path: root/lib/stdlib/src/edlin_context.erl
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1 files changed, 649 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/edlin_context.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/edlin_context.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..589bac4a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/edlin_context.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2023. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% description
+-export([get_context/1, get_context/2, odd_quotes/2]).
+%% The context record is a structure that helps with viewing a nested expression
+%% Typically we do not know the types of a tuple or a map in isolation, but if
+%% we make use of the type information available for a function or a record
+%% then we are able to extract more information.
+%% A nesting can be either be a tuple a list or a map, more types of nestings could
+%% be supported in the future. But it is for these types that we have type information.
+%% We do not need to care about nested records or nested functions since the type information
+%% is available for the deepest nested one.
+%% The context record stores the top most nesting so far, while the nesting field contains
+%% a list of nestings we found, the last element being the deepest nesting.
+-type nesting() :: {'tuple', [{atom(), string()}], {atom(), string()} | []}
+ | {'list', [{atom(), string()}], {atom(), string()} | []}
+ | {'map', [string()], string(), [{atom(), string()}], {atom(), string()} | []}.
+ arguments = [] :: [any()],
+ fields = [] :: [string()], %% The Field or Keys in this nesting
+ parameter_count = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %% Number of parameters in this nesting
+ current_field = [] :: string(), %% field of a record or key of a map field=<tab> %% should be the last element in this context
+ nestings = [] :: [nesting()]}).
+%% get_context - basically get the context to be able to deduce how we should complete the word
+%% If the word is empty, then we do not want to complete with anything if we just closed
+%% a bracket, ended a quote (user has to enter , or . themselves)
+%% but maybe we can help to add ',',},] depending on context in the future
+-spec get_context(Line) -> Context when
+ Line :: string(), %% The whole line in reverse excluding Word
+ Mod :: string(),
+ Fun :: string(),
+ Args :: list(any()),
+ Unfinished :: any(),
+ Binding :: string(), %% map variable
+ Keys :: [string()], %% list of keys in the map MapBind
+ Record :: string(),
+ Fields :: [string()], %% list of keys in the record
+ FieldToComplete :: string(),
+ Nesting :: [nesting()] | [],
+ Context :: {string} %% cursor is inside a string "_
+ | {binding} %% cursor is inside a Binding statement
+ | {term} %% cursor is at a free position, where any value is expected
+ | {term, Args, Unfinished}
+ | {fun_} %% cursor is in a fun statement (either a NewVar, '(' or mfa() is expected)
+ | {fun_, Mod} %% cursor is in a fun mod: statement (mfa)
+ | {fun_, Mod, Fun} %% cursor is in a fun mod:fun statement
+ | {new_fun, Unfinished}
+ | {function}
+ | {function, Mod, Fun, Args, Unfinished, Nesting}
+ | {map, Binding, Keys}
+ | {map_or_record}
+ | {record}
+ | {record, Record, Fields, FieldToComplete, Args, Unfinished, Nesting}
+ | {error, integer()}.
+get_context(Line) ->
+ {Bef0, Word} = edlin_expand:over_word(Line),
+ case {{Bef0, Word}, odd_quotes($", Bef0)} of
+ {_, true} -> {string};
+ {{[$#|_], []}, _} -> {map_or_record};
+ {{_Bef1, Word}, _} ->
+ case is_binding(Word) of
+ true -> {binding};
+ false -> get_context(Bef0, Word)
+ end
+ end.
+get_context(">-" ++ _, L) when is_list(L) -> {term};
+get_context([$?|_], _) ->
+ {macro};
+get_context(Bef0, Word) when is_list(Word) ->
+ get_context(lists:reverse(Word) ++ Bef0, #context{});
+get_context([], #context{arguments = Args, parameter_count = Count, nestings = Nestings} = _CR) ->
+ case Count+1 == length(Args) of
+ true -> {term, lists:droplast(Args), lists:last(Args)};
+ _ ->
+ %% Nestings will not end up as an argument
+ case Nestings of
+ [] -> case Count of
+ 0 when length(Args) > 0 -> {term, lists:droplast(Args), lists:last(Args)};
+ _ -> {term, Args, []}
+ end;
+ [{list, Args1, Arg}] -> {term, Args1, Arg};
+ [{tuple, Args1, Arg}] -> {term, Args1, Arg};
+ [{map, _, _, Args1, Arg}] -> {term, Args1, Arg}
+ end
+ end;
+get_context([$(|Bef], CR) ->
+ %% We have an unclosed opening parenthesis
+ %% Check if we have a function call
+ %% We can deduce the minimum arity based on how many terms we trimmed
+ %% We can check the type of the following Term and suggest those in special cases
+ %% shell_default and erlang are imported, make sure we can do expansion for those
+ {Bef1, Fun} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef),
+ case Fun of
+ [] -> {term}; % parenthesis
+ _ ->
+ {_, Mod} = over_module(Bef1, Fun),
+ case Mod of
+ "shell" -> {term};
+ "shell_default" -> {term};
+ _ ->
+ case CR#context.parameter_count+1 == length(CR#context.arguments) of
+ true ->
+ %% N arguments N-1 commas, this means that we have an argument
+ %% still being worked on.
