path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_incremental.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_incremental.erl')
1 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_incremental.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_incremental.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02fbde8ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_incremental.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+-export([start/1, start_report_modules_analyzed/1, start_report_modules_changed_and_analyzed/1]).
+-include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). % needed for #file_info{}
+ {backend_pid :: pid() | 'undefined',
+ code_server = none :: 'none' | dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
+ erlang_mode = false :: boolean(),
+ external_calls = [] :: [{mfa(), warning_info()}],
+ external_types = [] :: [{mfa(), warning_info()}],
+ legal_warnings = ordsets:new() :: [dial_warn_tag()],
+ mod_deps = dict:new() :: dialyzer_callgraph:mod_deps(),
+ output = standard_io :: io:device(),
+ output_format = formatted :: format(),
+ filename_opt = basename :: filename_opt(),
+ error_location = ?ERROR_LOCATION :: error_location(),
+ indent_opt = ?INDENT_OPT :: iopt(),
+ output_plt = none :: file:filename(),
+ plt_info = none :: 'none' | #iplt_info{},
+ report_mode = normal :: rep_mode(),
+ return_status = ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS :: dial_ret(),
+ warning_modules = [] :: [module()],
+ stored_warnings = [] :: [raw_warning()]
+ }).
+-type incrementality_reason() ::
+ no_stored_warnings_in_plt
+ | plt_built_with_different_version
+ | new_plt_file
+ | warnings_changed
+ | {incremental_changes, NumModulesChangedOrRemoved :: non_neg_integer()}.
+ {total_modules :: non_neg_integer(),
+ analysed_modules :: non_neg_integer(),
+ reason :: incrementality_reason()
+ }).
+-spec start(#options{}) -> {dial_ret(), [dial_warning()]}.
+start(Opts) ->
+ {{Ret,Warns}, _ModulesAnalyzed} = start_report_modules_analyzed(Opts),
+ {Ret,Warns}.
+-spec start_report_modules_analyzed(#options{}) ->
+ {{dial_ret(), [dial_warning()]}, [module()]}.
+start_report_modules_analyzed(#options{analysis_type = incremental} = Options) ->
+ {{Ret, Warn}, _Changed, Analyzed} =
+ start_report_modules_changed_and_analyzed(Options),
+ {{Ret, Warn}, Analyzed}.
+-spec start_report_modules_changed_and_analyzed(#options{}) ->
+ {{dial_ret(), [dial_warning()]},
+ Changed :: undefined | [module()],
+ Analyzed :: [module()]}.
+start_report_modules_changed_and_analyzed( #options{analysis_type = incremental} = Options) ->
+ Opts1 = init_opts_for_incremental(Options),
+ assert_metrics_file_valid(Opts1),
+ #options{init_plts = [InitPlt], legal_warnings = LegalWarnings} = Opts1,
+ Files = get_files_from_opts(Opts1),
+ case dialyzer_iplt:check_incremental_plt(InitPlt, Opts1, Files) of
+ {ok, #iplt_info{files = Md5, warning_map = none}, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_no_stored_warnings(Opts1, Md5),
+ PltInfo = #iplt_info{files = Md5, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(do_analysis(maps:values(ModuleToPathLookup), Opts1, dialyzer_plt:new(), PltInfo), []);
+ {ok, #iplt_info{warning_map=WarningMap, files = Md5}, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_stored_warnings_no_changes(Opts1, Md5),
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(return_existing_errors(Opts1, WarningMap), []);
+ {old_version, Md5, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_different_plt_version(Opts1, Md5),
+ PltInfo = #iplt_info{files = Md5, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(do_analysis(maps:values(ModuleToPathLookup), Opts1, dialyzer_plt:new(), PltInfo), undefined);
+ {new_file, Md5, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_new_plt_file(Opts1, InitPlt, Md5),
+ PltInfo = #iplt_info{files = Md5, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(do_analysis(maps:values(ModuleToPathLookup), Opts1, dialyzer_plt:new(), PltInfo), undefined);
+ {differ, Md5, _DiffMd5, _ModDeps, none, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_no_stored_warnings(Opts1, Md5),
+ PltInfo = #iplt_info{files = Md5, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ AllFiles = maps:values(ModuleToPathLookup),
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(do_analysis(AllFiles, Opts1, dialyzer_plt:new(), PltInfo), undefined);
+ {differ, Md5, DiffMd5, ModDeps, WarningMap, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_incremental_analysis_needed(Opts1, DiffMd5),
+ {AnalFiles, ModsToRemove, ModDepsInRemainingPlt} =
+ expand_dependent_modules(Md5, DiffMd5, ModDeps, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ WarningsInRemainingPlt =
+ sets:fold(fun(Mod, Acc) -> maps:remove(Mod, Acc) end,
+ WarningMap, ModsToRemove),
+ Plt = clean_plt(InitPlt, ModsToRemove),
+ PltInfo = #iplt_info{files = Md5,
+ mod_deps = ModDepsInRemainingPlt,
+ warning_map = WarningsInRemainingPlt,
+ legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ ChangedOrRemovedMods = [ChangedOrRemovedMod || {_, ChangedOrRemovedMod} <- DiffMd5],
+ case AnalFiles =:= [] of
+ true ->
+ %% Only removed stuff that's unused. Just write the PLT.
