%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2023. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(fun_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2, bad_apply/1,bad_fun_call/1,badarity/1,ext_badarity/1, bad_arglist/1, equality/1,ordering/1, fun_to_port/1,t_phash/1,t_phash2/1,md5/1, refc/1,refc_ets/1,refc_dist/1, const_propagation/1,t_arity/1,t_is_function2/1, t_fun_info/1,t_fun_info_mfa/1,t_fun_to_list/1]). -export([nothing/0]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap, {minutes, 1}}]. all() -> [bad_apply, bad_fun_call, badarity, ext_badarity, bad_arglist, equality, ordering, fun_to_port, t_phash, t_phash2, md5, refc, refc_ets, refc_dist, const_propagation, t_arity, t_is_function2, t_fun_info, t_fun_info_mfa,t_fun_to_list]. init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> erts_test_utils:ept_check_leaked_nodes(Config). %% Test that the correct EXIT code is returned for all types of bad funs. bad_apply(Config) when is_list(Config) -> bad_apply_fc(42, [0]), bad_apply_fc(xx, [1]), bad_apply_fc({}, [2]), bad_apply_fc({1}, [3]), bad_apply_fc({1,2,3}, [4]), bad_apply_fc({1,2,3}, [5]), bad_apply_fc({1,2,3,4}, [6]), bad_apply_fc({1,2,3,4,5,6}, [7]), bad_apply_fc({1,2,3,4,5}, [8]), bad_apply_badarg({1,2}, [9]), ok. bad_apply_fc(Fun, Args) -> Res = (catch apply(Fun, Args)), erlang:garbage_collect(), erlang:yield(), case Res of {'EXIT',{{badfun,Fun},_Where}} -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]); Other -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]), ct:fail({bad_result,Other}) end. bad_apply_badarg(Fun, Args) -> Res = (catch apply(Fun, Args)), erlang:garbage_collect(), erlang:yield(), case Res of {'EXIT',{{badfun,Fun},_Where}} -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]); Other -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]), ct:fail({bad_result, Other}) end. %% Try directly calling bad funs. bad_fun_call(Config) when is_list(Config) -> bad_call_fc(42), bad_call_fc(xx), bad_call_fc({}), bad_call_fc({1}), bad_call_fc({1,2,3}), bad_call_fc({1,2,3}), bad_call_fc({1,2,3,4}), bad_call_fc({1,2,3,4,5,6}), bad_call_fc({1,2,3,4,5}), bad_call_fc({1,2}), ok. bad_call_fc(Fun) -> Args = [some,stupid,args], Res = (catch Fun(Fun(Args))), case Res of {'EXIT',{{badfun,Fun},_Where}} -> ok = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]); Other -> ok = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]), ct:fail({bad_result,Other}) end. % Test erlang:apply with non-proper arg-list bad_arglist(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Fun = fun(A,B) -> A+B end, {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch apply(Fun, 17)), {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch apply(Fun, [17|18])), {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch apply(Fun, [17,18|19])), {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch apply(lists,seq, 17)), {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch apply(lists,seq, [17|18])), {'EXIT', {badarg,_}} = (catch apply(lists,seq, [17,18|19])), ok. %% Call and apply valid funs with wrong number of arguments. badarity(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Fun = fun() -> ok end, Stupid = {stupid,arguments}, Args = [some,{stupid,arguments},here], %% Simple call. Res = (catch