path: root/lib/stdlib/doc/src/peer.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/doc/src/peer.xml')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/peer.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/peer.xml
index d8ac800605..71bf71e75e 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/peer.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/peer.xml
@@ -99,60 +99,60 @@
of the same test suite running in parallel</item>
<code type="erl">
- -module(my_SUITE).
- -behaviour(ct_suite).
- -export([all/0, groups/0]).
- -export([basic/1, args/1, named/1, restart_node/1, multi_node/1]).
- -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl").
- groups() ->
- [{quick, [parallel],
- [basic, args, named, restart_node, multi_node]}].
- all() ->
- [{group, quick}].
- basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- {ok, Peer, _Node} = ?CT_PEER(),
- peer:stop(Peer).
- args(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- %% specify additional arguments to the new node
- {ok, Peer, _Node} = ?CT_PEER(["-emu_flavor", "smp"]),
- peer:stop(Peer).
- named(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- %% pass test case name down to function starting nodes
- Peer = start_node_impl(named_test),
- peer:stop(Peer).
- start_node_impl(ActualTestCase) ->
- {ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => ?CT_PEER_NAME(ActualTestCase)}),
- %% extra setup needed for multiple test cases
- ok = rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [kernel, key, value]),
- Peer.
- restart_node(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Name = ?CT_PEER_NAME(),
- {ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => Name}),
- peer:stop(Peer),
- %% restart the node with the same name as before
- {ok, Peer2, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => Name, args => ["+fnl"]}),
- peer:stop(Peer2).
+-export([all/0, groups/0]).
+-export([basic/1, args/1, named/1, restart_node/1, multi_node/1]).
+groups() ->
+ [{quick, [parallel],
+ [basic, args, named, restart_node, multi_node]}].
+all() ->
+ [{group, quick}].
+basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {ok, Peer, _Node} = ?CT_PEER(),
+ peer:stop(Peer).
+args(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% specify additional arguments to the new node
+ {ok, Peer, _Node} = ?CT_PEER(["-emu_flavor", "smp"]),
+ peer:stop(Peer).
+named(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% pass test case name down to function starting nodes
+ Peer = start_node_impl(named_test),
+ peer:stop(Peer).
+start_node_impl(ActualTestCase) ->
+ {ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => ?CT_PEER_NAME(ActualTestCase)}),
+ %% extra setup needed for multiple test cases
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [kernel, key, value]),
+ Peer.
+restart_node(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Name = ?CT_PEER_NAME(),
+ {ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => Name}),
+ peer:stop(Peer),
+ %% restart the node with the same name as before
+ {ok, Peer2, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => Name, args => ["+fnl"]}),
+ peer:stop(Peer2).
The next example demonstrates how to start multiple nodes concurrently:
<code type="erl">
- multi_node(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Peers = [?CT_PEER(#{wait_boot => {self(), tag}})
- || _ &lt;- lists:seq(1, 4)],
- %% wait for all nodes to complete boot process, get their names:
- _Nodes = [receive {tag, {started, Node, Peer}} -> Node end
- || {ok, Peer} &lt;- Peers],
- [peer:stop(Peer) || {ok, Peer} &lt;- Peers].
+multi_node(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Peers = [?CT_PEER(#{wait_boot => {self(), tag}})
+ || _ &lt;- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+ %% wait for all nodes to complete boot process, get their names:
+ _Nodes = [receive {tag, {started, Node, Peer}} -> Node end
+ || {ok, Peer} &lt;- Peers],
+ [peer:stop(Peer) || {ok, Peer} &lt;- Peers].
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
<code type="erl">
- Ssh = os:find_executable("ssh"),
- peer:start_link(#{exec => {Ssh, ["another_host", "erl"]},
- connection => standard_io}),
+Ssh = os:find_executable("ssh"),
+peer:start_link(#{exec => {Ssh, ["another_host", "erl"]},
+ connection => standard_io}),
@@ -172,76 +172,76 @@
running inside containers form an Erlang cluster.