+ report_stored_warnings_only_safe_removals(Opts1, Md5, DiffMd5),
+ dialyzer_iplt:to_file(Opts1#options.output_plt, Plt, ModDepsInRemainingPlt, PltInfo),
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(return_existing_errors(Opts1, WarningsInRemainingPlt), ChangedOrRemovedMods);
+ false ->
+ report_degree_of_incrementality(Opts1, Md5, DiffMd5, AnalFiles),
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(do_analysis(AnalFiles, Opts1, Plt, PltInfo), ChangedOrRemovedMods)
+ end;
+ {legal_warnings_changed, Md5, ModuleToPathLookup} ->
+ report_change_in_legal_warnings(Opts1, Md5),
+ PltInfo = #iplt_info{files = Md5, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ AllFiles = maps:values(ModuleToPathLookup),
+ write_module_to_path_lookup(Opts1, ModuleToPathLookup),
+ enrich_with_modules_changed(do_analysis(AllFiles, Opts1, dialyzer_plt:new(), PltInfo), undefined);
+ {error, not_valid} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("The file: ~ts is not a valid PLT file\n~s",
+ [InitPlt, default_plt_error_msg()]),
+ cl_error(Msg);
+ {error, read_error} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not read the PLT: ~ts\n~s",
+ [InitPlt, default_plt_error_msg()]),
+ cl_error(Msg)
+ end.
+-spec enrich_with_modules_changed({{Ret :: dial_ret(), Warns :: [dial_warning()]}, Analyzed :: [module()]}, Changed :: undefined | [module()]) ->
+ {{dial_ret(), [dial_warning()]}, Changed :: undefined | [module()], Analyzed :: [module()]}.
+enrich_with_modules_changed({{Ret,Warns}, Analyzed}, Changed) ->
+ {{Ret,Warns}, Changed, Analyzed}.
+default_plt_error_msg() ->
+ "Remove the broken PLT file or point to the correct location.\n".
+init_opts_for_incremental(Opts) ->
+ InitPlt =
+ case Opts#options.init_plts of
+ []-> dialyzer_iplt:get_default_iplt_filename();
+ [Plt] -> Plt;
+ Plts ->
+ Msg =
+ io_lib:format("Incremental mode does not support multiple PLT files (~ts)\n",
+ [format_plts(Plts)]),
+ cl_error(Msg)
+ end,
+ OutputPlt =
+ case Opts#options.output_plt of
+ none -> InitPlt;
+ ExplicitlySetOutputPlt -> ExplicitlySetOutputPlt
+ end,
+ Opts#options{
+ analysis_type = incremental,
+ defines = [],
+ from = byte_code,
+ init_plts = [InitPlt],
+ include_dirs = [],
+ output_plt = OutputPlt,
+ use_contracts = true,
+ get_warnings = true
+ }.
+assert_metrics_file_valid(#options{metrics_file = none}) ->
+ ok;
+assert_metrics_file_valid(#options{metrics_file = MetricsFile}) ->
+ case check_if_writable(MetricsFile) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format(" The metrics file ~ts is not writable", [MetricsFile]),
+ cl_error(Msg)
+ end.
+write_metrics_file(#options{metrics_file = none}, _Format, _Args) ->
+ ok;
+write_metrics_file(#options{metrics_file = MetricsFile}, Format, Args) ->
+ case file:write_file(MetricsFile, io_lib:fwrite(Format, Args)) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not write metrics file ~ts: ~w\n",
+ [MetricsFile, Reason]),
+ throw({dialyzer_error, Msg})
+ end.
