path: root/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl')
1 files changed, 864 insertions, 594 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl b/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
index fa7687bf2a..25ebcbdd68 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/user_drv.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2021. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2023. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -19,591 +19,890 @@
-%% Basic interface to a port.
+%% Basic interface to stdin/stdout.
+%% This is responsible for a couple of things:
+%% - Dispatching I/O messages when erl is running
+%% The messages are listed in the type message/0.
+%% - Any data received from the terminal is sent to the current group like this:
+%% `{DrvPid :: pid(), {data, UnicodeCharacters :: list()}}`
+%% - It serves as the job control manager (i.e. what happens when you type ^G)
+%% - Starts potential -remsh sessions to other nodes
+-type message() ::
+ %% I/O requests that modify the terminal
+ {Sender :: pid(), request()} |
+ %% Query the server of the current dimensions of the terminal.
+ %% `Sender` will be sent the message:
+ %% `{DrvPid :: pid(), tty_geometry, {Width :: integer(), Height :: integer()}}`
+ {Sender :: pid(), tty_geometry} |
+ %% Query the server if it supports unicode characters
+ %% `Sender` will be sent the message:
+ %% `{DrvPid :: pid(), get_unicode_state, SupportUnicode :: boolean()}`
+ {Sender :: pid(), get_unicode_state} |
+ %% Change whether the server supports unicode characters or not. The reply
+ %% contains the previous unicode state.
+ %% `Sender` will be sent the message:
+ %% `{DrvPid :: pid(), set_unicode_state, SupportedUnicode :: boolean()}`
+ {Sender :: pid(), set_unicode_state, boolean()}.
+-type request() ::
+ %% Put characters at current cursor position,
+ %% overwriting any characters it encounters.
+ {put_chars, unicode, binary()} |
+ %% Same as put_chars/3, but sends Reply to From when the characters are
+ %% guaranteed to have been written to the terminal
+ {put_chars_sync, unicode, binary(), {From :: pid(), Reply :: term()}} |
+ %% Put text in expansion area
+ {put_expand} |
+ {put_expand_no_trim} |
+ %% Move the cursor X characters left or right (negative is left)
+ {move_rel, -32768..32767} |
+ %% Move the cursor Y rows up or down (negative is up)
+ {move_line, -32768..32767} |
+ %% Move combo, helper to simplify some move operations
+ {move_combo, -32768..32767, -32768..32767, -32768..32767} |
+ %% Insert characters at current cursor position moving any
+ %% characters after the cursor.
+ {insert_chars, unicode, binary()} |
+ %% Delete X chars before or after the cursor adjusting any test remaining
+ %% to the right of the cursor.
+ {delete_chars, -32768..32767} |
+ %% Deletes the current prompt and expression
+ delete_line |
+ %% Delete after the cursor
+ delete_after_cursor |
+ %% Trigger a terminal "bell"
+ beep |
+ %% Clears the screen
+ clear |
+ %% Execute multiple request() actions
+ {requests, [request()]} |
+ %% Open external editor
+ {open_editor, string()} |
+ %% Redraws the current prompt and expression
+ redraw_prompt |
+ {redraw_prompt, string(), string(), tuple()} |
+ %% Clears the state, not touching the characters
+ new_prompt.
+-export([start/0, start/1, start_shell/0, start_shell/1, whereis_group/0]).
+%% gen_statem state callbacks
+%% gen_statem callbacks
+-export([init/1, callback_mode/0]).
-% Control op
-%% start()
-%% start(ArgumentList)
-%% start(PortName, Shell)
-%% start(InPortName, OutPortName, Shell)
-%% Start the user driver server. The arguments to start/1 are slightly
-%% strange as this may be called both at start up from the command line
-%% and explicitly from other code.
+-record(editor, { port :: port(), file :: file:name(), requester :: pid() }).
+-record(state, { tty :: prim_tty:state() | undefined,
+ write :: reference() | undefined,
+ read :: reference() | undefined,
+ shell_started = new :: new | old | false,
+ editor :: #editor{} | undefined,
+ user :: pid(),
+ current_group :: pid() | undefined,
+ groups, queue }).
+-type shell() :: {module(), atom(), [term()]} | {node(), module(), atom(), [term()]}.
+-type arguments() :: #{ initial_shell => noshell | shell() |
+ {remote, unicode:charlist()} | {remote, unicode:charlist(), {module(), atom(), [term()]}},
+ input => boolean() }.
+%% Default line editing shell
-spec start() -> pid().
+start() ->
+ case init:get_argument(remsh) of
+ {ok,[[Node]]} ->
+ start(#{ initial_shell => {remote, Node} });
+ {ok,[[Node]|_]} ->
+ ?LOG_WARNING("Multiple -remsh given to erl, using the first, ~p", [Node]),
+ start(#{ initial_shell => {remote, Node} });
+ E when E =:= error ; E =:= {ok,[[]]} ->
+ start(#{ })
+ end.
-start() -> %Default line editing shell
- spawn(user_drv, server, ['tty_sl -c -e',{shell,start,[init]}]).
+-spec start_shell() -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
+start_shell() ->
+ start_shell(#{ }).
+-spec start_shell(arguments()) -> ok | {error, already_started}.
+start_shell(Args) ->
+ gen_statem:call(?MODULE, {start_shell, Args}).
+-spec whereis_group() -> pid() | undefined.
+whereis_group() ->
+ {dictionary, Dict} =
+ erlang:process_info(whereis(?MODULE), dictionary),
+ proplists:get_value(current_group, Dict).
+%% Backwards compatibility with pre OTP-26 for Elixir/LFE etc
+-spec start(['tty_sl -c -e'| shell()]) -> pid();
+ (arguments()) -> pid().
+start(['tty_sl -c -e', Shell]) ->
+ start(#{ initial_shell => Shell });
+start(Args) when is_map(Args) ->
+ case gen_statem:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, Args, []) of
+ {ok, Pid} -> Pid;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
-start([Pname]) ->
- spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname,{shell,start,[init]}]);
-start([Pname|Args]) ->
- spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname|Args]);
-start(Pname) ->
- spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname,{shell,start,[init]}]).
+callback_mode() -> state_functions.
-start(Pname, Shell) ->
- spawn(user_drv, server, [Pname,Shell]).
+-spec init(arguments()) -> gen_statem:init_result(init).
+init(Args) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-start(Iname, Oname, Shell) ->
- spawn(user_drv, server, [Iname,Oname,Shell]).
+ IsTTY = prim_tty:isatty(stdin) =:= true andalso prim_tty:isatty(stdout) =:= true,
+ StartShell = maps:get(initial_shell, Args, undefined) =/= noshell,
+ OldShell = maps:get(initial_shell, Args, undefined) =:= oldshell,
+ try
+ if
+ not IsTTY andalso StartShell; OldShell ->
+ error(enotsup);
+ IsTTY, StartShell ->
+ TTYState = prim_tty:init(#{}),
+ init_standard_error(TTYState, true),
+ {ok, init, {Args, #state{ user = start_user() } },
+ {next_event, internal, TTYState}};
+ true ->
+ TTYState = prim_tty:init(#{input => maps:get(input, Args, true),
+ tty => false}),
+ init_standard_error(TTYState, false),
+ {ok, init, {Args,#state{ user = start_user() } },
+ {next_event, internal, TTYState}}
+ end
+ catch error:enotsup ->
+ %% This is thrown by prim_tty:init when
+ %% it could not start the terminal,
+ %% probably because TERM=dumb was set.
