path: root/lib/ssl/src/ssl_trace.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/ssl_trace.erl')
1 files changed, 512 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_trace.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_trace.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8ac32712e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_trace.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2022-2023. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% Purpose:
+%%% This module implements support for using the Erlang trace in a simple way
+%%% for ssl tracing.
+%%% Begin the session with ssl_trace:start(). This will do a dbg:start()
+%%% if needed and then dbg:p/2 to set some flags.
+%%% Next select trace profiles to activate: for example plain text
+%%% printouts of messages sent or received. This is switched on and off with
+%%% ssl_trace:on(TraceProfile(s)) and ssl_trace:off(TraceProfile(s)).
+%%% For example:
+%%% ssl_trace:on(rle) -- switch on printing role traces
+%%% ssl_trace:on([api, rle]) -- switch on printing role and api traces
+%%% ssl_trace:on() -- switch on all ssl trace profiles
+%%% To switch, use the off/0 or off/1 function in the same way, for example:
+%%% ssl_trace:off(api) -- switch off api tracing, keep all other
+%%% ssl_trace:off() -- switch off all ssl tracing
+%%% Present the trace result with some other method than the default
+%%% io:format/2:
+%%% ssl_trace:start(fun(Format,Args) ->
+%%% my_special( io_lib:format(Format,Args) )
+%%% end)
+%%% Write traces to text file with budget of 1000 trace entries:
+%%% ssl_trace:start(IoFmt, [file, {budget, 1000}])
+-export([start/0, start/1, start/2, stop/0, on/0, on/1, off/0, off/1, is_on/0,
+ is_off/0, write/2]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+%% Internal apply_after:
+%% Test purpose
+-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
+-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, 15000). % 3x the default
+-define(TRACE_BUDGET, 10000).
+-define(TRACE_FILE, "ssl_trace.txt").
+-record(state, {
+ file = undefined,
+ types_on = [],
+ io_device = undefined,
+ write_fun
+ }).
+start() -> start(fun io:format/2).
+start(file) ->
+ start(fun io:format/2, [file]);
+start(IoFmtFun) when is_function(IoFmtFun,2) ; is_function(IoFmtFun,3) ->
+ start(IoFmtFun, []).
+start(IoFmtFun, TraceOpts) when is_function(IoFmtFun,2);
+ is_function(IoFmtFun,3);
+ is_list(TraceOpts) ->
+ WriteFun = fun(F,A,S) -> IoFmtFun(F,A), S end,
+ {ok, Pid} = gen_server:start({local,?SERVER}, ?MODULE,
+ [{write_fun, WriteFun}, TraceOpts], []),
+ true = is_process_alive(Pid),
+ catch dbg:start(),
+ start_tracer(IoFmtFun, TraceOpts),
+ dbg:p(all, [timestamp, c]),
+ {ok, get_all_trace_profiles()}.
+stop() ->
+ try
+ dbg:stop(),
+ ok = gen_server:call(?SERVER, file_close, ?CALL_TIMEOUT),
+ gen_server:stop(?SERVER)
+ catch
+ _:_ -> ok
+ end.
+on() ->
+ on(get_all_trace_profiles()).
+on(Type) ->
+ switch(on, Type).
+off() ->
+ off(get_all_trace_profiles()).
+off(Type) ->
+ switch(off, Type).
+is_on() ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, get_on, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
+is_off() ->
+ get_all_trace_profiles() -- is_on().
+write(Fmt, Args) ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, {write, Fmt, Args}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
+init(Args) ->
+ try
+ ets:new(?MODULE, [public, named_table])
+ catch
+ exit:badarg ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {ok, #state{write_fun = proplists:get_value(write_fun, Args)}}.
