path: root/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
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diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
index 18587b0475..e6ac47fa8f 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2022. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2023. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,735 +20,6 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%%% File : erts_alloc_config.erl
-%%% Author : Rickard Green
-%%% Description : Generate an erts_alloc configuration suitable for
-%%% a limited amount of runtime scenarios.
-%%% Created : 9 May 2007 by Rickard Green
--deprecated({'_','_', "this module will be removed in OTP 26.0. See the "
- "documentation for details"}).
--record(state, {have_scenario = false,
- alloc}).
--record(alloc, {name,
- enabled,
- need_config_change,
- alloc_util,
- instances,
- strategy,
- acul,
- low_mbc_blocks_size,
- high_mbc_blocks_size,
- sbct,
- segments}).
- {segments,
- format_to}).
--record(segment, {size,number}).
--define(PRINT_WITDH, 76).
--define(SERVER, '__erts_alloc_config__').
--define(KB, 1024).
--define(MB, 1048576).
--define(B2KB(B), ((((B) - 1) div ?KB) + 1)).
--define(ROUNDUP(V, R), ((((V) - 1) div (R)) + 1)*(R)).
--define(MBC_MSEG_LIMIT, 150).
--define(FRAG_FACT, 1.25).
--define(GROWTH_SEG_FACT, 2).
--define(MIN_SEG_SIZE, 1*?MB).
--define(SMALL_GROWTH_SEGS, 5).
- A == binary_alloc;
- A == std_alloc;
- A == ets_alloc;
- A == fix_alloc;
- A == eheap_alloc;
- A == ll_alloc;
- A == sl_alloc;
- A == temp_alloc;
- A == driver_alloc).
- [binary_alloc,
- ets_alloc,
- eheap_alloc,
- fix_alloc,
- ll_alloc,
- mseg_alloc,
- sl_alloc,
- std_alloc,
- sys_alloc,
- temp_alloc,
- driver_alloc]).
- [{binary_alloc, 131072},
- {std_alloc, 131072},
- {ets_alloc, 131072},
- {fix_alloc, 131072},
- {eheap_alloc, 524288},
- {ll_alloc, 131072},
- {sl_alloc, 131072},
- {temp_alloc, 131072},
- {driver_alloc, 131072}]).
-%%% Exported interface
- make_config/0,
- make_config/1,
- stop/0]).
-%% Test and debug export
-save_scenario() ->
- req(save_scenario).
-make_config() ->
- make_config(group_leader()).
-make_config(FileName) when is_list(FileName) ->
- case file:open(FileName, [write]) of
- {ok, IODev} ->
- Res = req({make_config, IODev}),
- ok = file:close(IODev),
- Res;
- Error ->
- Error
- end;
-make_config(IODev) ->
- req({make_config, IODev}).
-stop() ->
- req(stop).
-%% state() is intentionally undocumented, and is for testing
-%% and debugging only...
-state() ->
- req(state).
-%%% Server
-req(Req) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- ReqMsg = {request, self(), Ref, Req},
- req(ReqMsg, Ref, true).
-req(ReqMsg, Ref, TryStart) ->
- req(ReqMsg, Ref, TryStart, erlang:monitor(process, ?SERVER)).
-req(ReqMsg, Ref, TryStart, Mon) ->
- (catch ?SERVER ! ReqMsg),
- receive
- {response, Ref, Res} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mon, [flush]),
- Res;
- {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, noproc} ->
- case TryStart of
- true -> start_server(Ref, ReqMsg);
- false -> {error, server_died}
- end;
- {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-start_server(Ref, ReqMsg) ->
- Starter = self(),
- Pid = spawn(fun () ->
- register(?SERVER, self()),
- Starter ! {Ref, self(), started},
- server_loop(make_state())
- end),
- Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- receive
- {Ref, Pid, started} ->
- req(ReqMsg, Ref, false, Mon);
- {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, _} ->
- req(ReqMsg, Ref, false)
- end.
