path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_iplt.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_iplt.erl')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_iplt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_iplt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c48e9be48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_iplt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%%% File : dialyzer_iplt.erl
+%%% Description : Interface to display information in the incremental
+%%% persistent lookup tables stored in files.
+%%% Incremental PLTs index files by module name, rather
+%%% than absolute path, for portability, and track warnings
+%%% generated per module, in order to cache them for later
+%%% analyses.
+ included_modules/1,
+ from_file/1,
+ get_default_iplt_filename/0,
+ merge_warnings/3,
+ plt_and_info_from_file/1,
+ to_file/4,
+ is_iplt/1,
+ to_file_custom_vsn/6 % Used for testing certain kinds of backwards compatibility
+ ]).
+%% Debug utilities
+-export([pp_non_returning/0, pp_mod/1]).
+-export_type([module_md5/0, warning_map/0]).
+-type deep_string() :: string() | [deep_string()].
+-record(incremental_data, {mod_deps :: dialyzer_callgraph:mod_deps(),
+ warning_map = none :: warning_map(),
+ legal_warnings = none :: none | dial_warn_tags()}).
+-type warning_map() :: none | #{module() := [raw_warning()]}.
+-type module_md5() :: {module(), binary()}.
+-type module_file_path_lookup() :: #{module() => file:filename()}.
+ {version = "" :: string(),
+ module_md5_list = [] :: [module_md5()],
+ info = term_to_binary(#{}) :: binary(), %% encoded map()
+ contracts = term_to_binary(#{}) :: binary(), %% encoded map()
+ callbacks = term_to_binary(#{}) :: binary(), %% encoded map()
+ types = term_to_binary(#{}) :: binary(), %% encoded map()
+ exported_types = term_to_binary(#{}) :: binary(), %% encoded sets:set()
+ incremental_data = term_to_binary(#incremental_data{}) :: #incremental_data{} | binary(), %% encoded #incremental_data{}
+ implementation_md5 = [] :: [module_md5()]}).
+-spec get_default_iplt_filename() -> file:filename().
+get_default_iplt_filename() ->
+ case os:getenv("DIALYZER_IPLT") of
+ false ->
+ CacheDir = filename:basedir(user_cache, "erlang"),
+ filename:join(CacheDir, ".dialyzer_iplt");
+ UserSpecPlt -> UserSpecPlt
+ end.
+-spec plt_and_info_from_file(file:filename()) -> {dialyzer_plt:plt(), #iplt_info{}}.
+plt_and_info_from_file(FileName) ->
+ from_file(FileName, true).
+-spec from_file(file:filename()) -> dialyzer_plt:plt().
+from_file(FileName) ->
+ from_file(FileName, false).
+from_file(FileName, ReturnInfo) ->
+ Plt = dialyzer_plt:new(),
+ Fun = fun() -> from_file1(Plt, FileName, ReturnInfo) end,
+ case subproc(Fun) of
+ {ok, Return} ->
+ Return;
+ {error, Msg} ->
+ dialyzer_plt:delete(Plt),
+ plt_error(Msg)
+ end.
+from_file1(Plt, FileName, ReturnInfo) ->
+ case get_record_from_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, Rec} ->
+ case check_version(Rec) of
+ error ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Old IPLT file ~ts\n", [FileName]),
+ {error, Msg};
+ ok ->
+ #ifile_plt{info = CompressedInfo,
+ contracts = CompressedContracts,
+ callbacks = CompressedCallbacks,
+ types = CompressedTypes,
+ exported_types = CompressedExpTypes} = Rec,
+ FileInfo = binary_to_term(CompressedInfo),
+ FileContracts = binary_to_term(CompressedContracts),
+ FileCallbacks = binary_to_term(CompressedCallbacks),
+ FileTypes = binary_to_term(CompressedTypes),
+ FileExpTypes = binary_to_term(CompressedExpTypes),
+ CallbacksList = maps:to_list(FileCallbacks),
+ CallbacksByModule =
+ [{M, [Cb || {{M1,_,_},_} = Cb <- CallbacksList, M1 =:= M]} ||
+ M <- lists:usort([M || {{M,_,_},_} <- CallbacksList])],
+ #plt{info = ETSInfo,
+ types = ETSTypes,
+ contracts = ETSContracts,
+ callbacks = ETSCallbacks,
+ exported_types = ETSExpTypes} = Plt,
+ [true, true, true] =
+ [ets:insert(ETS, Data) ||
+ {ETS, Data} <- [{ETSInfo, maps:to_list(FileInfo)},
+ {ETSTypes, FileTypes},
+ {ETSContracts, maps:to_list(FileContracts)}]],
+ true = ets:insert(ETSCallbacks, CallbacksByModule),
+ true = ets:insert(ETSExpTypes, [{ET} ||
+ ET <- sets:to_list(FileExpTypes)]),
+ case ReturnInfo of
+ false -> {ok, Plt};
+ true ->
+ IncrementalData = get_incremental_data(Rec),
+ PltInfo =
+ #iplt_info{files = Rec#ifile_plt.module_md5_list,
+ mod_deps = IncrementalData#incremental_data.mod_deps,
+ warning_map = IncrementalData#incremental_data.warning_map,
+ legal_warnings = IncrementalData#incremental_data.legal_warnings},
+ {ok, {Plt, PltInfo}}
+ end
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not read IPLT file ~ts: ~p\n",
+ [FileName, Reason]),
+ {error, Msg}
+ end.