+handle_call({switch,on,Profiles}, _From, State) ->
+ [enable_profile(P) || P <- Profiles],
+ NowOn = lists:usort(Profiles ++ State#state.types_on),
+ {reply, {ok,NowOn}, State#state{types_on = NowOn}};
+handle_call({switch,off,Profiles}, _From, State) ->
+ StillOn = State#state.types_on -- Profiles,
+ [disable_profile(P) || P <- Profiles],
+ {reply, {ok,StillOn}, State#state{types_on = StillOn}};
+handle_call(get_on, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, State#state.types_on, State};
+handle_call({file_open, File}, _From, State) ->
+ {ok, IODevice} = file:open(File, [write]),
+ {reply, {ok, IODevice}, State#state{io_device = IODevice}};
+handle_call(file_close, _From, #state{io_device = IODevice} = State) ->
+ case is_pid(IODevice) of
+ true ->
+ ok = file:close(IODevice);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, State#state{io_device = undefined}};
+handle_call({write, Fmt, Args}, _From, State) ->
+ #state{io_device = IODevice, write_fun = WriteFun0} = State,
+ WriteFun = get_write_fun(IODevice, WriteFun0),
+ WriteFun(Fmt, Args, processed),
+ {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call(C, _From, State) ->
+ io:format('*** Unknown call: ~p~n',[C]),
+ {reply, {error,{unknown_call,C}}, State}.
+handle_cast({new_proc,Pid}, State) ->
+ monitor(process, Pid),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_cast(C, State) ->
+ io:format('*** Unknown cast: ~p~n',[C]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, Pid, _Info}, State) ->
+ %% Universal real-time synchronization (there might be dbg msgs in the queue to the tracer):
+ timer:apply_after(20000, ?MODULE, ets_delete, [?MODULE, Pid]),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info(C, State) ->
+ io:format('*** Unknown info: ~p~n',[C]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+get_proc_stack(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ try ets:lookup_element(?MODULE, Pid, 2)
+ catch
+ error:badarg ->
+ %% Non-existing item
+ new_proc(Pid),
+ ets:insert(?MODULE, {Pid,[]}),
+ []
+ end.
+new_proc(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {new_proc,Pid}).
+put_proc_stack(Pid, Stack) when is_pid(Pid),
+ is_list(Stack) ->
+ ets:insert(?MODULE, {Pid, Stack}).
+ets_delete(Tab, Key) ->
+ catch ets:delete(Tab, Key).
+start_tracer(WriteFun, TraceOpts) when is_function(WriteFun,2) ->
+ start_tracer(fun(F,A,S) -> WriteFun(F,A), S end, TraceOpts);
+start_tracer(WriteFun, TraceOpts) when is_function(WriteFun,3) ->
+ Acc0 = [{budget, proplists:get_value(budget, TraceOpts, ?TRACE_BUDGET)}],
+ Acc1 = case lists:member(file, TraceOpts) of
+ true ->
+ TraceFile =
+ case init:get_argument(ssl_trace_file) of
+ {ok, [[Path]]} -> Path;
+ _ -> ?TRACE_FILE
+ end,
+ [{file, TraceFile} | Acc0];
+ _ ->
+ Acc0
+ end,
+ start_dbg_tracer(WriteFun, Acc1).
+start_dbg_tracer(WriteFun, InitHandlerAcc0) when is_function(WriteFun, 3) ->
+ Handler =
+ fun(Arg, Acc0) ->
+ try_handle_trace(gen_server:call(?SERVER, get_on, ?CALL_TIMEOUT),
+ Arg, WriteFun,
+ Acc0)
+ end,
+ InitHandlerAcc1 =
+ case proplists:get_value(file, InitHandlerAcc0) of
+ undefined ->
+ InitHandlerAcc0;
+ File ->
+ {ok, IODevice} = gen_server:call(?SERVER, {file_open, File}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT),
+ [{io_device, IODevice} | InitHandlerAcc0]
+ end,
+ dbg:tracer(process, {Handler,InitHandlerAcc1}).