+ Opts,
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = NumAnalysedModules,
+ reason = Reason}
+ ) ->
+ ReasonDescription =
+ case Reason of
+ no_stored_warnings_in_plt -> "no_stored_warnings_in_plt";
+ plt_built_with_different_version -> "plt_built_with_different_version";
+ new_plt_file -> "new_plt_file";
+ warnings_changed -> "warnings_changed";
+ {incremental_changes, NumChangedModules} ->
+ io_lib:format("incremental_changes\nchanged_or_removed_modules: ~B", [NumChangedModules])
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(
+ Opts,
+ "total_modules: ~B\nanalysed_modules: ~B\nreason: ~s\n",
+ [NumTotalModules, NumAnalysedModules, ReasonDescription]).
+write_module_to_path_lookup(#options{module_lookup_file = none}, _ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ ok;
+write_module_to_path_lookup(#options{module_lookup_file = LookupFile}, ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ Output = [io_lib:fwrite("~ts, ~ts\n", [atom_to_list(ModuleName), ModulePath]) ||
+ ModuleName := ModulePath <- ModuleToPathLookup],
+ case file:write_file(LookupFile, Output) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not write module lookup file ~ts: ~w\n",
+ [LookupFile, Reason]),
+ throw({dialyzer_error, Msg})
+ end.
+report_new_plt_file(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, InitPlt, Md5) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ reason = new_plt_file
+ },
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ok;
+ verbose -> io:format("PLT does not yet exist at ~s, so an analysis must be run for ~w modules to populate it\n", [InitPlt, NumTotalModules])
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_different_plt_version(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, Md5) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ reason = plt_built_with_different_version
+ },
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ok;
+ verbose -> io:format("PLT is for a different Dialyzer version, so an analysis must be run for ~w modules to rebuild it\n", [NumTotalModules])
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_stored_warnings_no_changes(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, Md5) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = 0,
+ reason = {incremental_changes, 0}
+ },
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ok;
+ verbose -> io:format("PLT has fully cached the request, so no additional analysis is needed\n", [])
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_stored_warnings_only_safe_removals(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, Md5, Removed) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ NumRemovedModuled = length(Removed),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = 0,
+ reason = {incremental_changes, NumRemovedModuled}
+ },
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ok;
+ verbose -> io:format("PLT has fully cached the request because nothing depended on the file removed, so no additional analysis is needed\n", [])
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_no_stored_warnings(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, Md5) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ reason = no_stored_warnings_in_plt
+ },
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ok;
+ verbose ->
+ io:format(
+ "PLT does not contain cached warnings, so an analysis must be run for ~w modules to rebuild it\n",
+ [length(Md5)]
+ )
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_incremental_analysis_needed(#options{report_mode = ReportMode}, DiffMd5) ->
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> io:format("There have been changes to analyze\n", []);
+ verbose -> report_md5_diff(DiffMd5)
+ end.
+report_degree_of_incrementality(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, Md5, ChangedOrRemovedFiles, FilesThatNeedAnalysis) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ NumChangedOrRemovedModules = length(ChangedOrRemovedFiles),
+ NumAnalysedModules = length(FilesThatNeedAnalysis),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = NumAnalysedModules,
+ reason = {incremental_changes, NumChangedOrRemovedModules}
+ },
+ ReportFun = fun () ->
+ io:format(
+ " Of the ~B files being tracked, ~B have been changed or removed, "
+ "resulting in ~B requiring analysis because they depend on those changes\n",
+ [NumTotalModules, NumChangedOrRemovedModules, NumAnalysedModules])
+ end,
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ReportFun();
+ verbose ->
+ ReportFun(),
+ io:format(" Modules which will be analysed: ~p\n", [[path_to_mod(P) || P <- FilesThatNeedAnalysis]])
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_change_in_legal_warnings(#options{report_mode = ReportMode} = Opts, Md5) ->
+ NumTotalModules = length(Md5),
+ Metrics =
+ #incrementality_metrics{
+ total_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ analysed_modules = NumTotalModules,
+ reason = warnings_changed
+ },
+ ReportFun = fun () ->
+ io:format(
+ "PLT was built for a different set of enabled warnings, so an analysis must be run for ~w modules to rebuild it\n",
+ [NumTotalModules]
+ )
+ end,
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ normal -> ReportFun();
+ verbose -> ReportFun()
+ end,
+ write_metrics_file(Opts, Metrics).
