path: root/lib/ssl/test/cryptcookie.erl
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1 files changed, 747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/cryptcookie.erl b/lib/ssl/test/cryptcookie.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19a26651ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/cryptcookie.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2022-2023. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Module for an encrypted Erlang stream based only on
+%% the cookie as a shared secret
+-feature(maybe_expr, enable).
+-export([supported/0, start_keypair_server/0, init/1, init/2,
+ encrypt_and_send_chunk/4, recv_and_decrypt_chunk/2]).
+%% For kTLS integration
+-export([ktls_info/1, ktls_info/0]).
+-define(PROTOCOL, (?MODULE)).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% The curve choice greatly affects setup time,
+%% we really want an Edwards curve but that would
+%% require a very new openssl version.
+%% Twisted brainpool curves (*t1) are faster than
+%% non-twisted (*r1), 256 is much faster than 384,
+%% and so on...
+%%% -define(CURVE, brainpoolP384t1).
+%%% -define(CURVE, brainpoolP256t1).
+-define(CURVE, secp256r1). % Portability
+-define(CIPHER, aes_256_gcm). % kTLS compatible
+-define(HMAC, sha384).
+%% kTLS integration
+-define(TLS_VERSION, ?TLS_1_3).
+-define(CIPHER_SUITE, (?TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384)).
+supported() ->
+ maybe
+ true ?= crypto_supports(curves, ?CURVE),
+ true ?= crypto_supports(ciphers, ?CIPHER),
+ true ?= crypto_supports(macs, hmac),
+ true ?= crypto_supports(hashs, ?HMAC),
+ ok
+ end.
+crypto_supports(Tag, Item) ->
+ lists:member(Item, crypto:supports(Tag))
+ orelse "Crypto does not support "
+ ++ atom_to_list(Tag) ++ ": " ++ atom_to_list(Item).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-define(PACKET_SIZE, (1 bsl 16)). % 2 byte size header
+%% Plenty of room for AEAD tag and chunk type
+-define(CHUNK_SIZE, (?PACKET_SIZE - 256)).
+ {hmac_algorithm = ?HMAC,
+ aead_cipher = ?CIPHER,
+ iv,
+ key,
+ tag_len = 16,
+ rekey_count = 256 * 1024,
+ rekey_time = 2 * 3600, % (seconds): 2 hours
+ rekey_timestamp,
+ rekey_key
+ }).
+params() ->
+ #{ iv_length := IVLen, key_length := KeyLen } =
+ crypto:cipher_info(?CIPHER),
+ #params{ iv = IVLen, key = KeyLen, rekey_timestamp = timestamp() }.
+ {type = ecdh,
+ params = ?CURVE,
+ public,
+ private,
+ life_count = 256, % Number of connection setups
+ life_time = 3600, % 1 hour
+ life_timestamp
+ }).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Keep the node's public/private key pair in the process state
+%% of a key pair server linked to the net_kernel process.
+%% Create the key pair the first time it is needed
+%% so crypto gets time to start first.
+start_keypair_server() ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ _ =
+ spawn_link(
+ fun () ->
+ try register(?MODULE, self()) of
+ true ->
+ Parent ! Ref,
+ keypair_server()
+ catch error : badarg ->
+ %% Already started - simply exit
+ %% and let the other run
+ Parent ! Ref,
+ ok
+ end
+ end),
+ receive Ref ->
+ end.
+keypair_server() ->
+ keypair_server(undefined, 1).
+keypair_server(KeyPair) ->
+ keypair_server(KeyPair, KeyPair#keypair.life_count).
+keypair_server(_KeyPair, 0) ->
+ keypair_server();
+keypair_server(KeyPair, Count) ->
+ receive
+ {RefAlias, get_keypair} when is_reference(RefAlias) ->
+ case KeyPair of
+ undefined ->
+ KeyPair_1 = generate_keypair(),
+ RefAlias ! {RefAlias, KeyPair_1},
+ keypair_server(KeyPair_1);
+ #keypair{} ->
+ RefAlias ! {RefAlias, KeyPair},
+ keypair_server(KeyPair, Count - 1)
+ end;
+ {RefAlias, get_new_keypair} ->
+ KeyPair_1 = generate_keypair(),
+ RefAlias ! {RefAlias, KeyPair_1},
+ keypair_server(KeyPair_1)
+ end.
