path: root/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
index 505a6b1af8..bef858cdc5 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ pat_expr pat_expr_max map_pat_expr record_pat_expr
pat_argument_list pat_exprs
list tail
list_comprehension lc_expr lc_exprs
record_expr record_tuple record_field record_fields
@@ -49,7 +50,31 @@ type_sig type_sigs type_guard type_guards fun_type binary_type
type_spec spec_fun typed_exprs typed_record_fields field_types field_type
map_pair_types map_pair_type
bin_base_type bin_unit_type
-maybe_expr maybe_match_exprs maybe_match.
+maybe_expr maybe_match_exprs maybe_match
char integer float atom string var
@@ -67,7 +92,8 @@ char integer float atom string var
'!' '=' '::' '..' '...'
'spec' 'callback' % helper
Expect 0.
@@ -86,6 +112,7 @@ Left 500 mult_op.
Unary 600 prefix_op.
Nonassoc 700 '#'.
Nonassoc 800 ':'.
+Nonassoc 900 clause_body_exprs.
%% Types
@@ -225,8 +252,7 @@ clause_args -> pat_argument_list : element(1, '$1').
clause_guard -> 'when' guard : '$2'.
clause_guard -> '$empty' : [].
-clause_body -> '->' exprs: '$2'.
+clause_body -> '->' clause_body_exprs: '$2'.
expr -> 'catch' expr : {'catch',?anno('$1'),'$2'}.
expr -> expr '=' expr : {match,first_anno('$1'),'$1','$3'}.
@@ -251,6 +277,7 @@ expr_max -> atomic : '$1'.
expr_max -> list : '$1'.
expr_max -> binary : '$1'.
expr_max -> list_comprehension : '$1'.
+expr_max -> map_comprehension : '$1'.
expr_max -> binary_comprehension : '$1'.
expr_max -> tuple : '$1'.
expr_max -> '(' expr ')' : '$2'.
@@ -324,12 +351,15 @@ bit_size_expr -> expr_max : '$1'.
list_comprehension -> '[' expr '||' lc_exprs ']' :
+map_comprehension -> '#' '{' map_field_assoc '||' lc_exprs '}' :
+ {mc,?anno('$1'),'$3','$5'}.
binary_comprehension -> '<<' expr_max '||' lc_exprs '>>' :
lc_exprs -> lc_expr : ['$1'].
lc_exprs -> lc_expr ',' lc_exprs : ['$1'|'$3'].
lc_expr -> expr : '$1'.
+lc_expr -> map_field_exact '<-' expr : {m_generate,?anno('$2'),'$1','$3'}.
lc_expr -> expr '<-' expr : {generate,?anno('$2'),'$1','$3'}.
lc_expr -> binary '<=' expr : {b_generate,?anno('$2'),'$1','$3'}.
@@ -500,6 +530,9 @@ pat_argument_list -> '(' pat_exprs ')' : {'$2',?anno('$1')}.
exprs -> expr : ['$1'].
exprs -> expr ',' exprs : ['$1' | '$3'].
+clause_body_exprs -> ssa_check_when_clauses exprs : '$1' ++ '$2'.
+clause_body_exprs -> exprs : '$1'.
pat_exprs -> pat_expr : ['$1'].
pat_exprs -> pat_expr ',' pat_exprs : ['$1' | '$3'].
@@ -549,6 +582,132 @@ comp_op -> '>' : '$1'.
comp_op -> '=:=' : '$1'.
comp_op -> '=/=' : '$1'.
+ssa_check_when_clauses -> ssa_check_when_clause : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_when_clauses -> ssa_check_when_clause ssa_check_when_clauses :
+ ['$1'|'$2'].
+ssa_check_when_clause -> '%ssa%' atom ssa_check_clause_args_ls 'when' atom '->'
+ ssa_check_exprs '.' :
+ {ssa_check_when, ?anno('$1'), '$2', '$3', '$5', '$7'}.
+ssa_check_when_clause -> '%ssa%' ssa_check_clause_args_ls 'when' atom '->'
+ ssa_check_exprs '.' :
+ {ssa_check_when, ?anno('$1'), {atom,?anno('$1'),pass}, '$2', '$4', '$6'}.
+ssa_check_exprs -> ssa_check_expr : [add_anno_check('$1', [])].
+ssa_check_exprs -> ssa_check_expr ssa_check_anno : [add_anno_check('$1', '$2')].