+try_handle_trace(ProfilesOn, Arg, WriteFun0, HandlerAcc) ->
+ IODevice = proplists:get_value(io_device, HandlerAcc),
+ WriteFun = get_write_fun(IODevice, WriteFun0),
+ Budget0 = proplists:get_value(budget, HandlerAcc, 0),
+ Timestamp = trace_ts(Arg),
+ Pid = trace_pid(Arg),
+ TraceInfo = trace_info(Arg),
+ Module = trace_module(TraceInfo),
+ ProcessStack = get_proc_stack(Pid),
+ Role = proplists:get_value(role, ProcessStack, '?'),
+ Budget1 =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Profile, BAcc) ->
+ case BAcc > 1 of
+ true ->
+ try
+ Module:handle_trace(Profile, TraceInfo, ProcessStack)
+ of
+ {skip, NewProcessStack} ->
+ %% Don't try to process this later
+ put_proc_stack(Pid, NewProcessStack),
+ reduce_budget(BAcc, WriteFun);
+ {Txt, NewProcessStack} when is_list(Txt) ->
+ put_proc_stack(Pid, NewProcessStack),
+ write_txt(WriteFun, Timestamp, Pid,
+ common_prefix(TraceInfo, Role,
+ Profile) ++ Txt),
+ reduce_budget(BAcc, WriteFun)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ %% not processed by custom handler
+ BAcc
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ BAcc
+ end
+ end, Budget0, ProfilesOn),
+ %% generate default trace if was not processed by any custom handler
+ Budget2 =
+ case (Budget1 == Budget0 andalso Budget0 > 0) of
+ true ->
+ WriteFun("~.100s ~W~n",
+ [io_lib:format("~s ~p ~s ",
+ [lists:flatten(Timestamp),Pid,
+ common_prefix(TraceInfo, Role,
+ " ")]),
+ TraceInfo, 7], processed),
+ reduce_budget(Budget0, WriteFun);
+ _ ->
+ Budget1
+ end,
+ [{budget, Budget2} | proplists:delete(budget, HandlerAcc)].
+get_write_fun(IODevice, WriteFun0) ->
+ case is_pid(IODevice) of
+ true ->
+ fun(Format, Args, Return) ->
+ ok = io:format(IODevice, Format, Args),
+ Return
+ end;
+ false ->
+ WriteFun0
+ end.
+reduce_budget(B, _) when B > 1 ->
+ B - 1;
+reduce_budget(_, WriteFun) ->
+ case get(no_budget_msg_written) of
+ undefined ->
+ WriteFun("No more trace budget!~n", [], processed),
+ put(no_budget_msg_written, true);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ 0.
+write_txt(WriteFun, Timestamp, Pid, Txt) when is_list(Txt) ->
+ WriteFun("~s ~p ~ts~n", [Timestamp, Pid, Txt], processed).
+get_all_trace_profiles() ->
+ Unsorted = [Profile ||
+ {Profile, _TraceOn, _TraceOff, _TracedFuns}
+ <- trace_profiles()],
+ lists:usort(Unsorted).
+switch(X, Profile) when is_atom(Profile); is_tuple(Profile) ->
+ switch(X, [Profile]);
+switch(X, Profiles) when is_list(Profiles) ->
+ case whereis(?SERVER) of
+ undefined ->
+ start();
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case unknown_types(Profiles, get_all_trace_profiles(), []) of
+ [] ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, {switch,X,Profiles}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT);
+ L ->
+ {error, {unknown, L}}
+ end.
+unknown_types([], _AllProfiles, Acc) -> Acc;
+unknown_types([Profile | Tail], AllProfiles, Acc)
+ when is_atom(Profile) ->
+ case lists:member(Profile, AllProfiles) of
+ false -> unknown_types(Tail, AllProfiles, [Profile | Acc]);
+ _ -> unknown_types(Tail, AllProfiles, Acc)
+ end;
+unknown_types([ModProfile = {_Mod, Profile} | Tail], AllProfiles, Acc)
+ when is_tuple(ModProfile) ->
+ unknown_types([Profile | Tail], AllProfiles, Acc).