-server_loop(State) ->
- NewState = receive
- {request, From, Ref, save_scenario} ->
- Alloc = save_scenario(State#state.alloc),
- From ! {response, Ref, ok},
- State#state{alloc = Alloc, have_scenario = true};
- {request, From, Ref, {make_config, IODev}} ->
- case State#state.have_scenario of
- true ->
- Conf = #conf{segments = ?MBC_MSEG_LIMIT,
- format_to = IODev},
- Res = mk_config(Conf, State#state.alloc),
- From ! {response, Ref, Res},
- ok;
- _ ->
- From ! {response, Ref, no_scenario_saved},
- ok
- end,
- State;
- {request, From, Ref, stop} ->
- From ! {response, Ref, ok},
- exit(normal);
- {request, From, Ref, state} ->
- From ! {response, Ref, State},
- State;
- {request, From, Ref, Req} ->
- From ! {response, Ref, {unknown_request, Req}},
- State;
- _ ->
- State
- end,
- server_loop(NewState).
-carrier_migration_support(aoff) ->
- true;
-carrier_migration_support(aoffcbf) ->
- true;
-carrier_migration_support(aoffcaobf) ->
- true;
-carrier_migration_support(_) ->
- false.
-allocator_instances(ll_alloc, Strategy) ->
- case carrier_migration_support(Strategy) of
- true -> erlang:system_info(schedulers);
- false -> 1
- end;
-allocator_instances(_A, undefined) ->
- 1;
-allocator_instances(_A, _Strategy) ->
- erlang:system_info(schedulers).
-strategy(temp_alloc, _AI) ->
- af;
-strategy(A, AI) ->
- try
- {A, OptList} = lists:keyfind(A, 1, AI),
- {as, S} = lists:keyfind(as, 1, OptList),
- S
- catch
- _ : _ ->
- undefined
- end.
-strategy_str(af) ->
- "A fit";
-strategy_str(gf) ->
- "Good fit";
-strategy_str(bf) ->
- "Best fit";
-strategy_str(aobf) ->
- "Address order best fit";
-strategy_str(aoff) ->
- "Address order first fit";
-strategy_str(aoffcbf) ->
- "Address order first fit carrier best fit";
-strategy_str(aoffcaobf) ->
- "Address order first fit carrier address order best fit";
-strategy_str(ageffcaoff) ->
- "Age order first fit carrier address order first fit";
-strategy_str(ageffcbf) ->
- "Age order first fit carrier best fit";
-strategy_str(ageffcaobf) ->
- "Age order first fit carrier address order best fit".
-default_acul(A, S) ->
- case carrier_migration_support(S) of
- false ->
- 0;
- true ->
- case A of
- ll_alloc -> 85;
- eheap_alloc -> 45;
- _ -> 60
- end
- end.
-make_state() ->
- {_, _, _, AI} = erlang:system_info(allocator),
- #state{alloc = lists:map(fun (A) ->
- S = strategy(A, AI),
- #alloc{name = A,
- strategy = S,
- acul = default_acul(A, S),
- instances = allocator_instances(A, S)}
- end,
-%% Save scenario
-ai_value(Key1, Key2, AI) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key1, 1, AI) of
- {value, {Key1, Value1}} ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key2, 1, Value1) of
- {value, Result} -> Result;
- _ -> undefined
- end;
- _ -> undefined
- end.
-chk_mbcs_blocks_size(#alloc{low_mbc_blocks_size = undefined,
- high_mbc_blocks_size = undefined} = Alc,
- Min,
- Max) ->
- Alc#alloc{low_mbc_blocks_size = Min,
- high_mbc_blocks_size = Max,
- enabled = true};
-chk_mbcs_blocks_size(#alloc{low_mbc_blocks_size = LowBS,
- high_mbc_blocks_size = HighBS} = Alc,
- Min,
- Max) ->
- true = is_integer(LowBS),
- true = is_integer(HighBS),
- Alc1 = case Min < LowBS of
- true -> Alc#alloc{low_mbc_blocks_size = Min};
- false -> Alc
- end,
- case Max > HighBS of
- true -> Alc1#alloc{high_mbc_blocks_size = Max};
- false -> Alc1
- end.