+call_keypair_server(Request) ->
+ Pid = whereis(?MODULE),
+ RefAlias = erlang:monitor(process, Pid, [{alias, reply_demonitor}]),
+ Pid ! {RefAlias, Request},
+ receive
+ {RefAlias, Reply} ->
+ Reply;
+ {'DOWN', RefAlias, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ error({keypair_server, Reason})
+ end.
+generate_keypair() ->
+ #keypair{ type = Type, params = Params } = #keypair{},
+ {Public, Private} = crypto:generate_key(Type, Params),
+ #keypair{
+ public = Public, private = Private,
+ life_timestamp = timestamp() }.
+get_keypair() ->
+ call_keypair_server(?FUNCTION_NAME).
+get_new_keypair() ->
+ call_keypair_server(?FUNCTION_NAME).
+ #keypair{
+ type = PublicKeyType,
+ params = PublicKeyParams,
+ private = PrivKey }, PubKey) ->
+ %%
+ crypto:compute_key(PublicKeyType, PubKey, PrivKey, PublicKeyParams).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-define(DATA_CHUNK, 2).
+-define(TICK_CHUNK, 3).
+-define(REKEY_CHUNK, 4).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Crypto strategy
+%% -------
+%% The crypto strategy is as simple as possible to get an encrypted
+%% connection as benchmark reference. It is geared around AEAD
+%% ciphers in particular AES-GCM.
+%% The init message and the start message must fit in the TCP buffers
+%% since both sides start with sending the init message, waits
+%% for the other end's init message, sends the start message
+%% and waits for the other end's start message. So if the send
+%% blocks we have a deadlock.
+%% The init + start sequence tries to implement Password Encrypted
+%% Key Exchange using a node public/private key pair and the
+%% shared secret (the Cookie) to create session encryption keys
+%% that can not be re-created if the shared secret is compromized,
+%% which should create forward secrecy. You need both nodes'
+%% key pairs and the shared secret to decrypt the traffic
+%% between the nodes.
+%% All exchanged messages uses {packet, 2} i.e 16 bit size header.
+%% The init message contains a random number and encrypted: the public key
+%% and two random numbers. The encryption is done with Key and IV hashed
+%% from the unencrypted random number and the shared secret.
+%% The other node's public key is used with the own node's private
+%% key to create a shared key that is hashed with one of the encrypted
+%% random numbers from each side to create Key and IV for the session.
+%% The start message contains the two encrypted random numbers
+%% this time encrypted with the session keys for verification
+%% by the other side, plus the rekey count. The rekey count
+%% is just there to get an early check for if the other side's
+%% maximum rekey count is acceptable, it is just an embryo
+%% of some better check. Any side may rekey earlier but if the
+%% rekey count is exceeded the connection fails. Rekey is also
+%% triggered by a timer.
+%% Subsequent encrypted messages has the sequence number and the length
+%% of the message as AAD data, and an incrementing IV. These messages
+%% has got a message type that differentiates data from ticks and rekeys.
+%% Ticks have a random size in an attempt to make them less obvious to spot.
+%% Rekeying is done by the sender that creates a new key pair and
+%% a new shared secret from the other end's public key and with
+%% this and the current key and iv hashes a new key and iv.
+%% The new public key is sent to the other end that uses it
+%% and its old private key to create the same new shared
+%% secret and from that a new key and iv.
+%% So the receiver keeps its private key, and the sender keeps
+%% the receivers public key for the connection's life time.
+%% While the sender generates a new key pair at every rekey,
+%% which changes the shared secret at every rekey.
+%% The only reaction to errors is to crash noisily (?) which will bring
+%% down the connection and hopefully produce something useful
+%% in the local log, but all the other end sees is a closed connection.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Initialize encryption on Stream; initial handshake
+%% init(Stream, Secret) ->
+%% {NewStream, ChunkSize, [RecvSeq|RecvParams], [SendSeq|SendParams]}.
+init(Stream) ->
+ Secret = atom_to_binary(auth:get_cookie(), latin1),
+ init(Stream, Secret).
+init(Stream = {_, OutStream, _}, Secret) ->
+ #keypair{ public = PubKey } = KeyPair = get_keypair(),
+ Params = params(),
+ {R2, R3, Msg} = init_msg(Params, Secret, PubKey),
+ OutStream_1 = init_send_block(OutStream, Msg, iolist_size(Msg)),
+ Stream_1 = setelement(2, Stream, OutStream_1),
+ init_recv(Stream_1, Params, Secret, KeyPair, R2, R3).