+%%% Format of trace messages are described in reference manual for erlang:trace/4
+%%% {call,MFA}
+%%% {return_from,{M,F,N},Result}
+%%% {send,Msg,To}
+%%% {'receive',Msg}
+%% Pick 2nd element, the Pid
+trace_pid(T) when element(1,T)==trace
+ ; element(1,T)==trace_ts ->
+ element(2,T).
+%% Pick last element, the Time Stamp, and format it
+trace_ts(T) when element(1,T)==trace_ts ->
+ ts( element(tuple_size(T), T) ).
+ts({_,_,Usec}=Now) when is_integer(Usec) ->
+ {_Date,{HH,MM,SS}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
+ io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.~.6.0w",[HH,MM,SS,Usec]);
+ts(_) ->
+ "-".
+%% Make a tuple of all elements but the 1st, 2nd and last
+trace_info(T) ->
+ case tuple_to_list(T) of
+ [trace,_Pid | Info] -> list_to_tuple(Info);
+ [trace_ts,_Pid | InfoTS] -> list_to_tuple(
+ lists:droplast(InfoTS))
+ end.
+trace_module(Info) ->
+ {Module, _, _} = element(2, Info),
+ Module.
+common_prefix({call, {M, F, Args}}, Role, Profile) ->
+ [io_lib:format("~s (~w) -> ~w:~w/~w ",
+ [Profile, Role, M, F, length(Args)])];
+common_prefix({return_from, {M, F, Arity}, _Return}, Role, Profile) ->
+ [io_lib:format("~s (~w) <- ~w:~w/~w returned ",
+ [Profile, Role, M, F, Arity])];
+common_prefix({exception_from, {M, F, Arity}, Reason}, Role, Profile) ->
+ [io_lib:format("~s (~w) exception_from ~w:~w/~w ~w",
+ [Profile, Role, M, F, Arity, Reason])];
+common_prefix(_E, _Role, _Profile) ->
+ [].
+enable_profile(Profile) when is_atom(Profile) ->
+ [enable_profile({M, Profile}) || M <- modules(Profile)];
+enable_profile({Module, Profile}) when is_atom(Module); is_atom(Profile) ->
+ {Profile, TraceOn, _, AllFuns} = profile(Profile),
+ Funs = proplists:get_value(Module, AllFuns),
+ process_profile(Module, TraceOn, Funs).
+disable_profile(Profile) when is_atom(Profile) ->
+ [disable_profile({M, Profile}) || M <- modules(Profile)];
+disable_profile({Module, Profile}) when is_atom(Module); is_atom(Profile) ->
+ {Profile, _, TraceOff, AllFuns} = profile(Profile),
+ Funs = proplists:get_value(Module, AllFuns),
+ process_profile(Module, TraceOff, Funs).
+process_profile(Module, Action, Funs) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ [Action(Module, F, A) || {F, A} <- Funs].
+profile(P) ->
+ lists:keyfind(P, 1, trace_profiles()).
+modules(P) ->
+ {_, _, _, Funs} = profile(P),
+ proplists:get_keys(Funs).
