%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2023. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% While similar to bs_construct_SUITE in the emulator test suite, %%% this module is more corncerned with testing sizes than the contents %%% of binaries. -module(bs_construct_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, init_per_testcase/2,end_per_testcase/2, verify_highest_opcode/1, two/1,test1/1,fail/1,float_bin/1,in_guard/1,in_catch/1, nasty_literals/1,coerce_to_float/1,side_effect/1, opt/1,otp_7556/1,float_arith/1,otp_8054/1, strings/1,bad_size/1]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap,{minutes,1}}]. all() -> [{group,p}]. groups() -> [{p,[parallel], [verify_highest_opcode, two,test1,fail,float_bin,in_guard,in_catch, nasty_literals,side_effect,opt,otp_7556,float_arith, otp_8054,strings,bad_size]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> test_lib:recompile(?MODULE), Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. init_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) -> ok. verify_highest_opcode(_Config) -> case ?MODULE of bs_construct_r24_SUITE -> {ok,Beam} = file:read_file(code:which(?MODULE)), case test_lib:highest_opcode(Beam) of Highest when Highest =< 176 -> ok; TooHigh -> ct:fail({too_high_opcode,TooHigh}) end; bs_construct_r25_SUITE -> {ok,Beam} = file:read_file(code:which(?MODULE)), case test_lib:highest_opcode(Beam) of Highest when Highest =< 180 -> ok; TooHigh -> ct:fail({too_high_opcode,TooHigh}) end; _ -> ok end. two(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9>> = two_1([0], [<<1,2,3,4>>,<<6,7,8,9>>]), ok. two_1(P, L) -> list_to_binary([P|L]). big(1) -> 57285702734876389752897683. i(X) -> X. id(I) -> I. -define(T(B, L), {B, ??B, L}). -define(N(B), {B, ??B, unknown}). -define(FAIL(Expr), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch Expr)). l(I_13, I_big1, I_16, Bin) -> [ ?T(<>, []), ?T(<<-43>>, [256-43]), ?T(<<4:4,7:4>>, [4*16+7]), ?T(<<45:I_16/little>>, [45,0]), ?T(<<777:16/little>>, [9,3]), ?T(<<777:I_13,13:3>>, [24,77]), ?T(<<5:4,987:I_13,537:7>>, [81,237,153]), ?T(<<0.0:32/float>>, [0,0,0,0]), ?T(<<0.125:32/float>>, [62,0,0,0]), ?T(<<1.0:32/little-float>>, [0,0,128,63]), ?T(<>, [138,99,0,147]), ?T(<<57285702734876389752897684:(I_16+16)>>, [138,99,0,148]), ?T(<<-1:17/unit:8>>, lists:duplicate(17, 255)), ?T(<<-1:8/unit:17>>, lists:duplicate(17, 255)), ?T(<<4:(I_16-8)/unit:2,5:2/unit:8>>, [0,4,0,5]), ?T(<<1:1, 0:(I_13-7), 1:1>>, [129]), ?T(<<1:3,"string",9:5>>, [46,110,142,77,45,204,233]), %% Test the native flag. ?T(<<37.98:64/native-float>>, native_3798()), ?T(<<32978297842987249827298387697777669766334937:128/native-integer>>, native_bignum()), ?T(<<$э/native-utf16,$т/native-utf16,$о/native-utf16," спутник"/native-utf16>>, native_utf16()), ?T(<<$в/native-utf32,"ода"/native-utf32>>, native_utf32()), ?T(<>, [165,90,195]), ?T(<<79,Bin/binary>>, [79,165,90,195]), ?T(<<3479:I_13,Bin/binary,7:3>>, [108,189,42,214,31]), ?T(<<3479:I_13,Bin/binary,7:1/unit:3>>, [108,189,42,214,31]), ?T(<<869:16/little,3479:I_13,Bin/binary,7:1/unit:3>>, [101,3,108,189,42,214,31]), ?T(<<869:16/little,3479:I_13,Bin/binary,7:1/unit:3,Bin/binary>>, [101,3,108,189,42,214,31,165,90,195]), %% Test of alignment flag. ?T(<<0:I_13/unit:8,1:6,0:2>>, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4]), %% Test of literals (coverage). ?T(<<0:128>>,[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), ?T(<<0:13/little,7:3>>,[0,7]), ?T(<<16#77FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:264>>, [0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 16#77,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF, 