<code type="erl">
- docker(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Docker = os:find_executable("docker"),
- PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- build_release(PrivDir),
- build_image(PrivDir),
- %% start two Docker containers
- {ok, Peer, Node} = peer:start_link(#{name => lambda,
- connection => standard_io,
- exec => {Docker, ["run", "-h", "one", "-i", "lambda"]}}),
- {ok, Peer2, Node2} = peer:start_link(#{name => lambda,
- connection => standard_io,
- exec => {Docker, ["run", "-h", "two", "-i", "lambda"]}}),
- %% find IP address of the second node using alternative connection RPC
- {ok, Ips} = peer:call(Peer2, inet, getifaddrs, []),
- {"eth0", Eth0} = lists:keyfind("eth0", 1, Ips),
- {addr, Ip} = lists:keyfind(addr, 1, Eth0),
- %% make first node to discover second one
- ok = peer:call(Peer, inet_db, set_lookup, [[file]]),
- ok = peer:call(Peer, inet_db, add_host, [Ip, ["two"]]),
- %% join a cluster
- true = peer:call(Peer, net_kernel, connect_node, [Node2]),
- %% verify that second peer node has only the first node visible
- [Node] = peer:call(Peer2, erlang, nodes, []),
- %% stop peers, causing containers to also stop
- peer:stop(Peer2),
- peer:stop(Peer).
- build_release(Dir) ->
- %% load file, otherwise application:get_key will fail
- application:load(sasl),
- %% create *.rel - release file
- RelFile = filename:join(Dir, "lambda.rel"),
- Release = {release, {"lambda", "1.0.0"},
- {erts, erlang:system_info(version)},
- [{App, begin {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(App, vsn), Vsn end}
- || App &lt;- [kernel, stdlib, sasl]]},
- ok = file:write_file(RelFile, list_to_binary(lists:flatten(
- io_lib:format("~tp.", [Release])))),
- RelFileNoExt = filename:join(Dir, "lambda"),
- %% create boot script
- {ok, systools_make, []} = systools:make_script(RelFileNoExt,
- [silent, {outdir, Dir}]),
- %% package release into *.tar.gz
- ok = systools:make_tar(RelFileNoExt, [{erts, code:root_dir()}]).
- build_image(Dir) ->
- %% Create Dockerfile example, working only for Ubuntu 20.04
- %% Expose port 4445, and make Erlang distribution to listen
- %% on this port, and connect to it without EPMD
- %% Set cookie on both nodes to be the same.
- BuildScript = filename:join(Dir, "Dockerfile"),
- Dockerfile =
- "FROM ubuntu:20.04 as runner\n"
- "EXPOSE 4445\n"
- "WORKDIR /opt/lambda\n"
- "COPY lambda.tar.gz /tmp\n"
- "RUN tar -zxvf /tmp/lambda.tar.gz -C /opt/lambda\n"
- "ENTRYPOINT [\"/opt/lambda/erts-" ++ erlang:system_info(version) ++
- "/bin/dyn_erl\", \"-boot\", \"/opt/lambda/releases/1.0.0/start\","
- " \"-kernel\", \"inet_dist_listen_min\", \"4445\","
- " \"-erl_epmd_port\", \"4445\","
- " \"-setcookie\", \"secret\"]\n",
- ok = file:write_file(BuildScript, Dockerfile),
- os:cmd("docker build -t lambda " ++ Dir).
+docker(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Docker = os:find_executable("docker"),
+ PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
+ build_release(PrivDir),
+ build_image(PrivDir),
+ %% start two Docker containers
+ {ok, Peer, Node} = peer:start_link(#{name => lambda,
+ connection => standard_io,
+ exec => {Docker, ["run", "-h", "one", "-i", "lambda"]}}),
+ {ok, Peer2, Node2} = peer:start_link(#{name => lambda,
+ connection => standard_io,
+ exec => {Docker, ["run", "-h", "two", "-i", "lambda"]}}),
+ %% find IP address of the second node using alternative connection RPC
+ {ok, Ips} = peer:call(Peer2, inet, getifaddrs, []),
+ {"eth0", Eth0} = lists:keyfind("eth0", 1, Ips),
+ {addr, Ip} = lists:keyfind(addr, 1, Eth0),
+ %% make first node to discover second one
+ ok = peer:call(Peer, inet_db, set_lookup, [[file]]),
+ ok = peer:call(Peer, inet_db, add_host, [Ip, ["two"]]),
+ %% join a cluster
+ true = peer:call(Peer, net_kernel, connect_node, [Node2]),
+ %% verify that second peer node has only the first node visible
+ [Node] = peer:call(Peer2, erlang, nodes, []),
+ %% stop peers, causing containers to also stop
+ peer:stop(Peer2),
+ peer:stop(Peer).
