path: root/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_cookie.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_cookie.erl')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_cookie.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_cookie.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..586701b4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_cookie.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Description: Cookie handling according to RFC 2109
+-export([open_db/3, close_db/1, insert/2, header/4, cookies/3]).
+-export([reset_db/1, which_cookies/1]).
+-record(cookie_db, {db, session_db}).
+%%% API
+%% Func: open_db(DbName, DbDir, SessionDbName) -> #cookie_db{}
+%% Purpose: Create the cookie db
+open_db(_, only_session_cookies, SessionDbName) ->
+ ?hcrt("open (session cookies only) db",
+ [{session_db_name, SessionDbName}]),
+ SessionDb = ets:new(SessionDbName,
+ [protected, bag, {keypos, #http_cookie.domain}]),
+ #cookie_db{session_db = SessionDb};
+open_db(Name, Dir, SessionDbName) ->
+ ?hcrt("open db",
+ [{name, Name}, {dir, Dir}, {session_db_name, SessionDbName}]),
+ File = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(Name)),
+ case dets:open_file(Name, [{keypos, #http_cookie.domain},
+ {type, bag},
+ {file, File},
+ {ram_file, true}]) of
+ {ok, Db} ->
+ SessionDb = ets:new(SessionDbName,
+ [protected, bag,
+ {keypos, #http_cookie.domain}]),
+ #cookie_db{db = Db, session_db = SessionDb};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ throw({error, {failed_open_file, Name, File, Reason}})
+ end.
+%% Func: reset_db(CookieDb) -> void()
+%% Purpose: Reset (empty) the cookie database
+reset_db(#cookie_db{db = undefined, session_db = SessionDb}) ->
+ ets:delete_all_objects(SessionDb),
+ ok;
+reset_db(#cookie_db{db = Db, session_db = SessionDb}) ->
+ dets:delete_all_objects(Db),
+ ets:delete_all_objects(SessionDb),
+ ok.
+%% Func: close_db(CookieDb) -> ok
+%% Purpose: Close the cookie db
+close_db(#cookie_db{db = Db, session_db = SessionDb}) ->
+ ?hcrt("close db", []),
+ maybe_dets_close(Db),
+ ets:delete(SessionDb),
+ ok.
+maybe_dets_close(undefined) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_dets_close(Db) ->
+ dets:close(Db).
+%% Func: insert(CookieDb) -> ok
+%% Purpose: Close the cookie db
+%% If no persistent cookie database is defined we
+%% treat all cookies as if they where session cookies.
+insert(#cookie_db{db = undefined} = CookieDb,
+ #http_cookie{max_age = Int} = Cookie) when is_integer(Int) ->
+ insert(CookieDb, Cookie#http_cookie{max_age = session});
+insert(#cookie_db{session_db = SessionDb} = CookieDb,
+ #http_cookie{domain = Key,
+ name = Name,
+ path = Path,
+ max_age = session} = Cookie) ->
+ ?hcrt("insert session cookie", [{cookie, Cookie}]),
+ Pattern = #http_cookie{domain = Key, name = Name, path = Path, _ = '_'},
+ case ets:match_object(SessionDb, Pattern) of
+ [] ->
+ ets:insert(SessionDb, Cookie);
+ [NewCookie] ->
+ delete(CookieDb, NewCookie),
+ ets:insert(SessionDb, Cookie)
+ end,
+ ok;
+insert(#cookie_db{db = Db} = CookieDb,
+ #http_cookie{domain = Key,
+ name = Name,
+ path = Path,
+ max_age = 0}) ->
+ ?hcrt("insert", [{domain, Key}, {name, Name}, {path, Path}]),
+ Pattern = #http_cookie{domain = Key, name = Name, path = Path, _ = '_'},
+ case dets:match_object(Db, Pattern) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [NewCookie] ->
+ delete(CookieDb, NewCookie)
+ end,
+ ok;
+insert(#cookie_db{db = Db} = CookieDb,
+ #http_cookie{domain = Key, name = Name, path = Path} = Cookie) ->
+ ?hcrt("insert", [{cookie, Cookie}]),
+ Pattern = #http_cookie{domain = Key,
+ name = Name,
+ path = Path,
+ _ = '_'},
+ case dets:match_object(Db, Pattern) of
+ [] ->
+ dets:insert(Db, Cookie);
+ [OldCookie] ->
+ delete(CookieDb, OldCookie),
+ dets:insert(Db, Cookie)
+ end,
+ ok.