16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF,16#FF]), ?T(<< (<<"abc",7:3>>):3/binary >>, [$a,$b,$c]), %% Mix different units. ?T(<<37558955:(I_16-12)/unit:8,1:1>>, [2,61,26,171,<<1:1>>]) ]. native_3798() -> case <<1:16/native>> of <<0,1>> -> [64,66,253,112,163,215,10,61]; <<1,0>> -> [61,10,215,163,112,253,66,64] end. native_bignum() -> case <<1:16/native>> of <<0,1>> -> [129,205,18,177,1,213,170,101,39,231,109,128,176,11,73,217]; <<1,0>> -> [217,73,11,176,128,109,231,39,101,170,213,1,177,18,205,129] end. native_utf16() -> case <<1:16/native>> of <<0,1>> -> [4,77,4,66,4,62,0,32,4,65,4,63,4,67,4,66,4,61,4,56,4,58]; <<1,0>> -> [77,4,66,4,62,4,32,0,65,4,63,4,67,4,66,4,61,4,56,4,58,4] end. native_utf32() -> case <<1:16/native>> of <<0,1>> -> [0,0,4,50,0,0,4,62,0,0,4,52,0,0,4,48]; <<1,0>> -> [50,4,0,0,62,4,0,0,52,4,0,0,48,4,0,0] end. evaluate(Str, Vars) -> {ok,Tokens,_} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ " . "), {ok, [Expr]} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens), case erl_eval:expr(Expr, Vars) of {value, Result, _} -> Result end. eval_list([], _Vars) -> []; eval_list([{C_bin, Str, Bytes} | Rest], Vars) -> case catch evaluate(Str, Vars) of {'EXIT', Error} -> io:format("Evaluation error: ~p, ~p, ~p~n", [Str, Vars, Error]), exit(Error); E_bin -> [{C_bin, E_bin, Str, Bytes} | eval_list(Rest, Vars)] end. one_test({C_bin, E_bin, Str, Bytes}) when is_list(Bytes) -> io:format(" ~ts, ~p~n", [Str, Bytes]), Bin = list_to_bitstring(Bytes), if C_bin == Bin -> ok; true -> io:format("ERROR: Compiled: ~p.~nExpected ~p.~nGot ~p.~n", [Str, Bytes, bitstring_to_list(C_bin)]), ct:fail(comp) end, if E_bin == Bin -> ok; true -> io:format("ERROR: Interpreted: ~p.~nExpected ~p.~nGot ~p.~n", [Str, Bytes, bitstring_to_list(E_bin)]), ct:fail(comp) end; one_test({C_bin, E_bin, Str, Result}) -> io:format(" ~ts ~p~n", [Str, C_bin]), if C_bin == E_bin -> ok; true -> Arbitrary = case Result of unknown -> size(C_bin); _ -> Result end, case equal_lists(bitstring_to_list(C_bin), bitstring_to_list(E_bin), Arbitrary) of false -> io:format("ERROR: Compiled not equal to interpreted:" "~n ~p, ~p.~n", [bitstring_to_list(C_bin), bitstring_to_list(E_bin)]), ct:fail(comp); 0 -> ok; %% For situations where the final bits may not matter, like %% for floats: N when is_integer(N) -> io:format("Info: compiled and interpreted differ in the" " last bytes:~n ~p, ~p.~n", [bitstring_to_list(C_bin), bitstring_to_list(E_bin)]), ok end end. equal_lists([], [], _) -> 0; equal_lists([], _, _) -> false; equal_lists(_, [], _) -> false; equal_lists([A|AR], [A|BR], R) -> equal_lists(AR, BR, R); equal_lists(A, B, R) -> if length(A) /= length(B) -> false; length(A) =< R -> R; true -> false end. test1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> I_13 = i(13), I_big1 = big(1), I_16 = i(16), Bin = i(<<16#A5,16#5A,16#C3>>), Vars = lists:sort([{'I_13',I_13}, {'I_big1',I_big1}, {'I_16',I_16}, {'Bin',Bin}]), lists:foreach(fun one_test/1, eval_list(l(I_13, I_big1, I_16, Bin), Vars)). fail(Config) when is_list(Config) -> I_minus_777 = i(-777), I_minus_2047 = i(-2047), %% One negative field size, but the sum of field sizes will be 1 byte. %% Make sure that we reject that properly. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), %% Same thing, but use literals. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), %% Not numbers. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<45:(i(not_a_number))>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<13:8,45:(i(not_a_number))>>), %% Unaligned sizes. BadSz = i(7), Bitstr = i(<<42:17>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), [] = [X || {X} <- [], X == <>], [] = [X || {X} <- [], X == <>], %% Literals with incorrect type. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<42.0/integer>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<42/binary>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), %% Bad literal sizes Bin = i(<<>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<0:(-1)>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<0:(-(1 bsl 100))>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <>), %% Unaligned sizes with literal binaries. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<0,(<<7777:17>>)/binary>>), %% Make sure that variables are bound even if binary %% construction fails. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch case <> of _Any -> V0 end), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch case <> of a when V1 -> office end), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<13:(put(?FUNCTION_NAME, 17))>>), 17 = erase(?FUNCTION_NAME), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch fail_1()), %% Size exceeds length of binary. 'native' is redundant for %% binaries, but when it was present sys_core_fold would not %% detect the overlong binary and beam_ssa_opt would crash. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch << <<$t/little-signed>>:42/native-bytes >>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch << <<$t/little-signed>>:42/bytes >>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = catch fail_2(true), ok. fail_1() -> case <<(V0 = 1),[]/utf32>> of _ when V0 -> true end. fail_2(True) when True -> <<0,True/bitstring>>. float_bin(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Some more coverage. {<<1,2,3>>,7.0} = float_bin_1(4), F = 42.0, <<42,0,0,0,0,0,0,69,64>> = <<(id(42)),F/little-float>>, ok. float_bin_1(F) -> {<<1,2,3>>,F+3.0}. in_guard(Config) when is_list(Config) -> 1 = in_guard_1(<<16#74ad:16>>, 16#e95, 5), 2 = in_guard_1(<<16#3A,16#F7,"hello">>, 16#3AF7, <<"hello">>), 3 = in_guard_1(<<16#FBCD:14,3.1415/float,3:2>>, 16#FBCD, 3.1415), 3 = in_guard_1(<<16#FBCD:14,3/float,3:2>>, 16#FBCD, 3), 3 = in_guard_1(<<16#FBCD:14,(2 bsl 226)/float,3:2>>, 16#FBCD, 2 bsl 226), nope = in_guard_1(<<1>>, 42, b), nope = in_guard_1(<<1>>, a, b), nope = in_guard_1(<<1,2>>, 1, 1), nope = in_guard_1(<<4,5>>, 1, 2.71), nope = in_guard_1(<<4,5>>, 1, <<12,13>>), 1 = in_guard_2(<<0,56>>, 7, blurf), 2 = in_guard_2(<<1,255>>, 511, blurf), 3 = in_guard_2(<<0,3>>, 0, blurf), 4 = in_guard_2(<<>>, 1, {<<7:16>>}), nope = in_guard_2(<<4,5>>, 1, blurf), 42 = in_guard_3(<<1,2,3,42>>, <<1,2,3>>), 42 = in_guard_3(<<1,2,3,42>>, <<1,2,3>>), nope = in_guard_3(<<>>, <<>>), ok = in_guard_4(<<15:4>>, 255), nope = in_guard_4(<<15:8>>, 255), nope = catch in_guard_5(), ok. in_guard_1(Bin, A, B) when <> == Bin -> 1; in_guard_1(Bin, A, B) when <> == Bin -> 2; in_guard_1(Bin, A, B) when <> == Bin -> 3; in_guard_1(Bin, A, B) when {a,b,<>} == Bin -> cant_happen; in_guard_1(_, _, _) -> nope. in_guard_2(Bin, A, _T) when <> == Bin -> 1; in_guard_2(Bin, A, _T) when <> == Bin -> 2; in_guard_2(Bin, A, _T) when <> == Bin -> 3; in_guard_2(_Bin, A, T) when {A,b} > {0,1}, {<>} == T -> 4; in_guard_2(_, _, _) -> nope. in_guard_3(Bin, A) when <> =:= Bin -> 42; in_guard_3(_, _) -> nope. in_guard_4(Bin, A) when <> =:= Bin -> ok; in_guard_4(_, _) -> nope. %% Would crash beam_ssa_recv when the no_copt option was given. in_guard_5() when 0; <<'':32,<<42/native>>>> -> ok; in_guard_5() -> nope. in_catch(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<42,0,5>> = small(42, 5), <<255>> = small(255, <<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9>>), <<1,2>> = small(<<7,8,9,10>>, 