+report_analysis_start(#options{report_mode = quiet}) -> ok;
+report_analysis_start(_) ->
+ io:format("Proceeding with incremental analysis...").
+report_elapsed_time(T1, T2, #options{report_mode = ReportMode}) ->
+ case ReportMode of
+ quiet -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ ElapsedTime = T2 - T1,
+ Mins = ElapsedTime div 60000,
+ Secs = (ElapsedTime rem 60000) / 1000,
+ io:format(" done in ~wm~.2fs\n", [Mins, Secs])
+ end.
+report_md5_diff(List) ->
+ io:format(" The PLT information is not up to date:\n", []),
+ case [Mod || {removed, Mod} <- List] of
+ [] -> ok;
+ RemovedMods -> io:format(" Removed modules: ~p\n", [RemovedMods])
+ end,
+ case [Mod || {differ, Mod} <- List] of
+ [] -> ok;
+ ChangedMods -> io:format(" Changed modules: ~p\n", [ChangedMods])
+ end.
+format_plts([Plt]) -> Plt;
+format_plts([Plt|Plts]) ->
+ Plt ++ ", " ++ format_plts(Plts).
+do_analysis(Files, Options, Plt, PltInfo) ->
+ assert_writable(Options#options.output_plt),
+ report_analysis_start(Options),
+ State1 = init_output(Options),
+ State2 = State1#incremental_state{
+ legal_warnings = Options#options.legal_warnings,
+ output_plt = Options#options.output_plt,
+ plt_info = PltInfo,
+ erlang_mode = Options#options.erlang_mode,
+ report_mode = Options#options.report_mode,
+ warning_modules = get_warning_modules_from_opts(Options)
+ },
+ InitAnalysis = #analysis{
+ type = succ_typings,
+ defines = Options#options.defines,
+ include_dirs = Options#options.include_dirs,
+ files = Files,
+ start_from = Options#options.from,
+ timing = Options#options.timing,
+ plt = Plt,
+ use_contracts = Options#options.use_contracts,
+ callgraph_file = Options#options.callgraph_file,
+ mod_deps_file = Options#options.mod_deps_file,
+ solvers = Options#options.solvers
+ },
+ State3 = start_analysis(State2, InitAnalysis),
+ {T1, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
+ RetAndWarns = cl_loop(State3),
+ {T2, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
+ report_elapsed_time(T1, T2, Options),
+ {RetAndWarns, lists:usort([path_to_mod(F) || F <- Files])}.
+assert_writable(PltFile) ->
+ case check_if_writable(PltFile) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format(" The PLT file ~ts is not writable", [PltFile]),
+ cl_error(Msg)
+ end.
+check_if_writable(PltFile) ->
+ case filelib:is_regular(PltFile) of
+ true -> is_writable_file_or_dir(PltFile);
+ false ->
+ case filelib:is_dir(PltFile) of
+ true ->
+ false;
+ false ->
+ DirName = filename:dirname(PltFile),
+ case filelib:is_dir(DirName) of
+ false ->
+ case filelib:ensure_dir(PltFile) of
+ ok ->
+ true;
+ {error, _} ->
+ false
+ end;
+ true ->
+ is_writable_file_or_dir(DirName)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+is_writable_file_or_dir(File) ->
+ case file:read_file_info(File) of
+ {ok, #file_info{access = A}} ->
+ (A =:= write) orelse (A =:= read_write);
+ {error, _} ->
+ false
+ end.
+clean_plt(PltFile, RemovedMods) ->
+ %% Clean the plt from the removed modules.
+ Plt = dialyzer_iplt:from_file(PltFile),
+ sets:fold(fun(M, AccPlt) -> dialyzer_plt:delete_module(AccPlt, M) end,
+ Plt, RemovedMods).
+expand_dependent_modules(_Md5, DiffMd5, ModDeps, ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ ChangedMods = sets:from_list([M || {differ, M} <- DiffMd5]),
+ RemovedMods = sets:from_list([M || {removed, M} <- DiffMd5]),
+ BigSet = sets:union(ChangedMods, RemovedMods),
+ BigList = sets:to_list(BigSet),
+ ExpandedSet = expand_dependent_modules_1(BigList, BigSet, ModDeps),
+ NewModDeps = dialyzer_callgraph:strip_module_deps(ModDeps, BigSet),
+ AnalyzeMods = sets:subtract(ExpandedSet, RemovedMods),
+ FilterFun = fun(File) ->
+ Mod = path_to_mod(File),
+ sets:is_element(Mod, AnalyzeMods)
+ end,
+ {[F || F <- maps:values(ModuleToPathLookup), FilterFun(F)], ExpandedSet, NewModDeps}.