-set_alloc_util(#alloc{alloc_util = AU} = Alc, AU) ->
- Alc;
-set_alloc_util(Alc, Val) ->
- Alc#alloc{alloc_util = Val}.
-chk_sbct(#alloc{sbct = undefined} = Alc, AI) ->
- case ai_value(options, sbct, AI) of
- {sbct, Bytes} when is_integer(Bytes) -> Alc#alloc{sbct = b2kb(Bytes)};
- _ -> Alc
- end;
-chk_sbct(Alc, _AI) ->
- Alc.
-save_scenario(AlcList) ->
- %% The high priority is not really necessary. It is
- %% used since it will make retrieval of allocator
- %% information less spread out in time on a highly
- %% loaded system.
- OP = process_flag(priority, high),
- Res = do_save_scenario(AlcList),
- process_flag(priority, OP),
- Res.
-save_ai2(#alloc{name=Name}=Alc0, AI) ->
- Alc1 = chk_sbct(Alc0, AI),
- {Alc, IsAUtil} =
- case ai_value(mbcs, blocks, AI) of
- {blocks, Bs} ->
- case ai_value(Name, size, Bs) of
- {size, MinBS, _, MaxBS} ->
- {chk_mbcs_blocks_size(Alc1, MinBS, MaxBS), true};
- _ ->
- {Alc1, false}
- end;
- _ ->
- {Alc1, false}
- end,
- set_alloc_util(Alc, IsAUtil).
-save_ai(Alc, [{instance, 0, AI}]) ->
- save_ai2(Alc, AI);
-save_ai(Alc, [{instance, _, _}, {instance, _, _}| _]) ->
- Alc#alloc{enabled = true, need_config_change = true};
-save_ai(Alc, AI) ->
- save_ai2(Alc, AI). % Non erts_alloc_util allocator
-do_save_scenario(AlcList) ->
- lists:map(fun (#alloc{enabled = false} = Alc) ->
- Alc;
- (#alloc{name = Name} = Alc) ->
- case erlang:system_info({allocator, Name}) of
- undefined ->
- exit({bad_allocator_name, Name});
- false ->
- Alc#alloc{enabled = false};
- AI when is_list(AI) ->
- save_ai(Alc, AI)
- end
- end,
- AlcList).
-%% Make configuration
-conf_size(Bytes) when is_integer(Bytes), Bytes < 0 ->
- exit({bad_value, Bytes});
-conf_size(Bytes) when is_integer(Bytes), Bytes < 1*?MB ->
- ?ROUNDUP(?B2KB(Bytes), 256);
-conf_size(Bytes) when is_integer(Bytes), Bytes < 10*?MB ->
- ?ROUNDUP(?B2KB(Bytes), ?B2KB(1*?MB));
-conf_size(Bytes) when is_integer(Bytes), Bytes < 100*?MB ->
- ?ROUNDUP(?B2KB(Bytes), ?B2KB(2*?MB));
-conf_size(Bytes) when is_integer(Bytes), Bytes < 256*?MB ->
- ?ROUNDUP(?B2KB(Bytes), ?B2KB(5*?MB));
-conf_size(Bytes) when is_integer(Bytes) ->
- ?ROUNDUP(?B2KB(Bytes), ?B2KB(10*?MB)).
-sbct(#conf{format_to = FTO}, #alloc{name = A, sbct = SBCT}) ->
- fc(FTO, "Sbc threshold size of ~p kilobytes.", [SBCT]),
- format(FTO, " +M~csbct ~p~n", [alloc_char(A), SBCT]).
-default_mmbcs(temp_alloc = A, _Insts) ->
- {value, {A, MMBCS_Default}} = lists:keysearch(A, 1, ?MMBCS_DEFAULTS),
- MMBCS_Default;
-default_mmbcs(A, Insts) ->
- {value, {A, MMBCS_Default}} = lists:keysearch(A, 1, ?MMBCS_DEFAULTS),
- I = case Insts > 4 of
- true -> 4;
- _ -> Insts
- end,
- ?ROUNDUP(MMBCS_Default div I, ?B2KB(1*?KB)).