+build_release(Dir) ->
+ %% load file, otherwise application:get_key will fail
+ application:load(sasl),
+ %% create *.rel - release file
+ RelFile = filename:join(Dir, "lambda.rel"),
+ Release = {release, {"lambda", "1.0.0"},
+ {erts, erlang:system_info(version)},
+ [{App, begin {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(App, vsn), Vsn end}
+ || App &lt;- [kernel, stdlib, sasl]]},
+ ok = file:write_file(RelFile, list_to_binary(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("~tp.", [Release])))),
+ RelFileNoExt = filename:join(Dir, "lambda"),
+ %% create boot script
+ {ok, systools_make, []} = systools:make_script(RelFileNoExt,
+ [silent, {outdir, Dir}]),
+ %% package release into *.tar.gz
+ ok = systools:make_tar(RelFileNoExt, [{erts, code:root_dir()}]).
+build_image(Dir) ->
+ %% Create Dockerfile example, working only for Ubuntu 20.04
+ %% Expose port 4445, and make Erlang distribution to listen
+ %% on this port, and connect to it without EPMD
+ %% Set cookie on both nodes to be the same.
+ BuildScript = filename:join(Dir, "Dockerfile"),
+ Dockerfile =
+ "FROM ubuntu:20.04 as runner\n"
+ "EXPOSE 4445\n"
+ "WORKDIR /opt/lambda\n"
+ "COPY lambda.tar.gz /tmp\n"
+ "RUN tar -zxvf /tmp/lambda.tar.gz -C /opt/lambda\n"
+ "ENTRYPOINT [\"/opt/lambda/erts-" ++ erlang:system_info(version) ++
+ "/bin/dyn_erl\", \"-boot\", \"/opt/lambda/releases/1.0.0/start\","
+ " \"-kernel\", \"inet_dist_listen_min\", \"4445\","
+ " \"-erl_epmd_port\", \"4445\","
+ " \"-setcookie\", \"secret\"]\n",
+ ok = file:write_file(BuildScript, Dockerfile),
+ os:cmd("docker build -t lambda " ++ Dir).
@@ -270,13 +270,6 @@
is, <c>peer</c> follows compatibility behaviour and uses the origin node name.
- <tag><c>host</c></tag>
- <item>
- <p>
- Enforces a specific host name. Can be used to override the default
- behaviour and start "node@localhost" instead of "node@realhostname".
- </p>
- </item>
@@ -285,6 +278,13 @@
short names is the default.
+ <tag><c>host</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Enforces a specific host name. Can be used to override the default
+ behaviour and start "node@localhost" instead of "node@realhostname".
+ </p>
+ </item>
@@ -296,6 +296,11 @@
the controlling process to exit abnormally.
+ <tag><c>connection</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Alternative connection specification. See the
+ <seetype marker="#connection"><c>connection</c> datatype</seetype>.</p>
+ </item>
@@ -303,16 +308,32 @@
default bash.
- <tag><c>connection</c></tag>
+ <tag><c>detached</c></tag>
- <p>Alternative connection specification. See the
- <seetype marker="#connection"><c>connection</c> datatype</seetype>.</p>
+ <p>Defines whether to pass the <c>-detached</c> flag to the started peer.
+ This option cannot be set to <c>false</c> using the standard_io alternative
+ connection type. Default is <c>true</c>.
+ </p>
<p>Extra command line arguments to append to the "erl" command. Arguments are
passed as is, no escaping or quoting is needed or accepted.</p>
+ <tag><c>post_process_args</c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Allows the user to change the arguments passed to <c>exec</c> before the
+ peer is started. This can for example be useful when the <c>exec</c> program
+ wants the arguments to "erl" as a single argument. Example:
+ </p>
+ <code type="erl">
+peer:start(#{ name => peer:random_name(),
+ exec => {os:find_executable("bash"),["-c","erl"]},
+ post_process_args =>
+ fun(["-c"|Args]) -> ["-c", lists:flatten(lists:join($\s, Args))] end
+ }).
+ </code>
+ </item>