%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2020. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% Common Test Framework Utilities. %%% %%% This is a support module for the Common Test Framework. It %%% implements the process ct_util_server which acts like a data %%% holder for suite, configuration and connection data. %%% -module(ct_util). -export([start/0, start/1, start/2, start/3, stop/1, update_last_run_index/0]). -export([register_connection/4, unregister_connection/1, does_connection_exist/3, get_key_from_name/1]). -export([get_connections/1, close_connections/0]). -export([save_suite_data/3, save_suite_data/2, save_suite_data_async/3, save_suite_data_async/2, read_suite_data/1, delete_suite_data/0, delete_suite_data/1, match_delete_suite_data/1, delete_testdata/0, delete_testdata/1, match_delete_testdata/1, set_testdata/1, get_testdata/1, get_testdata/2, set_testdata_async/1, update_testdata/2, update_testdata/3, set_verbosity/1, get_verbosity/1]). -export([override_silence_all_connections/0, override_silence_connections/1, get_overridden_silenced_connections/0, delete_overridden_silenced_connections/0, silence_all_connections/0, silence_connections/1, is_silenced/1, is_silenced/2, reset_silent_connections/0]). -export([get_mode/0, create_table/3, read_opts/0]). -export([set_cwd/1, reset_cwd/0, get_start_dir/0]). -export([parse_table/1]). -export([listenv/1]). -export([get_target_name/1, get_connection/2]). -export([is_test_dir/1, get_testdir/2]). -export([kill_attached/2, get_attached/1]). -export([warn_duplicates/1]). -export([mark_process/0, mark_process/1, is_marked/1, is_marked/2, remaining_test_procs/0]). -export([get_profile_data/0, get_profile_data/1, get_profile_data/2, open_url/3]). -include("ct.hrl"). -include("ct_event.hrl"). -include("ct_util.hrl"). -define(default_verbosity, [{default,?MAX_VERBOSITY}, {'$unspecified',?MAX_VERBOSITY}]). -record(suite_data, {key,name,value}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- start() -> start(normal, ".", ?default_verbosity). %%% -spec start(Mode) -> Pid | exit(Error) %%% Mode = normal | interactive %%% Pid = pid() %%% %%% Start start the ct_util_server process %%% (tool-internal use only). %%% %%% This function is called from ct_run.erl. It starts and initiates %%% the ct_util_server %%% %%% Returns the process identity of the %%% ct_util_server. %%% %%% See ct. start(LogDir) when is_list(LogDir) -> start(normal, LogDir, ?default_verbosity); start(Mode) -> start(Mode, ".", ?default_verbosity). start(LogDir, Verbosity) when is_list(LogDir) -> start(normal, LogDir, Verbosity). start(Mode, LogDir, Verbosity) -> case whereis(ct_util_server) of undefined -> S = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> do_start(S, Mode, LogDir, Verbosity) end), receive {Pid,started} -> Pid; {Pid,Error} -> exit(Error); {_Ref,{Pid,Error}} -> exit(Error) end; Pid -> case get_mode() of interactive when Mode==interactive -> Pid; interactive -> {error,interactive_mode}; _OtherMode -> Pid end end. do_start(Parent, Mode, LogDir, Verbosity) -> process_flag(trap_exit,true), register(ct_util_server,self()), mark_process(), create_table(?conn_table,#conn.handle), create_table(?board_table,2), create_table(?suite_table,#suite_data.key), create_table(?verbosity_table,1), _ = [ets:insert(?verbosity_table,{Cat,Lvl}) || {Cat,Lvl} <- Verbosity], {ok,StartDir} = file:get_cwd(), case file:set_cwd(LogDir) of ok -> ok; E -> exit(E) end, DoExit = fun(Reason) -> ok = file:set_cwd(StartDir), exit(Reason) end, Opts = case read_opts() of {ok,Opts1} -> Opts1; Error -> Parent ! {self(),Error}, DoExit(Error) end, %% start an event manager (if not already started by master) case ct_event:start_link() of {error,{already_started,_}} -> ok; _ -> ct_event:add_handler() end, %% start ct_config