+ {function, Mod, Fun, lists:droplast(CR#context.arguments),
+ lists:last(CR#context.arguments),CR#context.nestings};
+ _ ->
+ {function, Mod, Fun, CR#context.arguments,
+ [], CR#context.nestings}
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+get_context([${|Bef], #context{ fields=Fields,
+ current_field=FieldToComplete,
+ arguments = Arguments,
+ parameter_count = Count,
+ nestings=Nestings}) ->
+ {Args, Unfinished} = case Count+1 == length(Arguments) of
+ true -> {lists:droplast(Arguments), lists:last(Arguments)};
+ _ -> {Arguments, []}
+ end,
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef) of
+ {[$#|Bef1], []} -> %% Map
+ {Bef2, Map} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef1),
+ case Map of
+ [] -> get_context(Bef2, #context{
+ %% We finished a nesting lets reset and read the next nesting
+ nestings = [{'map', Fields, FieldToComplete, Args, Unfinished}|Nestings]});
+ _ -> {map, Map, Fields}
+ end;
+ {_, []} ->
+ get_context(Bef, #context{
+ %% We finished a nesting lets reset and read the next nesting
+ nestings = [{'tuple', Args, Unfinished}|Nestings]});
+ {[$#|_Bef3], Record} -> %% Record
+ {record, Record, Fields, FieldToComplete, Args, Unfinished, Nestings}
+ end;
+get_context([$[|Bef1], #context{arguments = Arguments, parameter_count = Count, nestings=Nestings}) ->
+ {Args, Unfinished} = case Count+1 == length(Arguments) of
+ true -> {lists:droplast(Arguments), lists:last(Arguments)};
+ _ -> {Arguments, []}
+ end,
+ get_context(Bef1, #context{
+ %% We finished a nesting lets reset and read the next nesting
+ nestings = [{'list', Args, Unfinished}|Nestings]});
+get_context([$,|Bef1], #context{parameter_count=Count}=CR) ->
+ get_context(Bef1, CR#context{
+ parameter_count = Count+1});
+get_context([$>,$=|Bef1], #context{ parameter_count=Count,
+ fields=Fields}=CR) ->
+ {Bef2, Field}=edlin_expand:over_word(Bef1),
+ case Count of
+ 0 -> %% If count is 0, then we know its a value we may want to complete.
+ get_context(Bef2, CR#context{fields = [Field|Fields],
+ current_field = Field});
+ _ -> get_context(Bef2, CR#context{fields = [Field|Fields]})
+ end;
+get_context([$=,$:|Bef1], #context{ parameter_count=Count,
+ fields=Fields}=CR) ->
+ {Bef2, Field}=edlin_expand:over_word(Bef1),
+ case Count of
+ 0 -> %% If count is 0, then we know its a value we may want to complete.
