path: root/lib/ssl/src/tls_gen_connection_1_3.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/src/tls_gen_connection_1_3.erl')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_gen_connection_1_3.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_gen_connection_1_3.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eec4aa324e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_gen_connection_1_3.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2022-2023. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Internal API
+% gen_statem state help functions
+ user_hello/3,
+ wait_cert/3,
+ wait_cv/3,
+ connection/3,
+ downgrade/3
+ ]).
+ maybe_prepend_change_cipher_spec/2,
+ maybe_append_change_cipher_spec/2,
+ handle_change_cipher_spec/4,
+ handle_middlebox/1,
+ handle_resumption/2,
+ send_key_update/2,
+ update_cipher_key/2,
+ do_maybe/0]).
+%% Internal API
+initial_state(Role, Sender, Host, Port, Socket,
+ {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, Trackers}, User,
+ {CbModule, DataTag, CloseTag, ErrorTag, PassiveTag}) ->
+ %% Use highest supported version for client/server random nonce generation
+ #{versions := [Version|_]} = SSLOptions,
+ MaxEarlyDataSize = init_max_early_data_size(Role),
+ ConnectionStates = tls_record:init_connection_states(Role,
+ Version,
+ disabled,
+ MaxEarlyDataSize),
+ UserMonitor = erlang:monitor(process, User),
+ InitStatEnv = #static_env{
+ role = Role,
+ transport_cb = CbModule,
+ protocol_cb = tls_gen_connection,
+ data_tag = DataTag,
+ close_tag = CloseTag,
+ error_tag = ErrorTag,
+ passive_tag = PassiveTag,
+ host = Host,
+ port = Port,
+ socket = Socket,
+ trackers = Trackers
+ },
+ #state{
+ static_env = InitStatEnv,
+ handshake_env = #handshake_env{
+ tls_handshake_history =
+ ssl_handshake:init_handshake_history(),
+ renegotiation = {false, first}
+ },
+ connection_env = #connection_env{user_application = {UserMonitor, User}},
+ socket_options = SocketOptions,
+ ssl_options = SSLOptions,
+ session = #session{is_resumable = false,
+ session_id =
+ ssl_session:legacy_session_id(SSLOptions)},
+ connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{},
+ user_data_buffer = {[],0,[]},
+ start_or_recv_from = undefined,
+ flight_buffer = [],
+ protocol_specific = #{sender => Sender,
+ active_n => internal_active_n(SSLOptions, Socket),
+ active_n_toggle => true
+ }
+ }.
+user_hello(info, {'DOWN', _, _, _, _} = Event, State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:handle_info(Event, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
+user_hello(_, _, _) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [postpone]}.
+wait_cert(enter, _, State0) ->
+ State = handle_middlebox(State0),
+ {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State,[]};
+wait_cert(internal = Type, #change_cipher_spec{} = Msg,
+ #state{session = #session{session_id = Id}} = State)
+ when Id =/= ?EMPTY_ID ->
+ handle_change_cipher_spec(Type, Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
+ #certificate_1_3{} = Certificate, State0) ->
+ case do_wait_cert(Certificate, State0) of
+ {#alert{} = Alert, State} ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:handle_own_alert(Alert, wait_cert, State);
+ {State, NextState} ->
+ tls_gen_connection:next_event(NextState, no_record, State)
+ end;
+wait_cert(info, Msg, State) ->
+ tls_gen_connection:handle_info(Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
+wait_cert(Type, Msg, State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:handle_common_event(Type, Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State).
+wait_cv(enter, _, State0) ->
+ State = handle_middlebox(State0),
+ {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State,[]};
+wait_cv(internal = Type, #change_cipher_spec{} = Msg,
+ #state{session = #session{session_id = Id}} = State)
+ when Id =/= ?EMPTY_ID ->
+ handle_change_cipher_spec(Type, Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
+wait_cv(info, Msg, State) ->
+ tls_gen_connection:handle_info(Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State);
+wait_cv(Type, Msg, State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:handle_common_event(Type, Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State).
+connection(enter, _, State) ->
+ {keep_state, State};
+connection(internal, #new_session_ticket{} = NewSessionTicket, State) ->
+ handle_new_session_ticket(NewSessionTicket, State),
+ tls_gen_connection:next_event(?FUNCTION_NAME, no_record, State);
+connection(internal, #key_update{} = KeyUpdate, State0) ->
+ case handle_key_update(KeyUpdate, State0) of
+ {ok, State} ->
+ tls_gen_connection:next_event(?FUNCTION_NAME, no_record, State);
+ {error, State, Alert} ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:handle_own_alert(Alert, connection, State),
+ tls_gen_connection:next_event(?FUNCTION_NAME, no_record, State)
+ end;
+connection({call, From}, negotiated_protocol,
+ #state{handshake_env = #handshake_env{alpn = undefined}} = State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:hibernate_after(?FUNCTION_NAME, State, [{reply, From, {error, protocol_not_negotiated}}]);
+connection({call, From}, negotiated_protocol,
+ #state{handshake_env =
+ #handshake_env{alpn = SelectedProtocol,
+ negotiated_protocol = undefined}} =
+ State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:hibernate_after(?FUNCTION_NAME, State,
+ [{reply, From, {ok, SelectedProtocol}}]);
+connection(Type, Event, State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:?FUNCTION_NAME(Type, Event, State).