+expand_dependent_modules_1([Mod|Mods], Included, ModDeps) ->
+ case dict:find(Mod, ModDeps) of
+ {ok, Deps} ->
+ NewDeps = sets:subtract(sets:from_list(Deps), Included),
+ case sets:size(NewDeps) of
+ 0 -> expand_dependent_modules_1(Mods, Included, ModDeps);
+ _ ->
+ NewIncluded = sets:union(Included, NewDeps),
+ expand_dependent_modules_1(sets:to_list(NewDeps) ++ Mods,
+ NewIncluded, ModDeps)
+ end;
+ error ->
+ expand_dependent_modules_1(Mods, Included, ModDeps)
+ end;
+expand_dependent_modules_1([], Included, _ModDeps) ->
+ Included.
+path_to_mod(File) ->
+ list_to_atom(filename:basename(File, ".beam")).
+init_output(#options{output_file = OutFile,
+ output_plt = OutPlt,
+ output_format = OutFormat,
+ filename_opt = FOpt,
+ indent_opt = IOpt,
+ error_location = EOpt} = Opts) ->
+ State = #incremental_state{output_format = OutFormat,
+ output_plt = OutPlt,
+ filename_opt = FOpt,
+ indent_opt = IOpt,
+ error_location = EOpt,
+ warning_modules = get_warning_modules_from_opts(Opts)},
+ case OutFile =:= none of
+ true ->
+ State;
+ false ->
+ case file:open(OutFile, [write]) of
+ {ok, File} ->
+ %% Warnings and errors can include Unicode characters.
+ ok = io:setopts(File, [{encoding, unicode}]),
+ State#incremental_state{output = File};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not open output file ~tp, Reason: ~p\n",
+ [OutFile, Reason]),
+ cl_error(State, lists:flatten(Msg))
+ end
+ end.
+-spec maybe_close_output_file(#incremental_state{}, boolean()) -> 'ok'.
+maybe_close_output_file(State, OutputPltInUse) ->
+ case State#incremental_state.output of
+ standard_io -> ok;
+ File when OutputPltInUse -> ok = file:close(File);
+ _File -> ok
+ end.
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Main Loop
+-define(LOG_CACHE_SIZE, 10).
+%%-spec cl_loop(#incremental_state{}) ->
+cl_loop(State) ->
+ cl_loop(State, []).
+cl_loop(State, LogCache) ->
+ BackendPid = State#incremental_state.backend_pid,
+ receive
+ {BackendPid, log, LogMsg} ->
+ cl_loop(State, lists:sublist([LogMsg|LogCache], ?LOG_CACHE_SIZE));
+ {BackendPid, warnings, Warnings} ->
+ NewState = store_warnings(State, Warnings),
+ cl_loop(NewState, LogCache);
+ {BackendPid, cserver, CodeServer, _Plt} -> % Plt is ignored
+ NewState = State#incremental_state{code_server = CodeServer},
+ cl_loop(NewState, LogCache);
+ {BackendPid, done, NewPlt, _NewDocPlt} ->
+ return_value(State, NewPlt);
+ {BackendPid, ext_calls, ExtCalls} ->
+ cl_loop(State#incremental_state{external_calls = ExtCalls}, LogCache);
+ {BackendPid, ext_types, ExtTypes} ->
+ cl_loop(State#incremental_state{external_types = ExtTypes}, LogCache);
+ {BackendPid, mod_deps, ModDeps} ->
+ NewState = State#incremental_state{mod_deps = ModDeps},
+ cl_loop(NewState, LogCache);
+ {'EXIT', BackendPid, {error, Reason}} ->
+ Msg = failed_anal_msg(Reason, LogCache),
+ cl_error(State, Msg);
+ {'EXIT', BackendPid, Reason} when Reason =/= 'normal' ->
+ Msg = failed_anal_msg(io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]), LogCache),
+ cl_error(State, Msg);
+ _Other ->
+ cl_loop(State, LogCache)
+ end.