+%% Func: header(CookieDb) -> ok
+%% Purpose: Cookies
+header(CookieDb, Scheme, {Host, _}, Path) ->
+ ?hcrd("header", [{scheme, Scheme}, {host, Host}, {path, Path}]),
+ case lookup_cookies(CookieDb, Host, Path) of
+ [] ->
+ {"cookie", ""};
+ Cookies ->
+ {"cookie", cookies_to_string(Scheme, Cookies)}
+ end.
+%% Func: cookies(Headers, RequestPath, RequestHost) -> [cookie()]
+%% Purpose: Which cookies are stored
+cookies(Headers, RequestPath, RequestHost) ->
+ ?hcrt("cookies", [{headers, Headers},
+ {request_path, RequestPath},
+ {request_host, RequestHost}]),
+ Cookies = parse_set_cookies(Headers, {RequestPath, RequestHost}),
+ accept_cookies(Cookies, RequestPath, RequestHost).
+%% Func: which_cookies(CookieDb) -> [cookie()]
+%% Purpose: For test and debug purpose,
+%% dump the entire cookie database
+which_cookies(#cookie_db{db = undefined, session_db = SessionDb}) ->
+ SessionCookies = ets:tab2list(SessionDb),
+ [{session_cookies, SessionCookies}];
+which_cookies(#cookie_db{db = Db, session_db = SessionDb}) ->
+ Cookies = dets:match_object(Db, '_'),
+ SessionCookies = ets:tab2list(SessionDb),
+ [{cookies, Cookies}, {session_cookies, SessionCookies}].
+%%% Internal functions
+delete(#cookie_db{session_db = SessionDb},
+ #http_cookie{max_age = session} = Cookie) ->
+ ets:delete_object(SessionDb, Cookie);
+delete(#cookie_db{db = Db}, Cookie) ->
+ dets:delete_object(Db, Cookie).
+lookup_cookies(#cookie_db{db = undefined, session_db = SessionDb}, Key) ->
+ Pattern = #http_cookie{domain = Key, _ = '_'},
+ Cookies = ets:match_object(SessionDb, Pattern),
+ ?hcrt("lookup cookies", [{cookies, Cookies}]),
+ Cookies;
+lookup_cookies(#cookie_db{db = Db, session_db = SessionDb}, Key) ->
+ Pattern = #http_cookie{domain = Key, _ = '_'},
+ SessionCookies = ets:match_object(SessionDb, Pattern),
+ ?hcrt("lookup cookies", [{session_cookies, SessionCookies}]),
+ Cookies = dets:match_object(Db, Pattern),
+ ?hcrt("lookup cookies", [{cookies, Cookies}]),
+ Cookies ++ SessionCookies.
+lookup_cookies(CookieDb, Host, Path) ->
+ Cookies =
+ case http_util:is_hostname(Host) of
+ true ->
+ HostCookies = lookup_cookies(CookieDb, Host),
+ [_| DomainParts] = string:tokens(Host, "."),
+ lookup_domain_cookies(CookieDb, DomainParts, HostCookies);
+ false -> % IP-adress
+ lookup_cookies(CookieDb, Host)
+ end,
+ ValidCookies = valid_cookies(CookieDb, Cookies),
+ lists:filter(fun(Cookie) ->
+ lists:prefix(Cookie#http_cookie.path, Path)
+ end, ValidCookies).
+%% For instance if Host=localhost
+lookup_domain_cookies(_CookieDb, [], AccCookies) ->
+ lists:flatten(AccCookies);
+%% Top domains can not have cookies
+lookup_domain_cookies(_CookieDb, [_], AccCookies) ->
+ lists:flatten(AccCookies);
+lookup_domain_cookies(CookieDb, [Next | DomainParts], AccCookies) ->
+ Domain = merge_domain_parts(DomainParts, [Next ++ "."]),
+ lookup_domain_cookies(CookieDb, DomainParts,
+ [lookup_cookies(CookieDb, Domain) | AccCookies]).
+merge_domain_parts([Part], Merged) ->
+ lists:flatten(["." | lists:reverse([Part | Merged])]);
+merge_domain_parts([Part| Rest], Merged) ->
+ merge_domain_parts(Rest, [".", Part | Merged]).
+cookies_to_string(Scheme, [Cookie | _] = Cookies) ->
+ Version = "$Version=" ++ Cookie#http_cookie.version ++ "; ",
+ cookies_to_string(Scheme, path_sort(Cookies), [Version]).