258), <<>> = small(<<1,2,3,4,5>>, <<7,8,9,10>>), <<15,240,0,42>> = small2(255, 42), <<7:20>> = small2(<<1,2,3>>, 7), <<300:12>> = small2(300, <<1,2,3>>), <<>> = small2(<<1>>, <<2>>), ok. small(A, B) -> case begin case catch <> of {'EXIT',_} -> <<>>; ResA0 -> ResA0 end end of ResA -> ok end, case begin case catch <> of {'EXIT',_} -> <<>>; ResB0 -> ResB0 end end of ResB -> ok end, <>. small2(A, B) -> case begin case catch <> of {'EXIT',_} -> <<>>; ResA0 -> ResA0 end end of ResA -> ok end, case begin case catch <> of {'EXIT',_} -> <<>>; ResB0 -> ResB0 end end of ResB -> ok end, <>. nasty_literals(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case erlang:system_info(endian) of big -> [0,42] = binary_to_list(id(<<42:16/native>>)); little -> [42,0] = binary_to_list(id(<<42:16/native>>)) end, Bin0 = id(<<1,2,3,0:10000000,4,5,6>>), 1250006 = size(Bin0), <<1,2,3,0:10000000,4,5,6>> = Bin0, Bin1 = id(<<0:10000000,7,8,-1:10000000,9,10,0:10000000>>), 3750004 = size(Bin1), <<0:10000000,7,8,-1:10000000/signed,9,10,0:10000000>> = Bin1, <<255,255,0,0,0>> = id(<<255,255,0,0,0>>), %% Coverage. I = 16#7777FFFF7777FFFF7777FFFF7777FFFF7777FFFF7777FFFF, id(<>), %% GH-6643: Excessively large literals could cause the compiler to run out %% of memory. catch id(<<0:16777216/big-integer-unit:1>>), catch id(<<0:(16777216*2)/big-integer-unit:1>>), ok. -define(COF(Int0), (fun(Int) -> true = <> =:= <<(float(Int)):16/float>>, true = <> =:= <<(float(Int)):32/float>>, true = <> =:= <<(float(Int)):64/float>> end)(nonliteral(Int0)), true = <> =:= <<(float(Int0)):16/float>>, true = <> =:= <<(float(Int0)):32/float>>, true = <> =:= <<(float(Int0)):64/float>>). -define(COF32(Int0), (fun(Int) -> true = <> =:= <<(float(Int)):32/float>>, true = <> =:= <<(float(Int)):64/float>> end)(nonliteral(Int0)), true = <> =:= <<(float(Int0)):32/float>>, true = <> =:= <<(float(Int0)):64/float>>). -define(COF64(Int0), (fun(Int) -> true = <> =:= <<(float(Int)):64/float>> end)(nonliteral(Int0)), true = <> =:= <<(float(Int0)):64/float>>). nonliteral(X) -> X. coerce_to_float(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?COF(0), ?COF(-1), ?COF(1), ?COF(42), ?COF(255), ?COF(-255), ?COF(38474), ?COF(65504), ?COF(-65504), ?COF32(387498738948729893849444444443), ?COF32(-37489378937773899999999999999993), ?COF64(298748888888888888888888888883478264866528467367364766666666666666663), ?COF64(-367546729879999999999947826486652846736736476555566666663), ok. side_effect(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch side_effect_1(a)), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch side_effect_1(<<>>)), ok = side_effect_1(42), ok. side_effect_1(A) -> <>, %Warning intentional. ok. -record(otp_7029, {a,b}). opt(Config) when is_list(Config) -> 42 = otp_7029(#otp_7029{a = <<>>,b = 42}), N = 16, <<1,3,65>> = id(<<1,833:N>>), <<1,66,3>> = id(<<1,834:N/little>>), <<1,65,136,0,0>> = id(<<1,17.0:32/float>>), <<1,64,8,0,0,0,0,0,0>> = id(<<1,3.0:N/float-unit:4>>), <<1,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,64>> = id(<<1,3.0:N/little-float-unit:4>>), B = <<1,2,3,4,5>>, <<0,1,2,3,4,5>> = id(<<0,B/binary>>), <<1,2,3,4,5,19>> = id(<>), <<1,2,3,42>> = id(<>), {'EXIT',_} = (catch <<<<23,56,0,2>>:(2.5)/binary>>), {'EXIT',_} = (catch <<<<23,56,0,2>>:(-16)/binary>>), {'EXIT',_} = (catch <<<<23,56,0,2>>:(anka)>>), {'EXIT',_} = (catch <<<<23,56,0,2>>:64/float>>), {'EXIT',_} = (catch <<<<23,56,0,2:7>>/binary>>), %% Test constant propagation - there should be a warning. BadSz = 2.5, {'EXIT',_} = (catch <<<>:BadSz/binary>>), case id(false) of true -> opt_dont_call_me(); false -> ok end, ok. opt_dont_call_me() -> N = 16#12345678, <<0:N>>. otp_7029(R) -> #otp_7029{a = <<>>} = R, R#otp_7029.b. otp_7556(Config) when is_list(Config) -> [otp_7556(<<>>, 1024, 1024, 1024) || _ <- lists:seq(0, 1023)], ok. otp_7556(Bin, A, B, C) -> %% When allocating the binary, the sizes 16*A and 16*A would %% be forgotten. <>. %% Test binary construction combined with floating point operations %% (mostly to cover code in beam_flatten that combines the allocation %% for a binary construction with a later allocation). float_arith(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {<<1,2,3,64,69,0,0,0,0,0,0>>,21.0} = do_float_arith(<<1,2,3>>, 42, 2), ok. do_float_arith(Bin0, X, Y) -> Bin = <>, {Bin,X / Y}. otp_8054(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<"abc">> = otp_8054_1([null,1,2,3], <<"abc">>), ok. otp_8054_1([H|T], Bin) -> _ = case H of null -> %% The beam_validator would complain about {x,3} %% not being live in bs_append/8 because of a live %% optimization bug. <>; _ -> ok end, otp_8054_1(T, Bin); otp_8054_1([], Bin) -> Bin. -define(LONG_STRING, "3lz7Q4au2i3DJWNlNhWuzmvA7gYWGXG+LAPtgtlEO2VGSxRqL2WOoHW" "QxORTQfJw17mNEU8i87UKvEPbo9YY8ppiM7vfaG88TTyfEzgUMTgY3I" "vsikMBELPz2AayVz5aaMh9PBFTZ4DkBIFxURBUKHho4Vgt7IzYnWNgn" "3ON5D9VS89TPANK5/PwSUoMQYZ2fk5VLbq7D1ExlnCScvTDnF/WHMQ3" "m2GUcQWb+ajfOf3bnP7EX4f1Q3d/1Soe6lEpf1KN/5S7A/ugjMhy4+H" "Zuo1J1J6CCwEVZ/wDc79OpDPPj/qOGhDK73F8DaMcynZ91El+01vfTn" "uUxNFUHLpuoQ=="). strings(Config) -> L = length(Config), <<$a:16,$b:16,$c:16,L:32>> = <<"abc":16,L:32>>, %% Empty strings. <> = <>, <> = <>, <> = <>, 42 = BindMe, <> = <<"":70,L:16>>, <> = <>, %% Cover handling of a huge partially literal string. Bin = id(<>), <> = Bin, %% Bad sizes for empty strings. {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<"":(-42)>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch <<"":bad_size>>), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_empty_string_1()), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_empty_string_2()), error = bad_empty_string_3(), error = bad_empty_string_4(true), error = bad_empty_string_4(false), ok. bad_empty_string_1() -> <<"":(V0 = true)>>, V0. bad_empty_string_2() -> <<"":(V0 = -1)>>, V0. bad_empty_string_3() when <> -> ok; bad_empty_string_3() -> error. bad_empty_string_4(V) when <<"","eFN"/utf8-native>>, V -> ok; bad_empty_string_4(_) -> error. bad_size(_Config) -> {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_float_size()), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_float_size(<<"abc">>)), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_integer_size()), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_integer_size(<<"xyz">>)), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_integer_size2()), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_binary_size()), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_binary_size(<<"xyz">>)), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_binary_size2()), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch bad_binary_size3(id(<<"abc">>))), ok. bad_float_size() -> <<4.087073429964284:case 0 of 0 -> art end/float>>. bad_float_size(Bin) -> < art end/float>>. bad_integer_size() -> <<0:case 0 of 0 -> art end/integer>>. bad_integer_size(Bin) -> < art end/integer>>. bad_integer_size2() -> << <<(id(42))>>:[ <<>> || <<123:true>> <= <<>> ], <<(id(100))>>:7>>. bad_binary_size() -> <<<<"abc">>:case 0 of 0 -> art end/binary>>. bad_binary_size(Bin) -> <>:case 0 of 0 -> art end/binary>>. bad_binary_size2() -> << <<(id(42))>>:[ <<>> || <<123:true>> <= <<>> ]/binary, <<(id(100))>>:7>>. bad_binary_size3(Bin) -> <>.