+-spec get_incremental_data(#ifile_plt{}) -> #incremental_data{}.
+get_incremental_data(#ifile_plt{incremental_data = Data}) ->
+ case Data of
+ CompressedData when is_binary(CompressedData) ->
+ binary_to_term(CompressedData);
+ UncompressedData = #incremental_data{} -> % To support older PLTs that didn't have this field compressed
+ UncompressedData
+ end.
+-type err_rsn() :: 'not_valid' | 'no_such_file' | 'read_error'.
+-spec included_modules(file:filename()) -> {'ok', [module()]}
+ | {'error', err_rsn()}.
+included_modules(FileName) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> included_modules1(FileName) end,
+ subproc(Fun).
+included_modules1(FileName) ->
+ case get_record_from_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, #ifile_plt{module_md5_list = Md5}} ->
+ {ok, [ModuleName || {ModuleName, _} <- Md5]};
+ {error, _What} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+check_version(#ifile_plt{version = ?VSN, implementation_md5 = ImplMd5}) ->
+ case compute_new_md5(ImplMd5, [], [], implementation_module_paths()) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {differ, _, _} -> error;
+ {error, _} -> error
+ end;
+check_version(#ifile_plt{}) -> error.
+get_record_from_file(FileName) ->
+ case file:read_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ try binary_to_term(Bin) of
+ #ifile_plt{} = FilePLT -> {ok, FilePLT};
+ _ -> {error, not_valid}
+ catch
+ _:_ -> {error, not_valid}
+ end;
+ {error, enoent} ->
+ {error, no_such_file};
+ {error, _} ->
+ {error, read_error}
+ end.
+-spec is_iplt(file:filename()) -> boolean().
+is_iplt(FileName) ->
+ case get_record_from_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, _} -> true;
+ {error, _} -> false
+ end.
+-spec to_file(file:filename(), dialyzer_plt:plt(), dialyzer_callgraph:mod_deps(), #iplt_info{}) -> 'ok'.
+%% Write the PLT to file, and deletes the PLT.
+to_file(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PLTInfo) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> to_file1(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PLTInfo) end,
+ Return = subproc(Fun),
+ dialyzer_plt:delete(Plt),
+ case Return of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Msg} -> plt_error(Msg)
+ end.
+to_file1(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo) ->
+ to_file_custom_vsn(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo, none, none).
+-spec to_file_custom_vsn(
+ file:filename(),
+ dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ dialyzer_callgraph:mod_deps(),
+ #iplt_info{},
+ none | string(),
+ none | [module_md5()]) -> 'ok'.
