ~p Args = ~p, S = ~p~n", [_Name,_Args,_S]),
+ true.
+postcondition(_D, _Call, error) ->
+ %% io:format("postcondition ~p:~p error _Call = ~p~n",[?MODULE,?LINE,_Call]),
+ false;
+postcondition(D, {call,?MODULE,decrypt,[Refs,_CrT]}, Result) ->
+ #{Refs := {_BlockSize, _CT, PT}} = D,
+ Size = size(Result),
+ <<Expect:Size/binary, _/binary>> = PT,
+ Expect == Result;
+postcondition(_D, _Call, _Result) ->
+ true.
+symbolic({var,_}) -> true;
+symbolic(_) -> false.
+next_state(S, Refs, {call,?MODULE,init_crypto,[_Cipher, _Key, _IV, BlockSize]}=_C) ->
+ case symbolic(Refs) of
+ true ->
+ S#{Refs => {BlockSize, []} };
+ false ->
+ S#{Refs => {BlockSize, [], <<>>} }
+ end;
+next_state(S, Res, {call,?MODULE,encrypt,[Refs,Ptxt]}=_C) ->
+%% io:format("next_state enrypt Refs = ~p, S = ~p~n", [Refs,S]),
+ case S of
+ #{Refs := {BlockSize, Cs}} ->
+ S#{Refs := {BlockSize, Cs++[Res]}};
+ #{Refs := {BlockSize, Cs,Ps}} ->
+ S#{Refs := {BlockSize, Cs++[Res], <<Ps/binary,Ptxt/binary>>}}
+ end;
+next_state(S, Result, {call,?MODULE,decrypt,[Refs,CrT]}=_C) ->
+%% io:format("next_state decrypt Refs = ~p, CrT = ~p, S = ~p~n", [Refs,CrT,S]),
+ case S of
+ #{Refs := {BlockSize, [CrT|Cs]}} ->
+ S#{Refs := {BlockSize, Cs}};
+ #{Refs := {BlockSize, [CrT|Cs], Ps0}} ->
+ Sz = size(Result),
+ <<Result:Sz/binary,Ps/binary>> = Ps0,
+ S#{Refs := {BlockSize,Cs,Ps}}
+ end.
+ try X of
+ __R -> %% io:format("~p:~p ok! Result = ~p~n", [?MODULE,?LINE,__R]),
+ __R
+ catch
+ _CC:_EE:_SS ->
+ io:format("******* ~p:~p ~p ~p~n~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,_CC,_EE,_SS]),
+ error
+ end).
+init_crypto(Cipher, Key, IV, _BlockSize) ->
+ %% io:format("~p:~p init_crypto~n (~p,~n ~p,~n ~p,~n ~p)", [?MODULE,?LINE,Cipher,Key,IV,_BlockSize]),
+ ?ok_error({
+ crypto:crypto_init(Cipher, Key, IV, true),
+ crypto:crypto_init(Cipher, Key, IV, false)
+ }).
+encrypt({EncRef,_DecRef}, PlainText) ->
+ %% io:format("~p:~p encrypt~n (~p,~n ~p) ", [?MODULE,?LINE,EncRef,PlainText]),
+ ?ok_error(crypto:crypto_update(EncRef, PlainText)).
+decrypt({_EncRef,DecRef}, CT) ->
+ %% io:format("~p:~p decrypt~n (~p,~n ~p)", [?MODULE,?LINE,DecRef,CT]),
+ ?ok_error(crypto:crypto_update(DecRef, CT)).
+refs(S) -> [Refs || {Refs,_} <- maps:to_list(S)].