+ {InStream, OutStream, ControllingProcessFun},
+ Params = #params{ iv = IVLen },
+ Secret, KeyPair, R2, R3) ->
+ %%
+ [InitMsg | InStream_1] = init_recv_block(InStream),
+ IVSaltLen = IVLen - 6,
+ try
+ case init_msg(Params, Secret, KeyPair, R2, R3, InitMsg) of
+ {SendParams =
+ #params{iv = <<IV2ASalt:IVSaltLen/binary, IV2ANo:48>> },
+ RecvParams,
+ SendStartMsg} ->
+ OutStream_1 =
+ init_send_block(
+ OutStream, SendStartMsg, iolist_size(SendStartMsg)),
+ [RecvStartMsg | InStream_2] = init_recv_block(InStream_1),
+ RecvParams_1 =
+ #params{
+ iv = <<IV2BSalt:IVSaltLen/binary, IV2BNo:48>> } =
+ start_msg(RecvParams, R2, R3, RecvStartMsg),
+ Stream_2 = {InStream_2, OutStream_1, ControllingProcessFun},
+ RecvSeqParams =
+ [0 | RecvParams_1#params{ iv = {IV2BSalt, IV2BNo} }],
+ SendSeqParams =
+ [0 | SendParams#params{ iv = {IV2ASalt, IV2ANo} }],
+ CipherState = {RecvSeqParams, SendSeqParams},
+ {Stream_2, ?CHUNK_SIZE, CipherState}
+ end
+ catch
+ Class : Reason : Stacktrace when Class =:= error ->
+ error_report(
+ [init_recv_exception,
+ {class, Class},
+ {reason, Reason},
+ {stacktrace, Stacktrace}]),
+ _ = trace({Reason, Stacktrace}),
+ exit(connection_closed)
+ end.
+ #params{
+ hmac_algorithm = HmacAlgo,
+ aead_cipher = AeadCipher,
+ key = KeyLen,
+ iv = IVLen,
+ tag_len = TagLen }, Secret, PubKeyA) ->
+ %%
+ RLen = KeyLen + IVLen,
+ <<R1A:RLen/binary, R2A:RLen/binary, R3A:RLen/binary>> =
+ crypto:strong_rand_bytes(3 * RLen),
+ {Key1A, IV1A} = hmac_key_iv(HmacAlgo, R1A, Secret, KeyLen, IVLen),
+ Plaintext = [R2A, R3A, PubKeyA],
+ MsgLen = byte_size(R1A) + TagLen + iolist_size(Plaintext),
+ AAD = [<<MsgLen:32>>, R1A],
+ {Ciphertext, Tag} =
+ crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(
+ AeadCipher, Key1A, IV1A, Plaintext, AAD, TagLen, true),
+ Msg = [R1A, Tag, Ciphertext],
+ {R2A, R3A, Msg}.
+ #params{
+ hmac_algorithm = HmacAlgo,
+ aead_cipher = AeadCipher,
+ key = KeyLen,
+ iv = IVLen,
+ tag_len = TagLen,
+ rekey_count = RekeyCount } = Params,
+ Secret, KeyPair, R2A, R3A, Msg) ->
+ %%
+ RLen = KeyLen + IVLen,
+ case Msg of
+ <<R1B:RLen/binary, Tag:TagLen/binary, Ciphertext/binary>> ->
+ {Key1B, IV1B} = hmac_key_iv(HmacAlgo, R1B, Secret, KeyLen, IVLen),
+ MsgLen = byte_size(Msg),
+ AAD = [<<MsgLen:32>>, R1B],
+ case
+ crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(
+ AeadCipher, Key1B, IV1B, Ciphertext, AAD, Tag, false)
+ of
+ <<R2B:RLen/binary, R3B:RLen/binary, PubKeyB/binary>> ->
+ SharedSecret = compute_shared_secret(KeyPair, PubKeyB),
+ %%
+ {Key2A, IV2A} =
+ hmac_key_iv(
+ HmacAlgo, SharedSecret, [R2A, R3B], KeyLen, IVLen),
+ SendParams =
+ Params#params{
+ rekey_key = PubKeyB,
+ key = Key2A, iv = IV2A },
+ %%
+ StartCleartext = [R2B, R3B, <<RekeyCount:32>>],
+ StartMsgLen = TagLen + iolist_size(StartCleartext),
+ StartAAD = <<StartMsgLen:32>>,
+ {StartCiphertext, StartTag} =
+ crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(
+ AeadCipher, Key2A, IV2A,
+ StartCleartext, StartAAD, TagLen, true),
+ StartMsg = [StartTag, StartCiphertext],
+ %%
+ {Key2B, IV2B} =
+ hmac_key_iv(
+ HmacAlgo, SharedSecret, [R2B, R3A], KeyLen, IVLen),
+ RecvParams =
+ Params#params{
+ rekey_key = KeyPair,
+ key = Key2B, iv = IV2B },
+ %%
+ {SendParams, RecvParams, StartMsg}
+ end
+ end.