+ %%
+ %% The oldshell mode is important as it is
+ %% the mode used when running erlang in an
+ %% emacs buffer.
+ CatchTTYState = prim_tty:init(#{tty => false}),
+ init_standard_error(CatchTTYState, false),
+ {ok, init, {Args,#state{ shell_started = old, user = start_user() } },
+ {next_event, internal, CatchTTYState}}
+ end.
+%% Initialize standard_error
+init_standard_error(TTY, NewlineCarriageReturn) ->
+ Encoding = case prim_tty:unicode(TTY) of
+ true -> unicode;
+ false -> latin1
+ end,
+ ok = io:setopts(standard_error, [{encoding, Encoding},
+ {onlcr, NewlineCarriageReturn}]).
+init(internal, TTYState, {Args, State = #state{ user = User }}) ->
+ %% Cleanup ancestors so that observer looks nice
+ put('$ancestors',[User|get('$ancestors')]),
+ #{ read := ReadHandle, write := WriteHandle } = prim_tty:handles(TTYState),
+ NewState = State#state{ tty = TTYState,
+ read = ReadHandle, write = WriteHandle,
+ user = User, queue = {false, queue:new()},
+ groups = gr_add_cur(gr_new(), User, {})
+ },
+ case Args of
+ #{ initial_shell := noshell } ->
+ init_noshell(NewState);
+ #{ initial_shell := {remote, Node} } ->
+ InitialShell = {shell,start,[]},
+ exit_on_remote_shell_error(
+ Node, InitialShell, init_remote_shell(NewState, Node, InitialShell));
+ #{ initial_shell := {remote, Node, InitialShell} } ->
+ exit_on_remote_shell_error(
+ Node, InitialShell, init_remote_shell(NewState, Node, InitialShell));
+ #{ initial_shell := oldshell } ->
+ old = State#state.shell_started,
+ init_local_shell(NewState, {shell,start,[]});
+ #{ initial_shell := InitialShell } ->
+ init_local_shell(NewState, InitialShell);
+ _ ->
+ init_local_shell(NewState, {shell,start,[init]})
+ end.
-%% Return the pid of the active group process.
-%% Note: We can't ask the user_drv process for this info since it
-%% may be busy waiting for data from the port.
+exit_on_remote_shell_error(RemoteNode, _, {error, noconnection}) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "Could not connect to ~p\n", [RemoteNode]),
+ erlang:halt(1);
+exit_on_remote_shell_error(RemoteNode, {M, _, _}, {error, Reason}) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "Could not load ~p on ~p (~p)\n", [RemoteNode, M, Reason]),
+ erlang:halt(1);
+exit_on_remote_shell_error(_, _, Result) ->
+ Result.
+%% We have been started with -noshell. In this mode the current_group is
+%% the `user` group process.
+init_noshell(State) ->
+ init_shell(State#state{ shell_started = false }, "").
+init_remote_shell(State, Node, {M, F, A}) ->
+ case net_kernel:get_state() of
+ #{ started := no } ->
+ {ok, _} = net_kernel:start([undefined, shortnames]),
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
--spec interfaces(pid()) -> [{'current_group', pid()}].
+ LocalNode =
+ case net_kernel:get_state() of
+ #{ name_type := dynamic } ->
+ net_kernel:nodename();
+ #{ name_type := static } ->
+ node()
+ end,
+ RemoteNode =
+ case string:find(Node,"@") of
+ nomatch ->
+ list_to_atom(Node ++ string:find(atom_to_list(LocalNode),"@"));
+ _ ->
+ list_to_atom(Node)
+ end,
+ case net_kernel:connect_node(RemoteNode) of
+ true ->
+ case erpc:call(RemoteNode, code, ensure_loaded, [M]) of
+ {error, Reason} when Reason =/= embedded ->
+ {error, Reason};
+ _ ->
+ %% Setup correct net tick times
+ case erpc:call(RemoteNode, net_kernel, get_net_ticktime, []) of
+ {ongoing_change_to, NetTickTime} ->
+ _ = net_kernel:set_net_ticktime(NetTickTime),
+ ok;
+ NetTickTime ->
+ _ = net_kernel:set_net_ticktime(NetTickTime),
+ ok
+ end,
-interfaces(UserDrv) ->
- case process_info(UserDrv, dictionary) of
- {dictionary,Dict} ->
- case lists:keysearch(current_group, 1, Dict) of
- {value,Gr={_,Group}} when is_pid(Group) ->
- [Gr];
- _ ->
- []
- end;
- _ ->
- []
+ RShell = {RemoteNode, M, F, A},
+ %% We fetch the shell slogan from the remote node
+ Slogan =
+ case erpc:call(RemoteNode, application, get_env,
+ [stdlib, shell_slogan,
+ erpc:call(RemoteNode, erlang, system_info, [system_version])]) of
+ Fun when is_function(Fun, 0) ->
+ erpc:call(RemoteNode, Fun);
+ SloganEnv ->
+ SloganEnv
+ end,
+ Group = group:start(self(), RShell,
+ [{echo,State#state.shell_started =:= new}] ++
+ group_opts(RemoteNode)),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(State#state.groups, Group, RShell),
+ init_shell(State#state{ groups = Gr }, [Slogan,$\n])
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {error, noconnection}
-%% server(Pid, Shell)
-%% server(Pname, Shell)
-%% server(Iname, Oname, Shell)
-%% The initial calls to run the user driver. These start the port(s)
-%% then call server1/3 to set everything else up.
-server(Pid, Shell) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- server1(Pid, Pid, Shell);
-server(Pname, Shell) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- case catch open_port({spawn,Pname}, [eof]) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- %% Let's try a dumb user instead
- user:start();
- Port ->
- server1(Port, Port, Shell)
- end.
+init_local_shell(State, InitialShell) ->
+ Slogan =
+ case application:get_env(
+ stdlib, shell_slogan,
+ fun() -> erlang:system_info(system_version) end) of
+ Fun when is_function(Fun, 0) ->
+ Fun();
+ SloganEnv ->
+ SloganEnv
+ end,
-server(Iname, Oname, Shell) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- case catch open_port({spawn,Iname}, [eof]) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> %% It might be a dumb terminal lets start dumb user
- user:start();
- Iport ->
- Oport = open_port({spawn,Oname}, [eof]),
- server1(Iport, Oport, Shell)
- end.
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(State#state.groups,
+ group:start(self(), InitialShell,
+ group_opts() ++ [{echo,State#state.shell_started =:= new}]),
+ InitialShell),
-server1(Iport, Oport, Shell) ->
- put(eof, false),
- %% Start user and initial shell.
- User = start_user(),
- Gr1 = gr_add_cur(gr_new(), User, {}),
- {Curr,Shell1} =
- case init:get_argument(remsh) of
- {ok,[[Node]]} ->
- ANode =
- if
- node() =:= nonode@nohost ->
- %% We try to connect to the node if the current node is not
- %% a distributed node yet. If this succeeds it means that we
- %% are running using "-sname undefined".
- _ = net_kernel:start([undefined, shortnames]),
- NodeName = append_hostname(Node, net_kernel:nodename()),
- case net_kernel:connect_node(NodeName) of
- true ->
- NodeName;
- _Else ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Could not connect to ~p",[Node])
- end;
- true ->
- append_hostname(Node, node())
- end,
+ init_shell(State#state{ groups = Gr }, [Slogan,$\n]).