+ get_context(Bef2, CR#context{fields = [Field|Fields],
+ current_field = Field});
+ _ -> get_context(Bef2, CR#context{fields = [Field|Fields]})
+ end;
+get_context([$=|Bef1], #context{
+ parameter_count=Count,
+ fields=Fields}=CR) ->
+ {Bef2, Field}=edlin_expand:over_word(Bef1),
+ % if we are here, its always going to be
+ case Count of
+ 0 -> %%[$=|_],
+ get_context(Bef2, CR#context{fields = [Field|Fields],
+ current_field = Field});
+ _ -> get_context(Bef2, CR#context{fields = [Field|Fields]})
+ end;
+get_context([$.|Bef2], CR) ->
+ Arguments = CR#context.arguments,
+ Count = CR#context.parameter_count,
+ {Args, Unfinished} = case Count+1 == length(Arguments) of
+ true -> {lists:droplast(Arguments), lists:last(Arguments)};
+ _ -> {Arguments, []}
+ end,
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef2) of
+ {[$#|_Bef3], Record} -> %% Record
+ {record, Record, CR#context.fields, CR#context.current_field, Args, Unfinished, CR#context.nestings};
+ _ -> {'end'}
+ end;
+get_context([$:|Bef2], _) ->
+ %% look backwards to see if its a fun
+ {Bef3, Mod} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef2),
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef3) of
+ {_, "fun"} -> {fun_, Mod};
+ _ -> {function}
+ end;
+get_context([$/|Bef1], _) ->
+ {Bef2, Fun} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef1),
+ {_, Mod} = over_module(Bef2, Fun),
+ {fun_, Mod, Fun};
+get_context([$>,$-|_Bef2], #context{arguments = Args} = CR) ->
+ %% Inside a function
+ case CR#context.parameter_count+1 == length(Args) of
+ true ->
+ {term, lists:droplast(Args), lists:last(Args)};
+ _ -> {term, Args, []}
+ end;
+get_context("nehw " ++ _Bef2, #context{arguments = Args} = CR) ->
+ %% Inside a guard
+ case CR#context.parameter_count+1 == length(Args) of
+ true ->
+ {term, lists:droplast(Args), lists:last(Args)};
+ _ -> {term, Args, []}
+ end;
+get_context([$\ |Bef],CR) -> get_context(Bef, CR); %% matching space here simplifies the other clauses
+get_context(Bef0, #context{arguments=Args, parameter_count=Count} = CR) ->
+ case over_to_opening(Bef0) of
+ {_,[]} -> {term};
+ {error, _}=E -> E;
+ {record} -> {record};
+ {fun_} -> {fun_};
+ {new_fun, _}=F -> F;
+ {Bef1, {fun_, Str}=Arg} ->
+ case Count of
+ 0 ->
+ [_, Mod, Fun| _] = string:tokens(Str, " :/"),
+ {fun_, Mod, Fun};
+ _ -> get_context(Bef1, CR#context{arguments=[Arg|Args]})
+ end;
+ {Bef1, Arg} -> get_context(Bef1, CR#context{arguments=[Arg|Args]})
+ end.
+read_operator(Bef) ->
+ read_operator1(Bef).
+operator_string() -> "-=><:+*/|&^~".
+read_operator1([$\ |Bef]) -> read_operator1(Bef);
+read_operator1("mer " ++ Bef) -> {Bef, "rem"};
+read_operator1("osladna " ++ Bef) -> {Bef, "andalso"};
+read_operator1("dna " ++ Bef) -> {Bef, "and"};
+read_operator1("eslero " ++ Bef) -> {Bef, "orelse"};
+read_operator1("ro " ++ Bef) -> {Bef, "or"};
+read_operator1([$>,$>,$>|Bef1]) -> {[$>,$>|Bef1], [$>]}; %% comparison with a binary or typo
+read_operator1([$>,$>|Bef1]) -> {[$>|Bef1], [$>]}; %% comparison with a pid, or binary
+read_operator1([$>,$-, C|Bef1]=Bef) ->
+ case lists:member(C, operator_string()) of
+ true -> {Bef1, [C,$-,$>]};
+ false -> {Bef, []}
+ end;
+read_operator1([$>,$=, C|Bef1]=Bef) ->
+ case lists:member(C, operator_string()) of
+ true -> {Bef1, [C,$=,$>]};
+ false -> {Bef, []}
+ end;
+read_operator1([$=,$:, C|Bef1]=Bef) ->
+ case lists:member(C, operator_string()) of
+ true -> {Bef1, [C,$:,$=]};
+ false -> {Bef, []}
+ end;
+read_operator1([$:|_]=Bef) -> {Bef, []}; %% this operator does not count
+ case {lists:member(Op1, operator_string()),
+ lists:member(Op2, operator_string()),
+ lists:member(Op3, operator_string())} of
+ {true, true, true} -> {Bef, [Op3, Op2, Op1]};
+ {true, true, false} -> {[Op3|Bef], [Op2, Op1]};
+ {true, false, _} -> {[Op2,Op3|Bef], [Op1]};
+ _ -> {[Op1,Op2,Op3|Bef], []}
+ end;
+read_operator1([Op1, Op2]) ->
+ case {lists:member(Op1, operator_string()),
+ lists:member(Op2, operator_string())} of
+ {true, true} -> {[], [Op2, Op1]};
+ {true, false} -> {[Op2], [Op1]};
+ _ -> {[Op1,Op2], []}
+ end;
+read_operator1([Op1]) ->
+ case lists:member(Op1, operator_string()) of
+ true -> {[], [Op1]};
+ _ -> {[Op1], []}
+ end;
+read_operator1(Bef) -> {Bef, []}.