+ #params{
+ aead_cipher = AeadCipher,
+ key = Key2B,
+ iv = IV2B,
+ tag_len = TagLen,
+ rekey_count = RekeyCountA } = RecvParams, R2A, R3A, Msg) ->
+ %%
+ case Msg of
+ <<Tag:TagLen/binary, Ciphertext/binary>> ->
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key2B),
+ IVLen = byte_size(IV2B),
+ RLen = KeyLen + IVLen,
+ MsgLen = byte_size(Msg),
+ AAD = <<MsgLen:32>>,
+ case
+ crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(
+ AeadCipher, Key2B, IV2B, Ciphertext, AAD, Tag, false)
+ of
+ <<R2A:RLen/binary, R3A:RLen/binary, RekeyCountB:32>>
+ when RekeyCountA =< (RekeyCountB bsl 2),
+ RekeyCountB =< (RekeyCountA bsl 2) ->
+ RecvParams#params{ rekey_count = RekeyCountB }
+ end
+ end.
+hmac_key_iv(HmacAlgo, MacKey, Data, KeyLen, IVLen) ->
+ <<Key:KeyLen/binary, IV:IVLen/binary>> =
+ crypto:macN(hmac, HmacAlgo, MacKey, Data, KeyLen + IVLen),
+ {Key, IV}.
+init_send_block(OutStream, Chunk, Size) ->
+ OutStream_1 = send_block(OutStream, Chunk, Size),
+ if
+ hd(OutStream_1) =:= closed ->
+ error_report(
+ {reason, closed}]),
+ _ = trace({?FUNCTION_NAME, closed}),
+ exit(connection_closed);
+ true ->
+ OutStream_1
+ end.
+init_recv_block(InStream) ->
+ Result = [Data | _] = recv_block(InStream),
+ if
+ Data =:= closed ->
+ error_report(
+ {reason, closed}]),
+ _ = trace({?FUNCTION_NAME, closed}),
+ exit(connection_closed);
+ true ->
+ Result
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ OutStream,
+ [Seq |
+ Params =
+ #params{ rekey_count = RekeyCount,
+ rekey_time = RekeyTime,
+ rekey_timestamp = RekeyTimestamp }],
+ Chunk, Size) ->
+ %%
+ Timestamp = timestamp(),
+ if
+ RekeyCount =< Seq;
+ RekeyTimestamp + RekeyTime =< Timestamp ->
+ {OutStream_1, Params_1} =
+ encrypt_and_send_rekey_chunk(
+ OutStream, Seq, Params, Timestamp),
+ if
+ hd(OutStream_1) =:= closed ->
+ {OutStream_1, [0 | Params_1]};
+ true ->
+ {encrypt_and_send_chunk(
+ OutStream_1, 0, Params_1, Chunk, Size),
+ [1 | Params_1]}
+ end;
+ true ->
+ {encrypt_and_send_chunk(OutStream, Seq, Params, Chunk, Size),
+ [Seq + 1 | Params]}
+ end.
+encrypt_and_send_chunk(OutStream, Seq, Params, Chunk, 0) -> % Tick
+ <<>> = Chunk, % ASSERT
+ %% A ticks are sent as a somewhat random size block
+ %% to make it less obvious to spot
+ <<S:8>> = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(1),
+ TickSize = 8 + (S band 63),
+ TickData = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(TickSize),
+ encrypt_and_send_block(
+ OutStream, Seq, Params, [?TICK_CHUNK, TickData], 1 + TickSize);
+encrypt_and_send_chunk(OutStream, Seq, Params, Chunk, Size) ->
+ encrypt_and_send_block(
+ OutStream, Seq, Params, [?DATA_CHUNK, Chunk], 1 + Size).