- RShell = {ANode,shell,start,[]},
- RGr = group:start(self(), RShell, rem_sh_opts(ANode)),
- {RGr,RShell};
- E when E =:= error ; E =:= {ok,[[]]} ->
- {group:start(self(), Shell),Shell}
- end,
+init_shell(State, Slogan) ->
+ init_standard_error(State#state.tty, State#state.shell_started =:= new),
+ Curr = gr_cur_pid(State#state.groups),
put(current_group, Curr),
- Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr1, Curr, Shell1),
- %% Print some information.
- io_request({put_chars, unicode,
- flatten(io_lib:format("~ts\n",
- [erlang:system_info(system_version)]))},
- Iport, Oport),
- %% Enter the server loop.
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, {false, queue:new()}).
-append_hostname(Node, LocalNode) ->
- case string:find(Node,"@") of
- nomatch ->
- list_to_atom(Node ++ string:find(atom_to_list(LocalNode),"@"));
- _ ->
- list_to_atom(Node)
- end.
-rem_sh_opts(Node) ->
- [{expand_fun,fun(B)-> rpc:call(Node,edlin_expand,expand,[B]) end}].
+ {next_state, server, State#state{ current_group = gr_cur_pid(State#state.groups) },
+ {next_event, info,
+ {gr_cur_pid(State#state.groups),
+ {put_chars, unicode,
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(io_lib:format("~ts", [Slogan]))}}}}.
%% start_user()
%% Start a group leader process and register it as 'user', unless,
%% of course, a 'user' already exists.
start_user() ->
- case whereis(user_drv) of
- undefined ->
- register(user_drv, self());
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
case whereis(user) of
undefined ->
- User = group:start(self(), {}),
+ User = group:start(self(), {}, [{echo,false}]),
register(user, User),
User ->
-server_loop(Iport, Oport, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- Curr = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
- put(current_group, Curr),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue).
-server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, {Resp, IOQ} = IOQueue) ->
- receive
- {Iport,{data,Bs}} ->
- BsBin = list_to_binary(Bs),
- Unicode = unicode:characters_to_list(BsBin,utf8),
- port_bytes(Unicode, Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- {Iport,eof} ->
- Curr ! {self(),eof},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- %% We always handle geometry and unicode requests
- {Requester,tty_geometry} ->
- Requester ! {self(),tty_geometry,get_tty_geometry(Iport)},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- {Requester,get_unicode_state} ->
- Requester ! {self(),get_unicode_state,get_unicode_state(Iport)},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- {Requester,set_unicode_state, Bool} ->
- Requester ! {self(),set_unicode_state,set_unicode_state(Iport,Bool)},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- Req when element(1,Req) =:= User orelse element(1,Req) =:= Curr,
- tuple_size(Req) =:= 2 orelse tuple_size(Req) =:= 3 ->
- %% We match {User|Curr,_}|{User|Curr,_,_}
- NewQ = handle_req(Req, Iport, Oport, IOQueue),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, NewQ);
- {Oport,ok} ->
- %% We get this ok from the port, in io_request we store
- %% info about where to send reply at head of queue
- {Origin,Reply} = Resp,
- Origin ! {reply,Reply},
- NewQ = handle_req(next, Iport, Oport, {false, IOQ}),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, NewQ);
- {'EXIT',Iport,_R} ->
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- {'EXIT',Oport,_R} ->
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- {'EXIT',User,shutdown} -> % force data to port
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- {'EXIT',User,_R} -> % keep 'user' alive
- NewU = start_user(),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, NewU, gr_set_num(Gr, 1, NewU, {}), IOQueue);
- {'EXIT',Pid,R} -> % shell and group leader exit
- case gr_cur_pid(Gr) of
- Pid when R =/= die ,
- R =/= terminated -> % current shell exited
- if R =/= normal ->
- io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"*** ERROR: "}], Iport, Oport);
- true -> % exit not caused by error
- io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"*** "}], Iport, Oport)
- end,
- io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"Shell process terminated! "}], Iport, Oport),
- Gr1 = gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid),
- case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
- {Ix,{shell,start,Params}} -> % 3-tuple == local shell
- io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"***\n"}], Iport, Oport),
- %% restart group leader and shell, same index
- Pid1 = group:start(self(), {shell,start,Params}),
- {ok,Gr2} = gr_set_cur(gr_set_num(Gr1, Ix, Pid1,
- {shell,start,Params}), Ix),
- put(current_group, Pid1),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Pid1, User, Gr2, IOQueue);
- _ -> % remote shell
- io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,"(^G to start new job) ***\n"}],
- Iport, Oport),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr1, IOQueue)
- end;
- _ -> % not current, just remove it
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid), IOQueue)
- end;
- {Requester, {put_chars_sync, _, _, Reply}} ->
- %% We need to ack the Req otherwise originating process will hang forever
- %% Do discard the output to non visible shells (as was done previously)
- Requester ! {reply, Reply},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- _X ->
- %% Ignore unknown messages.
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue)
- end.
-handle_req(next,Iport,Oport,{false,IOQ}=IOQueue) ->
- case queue:out(IOQ) of
- {empty,_} ->
- IOQueue;
- {{value,{Origin,Req}},ExecQ} ->
- case io_request(Req, Iport, Oport) of
- ok ->
- handle_req(next,Iport,Oport,{false,ExecQ});
- Reply ->
- {{Origin,Reply}, ExecQ}
+server({call, From}, {start_shell, Args},
+ State = #state{ tty = TTY, shell_started = false }) ->
+ IsTTY = prim_tty:isatty(stdin) =:= true andalso prim_tty:isatty(stdout) =:= true,
+ StartShell = maps:get(initial_shell, Args, undefined) =/= noshell,
+ OldShell = maps:get(initial_shell, Args, undefined) =:= oldshell,
+ NewState =
+ try
+ if
+ not IsTTY andalso StartShell; OldShell ->
+ error(enotsup);
+ IsTTY, StartShell ->
+ NewTTY = prim_tty:reinit(TTY, #{ }),
+ State#state{ tty = NewTTY,
+ shell_started = new };
+ true ->
+ NewTTY = prim_tty:reinit(TTY, #{ tty => false }),
+ State#state{ tty = NewTTY, shell_started = false }
+ catch error:enotsup ->
+ NewTTYState = prim_tty:reinit(TTY, #{ tty => false }),
+ State#state{ tty = NewTTYState, shell_started = old }
+ end,
+ #{ read := ReadHandle, write := WriteHandle } = prim_tty:handles(NewState#state.tty),
+ NewHandleState = NewState#state {
+ read = ReadHandle,
+ write = WriteHandle
+ },
+ {Result, Reply}
+ = case maps:get(initial_shell, Args, undefined) of
+ noshell ->
+ {init_noshell(NewHandleState), ok};
+ {remote, Node} ->
+ case init_remote_shell(NewHandleState, Node, {shell, start, []}) of
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ {init_noshell(NewHandleState), Error};
+ R ->
+ {R, ok}
+ end;
+ {remote, Node, InitialShell} ->
+ case init_remote_shell(NewHandleState, Node, InitialShell) of
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ {init_noshell(NewHandleState), Error};
+ R ->
+ {R, ok}
+ end;
+ undefined ->
+ case NewHandleState#state.shell_started of
+ old ->
+ {init_local_shell(NewHandleState, {shell,start,[]}), ok};
+ new ->
+ {init_local_shell(NewHandleState, {shell,start,[init]}), ok};
+ false ->
+ %% This can never happen, but dialyzer complains so we add
+ %% this clause.