-mmbcs(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = A, instances = Insts, low_mbc_blocks_size = BlocksSize}) ->
- BS = case A of
- temp_alloc -> BlocksSize;
- _ -> BlocksSize div Insts
- end,
- DefMMBCS = default_mmbcs(A, Insts),
- case {Insts, BS > DefMMBCS} of
- {1, true} ->
- MMBCS = conf_size(BS),
- fc(FTO, "Main mbc size of ~p kilobytes.", [MMBCS]),
- format(FTO, " +M~cmmbcs ~p~n", [alloc_char(A), MMBCS]);
- _ ->
- fc(FTO, "Main mbc size of ~p kilobytes.", [MMBCS]),
- format(FTO, " +M~cmmbcs ~p~n", [alloc_char(A), MMBCS]),
- ok
- end.
-smbcs_lmbcs(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = A, segments = Segments}) ->
- MBCS = Segments#segment.size,
- AC = alloc_char(A),
- fc(FTO, "Mseg mbc size of ~p kilobytes.", [MBCS]),
- format(FTO, " +M~csmbcs ~p +M~clmbcs ~p~n", [AC, MBCS, AC, MBCS]),
- ok.
-alloc_char(binary_alloc) -> $B;
-alloc_char(std_alloc) -> $D;
-alloc_char(ets_alloc) -> $E;
-alloc_char(fix_alloc) -> $F;
-alloc_char(eheap_alloc) -> $H;
-alloc_char(ll_alloc) -> $L;
-alloc_char(mseg_alloc) -> $M;
-alloc_char(driver_alloc) -> $R;
-alloc_char(sl_alloc) -> $S;
-alloc_char(temp_alloc) -> $T;
-alloc_char(sys_alloc) -> $Y;
-alloc_char(Alloc) ->
- exit({bad_allocator, Alloc}).
-conf_alloc(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = A, enabled = false}) ->
- fcl(FTO, A),
- fcp(FTO,
- "WARNING: ~p has been disabled. Consider enabling ~p by passing "
- "the \"+M~ce true\" command line argument and rerun "
- "erts_alloc_config.",
- [A, A, alloc_char(A)]);
-conf_alloc(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = A, need_config_change = true}) ->
- fcl(FTO, A),
- fcp(FTO,
- "WARNING: ~p has been configured in a way that prevents "
- "erts_alloc_config from creating a configuration. The configuration "
- "will be automatically adjusted to fit erts_alloc_config if you "
- "use the \"+Mea config\" command line argument while running "
- "erts_alloc_config.",
- [A]);
-conf_alloc(#conf{format_to = FTO} = Conf,
- #alloc{name = A, alloc_util = true} = Alc) ->
- fcl(FTO, A),
- chk_xnote(Conf, Alc),
- au_conf_alloc(Conf, Alc),
- format(FTO, "#~n", []);
-conf_alloc(#conf{format_to = FTO} = Conf, #alloc{name = A} = Alc) ->
- fcl(FTO, A),
- chk_xnote(Conf, Alc).
-chk_xnote(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = sys_alloc}) ->
- fcp(FTO, "Cannot be configured. Default malloc implementation used.");
-chk_xnote(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = mseg_alloc}) ->
- fcp(FTO, "Default configuration used.");
-chk_xnote(#conf{format_to = FTO},
- #alloc{name = ll_alloc}) ->
- fcp(FTO,
- "Note, blocks allocated with ll_alloc are very "
- "seldom deallocated. Placing blocks in mseg "
- "carriers is therefore very likely only a waste "
- "of resources.");
-chk_xnote(#conf{}, #alloc{}) ->
- ok.