+downgrade(enter, _, State) ->
+ {keep_state, State};
+downgrade(internal, #new_session_ticket{} = NewSessionTicket, State) ->
+ _ = handle_new_session_ticket(NewSessionTicket, State),
+ {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State};
+downgrade(Type, Event, State) ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:?FUNCTION_NAME(Type, Event, State).
+%% Description: Enqueues a change_cipher_spec record as the first/last
+%% message of the current flight buffer
+maybe_queue_change_cipher_spec(#state{flight_buffer = FlightBuffer0} = State0,
+ first) ->
+ {State, FlightBuffer} =
+ maybe_prepend_change_cipher_spec(State0, FlightBuffer0),
+ State#state{flight_buffer = FlightBuffer};
+maybe_queue_change_cipher_spec(#state{flight_buffer = FlightBuffer0} = State0,
+ last) ->
+ {State, FlightBuffer} = maybe_append_change_cipher_spec(State0,
+ FlightBuffer0),
+ State#state{flight_buffer = FlightBuffer}.
+handle_change_cipher_spec(Type, Msg, StateName,
+ #state{protocol_specific = PS0} = State) ->
+ case maps:get(change_cipher_spec, PS0) of
+ ignore ->
+ PS = PS0#{change_cipher_spec => fail},
+ tls_gen_connection:next_event(StateName, no_record,
+ State#state{protocol_specific = PS});
+ fail ->
+ ssl_gen_statem:handle_common_event(Type, Msg, StateName, State)
+ end.
+handle_middlebox(#state{protocol_specific = PS} = State0) ->
+ %% Always be prepared to ignore one change cipher spec
+ %% for maximum interopablility, even if middlebox mode
+ %% is not enabled.
+ State0#state{protocol_specific = PS#{change_cipher_spec => ignore}}.
+handle_resumption(State, undefined) ->
+ State;
+handle_resumption(#state{handshake_env = HSEnv0} = State, _) ->
+ HSEnv = HSEnv0#handshake_env{resumption = true},
+ State#state{handshake_env = HSEnv}.
+do_maybe() ->
+ Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
+ Ok = fun(ok) -> ok;
+ ({ok,R}) -> R;
+ ({error,Reason}) ->
+ throw({Ref,Reason})
+ end,
+ {Ref,Ok}.
+%% Take care of including a change_cipher_spec message in the
+%% correct place if middlebox mod is used. From RFC: 8446 "D.4.
+%% Middlebox Compatibility Mode If not offering early data, the
+%% client sends a dummy change_cipher_spec record (see the third
+%% paragraph of Section 5) immediately before its second flight.
+%% This may either be before its second ClientHello or before its
+%% encrypted handshake flight. If offering early data, the
+%% record is placed immediately after the first ClientHello."
+ session = #session{session_id = Id},
+ handshake_env =
+ #handshake_env{
+ change_cipher_spec_sent = false}
+ = HSEnv}
+ = State, Bin) when Id =/= ?EMPTY_ID ->
+ CCSBin = tls_handshake_1_3:create_change_cipher_spec(State),
+ {State#state{handshake_env =
+ HSEnv#handshake_env{change_cipher_spec_sent = true}},
+ [CCSBin|Bin]};
+maybe_prepend_change_cipher_spec(State, Bin) ->
+ {State, Bin}.
+ session = #session{session_id = Id},
+ handshake_env =
+ #handshake_env{
+ change_cipher_spec_sent = false}
+ = HSEnv}
+ = State, Bin) when Id =/= ?EMPTY_ID ->
+ CCSBin = tls_handshake_1_3:create_change_cipher_spec(State),
+ {State#state{handshake_env =
+ HSEnv#handshake_env{change_cipher_spec_sent = true}},
+ Bin ++ [CCSBin]};
+maybe_append_change_cipher_spec(State, Bin) ->
+ {State, Bin}.
+send_key_update(Sender, Type) ->
+ KeyUpdate = tls_handshake_1_3:key_update(Type),
+ tls_sender:send_post_handshake(Sender, KeyUpdate).
+update_cipher_key(ConnStateName, #state{connection_states = CS0} = State0) ->
+ CS = update_cipher_key(ConnStateName, CS0),
+ State0#state{connection_states = CS};
+update_cipher_key(ConnStateName, CS0) ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams0,
+ cipher_state := CipherState0} = ConnState0 = maps:get(ConnStateName, CS0),
+ HKDF = SecParams0#security_parameters.prf_algorithm,
+ CipherSuite = SecParams0#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
+ ApplicationTrafficSecret0 =
+ SecParams0#security_parameters.application_traffic_secret,
+ ApplicationTrafficSecret =
+ tls_v1:update_traffic_secret(HKDF,
+ ApplicationTrafficSecret0),
+ %% Calculate traffic keys
+ KeyLength = tls_v1:key_length(CipherSuite),
+ {Key, IV} = tls_v1:calculate_traffic_keys(HKDF, KeyLength,
+ ApplicationTrafficSecret),
+ SecParams = SecParams0#security_parameters{application_traffic_secret = ApplicationTrafficSecret},
+ CipherState = CipherState0#cipher_state{key = Key, iv = IV},
+ ConnState = ConnState0#{security_parameters => SecParams,
+ cipher_state => CipherState,
+ sequence_number => 0},
+ CS0#{ConnStateName => ConnState}.