+cookies_to_string(_, [], CookieStrs) ->
+ case length(CookieStrs) of
+ 1 ->
+ "";
+ _ ->
+ lists:flatten(lists:reverse(CookieStrs))
+ end;
+cookies_to_string(https, [#http_cookie{secure = true} = Cookie| Cookies],
+ CookieStrs) ->
+ Str = case Cookies of
+ [] ->
+ cookie_to_string(Cookie);
+ _ ->
+ cookie_to_string(Cookie) ++ "; "
+ end,
+ cookies_to_string(https, Cookies, [Str | CookieStrs]);
+cookies_to_string(Scheme, [#http_cookie{secure = true}| Cookies],
+ CookieStrs) ->
+ cookies_to_string(Scheme, Cookies, CookieStrs);
+cookies_to_string(Scheme, [Cookie | Cookies], CookieStrs) ->
+ Str = case Cookies of
+ [] ->
+ cookie_to_string(Cookie);
+ _ ->
+ cookie_to_string(Cookie) ++ "; "
+ end,
+ cookies_to_string(Scheme, Cookies, [Str | CookieStrs]).
+cookie_to_string(#http_cookie{name = Name, value = Value} = Cookie) ->
+ Str = Name ++ "=" ++ Value,
+ add_domain(add_path(Str, Cookie), Cookie).
+add_path(Str, #http_cookie{path_default = true}) ->
+ Str;
+add_path(Str, #http_cookie{path = Path}) ->
+ Str ++ "; $Path=" ++ Path.
+add_domain(Str, #http_cookie{domain_default = true}) ->
+ Str;
+add_domain(Str, #http_cookie{domain = Domain}) ->
+ Str ++ "; $Domain=" ++ Domain.
+parse_set_cookies(OtherHeaders, DefaultPathDomain) ->
+ SetCookieHeaders =
+ lists:foldl(fun({"set-cookie", Value}, Acc) ->
+ [string:tokens(Value, ",")| Acc];
+ (_, Acc) ->
+ Acc
+ end, [], OtherHeaders),
+ lists:flatten(
+ lists:map(fun(CookieHeader) ->
+ NewHeader = fix_netscape_cookie(CookieHeader, []),
+ parse_set_cookie(NewHeader, [], DefaultPathDomain)
+ end,
+ SetCookieHeaders)).
+parse_set_cookie([], AccCookies, _) ->
+ AccCookies;
+parse_set_cookie([CookieHeader | CookieHeaders], AccCookies,
+ Defaults = {DefaultPath, DefaultDomain}) ->
+ [CookieStr | Attributes] = case string:tokens(CookieHeader, ";") of
+ [CStr] ->
+ [CStr, ""];
+ [CStr | Attr] ->
+ [CStr, Attr]
+ end,
+ Pos = string:chr(CookieStr, $=),
+ Name = string:substr(CookieStr, 1, Pos - 1),
+ Value = string:substr(CookieStr, Pos + 1),
+ Cookie = #http_cookie{name = string:strip(Name),
+ value = string:strip(Value)},
+ NewAttributes = parse_set_cookie_attributes(Attributes),
+ TmpCookie = cookie_attributes(NewAttributes, Cookie),
+ %% Add runtime defult values if necessary
+ NewCookie = domain_default(path_default(TmpCookie, DefaultPath),
+ DefaultDomain),
+ parse_set_cookie(CookieHeaders, [NewCookie | AccCookies], Defaults).
+parse_set_cookie_attributes([]) ->
+ [];
+parse_set_cookie_attributes([Attributes]) ->
+ lists:map(fun(Attr) ->
+ [AttrName, AttrValue] =
+ case string:tokens(Attr, "=") of
+ %% All attributes have the form
+ %% Name=Value except "secure"!
+ [Name] ->
+ [Name, ""];
+ [Name, Value] ->
+ [Name, Value];
+ %% Anything not expected will be
+ %% disregarded
+ _ ->
+ ["Dummy",""]
+ end,
+ {http_util:to_lower(string:strip(AttrName)),
+ string:strip(AttrValue)}
+ end, Attributes).