+ {keep_state_and_data, ok}
+ end;
+ InitialShell ->
+ {init_local_shell(NewHandleState, InitialShell), ok}
+ end,
+ gen_statem:reply(From, Reply),
+ Result;
+server({call, From}, {start_shell, _Args}, _State) ->
+ gen_statem:reply(From, {error, already_started}),
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info, {ReadHandle,{data,UTF8Binary}}, State = #state{ read = ReadHandle })
+ when State#state.current_group =:= State#state.user ->
+ State#state.current_group !
+ {self(), {data, unicode:characters_to_list(UTF8Binary, utf8)}},
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info, {ReadHandle,{data,UTF8Binary}}, State = #state{ read = ReadHandle }) ->
+ case contains_ctrl_g_or_ctrl_c(UTF8Binary) of
+ ctrl_g -> {next_state, switch_loop, State, {next_event, internal, init}};
+ ctrl_c ->
+ case gr_get_info(State#state.groups, State#state.current_group) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ _ -> exit(State#state.current_group, interrupt)
+ end,
+ keep_state_and_data;
+ none ->
+ State#state.current_group !
+ {self(), {data, unicode:characters_to_list(UTF8Binary, utf8)}},
+ keep_state_and_data
-handle_req(Msg,Iport,Oport,{false,IOQ}=IOQueue) ->
- empty = queue:peek(IOQ),
- {Origin,Req} = Msg,
- case io_request(Req, Iport, Oport) of
- ok ->
- IOQueue;
- Reply ->
- {{Origin,Reply}, IOQ}
- end;
-handle_req(Msg,_Iport,_Oport,{Resp, IOQ}) ->
- %% All requests are queued when we have outstanding sync put_chars
- {Resp, queue:in(Msg,IOQ)}.
-%% port_bytes(Bytes, InPort, OutPort, CurrentProcess, UserProcess, Group)
-%% Check the Bytes from the port to see if it contains a ^G. If so,
-%% either escape to switch_loop or restart the shell. Otherwise send
-%% the bytes to Curr.
-port_bytes([$\^G|_Bs], Iport, Oport, _Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- handle_escape(Iport, Oport, User, Gr, IOQueue);
-port_bytes([$\^C|_Bs], Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- interrupt_shell(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
-port_bytes([B], Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- Curr ! {self(),{data,[B]}},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue);
-port_bytes(Bs, Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- case member($\^G, Bs) of
- true ->
- handle_escape(Iport, Oport, User, Gr, IOQueue);
- false ->
- Curr ! {self(),{data,Bs}},
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue)
- end.
-interrupt_shell(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- case gr_get_info(Gr, Curr) of
- undefined ->
- ok; % unknown
- _ ->
- exit(Curr, interrupt)
+server(info, {ReadHandle,eof}, State = #state{ read = ReadHandle }) ->
+ State#state.current_group ! {self(), eof},
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info,{ReadHandle,{signal,Signal}}, State = #state{ tty = TTYState, read = ReadHandle }) ->
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = prim_tty:handle_signal(TTYState, Signal) }};
+server(info, {Requester, tty_geometry}, #state{ tty = TTYState }) ->
+ case prim_tty:window_size(TTYState) of
+ {ok, Geometry} ->
+ Requester ! {self(), tty_geometry, Geometry},
+ ok;
+ Error ->
+ Requester ! {self(), tty_geometry, Error},
+ ok
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, Curr, User, Gr, IOQueue).
-handle_escape(Iport, Oport, User, Gr, IOQueue) ->
- case application:get_env(stdlib, shell_esc) of
- {ok,abort} ->
- Pid = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
- exit(Pid, die),
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info, {Requester, get_unicode_state}, #state{ tty = TTYState }) ->
+ Requester ! {self(), get_unicode_state, prim_tty:unicode(TTYState) },
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info, {Requester, set_unicode_state, Bool}, #state{ tty = TTYState } = State) ->
+ OldUnicode = prim_tty:unicode(TTYState),
+ NewTTYState = prim_tty:unicode(TTYState, Bool),
+ ok = io:setopts(standard_error,[{encoding, if Bool -> unicode; true -> latin1 end}]),
+ Requester ! {self(), set_unicode_state, OldUnicode},
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTYState }};
+server(info, {Requester, get_terminal_state}, _State) ->
+ Requester ! {self(), get_terminal_state, prim_tty:isatty(stdout) },
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info, {Requester, {open_editor, Buffer}}, #state{tty = TTYState } = State) ->
+ case open_editor(TTYState, Buffer) of
+ false ->
+ Requester ! {self(), {editor_data, Buffer}},
+ keep_state_and_data;
+ {EditorPort, TmpPath} ->
+ {keep_state, State#state{ editor = #editor{ port = EditorPort,
+ file = TmpPath,
+ requester = Requester }}}
+ end;
+server(info, Req, State = #state{ user = User, current_group = Curr, editor = undefined })
+ when element(1,Req) =:= User orelse element(1,Req) =:= Curr,
+ tuple_size(Req) =:= 2 orelse tuple_size(Req) =:= 3 ->
+ %% We match {User|Curr,_}|{User|Curr,_,_}
+ {NewTTYState, NewQueue} = handle_req(Req, State#state.tty, State#state.queue),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTYState, queue = NewQueue }};
+server(info, {WriteRef, ok}, State = #state{ write = WriteRef,
+ queue = {{Origin, MonitorRef, Reply}, IOQ} }) ->
+ %% We get this ok from the user_drv_writer, in io_request we store
+ %% info about where to send reply at head of queue
+ Origin ! {reply, Reply, ok},
+ erlang:demonitor(MonitorRef, [flush]),
+ {NewTTYState, NewQueue} = handle_req(next, State#state.tty, {false, IOQ}),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTYState, queue = NewQueue }};
+server(info, {'DOWN', MonitorRef, _, _, Reason},
+ #state{ queue = {{Origin, MonitorRef, Reply}, _IOQ} }) ->
+ %% The writer process died, we send the correct error to the caller and
+ %% then stop this process. This will bring down all linked groups (including 'user').
+ %% All writes from now on will throw badarg terminated.
+ Origin ! {reply, Reply, {error, Reason}},
+ ?LOG_INFO("Failed to write to standard out (~p)", [Reason]),
+ stop;
+server(info,{Requester, {put_chars_sync, _, _, Reply}}, _State) ->
+ %% This is a sync request from an unknown or inactive group.
+ %% We need to ack the Req otherwise originating process will hang forever.
