path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
index ece162382f..7e0a75f062 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -1557,8 +1557,9 @@ bind_tuple(Pat, Type, Map, State, Opaques, Rev) ->
true ->
Any = t_any(),
[_Head|AnyTail] = [Any || _ <- Es],
- UntypedRecord = t_tuple([Tag|AnyTail]),
- case state__lookup_record(cerl:atom_val(Tag), length(Tags), State) of
+ TagAtomVal = cerl:atom_val(Tag),
+ UntypedRecord = t_tuple([t_atom(TagAtomVal)|AnyTail]),
+ case state__lookup_record(TagAtomVal, length(Tags), State) of
error ->
{false, UntypedRecord};
{ok, Record, _FieldNames} ->
@@ -1601,20 +1602,23 @@ bind_bin_segs([Seg|Segs], BinType, Acc, Map, State) ->
UnitVal = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_unit(Seg)),
Size = cerl:bitstr_size(Seg),
case bitstr_bitsize_type(Size) of
- all ->
- binary = SegType, [] = Segs, %% just an assert
+ {literal, all} ->
+ binary = SegType, [] = Segs, %Assertion.
T = t_inf(t_bitstr(UnitVal, 0), BinType),
{Map1, [Type]} = do_bind_pat_vars([Val], [T], Map,
State, false, []),
Type1 = remove_local_opaque_types(Type, State#state.opaques),
bind_bin_segs(Segs, t_bitstr(0, 0), [Type1|Acc], Map1, State);
- utf -> % XXX: can possibly be strengthened
- true = lists:member(SegType, [utf8, utf16, utf32]),
+ SizeType when SegType =:= utf8; SegType =:= utf16; SegType =:= utf32 ->
+ {literal, undefined} = SizeType, %Assertion.
{Map1, [_]} = do_bind_pat_vars([Val], [t_integer()],
Map, State, false, []),
Type = t_binary(),
bind_bin_segs(Segs, BinType, [Type|Acc], Map1, State);
- any ->
+ {literal, N} when not is_integer(N); N < 0 ->
+ %% Bogus literal size, fails in runtime.
+ bind_error([Seg], BinType, t_none(), bind);
+ _ ->
{Map1, [SizeType]} = do_bind_pat_vars([Size], [t_non_neg_integer()],
Map, State, false, []),
Opaques = State#state.opaques,
@@ -1667,14 +1671,8 @@ bind_bin_segs([], _BinType, Acc, Map, _State) ->
bitstr_bitsize_type(Size) ->
case cerl:is_literal(Size) of
- true ->
- case cerl:concrete(Size) of
- all -> all;
- undefined -> utf;
- _ -> any
- end;
- false ->
- any
+ true -> {literal, cerl:concrete(Size)};
+ false -> variable
%% Return the infimum (meet) of ExpectedType and Type if it describes a
@@ -1800,16 +1798,17 @@ bind_guard(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
{Map, Type};
var ->
?debug("Looking for var(~w)...", [cerl_trees:get_label(Guard)]),
- case maps:find(get_label(Guard), Env) of
- error ->
+ GuardLabel = get_label(Guard),
+ case Env of
+ #{GuardLabel := Tree} ->
+ ?debug("Found it\n", []),
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Tree, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ {enter_type(Guard, Type, Map1), Type};
+ #{} ->
?debug("Did not find it\n", []),
Type = lookup_type(Guard, Map),
Inf = guard_eval_inf(Eval, Type),
- {enter_type(Guard, Inf, Map), Inf};
- {ok, Tree} ->
- ?debug("Found it\n", []),
- {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Tree, Map, Env, Eval, State),
- {enter_type(Guard, Type, Map1), Type}
+ {enter_type(Guard, Inf, Map), Inf}
call ->
handle_guard_call(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State)
@@ -2709,19 +2708,19 @@ enter_type(Key, Val, MS) ->
false ->
#map{map = Map, subst = Subst} = MS,
KeyLabel = get_label(Key),
- case maps:find(KeyLabel, Subst) of
- {ok, NewKey} ->
+ case Subst of
+ #{KeyLabel := NewKey} ->
?debug("Binding ~p to ~p\n", [KeyLabel, NewKey]),
enter_type(NewKey, Val, MS);
- error ->
+ #{} ->
?debug("Entering ~p :: ~ts\n", [KeyLabel, t_to_string(Val)]),
- case maps:find(KeyLabel, Map) of
- {ok, Value} ->
+ case Map of
+ #{KeyLabel := Value} ->
case erl_types:t_is_equal(Val, Value) of
true -> MS;
false -> store_map(KeyLabel, Val, MS)
- error -> store_map(KeyLabel, Val, MS)
+ #{} -> store_map(KeyLabel, Val, MS)
@@ -2730,7 +2729,7 @@ enter_type(Key, Val, MS) ->
store_map(Key, Val, #map{map = Map, ref = undefined} = MapRec) ->
MapRec#map{map = maps:put(Key, Val, Map)};
store_map(Key, Val, #map{map = Map, modified = Mod} = MapRec) ->
- MapRec#map{map = maps:put(Key, Val, Map), modified = [Key | Mod]}.
+ MapRec#map{map = Map#{Key => Val}, modified = [Key | Mod]}.
enter_subst(Key, Val0, #map{subst = Subst} = MS) ->
KeyLabel = get_label(Key),
@@ -2743,10 +2742,10 @@ enter_subst(Key, Val0, #map{subst = Subst} = MS) ->
false -> MS;
true ->
ValLabel = get_label(Val),
- case maps:find(ValLabel, Subst) of
- {ok, NewVal} ->
+ case Subst of
+ #{ValLabel := NewVal} ->
enter_subst(Key, NewVal, MS);
- error ->
+ #{} ->
if KeyLabel =:= ValLabel -> MS;
true ->
?debug("Subst: storing ~p = ~p\n", [KeyLabel, ValLabel]),
@@ -2759,7 +2758,7 @@ enter_subst(Key, Val0, #map{subst = Subst} = MS) ->
store_subst(Key, Val, #map{subst = S, ref = undefined} = Map) ->
Map#map{subst = maps:put(Key, Val, S)};
store_subst(Key, Val, #map{subst = S, modified = Mod} = Map) ->
- Map#map{subst = maps:put(Key, Val, S), modified = [Key | Mod]}.
+ Map#map{subst = S#{Key => Val}, modified = [Key | Mod]}.
lookup_type(Key, #map{map = Map, subst = Subst}) ->
lookup(Key, Map, Subst, t_none()).
@@ -2769,13 +2768,14 @@ lookup(Key, Map, Subst, AnyNone) ->
true -> literal_type(Key);
false ->
Label = get_label(Key),
- case maps:find(Label, Subst) of
- {ok, NewKey} -> lookup(NewKey, Map, Subst, AnyNone);
- error ->
- case maps:find(Label, Map) of
- {ok, Val} -> Val;
- error -> AnyNone
- end
+ case Subst of
+ #{Label := NewKey} ->
+ lookup(NewKey, Map, Subst, AnyNone);
+ #{} ->
+ case Map of
+ #{Label := Val} -> Val;
+ #{} -> AnyNone
+ end