server try ct_config:start(Mode) of _ -> ok catch _Class:CfgError -> DoExit(CfgError) end, %% add user event handlers _ = case lists:keysearch(event_handler,1,Opts) of {value,{_,Handlers}} -> Add = fun({H,Args}) -> case catch gen_event:add_handler(?CT_EVMGR_REF,H,Args) of ok -> ok; {'EXIT',Why} -> DoExit(Why); Other -> DoExit({event_handler,Other}) end end, case catch lists:foreach(Add,Handlers) of {'EXIT',Reason} -> Parent ! {self(),Reason}; _ -> ok end; false -> ok end, case ct_default_gl:start_link(group_leader()) of {ok, _} -> ok; ignore -> ok end, {StartTime,TestLogDir} = ct_logs:init(Mode, Verbosity), ct_event:notify(#event{name=test_start, node=node(), data={StartTime, lists:flatten(TestLogDir)}}), %% Initialize ct_hooks _ = try ct_hooks:init(Opts) of ok -> Parent ! {self(),started}; {fail,CTHReason} -> ct_logs:tc_print('Suite Callback',CTHReason,[]), self() ! {{stop,{self(),{user_error,CTHReason}}}, {Parent,make_ref()}} catch _:CTHReason:StackTrace -> ErrorInfo = if is_atom(CTHReason) -> io_lib:format("{~tp,~tp}", [CTHReason, StackTrace]); true -> CTHReason end, ct_logs:tc_print('Suite Callback',ErrorInfo,[]), self() ! {{stop,{self(),{user_error,CTHReason}}}, {Parent,make_ref()}} end, loop(Mode, [], StartDir). create_table(TableName,KeyPos) -> create_table(TableName,set,KeyPos). create_table(TableName,Type,KeyPos) -> catch ets:delete(TableName), _ = ets:new(TableName,[Type,named_table,public,{keypos,KeyPos}]), ok. read_opts() -> case file:consult(ct_run:variables_file_name("./")) of {ok,Opts} -> {ok,Opts}; {error,enoent} -> {error,not_installed}; Error -> {error,{bad_installation,Error}} end. save_suite_data(Key, Value) -> call({save_suite_data, {Key, undefined, Value}}). save_suite_data(Key, Name, Value) -> call({save_suite_data, {Key, Name, Value}}). save_suite_data_async(Key, Value) -> save_suite_data_async(Key, undefined, Value). save_suite_data_async(Key, Name, Value) -> cast({save_suite_data, {Key, Name, Value}}). read_suite_data(Key) -> call({read_suite_data, Key}). delete_suite_data() -> call({delete_suite_data, all}). delete_suite_data(Key) -> call({delete_suite_data, Key}). match_delete_suite_data(KeyPat) -> call({match_delete_suite_data, KeyPat}). delete_testdata() -> call(delete_testdata). delete_testdata(Key) -> call({delete_testdata, Key}). match_delete_testdata(KeyPat) -> call({match_delete_testdata, KeyPat}). update_testdata(Key, Fun) -> update_testdata(Key, Fun, []). update_testdata(Key, Fun, Opts) -> call({update_testdata, Key, Fun, Opts}). set_testdata(TestData) -> call({set_testdata, TestData}). set_testdata_async(TestData) -> cast({set_testdata, TestData}). get_testdata(Key) -> call({get_testdata, Key}). get_testdata(Key, Timeout) -> call({get_testdata, Key}, Timeout). set_cwd(Dir) -> call({set_cwd,Dir}). reset_cwd() -> call(reset_cwd). get_start_dir() -> call(get_start_dir). %% handle verbosity outside ct_util_server (let the client read %% the verbosity table) to avoid possible deadlock situations set_verbosity(Elem = {_Category,_Level}) -> try ets:insert(?verbosity_table, Elem) of _ -> ok catch _:Reason -> {error,Reason} end. get_verbosity(Category) -> try ets:lookup(?verbosity_table, Category) of [{Category,Level}] -> Level; _ -> undefined catch _:Reason -> {error,Reason} end. loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir) -> receive {update_last_run_index,From} -> ct_logs:make_last_run_index(), return(From,ok), loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {{save_suite_data,{Key,Name,Value}},From} -> ets:insert(?suite_table, #suite_data{key=Key, name=Name, value=Value}), return(From,ok), loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {{read_suite_data,Key},From} -> case ets:lookup(?suite_table, Key) of [#suite_data{key=Key,name=undefined,value=Value}] -> return(From,Value); [#suite_data{key=Key,name=Name,value=Value}] -> return(From,{Name,Value}); _ -> return(From,undefined) end, loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {{delete_suite_data,Key},From} -> if Key == all -> ets:delete_all_objects(?suite_table); true -> ets:delete(?suite_table, Key) end, return(From,ok), loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {{match_delete_suite_data,KeyPat},From} -> ets:match_delete(?suite_table, #suite_data{key=KeyPat, name='_', value='_'}), return(From,ok), loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {delete_testdata,From} -> return(From,ok), loop(From,[],StartDir); {{delete_testdata,Key},From} -> TestData1 = lists:keydelete(Key,1,TestData), return(From,ok), loop(From,TestData1,StartDir); {{match_delete_testdata,{Key1,Key2}},From} -> %% handles keys with 2 elements TestData1 = lists:filter(fun({Key,_}) when not is_tuple(Key) -> true; ({Key,_}) when tuple_size(Key) =/= 2 -> true; ({{_,KeyB},_}) when Key1 == '_' -> KeyB =/= Key2; ({{KeyA,_},_}) when Key2 == '_' -> KeyA =/= Key1; (_) when Key1 == '_' ; Key2 == '_' -> false; (_) -> true end, TestData), return(From,ok), loop(From,TestData1,StartDir); {{set_testdata,New = {Key,_Val}},From} -> TestData1 = lists:keydelete(Key,1,TestData), return(From,ok), loop(Mode,[New|TestData1],StartDir); {{get_testdata, all}, From} -> return(From, TestData), loop(From, TestData, StartDir); {{get_testdata,Key},From} -> case lists:keysearch(Key,1,TestData) of {value,{Key,Val}} -> return(From,Val); _ -> return(From,undefined) end, loop(From,TestData,StartDir); {{update_testdata,Key,Fun,Opts},From} -> TestData1 = case lists:keysearch(Key,1,TestData) of {value,{Key,Val}} -> try Fun(Val) of '$delete' -> return(From,deleted), lists:keydelete(Key,1,TestData); NewVal -> return(From,NewVal), [{Key,NewVal}|lists:keydelete(Key,1,TestData)] catch _:Error -> return(From,{error,Error}), TestData end; _ -> case lists:member(create,Opts) of true -> InitVal = Fun(undefined), return(From,InitVal), [{Key,InitVal}|TestData]; false -> return(From,undefined), TestData end end, loop(From,TestData1,StartDir); {{set_cwd,Dir},From} -> return(From,file:set_cwd(Dir)), loop(From,TestData,StartDir); {reset_cwd,From} -> return(From,file:set_cwd(StartDir)), loop(From,TestData,StartDir); {get_start_dir,From} -> return(From,StartDir), loop(From,TestData,StartDir); {{stop,Info},From} -> test_server_io:reset_state(), {MiscIoName,MiscIoDivider,MiscIoFooter} = proplists:get_value(misc_io_log,TestData), {ok,MiscIoFd} = file:open(MiscIoName, [append,{encoding,utf8}]), io:put_chars(MiscIoFd, MiscIoDivider), test_server_io:set_fd(unexpected_io, MiscIoFd), Time = calendar:local_time(), ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=test_done, node=node(), data=Time}), Callbacks = try ets:lookup_element(?suite_table, ct_hooks, #suite_data.value) of CTHMods -> CTHMods catch %% this is because ct_util failed in init error:badarg -> [] end, ct_hooks:terminate(Callbacks), close_connections(ets:tab2list(?conn_table)), ets:delete(?conn_table), ets:delete(?board_table), ets:delete(?suite_table), ets:delete(?verbosity_table), io:put_chars(MiscIoFd, "\n\n"++MiscIoFooter), test_server_io:stop([unexpected_io]), test_server_io:finish(), ct_logs:close(Info, StartDir), ct_event:stop(), ct_config:stop(), ct_default_gl:stop(), ok = file:set_cwd(StartDir), return(From, Info); {Ref, _Msg} when is_reference(Ref) -> %% This clause is used when doing cast operations. loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {get_mode,From} -> return(From,Mode), loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {'EXIT',_Pid,normal} -> loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} -> case ets:lookup(?conn_table,Pid) of [#conn{address=A,callback=CB}] -> ErrorStr = io_lib:format("~tp", [Reason]), ErrorHtml = ct_logs:escape_chars(ErrorStr), %% A connection crashed - remove the connection but don't die ct_logs:tc_log_async(ct_error_notify, ?MAX_IMPORTANCE, "CT Error Notification", "Connection process died: " "Pid: ~w, Address: ~tp, " "Callback: ~w\n" "Reason: ~ts\n\n", [Pid,A,CB,ErrorHtml]), catch CB:close(Pid), %% in case CB:close failed to do this: unregister_connection(Pid), loop(Mode,TestData,StartDir); _ -> %% Let process crash in case of error, this shouldn't happen! io:format("\n\nct_util_server got EXIT " "from ~w: ~tp\n\n", [Pid,Reason]), ok = file:set_cwd(StartDir), exit(Reason) end end. close_connections([#conn{handle=Handle,callback=CB}|Conns]) -> CB:close(Handle), close_connections(Conns); close_connections([]) -> ok. get_key_from_name(Name)-> ct_config:get_key_from_name(Name). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec register_connection(TargetName,Address,Callback,Handle) -> %%% ok | {error,Reason} %%% TargetName = ct:target_name() %%% Address = term() %%% Callback = atom() %%% Handle = term %%% %%% Register a new connection (tool-internal use only). %%% %%% This function can be called when a new connection is %%% established. The connection data is stored in the connection %%% table, and ct_util will close all registered connections when the %%% test is finished by calling Callback:close/1. register_connection(TargetName,Address,Callback,Handle) -> %% If TargetName is a registered alias for a config %% variable, use it as reference for the connection, %% otherwise use the Handle value. TargetRef = case ct_config:get_key_from_name(TargetName) of {ok,_Key} -> TargetName; _ -> %% no config name associated with connection, %% use handle for identification instead Handle end, ets:insert(?conn_table,#conn{handle=Handle, targetref=TargetRef, address=Address, callback=Callback}), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec unregister_connection(Handle) -> ok %%% Handle = term %%% %%% Unregister a connection (tool-internal use only). %%% %%% This function should be called when a registered connection is %%% closed. It removes the connection data from the connection %%% table. unregister_connection(Handle) -> ets:delete(?conn_table,Handle), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec does_connection_exist(TargetName,Address,Callback) -> %%% {ok,Handle} | false %%% TargetName = ct:target_name() %%% Address = address %%% Callback = atom() %%% Handle = term() %%% %%% Check if a connection already exists. does_connection_exist(TargetName,Address,Callback) -> case ct_config:get_key_from_name(TargetName) of {ok,_Key} -> case ets:select(?conn_table,[{#conn{handle='$1', targetref=TargetName, address=Address, callback=Callback}, [], ['$1']}]) of [Handle] -> {ok,Handle}; [] -> false end; _ -> false end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec get_connection(TargetName,Callback) -> %%% {ok,Connection} | {error,Reason} %%% TargetName = ct:target_name() %%% Callback = atom() %%% Connection = {Handle,Address} %%% Handle = term() %%% Address = term() %%% %%% Return the connection for Callback on the %%% given target (TargetName). get_connection(TargetName,Callback) -> %% check that TargetName is a registered alias case ct_config:get_key_from_name(TargetName) of {ok,_Key} -> case ets:select(?conn_table,[{#conn{handle='$1', address='$2', targetref=TargetName, callback=Callback}, [], [{{'$1','$2'}}]}]) of [Result] -> {ok,Result}; [] -> {error,no_registered_connection} end; Error -> Error end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec get_connections(ConnPid) -> %%% {ok,Connections} | {error,Reason} %%% Connections = [Connection] %%% Connection = {TargetName,Handle,Callback,Address} %%% TargetName = ct:target_name() | undefined %%% Handle = term() %%% Callback = atom() %%% Address = term() %%% %%% Get data for all connections associated with a particular %%% connection pid (see Callback:init/3). get_connections(ConnPid) -> Conns = ets:tab2list(?conn_table), lists:flatmap(fun(#conn{targetref=TargetName, handle=Handle, callback=Callback, address=Address}) -> case ct_gen_conn:get_conn_pid(Handle) of ConnPid when is_atom(TargetName) -> [{TargetName,Handle, Callback,Address}]; ConnPid -> [{undefined,Handle, Callback,Address}]; _ -> [] end end, Conns). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Equivalent to ct:get_target_name/1 get_target_name(Handle) -> case ets:select(?conn_table,[{#conn{handle=Handle,targetref='$1',_='_'}, [], ['$1']}]) of [TargetName] when is_atom(TargetName) -> {ok,TargetName}; _ -> {error,{unknown_connection,Handle}} end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec close_connections() -> ok %%% %%% Close all open connections. close_connections() -> close_connections(ets:tab2list(?conn_table)), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- override_silence_all_connections() -> Protocols = [telnet,ftp,rpc,snmp,ssh], override_silence_connections(Protocols), Protocols. override_silence_connections(Conns) when is_list(Conns) -> Conns1 = lists:map(fun({C,B}) -> {C,B}; (C) -> {C,true} end, Conns), set_testdata({override_silent_connections,Conns1}). get_overridden_silenced_connections() -> case get_testdata(override_silent_connections) of {error,_} -> undefined; Conns -> % list() or undefined Conns end. delete_overridden_silenced_connections() -> delete_testdata(override_silent_connections). silence_all_connections() -> Protocols = [telnet,ftp,rpc,snmp], silence_connections(Protocols), Protocols. silence_connections(Conn) when is_tuple(Conn) -> silence_connections([Conn]); silence_connections(Conn) when is_atom(Conn) -> silence_connections([{Conn,true}]); silence_connections(Conns) when is_list(Conns) -> Conns1 = lists:map(fun({C,B}) -> {C,B}; (C) -> {C,true} end, Conns), set_testdata({silent_connections,Conns1}). is_silenced(Conn) -> is_silenced(Conn, infinity). is_silenced(Conn, Timeout) -> case get_testdata(silent_connections, Timeout) of Conns when is_list(Conns) -> case lists:keysearch(Conn,1,Conns) of {value,{Conn,true}} -> true; _ -> false end; Error = {error,_} -> Error; _ -> false end. reset_silent_connections() -> delete_testdata(silent_connections). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec stop(Info) -> ok %%% %%% Stop the ct_util_server and close all existing connections %%% (tool-internal use only). %%% %%% See ct. stop(Info) -> case whereis(ct_util_server) of undefined -> ok; CtUtilPid -> Ref = monitor(process, CtUtilPid), call({stop,Info}), receive {'DOWN',Ref,_,_,_} -> ok end end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec update_last_run_index() -> ok %%% %%% Update ct_run./index.html %%% (tool-internal use only). update_last_run_index() -> call(update_last_run_index). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -spec get_mode() -> Mode %%% Mode = normal | interactive %%% %%% Return the current mode of the ct_util_server %%% (tool-internal use only). get_mode() -> call(get_mode). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Equivalent to ct:listenv/1 listenv(Telnet) -> case ct_telnet:send(Telnet,"listenv") of ok -> {ok,Data,_} = ct_telnet:expect(Telnet, ["(^.+)=(.