+read_opening_char("nehw "++Bef) ->
+ {Bef, "when"};
+read_opening_char([OC|Bef]) when OC =:= $(; OC =:= $[; OC =:= ${; OC =:= $,; OC =:= $. ->
+ {Bef, [OC]};
+read_opening_char([$>,$-|_]=Bef) ->
+ case read_operator(Bef) of
+ {_, []} -> {Bef, "->"};
+ _ -> {Bef, []}
+ end;
+read_opening_char([$\ |Bef]) -> read_opening_char(Bef);
+read_opening_char(Bef) -> {Bef, []}.
+over_to_opening(Bef) -> try
+ over_to_opening1(Bef,#{args => []})
+ catch
+ throw:E -> E
+ end.
+over_to_opening1([], #{'args' := Args}) ->
+ over_to_opening_return([], Args);
+over_to_opening1(Bef, Acc = #{args := Args}) ->
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef) of
+ {_, []} -> %% removed spaces
+ case read_opening_char(Bef) of
+ {Bef1, []} -> %% not an opening
+ case extract_argument2(Bef1) of
+ {stop} -> over_to_opening_return(Bef1, Args);
+ {Bef2, []} -> over_to_opening_return(Bef2, Args);
+ {Bef2, Arg} -> over_to_opening1(Bef2, Acc#{args => [Arg | Args]})
+ end;
+ {_Bef1, _Opening} -> over_to_opening_return(Bef, Args)
+ end;
+ _ -> case extract_argument2(Bef) of
+ {stop} -> over_to_opening_return(Bef, Args);
+ {Bef2, []} -> over_to_opening_return(Bef2, Args);
+ {Bef2, Arg} -> over_to_opening1(Bef2, Acc#{args => [Arg | Args]})
+ end
+ end.
+over_to_opening_return(Bef, Args) ->
+ case Args of
+ [] -> {Bef, []};
+ [Arg] -> {Bef, Arg};
+ [{operator, "-"}, {integer, I}] -> {Bef, {integer, "-" ++ I}};
+ [{operator, "-"}, {float, F}] -> {Bef, {float, "-" ++ F}};
+ [{atom, "fun"}, {atom, _}] -> throw({fun_});
+ _ ->
+ case look_for_non_operator_separator(Args) of
+ true -> {Bef, {operation, lists:flatten(lists:join(" ", lists:map(fun({_, Arg}) -> Arg end, Args)))}};
+ false -> {error, length(Bef)}
+ end
+ end.
+look_for_non_operator_separator([{string, _},{string, _}=A|Args]) ->
+ look_for_non_operator_separator([A|Args]);
+look_for_non_operator_separator([{operator, _}, {operator, _}|_]) -> false;
+look_for_non_operator_separator([_, {operator, _}=B|Args]) ->
+ look_for_non_operator_separator([B|Args]);
+look_for_non_operator_separator([{operator, _}, B|Args]) ->
+ look_for_non_operator_separator([B|Args]);
+look_for_non_operator_separator([_]) -> true;
+look_for_non_operator_separator(_) -> false.
+over_map_record_or_tuple(Bef0) ->
+ case over_to_opening_paren($},Bef0) of
+ {_, []} -> %% no matching {
+ throw({error, length(Bef0)});
+ {Bef3, Clause} ->
+ {Bef4, MaybeRecord} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef3),
+ case MaybeRecord of
+ [] -> case Bef4 of
+ [$#|Bef5] -> %% Map
+ {Bef6, _Var} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef5),
+ {Bef6, {map, _Var++"#"++Clause}};
+ _ -> %% Tuple
+ {Bef4, {tuple, Clause}}
+ end;
+ _Record -> %% Record
+ [$#|Bef5] = Bef4,
+ {Bef6, _Var} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef5),
+ {Bef6, {record, _Var++"#"++_Record++Clause}}
+ end
+ end.