+ssa_check_exprs -> ssa_check_expr ',' ssa_check_exprs :
+ [add_anno_check('$1', [])|'$3'].
+ssa_check_exprs -> ssa_check_expr ssa_check_anno ',' ssa_check_exprs :
+ [add_anno_check('$1', '$2')|'$4'].
+ssa_check_anno -> '{' ssa_check_anno_clauses '}' : '$2'.
+ssa_check_anno_clauses -> ssa_check_anno_clause : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_anno_clauses -> ssa_check_anno_clause ',' ssa_check_anno_clauses :
+ ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_anno_clause -> atom '=>' ssa_check_pat : {term, '$1', '$3'}.
+ssa_check_expr -> var '=' atom ssa_check_args :
+ {check_expr, ?anno('$1'), [set, '$1', '$3'|'$4']}.
+ssa_check_expr -> atom ssa_check_args :
+ {check_expr, ?anno('$1'), [none, '$1'|'$2']}.
+ssa_check_expr -> var '=' atom ':' atom ssa_check_args :
+ {check_expr, ?anno('$1'), [set, '$1', {'$3', '$5'}|'$6']}.
+ssa_check_expr -> atom integer :
+ {check_expr, ?anno('$1'), build_ssa_check_label('$1', '$2')}.
+ssa_check_expr -> atom var :
+ {check_expr, ?anno('$1'), build_ssa_check_label('$1', '$2')}.
+ssa_check_clause_args_ls -> '(' ')' : [].
+ssa_check_clause_args_ls -> '(' ssa_check_clause_args ')' : '$2'.
+ssa_check_clause_args_ls -> '(' '...' ')' : ['$2'].
+ssa_check_clause_args -> var : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_clause_args -> var ',' ssa_check_clause_args : ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_clause_args -> var ',' '...' : ['$1', '$3'].
+ssa_check_args -> '(' ')' : {[], ?anno('$1')}.
+ssa_check_args -> '(' ssa_check_pats ')' : '$2'.
+ssa_check_args -> '(' '...' ')' : ['$2'].
+ssa_check_pats -> ssa_check_pat : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_pats -> ssa_check_pat ',' ssa_check_pats : ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_pats -> ssa_check_pat ',' '...' : ['$1', '$3'].
+ssa_check_pat -> var : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> atom : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> integer : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> float : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> float '(' float ')': {float_epsilon, '$1', '$3'}.
+ssa_check_pat -> ssa_check_fun_ref : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> '{' '}' : {tuple, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_pat -> '{' ssa_check_pats '}' : {tuple, ?anno('$1'), '$2'}.
+ssa_check_pat -> '{' '...' '}' : {tuple, ?anno('$1'), ['$2']}.
+ssa_check_pat -> ssa_check_binary_lit : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> ssa_check_list_lit : '$1'.
+ssa_check_pat -> '#' '{' '}' : {map, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_pat -> '#' '{' ssa_check_map_key_elements '}' : {map, ?anno('$1'), '$3'}.
+ssa_check_fun_ref -> 'fun' atom '/' integer : {local_fun, '$2', '$4'}.
+ssa_check_fun_ref -> 'fun' atom ':' atom '/' integer : {external_fun, '$2', '$4', '$6'}.
+ssa_check_binary_lit -> '<<' '>>' : {binary, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_binary_lit -> '<<' ssa_check_binary_lit_bytes_ls '>>' :
+ {binary, ?anno('$1'), '$2'}.
+ssa_check_binary_lit -> '<<' ssa_check_binary_lit_rest '>>' :
+ {binary, ?anno('$1'), ['$2']}.
+ssa_check_binary_lit_bytes_ls -> integer : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_binary_lit_bytes_ls -> integer ',' ssa_check_binary_lit_bytes_ls :
+ ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_binary_lit_bytes_ls -> integer ',' ssa_check_binary_lit_rest :
+ ['$1', '$3'].
+ssa_check_binary_lit_rest -> integer ':' integer : {'$1', '$3'}.
+ssa_check_list_lit -> '[' ']' : {list, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_list_lit -> '[' ssa_check_list_lit_ls ']' :
+ {list, ?anno('$1'), '$2'}.
+ssa_check_list_lit_ls -> ssa_check_pat : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_list_lit_ls -> ssa_check_pat ',' ssa_check_list_lit_ls : ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_list_lit_ls -> ssa_check_pat ',' '...' : ['$1', '$3'].