+to_file_custom_vsn(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo, none, ImplMd5) ->
+ to_file_custom_vsn(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo, ?VSN, ImplMd5);
+to_file_custom_vsn(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo, Vsn, none) ->
+ to_file_custom_vsn(FileName, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo, Vsn, compute_implementation_md5());
+ FileName,
+ #plt{info = ETSInfo, types = ETSTypes, contracts = ETSContracts,
+ callbacks = ETSCallbacks, exported_types = ETSExpTypes},
+ NewModDeps,
+ #iplt_info{files = MD5, mod_deps = OldModDeps, warning_map=NewWarningMap, legal_warnings=LegalWarnings},
+ Vsn,
+ ImplMd5) ->
+ CombinedModDeps = dict:merge(fun(_Key, OldVal, NewVal) ->
+ ordsets:union(OldVal, NewVal)
+ end,
+ OldModDeps, NewModDeps),
+ IncrementalData =
+ #incremental_data{mod_deps=CombinedModDeps, warning_map=NewWarningMap, legal_warnings=LegalWarnings},
+ Callbacks =
+ #{K => V ||
+ {_M, Cbs} <- dialyzer_utils:ets_tab2list(ETSCallbacks),
+ {K, V} <- Cbs},
+ Info = maps:from_list(dialyzer_utils:ets_tab2list(ETSInfo)),
+ Types = dialyzer_utils:ets_tab2list(ETSTypes),
+ Contracts = maps:from_list(dialyzer_utils:ets_tab2list(ETSContracts)),
+ ExpTypes = sets:from_list([E || {E} <- dialyzer_utils:ets_tab2list(ETSExpTypes)], [{version, 2}]),
+ Record = #ifile_plt{version = Vsn,
+ module_md5_list = MD5,
+ info = term_to_binary(Info, [{compressed,9}]),
+ contracts = term_to_binary(Contracts, [{compressed,9}]),
+ callbacks = term_to_binary(Callbacks, [{compressed,9}]),
+ types = term_to_binary(Types, [{compressed,9}]),
+ exported_types = term_to_binary(ExpTypes, [{compressed,9}]),
+ incremental_data = term_to_binary(IncrementalData, [{compressed,9}]),
+ implementation_md5 = ImplMd5},
+ Bin = term_to_binary(Record),
+ case file:write_file(FileName, Bin) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not write IPLT file ~ts: ~w\n",
+ [FileName, Reason]),
+ {error, Msg}
+ end.
+-spec merge_warnings(none | [raw_warning], [{module(), raw_warning()}], none | warning_map()) -> none | warning_map().
+merge_warnings(none, _, OldWarningMap) -> OldWarningMap;
+merge_warnings(NewWarnings, UnknownWarnings, none) ->
+ convert_to_warning_map(NewWarnings, UnknownWarnings);
+merge_warnings(NewWarnings, UnknownWarnings, OldWarningMap) ->
+ maps:merge(convert_to_warning_map(NewWarnings, UnknownWarnings), OldWarningMap).
+convert_to_warning_map(WarningList, UnknownWarnings) ->
+ Temp = lists:foldl(
+ fun({_, {_, _, MorMFA}, _} = Warn, Acc) ->
+ Update = fun(Old) -> [Warn|Old] end,
+ maps:update_with(get_module(MorMFA), Update, [Warn], Acc)
+ end,
+ #{},
+ WarningList),
+ lists:foldl(fun({M, Warn}, Acc) ->
+ Update = fun(Old) -> [Warn|Old] end,
+ maps:update_with(M, Update, [Warn], Acc)
+ end,
+ Temp,
+ UnknownWarnings).
+get_module({M,_F,_A}) -> M;
+get_module(M) -> M.
+-type md5_diff() :: [{'differ', atom()} | {'removed', atom()}].
+-type check_error() :: err_rsn() | {'no_file_to_remove', file:filename()}.
+-spec check_incremental_plt(file:filename(), #options{}, [file:filename()]) ->
+ {'ok', #iplt_info{}, module_file_path_lookup()} |
+ {'old_version', [module_md5()], module_file_path_lookup()} |
+ {'new_file', [module_md5()], module_file_path_lookup()} |
+ {'differ', [module_md5()], md5_diff(), dialyzer_callgraph:mod_deps(), warning_map(), module_file_path_lookup()} |
+ {'legal_warnings_changed', [module_md5()], module_file_path_lookup()} |
+ {'error', check_error()}.
+check_incremental_plt(FileName, Opts, PltFiles) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> check_incremental_plt1(FileName, Opts, PltFiles) end,
+ subproc(Fun).