+over_pid_port_or_ref(Bef2) ->
+ %% Extracts argument or part of an operation
+ %% Consume Pid, Ref, FunRef or Binary
+ case over_to_opening_paren($>,Bef2) of
+ {_, []} -> %% no matching <, maybe a '>' operator
+ throw({soft_error, length(Bef2)});
+ {Bef3, Clause} ->
+ case Bef3 of
+ "feR#" ++ Bef4 ->
+ {Bef4, {ref, "#Ref" ++ Clause}};
+ "nuF#" ++ Bef4 ->
+ {Bef4, {'funref', "#Fun" ++ Clause}};
+ "troP#" ++ Bef4 ->
+ {Bef4, {port, "#Port" ++ Clause}};
+ _ -> case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef3) of
+ {Bef3, []} ->
+ case Bef2 of
+ [$>|_] -> %% binary
+ {Bef3, {binary, Clause}};
+ _ -> %% pid
+ %% match <Num.Num.Num>
+ {Bef3, {pid, Clause}}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ throw({error, length(Bef3)})
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+over_list(Bef2) ->
+ case over_to_opening_paren($],Bef2) of
+ {_, []} -> %% no matching [
+ throw({error, length(Bef2)});
+ {Bef3, Clause} ->
+ {Bef3, {list, Clause}}
+ end.
+over_parenthesis_or_call(Bef2) ->
+ case over_to_opening_paren($),Bef2) of
+ {_, []} -> %% no matching (
+ throw({error, length(Bef2)});
+ {Bef3, Clause} ->
+ {Bef4, Fun} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef3),
+ {Bef5, ModFun} = case Bef4 of
+ [$:|Bef41] ->
+ {Bef42, Mod} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef41),
+ {Bef42, Mod++[$:|Fun]};
+ _ -> {Bef4, Fun}
+ end,
+ case ModFun of
+ [] -> {Bef5, {parenthesis, Clause}};
+ "fun" -> throw({new_fun, Clause});
+ _ -> {Bef5, {call, ModFun++Clause}}
+ end
+ end.
+over_keyword_or_fun(Bef1) ->
+ case over_keyword_expression(Bef1) of
+ {Bef2, KeywordExpression} -> {Bef2, {keyword, KeywordExpression ++ " end"}};
+ _ -> throw({error, length(Bef1)})
+ end.
+ case read_operator(Bef) of
+ {[$>|_]=Bef1, ">"=Operator} ->
+ try over_pid_port_or_ref(Bef0)
+ catch
+ %% not a pid, port, ref or binary
+ throw:{error, _}=E -> throw(E);
+ throw:{soft_error, _Col} -> {Bef1, {operator, Operator}}
+ end;
+ {Bef1, ">"=Operator} ->
+ try over_pid_port_or_ref(Bef1)
+ catch
+ %% not a pid, port or ref
+ throw:{error, _}=E -> throw(E);
+ throw:{soft_error, _Col} -> {Bef1, {operator, Operator}}
+ end;
+ {_Bef1, []} -> {stop};
+ {Bef1, Operator} -> {Bef1, {operator, Operator}}
+ end;
+extract_argument2(Bef0) ->
+ case read_operator(Bef0) of
+ {[$}|Bef1], []} -> over_map_record_or_tuple(Bef1);
+ {[$)|Bef1], []} -> over_parenthesis_or_call(Bef1);
+ {[$]|Bef1], []} -> over_list(Bef1);
+ {[$"|Bef2], []} -> {Bef3, _Quote} = over_to_opening_quote($", Bef2),
+ {Bef3, {string, _Quote}};
+ {"dne "++Bef1, []} -> over_keyword_or_fun(Bef1);
+ {[$=,$:|_], []} -> {stop};
+ {[$:|_], []} -> {stop};
+ {"nehw" ++ _Bef1,[]} -> {stop};
+ {_, []} -> extract_argument(Bef0);
+ {Bef1, Operator} ->
+ {Bef1, {operator, Operator}}
+ end.
