%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2016-2022. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(beam_jump_SUITE). -export([all/0,suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1,end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, undefined_label/1,ambiguous_catch_try_state/1, unsafe_move_elimination/1,build_tuple/1, coverage/1,call_sharing/1,undecided_allocation/1]). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> [{group,p}]. groups() -> [{p,[parallel], [undefined_label, ambiguous_catch_try_state, unsafe_move_elimination, build_tuple, coverage, call_sharing, undecided_allocation ]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> test_lib:recompile(?MODULE), Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. undefined_label(_Config) -> {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch flights(0, [], [])), ok. %% Would lose a label when compiled with no_copt. flights(0, [], []) when [], 0; 0.0, [], false -> clark; flights(_, Reproduction, introduction) when false, Reproduction -> responsible. %% [ERL-209] beam_jump would share 'catch' blocks, causing an %% ambiguous_catch_try_state error in beam_validator. ambiguous_catch_try_state(Config) -> {{'EXIT',{{case_clause,song},_}},{'EXIT',{{case_clause,song},_}}} = checks(42), {'EXIT',{{try_clause,42},_}} = (catch unsafe_sharing()), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,b},_}} = (catch ambiguous_catch_try_state_1(<<>>)), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,b},_}} = (catch ambiguous_catch_try_state_1(Config)), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,0},_}} = (catch ambiguous_catch_try_state_2()), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,0},_}} = (catch ambiguous_catch_try_state_3()), ok. river() -> song. checks(Wanted) -> %% Must be one line to cause the unsafe optimization. {catch case river() of sheet -> begin +Wanted, if "da" -> Wanted end end end, catch case river() of sheet -> begin + Wanted, if "da" -> Wanted end end end}. %% Must be one line to cause the unsafe optimization. Would cause beam_validator to reject the function. unsafe_sharing() -> try try id(42) catch parent:215 -> []; education:17 -> try 12 catch _:_ -> a end /= if false -> fy end end of [] -> if false -> a end catch _:_ -> name end. unsafe_move_elimination(_Config) -> {{left,right,false},false} = unsafe_move_elimination_1(left, right, false), {{false,right,false},false} = unsafe_move_elimination_1(false, right, true), {{true,right,right},right} = unsafe_move_elimination_1(true, right, true), [ok = unsafe_move_elimination_2(I) || I <- lists:seq(0,16)], ok. unsafe_move_elimination_1(Left, Right, Simple0) -> id(1), %% The move at label 29 would be removed by beam_jump, which is unsafe because %% the two select_val instructions have different source registers. %% %% {select_val,{y,0},{f,25},{list,[{atom,true},{f,27},{atom,false},{f,29}]}}. %% ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %% {label,27}. %% {kill,{y,0}}. %% {move,{y,2},{x,0}}. %% {line,...}. %% {call,1,{f,31}}. %% {select_val,{x,0},{f,33},{list,[{atom,true},{f,35},{atom,false},{f,29}]}}. %% ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %% {label,29}. %% {move,{atom,false},{y,0}}. <=== REMOVED (unsafely). %% {jump,{f,37}}. Simple = case case Simple0 of false -> false; true -> id(Left) end of false -> false; true -> id(Right) end, {id({Left,Right,Simple}),Simple}. unsafe_move_elimination_2(Int) -> %% The type optimization pass would recognize that TagInt can only be %% [0 .. 7], so the first 'case' would select_val over [0 .. 6] and swap %% out the fail label with the block for 7. %% %% A later optimization would merge this block with 'expects_h' in the %% second case, as the latter is only reachable from the former. %% %% ... but this broke down when the move elimination optimization didn't %% take the fail label of the first select_val into account. This caused it %% to believe that the only way to reach 'expects_h' was through the second %% case when 'Tag' =:= 'h', which made it remove the move instruction %% added in the first case, passing garbage to expects_h/2. TagInt = Int band 2#111, Tag = case TagInt of 0 -> a; 1 -> b; 2 -> c; 3 -> d; 4 -> e; 5 -> f; 6 -> g; 7 -> h end, case Tag of g -> expects_g(TagInt, Tag); h -> expects_h(TagInt, Tag); _ -> Tag = id(Tag), ok end. expects_g(6, Atom) -> Atom = id(g), ok. expects_h(7, Atom) -> Atom = id(h), ok. %% When compiled with +no_copt, beam_validator would complain about %% ambiguous try/catch state. ambiguous_catch_try_state_1(<<42:false>>) -> %% The beam_ssa_bsm pass will duplicate the entire second clause. %% beam_jump will share the blocks with the build_stacktrace %% instructions. []; ambiguous_catch_try_state_1(V0) -> try try receive after bad -> timeout end catch _:V0 -> error after ok end of true -> ok catch month:power:V2 -> %% A build_stacktrace instruction would be shared, causing %% an ambiguous try/catch state. V2 after a = b end. ambiguous_catch_try_state_2() -> case try case false = 0 of false -> hand end catch idea:[]:V1 -> V1; country:42 -> %% if_end would be shared in an unsafe way. if 0 -> way end after [] end of [] -> if $X -> "D" end end. ambiguous_catch_try_state_3() -> case try case false = 0 of false -> hand end catch idea:[]:V1 -> V1; country:42 -> %% case_end would be shared in an unsafe way. case x of y -> way end after [] end of [] -> case x of $X -> "D" end end. -record(message2, {id, p1}). -record(message3, {id, p1, p2}). build_tuple(_Config) -> Message2 = #message2{}, {'EXIT',{{badrecord,Message2},_}} = (catch do_build_tuple(#message2{})), ok. do_build_tuple(Message) -> if is_record(Message, message2) -> Res = {res, rand:uniform(100)}, {Message#message3.id, Res} end. coverage(_Config) -> ok = coverage_1(ok), {error,badarg} = coverage_1({error,badarg}), gt = coverage_2(100, 42), le = coverage_2(100, 999), le = coverage_2([], []), gt = coverage_2([], xxx), error = coverage_3(#{key => <<"child">>}), error = coverage_3(#{}), ok. coverage_1(Var) -> case id(Var) of ok -> ok; Error -> Error end. %% Cover beam_jump:invert_test(is_ne_exact). coverage_2(Pre1, Pre2) -> case case Pre1 == [] of false -> false; true -> Pre2 /= [] end of true -> gt; false -> case Pre1 > Pre2 of true -> gt; false -> le end end. coverage_3(#{key := <>}) when false -> ok; coverage_3(#{}) -> error. %% ERIERL-478: The validator failed to validate argument types when calls were %% shared and the types at the common block turned out wider than the join of %% each individual call site. call_sharing(_Config) -> A_2 = {a, 1}, A_3 = {a, 1, 2}, A_2 = cs_1(id(A_2)), A_3 = cs_1(id(A_3)), B_2 = {b, 1}, B_3 = {b, 1, 2}, B_2 = cs_1(id(B_2)), B_3 = cs_1(id(B_3)), C_2 = {c, 1}, C_3 = {c, 1, 2}, {'EXIT',_} = (catch (cs_1(id(C_2)))), {'EXIT',_} = (catch (cs_1(id(C_3)))), ok. cs_1(Key) -> A = case Key of %% Must be a single line to trigger the bug. {Tag, _, _} when Tag == a; Tag == b -> cs_2(Key); {Tag, _} when Tag == a; Tag == b -> cs_2(Key) end, id(A). cs_2(I) -> I. undecided_allocation(_Config) -> ok = catch undecided_allocation_1(<<10:(3*7)>>), {'EXIT',{{badrecord,<<0>>},_}} = catch undecided_allocation_1(8), {bar,1} = undecided_allocation_2(id(<<"bar">>)), {foo,2} = undecided_allocation_2(id(<<"foo">>)), {'EXIT',_} = catch undecided_allocation_2(id(<<"foobar">>)), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,error},_}} = catch undecided_allocation_2(id("foo,bar")), {'EXIT',_} = catch undecided_allocation_2(id(foobar)), {'EXIT',_} = catch undecided_allocation_2(id(make_ref())), ok. -record(rec, {}). undecided_allocation_1(<<10:3/integer-unit:7>>) -> ok; undecided_allocation_1(V) -> %% The record update operation would be duplicated by the beam_ssa_bssm %% pass, and beam_jump would incorrectly share the resulting calls to %% error/1, causing beam_validator to issue the following diagnostic %% when this module was compiled with the no_type_opt option: %% %% Internal consistency check failed - please report this bug. %% Instruction: {call_ext,1,{extfunc,erlang,error,1}} %% Error: {allocated,undecided}: << <<0>> || <<0:V>> <= <<0>> >>#rec{}, if whatever -> [] end. undecided_allocation_2(Order) -> {_, _} = case Order of <<"bar">> -> {bar, 1}; <<"foo">> -> {foo, 2}; S -> case string:split("foo", "o") of [] -> ok; _ -> %% The beam_ssa_bsm pass will duplicate this code, %% and beam_jump would undo the duplication by sharing %% the code that calls lists:flatten/1. The problem was %% that the stack frames had different sizes for the %% two calls to lists:flatten/1. The diagnostic would be: %% %% Internal consistency check failed - please report this bug. %% Instruction: {call_ext,1,{extfunc,lists,flatten,1}} %% Error: {allocated,undecided}: lists:flatten( case S of Y when is_binary(Y) -> Y; Y -> string:split(Y, ",") end ) end, error end. id(I) -> I.