+check_incremental_plt1(FileName, Opts, PltFiles) ->
+ PltModulePathLookup = #{beam_file_to_module(PltFile) => PltFile || PltFile <- PltFiles},
+ case get_record_from_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, #ifile_plt{module_md5_list = Md5} = Rec} ->
+ {RemoveModules, AddModules} = find_files_to_remove_and_add(Md5, maps:keys(PltModulePathLookup)),
+ IncrementalData = get_incremental_data(Rec),
+ PltLegalWarnings = IncrementalData#incremental_data.legal_warnings,
+ LegalWarnings = Opts#options.legal_warnings,
+ LegalWarningsMatch = PltLegalWarnings /= none andalso lists:usort(PltLegalWarnings) =:= lists:usort(LegalWarnings),
+ case check_version_and_compute_md5(Rec, RemoveModules, AddModules, PltModulePathLookup) of
+ ok when not LegalWarningsMatch ->
+ {legal_warnings_changed, Md5, PltModulePathLookup};
+ {differ, NewMd5, _, _, _} when not LegalWarningsMatch ->
+ {legal_warnings_changed, NewMd5, PltModulePathLookup};
+ ok ->
+ {ok, #iplt_info{files = Md5,
+ mod_deps = IncrementalData#incremental_data.mod_deps,
+ warning_map = IncrementalData#incremental_data.warning_map,
+ legal_warnings = IncrementalData#incremental_data.legal_warnings},
+ PltModulePathLookup};
+ {old_version, Md5} ->
+ {old_version, Md5};
+ {differ, NewMd5, DiffMd5, ModDeps, _} ->
+ {differ, NewMd5, DiffMd5, ModDeps, IncrementalData#incremental_data.warning_map, PltModulePathLookup};
+ {old_version, NewMd5} ->
+ {old_version, NewMd5, PltModulePathLookup};
+ {error, Error} ->
+ {error, Error}
+ end;
+ {error, no_such_file} ->
+ {new_file, compute_md5_from_files(PltModulePathLookup), PltModulePathLookup};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+find_files_to_remove_and_add(Md5, PltModules) ->
+ OldPltFiles = gb_sets:from_list([Name || {Name,_Md5Bin} <- Md5]),
+ NewPltFiles = gb_sets:from_list(PltModules),
+ {gb_sets:to_list(gb_sets:subtract(OldPltFiles, NewPltFiles)),
+ gb_sets:to_list(gb_sets:subtract(NewPltFiles, OldPltFiles))}.
+check_version_and_compute_md5(Rec, RemoveFiles, AddFiles, ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ Md5 = Rec#ifile_plt.module_md5_list,
+ case check_version(Rec) of
+ ok ->
+ case compute_new_md5(Md5, RemoveFiles, AddFiles, ModuleToPathLookup) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {differ, NewMd5, DiffMd5} ->
+ IncrementalData = get_incremental_data(Rec),
+ {differ,
+ NewMd5,
+ DiffMd5,
+ IncrementalData#incremental_data.mod_deps,
+ IncrementalData#incremental_data.warning_map};
+ {error, _What} = Err -> Err
+ end;
+ error ->
+ case compute_new_md5(Md5, RemoveFiles, AddFiles, ModuleToPathLookup) of
+ ok -> {old_version, Md5};
+ {differ, NewMd5, _DiffMd5} -> {old_version, NewMd5};
+ {error, _What} = Err -> Err
+ end
+ end.
+compute_new_md5(Md5, [], [], ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ compute_new_md5_1(Md5, [], ModuleToPathLookup);
+compute_new_md5(Md5, RemoveFiles0, AddFiles0, ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ %% Assume that files are first removed and then added. Files that
+ %% are both removed and added will be checked for consistency in the
+ %% normal way.
+ RemoveFiles = RemoveFiles0 -- AddFiles0,
+ AddFiles = AddFiles0 -- RemoveFiles0,
+ InitDiffList = init_diff_list(RemoveFiles, AddFiles),
+ case init_md5_list(Md5, RemoveFiles, AddFiles) of
+ {ok, NewMd5} -> compute_new_md5_1(NewMd5, InitDiffList, ModuleToPathLookup);
+ {error, _What} = Error -> Error
+ end.
