path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data')
8 files changed, 31 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/callbacks_and_specs b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/callbacks_and_specs
index d1bfc7295c..77ebf486c9 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/callbacks_and_specs
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/callbacks_and_specs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-my_callbacks_wrong.erl:26:2: The return type #state{parent::pid(),status::'closed' | 'init' | 'open',subscribe::[{pid(),integer()}],counter::integer()} in the specification of callback_init/1 is not a subtype of {'ok',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
+my_callbacks_wrong.erl:26:2: The return type #state{parent::pid(),status::'closed' | 'init' | 'open',subscribe::[{pid(),integer()}],counter::integer()} in the specification of callback_init/1 has nothing in common with {'ok',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
my_callbacks_wrong.erl:28:1: The inferred return type of callback_init/1 (#state{parent::pid(),status::'init',subscribe::[],counter::1}) has nothing in common with {'ok',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
-my_callbacks_wrong.erl:30:2: The return type {'reply',#state{parent::pid(),status::'closed' | 'init' | 'open',subscribe::[{pid(),integer()}],counter::integer()}} in the specification of callback_cast/3 is not a subtype of {'noreply',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
-my_callbacks_wrong.erl:39:2: The specified type for the 2nd argument of callback_call/3 (atom()) is not a supertype of pid(), which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
+my_callbacks_wrong.erl:30:2: The return type {'reply',#state{parent::pid(),status::'closed' | 'init' | 'open',subscribe::[{pid(),integer()}],counter::integer()}} in the specification of callback_cast/3 has nothing in common with {'noreply',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
+my_callbacks_wrong.erl:33:1: The inferred return type of callback_cast/3 ({'reply',_}) has nothing in common with {'noreply',_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
+my_callbacks_wrong.erl:39:2: The specified type for the 2nd argument of callback_call/3 (atom()) has nothing in common with pid(), which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the my_behaviour behaviour
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/gen_server_incorrect_args b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/gen_server_incorrect_args
index a1412f29e6..6a9aacc77e 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/gen_server_incorrect_args
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/gen_server_incorrect_args
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
gen_server_incorrect_args.erl:3:2: Undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour gen_server)
gen_server_incorrect_args.erl:3:2: Undefined callback function init/1 (behaviour gen_server)
gen_server_incorrect_args.erl:7:1: The inferred return type of handle_call/3 ({'no'} | {'ok'}) has nothing in common with {'noreply',_} | {'noreply',_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer() | {'continue',_}} | {'reply',_,_} | {'stop',_,_} | {'reply',_,_,'hibernate' | 'infinity' | non_neg_integer() | {'continue',_}} | {'stop',_,_,_}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the gen_server behaviour
-gen_server_incorrect_args.erl:7:1: The inferred type for the 2nd argument of handle_call/3 ('boo' | 'foo') is not a supertype of {pid(),gen_server:reply_tag()}, which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the gen_server behaviour
+gen_server_incorrect_args.erl:7:1: The inferred type for the 2nd argument of handle_call/3 ('boo' | 'foo') has nothing in common with {pid(),gen_server:reply_tag()}, which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the gen_server behaviour
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/otp_6221 b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/otp_6221
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/otp_6221
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour
index ab69a698c5..347500277b 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ sample_callback_wrong.erl:16:1: The inferred return type of sample_callback_2/0
sample_callback_wrong.erl:17:1: The inferred return type of sample_callback_3/0 ('fair') has nothing in common with 'fail' | {'ok',1..255}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
sample_callback_wrong.erl:18:1: The inferred return type of sample_callback_4/1 ('fail') has nothing in common with 'ok', which is the expected return type for the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
sample_callback_wrong.erl:20:1: The inferred return type of sample_callback_5/1 (string()) has nothing in common with 'fail' | 'ok', which is the expected return type for the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
-sample_callback_wrong.erl:20:1: The inferred type for the 1st argument of sample_callback_5/1 (atom()) is not a supertype of 1..255, which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
+sample_callback_wrong.erl:20:1: The inferred type for the 1st argument of sample_callback_5/1 (atom()) has nothing in common with 1..255, which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
sample_callback_wrong.erl:22:1: The inferred return type of sample_callback_6/3 ({'okk',number()}) has nothing in common with 'fail' | {'ok',1..255}, which is the expected return type for the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
-sample_callback_wrong.erl:22:1: The inferred type for the 3rd argument of sample_callback_6/3 (atom()) is not a supertype of string(), which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
+sample_callback_wrong.erl:22:1: The inferred type for the 3rd argument of sample_callback_6/3 (atom()) has nothing in common with string(), which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the sample_behaviour behaviour
sample_callback_wrong.erl:4:2: Undefined callback function sample_callback_1/0 (behaviour sample_behaviour)
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour_old b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour_old
index 6d8145a8ca..5f2b8d2ad4 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour_old
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/results/sample_behaviour_old
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-incorrect_args_callback.erl:12:1: The inferred type for the 2nd argument of bar/2 ('yes') is not a supertype of [any()], which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the correct_behaviour behaviour
+incorrect_args_callback.erl:12:1: The inferred type for the 2nd argument of bar/2 ('yes') has nothing in common with [any()], which is expected type for this argument in the callback of the correct_behaviour behaviour
incorrect_return_callback.erl:9:1: The inferred return type of foo/0 ('error') has nothing in common with 'no' | 'yes', which is the expected return type for the callback of the correct_behaviour behaviour
missing_callback.erl:5:2: Undefined callback function foo/0 (behaviour correct_behaviour)
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_wrong.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_wrong.erl
index 0459622dc1..0f485096ff 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_wrong.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/callbacks_and_specs/my_callbacks_wrong.erl
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
callback_init(Parent) -> #state{parent = Parent}. %% Wrong return
-spec callback_cast(state(), pid() | atom(), cast_message()) ->
- {'noreply' | 'reply', state()}. %% More generic spec
+ {'reply', state()}. %% Non-overlapping spec
callback_cast(#state{parent = Pid} = State, Pid, Message)
when Message =:= 'open'; Message =:= 'close' ->
- {noreply, State#state{status = Message}};
+ {reply, State#state{status = Message}};
callback_cast(State, _Pid, _Message) ->
- {noreply, State}.
+ {reply, State}.
-spec callback_call(state(), atom(), call_message()) -> %% Wrong arg spec
{'reply', state(), call_reply()}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/otp_6221/my_behaviour.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/otp_6221/my_behaviour.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..347ea403c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/otp_6221/my_behaviour.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+-callback foo() -> #{ {{{f,f}, f}, f} => x }.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/otp_6221/my_callbacks_correct.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/otp_6221/my_callbacks_correct.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a08017c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/behaviour_SUITE_data/src/otp_6221/my_callbacks_correct.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+-type pair(A,B) :: {A,B}.
+-type nested() :: pair(pair(pair(f,f),f),f).
+%% This is correctly implemented, but a combination of Dialyzer
+%% "simplification" logic and subtyping rules for behaviours means
+%% this implementation has historically been erroneously rejected
+-spec foo() -> #{ nested() => x }.
+foo() ->
+ Ret = #{ {{{f,f}, f}, f} => x },
+ Ret.