-au_conf_alloc(#conf{format_to = FTO} = Conf,
- #alloc{name = A,
- alloc_util = true,
- instances = Insts,
- acul = Acul,
- strategy = Strategy,
- low_mbc_blocks_size = Low,
- high_mbc_blocks_size = High} = Alc) ->
- fcp(FTO, "Usage of mbcs: ~p - ~p kilobytes", [?B2KB(Low), ?B2KB(High)]),
- case Insts of
- 1 ->
- fc(FTO, "One instance used."),
- format(FTO, " +M~ct false~n", [alloc_char(A)]);
- _ ->
- fc(FTO, "~p + 1 instances used.",
- [Insts]),
- format(FTO, " +M~ct true~n", [alloc_char(A)]),
- case Strategy of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- fc(FTO, "Allocation strategy: ~s.",
- [strategy_str(Strategy)]),
- format(FTO, " +M~cas ~s~n", [alloc_char(A),
- atom_to_list(Strategy)])
- end,
- case carrier_migration_support(Strategy) of
- false ->
- ok;
- true ->
- fc(FTO, "Abandon carrier utilization limit of ~p%.", [Acul]),
- format(FTO, " +M~cacul ~p~n", [alloc_char(A), Acul])
- end
- end,
- mmbcs(Conf, Alc),
- smbcs_lmbcs(Conf, Alc),
- sbct(Conf, Alc).
-calc_seg_size(Growth, Segs) ->
- conf_size(round(Growth*?FRAG_FACT*?GROWTH_SEG_FACT) div Segs).
-calc_growth_segments(Conf, AlcList0) ->
- CalcSmall = fun (#alloc{name = ll_alloc, instances = 1} = Alc, Acc) ->
- {Alc#alloc{segments = #segment{size = conf_size(0),
- number = 0}},
- Acc};
- (#alloc{alloc_util = true,
- instances = Insts,
- low_mbc_blocks_size = LowMBC,
- high_mbc_blocks_size = High} = Alc,
- {SL, AL}) ->
- Low = case Insts of
- 1 -> LowMBC;
- _ -> 0
- end,
- Growth = High - Low,
- case Growth >= ?LARGE_GROWTH_ABS_LIMIT of
- true ->
- {Alc, {SL, AL+1}};
- false ->
- SegSize = calc_seg_size(Growth, Segs),
- {Alc#alloc{segments
- = #segment{size = SegSize,
- number = Segs}},
- {SL - Segs, AL}}
- end;
- (Alc, Acc) -> {Alc, Acc}
- end,
- {AlcList1, {SegsLeft, AllocsLeft}}
- = lists:mapfoldl(CalcSmall, {Conf#conf.segments, 0}, AlcList0),
- case AllocsLeft of
- 0 ->
- AlcList1;
- _ ->
- SegsPerAlloc = case (SegsLeft div AllocsLeft) + 1 of
- SPA ->
- end,
- CalcLarge = fun (#alloc{alloc_util = true,
- segments = undefined,
- instances = Insts,
- low_mbc_blocks_size = LowMBC,
- high_mbc_blocks_size = High} = Alc) ->
- Low = case Insts of
- 1 -> LowMBC;
- _ -> 0
- end,
- Growth = High - Low,
- SegSize = calc_seg_size(Growth,
- SegsPerAlloc),
- Alc#alloc{segments
- = #segment{size = SegSize,
- number = SegsPerAlloc}};
- (Alc) ->
- Alc
- end,
- lists:map(CalcLarge, AlcList1)
- end.
-mk_config(#conf{format_to = FTO} = Conf, AlcList) ->
- format_header(FTO),
- Res = lists:foreach(fun (Alc) -> conf_alloc(Conf, Alc) end,
- calc_growth_segments(Conf, AlcList)),
- format_footer(FTO),
- Res.