+compute_new_md5_1(Entries, InitDiffs, ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ Modules = [Module || {Module, _Md5} <- Entries],
+ ExistingHashes = [Md5 || {_Module, Md5} <- Entries],
+ Files = [maps:get(Module, ModuleToPathLookup) || Module <- Modules],
+ NewHashes = dialyzer_utils:p_map(fun compute_md5_from_file/1, Files),
+ Diffs =
+ lists:zipwith3(
+ fun (Module, BeforeHash, AfterHash) ->
+ case BeforeHash of
+ AfterHash ->
+ none;
+ _ ->
+ {differ, Module}
+ end
+ end,
+ Modules,
+ ExistingHashes,
+ NewHashes),
+ Diffs1 = InitDiffs ++ lists:filter(fun ({differ,_}) -> true; (none) -> false end, Diffs),
+ case Diffs1 of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ModuleHashes = lists:zip(Modules, NewHashes),
+ {differ, lists:keysort(1, ModuleHashes), Diffs1}
+ end.
+-spec implementation_module_paths() -> module_file_path_lookup().
+implementation_module_paths() ->
+ Dir = code:lib_dir(dialyzer),
+ Files1 = ["erl_bif_types.beam", "erl_types.beam"],
+ Files2 = [filename:join([Dir, "ebin", F]) || F <- Files1],
+ #{beam_file_to_module(File) => File || File <- Files2}.
+-spec compute_implementation_md5() -> [module_md5()].
+compute_implementation_md5() ->
+ Modules = implementation_module_paths(),
+ compute_md5_from_files(Modules).
+-spec compute_md5_from_files(module_file_path_lookup()) -> [module_md5()].
+compute_md5_from_files(ModuleToPathLookup) ->
+ {Modules,Files} = lists:unzip(maps:to_list(ModuleToPathLookup)),
+ Hashes = dialyzer_utils:p_map(fun compute_md5_from_file/1, Files),
+ lists:keysort(1, lists:zip(Modules, Hashes)).
+compute_md5_from_file(File) ->
+ case beam_lib:chunks(File, [debug_info]) of
+ {ok, {ModuleName, [{debug_info, {debug_info_v1, Backend, Data}}]}} ->
+ %% We cannot use beam_lib:md5 because it includes
+ %% non-portable or otherwise irrelvant data that would
+ %% cause the PLT to be invalidated needlessly too often
+ case Backend:debug_info(erlang_v1, ModuleName, Data, []) of
+ {ok, Code} ->
+ StabilisedCode = lists:filtermap(fun (Form) -> make_stable(ModuleName, Form) end, Code),
+ StabilisedCodeBin = erlang:term_to_binary(StabilisedCode),
+ erlang:md5(StabilisedCodeBin);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not compute MD5 for .beam (debug_info error) - did you forget to set the debug_info compilation option? ~ts ~tw\n", [File, Reason]),
+ throw({dialyzer_error, Msg})
+ end;
+ {ok, {_, [{debug_info, no_debug_info}]}} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not compute MD5 for .beam (debug_info missing): ~ts\n", [File]),
+ throw({dialyzer_error, Msg});
+ {error, beam_lib, {file_error, _, enoent}} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("File not found: ~ts\n", [File]),
+ plt_error(Msg);
+ {error, beam_lib, _} ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Could not compute MD5 for .beam: ~ts\n", [File]),
+ plt_error(Msg)
+ end.
+%% Absolute paths in -file attributes make beam file hashes brittle, since the
+%% same beam built elsewhere will contain a different absolute path, despite
+%% being semantically identical.
+%% Here, we replace the full path with just the basename. This is very similar
+%% to the effect of the +deterministic option, by by doing this rewriting here,
+%% we gain some of those determinism benefits even when the build is not run
+%% with +deterministic.
+make_stable(_, {attribute, Anno, file, {SrcFilePath, Line}}) ->
+ {true, {attribute, Anno, file, {filename:basename(SrcFilePath), Line}}};
+make_stable(_, Attr) ->
+ {true, Attr}.
+init_diff_list(RemoveFiles, AddFiles) ->
+ RemoveSet0 = sets:from_list([beam_file_to_module(F) || F <- RemoveFiles]),
+ AddSet0 = sets:from_list([beam_file_to_module(F) || F <- AddFiles]),
+ DiffSet = sets:intersection(AddSet0, RemoveSet0),
+ RemoveSet = sets:subtract(RemoveSet0, DiffSet),
+ %% Added files and diff files will appear as diff files from the md5 check.
+ [{removed, F} || F <- sets:to_list(RemoveSet)].