Fun(some, Stupid, here)), erlang:garbage_collect(), erlang:yield(), case Res of {'EXIT',{{badarity,{Fun,Args}},_}} -> ok = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]); _ -> ok = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]), ct:fail({bad_result,Res}) end, %% Apply. Res2 = (catch apply(Fun, Args)), erlang:garbage_collect(), erlang:yield(), case Res2 of {'EXIT',{{badarity,{Fun,Args}},_}} -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res2]); _ -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res2]), ct:fail({bad_result,Res2}) end, ok. %% Call and apply valid external funs with wrong number of arguments. ext_badarity(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Fun = fun ?MODULE:nothing/0, Stupid = {stupid,arguments}, Args = [some,{stupid,arguments},here], %% Simple call. Res = (catch Fun(some, Stupid, here)), erlang:garbage_collect(), erlang:yield(), case Res of {'EXIT',{{badarity,{Fun,Args}},_}} -> ok = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]); _ -> ok = io:format("~p(~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res]), ct:fail({bad_result,Res}) end, %% Apply. Res2 = (catch apply(Fun, Args)), erlang:garbage_collect(), erlang:yield(), case Res2 of {'EXIT',{{badarity,{Fun,Args}},_}} -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res2]); _ -> ok = io:format("apply(~p, ~p) -> ~p\n", [Fun,Args,Res2]), ct:fail({bad_result,Res2}) end, ok. nothing() -> ok. %% Test equality of funs. equality(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F0 = fun() -> 1 end, F0_copy = copy_term(F0), true = eq(F0, F0), true = eq(F0, F0_copy), %% Compare different arities. F1 = fun(X) -> X + 1 end, true = eq(F1, F1), false = eq(F0, F1), false = eq(F0_copy, F1), %% Compare different environments. G1 = make_fun(1), G2 = make_fun(2), true = eq(G1, G1), true = eq(G2, G2), false = eq(G1, G2), false = eq(G2, G1), G1_copy = copy_term(G1), true = eq(G1, G1_copy), %% Compare fun with binaries. B = list_to_binary([7,8,9]), false = eq(B, G1), false = eq(G1, B), %% Compare external funs. FF0 = fun aa:blurf/0, FF0_copy = copy_term(FF0), FF1 = fun erlang:abs/0, FF2 = fun erlang:exit/1, FF3 = fun erlang:exit/2, FF4 = fun z:ff/0, true = eq(FF0, FF0), true = eq(FF0, FF0_copy), true = eq(FF1, FF1), true = eq(FF2, FF2), true = eq(FF3, FF3), true = eq(FF4, FF4), false = eq(FF0, FF1), false = eq(FF0, FF2), false = eq(FF0, FF3), false = eq(FF0, FF4), false = eq(FF1, FF0), false = eq(FF1, FF2), false = eq(FF1, FF3), false = eq(FF1, FF4), false = eq(FF2, FF3), false = eq(FF2, FF4), false = eq(FF3, FF4), %% EEP37 H1 = fun Fact(N) when N > 0 -> N * Fact(N - 1); Fact(0) -> 1 end, H2 = fun Pow(N, M) when M > 0 -> N * Pow(N, M - 1); Pow(_, 0) -> 1 end, H1_copy = copy_term(H1), true = eq(H1, H1), true = eq(H1, H1_copy), true = eq(H2, H2), false = eq(H1, H2), ok. eq(X, X) -> true; eq(_, _) -> false. copy_term(Term) -> binary_to_term(term_to_binary(Term)). make_fun(X) -> fun() -> X end. %% Tests ordering of funs. ordering(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F1 = make_fun(1, 2), F1_copy = copy_term(F1), F2 = make_fun(1, 3), F3 = make_fun(3, 4), FF0 = fun aa:blurf/0, FF1 = fun erlang:abs/0, FF2 = fun erlang:exit/1, FF3 = fun erlang:exit/2, FF4 = fun z:ff/0, true = FF0 < FF1, true = FF1 < FF2, true = FF2 < FF3, true = FF3 < FF4, true = FF0 > F1, true = FF0 > F2, true = FF0 > F3, true = FF4 > F1, true = FF4 > F2, true = FF4 > F3, true = F1 == F1, true = F1 == F1_copy, true = F1 /= F2, true = F1 < F2, true = F2 > F1, true = F2 < F3, true = F3 > F2, false = F1 > F2, false = F2 > F3, %% Compare with binaries. B = list_to_binary([7,8,9,10]), false = B == F1, false = F1 == B, true = F1 < B, true = B > F2, false = F1 > B, false = B < F2, false = F1 >= B, false = B =< F2, %% Compare module funs with binaries. false = B == FF1, false = FF1 == B, true = FF1 < B, true = B > FF2, false = FF1 > B, false = B < FF2, false = FF1 >= B, false = B =< FF2, %% Create a port and ref. Path = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), AFile = filename:join(Path, "vanilla_file"), P = open_port(AFile, [out]), R = make_ref(), %% Compare funs with ports and refs. true = R < F3, true = F3 > R, true = F3 < P, true = P > F3, true = R =< F3, true = F3 >= R, true = F3 =< P, true = P >= F3, false = R > F3, false = F3 < R, false = F3 > P, false = P < F3, %% Compare funs with conses and nils. true = F1 < [a], true = F1 < [], true = [a,b] > F1, true = [] > F1, false = [1] < F1, false = [] < F1, false = F1 > [2], false = F1 > [], false = [1] =< F1, false = [] =< F1, false = F1 >= [2], false = F1 >= [], %% Compare module funs with conses and nils. true = FF1 < [a], true = FF1 < [], true = [a,b] > FF1, true = [] > FF1, false = [1] < FF1, false = [] < FF1, false = FF1 > [2], false = FF1 > [], false = [1] =< FF1, false = [] =< FF1, false = FF1 >= [2], false = FF1 >= [], ok. make_fun(X, Y) -> fun(A) -> A*X+Y end. %% Try sending funs to ports (should fail). fun_to_port(Config) when is_list(Config) -> fun_to_port(Config, xxx), fun_to_port(Config, fun() -> 42 end), fun_to_port(Config, [fun() -> 43 end]), fun_to_port(Config, [1,fun() -> 44 end]), fun_to_port(Config, [0,1|fun() -> 45 end]), B64K = build_io_list(65536), fun_to_port(Config, [B64K,fun() -> 45 end]), fun_to_port(Config, [B64K|fun() -> 45 end]), ok. fun_to_port(Config, IoList) -> Path = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), AFile = filename:join(Path, "vanilla_file"), Port = open_port(AFile, [out]), case catch port_command(Port, IoList) of {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} -> ok; Other -> ct:fail({unexpected_retval,Other}) end. build_io_list(0) -> []; build_io_list(1) -> [7]; build_io_list(N) -> L = build_io_list(N div 2), case N rem 2 of 0 -> [L|L]; 1 -> [7,L|L] end. %% Test the phash/2 BIF on funs. t_phash(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F1 = fun(_X) -> 1 end, F2 = fun(_X) -> 2 end, true = phash(F1) /= phash(F2), G1 = make_fun(1, 2, 3), G2 = make_fun(1, 2, 3), G3 = make_fun(1, 2, 4), true = phash(G1) == phash(G2), true = phash(G2) /= phash(G3), FF0 = fun erlang:abs/1, FF1 = fun erlang:exit/1, FF2 = fun erlang:exit/2, FF3 = fun blurf:exit/2, true = phash(FF0) =/= phash(FF1), true = phash(FF0) =/= phash(FF2), true = phash(FF0) =/= phash(FF3), true = phash(FF1) =/= phash(FF2), true = phash(FF1) =/= phash(FF3), true = phash(FF2) =/= phash(FF3), ok. phash(Term) -> erlang:phash(Term, 16#7ffffff). %% Test the phash2/2 BIF on funs. t_phash2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F1 = fun(_X) -> 1 end, F2 = fun(_X) -> 2 end, true = phash2(F1) /= phash2(F2), G1 = make_fun(1, 2, 3), G2 = make_fun(1, 2, 3), G3 = make_fun(1, 