+trace_profiles() ->
+ [{api,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{ssl,
+ [{listen,2}, {connect,3}, {handshake,2}, {close, 1}]},
+ {ssl_gen_statem,
+ [{initial_hello,3}, {connect, 8}, {close, 2}, {terminate_alert, 1}]},
+ {tls_gen_connection,
+ [{start_connection_tree, 5}, {socket_control, 6}]}
+ ]},
+ {csp, %% OCSP
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{ssl_handshake, [{maybe_add_certificate_status_request, 4},
+ {client_hello_extensions, 10}, {cert_status_check, 5},
+ {get_ocsp_responder_list, 1}, {handle_ocsp_extension, 2},
+ {path_validation, 10},
+ {handle_server_hello_extensions, 10},
+ {handle_client_hello_extensions, 10},
+ {cert_status_check, 5}]},
+ {public_key, [{ocsp_extensions, 1}, {pkix_ocsp_validate, 5},
+ {ocsp_responder_id, 1}, {otp_cert, 1}]},
+ {pubkey_ocsp, [{find_responder_cert, 2}, {do_verify_ocsp_signature, 4},
+ {verify_ocsp_response, 3}, {verify_ocsp_nonce, 2},
+ {verify_ocsp_signature, 5}, {do_verify_ocsp_response, 3},
+ {is_responder, 2}, {find_single_response, 3},
+ {ocsp_status, 1}, {match_single_response, 4}]},
+ {ssl, [{opt_ocsp, 3}]},
+ {ssl_certificate, [{verify_cert_extensions, 4}]},
+ {ssl_test_lib, [{init_openssl_server, 3}, {openssl_server_loop, 3}]},
+ {tls_connection, [{wait_ocsp_stapling, 3}]},
+ {dtls_connection, [{initial_hello, 3}, {hello, 3}, {connection, 3}]},
+ {tls_dtls_connection, [{wait_ocsp_stapling, 3}, {certify, 3}]},
+ {tls_handshake, [{ocsp_nonce, 1}, {ocsp_expect, 1}, {client_hello, 11}]},
+ {dtls_handshake, [{client_hello, 8}]}]},
+ {crt, %% certificates
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{public_key, [{pkix_path_validation, 3}, {path_validation, 2},
+ {pkix_decode_cert, 2}]},
+ {ssl_certificate, [{validate, 3}, {trusted_cert_and_paths, 4},
+ {certificate_chain, 3}, {certificate_chain, 5},
+ {issuer, 1}]},
+ {ssl_cipher, [{filter, 3}]},
+ {ssl_gen_statem, [{initial_hello, 3}]},
+ {ssl_handshake, [{path_validate, 11}, {path_validation, 10},
+ {select_hashsign, 5}, {get_cert_params, 1},
+ {cert_curve, 3},
+ {maybe_check_hostname, 3}, {maybe_check_hostname, 3}]},
+ {ssl_pkix_db, [{decode_cert, 2}]},
+ {tls_handshake_1_3, [{path_validation, 10}]},
+ {tls_server_connection_1_3, [{init,1}]},
+ {tls_client_connection_1_3, [{init,1}]},
+ {tls_connection, [{init,1}]},
+ {dtls_connection, [{init,1}]}]},
+ {kdt, %% key update
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{tls_gen_connection_1_3, [{handle_key_update, 2}]},
+ {tls_sender, [{init, 3}, {time_to_rekey, 6},
+ {send_post_handshake_data, 4}]},
+ {tls_v1, [{update_traffic_secret, 2}]}]},
+ {rle, %% role
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{ssl, [{listen,2}, {connect,3}]},
+ {ssl_gen_statem, [{init, 1}]},
+ {tls_server_session_ticket, [{init,1}]},
+ {tls_sender, [{init, 3}]}]},
+ {ssn, %% session
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{tls_server_session_ticket,
+ [{handle_call,3}, {handle_cast,2}, {handle_info,2},
+ {terminate,2}, {start_link,7},
+ {init,1}, {initial_state,1}, {validate_binder,5}, {stateful_store,0},
+ {stateful_ticket_store,6}, {stateful_use,4}, {stateful_use,6},
+ {stateful_usable_ticket,5}, {stateful_living_ticket,2},
+ {stateful_psk_ticket_id,1}, {generate_stateless_ticket,5}, {stateless_use,6},
+ {stateless_usable_ticket,5}, {stateless_living_ticket,5}, {in_window,2},
+ {stateless_anti_replay,5}]},
+ {tls_handshake_1_3,
+ [{get_ticket_data,3}]}]},
+ {hbn, %% hibernate
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, x) end,
+ fun(M, F, A) -> dbg:ctpl(M, F, A) end,
+ [{tls_sender,
+ [{connection, 3}, {hibernate_after, 3}]},
+ {dtls_connection,
+ [{connection,3},
+ {gen_info, 3}]},
+ {dtls_gen_connection,
+ [{handle_info,3}]},
+ {ssl_gen_statem,
+ [{hibernate_after, 3}, {handle_common_event, 4}]}]}].