+ %% We discard the output to non visible shells
+ Requester ! {reply, Reply, ok},
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info,{'EXIT',User, shutdown}, #state{ user = User }) ->
+ keep_state_and_data;
+server(info,{'EXIT',User, _Reason}, State = #state{ user = User }) ->
+ NewUser = start_user(),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ user = NewUser,
+ groups = gr_set_num(State#state.groups, 1, NewUser, {})}};
+server(info, {'EXIT', EditorPort, _R},
+ State = #state{tty = TTYState,
+ editor = #editor{ requester = Requester,
+ port = EditorPort,
+ file = PathTmp}}) ->
+ {ok, Content} = file:read_file(PathTmp),
+ _ = file:del_dir_r(PathTmp),
+ Unicode = case unicode:characters_to_list(Content,unicode) of
+ {error, _, _} -> unicode:characters_to_list(
+ unicode:characters_to_list(Content,latin1), unicode);
+ U -> U
+ end,
+ Requester ! {self(), {editor_data, string:chomp(Unicode)}},
+ ok = prim_tty:enable_reader(TTYState),
+ {keep_state, State#state{editor = undefined}};
+server(info,{'EXIT', Group, Reason}, State) -> % shell and group leader exit
+ case gr_cur_pid(State#state.groups) of
+ Group when Reason =/= die, Reason =/= terminated -> % current shell exited
+ Reqs = [if
+ Reason =/= normal ->
+ {put_chars,unicode,<<"*** ERROR: ">>};
+ true -> % exit not caused by error
+ {put_chars,unicode,<<"*** ">>}
+ end,
+ {put_chars,unicode,<<"Shell process terminated! ">>}],
+ Gr1 = gr_del_pid(State#state.groups, Group),
+ case gr_get_info(State#state.groups, Group) of
+ {Ix,{shell,start,Params}} -> % 3-tuple == local shell
+ NewTTyState = io_requests(Reqs ++ [{put_chars,unicode,<<"***\n">>}],
+ State#state.tty),
+ %% restart group leader and shell, same index
+ NewGroup = group:start(self(), {shell,start,Params}),
+ {ok,Gr2} = gr_set_cur(gr_set_num(Gr1, Ix, NewGroup,
+ {shell,start,Params}), Ix),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTyState,
+ current_group = NewGroup,
+ groups = Gr2 }};
+ _ -> % remote shell
+ NewTTYState = io_requests(
+ Reqs ++ [{put_chars,unicode,<<"(^G to start new job) ***\n">>}],
+ State#state.tty),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTYState, groups = Gr1 }}
+ end;
+ _ -> % not current, just remove it
+ {keep_state, State#state{ groups = gr_del_pid(State#state.groups, Group) }}
+ end;
+server(_, _, _) ->
+ keep_state_and_data.
+contains_ctrl_g_or_ctrl_c(<<$\^G,_/binary>>) ->
+ ctrl_g;
+contains_ctrl_g_or_ctrl_c(<<$\^C,_/binary>>) ->
+ ctrl_c;
+contains_ctrl_g_or_ctrl_c(<<_/utf8,T/binary>>) ->
+ contains_ctrl_g_or_ctrl_c(T);
+contains_ctrl_g_or_ctrl_c(<<>>) ->
+ none.
+switch_loop(internal, init, State) ->
+ case application:get_env(stdlib, shell_esc, jcl) of
+ abort ->
+ CurrGroup = gr_cur_pid(State#state.groups),
+ exit(CurrGroup, die),
Gr1 =
- case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
- {_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
- Gr;
+ case gr_get_info(State#state.groups, CurrGroup) of
+ {_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
+ State#state.groups;
_ ->
- receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
- gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)
+ receive {'EXIT',CurrGroup,_} ->
+ gr_del_pid(State#state.groups, CurrGroup)
after 1000 ->
- Gr
+ State#state.groups
- Pid1 = group:start(self(), {shell,start,[]}),
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"\n"}, Iport, Oport),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, User,
- gr_add_cur(Gr1, Pid1, {shell,start,[]}), IOQueue);
- _ -> % {ok,jcl} | undefined
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"\nUser switch command\n"}, Iport, Oport),
+ NewGroup = group:start(self(), {shell,start,[]}),
+ NewTTYState = io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,<<"\n">>}], State#state.tty),
+ {next_state, server,
+ State#state{ tty = NewTTYState,
+ groups = gr_add_cur(Gr1, NewGroup, {shell,start,[]})}};
+ jcl ->
+ NewTTYState =
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,<<"\nUser switch command (type h for help)\n">>}],
+ State#state.tty),
%% init edlin used by switch command and have it copy the
%% text buffer from current group process
- edlin:init(gr_cur_pid(Gr)),
- server_loop(Iport, Oport, User, switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr), IOQueue)
- end.
-switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- Line = get_line(edlin:start(" --> "), Iport, Oport),
- switch_cmd(erl_scan:string(Line), Iport, Oport, Gr).
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,c},{integer,_,I}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
- case gr_set_cur(Gr0, I) of
- {ok,Gr} -> Gr;
- undefined -> unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr0)
+ edlin:init(gr_cur_pid(State#state.groups)),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTYState },
+ {next_event, internal, line}}
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,c}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- case gr_get_info(Gr, gr_cur_pid(Gr)) of
- undefined ->
- unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr);
- _ ->
- Gr
+switch_loop(internal, line, State) ->
+ {more_chars, Cont, Rs} = edlin:start(" --> "),
+ {keep_state, {Cont, State#state{ tty = io_requests(Rs, State#state.tty) }}};
+switch_loop(internal, {line, Line}, State) ->
+ case erl_scan:string(Line) of
+ {ok, Tokens, _} ->
+ case switch_cmd(Tokens, State#state.groups) of
+ {ok, Groups} ->
+ Curr = gr_cur_pid(Groups),
+ put(current_group, Curr),
+ Curr ! {self(), activate},
+ {next_state, server,
+ State#state{ current_group = Curr, groups = Groups }};
+ {retry, Requests} ->
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = io_requests(Requests, State#state.tty) },
+ {next_event, internal, line}};
+ {retry, Requests, Groups} ->
+ Curr = gr_cur_pid(Groups),
+ put(current_group, Curr),
+ {keep_state, State#state{
+ tty = io_requests(Requests, State#state.tty),
+ current_group = Curr,
+ groups = Groups },
+ {next_event, internal, line}}
+ end;
+ {error, _, _} ->
+ NewTTYState =
+ io_requests([{put_chars,unicode,<<"Illegal input\n">>}], State#state.tty),
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = NewTTYState },
+ {next_event, internal, line}}
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,i},{integer,_,I}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+switch_loop(info,{ReadHandle,{data,Cs}}, {Cont, #state{ read = ReadHandle } = State}) ->
+ case edlin:edit_line(unicode:characters_to_list(Cs), Cont) of
+ {done,{[Line],_,_},_Rest, Rs} ->
+ {keep_state, State#state{ tty = io_requests(Rs, State#state.tty) },
+ {next_event, internal, {line, Line}}};
+ {undefined,_Char,MoreCs,NewCont,Rs} ->
+ {keep_state,
+ {NewCont, State#state{ tty = io_requests(Rs ++ [beep], State#state.tty)}},
+ {next_event, info, {ReadHandle,{data,MoreCs}}}};
+ {more_chars,NewCont,Rs} ->
+ {keep_state,
+ {NewCont, State#state{ tty = io_requests(Rs, State#state.tty)}}};
+ {blink,NewCont,Rs} ->
+ {keep_state,
+ {NewCont, State#state{ tty = io_requests(Rs, State#state.tty)}},
+ 1000}
+ end;
+switch_loop(timeout, _, {_Cont, State}) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data,
+ {next_event, info, {,{data,[]}}}};
+switch_loop(info, _Unknown, _State) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, postpone}.