+extract_argument(Bef0) ->
+ %% TODO: We probably need to be able to extract Terms with operators...
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef0) of
+ {_Bef1, []} ->
+ case read_char(_Bef1) of
+ {_, []} -> {_Bef1, []};
+ {Bef2, Char} -> {Bef2, {char, Char}}
+ end;
+ {Bef2, Var} ->
+ try list_to_integer(Var) of
+ _ -> %% there is an integer
+ case over_fun_function(Bef0) of
+ {Bef3, "fun " ++ _ModFunArr} -> {Bef3, {fun_, "fun "++_ModFunArr}};
+ _ -> case over_number(Bef0) of
+ {Bef3, []} -> {Bef3, []}; %% how to deal with operators
+ {Bef3, Number} -> {Bef3, Number}
+ end
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ case is_binding(Var) of
+ true -> {Bef2,{var, Var}};
+ false -> case Bef2 of
+ [$#|_] -> throw({record});
+ _ -> {Bef2, {atom, Var}}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+over_number(Bef) ->
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef) of
+ {_, []} -> {Bef, []};
+ {Bef2, Var} ->
+ try list_to_integer(Var) of
+ _ ->
+ {Bef6, {NumberType, Number}}=Res = case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef2) of
+ {[$.|Bef3],[]} -> %% float
+ {Bef4, Integer} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef3),
+ {Bef4, {float, Integer ++ "." ++ Var}};
+ {[$#|Bef3],[]} -> %% integer base
+ {Bef4, Base} = edlin_expand:over_word(Bef3),
+ {Bef4, {integer, Base ++ "#" ++ Var}};
+ _ ->
+ {Bef2, {integer, Var}}
+ %% otherwise its an operation that can be very complicated we should read everything up to the closest CC
+ %% and return an {operation, Clause}
+ end,
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef6) of
+ {[$-|Bef5], []} ->
+ case read_opening_char(Bef5) of
+ {_, []} -> Res;
+ _ -> {Bef5, {NumberType, "-" ++Number}}
+ end;
+ _ -> Res
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ -> {Bef, []}
+ end
+ end.
+read_char([C,$$|Line]) ->
+ {Line, [$$,C]};
+read_char([$$|Line]) ->
+ {Line, "$ "};
+read_char(Line) ->
+ {Line, []}.
+over_fun_function(Bef) ->
+ over_fun_function(Bef, []).
+over_fun_function(Bef, Acc) ->
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef) of
+ {[$/|Bef1], Arity} -> over_fun_function(Bef1, [$/|Arity]++Acc);
+ {[$:|Bef1], Fun} -> over_fun_function(Bef1, [$:|Fun]++Acc);
+ {" nuf"++Bef1, ModOrFun} -> over_fun_function(Bef1, "fun "++ModOrFun ++ Acc);
+ _ -> {Bef,Acc}
+ end.
+%% Extracts everything within the quote
+over_to_opening_quote(Q, Bef) when Q == $'; Q == $" ->
+ over_to_opening_quote([Q], Bef, [Q]);
+over_to_opening_quote(_, Bef) -> {Bef, []}.
+over_to_opening_quote([], Bef, Word) -> {Bef, Word};
+over_to_opening_quote([Q|Stack], [Q|Bef], Word) ->
+ over_to_opening_quote(Stack, Bef, [Q| Word]);
+over_to_opening_quote([Q|Stack], [Q,EC|Bef], Word) when EC=:=$\\; EC=:=$$ ->
+ over_to_opening_quote([Q|Stack], Bef, [EC,Q| Word]);
+over_to_opening_quote([Stack], [C|Bef], Word) ->
+ over_to_opening_quote([Stack], Bef, [C| Word]);
+over_to_opening_quote(_,_,Word) -> {lists:reverse(Word), []}.
+matching_paren($(,$)) -> true;
+matching_paren($[,$]) -> true;
+matching_paren(${,$}) -> true;
+matching_paren($<,$>) -> true;
+matching_paren(_,_) -> false.
+%% Extracts everything within the brackets
+%% Recursively extracts nested bracket expressions.