*$)"], [{timeout,seconds(3)}, repeat]), {ok,[{Name,Val} || [_,Name,Val] <- Data]}; {error,Reason} -> {error,{could_not_send_command,Telnet,"listenv",Reason}} end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Equivalent to ct:parse_table/1 parse_table(Data) -> {Heading, Rest} = get_headings(Data), Lines = parse_row(Rest,[],size(Heading)), {Heading,Lines}. get_headings(["|" ++ Headings | Rest]) -> {remove_space(string:lexemes(Headings, "|"),[]), Rest}; get_headings([_ | Rest]) -> get_headings(Rest); get_headings([]) -> {{},[]}. parse_row(["|" ++ _ = Row | T], Rows, NumCols) when NumCols > 1 -> case string:lexemes(Row, "|") of Values when length(Values) =:= NumCols -> parse_row(T,[remove_space(Values,[])|Rows], NumCols); Values when length(Values) < NumCols -> parse_row([Row ++"\n"++ hd(T) | tl(T)], Rows, NumCols) end; parse_row(["|" ++ X = Row | T], Rows, 1 = NumCols) -> case string:find(X, [$|]) of nomatch -> parse_row([Row ++"\n"++hd(T) | tl(T)], Rows, NumCols); _Else -> parse_row(T, [remove_space(string:lexemes(Row,"|"),[])|Rows], NumCols) end; parse_row([_Skip | T], Rows, NumCols) -> parse_row(T, Rows, NumCols); parse_row([], Rows, _NumCols) -> lists:reverse(Rows). remove_space([Str|Rest],Acc) -> remove_space(Rest,[string:trim(string:trim(Str,both,[$\s]),both,[$'])|Acc]); remove_space([],Acc) -> list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Acc)). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- is_test_dir(Dir) -> lists:last(string:lexemes(filename:basename(Dir), "_")) == "test". %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- get_testdir(Dir, all) -> Abs = abs_name(Dir), case is_test_dir(Abs) of true -> Abs; false -> AbsTest = filename:join(Abs, "test"), case filelib:is_dir(AbsTest) of true -> AbsTest; false -> Abs end end; get_testdir(Dir, [Suite | _]) when is_atom(Suite) -> get_testdir(Dir, atom_to_list(Suite)); get_testdir(Dir, [Suite | _]) when is_list(Suite) -> get_testdir(Dir, Suite); get_testdir(Dir, Suite) when is_atom(Suite) -> get_testdir(Dir, atom_to_list(Suite)); get_testdir(Dir, Suite) when is_list(Suite) -> Abs = abs_name(Dir), case is_test_dir(Abs) of true -> Abs; false -> AbsTest = filename:join(Abs, "test"), Mod = case filename:extension(Suite) of ".erl" -> Suite; _ -> Suite ++ ".erl" end, case filelib:is_file(filename:join(AbsTest, Mod)) of true -> AbsTest; false -> Abs end end; get_testdir(Dir, _) -> get_testdir(Dir, all). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- get_attached(TCPid) -> case dbg_iserver:safe_call({get_attpid,TCPid}) of {ok,AttPid} when is_pid(AttPid) -> AttPid; _ -> undefined end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- kill_attached(undefined,_AttPid) -> ok; kill_attached(_TCPid,undefined) -> ok; kill_attached(TCPid,AttPid) -> case process_info(TCPid) of undefined -> exit(AttPid,kill); _ -> ok end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- warn_duplicates(Suites) -> Warn = fun(Mod) -> case catch apply(Mod,sequences,[]) of {'EXIT',_} -> ok; [] -> ok; _ -> io:format(?def_gl, "~nWARNING! Deprecated function: ~w:sequences/0.~n" " Use group with sequence property instead.~n",[Mod]) end end, lists:foreach(Warn, Suites), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- mark_process() -> mark_process(system). mark_process(Type) -> put(ct_process_type, Type). is_marked(Pid) -> is_marked(Pid, system). is_marked(Pid, Type) -> case process_info(Pid, dictionary) of {dictionary,List} -> Type == proplists:get_value(ct_process_type, List); undefined -> false end. remaining_test_procs() -> Procs = processes(), {SharedGL,OtherGLs,Procs2} = lists:foldl( fun(Pid, ProcTypes = {Shared,Other,Procs1}) -> case is_marked(Pid, group_leader) of true -> if not is_pid(Shared) -> case test_server_io:get_gl(true) of Pid -> {Pid,Other, lists:delete(Pid,Procs1)}; _ -> {Shared,[Pid|Other],Procs1} end; true -> % SharedGL already found {Shared,[Pid|Other],Procs1} end; false -> case is_marked(Pid) of true -> {Shared,Other,lists:delete(Pid,Procs1)}; false -> ProcTypes end end end, {undefined,[],Procs}, Procs), AllGLs = [SharedGL | OtherGLs], TestProcs = lists:flatmap(fun(Pid) -> case process_info(Pid, group_leader) of {group_leader,GL} -> case lists:member(GL, AllGLs) of true -> [{Pid,GL}]; false -> [] end; undefined -> [] end