+init_md5_list(Md5, RemoveFiles, AddFiles) ->
+ Mods = [{remove, beam_file_to_module(F)} || F <- RemoveFiles] ++ [{add, beam_file_to_module(F)} || F <- AddFiles],
+ DiffMods = lists:keysort(2, Mods),
+ Md5Sorted = lists:keysort(1, Md5),
+ init_md5_list_1(Md5Sorted, DiffMods, []).
+init_md5_list_1([{Mod, _Md5}|Md5Left], [{remove, Mod}|DiffLeft], Acc) ->
+ init_md5_list_1(Md5Left, DiffLeft, Acc);
+init_md5_list_1([{Mod, _Md5} = Entry|Md5Left], [{add, Mod}|DiffLeft], Acc) ->
+ init_md5_list_1(Md5Left, DiffLeft, [Entry|Acc]);
+init_md5_list_1([{Mod1, _Md5} = Entry|Md5Left] = Md5List,
+ [{Tag, Mod2}|DiffLeft] = DiffList, Acc) ->
+ case Mod1 < Mod2 of
+ true -> init_md5_list_1(Md5Left, DiffList, [Entry|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ %% Just an assert.
+ true = Mod1 > Mod2,
+ case Tag of
+ add -> init_md5_list_1(Md5List, DiffLeft, [{Mod2, <<>>}|Acc]);
+ remove -> {error, {no_file_to_remove, Mod2}}
+ end
+ end;
+init_md5_list_1([], DiffList, Acc) ->
+ AddMods = [{M, <<>>} || {add, M} <- DiffList],
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Acc, AddMods)};
+init_md5_list_1(Md5List, [], Acc) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Acc, Md5List)}.
+subproc(Fun) ->
+ F = fun() ->
+ exit(try Fun()
+ catch throw:T ->
+ {thrown, T}
+ end)
+ end,
+ {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(F),
+ receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Return} ->
+ case Return of
+ {thrown, T} -> throw(T);
+ _ -> Return
+ end
+ end.
+beam_file_to_module(Filename) ->
+ list_to_atom(filename:basename(Filename, ".beam")).
+-spec plt_error(deep_string()) -> no_return().
+plt_error(Msg) ->
+ throw({dialyzer_error, lists:flatten(Msg)}).
+%% Debug utilities.
+-spec pp_non_returning() -> 'ok'.
+pp_non_returning() ->
+ PltFile = get_default_iplt_filename(),
+ Plt = from_file(PltFile),
+ List = ets:tab2list(,
+ Unit = [{MFA, erl_types:t_fun(Args, Ret)} || {MFA, {Ret, Args}} <- List,
+ erl_types:t_is_unit(Ret)],
+ None = [{MFA, erl_types:t_fun(Args, Ret)} || {MFA, {Ret, Args}} <- List,
+ erl_types:t_is_none(Ret)],
+ io:format("=========================================\n"),
+ io:format("= Loops =\n"),
+ io:format("=========================================\n\n"),
+ lists:foreach(fun({{M, F, _}, Type}) ->
+ io:format("~w:~tw~ts.\n",
+ [M, F, dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Type)])
+ end, lists:sort(Unit)),
+ io:format("\n"),
+ io:format("=========================================\n"),
+ io:format("= Errors =\n"),
+ io:format("=========================================\n\n"),
+ lists:foreach(fun({{M, F, _}, Type}) ->
+ io:format("~w:~w~s.\n",
+ [M, F, dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Type)])
+ end, lists:sort(None)),
+ dialyzer_plt:delete(Plt).
+-spec pp_mod(atom()) -> 'ok'.
+pp_mod(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ PltFile = get_default_iplt_filename(),
+ Plt = from_file(PltFile),
+ case dialyzer_plt:lookup_module(Plt, Mod) of
+ {value, List} ->
+ lists:foreach(fun({{_, F, _}, Ret, Args}) ->
+ T = erl_types:t_fun(Args, Ret),
+ S = dialyzer_utils:format_sig(T),
+ io:format("-spec ~tw~ts.\n", [F, S])
+ end, lists:sort(List));
+ none ->
+ io:format("dialyzer: Found no module named '~s' in the IPLT\n", [Mod])
+ end,
+ dialyzer_plt:delete(Plt).