+ OutStream, Seq,
+ Params =
+ #params{
+ rekey_key = PubKeyB,
+ key = Key,
+ iv = {IVSalt, IVNo},
+ hmac_algorithm = HmacAlgo },
+ Timestamp) ->
+ %%
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key),
+ IVSaltLen = byte_size(IVSalt),
+ #keypair{ public = PubKeyA } = KeyPair = get_new_keypair(),
+ SharedSecret = compute_shared_secret(KeyPair, PubKeyB),
+ IV = <<(IVNo + Seq):48>>,
+ {Key_1, <<IVSalt_1:IVSaltLen/binary, IVNo_1:48>>} =
+ hmac_key_iv(
+ HmacAlgo, SharedSecret, [Key, IVSalt, IV],
+ KeyLen, IVSaltLen + 6),
+ %%
+ {encrypt_and_send_block(
+ OutStream, Seq, Params,
+ [?REKEY_CHUNK, PubKeyA], 1 + byte_size(PubKeyA)),
+ Params#params{
+ key = Key_1, iv = {IVSalt_1, IVNo_1},
+ rekey_timestamp = Timestamp }}.
+encrypt_and_send_block(OutStream, Seq, Params, Block, Size) ->
+ {EncryptedBlock, EncryptedSize} =
+ encrypt_block(Seq, Params, Block, Size),
+ send_block(OutStream, EncryptedBlock, EncryptedSize).
+ Seq,
+ #params{
+ aead_cipher = AeadCipher,
+ iv = {IVSalt, IVNo}, key = Key, tag_len = TagLen },
+ Block, Size) ->
+ %%
+ EncryptedSize = Size + TagLen,
+ AAD = <<Seq:32, EncryptedSize:32>>,
+ IVBin = <<IVSalt/binary, (IVNo + Seq):48>>,
+ {Ciphertext, CipherTag} =
+ crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(
+ AeadCipher, Key, IVBin, Block, AAD, TagLen, true),
+ EncryptedBlock = [Ciphertext, CipherTag],
+ {EncryptedBlock, EncryptedSize}.
+%% Send packet=2
+send_block(OutStream, Block, Size) ->
+ Msg =
+ if
+ is_binary(Block) -> [<<Size:16>>, Block];
+ is_list(Block) -> [<<Size:16>> | Block]
+ end,
+ (hd(OutStream))(OutStream, Msg).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+recv_and_decrypt_chunk(InStream, SeqParams = [Seq | Params]) ->
+ case recv_block(InStream) of
+ Result = [closed | _] ->
+ {Result, SeqParams};
+ [Ciphertext | InStream_1] ->
+ case decrypt_block(Seq, Params, Ciphertext) of
+ <<?DATA_CHUNK, DataChunk/binary>> ->
+ {[DataChunk | InStream_1], [Seq + 1 | Params]};
+ <<?TICK_CHUNK, _/binary>> ->
+ {[<<>> | InStream_1], [Seq + 1 | Params]};
+ <<?REKEY_CHUNK, RekeyChunk>> ->
+ case decrypt_rekey(Params, RekeyChunk) of
+ Params_1 = #params{} ->
+ recv_and_decrypt_chunk(
+ InStream_1, [0 | Params_1]);
+ Problem when is_atom(Problem) ->
+ error_report(
+ [?FUNCTION_NAME, {reason, Problem}]),
+ {[closed | InStream_1], [Seq + 1 | Params]}
+ end;
+ <<_UnknownChunk/binary>> ->
+ error_report([?FUNCTION_NAME, {reason, unknown_chunk}]),
+ {[closed | InStream_1], [Seq + 1 | Params]};
+ Problem when is_atom(Problem) ->
+ error_report([?FUNCTION_NAME, {reason, Problem}]),
+ {[closed | InStream_1], [Seq + 1 | Params]}
+ end
+ end.
+%% Non-optimized receive packet=2
+recv_block(InStream) ->
+ Result_1 = [Data | InStream_1] = (hd(InStream))(InStream, 2),
+ if
+ Data =:= closed ->
+ Result_1;
+ is_binary(Data) ->
+ recv_block(InStream_1, Data);
+ is_list(Data) ->
+ recv_block(InStream_1, iolist_to_binary(Data))
+ end.
+recv_block(InStream, <<0:16>>) ->
+ [<<>> | InStream];
+recv_block(InStream, <<Size:16>>) ->
+ case (hd(InStream))(InStream, Size) of
+ [Data | InStream_1] when is_list(Data) ->
+ [iolist_to_binary(Data) | InStream_1];
+ Result = [Data | _]
+ when is_binary(Data);
+ Data =:= closed ->
+ Result
+ end.