+%% Internal functions
+do_wait_cert(#certificate_1_3{} = Certificate, State0) ->
+ {Ref,Maybe} = do_maybe(),
+ try
+ Maybe(tls_handshake_1_3:process_certificate(Certificate, State0))
+ catch
+ {Ref, #alert{} = Alert} ->
+ {Alert, State0};
+ {Ref, {#alert{} = Alert, State}} ->
+ {Alert, State}
+ end.
+handle_new_session_ticket(_, #state{ssl_options = #{session_tickets := disabled}}) ->
+ ok;
+handle_new_session_ticket(#new_session_ticket{ticket_nonce = Nonce}
+ = NewSessionTicket,
+ #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ ssl_options = #{session_tickets := SessionTickets} = SslOpts,
+ connection_env = #connection_env{user_application = {_, User}}})
+ when SessionTickets =:= manual ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CipherSuite = SecParams#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
+ #{cipher := Cipher} = ssl_cipher_format:suite_bin_to_map(CipherSuite),
+ HKDF = SecParams#security_parameters.prf_algorithm,
+ RMS = SecParams#security_parameters.resumption_master_secret,
+ PSK = tls_v1:pre_shared_key(RMS, Nonce, HKDF),
+ SNI = maps:get(server_name_indication, SslOpts, undefined),
+ send_ticket_data(User, NewSessionTicket, {Cipher, HKDF}, SNI, PSK);
+handle_new_session_ticket(#new_session_ticket{ticket_nonce = Nonce}
+ = NewSessionTicket,
+ #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ ssl_options = #{session_tickets := SessionTickets} = SslOpts})
+ when SessionTickets =:= auto ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CipherSuite = SecParams#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
+ #{cipher := Cipher} = ssl_cipher_format:suite_bin_to_map(CipherSuite),
+ HKDF = SecParams#security_parameters.prf_algorithm,
+ RMS = SecParams#security_parameters.resumption_master_secret,
+ PSK = tls_v1:pre_shared_key(RMS, Nonce, HKDF),
+ SNI = maps:get(server_name_indication, SslOpts, undefined),
+ tls_client_ticket_store:store_ticket(NewSessionTicket, {Cipher, HKDF}, SNI, PSK).
+send_ticket_data(User, NewSessionTicket, CipherSuite, SNI, PSK) ->
+ Timestamp = erlang:system_time(millisecond),
+ TicketData = #{cipher_suite => CipherSuite,
+ sni => SNI,
+ psk => PSK,
+ timestamp => Timestamp,
+ ticket => NewSessionTicket},
+ User ! {ssl, session_ticket, TicketData}.
+handle_key_update(#key_update{request_update = update_not_requested}, State0) ->
+ %% Update read key in connection
+ {ok, update_cipher_key(current_read, State0)};
+handle_key_update(#key_update{request_update = update_requested},
+ #state{protocol_specific = #{sender := Sender}} = State0) ->
+ %% Update read key in connection
+ State1 = update_cipher_key(current_read, State0),
+ %% Send key_update and update sender's write key
+ case send_key_update(Sender, update_not_requested) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, State1};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, State1, ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR, Reason)}
+ end.
+init_max_early_data_size(client) ->
+ %% Disable trial decryption on the client side
+ %% Servers do trial decryption of max_early_data bytes of plain text.
+ %% Setting it to 0 means that a decryption error will result in an Alert.
+ 0;
+init_max_early_data_size(server) ->
+ ssl_config:get_max_early_data_size().
+internal_active_n(#{ktls := true}, Socket) ->
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, ssl_tls}]),
+ 1;
+internal_active_n(#{erl_dist := true}, _) ->
+ %% Start with a random number between 1 and ?INTERNAL_ACTIVE_N
+ %% In most cases distribution connections are established all at
+ %% the same time, and flow control engages with ?INTERNAL_ACTIVE_N for
+ %% all connections. Which creates a wave of "passive" messages, leading
+ %% to significant bump of memory & scheduler utilisation. Starting with
+ %% a random number between 1 and ?INTERNAL_ACTIVE_N helps to spread the
+ %% spike.
+ erlang:system_time() rem ?INTERNAL_ACTIVE_N + 1;
+internal_active_n(_,_) ->
+ case application:get_env(ssl, internal_active_n) of
+ {ok, N} when is_integer(N) ->
+ N;
+ _ ->
+ end.