+over_to_opening_paren(CC, Bef) when CC == $); CC == $];
+ CC == $}; CC == $> ->
+ over_to_opening_paren([CC], Bef, [CC]);
+over_to_opening_paren(_, Bef) -> {Bef, []}. %% Not a closing parenthesis
+over_to_opening_paren([], Bef, Word) -> {Bef, Word};
+over_to_opening_paren(_, [], Word) -> {lists:reverse(Word), []}; %% Not a closing parenthesis
+over_to_opening_paren([CC|Stack], [CC,$$|Bef], Word) ->
+ over_to_opening_paren([CC|Stack], Bef, [$$,CC|Word]);
+over_to_opening_paren([CC|Stack], [OC|Bef], Word) when OC==$(; OC==$[; OC==${; OC==$< ->
+ case matching_paren(OC, CC) of
+ true -> over_to_opening_paren(Stack, Bef, [OC|Word]);
+ false -> over_to_opening_paren([CC|Stack], Bef, [OC|Word])
+ end;
+over_to_opening_paren([CC|Stack], [CC|Bef], Word) -> %% Nested parenthesis of same type
+ over_to_opening_paren([CC,CC|Stack], Bef, [CC|Word]);
+over_to_opening_paren(Stack, [Q,NEC|Bef], Word) when Q == $"; Q == $', NEC /= $$, NEC /= $\\ ->
+ %% Consume the whole quoted text, it may contain parenthesis which
+ %% would have confused us.
+ {Bef1, QuotedWord} = over_to_opening_quote(Q, Bef),
+ over_to_opening_paren(Stack, Bef1, QuotedWord ++ Word);
+over_to_opening_paren(CC, [C|Bef], Word) -> over_to_opening_paren(CC, Bef, [C|Word]).
+%% Extract a whole keyword expression
+%% Keyword<code>end
+%% Function expects a string of erlang code in reverse, and extracts everything
+%% including a keyword being one of if, fun, case, maybe, receiver (need to add all here)
+%% Recursively extracts nested keyword expressions
+%% Note: In the future we could autocomplete case expressions by looking at the
+%% return type of the expression.
+over_keyword_expression(Bef) ->
+ over_keyword_expression(Bef, []).
+over_keyword_expression("dne"++Bef, Expr)->
+ %% Nested expression
+ {Bef1, KWE}=over_keyword_expression(Bef),
+ over_keyword_expression(Bef1, KWE++"end"++Expr);
+over_keyword_expression("fi"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "if" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression("nuf"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "fun" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression("yrt"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "try" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression("esac"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "case" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression("hctac"++Bef, Expr) ->
+ case over_keyword_expression(Bef, []) of
+ {Bef1, "try" ++ Expr1} -> {Bef1, "try" ++ Expr1 ++ "catch" ++ Expr};
+ _ -> {Bef, "catch" ++ Expr}
+ end;
+over_keyword_expression("nigeb"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "begin" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression("ebyam"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "maybe" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression("eviecer"++Bef, Expr) -> {Bef, "receive" ++ Expr};
+over_keyword_expression([], _) -> {no, [], []};
+over_keyword_expression([C|Bef], Expr) -> over_keyword_expression(Bef, [C|Expr]).
+odd_quotes(Q, [Q,C|Line], Acc) when C == $\\; C == $$ ->
+ odd_quotes(Q, Line, Acc);
+odd_quotes(Q, [Q|Line], Acc) ->
+ odd_quotes(Q, Line, Acc+1);
+odd_quotes(Q, [_|Line], Acc) ->
+ odd_quotes(Q, Line, Acc);
+odd_quotes(_, [], Acc) -> Acc band 1 == 1.
+odd_quotes(Q, Line) ->
+ odd_quotes(Q, Line, 0).
+over_module(Bef, Fun)->
+ case edlin_expand:over_word(Bef) of
+ {[$:|Bef1], _} ->
+ edlin_expand:over_word(Bef1);
+ {[], _} -> {Bef, edlin_expand:shell_default_or_bif(Fun)};
+ _ -> {Bef, edlin_expand:bif(Fun)}
+ end.
+%% Check that the given string starts with a capital letter, or an underscore
+%% followed by an alphanumeric grapheme.
+is_binding(Word) ->
+ Normalized = unicode:characters_to_nfc_list(Word),
+ nomatch =/= re:run(Normalized,
+ "^[_[:upper:]][[:alpha:]]*$",
+ [unicode, ucp]).