2, 4), true = phash2(G1) == phash2(G2), true = phash2(G2) /= phash2(G3), FF0 = fun erlang:abs/1, FF1 = fun erlang:exit/1, FF2 = fun erlang:exit/2, FF3 = fun blurf:exit/2, true = phash2(FF0) =/= phash2(FF1), true = phash2(FF0) =/= phash2(FF2), true = phash2(FF0) =/= phash2(FF3), true = phash2(FF1) =/= phash2(FF2), true = phash2(FF1) =/= phash2(FF3), true = phash2(FF2) =/= phash2(FF3), ok. phash2(Term) -> erlang:phash2(Term, 16#7ffffff). make_fun(X, Y, Z) -> fun() -> {X,Y,Z} end. %% Test that MD5 bifs reject funs properly. md5(Config) when is_list(Config) -> _ = size(erlang:md5_init()), %% Try funs in the i/o list. bad_md5(fun(_X) -> 42 end), bad_md5([fun(_X) -> 43 end]), bad_md5([1,fun(_X) -> 44 end]), bad_md5([1|fun(_X) -> 45 end]), B64K = build_io_list(65536), bad_md5([B64K,fun(_X) -> 46 end]), bad_md5([B64K|fun(_X) -> 46 end]), ok. bad_md5(Bad) -> {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch erlang:md5(Bad)). refc(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F1 = fun_factory(2), {refc,2} = erlang:fun_info(F1, refc), F2 = fun_factory(42), {refc,3} = erlang:fun_info(F1, refc), process_flag(trap_exit, true), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> {refc,4} = erlang:fun_info(F1, refc) end), receive {'EXIT',Pid,normal} -> ok; Other -> ct:fail({unexpected,Other}) end, process_flag(trap_exit, false), %% Wait to make sure that the process has terminated completely. receive after 1 -> ok end, {refc,3} = erlang:fun_info(F1, refc), %% Garbage collect. Only the F2 fun will be left. 7 = F1(5), true = erlang:garbage_collect(), 40 = F2(-2), {refc,2} = erlang:fun_info(F2, refc), ok. fun_factory(Const) -> fun(X) -> X + Const end. refc_ets(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F = fun(X) -> X + 33 end, {refc,2} = erlang:fun_info(F, refc), refc_ets_set(F, [set]), refc_ets_set(F, [ordered_set]), refc_ets_bag(F, [bag]), refc_ets_bag(F, [duplicate_bag]), ok. refc_ets_set(F1, Options) -> io:format("~p", [Options]), Tab = ets:new(kalle, Options), true = ets:insert(Tab, {a_key,F1}), 3 = fun_refc(F1), [{a_key,F3}] = ets:lookup(Tab, a_key), 4 = fun_refc(F1), true = ets:insert(Tab, {a_key,not_a_fun}), 3 = fun_refc(F1), true = ets:insert(Tab, {another_key,F1}), 4 = fun_refc(F1), true = ets:delete(Tab), 3 = fun_refc(F1), 10 = F3(-23), true = erlang:garbage_collect(), 2 = fun_refc(F1), ok. refc_ets_bag(F1, Options) -> io:format("~p", [Options]), Tab = ets:new(kalle, Options), true = ets:insert(Tab, {a_key,F1}), 3 = fun_refc(F1), [{a_key,F3}] = ets:lookup(Tab, a_key), 4 = fun_refc(F1), true = ets:insert(Tab, {a_key,not_a_fun}), 4 = fun_refc(F1), true = ets:insert(Tab, {another_key,F1}), 5 = fun_refc(F1), true = ets:delete(Tab), 3 = fun_refc(F1), 10 = F3(-23), true = erlang:garbage_collect(), 2 = fun_refc(F1), ok. refc_dist(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(), process_flag(trap_exit, true), Pid = spawn_link(Node, fun() -> receive Fun when is_function(Fun) -> 3 = fun_refc(Fun), exit({normal,Fun}) end end), F = fun() -> 42 end, 2 = fun_refc(F), Pid ! F, F2 = receive {'EXIT',Pid,{normal,Fun}} -> Fun; Other -> ct:fail({unexpected,Other}) end, %% dist.c:net_mess2 have a reference to Fun for a while since %% Fun is passed in an exit signal. Wait until it is gone. wait_until(fun () -> 4 =/= fun_refc(F2) end), 3 = fun_refc(F2), true = erlang:garbage_collect(), 2 = fun_refc(F), refc_dist_send(Node, F), peer:stop(Peer). refc_dist_send(Node, F) -> Pid = spawn_link(Node, fun() -> receive {To,Fun} when is_function(Fun) -> wait_until(fun () -> 3 =:= fun_refc(Fun) end), To ! Fun end end), 2 = fun_refc(F), Pid ! {self(),F}, F2 = receive Fun when is_function(Fun) -> Fun; Other -> ct:fail({unexpected,Other}) end, receive {'EXIT',Pid,normal} -> ok end, %% No reference from dist.c:net_mess2 since Fun is passed %% in an ordinary message. 3 = fun_refc(F), 3 = fun_refc(F2), refc_dist_reg_send(Node, F). refc_dist_reg_send(Node, F) -> true = erlang:garbage_collect(), 2 = fun_refc(F), Ref = make_ref(), Me = self(), Pid = spawn_link(Node, fun() -> true = register(my_fun_tester, self()), Me ! Ref, receive {Me,Fun} when is_function(Fun) -> 3 = fun_refc(Fun), Me ! Fun end end), erlang:yield(), 2 = fun_refc(F), receive Ref -> ok end, {my_fun_tester,Node} ! {self(),F}, F2 = receive Fun when is_function(Fun) -> Fun; Other -> ct:fail({unexpected,Other}) end, receive {'EXIT',Pid,normal} -> ok end, 3 = fun_refc(F), 3 = fun_refc(F2), ok. fun_refc(F) -> {refc,Count} = erlang:fun_info(F, refc), Count. const_propagation(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Fun1 = fun wait_until/1, 2 = fun_refc(Fun1), Fun2 = Fun1, my_cmp({Fun1,Fun2}), Fun3 = fun() -> ok end, 2 = fun_refc(Fun3), Fun4 = Fun3, my_cmp({Fun3,Fun4}), ok. my_cmp({Fun,Fun}) -> ok; my_cmp({Fun1,Fun2}) -> io:format("Fun1: ~p", [erlang:fun_info(Fun1)]), io:format("Fun2: ~p", [erlang:fun_info(Fun2)]), ct:fail(no_match). t_arity(Config) when is_list(Config) -> 0 = fun_arity(fun() -> ok end), 0 = fun_arity(fun() -> Config end), 1 = fun_arity(fun(X) -> X+1 end), 1 = fun_arity(fun(X) -> Config =:= X end), A = id(42), %% Test that the arity is transferred properly. process_flag(trap_exit, true), {ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(), hello_world = spawn_call(Node, fun() -> hello_world end), 0 = spawn_call(Node, fun(X) -> X end), 42 = spawn_call(Node, fun(_X) -> A end), 43 = spawn_call(Node, fun(X, Y) -> A+X+Y end), 1 = spawn_call(Node, fun(X, Y) -> X+Y end), 45 = spawn_call(Node, fun(X, Y, Z) -> A+X+Y+Z end), peer:stop(Peer), ok. t_is_function2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> false = is_function(id({a,b}), 0), false = is_function(id({a,b}), 234343434333433433), true = is_function(fun() -> ok end, 0), true = is_function(fun(_) -> ok end, 1), false = is_function(fun(_) -> ok end, 0), true = is_function(fun erlang:abs/1, 1), true = is_function(fun erlang:abs/99, 99), false = is_function(fun erlang:abs/1, 0), false = is_function(fun erlang:abs/99, 0), false = is_function(id(self()), 0), false = is_function(id({a,b,c}), 0), false = is_function(id({a}), 0), false = is_function(id([a,b,c]), 0), %% Bad arity argument. bad_arity(a), bad_arity(-1), bad_arity(-9738974938734938793873498378), bad_arity([]), bad_arity(fun() -> ok end), bad_arity({}), bad_arity({a,b}), bad_arity(self()), %% Bad arity argument in guard test. Fun = fun erlang:abs/1, ok = if is_function(Fun, -1) -> error; is_function(Fun, 256) -> error; is_function(Fun, a) -> error; is_function(Fun, Fun) -> error; true -> ok end, ok. bad_arity(A) -> {'EXIT',_} = (catch is_function(fun() -> ok end, A)), {'EXIT',_} = (catch is_function(no_fun, A)), ok. t_fun_info(Config) when