+switch_cmd([{atom,_,Key},{Type,_,Value}], Gr)
+ when Type =:= atom; Type =:= integer ->
+ switch_cmd({Key, Value}, Gr);
+switch_cmd([{atom,_,Key},{atom,_,V1},{atom,_,V2}], Gr) ->
+ switch_cmd({Key, V1, V2}, Gr);
+switch_cmd([{atom,_,Key}], Gr) ->
+ switch_cmd(Key, Gr);
+switch_cmd([{'?',_}], Gr) ->
+ switch_cmd(h, Gr);
+switch_cmd(Cmd, Gr) when Cmd =:= c; Cmd =:= i; Cmd =:= k ->
+ switch_cmd({Cmd, gr_cur_index(Gr)}, Gr);
+switch_cmd({c, I}, Gr0) ->
+ case gr_set_cur(Gr0, I) of
+ {ok,Gr} -> {ok, Gr};
+ undefined -> unknown_group()
+ end;
+switch_cmd({i, I}, Gr) ->
case gr_get_num(Gr, I) of
{pid,Pid} ->
exit(Pid, interrupt),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ {retry, []};
undefined ->
- unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr)
+ unknown_group()
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,i}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- Pid = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
- case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
- undefined ->
- unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr);
- _ ->
- exit(Pid, interrupt),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr)
- end;
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,k},{integer,_,I}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+switch_cmd({k, I}, Gr) ->
case gr_get_num(Gr, I) of
{pid,Pid} ->
exit(Pid, die),
case gr_get_info(Gr, Pid) of
{_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ retry;
_ ->
- Gr1 =
- receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
- gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)
- after 1000 ->
- Gr
- end,
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr1)
+ receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
+ {retry,[],gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)}
+ after 1000 ->
+ {retry,[],Gr}
+ end
undefined ->
- unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr)
+ unknown_group()
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,k}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- Pid = gr_cur_pid(Gr),
- Info = gr_get_info(Gr, Pid),
- case Info of
- undefined ->
- unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr);
- {_Ix,{}} -> % no shell
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
- _ ->
- exit(Pid, die),
- Gr1 =
- receive {'EXIT',Pid,_} ->
- gr_del_pid(Gr, Pid)
- after 1000 ->
- Gr
- end,
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr1)
- end;
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,j}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- io_requests(gr_list(Gr), Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,s},{atom,_,Shell}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+switch_cmd(j, Gr) ->
+ {retry, gr_list(Gr)};
+switch_cmd({s, Shell}, Gr0) when is_atom(Shell) ->
Pid = group:start(self(), {Shell,start,[]}),
Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Shell,start,[]}),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,s}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
- Pid = group:start(self(), {shell,start,[]}),
- Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {shell,start,[]}),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,r}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
+ {retry, [], Gr};
+switch_cmd(s, Gr) ->
+ switch_cmd({s, shell}, Gr);
+switch_cmd(r, Gr0) ->
case is_alive() of
true ->
Node = pool:get_node(),
- Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,shell,start,[]}),
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,shell,start,[]}, group_opts(Node)),
Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,shell,start,[]}),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ {retry, [], Gr};
false ->
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Not alive\n"}, Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr0)
+ {retry, [{put_chars,unicode,<<"Node is not alive\n">>}]}
+ end;
+switch_cmd({r, Node}, Gr) when is_atom(Node)->
+ switch_cmd({r, Node, shell}, Gr);
+switch_cmd({r,Node,Shell}, Gr0) when is_atom(Node), is_atom(Shell) ->
+ case is_alive() of
+ true ->
+ Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,Shell,start,[]}, group_opts(Node)),
+ Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,Shell,start,[]}),
+ {retry, [], Gr};
+ false ->
+ {retry, [{put_chars,unicode,"Node is not alive\n"}]}
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,r},{atom,_,Node}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
- Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,shell,start,[]}),
- Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,shell,start,[]}),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
- Iport, Oport, Gr0) ->
- Pid = group:start(self(), {Node,Shell,start,[]}),
- Gr = gr_add_cur(Gr0, Pid, {Node,Shell,start,[]}),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,q}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
+switch_cmd(q, _Gr) ->
case erlang:system_info(break_ignored) of
true -> % noop
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Unknown command\n"}, Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
+ {retry, [{put_chars,unicode,<<"Unknown command\n">>}]};
false ->
-switch_cmd({ok,[{atom,_,h}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- list_commands(Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,[{'?',_}],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- list_commands(Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,[],_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd({ok,_Ts,_}, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Unknown command\n"}, Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr);
-switch_cmd(_Ts, Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Illegal input\n"}, Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr).
-unknown_group(Iport, Oport, Gr) ->
- io_request({put_chars,unicode,"Unknown job\n"}, Iport, Oport),
- switch_loop(Iport, Oport, Gr).
-list_commands(Iport, Oport) ->
+switch_cmd(h, _Gr) ->
+ {retry, list_commands()};
+switch_cmd([], _Gr) ->
+ {retry,[]};
+switch_cmd(_Ts, _Gr) ->
+ {retry, [{put_chars,unicode,<<"Unknown command\n">>}]}.
+unknown_group() ->
+ {retry,[{put_chars,unicode,<<"Unknown job\n">>}]}.
+list_commands() ->
QuitReq = case erlang:system_info(break_ignored) of
- true ->
+ true ->
false ->
- [{put_chars, unicode," q - quit erlang\n"}]
+ [{put_chars, unicode,<<" q - quit erlang\n">>}]
- io_requests([{put_chars, unicode," c [nn] - connect to job\n"},
- {put_chars, unicode," i [nn] - interrupt job\n"},
- {put_chars, unicode," k [nn] - kill job\n"},
- {put_chars, unicode," j - list all jobs\n"},
- {put_chars, unicode," s [shell] - start local shell\n"},
- {put_chars, unicode," r [node [shell]] - start remote shell\n"}] ++
- QuitReq ++
- [{put_chars, unicode," ? | h - this message\n"}],
- Iport, Oport).
-get_line({done,Line,_Rest,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
- io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport),
- Line;
-get_line({undefined,_Char,Cs,Cont,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
- io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport),
- io_request(beep, Iport, Oport),
- get_line(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont), Iport, Oport);
-get_line({What,Cont0,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
- io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport),
- receive
- {Iport,{data,Cs}} ->
- get_line(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont0), Iport, Oport);
- {Iport,eof} ->
- get_line(edlin:edit_line(eof, Cont0), Iport, Oport)
- after
- get_line_timeout(What) ->
- get_line(edlin:edit_line([], Cont0), Iport, Oport)
- end.
-get_line_timeout(blink) -> 1000;
-get_line_timeout(more_chars) -> infinity.
-% Let driver report window geometry,
-% definitely outside of the common interface
-get_tty_geometry(Iport) ->
- case (catch port_control(Iport,?CTRL_OP_GET_WINSIZE,[])) of
- List when length(List) =:= 8 ->
- <<W:32/native,H:32/native>> = list_to_binary(List),
- {W,H};
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-get_unicode_state(Iport) ->
- case (catch port_control(Iport,?CTRL_OP_GET_UNICODE_STATE,[])) of
- [Int] when Int > 0 ->
- true;
- [Int] when Int =:= 0 ->
- false;
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-set_unicode_state(Iport, Bool) ->
- Data = case Bool of
- true -> [1];
- false -> [0]
- end,
- case (catch port_control(Iport,?CTRL_OP_SET_UNICODE_STATE,Data)) of
- [Int] when Int > 0 ->
- {unicode, utf8};
- [Int] when Int =:= 0 ->
- {unicode, false};
- _ ->
- error
+ [{put_chars, unicode,<<" c [nn] - connect to job\n">>},
+ {put_chars, unicode,<<" i [nn] - interrupt job\n">>},
+ {put_chars, unicode,<<" k [nn] - kill job\n">>},
+ {put_chars, unicode,<<" j - list all jobs\n">>},
+ {put_chars, unicode,<<" s [shell] - start local shell\n">>},
+ {put_chars, unicode,<<" r [node [shell]] - start remote shell\n">>}] ++
+ QuitReq ++
+ [{put_chars, unicode,<<" ? | h - this message\n">>}].