-format_header(FTO) ->
- {Y,Mo,D} = erlang:date(),
- {H,Mi,S} = erlang:time(),
- fcl(FTO),
- fcl(FTO, "erts_alloc configuration"),
- fcl(FTO),
- fcp(FTO,
- "This erts_alloc configuration was automatically "
- "generated at ~w-~2..0w-~2..0w ~2..0w:~2..0w.~2..0w by "
- "erts_alloc_config.",
- [Y, Mo, D, H, Mi, S]),
- fcp(FTO,
- "~s was used when generating the configuration.",
- [string:trim(erlang:system_info(system_version), both, "$\n")]),
- case erlang:system_info(schedulers) of
- 1 -> ok;
- Schdlrs ->
- fcp(FTO,
- "NOTE: This configuration was made for ~p schedulers. "
- "It is very important that ~p schedulers are used.",
- [Schdlrs, Schdlrs])
- end,
- fcp(FTO,
- "This configuration is intended as a suggestion and "
- "may need to be adjusted manually. Instead of modifying "
- "this file, you are advised to write another configuration "
- "file and override values that you want to change. "
- "Doing it this way simplifies things when you want to "
- "rerun erts_alloc_config."),
- fcp(FTO,
- "This configuration is based on the actual use of "
- "multi-block carriers (mbcs) for a set of different "
- "runtime scenarios. Note that this configuration may "
- "perform bad, ever horrible, for other runtime "
- "scenarios."),
- fcp(FTO,
- "You are advised to rerun erts_alloc_config if the "
- "applications run when the configuration was made "
- "are changed, or if the load on the applications have "
- "changed since the configuration was made. You are also "
- "advised to rerun erts_alloc_config if the Erlang runtime "
- "system used is changed."),
- fcp(FTO,
- "Note, that the singel-block carrier (sbc) parameters "
- "very much effects the use of mbcs. Therefore, if you "
- "change the sbc parameters, you are advised to rerun "
- "erts_alloc_config."),
- fcp(FTO,
- "For more information see the erts_alloc_config(3) "
- "documentation."),
- ok.
-format_footer(FTO) ->
- fcl(FTO).
-%%% Misc.
-b2kb(B) when is_integer(B) ->
- MaxKB = (1 bsl erlang:system_info(wordsize)*8) div 1024,
- case ?B2KB(B) of
- KB when KB > MaxKB -> MaxKB;
- KB -> KB
- end.
-format(false, _Frmt) ->
- ok;
-format(IODev, Frmt) ->
- io:format(IODev, Frmt, []).
-format(false, _Frmt, _Args) ->
- ok;
-format(IODev, Frmt, Args) ->
- io:format(IODev, Frmt, Args).
-%% fcp: format comment paragraf
-fcp(IODev, Frmt, Args) ->
- fc(IODev, Frmt, Args),
- format(IODev, "#~n").
-fcp(IODev, Frmt) ->
- fc(IODev, Frmt),
- format(IODev, "#~n").
-%% fc: format comment
-fc(IODev, Frmt, Args) ->
- fc(IODev, lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Frmt, Args))).
-fc(IODev, String) ->
- fc_aux(IODev, string:lexemes(String, " "), 0).
-fc_aux(_IODev, [], 0) ->
- ok;
-fc_aux(IODev, [], _Len) ->
- format(IODev, "~n");
-fc_aux(IODev, [T|Ts], 0) ->
- Len = 2 + string:length(T),
- format(IODev, "# ~s", [T]),
- fc_aux(IODev, Ts, Len);
-fc_aux(IODev, [T|Ts] = ATs, Len) ->
- TLength = string:length(T),
- case (TLength + Len) >= ?PRINT_WITDH of
- true ->
- format(IODev, "~n"),
- fc_aux(IODev, ATs, 0);
- false ->
- NewLen = Len + 1 + TLength,
- format(IODev, " ~s", [T]),
- fc_aux(IODev, Ts, NewLen)
- end.
-%% fcl: format comment line
-fcl(FTO) ->
- EndStr = "# ",
- Precision = string:length(EndStr),
- FieldWidth = -1*(?PRINT_WITDH),
- format(FTO, "~*.*.*s~n", [FieldWidth, Precision, $-, EndStr]).
-fcl(FTO, A) when is_atom(A) ->
- fcl(FTO, atom_to_list(A));
-fcl(FTO, Str) when is_list(Str) ->
- Str2 = "# --- " ++ Str ++ " ",
- Precision = string:length(Str2),
- FieldWidth = -1*(?PRINT_WITDH),
- format(FTO, "~*.*.*s~n", [FieldWidth, Precision, $-, Str2]).
+-removed({'_','_', "this module has as of OTP 26.0 been removed"}).