+cookie_attributes([], Cookie) ->
+ Cookie;
+cookie_attributes([{"comment", Value}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{comment = Value});
+cookie_attributes([{"domain", Value}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{domain = Value});
+cookie_attributes([{"max-age", Value}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ ExpireTime = cookie_expires(list_to_integer(Value)),
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{max_age = ExpireTime});
+%% Backwards compatibility with netscape cookies
+cookie_attributes([{"expires", Value}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ Time = http_util:convert_netscapecookie_date(Value),
+ ExpireTime = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Time),
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{max_age = ExpireTime});
+cookie_attributes([{"path", Value}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{path = Value});
+cookie_attributes([{"secure", _}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{secure = true});
+cookie_attributes([{"version", Value}| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes,
+ Cookie#http_cookie{version = Value});
+%% Disregard unknown attributes.
+cookie_attributes([_| Attributes], Cookie) ->
+ cookie_attributes(Attributes, Cookie).
+domain_default(Cookie = #http_cookie{domain = undefined},
+ DefaultDomain) ->
+ Cookie#http_cookie{domain = DefaultDomain, domain_default = true};
+domain_default(Cookie, _) ->
+ Cookie.
+path_default(#http_cookie{path = undefined} = Cookie, DefaultPath) ->
+ Cookie#http_cookie{path = skip_right_most_slash(DefaultPath),
+ path_default = true};
+path_default(Cookie, _) ->
+ Cookie.
+%% Note: if the path is only / that / will be keept
+skip_right_most_slash("/") ->
+ "/";
+skip_right_most_slash(Str) ->
+ string:strip(Str, right, $/).
+accept_cookies(Cookies, RequestPath, RequestHost) ->
+ lists:filter(fun(Cookie) ->
+ accept_cookie(Cookie, RequestPath, RequestHost)
+ end, Cookies).
+accept_cookie(Cookie, RequestPath, RequestHost) ->
+ Accepted =
+ accept_path(Cookie, RequestPath) andalso
+ accept_domain(Cookie, RequestHost),
+ Accepted.
+accept_path(#http_cookie{path = Path}, RequestPath) ->
+ lists:prefix(Path, RequestPath).
+accept_domain(#http_cookie{domain = RequestHost}, RequestHost) ->
+ true;
+accept_domain(#http_cookie{domain = Domain}, RequestHost) ->
+ HostCheck =
+ case http_util:is_hostname(RequestHost) of
+ true ->
+ (lists:suffix(Domain, RequestHost) andalso
+ (not
+ lists:member($.,
+ string:substr(RequestHost, 1,
+ (length(RequestHost) -
+ length(Domain))))));
+ false ->
+ false
+ end,
+ HostCheck
+ andalso (hd(Domain) =:= $.)
+ andalso (length(string:tokens(Domain, ".")) > 1).
+cookie_expires(0) ->
+ 0;
+cookie_expires(DeltaSec) ->
+ NowSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({date(), time()}),
+ NowSec + DeltaSec.
+is_cookie_expired(#http_cookie{max_age = session}) ->
+ false;
+is_cookie_expired(#http_cookie{max_age = ExpireTime}) ->
+ NowSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({date(), time()}),
+ ExpireTime - NowSec =< 0.
+valid_cookies(Db, Cookies) ->
+ valid_cookies(Db, Cookies, []).
+valid_cookies(_Db, [], Valid) ->
+ Valid;
+valid_cookies(Db, [Cookie | Cookies], Valid) ->
+ case is_cookie_expired(Cookie) of
+ true ->
+ delete(Db, Cookie),
+ valid_cookies(Db, Cookies, Valid);
+ false ->
+ valid_cookies(Db, Cookies, [Cookie | Valid])
+ end.
+ lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#http_cookie.path, Cookies)).
+%% Informally, the Set-Cookie response header comprises the token
+%% Set-Cookie:, followed by a comma-separated list of one or more
+%% cookies. Netscape cookies expires attribute may also have a
+%% , in this case the header list will have been incorrectly split
+%% in parse_set_cookies/2 this functions fixs that problem.
+fix_netscape_cookie([Cookie1, Cookie2 | Rest], Acc) ->
+ case inets_regexp:match(Cookie1, "expires=") of
+ {_, _, _} ->
+ fix_netscape_cookie(Rest, [Cookie1 ++ Cookie2 | Acc]);
+ nomatch ->
+ fix_netscape_cookie([Cookie2 |Rest], [Cookie1| Acc])
+ end;
+fix_netscape_cookie([Cookie | Rest], Acc) ->
+ fix_netscape_cookie(Rest, [Cookie | Acc]);
+fix_netscape_cookie([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.