+ssa_check_list_lit_ls -> ssa_check_pat '|' ssa_check_pat : ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_map_key -> atom : '$1'.
+ssa_check_map_key -> integer : '$1'.
+ssa_check_map_key -> float : '$1'.
+ssa_check_map_key -> '{' ssa_check_map_key_tuple_elements '}' :
+ {tuple, ?anno('$1'), '$2'}.
+ssa_check_map_key -> '{' '}' : {tuple, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_map_key -> ssa_check_binary_lit : '$1'.
+ssa_check_map_key -> '[' ssa_check_map_key_list ']' :
+ {list, ?anno('$1'), '$2'}.
+ssa_check_map_key -> '[' ']' : {list, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_map_key -> '#' '{' '}' : {map, ?anno('$1'), []}.
+ssa_check_map_key -> '#' '{' ssa_check_map_key_elements '}' : '$3'.
+ssa_check_map_key_list -> ssa_check_map_key : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_map_key_list -> ssa_check_map_key ',' ssa_check_map_key_list :
+ ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_map_key_list -> ssa_check_map_key '|' ssa_check_map_key :
+ ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_map_key_elements -> ssa_check_map_key_element : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_map_key_elements -> ssa_check_map_key_element ',' ssa_check_map_key_elements :
+ ['$1'|'$3'].
+ssa_check_map_key_element -> ssa_check_map_key '=>' ssa_check_map_key:
+ {'$1', '$3'}.
+%% ssa_check_map_key_element -> ssa_check_map_key '::' top_type:
+%% {type, '$1', '$3'}.
+ssa_check_map_key_tuple_elements -> ssa_check_map_key : ['$1'].
+ssa_check_map_key_tuple_elements -> ssa_check_map_key ',' ssa_check_map_key_tuple_elements:
+ ['$1'|'$3'].
"%% This file was automatically generated from the file \"erl_parse.yrl\"."
@@ -679,6 +838,7 @@ Erlang code.
| af_local_call()
| af_remote_call()
| af_list_comprehension()
+ | af_map_comprehension()
| af_binary_comprehension()
| af_block()
| af_if()
@@ -714,6 +874,9 @@ Erlang code.
-type af_list_comprehension() ::
{'lc', anno(), af_template(), af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_map_comprehension() ::
+ {'mc', anno(), af_assoc(abstract_expr()), af_qualifier_seq()}.
-type af_binary_comprehension() ::
{'bc', anno(), af_template(), af_qualifier_seq()}.
@@ -724,6 +887,7 @@ Erlang code.
-type af_qualifier() :: af_generator() | af_filter().
-type af_generator() :: {'generate', anno(), af_pattern(), abstract_expr()}
+ | {'m_generate', anno(), af_assoc_exact(af_pattern()), abstract_expr()}
| {'b_generate', anno(), af_pattern(), abstract_expr()}.
-type af_filter() :: abstract_expr().
@@ -1529,16 +1693,16 @@ abstract_list([H|T], String, A, E) ->
abstract_list(T, [H|String], A, E);
false ->
AbstrList = {cons,A,abstract(H, A, E),abstract(T, A, E)},
- not_string(String, AbstrList, A, E)
+ not_string(String, AbstrList, A)
abstract_list([], String, A, _E) ->
{string, A, lists:reverse(String)};
abstract_list(T, String, A, E) ->
- not_string(String, abstract(T, A, E), A, E).
+ not_string(String, abstract(T, A, E), A).
-not_string([C|T], Result, A, E) ->
- not_string(T, {cons, A, {integer, A, C}, Result}, A, E);
-not_string([], Result, _A, _E) ->
+not_string([C|T], Result, A) ->
+ not_string(T, {cons, A, {integer, A, C}, Result}, A);
+not_string([], Result, _A) ->
abstract_tuple_list([H|T], A, E) ->
@@ -1841,4 +2005,12 @@ modify_anno1([H|T], Ac, Mf) ->
modify_anno1([], Ac, _Mf) -> {[],Ac};
modify_anno1(E, Ac, _Mf) when not is_tuple(E), not is_list(E) -> {E,Ac}.
+build_ssa_check_label({atom,_,label}, Lbl) ->
+ [label, Lbl];
+build_ssa_check_label({atom,L,_}, _) ->
+ return_error(L, "expected 'label'").
+add_anno_check({check_expr,Loc,Args}, AnnoCheck) ->
+ {check_expr,Loc,Args,AnnoCheck}.
%% vim: ft=erlang