+group_opts(Node) ->
+ VersionString = erpc:call(Node, erlang, system_info, [otp_release]),
+ Version = list_to_integer(VersionString),
+ ExpandFun =
+ case Version > 25 of
+ true -> [{expand_fun,fun(B, Opts)-> erpc:call(Node,edlin_expand,expand,[B, Opts]) end}];
+ false -> [{expand_fun,fun(B, _)-> erpc:call(Node,edlin_expand,expand,[B]) end}]
+ end,
+ group_opts() ++ ExpandFun.
+group_opts() ->
+ [{expand_below, application:get_env(stdlib, shell_expand_location, below) =:= below}].
+-spec io_request(request(), prim_tty:state()) -> {noreply, prim_tty:state()} |
+ {term(), reference(), prim_tty:state()}.
+io_request({requests,Rs}, TTY) ->
+ {noreply, io_requests(Rs, TTY)};
+io_request(redraw_prompt, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, redraw_prompt));
+io_request({redraw_prompt, Pbs, Pbs2, LineState}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {redraw_prompt, Pbs, Pbs2, LineState}));
+io_request(new_prompt, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, new_prompt));
+io_request(delete_after_cursor, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, delete_after_cursor));
+io_request(delete_line, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, delete_line));
+io_request({put_chars_keep_state, unicode, Chars}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {putc_keep_state, unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars)}));
+io_request({put_chars, unicode, Chars}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {putc, unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars)}));
+io_request({put_chars_sync, unicode, Chars, Reply}, TTY) ->
+ {Output, NewTTY} = prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {putc, unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars)}),
+ {ok, MonitorRef} = prim_tty:write(NewTTY, Output, self()),
+ {Reply, MonitorRef, NewTTY};
+io_request({put_chars_sync, latin1, Chars, Reply}, TTY) ->
+ {Output, NewTTY} = prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {putc_raw, Chars}),
+ {ok, MonitorRef} = prim_tty:write(NewTTY, Output, self()),
+ {Reply, MonitorRef, NewTTY};
+io_request({put_expand, unicode, Chars}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {expand_with_trim, unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars)}));
+io_request({put_expand_no_trim, unicode, Chars}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {expand, unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars)}));
+io_request({move_rel, N}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {move, N}));
+io_request({move_line, R}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {move_line, R}));
+io_request({move_combo, V1, R, V2}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {move_combo, V1, R, V2}));
+io_request({insert_chars, unicode, Chars}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {insert, unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars)}));
+io_request({delete_chars, N}, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, {delete, N}));
+io_request(clear, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, clear));
+io_request(beep, TTY) ->
+ write(prim_tty:handle_request(TTY, beep)).
+write({Output, TTY}) ->
+ ok = prim_tty:write(TTY, Output),
+ {noreply, TTY}.
+io_requests([{insert_chars, unicode, C1},{insert_chars, unicode, C2}|Rs], TTY) ->
+ io_requests([{insert_chars, unicode, [C1,C2]}|Rs], TTY);
+io_requests([{put_chars, unicode, C1},{put_chars, unicode, C2}|Rs], TTY) ->
+ io_requests([{put_chars, unicode, [C1,C2]}|Rs], TTY);
+io_requests([{move_rel, N}, {move_line, R}, {move_rel, M}|Rs], TTY) ->
+ io_requests([{move_combo, N, R, M}|Rs], TTY);
+io_requests([{move_rel, N}, {move_line, R}|Rs], TTY) ->
+ io_requests([{move_combo, N, R, 0}|Rs], TTY);
+io_requests([{move_line, R}, {move_rel, M}|Rs], TTY) ->
+ io_requests([{move_combo, 0, R, M}|Rs], TTY);
+io_requests([R|Rs], TTY) ->
+ {noreply, NewTTY} = io_request(R, TTY),
+ io_requests(Rs, NewTTY);
+io_requests([], TTY) ->
+ TTY.
+open_editor(TTY, Buffer) ->
+ DefaultEditor =
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} -> "notepad";
+ {unix, _} -> "nano"
+ end,
+ Editor = os:getenv("VISUAL", os:getenv("EDITOR", DefaultEditor)),
+ TmpFile = string:chomp(mktemp()) ++ ".erl",
+ _ = file:write_file(TmpFile, unicode:characters_to_binary(Buffer, unicode)),
+ case filelib:is_file(TmpFile) of
+ true ->
+ ok = prim_tty:disable_reader(TTY),
+ try
+ EditorPort =
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ [Cmd | Args] = string:split(Editor," ", all),
+ open_port({spawn_executable, os:find_executable(Cmd)},
+ [{args,Args ++ [TmpFile]}, nouse_stdio]);
+ {unix, _ } ->
+ open_port({spawn, Editor ++ " " ++ TmpFile}, [nouse_stdio])
+ end,
+ {EditorPort, TmpFile}
+ catch error:enoent ->
+ ok = prim_tty:enable_reader(TTY),
+ io:format(standard_error, "Could not find EDITOR '~ts'.~n", [Editor]),
+ false
+ end;
+ false ->
+ io:format(standard_error,
+ "Could not find create temp file '~ts'.~n",
+ [TmpFile]),
+ false
-%% io_request(Request, InPort, OutPort)
-%% io_requests(Requests, InPort, OutPort)
-%% Note: InPort is unused.
-io_request({requests,Rs}, Iport, Oport) ->
- io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport);
-io_request(Request, _Iport, Oport) ->
- case io_command(Request) of
- {Data, Reply} ->
- true = port_command(Oport, Data),
- Reply;
- unhandled ->
- ok
+mktemp() ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ os:cmd("powershell \"write-host (& New-TemporaryFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)\"");
+ {unix,_} ->
+ os:cmd("mktemp")
-io_requests([R|Rs], Iport, Oport) ->
- io_request(R, Iport, Oport),
- io_requests(Rs, Iport, Oport);
-io_requests([], _Iport, _Oport) ->
- ok.
-put_int16(N, Tail) ->
- [(N bsr 8)band 255,N band 255|Tail].
-%% When a put_chars_sync command is used, user_drv guarantees that
-%% the bytes have been put in the buffer of the port before an acknowledgement
-%% is sent back to the process sending the request. This command was added in
-%% OTP 18 to make sure that data sent from io:format is actually printed
-%% to the console before the vm stops when calling erlang:halt(integer()).
--dialyzer({no_improper_lists, io_command/1}).
-io_command({put_chars_sync, unicode,Cs,Reply}) ->
- {[?OP_PUTC_SYNC|unicode:characters_to_binary(Cs,utf8)], Reply};
-io_command({put_chars, unicode,Cs}) ->
- {[?OP_PUTC|unicode:characters_to_binary(Cs,utf8)], ok};
-io_command({move_rel,N}) ->
- {[?OP_MOVE|put_int16(N, [])], ok};
-io_command({insert_chars,unicode,Cs}) ->
- {[?OP_INSC|unicode:characters_to_binary(Cs,utf8)], ok};
-io_command({delete_chars,N}) ->
- {[?OP_DELC|put_int16(N, [])], ok};
-io_command(beep) ->
- {[?OP_BEEP], ok};
-io_command(_) ->
- unhandled.