+ Seq, #params{ rekey_count = RekeyCount }, _Ciphertext)
+ when RekeyCount =:= Seq ->
+ %% This was one chunk too many without rekeying
+ rekey_overdue;
+ Seq,
+ #params{
+ aead_cipher = AeadCipher,
+ iv = {IVSalt, IVNo}, key = Key, tag_len = TagLen },
+ Ciphertext) ->
+ %%
+ CiphertextSize = byte_size(Ciphertext),
+ if
+ CiphertextSize < TagLen ->
+ decrypt_short_block;
+ true ->
+ AAD = <<Seq:32, CiphertextSize:32>>,
+ IV = <<IVSalt/binary, (IVNo + Seq):48>>,
+ Size = CiphertextSize - TagLen,
+ <<EncryptedBlock:Size/binary, CipherTag:TagLen/binary>> =
+ Ciphertext,
+ case
+ crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(
+ AeadCipher, Key, IV, EncryptedBlock, AAD, CipherTag,
+ false)
+ of
+ Block when is_binary(Block) ->
+ Block;
+ error ->
+ decrypt_error
+ end
+ end.
+ Params =
+ #params{
+ iv = IV,
+ key = Key,
+ rekey_key = #keypair{public = PubKeyA} = KeyPair,
+ hmac_algorithm = HmacAlgorithm},
+ RekeyChunk) ->
+ %%
+ PubKeyLen = byte_size(PubKeyA),
+ case RekeyChunk of
+ <<PubKeyB:PubKeyLen/binary>> ->
+ SharedSecret = compute_shared_secret(KeyPair, PubKeyB),
+ KeyLen = byte_size(Key),
+ IVLen = byte_size(IV),
+ IVSaltLen = IVLen - 6,
+ {Key_1, <<IVSalt_1:IVSaltLen/binary, IVNo_1:48>>} =
+ hmac_key_iv(
+ HmacAlgorithm, SharedSecret, [Key, IV], KeyLen, IVLen),
+ Params#params{
+ iv = {IVSalt_1, IVNo_1},
+ key = Key_1 };
+ _ ->
+ decrypt_bad_rekey_chunk
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {[RecvSeq |
+ #params{
+ iv = {RecvSalt, RecvIV},
+ key = RecvKey,
+ aead_cipher = ?CIPHER } = _RecvParams],
+ [SendSeq |
+ #params{
+ iv = {SendSalt, SendIV},
+ key = SendKey,
+ aead_cipher = ?CIPHER } = _SendParams]}) ->
+ %%
+ RecvState =
+ #cipher_state{
+ key = <<RecvKey/bytes>>,
+ iv = <<RecvSalt/bytes, (RecvIV + RecvSeq):48>> },
+ SendState =
+ #cipher_state{
+ key = <<SendKey/bytes>>,
+ iv = <<SendSalt/bytes, (SendIV + SendSeq):48>> },
+ #{ tls_version => ?TLS_VERSION,
+ cipher_suite => ?CIPHER_SUITE,
+ read_state => RecvState,
+ read_seq => RecvSeq,
+ write_state => SendState,
+ write_seq => SendSeq }.
+%% Dummy cipher parameters to use when checking if kTLS is supported.
+%% Completely random to avoid accidentally creating an unsafe connection.
+ktls_info() ->
+ #params{ iv = IVLen, key = KeyLen } = params(),
+ <<RecvSeq:48, RecvKey:KeyLen/bytes, RecvIV:IVLen/bytes>> =
+ crypto:strong_rand_bytes(6 + KeyLen + IVLen),
+ <<SendSeq:48, SendKey:KeyLen/bytes, SendIV:IVLen/bytes>> =
+ crypto:strong_rand_bytes(6 + KeyLen + IVLen),
+ RecvState = #cipher_state{ key = RecvKey, iv = RecvIV },
+ SendState = #cipher_state{ key = SendKey, iv = SendIV },
+ #{ tls_version => ?TLS_VERSION,
+ cipher_suite => ?CIPHER_SUITE,
+ read_state => RecvState,
+ read_seq => RecvSeq,
+ write_state => SendState,
+ write_seq => SendSeq }.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ record_to_map(Record) when element(1, (Record)) =:= (Name) ->
+ record_to_map(record_info(fields, Name), Record, 2, #{})).
+record_to_map([Field | Fields], Record, Index, Map) ->
+ record_to_map(
+ Fields, Record, Index + 1,
+ Map#{ Field => element(Index, Record) });
+record_to_map([], _Record, _Index, Map) ->
+ Map.
+timestamp() ->
+ erlang:monotonic_time(second).
+error_report(Report) ->
+ error_logger:error_report(Report).
+info_report(Report) ->
+ error_logger:info_report(Report).
+%% Trace point
+trace(Term) -> Term.