is_list(Config) -> F = fun t_fun_info/1, try F(blurf) of FAny -> ct:fail("should fail; returned ~p\n", [FAny]) catch error:function_clause -> ok end, {module,?MODULE} = erlang:fun_info(F, module), case erlang:fun_info(F, name) of undefined -> ct:fail(no_fun_info); _ -> ok end, {arity,1} = erlang:fun_info(F, arity), {env,[]} = erlang:fun_info(F, env), verify_not_undef(F, index), verify_not_undef(F, uniq), verify_not_undef(F, new_index), verify_not_undef(F, new_uniq), verify_not_undef(F, refc), {'EXIT',_} = (catch erlang:fun_info(F, blurf)), %% Module fun. FF = fun ?MODULE:t_fun_info/1, try FF(blurf) of FFAny -> ct:fail("should fail; returned ~p\n", [FFAny]) catch error:function_clause -> ok end, {module,?MODULE} = erlang:fun_info(FF, module), {name,t_fun_info} = erlang:fun_info(FF, name), {arity,1} = erlang:fun_info(FF, arity), {env,[]} = erlang:fun_info(FF, env), verify_undef(FF, index), verify_undef(FF, uniq), verify_undef(FF, new_index), verify_undef(FF, new_uniq), verify_undef(FF, refc), {'EXIT',_} = (catch erlang:fun_info(FF, blurf)), %% Not fun. bad_info(abc), bad_info(42), bad_info({fun erlang:list_to_integer/1}), bad_info([42]), bad_info([]), bad_info(self()), bad_info(<<>>), bad_info(<<1,2>>), ok. t_fun_info_mfa(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Fun1 = fun spawn_call/2, {module,M1} = erlang:fun_info(Fun1, module), {name,F1} = erlang:fun_info(Fun1, name), {arity,A1} = erlang:fun_info(Fun1, arity), {M1,F1,A1=2} = erlang:fun_info_mfa(Fun1), %% Module fun. Fun2 = fun ?MODULE:t_fun_info/1, {module,M2} = erlang:fun_info(Fun2, module), {name,F2} = erlang:fun_info(Fun2, name), {arity,A2} = erlang:fun_info(Fun2, arity), {M2,F2,A2=1} = erlang:fun_info_mfa(Fun2), %% Not fun. {'EXIT',_} = (catch erlang:fun_info_mfa(id(d))), ok. t_fun_to_list(Config) when is_list(Config) -> "fun a:b/1" = erlang:fun_to_list(fun a:b/1), "fun 'a-esc':'b-esc'/1" = erlang:fun_to_list(fun 'a-esc':'b-esc'/1), "fun 'a-esc':b/1" = erlang:fun_to_list(fun 'a-esc':b/1), "fun a:'b-esc'/1" = erlang:fun_to_list(fun a:'b-esc'/1), ok. bad_info(Term) -> try erlang:fun_info(Term, module) of Any -> ict:fail("should fail; returned ~p\n", [Any]) catch error:badarg -> ok end. verify_undef(Fun, Tag) -> {Tag,undefined} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, Tag). verify_not_undef(Fun, Tag) -> case erlang:fun_info(Fun, Tag) of {Tag,undefined} -> ct:fail("tag ~w not defined in fun_info", [Tag]); {Tag,_} -> ok end. id(X) -> X. spawn_call(Node, AFun) -> Parent = self(), Init = erlang:whereis(init), Pid = spawn_link(Node, fun() -> receive {Fun,Fun,Fun} when is_function(Fun) -> Arity = fun_arity(Fun), Args = case Arity of 0 -> []; _ -> lists:seq(0, Arity-1) end, Res = apply(Fun, Args), case erlang:fun_info(Fun, pid) of {pid,Init} -> Parent ! {result,Res}; {pid,Creator} -> Creator ! {result,Res} end end end), Pid ! {AFun,AFun,AFun}, Res = receive {result,R} -> R; Other -> ct:fail({bad_message,Other}) after 10000 -> ct:fail(timeout_waiting_for_result) end, receive {'EXIT',Pid,normal} -> ok; Other2 -> ct:fail({bad_message_waiting_for_exit,Other2}) after 10000 -> ct:fail(timeout_waiting_for_exit) end, Res. fun_arity(F) -> {arity,Arity} = erlang:fun_info(F, arity), Arity. wait_until(Fun) -> case catch Fun() of true -> ok; _ -> receive after 100 -> wait_until(Fun) end end.