+-spec failed_anal_msg(string(), [_]) -> nonempty_string().
+failed_anal_msg(Reason, LogCache) ->
+ Msg = "Analysis failed with error:\n" ++ lists:flatten(Reason) ++ "\n",
+ case LogCache =:= [] of
+ true -> Msg;
+ false ->
+ Msg ++ "Last messages in the log cache:\n " ++ format_log_cache(LogCache)
+ end.
+%% formats the log cache (treating it as a string) for pretty-printing
+format_log_cache(LogCache) ->
+ Str = lists:append(lists:reverse(LogCache)),
+ lists:join("\n ", string:lexemes(Str, "\n")).
+-spec store_warnings(#incremental_state{}, [raw_warning()]) -> #incremental_state{}.
+store_warnings(#incremental_state{stored_warnings = StoredWarnings} = St, Warnings) ->
+ St#incremental_state{stored_warnings = StoredWarnings ++ Warnings}.
+-spec cl_error(string()) -> no_return().
+cl_error(Msg) ->
+ throw({dialyzer_error, lists:flatten(Msg)}).
+-spec cl_error(#incremental_state{}, string()) -> no_return().
+cl_error(State, Msg) ->
+ case State#incremental_state.output of
+ standard_io -> ok;
+ Outfile -> io:format(Outfile, "\n~ts\n", [Msg])
+ end,
+ maybe_close_output_file(State, true),
+ throw({dialyzer_error, lists:flatten(Msg)}).
+ State =
+ #incremental_state{
+ code_server = CodeServer,
+ mod_deps = ModDeps,
+ output_plt = OutputPlt,
+ plt_info = PltInfo,
+ stored_warnings = NewPLTWarnings
+ },
+ Plt) ->
+ %% Just for now:
+ case CodeServer =:= none of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ dialyzer_codeserver:delete(CodeServer)
+ end,
+ OldPltWarnings = PltInfo#iplt_info.warning_map,
+ PLTUnknownWarnings = unknown_warnings_by_module(State),
+ PLTWarningMap = dialyzer_iplt:merge_warnings(NewPLTWarnings, PLTUnknownWarnings, OldPltWarnings),
+ PLTWarningList =
+ [Warn || Mod <- maps:keys(PLTWarningMap), Warn <- maps:get(Mod, PLTWarningMap, [])],
+ NewState = State#incremental_state{stored_warnings=PLTWarningList},
+ % Write warnings for all modules to the PLT, even if we're not reporting
+ % them now, so subsequent runs can read them from the PLT
+ dialyzer_iplt:to_file(OutputPlt, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo#iplt_info{warning_map=PLTWarningMap}),
+ handle_return_and_print(NewState, PLTWarningMap, true).
+handle_return_and_print(State, AllWarningsMap, OutputPltInUse) ->
+ WarningModules = State#incremental_state.warning_modules,
+ WarningsToReport =
+ case WarningModules =:= [] of
+ true ->
+ [Warn || Mod <- maps:keys(AllWarningsMap), Warn <- maps:get(Mod, AllWarningsMap, [])];
+ false ->
+ [Warn || Mod <- WarningModules, Warn <- maps:get(Mod, AllWarningsMap, [])]
+ end,
+ RetValue =
+ case WarningsToReport =:= [] of
+ end,
+ case State#incremental_state.erlang_mode of
+ false ->
+ #incremental_state{
+ output = Output,
+ output_format = Format,
+ filename_opt = FOpt,
+ indent_opt = IOpt,
+ error_location = EOpt} = State,
+ print_warnings(WarningsToReport, Output, Format, FOpt, IOpt, EOpt),
+ maybe_close_output_file(State, OutputPltInUse),
+ {RetValue, []};
+ true ->
+ {RetValue, set_warning_id(process_warnings(WarningsToReport),
+ State#incremental_state.error_location)}
+ end.
+return_existing_errors(Opts, PltWarnings) ->
+ State = init_output(Opts),
+ State1 = State#incremental_state{erlang_mode = Opts#options.erlang_mode},
+ State2 = State1#incremental_state{warning_modules = get_warning_modules_from_opts(Opts)},
+ ModulesAnalyzed = [], % No modules analyzed - we read straight from the cache
+ {handle_return_and_print(State2, PltWarnings, false), ModulesAnalyzed}.