+handle_req(next, TTYState, {false, IOQ} = IOQueue) ->
+ case queue:out(IOQ) of
+ {empty, _} ->
+ {TTYState, IOQueue};
+ {{value, {Origin, Req}}, ExecQ} ->
+ case io_request(Req, TTYState) of
+ {noreply, NewTTYState} ->
+ handle_req(next, NewTTYState, {false, ExecQ});
+ {Reply, MonitorRef, NewTTYState} ->
+ {NewTTYState, {{Origin, MonitorRef, Reply}, ExecQ}}
+ end
+ end;
+handle_req(Msg, TTYState, {false, IOQ} = IOQueue) ->
+ empty = queue:peek(IOQ),
+ {Origin, Req} = Msg,
+ case io_request(Req, TTYState) of
+ {noreply, NewTTYState} ->
+ {NewTTYState, IOQueue};
+ {Reply, MonitorRef, NewTTYState} ->
+ {NewTTYState, {{Origin, MonitorRef, Reply}, IOQ}}
+ end;
+handle_req(Msg,TTYState,{Resp, IOQ}) ->
+ %% All requests are queued when we have outstanding sync put_chars
+ {TTYState, {Resp, queue:in(Msg,IOQ)}}.
%% gr_new()
%% gr_get_num(Group, Index)
@@ -611,100 +910,71 @@ io_command(_) ->
%% gr_add_cur(Group, Pid, Shell)
%% gr_set_cur(Group, Index)
%% gr_cur_pid(Group)
+%% gr_cur_index(Group)
%% gr_del_pid(Group, Pid)
%% Manage the group list. The group structure has the form:
%% {NextIndex,CurrIndex,CurrPid,GroupList}
%% where each element in the group list is:
%% {Index,GroupPid,Shell}
+-record(group, { index, pid, shell }).
+-record(gr, { next = 0, current = 0, pid = none, groups = []}).
gr_new() ->
- {0,0,none,[]}.
-gr_get_num({_Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, I) ->
- gr_get_num1(Gs, I).
-gr_get_num1([{I,_Pid,{}}|_Gs], I) ->
- undefined;
-gr_get_num1([{I,Pid,_S}|_Gs], I) ->
- {pid,Pid};
-gr_get_num1([_G|Gs], I) ->
- gr_get_num1(Gs, I);
-gr_get_num1([], _I) ->
- undefined.
-gr_get_info({_Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, Pid) ->
- gr_get_info1(Gs, Pid).
-gr_get_info1([{I,Pid,S}|_Gs], Pid) ->
- {I,S};
-gr_get_info1([_G|Gs], I) ->
- gr_get_info1(Gs, I);
-gr_get_info1([], _I) ->
- undefined.
-gr_add_cur({Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, Pid, Shell) ->
- {Next+1,Next,Pid,append(Gs, [{Next,Pid,Shell}])}.
-gr_set_cur({Next,_CurI,_CurP,Gs}, I) ->
- case gr_get_num1(Gs, I) of
- {pid,Pid} -> {ok,{Next,I,Pid,Gs}};
+ #gr{}.
+gr_new_group(I, P, S) ->
+ #group{ index = I, pid = P, shell = S }.
+gr_get_num(#gr{ groups = Gs }, I) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(I, #group.index, Gs) of
+ false -> undefined;
+ #group{ shell = {} } ->
+ undefined;
+ #group{ pid = Pid } ->
+ {pid, Pid}
+ end.
+gr_get_info(#gr{ groups = Gs }, Pid) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Pid,, Gs) of
+ false -> undefined;
+ #group{ index = I, shell = S } ->
+ {I, S}
+ end.
+gr_add_cur(#gr{ next = Next, groups = Gs}, Pid, Shell) ->
+ put(current_group, Pid),
+ #gr{ next = Next + 1, current = Next, pid = Pid,
+ groups = Gs ++ [gr_new_group(Next, Pid, Shell)]
+ }.
+gr_set_cur(Gr, I) ->
+ case gr_get_num(Gr, I) of
+ {pid,Pid} ->
+ put(current_group, Pid),
+ {ok, Gr#gr{ current = I, pid = Pid }};
undefined -> undefined
-gr_set_num({Next,CurI,CurP,Gs}, I, Pid, Shell) ->
- {Next,CurI,CurP,gr_set_num1(Gs, I, Pid, Shell)}.
-gr_set_num1([{I,_Pid,_Shell}|Gs], I, NewPid, NewShell) ->
- [{I,NewPid,NewShell}|Gs];
-gr_set_num1([{I,Pid,Shell}|Gs], NewI, NewPid, NewShell) when NewI > I ->
- [{I,Pid,Shell}|gr_set_num1(Gs, NewI, NewPid, NewShell)];
-gr_set_num1(Gs, NewI, NewPid, NewShell) ->
- [{NewI,NewPid,NewShell}|Gs].
-gr_del_pid({Next,CurI,CurP,Gs}, Pid) ->
- {Next,CurI,CurP,gr_del_pid1(Gs, Pid)}.
-gr_del_pid1([{_I,Pid,_S}|Gs], Pid) ->
- Gs;
-gr_del_pid1([G|Gs], Pid) ->
- [G|gr_del_pid1(Gs, Pid)];
-gr_del_pid1([], _Pid) ->
- [].
-gr_cur_pid({_Next,_CurI,CurP,_Gs}) ->
- CurP.
-gr_list({_Next,CurI,_CurP,Gs}) ->
- gr_list(Gs, CurI, []).
-gr_list([{_I,_Pid,{}}|Gs], Cur, Jobs) ->
- gr_list(Gs, Cur, Jobs);
-gr_list([{Cur,_Pid,Shell}|Gs], Cur, Jobs) ->
- gr_list(Gs, Cur, [{put_chars, unicode,flatten(io_lib:format("~4w* ~w\n", [Cur,Shell]))}|Jobs]);
-gr_list([{I,_Pid,Shell}|Gs], Cur, Jobs) ->
- gr_list(Gs, Cur, [{put_chars, unicode,flatten(io_lib:format("~4w ~w\n", [I,Shell]))}|Jobs]);
-gr_list([], _Cur, Jobs) ->
- lists:reverse(Jobs).
-append([H|T], X) ->
- [H|append(T, X)];
-append([], X) ->
- X.
-member(X, [X|_Rest]) -> true;
-member(X, [_H|Rest]) ->
- member(X, Rest);
-member(_X, []) -> false.
-flatten(List) ->
- flatten(List, [], []).
-flatten([H|T], Cont, Tail) when is_list(H) ->
- flatten(H, [T|Cont], Tail);
-flatten([H|T], Cont, Tail) ->
- [H|flatten(T, Cont, Tail)];
-flatten([], [H|Cont], Tail) ->
- flatten(H, Cont, Tail);
-flatten([], [], Tail) ->
- Tail.
+gr_set_num(Gr = #gr{ groups = Groups }, I, Pid, Shell) ->
+ NewGroups = lists:keystore(I, #group.index, Groups, gr_new_group(I,Pid,Shell)),
+ Gr#gr{ groups = NewGroups }.
+gr_del_pid(Gr = #gr{ groups = Groups }, Pid) ->
+ Gr#gr{ groups = lists:keydelete(Pid,, Groups) }.
+gr_cur_pid(#gr{ pid = Pid }) ->
+ Pid.
+gr_cur_index(#gr{ current = Index }) ->
+ Index.
+gr_list(#gr{ current = Current, groups = Groups}) ->
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun(#group{ shell = {} }) ->
+ [];
+ (#group{ index = I, shell = S }) ->
+ Marker = ["*" || Current =:= I],
+ [{put_chars, unicode,
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(
+ io_lib:format("~4w~.1ts ~w\n", [I,Marker,S]))}]
+ end, Groups).