end, Procs2), {TestProcs, SharedGL, OtherGLs}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- get_profile_data() -> get_profile_data(all). get_profile_data(KeyOrStartDir) -> if is_atom(KeyOrStartDir) -> get_profile_data(KeyOrStartDir, get_start_dir()); is_list(KeyOrStartDir) -> get_profile_data(all, KeyOrStartDir) end. get_profile_data(Key, StartDir) -> Profile = case application:get_env(common_test, profile) of {ok,undefined} -> default; {ok,Prof} -> Prof; _ -> default end, get_profile_data(Profile, Key, StartDir). get_profile_data(Profile, Key, StartDir) -> File = case Profile of default -> ?ct_profile_file; _ when is_list(Profile) -> ?ct_profile_file ++ "." ++ Profile; _ when is_atom(Profile) -> ?ct_profile_file ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Profile) end, FullNameWD = filename:join(StartDir, File), {WhichFile,Result} = case file:consult(FullNameWD) of {error,enoent} -> case init:get_argument(home) of {ok,[[HomeDir]]} -> FullNameHome = filename:join(HomeDir, File), {FullNameHome,file:consult(FullNameHome)}; _ -> {File,{error,enoent}} end; Consulted -> {FullNameWD,Consulted} end, case Result of {error,enoent} when Profile /= default -> io:format(?def_gl, "~nERROR! Missing profile file ~tp~n", [File]), undefined; {error,enoent} when Profile == default -> undefined; {error,Reason} -> io:format(?def_gl,"~nERROR! Error in profile file ~tp: ~tp~n", [WhichFile,Reason]), undefined; {ok,Data} -> Data1 = case Data of [List] when is_list(List) -> List; _ when is_list(Data) -> Data; _ -> io:format(?def_gl, "~nERROR! Invalid profile data in ~tp~n", [WhichFile]), [] end, if Key == all -> Data1; true -> proplists:get_value(Key, Data) end end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions call(Msg) -> call(Msg, infinity). call(Msg, Timeout) -> case {self(),whereis(ct_util_server)} of {_,undefined} -> {error,ct_util_server_not_running}; {Pid,Pid} -> %% the caller is ct_util_server, which must %% be a mistake {error,bad_invocation}; {Self,Pid} -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Ref = make_ref(), ct_util_server ! {Msg,{Self,Ref}}, receive {Ref, Result} -> erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]), Result; {'DOWN',MRef,process,_,Reason} -> {error,{ct_util_server_down,Reason}} after Timeout -> {error,timeout} end end. return({To,Ref},Result) -> To ! {Ref, Result}, ok. cast(Msg) -> ct_util_server ! {Msg, {ct_util_server, make_ref()}}, ok. seconds(T) -> test_server:seconds(T). abs_name("/") -> "/"; abs_name(Dir0) -> Abs = filename:absname(Dir0), Dir = case lists:reverse(Abs) of [$/|Rest] -> lists:reverse(Rest); _ -> Abs end, abs_name1(Dir,[]). abs_name1([Drv,$:,$/],Acc) -> Split = [[Drv,$:,$/]|Acc], abs_name2(Split,[]); abs_name1("/",Acc) -> Split = ["/"|Acc], abs_name2(Split,[]); abs_name1(Dir,Acc) -> abs_name1(filename:dirname(Dir),[filename:basename(Dir)|Acc]). abs_name2([".."|T],[_|Acc]) -> abs_name2(T,Acc); abs_name2(["."|T],Acc) -> abs_name2(T,Acc); abs_name2([H|T],Acc) -> abs_name2(T,[H|Acc]); abs_name2([],Acc) -> filename:join(lists:reverse(Acc)). open_url(iexplore, Args, URL) -> {ok,R} = win32reg:open([read]), ok = win32reg:change_key(R,"applications\\iexplore.exe\\shell\\open\\command"), _ = case win32reg:values(R) of {ok, Paths} -> Path = proplists:get_value(default, Paths), [Cmd | _] = string:lexemes(Path, "%"), Cmd1 = Cmd ++ " " ++ Args ++ " " ++ URL, io:format(?def_gl, "~nOpening ~ts with command:~n ~ts~n", [URL,Cmd1]), open_port({spawn,Cmd1}, []); _ -> io:format(?def_gl, "~nNo path to iexplore.exe~n",[]) end, win32reg:close(R), ok; open_url(Prog, Args, URL) -> ProgStr = if is_atom(Prog) -> atom_to_list(Prog); is_list(Prog) -> Prog end, Cmd = ProgStr ++ " " ++ Args ++ " " ++ URL, io:format(?def_gl, "~nOpening ~ts with command:~n ~ts~n", [URL,Cmd]), open_port({spawn,Cmd},[]), ok.