+unknown_warnings_by_module(#incremental_state{legal_warnings = LegalWarnings, external_calls=Calls, external_types=Types}) ->
+ case ordsets:is_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, LegalWarnings) of
+ true ->
+ unknown_functions(Calls) ++ unknown_types(Types);
+ false -> []
+ end.
+unknown_functions(Calls) ->
+ [{Mod, {?WARN_UNKNOWN, WarningInfo, {unknown_function, MFA}}} || {MFA, WarningInfo = {_, _, {Mod, _, _}}} <- Calls].
+unknown_types(Types) ->
+ [{Mod, {?WARN_UNKNOWN, WarningInfo, {unknown_type, MFA}}} ||
+ {MFA, WarningInfo = {_, _, {Mod, _, _}}} <- Types].
+set_warning_id(Warnings, EOpt) ->
+ lists:map(fun({Tag, {File, Location, _MorMFA}, Msg}) ->
+ {Tag, {File, set_location(Location, EOpt)}, Msg}
+ end, Warnings).
+set_location({Line, _}, line) ->
+ Line;
+set_location(Location, _EOpt) ->
+ Location.
+print_warnings([], _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+print_warnings(Warnings, Output, Format, FOpt, IOpt, EOpt) ->
+ PrWarnings = process_warnings(Warnings),
+ case PrWarnings of
+ [] -> ok;
+ [_|_] ->
+ PrWarningsId = set_warning_id(PrWarnings, EOpt),
+ S = case Format of
+ formatted ->
+ Opts = [{filename_opt, FOpt},
+ {indent_opt, IOpt},
+ {error_location, EOpt}],
+ [dialyzer:format_warning(W, Opts) || W <- PrWarningsId];
+ raw ->
+ [io_lib:format("~tp. \n", [W]) ||
+ W <- set_warning_id(PrWarningsId, EOpt)]
+ end,
+ io:format(Output, "\n~ts", [S])
+ end.
+-spec process_warnings([raw_warning()]) -> [raw_warning()].
+process_warnings(Warnings) ->
+ Warnings1 = lists:keysort(3, Warnings), %% First sort on Warning
+ Warnings2 = lists:keysort(2, Warnings1), %% Sort on file/line (and m/mfa..)
+ remove_duplicate_warnings(Warnings2, []).
+remove_duplicate_warnings([Duplicate, Duplicate|Left], Acc) ->
+ remove_duplicate_warnings([Duplicate|Left], Acc);
+remove_duplicate_warnings([NotDuplicate|Left], Acc) ->
+ remove_duplicate_warnings(Left, [NotDuplicate|Acc]);
+remove_duplicate_warnings([], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+get_files_from_opts(Options) ->
+ Files1 = add_files(Options#options.files),
+ Files2 = add_files_rec(Options#options.files_rec),
+ ordsets:union(Files1, Files2).
+get_warning_modules_from_opts(Options) ->
+ Files1 = add_files(Options#options.warning_files),
+ Files2 = add_files_rec(Options#options.warning_files_rec),
+ [path_to_mod(File) || File <- ordsets:union(Files1, Files2)].
+add_files_rec(Files) ->
+ add_files(Files, true).
+add_files(Files) ->
+ add_files(Files, false).
+add_files(Files, Rec) ->
+ Files1 = [filename:absname(F) || F <- Files],
+ Files2 = ordsets:from_list(Files1),
+ Dirs = ordsets:filter(fun(X) -> filelib:is_dir(X) end, Files2),
+ Files3 = ordsets:subtract(Files2, Dirs),
+ Extension = ".beam",
+ Fun = add_file_fun(Extension),
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Dir, Acc) ->
+ filelib:fold_files(Dir, Extension, Rec, Fun, Acc)
+ end,
+ Files3,
+ Dirs
+ ).
+add_file_fun(Extension) ->
+ fun(File, AccFiles) ->
+ case filename:extension(File) =:= Extension of
+ true ->
+ AbsName = filename:absname(File),
+ ordsets:add_element(AbsName, AccFiles);
+ false -> AccFiles
+ end
+ end.
+-spec start_analysis(#incremental_state{}, #analysis{}) -> #incremental_state{}.
+start_analysis(State, Analysis) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ LegalWarnings = State#incremental_state.legal_warnings,
+ Fun = fun() ->
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:start(Self, LegalWarnings, Analysis)
+ end,
+ BackendPid = spawn_link(Fun),
+ State#incremental_state{backend_pid = BackendPid}.